How to quickly get out of debt. We deal with current debts


The most effective ways to get rid of debts forever.

The question of how to get out of debt remains relevant, especially in times of crisis. There are many reasons why you could end up in debt. And not all of them depend on your behavior. For example, unexpected dismissal, salary reduction, illness, death of a close relative. And the constant rise in prices for goods and services leads to the need for constant borrowing. What to do?

Let's look the enemy, that is, debts, in the face

As they say, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. Before you start distributing debts, you should clarify what, to whom and in what amount you owe. It is advisable to write down all the data about your loans and debts that you need to get rid of in the form of a table. It may contain, for example, the following columns:

Name of the lender. Basic loan amount. Interest rate. Amount of overpayment. Amount of monthly payment. Term when the debt must be repaid (if a loan, then the date of the next payment and the total duration of the loan). Notes.

It is better to leave the last column wide, since in it you will mark all events related to the loan, for example, “Delay granted,” “Repay urgently,” or “Repay first.” It is most convenient to compile such a table first on paper and then transfer it to Excel.

Next, you need to analyze the work performed. In principle, when you organize your debts, it will become clear exactly how much you pay per month and how long this situation will continue. You will also see the most expensive loans (with a high interest rate) and loans with the largest overpayment (their rate may be lower, but due to the long loan period the overpayment will be higher). We’ll talk about what strategy to repay loans later.

We create a payment calendar

The next step is to create a payment calendar. You can mark payment dates on any wall calendar or draw a special sign. The latter is convenient, since in addition to loans, you can enter into the table any other obligatory expenses - rent, for example, as well as income - salary, advance payment, etc.

As a result, you will see on which days you have income, on which mandatory payments, how they are grouped, and whether you have enough funds to pay off many payments in one week. Now you can plan. For example, salaries are calculated at the beginning of the month, while loans are paid in the middle and at the end. You will be able to set aside the required amount in advance.

It is especially convenient to use the sign when you have many payments. Then you will definitely not get confused and will not miss the date of the next payment due to forgetfulness.

We deal with current debts

If, in terms of loans, the situation is so deplorable that there is nothing to pay off the loan, and the amount of fines has long exceeded the payment itself, collectors spend the night at your entrance, and relatives refuse to let you in for dinner until you pay off the debt, then you should figure out the situation and how to get out of it. debts with minimal losses.

The best solution would be to openly admit your financial insolvency and negotiate with creditors. If you borrowed from friends and relatives, you can agree to write off interest and pay in installments. If there are a lot of loans, you can ask banks for a deferment or refinance.

But you shouldn’t relax as soon as the credit ties loosen a little. This is not the time to waste money. The freed funds should be used for early repayment of debts. For example, you have three loans of 10, 5 and 4 thousand rubles, and your net income (i.e. free money) is 17 thousand. You agreed to defer the second loan of 5 thousand rubles for a period of six months. Your payment became not 19, but 14 thousand rubles. The freed 3 thousand should be used for early repayment of one of the loans or put aside in a special account to form a financial cushion. But you can't spend them.

If your debt is sold to collectors or banks have assessed too many fines, then it is better not to pay on these loans for now, but to go to court. Usually judges “write off” all sorts of penalties, especially if they are not provided for in the contract. It is often possible to reduce the monthly payment to a minimum by lowering the interest rate or increasing the loan term.

We carry out refinancing

If there are a lot of payments and the interest on them is high enough, then it is necessary to refinance. There are several ways to do this:

take part in a special program of the creditor bank; take part in a refinancing program of a third-party bank; independently take out a loan at a lower interest rate and pay off current debts with the funds received.

Since the borrower himself is unlikely to be given a new loan with current debts, a new one is usually issued to a relative or friend. You should calculate the benefits - independent refinancing is beneficial if the total loan term does not increase, and the new rate will be more than 3 points lower than the current one. In other words, if a loan is taken out for 5 years at 33% per annum, and refinancing is carried out the next year, then its parameters should be as follows: term - no more than 4 years, rate - no more than 30% per annum. Otherwise you will have to pay interest again.

Of course, if the situation is critical and the monthly payments are too high, then any way to reduce the financial burden is suitable. To the point of asking the bank to increase the loan term - the total overpayment will increase, but the monthly payment will decrease.

