Portal active citizen voting on the demolition of five-story buildings. Anyone can vote for the demolition of someone else's five-story building. How will fake votes be counted? What is “Active Citizen” and who created it


Petr Sarukhanov / “Novaya”

The program for the renovation of Moscow's housing stock, better known as the great resettlement of Khrushchev houses, inevitably becomes a major factor political life Moscow. If only because of the scale: judging by the government’s plans, it will directly affect the lives of more than one and a half million people, and if you add to them those who do not move themselves, but will live surrounded by neighborhoods being demolished and under construction, then it will probably be up to a third population of the city. And absolutely everyone will talk about renovation.

Moscow is a metropolis with a high level of social mobility, but this bustle of vanities is created mainly by visitors. The population of residential areas - not those who rent apartments and rooms there, but those who rent them out or live on their own meters - are very conservative and paternalistic. These are people who will not challenge the strategic decisions of the authorities: once they decide to demolish and resettle, demolish and resettle. But when it comes to details: the number of meters, the exact address, layout, neighbors on the landing and the view from the window (in the sense of the road or the yard), the Muscovite is experienced, meticulous and adamant.

The Moscow government, of course, is aware of this specificity, so the draft law on renovation - in the version that is currently in the first reading by the Duma - turns the situation upside down. The authorities stated that they intend not only to consult with citizens, but to entrust them with the decision of the fundamental question: whether to include the house in the renovation program or not. But in particulars, the room for maneuver is sharply narrowing: there are neither the usual three options for new housing to choose from, nor the opportunity to sue over this issue.

One option, two months to think about it and evict, again, regardless of your desire or unwillingness to move - as the majority decides.

To identify the opinion of the majority, the Moscow government proposed modernist methods: a telephone survey and voting on the Active Citizen portal, and all this in an extremely short time right under May holidays. But the political passivity of Muscovites turned out to be considerably overestimated. Routine events: meetings of heads of councils with residents - caused a stir, people not only came to them in the hundreds, but also asked tough, pointed questions, and sometimes it was clear that they had studied the draft law better than the officials. They even remembered the right to a referendum...

So the campaign to approve the renovation no longer promises to be a cakewalk, especially in the Central Administrative District and its border areas. Khamovniki and Arbat, for example, completely abandoned it, and this was achieved by municipal deputies who wrote a request to the prefecture. It turns out that this can be done. The response to the actual start of the program before the adoption of the law and the application of the rules of “telephone law” to ordinary citizens is the living creativity of the masses.

It does not follow from this, of course, that there is a need to launch a large city campaign against renovation as such. For most residents of residential areas, moving to new apartments is desirable. The reverse process is much more promising and important—the return of urban politics to the grassroots level, to where people live. The renovation approval mechanism opens up amazing opportunities for this. Here are the same municipal deputies: previously, most citizens remembered their existence once every five years, receiving a long sheet with a list of unknown names in the voting booth. But it turns out that it is these municipal deputies, and not government officials, who can protect your rights.

In this context, the campaign to elect municipal deputies, which will take place in Moscow in September, is turning from a dull ritual into a serious challenge. Moreover, every home becomes a cell of political life. After all, the only way, in fact, to preserve it for those who do not want to move is to agitate their neighbors, convince them to vote against inclusion in the renovation program. By the way, those houses where a real and not a fake HOA operates are in an advantageous position. And in both cases: when you want to defend the house, and, on the contrary, when you want to quickly include it in the program.

Such grassroots self-organization is much more useful and promising than a citywide protest campaign dedicated, for example, to the federal agenda - the presidential elections. Because rallies of many thousands will not solve the problems of a particular building, and the renovation program, due to enormous inertia, including financial inertia, will still be implemented. But pressure from below will help to a greater extent use this inertia to benefit residents, not politicians or city officials.

If there is an urban planning opportunity, the first priority for resettlement will be those houses whose residents most actively participated in the voting and collected the maximum number of votes “for” participation in the renovation program.

In order to express your opinion about the inclusion of a house in the renovation program, in the Active Citizen project, you should create an account, for this it will be enough to indicate your number mobile phone. The Active Citizen project is the fastest convenient way, express your opinion on the renovation program.

