How to get a mortgage loan from Gazprombank? Mortgage with maternity capital in Gazprombank Repayment of mortgage with maternity capital in Gazprombank


Value ranges full cost loan for the purchase of real estate from 7.832 to 14.1% per annum. You can buy apartments on credit in a residential building under construction, finished housing on the secondary market, as well as townhouses and apartments (non-residential premises).

Mortgage terms:

  • loan term – up to 30 years;
  • currency - ruble;
  • registration of mortgage and collateral insurance;
  • review within 10 days;
  • minimum down payment from 5-15% of the property value.

The minimum loan amount is 0.5 million rubles, but not less than 15% of the value of the property. Maximum – up to 60 million rubles (when purchasing housing in Moscow and St. Petersburg). The borrower is required to purchase collateral insurance against major risks (fire, flood, etc.), as well as, if desired, life and title insurance.

Gazprombank provides surcharges to the mortgage interest rate. For example, rates may be increased by 0.5 percentage points for non-salary clients, as well as for those who bought an apartment not from the bank’s partner developers.

Programs and interest rates

Gazprombank offers a wide range of lending options. These include preferential options for obtaining a loan at reduced rates (for example, special affiliate programs), and standard types loans that are intended for all categories of borrowers and the purchase of basic types of real estate.

Types of loan programs:

  • purchase of a finished apartment;
  • purchasing housing in houses under construction;
  • military mortgage;
  • buying a townhouse;
  • mortgage with a grace period;
  • purchase of parking spaces.

Let us now consider at what percentage they give. Loans for the purchase of housing under DDU and ready-made apartments are practically no different from each other. A mortgage for the purchase of finished real estate can be more expensive (up to 13.9% per annum), and purchasing real estate from the bank’s partner developers is quite possible without down payment. However, the loan terms, as well as the maximum and minimum amounts, are the same.

Buying a townhouse on credit is possible at a rate of 9.9% per annum in rubles. If you buy a house from Gazprombank Invest Group of Companies, then the down payment must be 20% of its cost, in other cases the amount of contributions is less.

If the borrower is going to buy a parking space on credit, then he must have 30% of its cost on hand. The loan is possible at a rate of 9.9% per annum for a period of up to 10 years.

The bank’s most important program is a mortgage with a grace period for repayment. It provides that in the first three years you can get a rate at reduced rates (from 5.4% per annum), after which it increases by several percentage points. This is very profitable option for borrowers who are waiting for the construction of their apartment to be completed, for example, while renting a home. A reduced rate helps reduce loan payment costs.

Let's compare the terms of mortgage lending at Gazprombank:

The name of the program Loan rate Loan terms An initial fee Maximum and minimum amounts
Buying housing on the primary market from 9.159 to 11.811%from 1 year to 30 yearsfrom 0-10%from 0.5 to 60 million rubles
Buying housing on the secondary market from 9.159 to 13.380%from 1 year to 30 yearsfrom 5-10%from 0.5 to 60 million rubles
Military mortgage from 9.129%from 1 year to 20 yearsfrom 20%from 0.4 to 2.46 million rubles
Buying a townhouse (primary market) from 9.860 to 12.306%from 1 year to 30 yearsfrom 5-20%from 0.5 to 60 million rubles
Mortgage with grace period from 5.4 to 10.698%from 1 year to 30 yearsfrom 15%from 0.5 to 60 million rubles

Is a down payment required?

A down payment is required by most mortgage lending programs. To purchase an apartment on the primary and secondary market - from 10%, a townhouse - from 20%, within the framework of the program military mortgage from 20%, parking spaces from 30% of the cost.

No down payment is required only if you purchase an apartment from Gazprombank Invest Group of Companies(not a townhouse, but an apartment).

Upon presentation of the certificate maternity capital, the down payment when purchasing an apartment or townhouse can be reduced by the amount specified in the maternity capital certificate, but not less than 5%. When applying for a mortgage with a minimum of documents (without an income certificate), the minimum contribution increases to 40%.

When purchasing apartments, the bank also sets increased requirements for the amount of the contribution - at least 20%.

What is its minimum and maximum size?

Gazprombank requires a down payment of 5 to 85% of the property value. A zero down payment is possible only under one bank program (purchase of an apartment from Gazprombank Invest Group of Companies).