By the way, during refinancing you can try to postpone the payment date. It is more convenient to pay off all loans in one day and try to receive income just in time.

It is optimal to refinance using a special program. Then it will be possible to combine all the loans into one, and the overpayment will be minimal. It is much easier to get approval for a transaction from “your” bank.

We draw up a loan repayment plan

The next step is to decide on a debt repayment strategy. The most optimal would be the following three schemes:

The largest loan is repaid first, then the second largest, then the third, etc. The good thing about this method is that the size of payments is reduced monthly, freeing up free money. Disadvantage: you will have to wait quite a long time until the first loan is paid off.

Small debts are paid off first, then the largest ones. The good thing about this method is that it is easier to “close” small loans, and the borrower himself has a growing sense of satisfaction from the reduction in the number of payments. Disadvantage: the final overpayment will be higher.

The most expensive loans are repaid first(i.e. with the highest interest rate) regardless of their size. This method is the most optimal, based on cost savings. Disadvantage: The most expensive loan may also be the largest, and the monthly payments will not decrease quickly enough.

All loans are repaid evenly. For example, 1-2 thousand are paid monthly in excess of the payment amount. Advantages: systematic reduction of payments. Disadvantage: each time you will have to make an early repayment and overpay on possible commissions.

Which method is more convenient is at the discretion of the borrower. The main thing is to develop a convenient strategy and not deviate from it.

Let's stop increasing debt

Taking out a loan to pay off another loan is a bad practice (unless, of course, refinancing is done). Therefore, you need to immediately refuse loans and credit cards. If you have credit card debts, they need to be repaid first, regardless of the size of other loans. The cards have the most unfavorable tariffs, and the overpayment on them is simply huge. It is better to get rid of debts to the bank immediately.

Of course, we need to stop paying in stores with credit cards. Only debit with cash-back or, at worst, cash.

We cut costs

If you decide to get out of debt, you will have to learn to save. Here are some ideas on how you can save money:

Disable all unnecessary payments. For example, if you don’t listen to the radio, then dismantle the radio point. Don't pay for cable if you turn on the TV once a month. Turn off mobile banking if you receive a salary once a month - you will still perform all transactions via the Internet.

Change your tariffs to more favorable ones. Take the time to find out if there may be better tariffs for telephone, Internet and cable. Sometimes you can take part in special programs for the holidays.

Make a list of required monthly expenses(everything, right down to the rent and payment for a child’s kindergarten) and think about where you can save money. For example, if you fill up for 2,000 rubles a month, wouldn’t it be more profitable to buy a transport card for 500 rubles and use the bus? Maybe not as convenient, but cheaper. Or try to transfer your child from a paid section to a free one, if the quality of his education does not suffer.

Save water and electricity, no matter how trivial it may sound. Turn off unnecessary lights and electrical appliances, and turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Of course, you won’t save significant money, but even 500 rubles a month won’t be superfluous - you’ll find something to spend it on. If possible, switch to a two-tariff meter and make household appliances work at night - for example, a washing machine.

Refrain from unnecessary purchases. Go to the store only with a list of products - this will protect you from accidental purchases. Plan right away what you will cook during the week. It is optimal to generally allocate a weekly budget “for food” and not exceed it.

Love the sales. This applies to the purchase of food, clothing, and household goods. Buy more than you need at once so that you don’t overpay next time. But don't go over budget!

Get a card with cash back and interest on the balance. Make purchases only from it. This will contribute a pretty penny to the family budget.

We increase income

An effective way to get out of debt is to increase your income.

If saving does not provide a significant profit, then only an increase in income will help you get out of debt. The main methods are:

Demand a salary increase. Going directly to your boss and asking for a raise is unlikely to work. But you can take on additional hours, increase the workload, and perform more functions. As a last resort, you can settle for 1.5 bets.

Find a part-time job. This could be a second part-time or night shift job. You can also work on weekends.

If the above methods are difficult or unrealistic, then take up freelancing. There is quite a lot of work on the Internet for all specialties. The services of remote text authors (copywriters), artists and designers, programmers, and accountants are in particular demand. If you don’t have the ability for such activities, then you can find physical work for yourself: “husband for an hour,” taxi driver, repair, etc. - there are special exchanges where such services are offered.