You can refuse to receive all notifications in your account settings, as well as delete the application and not use the site. Your account will be saved and you can restore it at any time.

Voting took place from May 15 to June 15, 2017. Owners and tenants of apartments in five-story buildings included in the list were sent notices inviting them to take part in the vote.

Notifications were posted on information boards at entrances, sent to the email of apartment owners and tenants, or via SMS.

- owners of apartments, including owners of shares, including legal entities that are owners of residential premises (owners service apartments)**;

- tenants of apartments under contracts social hiring(all citizens registered in this apartment specified in the social tenancy agreement).

*Minor children could not take part in voting. However, parents (legal representatives) could vote on their behalf. Their guardians could vote for the wards (by presenting their passport and a document confirming the powers of the legal representative). It was possible to vote for children and wards only at the “My Documents” Centers for the provision of public services.

** legal entities that are owners of residential premises (service apartments) could also take part in the voting, they will be presented with an equivalent apartment. In the future, the legal entities themselves interact with the residents of service apartments.

How can I vote if my home is not on the preliminary list? I am the owner of an apartment in a five-story building, which was not included in the list of houses proposed for voting. In this case, can we count on including the house in the renovation program project?

The general meeting of owners of premises in a five-story building not included in the voting list has the right to decide on sending an application for participation in the renovation program. The application will be considered by the Moscow Government.

If the solution general meeting adopted after July 1, 2017, then such houses will most likely be included in the second phase of renovation.”

What documents did you need to provide to vote? What documents are needed to vote for your ward? How to vote for your child? Will there be problems when accepting documents without social employment contracts and the Unified State Register of Real Estate? Is it possible for a legal entity to use a power of attorney certified by the general director?

Apartment owners - a passport, certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified state register real estate (USRN);

For tenants under a social tenancy agreement - a passport, a social tenancy agreement;

Legal representatives* - passport, document confirming the powers of the legal representative (birth certificate, certificate of guardian/trustee/adoptive parent).

To vote for minor children (under 18 years of age), in addition to the parent’s passport information, it was necessary to indicate the child’s last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth, birth certificate information (for children under 14 years old) or passport information (for children from 14 to 18 years old). The presence of the child during voting was not required.

The provision of the specified documents and information guaranteed the correctness of the composition of voting participants and made it possible to exclude the participation of unauthorized persons.

If you wish, at the “My Documents” government service centers you could vote using your passport without presenting documents for an apartment in a five-story building.

The procedure for holding a general meeting of premises owners in apartment building regulated Housing Code Russian Federation. The decision is documented in a protocol.

* Legal representatives are parents, adoptive parents, trustees or guardians (in accordance with articles twenty-six (26) and twenty-eight (28) of part one Civil Code RF.

** A legal entity can also use a power of attorney certified by the general director of the legal entity with the appropriate content. In this case, you will need a document confirming the powers of the general director himself, namely, a certified copy of the charter and the decision on appointment.

Email newsletter about adding a house to the renovation program. SMS notification that the house is included in the list of houses for demolition of five-story buildings. Who deals with SMS and E-mail distribution? My house is included in the preliminary list, but I have not received an SMS/e-mail, why? I did not receive an email telling me my home was listed.

The SMS came from the Dit_mos address, and the emails came from the Moscow Mayor’s mail.

Sending out SMS and emails to residents of five-story buildings was for informational purposes only. If no notification was received, then you could familiarize yourself with the list of houses included in the preliminary list on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru.

If an apartment has one owner or tenant, his vote determines the opinion of the residents of this apartment.

If an apartment has two or more owners or tenants, each of them could take part in the vote.

What if not all owners or tenants of a particular apartment took part in the vote?

What if none of the owners or tenants of a particular apartment took part in the vote (the “silent” apartments)?

On the initiative of the Public Chamber of Moscow, in order to more objectively take into account the opinions of residents of those houses where there was a low turnout, the procedure for recording votes was changed. If none of the owners or tenants of a particular apartment took part in the vote, then the votes of the “silent” were taken into account in the same percentage as the votes cast “for” or “against” by the residents of the apartments that voted*.