Requirements for the borrower and the purchased property

Gazprombank requires that borrowers have Russian citizenship and permanent registration in Moscow, the Moscow region or the locations of bank branches. The applicant should not have any negative credit history and experience of going through the bankruptcy procedure (for individual entrepreneurs or business owners).

Requirements for the borrower:

The loan is issued for the purchase of a separate apartment or house, which has all the title documents. The purchased residential premises must be located within the city boundaries. The bank allows you to buy real estate outside the city limits, but only subject to territorial restrictions.

For example, for the Moscow region - in any city, for the cities of Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg - in any locality within 20 km from the borders of these cities, and for other cities - in any locality within 10 km from the borders.

Housing should not be located in an emergency fund. An apartment or house must have a bathroom and a kitchen, as well as all communications necessary for life. Gazprombank requires that the building have cement, stone or brick foundation, metal or reinforced concrete floors. The number of floors of the building should not be less than 3 floors (with the exception of townhouses and real estate located in the regions).

Gazprombank does not provide loans for the purchase of rooms in communal apartments, housing in “Khrushchev” and “hotels”, wooden houses.

Procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan

To apply for a loan, you need to contact the bank and submit an application. You need to have everything you need with you (certificate of income, copy of your employment record, copy of your passport). The bank manager will calculate the monthly payment amount and tell you about all the loan conditions and related costs.

So, let's look at how to get a loan. The registration procedure is as follows:

After the bank has examined all the documentation, if there are no questions, a loan agreement is drawn up. Next, you need to make a down payment to the real estate seller’s account or put it in a safe deposit box.

After registering the purchase and sale agreement and submitting an extract from the Unified State Register to the bank credit funds transferred to the borrower for transfer or transfer to the seller of real estate.

The procedure for applying for and receiving a loan takes on average from 1 to 2 months, taking into account the signing of the purchase and sale agreement and registration of property rights in Rosreestr.

Advantages and disadvantages of a loan here

Beneficial for many reasons. The bank has a number of benefit programs: Military mortgage, loan with a grace period, mortgage with maternity capital with a 5% down payment.

Advantages of a mortgage:

  • low loan rates;
  • long loan terms (up to 30 years);
  • promotions to reduce rates when applying for a loan to purchase housing from the bank’s partner developers;
  • large loan amounts (up to 60 million rubles).

Under lending programs with the bank's partner developers, you can take out a loan at 5.4% for 36 months (for example, when purchasing apartments in the Neva Towers residential complex) or at 10.2% per annum when purchasing townhouses built by Gazprombank Invest Group of Companies.

However, mortgage programs also have their drawbacks. Almost all of them are associated with high costs for loan payments and collateral insurance.

Disadvantages of a mortgage:

  • inability to obtain a loan to purchase a room;
  • strict attitude to the location of the collateral;
  • interest rate surcharges for non-paying clients;
  • large overpayment on a long-term loan.

Preferential mortgages at Gazprombank are provided only for the first three years of using the loan. Then the rate rises to 7.9% per annum. The bank is ready to issue a loan for the purchase of apartments, but not rooms in communal or other apartments. Otherwise, Gazprombank programs are among the most profitable on the market. They are varied, with different options repayment and the amount of overpayment.

The borrower independently chooses the lending program. To reduce the overpayment on the loan, you can collect a large down payment and choose affiliate program Gazprombank with a grace period for repayment and a large discount.

Gazprombank offers mortgage borrowers interesting lending programs. An apartment can be purchased with a minimum interest payment of 5% and at rates of 7.8% per annum in rubles. If you take out a mortgage with a grace period or participate in other bank promotions, the rate can be reduced down to 5.4% per annum.

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In 2019, Gazprombank offers mortgage loans on favorable terms for the purchase of secondary housing or new buildings. The interest rate on the promotion has now been reduced to 9.5%. Let's look at how to get home loan at Gazprombank, what documents are needed for this. The calculator will help you calculate the overpayment and payment.

Gazprombank today offers clients one of the most flexible and convenient mortgage lending programs for Russian market. You can get loans from the bank for the purchase of ready-made or under construction housing within the framework of basic programs or take out a mortgage on the most favorable terms and conditions.

A special feature of applying for a mortgage at Gazprombank is that the client can independently choose the method of repayment of the loan: annuity or differentiated monthly payments.

With the help of a mortgage loan from Gazprombank today you can purchase:

  • An apartment in a finished or under construction building;
  • Share in the ownership of housing or the last room in an apartment;
  • Townhouse, including one under construction;
  • Apartments;
  • Garage or parking space in underground parking.