Invest. Of course, it takes money to generate income from investments. And if there are a lot of debts, then there is no free money. However, you can start small. For example, put aside 2-3 thousand monthly for a deposit, and 1-2 thousand - in risk capital. It is important for you to learn the principles of investing, not just how to make money.

Open your own mini-business. It could be anything - a website on the Internet, an online store based on a group on a social network, referral business, network marketing, baking cakes at home, sewing, burning... The main thing here is to start and survive the first year.

Sell ​​extra items. Do you have old coins? What about the stamp collection? Decorations? Maybe you have a whole bunch of clothes you don't wear or books you don't read? Try selling it through local newspapers or websites like Avito. Do not waste the funds received, but pay off your loans ahead of schedule.

Hint to friends and relatives what the best gift is- this is money, and that you will be more happy with cash receipts than with things.

File tax deductions. If you take out a mortgage, then apply for a property deduction or a deduction for interest on the loan. In fact, you will get back 13% of last year’s total income - namely, the personal income tax paid to the treasury. This is a lot. With a salary of 20 thousand rubles, this is approximately 35 thousand rubles.

Get all possible benefits and receive DIA. For example, if the total family income is below the subsistence level for each inhabitant of the apartment, then you can receive compensation for rent. If a family has many children, then it is entitled to a whole range of social support measures - from free bus travel for children to regional maternity capital.

In the matter of paying off debts, the main thing is to follow the developed strategy, not waste money in vain and carefully keep track of your finances. But that doesn't mean you can't treat yourself from time to time. Sometimes you can afford to go to a restaurant or update your phone case. Just make sure that these “left” expenses are not too large, and do not go beyond your monthly budget. And, of course, spend only earned money, not borrowed money.

Today it is very easy to get a loan: banks are ready to issue them even without certificates and guarantors. This attracts more and more clients who are ready to take out a cash loan. Unfortunately, soon the moment of reckoning for their rash actions comes, and citizens begin to look for all possible options to repay their loans. However, it is not at all necessary to go to the bank. The passion to borrow money from friends and acquaintances also does not leave its mark on the family budget. This article will tell you how to get out of debt.

Assessing the situation

First of all, when the question of debt arises, it is necessary to correctly assess the current situation. Depending on who you borrowed from - the bank or your family, your further actions will depend. For example, if you have debts to relatives or friends, the problem is much easier to solve. By requesting a deferred payment, you can find a part-time job and pay off in the near future.

If there is a debt to a creditor, then action must be taken immediately. For example, having taken out a loan, a person relies on his own strengths and capabilities, but unforeseen situations can always happen, and at the most inopportune moment. That is why, when faced with financial difficulties, you should immediately contact the bank with a request for a deferred payment. As a rule, credit institutions meet halfway and do not charge a fine for a small delay.

Where can we get help?

Having asked the question “how to get out of debts and loans,” the debtor should know that they can always help him. For example, in the case of debt to friends or family, you can always turn to someone else for help, re-borrow money and repay the debt. Of course, such a step is a last resort, because in any case it does not solve the problem. You still remain financially dependent.

If the lender is a bank, then guarantors can come to the rescue. Most often, financial institutions insure loans issued and issue loans only if the borrower has a guarantor. This, of course, applies to large amounts and not small consumer loans. In this case, the guarantor now acts as the main solvent person and repays the debt for the main borrower.

In addition to these options, you can often see advertisements: “I’ll help you get out of debt.” The assistants here are individuals or microcredit organizations, which, having paid off your debt, will issue a new one, only at huge interest rates. A real disservice. That is why it is better to avoid such help.

Action plan

First of all, you need to get rid of small loans. So, having paid off small debts, it will be easier to focus on larger ones. To make decisions easier, you should put your financial affairs in order. It is precisely because there is complete chaos in home accounting that credit debts appear. Thus, having taken control of all your income and expenses, you will be able to further navigate in which direction to move. If your income level allows you to pay your bills on time, but some budget items do not allow you to do this, then it would be best to temporarily or completely remove them from the list of necessary items.

Next, having understood your financial capabilities, you can move on to action. In a situation where there is clearly not enough money and the credit limit has been exceeded, you should look for new sources of income. This may be an additional part-time job or a new type of business, or you will need to take overtime. But under no circumstances should you apply for a new loan.