The total number of apartments in the apartment building is 148. Of these: 86 apartments took part in the voting (“for” – 58 apartments or 67%; “against” – 28 apartments or 33%); did not vote - 62 apartments.

42 apartments (67%) will be counted as having voted “for inclusion”,

* In accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of June 1, 2017 N326-PP “On amendments to the Decree of the Moscow Government of May 2, 2017 N 245-PP”.

The draft renovation program includes only those buildings where residents of more than 2/3 (at least 66%) of the apartments in this apartment building were in favor. At the same time, apartments, the opinions of the owners or tenants of which were equally divided, were not taken into account when summing up the voting results (the votes of the “silent ones” were taken into account in proportion to the votes cast “for” or “against” the residents who voted),

To find out the results of voting for your home, conducted in the “Active Citizen” system and in the “My Documents” government service centers, visit the official website of the Moscow Mayor at mos.ru home page you need to select the “Projects” section, then select the “City Projects” subsection and follow the link “Moscow Standard: five-story renovation program.” Next, under the map, follow the link “Voting results. Check"*.

You must enter the address of the house, and the system will provide the data whether the house is included in the renovation program based on the results of voting in the “My Documents” centers and the “Active Citizen” system or based on the results of a general meeting of owners.

What happens if the same person votes two or more times in the “My Documents” government service center?

A person could change his mind and vote again in the “My Documents” Center for the provision of public services until the voting was completed. In this case, the most recent vote was taken into account. It is no longer possible to vote again, since voting ended on June 15, 2017.

For owners who held a general meeting, the deadline for holding meetings was extended until July 1, 2017. Thus, the residents of the houses were given the opportunity to think everything over again and make a final decision. Minutes of general meetings are accepted until July 20, 2017.

What happens if the same person voted in both electronic system“Active Citizen”, and in the center of public services “My Documents”?

What will happen if the owners hold a general meeting and decide to include or not include their home in the renovation program project?

In this case, the decision of the general meeting will be taken into account. The votes of apartment owners and tenants who voted in the “Active Citizen” electronic system and in the “My Documents” public services center are not taken into account.

What are the rules for holding a general meeting of premises owners in an apartment building? When and where should the minutes of the general meeting be submitted? When does the meeting period end?

When forming a draft renovation program housing stock in the city of Moscow, the results of the general meeting of owners took precedence over the results of voting in other forms.

The general meeting was to be held from May 15 to July 1* 2017 according to the rules established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. At least 50% of the owners of premises in an apartment building had to take part in the general meeting. Not only owners, but also tenants under social tenancy agreements could take part in voting on the draft renovation program. The Moscow government has transferred their voting rights to residents of non-privatized apartments.

A house was included in the renovation program project if, at a general meeting of owners, at least 2/3 supported the inclusion of their house in the project, regardless of whether the house was on the preliminary list.

The minutes of the general meeting of owners must be submitted to the district government, and in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow - to the prefecture of the administrative district no later than July 20, 2017. Get more detailed information To hold a meeting of home owners on the renovation program, please visit the information centers of district and prefectural governments administrative districts.

You can get information about the addresses of information centers on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru. To do this, in the “Projects” section, you need to select the “City Projects” subsection and follow the link “Moscow Standard: five-story renovation program.” Next, in the “Contacts” section, select your area in the search bar.

Or on the website, in the search bar, enter the topic of the article “136 information centers of the renovation program have been opened in Moscow” and in the article follow the link “ Full list information centers for the housing renovation program.”

*The date of completion of the stage of holding meetings of owners is due to the fact that July 1, 2017 came into force Federal law No. 141-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of the Capital of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of establishing the features of regulation of certain legal relations for the purpose of renovation of the housing stock in the subject of the Russian Federation - the city of Federal significance of Moscow.

Why is the house included in the renovation program project if residents voted against demolition?

If the house was included in the renovation program project, it means that it meets two main conditions:

- is in unsatisfactory technical condition;

- more than two-thirds of owners and tenants of apartments under a social tenancy agreement supported the inclusion of their home in the draft program.

Residents of a house included in the renovation program have the right to withdraw from the program at any time (prior to the conclusion of the first housing exchange agreement). But for this it is also necessary to hold a general meeting of owners, where the owners of more than one-third of the premises must vote for the decision to leave. Complaints from individual property owners are not enough to justify exiting the program.