It is possible to obtain a loan using two documents, as well as using maternal (family) capital.

In this review, the site’s correspondents examined in detail the features of obtaining a mortgage loan from Gazprombank in 2019.

Gazprombank: conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2019

Mortgage conditions at Gazprombank are very flexible, and the interest rate is one of the lowest among the top 10 banks. In addition, the bank is currently holding promotions to reduce rates. We'll start our review with them.

Mortgage promotions at Gazprombank in 2019

“Mortgage from the largest developers 9.5%”. This Gazprombank loan with a reduced interest rate is issued for the purchase of apartments in new buildings and apartments under construction from KP UGS, as well as other major developers and real estate agencies - partners of GPB Bank (JSC).

According to the terms of the promotion, the minimum down payment is 10% when purchasing an apartment and 20% when purchasing apartments. At the same time, the interest rate for purchasing an apartment has been reduced to 9.5%, and for purchasing apartments – to 9.8% per annum.

"Premium standard". This mortgage Gazprombank for business class housing. His main feature– high minimum loan amount:

  • 12 million rubles for the purchase of real estate located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as the Moscow and Leningrad regions;
  • 4 million rubles - in other regions of Russia.

The interest rate under this promotion has been reduced to 9.2% per annum.

Mortgage of Gazprombank "Primary market"

This is a mortgage program for purchasing real estate on the primary market (new buildings). Available for purchase:

  • an apartment in a residential building under construction;
  • townhouse under construction (sold as an apartment);
  • non-residential premises (apartments) in a building under construction.


>Minimum amount:

> Maximum amount:

  • 60 million rub. – when purchasing apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • 45 million rub. – when purchasing apartments in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

>Minimum term:

  • 1 year.

> Maximum period:

  • 30 years.
  • 20% when purchasing a townhouse and apartments.

> Insurance:

  • personal (voluntary).

Interest rates

Real estate

Down payment






Calculate monthly payment on a mortgage

See what mortgage conditions are offered today

Mortgage of Gazprombank "Secondary market"

This is a mortgage program for the purchase of finished real estate (resale). Available for purchase:

  • apartment;
  • the last share in the ownership of the apartment / the last room in the apartment;
  • townhouse with registered ownership.


>Minimum amount:

  • 0.5 million rubles, but not less than 15% of the value of the property

> Maximum amount:

  • 60 million rub. – when purchasing apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • 45 million rub. – when purchasing apartments located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation / townhouses / last share in ownership of the apartment / last room in the apartment.

> Maximum period:

  • 30 years.

> Minimum down payment:

  • 10% when purchasing an apartment;
  • 20% when purchasing a townhouse.

> Insurance:

  • property (required);
  • personal (voluntary).

Interest rates

Real estate

Down payment






0.3% for all borrowers with the exception of salary clients of Gazprombank or those purchasing real estate from a company that is a partner of GPB / the largest developers and real estate agencies that are partners of GPB;

1.0% in the absence of personal insurance.

Doesn't fit? See what mortgage rates are offered today

Mortgage from Gazprombank according to 2 documents

This is a mortgage program that allows you to apply for a loan using just 2 documents. All you need is a passport and some other document of the client’s choice, for example, a driver’s license.

Using this mortgage program, you can buy housing in both the primary and secondary real estate markets.


>Minimum amount:

  • 0.5 million rubles, but not less than 15% of the value of the property;

> Maximum amount:

  • 10 million rubles - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions;
  • 7 million rubles - in other regions.

> Maximum period:

  • 30 years.

> Minimum down payment:

> Insurance:

  • property (required);
  • personal (voluntary).

Interest rates

Real estate

Down payment




1.0% in the absence of personal insurance.

Not satisfied? See what mortgage rates are offered today

Mortgage of Gazprombank “Purchase of a garage/parking space”

This is a mortgage program that helps you buy a garage or parking space, which can be located in the underground parking of a residential building or in a separate garage complex.

At Gazprombank you can get a fairly decent amount for these purposes - up to 3 million rubles.


>Minimum amount:

  • 0.1 million rubles, but not less than 15% of the value of the property;

> Maximum amount:

  • 3 million rubles - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions;
  • 1 million rubles - in other regions.

> Maximum period:

  • 10 years.