Repeated voting in the “Active Citizen” system was available to users if the user owned a second apartment and the first voting data was correct. Unfortunately, you cannot vote again, since voting ended on June 15, 2017.

If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation or non-participation of their building in the renovation program. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The decision must be documented in a protocol.

- on the “Active Citizen” website, having previously completed the authorization procedure;

- on the website “Active Citizen”. If your data has been verified (checked) and your vote has been taken into account, you will be sent a notification by email or SMS with a unique 12-digit code, by entering which you can receive information about how your vote was taken into account;

- on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru. To do this, in the “Projects” section, you need to select the “City Projects” subsection and follow the link “Moscow Standard: five-story renovation program.” Then follow the link “Voting results. Check".

Verification of the data provided by the voting participant is carried out by comparing it with information available in state information systems.

Citizens are informed by email or SMS that their opinion has been taken into account or that the background check has not been completed no later than four working days.

Interim voting results in the “Active Citizen” system are available at the top of the page in the block “Checking vote records for the Five-Story Renovation Program” or via the link: ag.mos.ru/monitor* ONLY to those users who have already voted and their vote has been verified.

Information about the interim voting results has been posted since June 2, 2017 on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru.

The applicant does not have the opportunity to follow the link or write it down.

You need to use the form feedback on the website or in mobile application, and you can also send a request by email This address email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

More than four days have passed, and re-voting in “Active Citizen” is not available to me, why?

I live abroad, I don’t have SNILS/FLS at hand. How can I vote?

If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation of their building in the renovation program. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The decision must be documented in a protocol.

Where can I find out official documents by voting?

Where can I find regulatory documentation on voting?

  1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017 “On taking into account the opinion of the population on the housing renovation project in the city of Moscow”*;
  1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 260-PP dated May 11, 2017 “On amendments to the Moscow Government Decree No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017”*;
  1. Moscow City Law No. 14 of May 17, 2017 “On additional guarantees of housing and property rights of individuals and legal entities when carrying out renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow"*;
  1. Moscow Government Decree No. 326-PP dated 06/01/2017 “On amendments to Moscow Government Decree No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017”*.
  1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 363-PP dated June 14, 2017 “On amendments to the Moscow Government Decree No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017*.
  1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 497-PP dated August 1, 2017 “On the Housing Renovation Program in the City of Moscow”*.
  1. Federal Law No. 141-FZ of July 1, 2017 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of the Capital of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the establishment of features of regulation of certain legal relations for the purpose of renovation of the housing stock in a subject of the Russian Federation - a city federal significance Moscow.

Voting on the renovation took place absolutely openly: the data provided by residents underwent a detailed check before the vote was counted. Residents will be informed via SMS and email about successful voting.

Each voter has the opportunity to check how his vote was taken into account: information about the voting progress is available to users who have already voted and their vote has been verified. When one owner voted from different accounts of the Active Citizen system, the first vote was taken into account.

For residents who own three or more apartments, there were no automatic voting procedures in the “Active Citizen” system for the third and subsequent apartments.

If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation of their building in the renovation program. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The decision must be documented in a protocol.

All notifications are sent on business days.

If email address and phone number are missing, notifications will not be sent.

When passing the vote, the website/mobile application generated an error. I'm trying to restore access to personal account, the system generates an error. I can’t log in to the site, the system gives an error. An error occurs when entering information about yourself/selecting an address, etc. in voting.

You can contact technical support of the “Active Citizen” system by writing a message/letter in the following ways:

- to email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. ;

- on the official website ag.mos.ru via the feedback form;

- in the “Active Citizen” mobile application through the “Feedback” section.

Service Specialist technical support project will contact you within four working hours, on a working day from 9.00 to 18.00. If your question requires additional work(programming or more detailed analysis), then the solution time increases. In any case, you will be notified of this within four business hours.

I don’t have a middle name, how can I fill out the fields when voting?

If there is no middle name, you must enter any symbol in the appropriate field, for example, a dash “-”.

To include a renovation program in the draft, residents of former dormitories and communal apartments must hold general meetings and make an appropriate decision with 2/3 of the votes.

According to the voting procedure established by the Moscow Government, when holding general meetings on the issue of including houses in the draft renovation program, owners of non-privatized apartments and rooms have the right to vote on an equal basis with the owners of the premises.

Why can't I see the result of my vote?

There was a technical failure in the system, at the moment restoration work is underway. Please use the Active Citizen website/mobile application later.

The resident himself had the right to decide whether to participate in the vote or not. The votes of citizens who did not take part in the voting were taken into account in proportion to the votes cast “for” or “against” the residents who voted.

Voting on whether or not to include houses in the renovation program was carried out in the “Active Citizen” system and in the “My Documents” public service centers. If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation of their building in the renovation program.

Who approved the application form?

Resolution of the Moscow Government dated May 2, 2017 No. 245-PP “On taking into account the opinion of the population on the housing renovation project in the city of Moscow” approved the voting procedure for subsequent inclusion apartment buildings into the renovation program project. In accordance with clause 1.4 of this Procedure, the centers for the provision of public services “My Documents” in the city of Moscow are a platform for voting.

To take into account the opinions of voting participants and their verification (verification), an approximate application form was developed, which reflected all the information about the voting participant, his living quarters, expression of will (for or against), necessary for his vote to be taken into account.

The application form was determined to be exemplary. Its purpose is to help the voting participant leave his vote, as well as information about himself for the verification procedure and taking into account his opinion. The application could be written by hand, providing all the information that is specified in the Government Decree, or you could use ready-made forms for your convenience and samples to fill out.

If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation of their building in the renovation program. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The decision must be documented in a protocol.

If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation of their building in the renovation program. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The decision must be documented in a protocol.

If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation of their building in the renovation program. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The decision must be documented in a protocol.

If there are two owners in an apartment, one has a 2/3 share, the other 1/3, then how will their votes be taken into account?

If an apartment has two or more owners or tenants, each of them could take part in the vote. The resident with the greater number of shares did not have priority in the counting of votes. The voting results for this apartment were determined by a simple majority of votes.

Voting took place from May 15 to June 15 in parallel on two platforms - on the Active Citizen portal and in the My Documents public service centers. In addition, there is a third way - a meeting of homeowners. Based on the results of the meeting, the Protocol must be sent to the district government, and in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow - to the prefecture of these administrative districts.

Who owns the system into which data is entered after voting?

The system into which the data was received after the voting took place belongs to the Moscow Government.

Why did they hand out a sample at the “My Documents” State Service Centers in which the correct answer was written?

The sample showed which lines in the application should be filled out - the approximate format of last name, first name, patronymic (full name), format of passport data, addresses was given, as an example, one of two voting decisions was given. The sample did not force voting for a particular option. At the same time, they were given the opportunity to both fill out the application form provided for convenience, and write it in free form by hand, providing all the data*.

*in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government No. 245-PP.

Where can I get a copy of the regulations on the basis of which the vote was held?

Employees of the “My Documents” government service centers can provide you with a copy of the regulations on the basis of which the this service*. You can also familiarize yourself with the official documents on the renovation program on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru in the “Authority” section, then you need to go to the “Documents” section and select the required document from the list.

* 1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 245-PP dated 05/02/2017 “On taking into account the opinion of the population on the housing renovation project in the city of Moscow”;

  1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 260-PP dated May 11, 2017 “On amendments to the Moscow Government Decree No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017;
  1. Moscow City Law No. 14 of May 17, 2017 “On additional guarantees of housing and property rights of individuals and legal entities when renovating the housing stock in the city of Moscow.”
  1. Moscow Government Decree No. 326-PP dated 06/01/2017 “On amendments to Moscow Government Decree No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017.”
  1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 363-PP dated June 14, 2017 “On amendments to the Moscow Government Decree No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017.”

If they wished, the owners of premises in a five-story building could hold a general meeting before July 1, 2017 to decide on the participation of their building in the renovation program. The procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The decision must be documented in a protocol.

Why did the house turnout percentage change? The website initially indicated the same number of apartments that took part in the voting, but today the percentage has decreased, why?