> Minimum down payment:

> Insurance:

  • property (required);
  • personal (voluntary).

Interest rates

Real estate

Down payment


garage/parking space


0.3% for all borrowers with the exception of GPB salary clients or those purchasing a garage/parking space from a bank partner company;

1.0% in the absence of personal insurance.

See the mortgage conditions at DeltaCredit Bank (Rosbank).

Gazprombank — "Family Mortgage"

This is a mortgage loan that is issued with government support. It is intended for families in which a second or third child was born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022.

Money can be obtained at a preferential interest rate.


>Minimum amount:

  • 0.5 million rubles, but not less than 15% of the value of the property;

> Maximum amount:

  • 8 million rub. in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;
  • 3 million rub. – in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

> Maximum period:

  • 30 years;

> Down payment:

  • from 20%;

> Insurance

  • personal (for a grace period) and real estate - mandatory;
  • personal (after grace period) - voluntary.

Interest rates

  • 6% per annum - during the grace period;

The key rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of loan issuance + 2 percent after the end of the grace period.

Duration of the grace period

3 years – at the birth of the second child;

5 years – at the birth of the third child.

Mortgage refinancing at Gazprombank in 2019

At Gazprombak today you can refinance a mortgage loan from another bank, as well as simultaneously a mortgage and a consumer loan taken out from the same or different credit institutions.

This is done in order to reduce the size of the monthly payment, as well as improve other lending conditions - reduce the rate or increase the loan term. As a result, this should lead to a reduction in the credit burden on the family budget.

You can find out more about the conditions for refinancing a mortgage at Gazprombank

How to get a mortgage at Gazprombank

The procedure for applying for a loan is quite simple.

We buy housing in a new building

  1. Draw up an equity participation agreement for the purchase of a property under construction. Then provide the bank with documentation on the property to agree on conditions loan agreement and individual characteristics of the transaction.
  2. Open a current account. Sign the loan documentation at the time agreed with the bank.
  3. Submit the share participation agreement for state registration to the registration chamber.
  4. Provide in insurance company a package of documents regarding the borrower and the acquired property under construction and draw up the necessary insurance contracts.
  5. After submitting a registered share participation agreement and insurance contracts to Gazprombank, the bank will transfer the loan funds to pay for the cost of the property.

We buy secondary housing

  1. Fill out an application on the website or at any Gazprombank office. Within 1-10 business days, bank representatives will inform you about the results of its consideration.
  2. Contact an independent appraisal company to evaluate the property. Provide documents on the property and the seller to any bank office.
  3. Provide the insurance company with a package of documents regarding the borrower and the property being purchased and draw up the necessary insurance contracts.
  4. Sign the necessary loan documentation with the bank.
  5. Make a down payment and loan funds on your lease bank safe or to a current account, and then sign a purchase and sale agreement with the Real Estate Seller.
  6. Submit the purchase and sale agreement to the registration chamber.
  7. Draw up an insurance contract for the collateral object and, if necessary, a contract title insurance with the insurance company.
  8. After submitting the purchase and sale agreement to the bank, the money is transferred to the Borrower. After which you can transfer them to the seller as payment for the property.

Documents for obtaining a mortgage at Gazprombank

In order to take out a mortgage loan, you must provide the following package of documents to Gazprombank:

√ application form for a mortgage loan;

√ original and copy of the borrower’s passport;


√ copy work book, certified by the employer;

document confirming income. This can be a 2-NDFL certificate or in the form of a bank, as well as an account statement where wages are received.

Who can get a mortgage from Gazprombank

The bank imposes the following requirements on the borrower:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration or permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • no negative credit history;
  • age not less than 20 and not more than 65 years (as of the date full repayment loan);
  • continuous work experience at the last place of work of at least 6 months and total seniority at least 1 year.

Gazprombank also clarifies that in order to obtain a mortgage, the borrower’s income must allow him to receive and service the requested loan amount.

How to repay a Gazprombank mortgage

The issued loan is repaid monthly, but the amount of payments can be influenced by the client himself. Let us remind you that one of the features of applying for a mortgage at Gazprombank is that the client can independently choose the method of repaying the loan: annuity or differentiated monthly payments.

Gazprombank is one of the largest lenders in Russia. It specializes in issuing large loans, and therefore mortgages are one of its main programs.

But before submitting an application, it is worth finding out what conditions you will have to count on and what you will have to face during the application process.