The following reasons may influence a change (decrease) in the turnout percentage:

- a technical error, if during the voting process it turned out that there are actually more apartments in the building than in the databases of Rosreestr and other authorities. After the error is corrected, the proportion of apartments that took part in the vote decreases;

- if the opinions of the residents of the apartment are divided in half, for example, the apartment has two owners, the first will vote “for” the inclusion of the house in the renovation project, and the second will vote “against”, then this apartment is NOT taken into account when summing up the voting results for the house.

Electronic voting will begin soon. Residents of five-story buildings will be able to express their position both in person and through the Active Citizen website. Representatives of various departments in the capital discussed how to make this voting as effective as possible and at the same time avoid all kinds of violations. What exactly did the experts agree on?

Experts from a wide range of backgrounds gathered for the discussion: architects, sociologists, representatives of the largest Internet companies, and the Moscow government. This is not the first discussion on the topic of demolition of five-story buildings, but it began again with the fact that renovation is necessary and inevitable. In 15-20 years, many houses will become unsafe, but it is certainly necessary to take into account the opinion and desire of citizens - residents of these same Khrushchev-era buildings.

“The issue of renovation is very painful for Moscow residents - primarily because we are talking about their main value that they have - their apartments. Therefore, of course, the decision from above is very painful here. The form of taking into account the opinion of the population is through a survey, through voting or “something else is extremely necessary,” says general manager VTsIOM Valery Fedorov.

Two main platforms will be created to survey Muscovites: offline - you can cast your vote in the My Documents centers - and online - through the Active Citizen portal. Muscovites' trust in online voting is low, experts admit. Therefore, for the survey to be as honest as possible, as on the government services website: verification using a passport, SNILS, place of residence, certificate of ownership.

This is the first time such a mass vote will take place at Active Citizen. The site has already been tested for strength - for example, a survey for renaming the Voykovskaya metro station. In addition, the technical condition of the portal is regularly checked by specialists.

"We looked at the internal control system, looked at how protected the portal was from external influence, from the ability to influence the voting process and the ability to influence the recording of results. We did not identify any data allowing us to judge that the voting results were in one way or another degrees are manipulated,” said Kirill Nikitin, a representative of the international audit network.

“This openness in this case - since the question concerns every person - when you know exactly how your neighbors in the staircase, in the entrance, vote, it seems, can become an instrument of transparency in making this decision,” says Chairman of the Moscow Public Chamber Konstantin Remchukov.

Despite all that has been said, questions still remain. Will only the owners be able to vote, one apartment - one vote, or everyone registered? And will those who have a socially rented apartment be able to vote?

People are also worried about uncertainty, so sociologists turned to the Moscow government with a request to quickly create a map of the houses that are included in the second program for the demolition of five-story buildings.

Text: "Vesti-Moscow"

For residents of the capital, a boarding portal called “Active Citizen” operates around the clock. This is a resource where, after simple authorization, every Muscovite can leave a complaint, petition or proposal for improvement living conditions in the city. This applies to both the improvement of residential areas and improper maintenance by public utilities. Also, since the spring of this year, “Active Citizen” has been a resource where it is possible to vote for the demolition or, conversely, against the dismantling of dilapidated buildings as part of the Renovation Program.

On May 15 of this year, voting lines were opened for apartment owners in the capital regarding the participation of specific houses in the housing reform, the second wave of which started at the beginning of 2017. A month later, the opportunity to leave your opinion was stopped and the results of the vote on the demolition of the five-story buildings are now being calculated. According to government information, the list of applicant houses included more than 4.5 thousand buildings throughout Moscow.

Initially, the list of five-story brick buildings for demolition included more than two hundred thousand houses. But at the preparatory stage, a lot of the building was eliminated. Thus, the formation of a preliminary list of structures took place in several stages. Namely:

  • analysis of all requests from citizens regarding the unsatisfactory condition of houses that were abandoned in an active citizen, or in the “My Documents” service in public service centers;
  • audiences with the main houses in order to identify those who, in their opinion, deserve overhaul or complete dismantling;
  • Based on the compiled approximate lists of houses, all citizens were interviewed by telephone in order to establish the opinions of the owners on plans for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow (owners were also warned that everyone has the right to vote for or against their house, and also where opinions can be recorded );
  • drawing up a final list of demolition of five-story buildings submitted for voting.

Algorithm of actions

  • website "Active Citizen";
  • holding an extraordinary meeting of residents of applicant houses (if at least 2/3 of all apartment owners in the building attended);
  • "My Documents" service.

Who can make their choice and leave an official vote on one of the resources? According to the established rules, the following categories of citizens vote within the framework of renovation:

  • owners of apartments in dilapidated buildings (regardless of the legal scope of the property - absolute ownership or shared ownership);
  • voters who rent housing on the basis of social rent;
  • parents for their minor children.

Persons who rent housing on the basis of a civil contract, as well as registered residents without ownership rights, cannot cast their votes. To ensure that only the correct person votes in the Program, there is a strict system documentary evidence participant.

So, you can vote in the “Active Citizen” network, but to do this you need to be authorized on the resource. To complete the registration, you will need to enter your passport data, as well as your tax payer code, and information about your home ownership documents.

Voting in the MFC “My Documents” is somewhat simpler. You need to have your passport and housing documents with you. After checking the authenticity of the provided papers, the remaining votes are registered. If you do not have documents for your home with you, then My Documents employees independently check your ownership rights based on Rosreestr data. This may take about four days, so the remaining votes will be processed after all checks. There is no need to come to the service again.

Important! Each owner can vote several times, but be sure to comply with the deadlines for registering their opinion. In this case, the vote that passed last will be taken into account. If the participant votes both on the Active Citizen website and in the MFC, then the opinion left personally at the center will be accepted.

Additional questions

If for some reason the list of five-story buildings does not include houses that residents would like to include in the list of those to be dismantled, it is necessary to organize a meeting of residents, to which all adult representatives must attend. During the meeting, a vote is taken to include the house in the list of applicants. The voting results are entered into the protocol and, if more than 70% of the residents are in favor, then the house will be considered as a possible contender for the list of demolished buildings. But you need to do this while the main voting is underway.

Each owner is guaranteed the opportunity to track interim voting results. This can be done both on the Internet resource website and in government service centers. As for the final results of the survey, their official presentation is planned for the end of August this year.

A few hours after a rally of opponents of the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow, the mayor’s office launched a vote on including the houses in the “renovation program.” The authorities launched a premature launch in an effort to avoid increased load on the servers in the first hour of operation. Apartment owners or tenants can vote at the “My Documents” government service centers or on the Internet on the “Active Citizen” portal. The second option caused the most controversy. Critics pointed to an opaque user verification system, and after the launch of voting they began to complain that it was possible to vote by indicating non-existent data.

How does Active Citizen work?

The Active Citizen system began operating in May 2014. The media named Deputy Mayor Anastasia Rakova as the author of the project. “Active Citizen” was regularly accused of non-transparent user verification. The portal operates a “one SIM card - one vote” system, in which one person from different phone numbers can vote an unlimited number of times.

Rakova argued that it was impossible to increase votes in this way. “With a user volume of more than a million people, it is impossible to ensure promotion. How much do you need to buy to make money? 300 thousand SIM cards?” she said. Blogger and journalist Alexander Plyushchev calculated that creating 250 thousand virtual SIM cards would cost a million rubles. In the case of the vote on demolition of houses, the mayor's office changed the verification system.

Is cheating possible in voting on five-story buildings?

For the vote on the demolition of houses, which the mayor's office called “extremely important,” the authorities introduced new mechanism vote accounting. In addition to the phone number, you must enter your full name, date of birth, passport details, SNILS and financial account number.

After the start of voting, users on social started complain that you can register in the system by entering any data. Dozhd managed to vote “against” the demolition of the house by registering under the name Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov and entering random numbers instead of passport data, SNILS and financial account number:

Answer after voting on the Active Citizen portal

After that, a message was sent to the specified number stating that the voice would be verified within four working days. The mayor's office explains that in fact such votes will not be counted. Within four days, all data will undergo a “three-stage verification by federal bodies authorities,” and the vote will be taken into account only if all entered data matches, according to the certificate on the mayor’s website.