Due to the fact that Gazprombank is practically a state credit institution, the bank's client will have to collect large packages of documents and undergo several consultations.

Since this bank is more focused on cooperation with large enterprises, government agencies and business partners, ordinary individuals are treated more scrupulously.

Who can get a mortgage from Gazprombank?

Mortgage lending at Gazprombank is available to the following categories of clients:

  • Individuals;
  • Legal entities;
  • Individual entrepreneurs.

Requirements for the borrower

Gazprombank is one of the largest credit institutions in the Russian Federation, and at the same time specializes in issuing large loans.

Therefore, this lender puts forward quite strict requirements for its clients:

  • Positive credit history;
  • Russian citizen;
  • A person who is registered near the Gazprombank branch where he takes out a mortgage;
  • At least 20 years old (for individuals who are not employees of priority companies or Gazprombank, the age limit is 24 years);
  • At the time of making the last mortgage payment, the borrower must not be more than 60 years old;
  • Availability of official and stable income;
  • The income level must allow the borrower to make monthly mortgage payments.

Note! If a person is an employee of a partner company of a given bank, a large enterprise or Gazprombank itself, then the requirements are significantly relaxed. Employees of priority companies have the right to receive a mortgage from the age of 20. And Gazprombank employees have the right to become a borrower at the age of 20 to 70 years.

Mortgage programs of Gazprombank

Gazprombank offers its borrowers the following mortgage programs:

ProgramInterest rate (% per annum)Down payment (% of the loan amount)Features of the program
Mortgage for finished housing10% 20%
Mortgage for a new building10,25% 20% Down payment 10% for gas company employees. 15% - for partners.
Conventional mortgage11,5% 50% For Gazprom employees the rate is 12.25%, other priority companies - 12.5%, and for retail business partners - 12.75%
Townhouse11,2% 20%
Mortgage refinancing10,95% - If the down payment is less than 50% of the property value, the rate increases by 0.5%.
Apartments11,2% 20% If you are not a payroll client of the bank, the rate will increase by 0.5%.
Mortgage secured by existing real estate12,2% - The first payment is 30% of the value of the deposit.
Military mortgage10,6% 20% The borrower's solvency is not assessed.

Military mortgage

Gazprombank puts standard conditions military mortgage, in accordance with the state program. The first installment is paid from government contributions, and the bank does not assess the client’s income level. Plus, you can count on a low rate. However, you can take out a loan for no more than 2,150,000 rubles.

Procedure for obtaining a mortgage

Mortgage for a townhouse

If the client pays a down payment of 20% of the value of the property, then you can count on 12% per annum. If you are also a payroll client of Gazprombank, the rate will drop to 11.5%.

Simple mortgage

This type of lending allows the borrower to obtain a loan for real estate without having to confirm his or her income level. You can purchase both a resale apartment and an apartment in a new building. The only negative is that the down payment must be quite large - 50%.

Secured loan

This is an excellent program for those whose chosen property does not meet the criteria of Gazprombank.

Real estate that is already in your ownership is used as collateral.

It's pretty profitable proposition, since the bank is ready to pay 70% of the cost for you mortgage apartment, at 12.7% per annum. If you are also a salary client, then it will drop to 12.2%.


Not every bank in Russia can get a mortgage for an apartment. And at Gazprombank you can also get such a loan on favorable terms - only 20% of the down payment (if the housing is still under construction. If construction is completed - 30%).

The rate along with this is only 11.7%, but if you are a salary client - 11.2% per annum.


Gazprombank has a fairly profitable refinancing program. The rate is only 11%, and if you also make a large down payment, it will decrease. More information about this can be found in.

Preferential mortgage at Gazprombank

For certain categories of citizens, preferential mortgages are available at Gazprombank. These are several special mortgage programs that provide reduced interest rates and a simplified application process.

Mortgage + maternity capital

To participate in this program, you must provide the lender with your certificate of receipt of maternity capital. It provides that the down payment will be less.

In addition, with the support of maternity capital, you can apply for some of the mortgage programs with an interest rate reduced by 0.5%.

Mortgage for Gazprom employees

Being an employee of Gazprom, the borrower can count on certain privileges. These include a significantly reduced interest rate.

Of course, discounts may vary depending on the chosen loan program, but on average, it reduced by as much as 7% per annum.

Mortgage for employees of significant organizations

Gazprombank cooperates with many large companies. And employees of these priority enterprises are entitled to discounts at the annual rate. The discount will be calculated individually, depending on the company itself and your position. However, on average, the rate can be reduced by 0.5-1%.

Useful video:

Shares in Gazprombank

Now Gazprombank is organizing several promotions for its borrowers. By participating in one of them, you can significantly reduce your interest rate and the size of your down payment. And along with this, the loan term can be increased, which will mainly help you take a large amount and reduce your monthly payments.

There are only three shares:

  • Promotion 9.5%. With it you can purchase an apartment in a building under construction or a resale property, with an annual rate of 9.5%;
  • Mortgage in one day. This offer provides for quick loan processing. Literally, you can get a mortgage within 24 hours after submitting your application, provided that all the tedious documents have already been attached and the property has been selected. You can buy an apartment in a building under construction, the construction of which is carried out by a bank-accredited developer, or a resale;
  • Promotion until December 31, 2017. With it you can buy an apartment in a new building, with a rate of 10.25%. But it can only be purchased through a developer accredited by Gazprombank.

Mortgage calculator

Using a special calculator, you can calculate the amount that you will ultimately have to pay to Gazprombank and the cost of the monthly payment.

At the same time, not only the price of the property and the amount of the down payment are taken into account, but also the interest rate (per month or year), the method of making payments and the cost of the commission.

To do this, in a specially designated form, you need to indicate:

  • Cost of housing;
  • Down payment amount;
  • Loan terms;
  • rate;
  • Repayment scheme;
  • The cost of a one-time, monthly or annual commission.

Apartment price:

An initial fee:

Credit term:

months years

Interest rate:

% per year % per month

Repayment scheme

Annuity Classic

One-time commission

Monthly commission

Annual commission

Monthly loan payment:

Monthly commission:

Overpayment in monetary terms:


Loan interest:

One-time commission:

Monthly commissions:

Annual payments:

Overpayment as a percentage:

When applying, you need to compare offers from several banks. Large financial and credit institutions work with capital on the basis of the Federal Law on Mortgages and other regulations.

If the owner intends to repay the mortgage debt, including interest, then. To apply for a loan for which maternity capital will be transferred as a down payment, you need to wait until your child's third birthday.

Each bank has its own requirements for obtaining a mortgage loan. The term “social mortgage” does not mean that the loan holder will be able to purchase a home without any problems. Experts recommend applying for a mortgage in large banks federal scale.

In Russia, housing loans are provided by:

  • Gazprombank;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • other credit institutions.

Please note that mortgage offers from banks and loan terms may change periodically. Reliable and up-to-date information can also be obtained by directly contacting bank specialists directly or through a mortgage broker.


Sberbank cooperates with the state and willingly accepts it as a means of paying principal and interest. The bank has programs “Purchase of finished housing - one rate” and “Purchase of housing under construction”. Minimum bid on the loan is 8.6%. The average rate is 13%. Borrower age requirements are 21-75 years.

There are also requirements for the availability insurance period. It should be at least six months at the current place of work. The total experience must be at least 1 year in the last five years. There are no requirements for length of service if the client is transferred wages to an account in Sberbank.

The maximum down payment for a mortgage is 85%. Minimum – 15%. The minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles. Real estate insurance against the risk of death or loss is mandatory. A young family can take advantage of the bank's support. For her, the interest rate can be reduced to 0.5%.


Rosselhobank has extensive lending programs for holders of family capital certificates. There is an opportunity to purchase an apartment, townhouse or a private house with payment of an entry fee of at least 15%. Minimum deposit shared construction is 20%.

If you purchase a private house with land plot, then you need to pay 25%. The minimum mortgage amount is 100 thousand rubles. The largest amount is 20 million rubles. The loan term is up to 30 years. Pledge of real estate and its insurance of the purchased object for the entire term of the loan are also mandatory. The application review period is up to 3 days, but, if necessary, can be extended. At least three individuals can be involved as co-borrowers on a mortgage.

Bank VTB24

VTB24 has mortgage programs“More meters – lower rate”, etc. Using matkapital funds, you can pay the down payment on the loan, which is at least 20%. The borrower's age at the time of repayment must be at least 65 years.

The maximum amount of a mortgage loan for budget areas is 5 million rubles. Property insurance is also considered prerequisite. The minimum loan amount is 200 thousand rubles.


From February 28, 2018, Gazprombank (GPB) offers to purchase an apartment at a flat rate of 9%. The minimum mortgage amount is 500 thousand rubles. You can pay off the loan with maternity capital current debt, i.e., the bank will not accept the certificate as a down payment.

The minimum age of the borrower is 20 years. The down payment is from 10%. Average interest rate 15%. It increases by 0.5% if the client does not receive wages on the Gazprombank card. The lending period for citizens is up to 30 years.

Raiffeisen Bank

The minimum interest rate on a mortgage with maternal capital is 9.25%. Loan term 1-30 years. The maximum loan amount is 25 million rubles. The borrower must have official or verified income. The minimum age of the certificate holder is 21 years. At the time of approval of the borrower's mortgage there shouldn't be any housing loans , regardless of their duration and amount.


Promsvyazbank offers to issue a mortgage loan against capital for a period of up to 25 years. The minimum interest rate is from 9.2% and depends on the borrower’s income level, his consent to provide insurance for the loan and the property. The bank operates the “New Construction” and “Secondary Market” programs. The minimum mortgage amount is 200 thousand rubles. The down payment is required and cannot be made from maternity capital funds.

Table of basic lending conditions

Using the table, you can find out the main lending indicators. The borrower is recommended to apply for a mortgage to several banks at once. If the application is approved, its validity period is usually 3 months.

Bank Minimum amount Average interest rate Minimum down payment amount (%)
Sberbank 300 thousand rubles. 13% 15
Rosselkhozbank 100 thousand rubles. 12% 15-30
VTB 24 200 thousand rubles. 13% 20
Gazprombank 500 thousand rubles. 15% 10
Raiffeisen Bank 300 thousand rubles. 14% 20
Promsvyazbank 200 thousand rubles. 16% 15

Loan conditions can be found on the website of the selected bank. On the portal of almost every financial and credit organization It is stated that the information on mortgages is for reference only and does not have the nature of an offer. This means that the bank itself decides who to issue a loan to and who not. He reserves the right to refuse a mortgage without giving reasons.

The presence of maternity capital in the amount of 100 does not mean that the certificate holder will be able to immediately get rid of housing problems. With that kind of money, without a long repayable loan, in a provincial town, but banks often refuse to issue a mortgage to buy a room.

Almost all banks require that the borrower and his family have fixed income, which can be used to pay the mortgage. Lending conditions depend on the bank, region, family and legal status borrower. Each application is considered individually.

At Gazprombank, mortgages against maternity capital are issued in strict accordance with current legislation. Using this subsidy will help you get a loan on more favorable terms.

Mortgage programs of Gazprombank

The bank has developed a wide range of mortgage lending programs that allow you to purchase your own housing of any format on attractive terms - an apartment or townhouse on the secondary market or in a building under construction. Interest rates start from a value of 11%, minimum contributions- from 15 percent of the cost of the object.

Gazprombank has programs for special conditions for the military, for clients wishing to purchase housing built under the patronage of the Gazprombank group. It is possible to take out a targeted mortgage loan and a loan for apartment renovation.

The loan term at Gazprombank can reach 30 years, this is one of the highest rates in banking sector. Profitable terms mortgage refinancing also find their clients.

According to the bank’s terms, a young family can use the opportunities of maternity capital in any of the selected programs. Let's take a closer look at the procedure for its implementation with a mortgage.

Contribution of maternity capital for a mortgage

According to the state, the subsidy can be used in a rather limited range of legal actions. Maternity capital cannot be obtained in cash; all transactions are carried out according to non-cash payments. This means that maternity capital cannot be sold through regular lending, only through a mortgage. Maternity capital is contributed to Gazprombank according to the following options:

  • As a down payment - in this case, the amount of own funds contributed cannot be less than five percent of established by the bank the amount of such contribution.
  • For early (partial or full) repayment of an existing mortgage loan, there are no specific restrictions. Maternity capital is paid in without any fees or additional conditions.

According to the terms of Gazprombank, maternity capital is used when purchasing an apartment or townhouse on the primary or secondary market. In this case, the bank will need to provide confirmation of the use of maternity capital in mortgage lending. According to the conditions, after transferring the subsidy to the seller, the potential borrower receives a certificate of intended use maternity capital, which will be confirmation for the bank.


At Gazprombank, a mortgage against maternity capital can be issued when purchasing real estate on both the primary and secondary markets. Before using MK, it is necessary to coordinate this issue with bank employees.