Having allocated your money for the month, you can move on to planning the next one. This way you will see where there are still problems, which means you can move on to solving them.

Ways to pay off debt

The best way to become a debt-free person is to refuse them in the future. That is, after paying off all debts, you should avoid the temptation to purchase any item on credit.

Having a debt to the bank, you can ask it to reduce the interest rate or achieve restructuring. At first glance, this seems too complicated, because financial organizations do not intend to simply lose their profits. But in fact, creditors are interested in at least returning the money given out: this is better than declaring the debtor bankrupt and losing all their funds. That is why, by contacting the manager with a request to change payments, you can get a chance to pay off your debts in a more convenient form for you.

If this method does not help, then the insolvent citizen may ask for a deferment. During the time that the bank or creditor allocates for not paying the debt, the debtor must put his financial situation in order.

How to quickly get out of debt

If there is no opportunity or desire to wait a long time and constantly worry about your financial situation, then there are two options left. In the first case, sell the collateral and pay off the debt. Then the lender will write it off immediately, and the borrower will have no credit obligations. If the loan was taken not from a credit institution, but from friends or acquaintances, then you can also sell some valuable item. The proceeds will be used to repay the loan.

The second answer to the question “how to get out of debt” is to declare yourself bankrupt. This is an extreme measure leading to the fact that in the near future a person will no longer be able to take out loans. The court declares the insolvent citizen bankrupt and writes off his debt to the bank.

How to get out of credit debts

In the case where the borrower does not want to appear on the black list of banking organizations, you can try several more options to solve the problem. For example, some people apply for several loans at once. In this situation, a good solution would be to ask for deferred payments from banks with lower interest rates. Thus, by paying off the entire debt to the organization with high interest rates with the proceeds, the borrower frees himself from more urgent obligations. After this, the remaining loans should be repaid in order (also in full). When there is only one debt left, you can pay it off as usual or, if circumstances permit, close it completely.

Magic to help

Finding themselves in a difficult financial situation, people begin to look for unconventional ways to solve the problem. For example, those who believe in magic try to read a conspiracy. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get out of debt this way, but it will help instill confidence in your abilities and give you hope. Folk signs regarding money can also help. There is a superstition that you should not take the trash out of the house at night, otherwise you will no longer have money. Perhaps someone tested this method on themselves, it really helped and answered the question of how to get out of debt. However, the whole point here is not about magic, but about revising a person’s attitude towards his income and expenses. Financial discipline and increased productivity can work real miracles.

Many citizens who take out loans do not even read the terms of the agreement. But in vain! There are several ways to save money and not pay extra. For example, with early repayment you can save more than one thousand rubles, but when using bank cards, on the contrary, you can spend extra money.

Some debtors sometimes even hope for a miracle. There is an opinion that there are rich Muscovites who help people get out of debt. Of course, theoretically, you can imagine a situation where a kind uncle decides to repay your loan. However, what will he ask in return? Taking on new debt? Or work at his company? Before looking for information about such options for solving a problem, think: do you need it? As practice shows, it is better not to believe rumors and various fables, but to try to pay off your debts yourself.

Let's sum it up

The reasons that lead us to a debt trap can be very different. Sometimes the only chance to get out of a difficult situation is to take out a bank loan. Then, to insure yourself, you should turn to the help of guarantors. Thoughtless and unreasonable processing of loans may soon turn into a problem, and then another question will need to be solved: how to get out of debt? Prayer will not help much in this situation. You can only strengthen your faith in a quick solution to the problem, but in reality, all that is required is to attract additional income and reduce expenses. In order not to become a hostage to eternal obligations, you need to stop using easy loans.

It’s easy to get deeply into debt, collect all sorts of loans, but it’s not easy to pay off creditors, especially when the amount of debt becomes threatening. What you need to remember to get out of the debt hole.

Having entered into a “battle” with debts, the most important thing is not to panic or despair. The experience of successful people shows that you can get out of the deepest “debt hole” by showing persistence and following a few simple rules.

Advice one. Notify creditors

If one day you realize that your salary is no longer enough to pay all the loans, then there is no need to hide your situation from creditors. Moreover, do not try to hide from them at all. You will almost certainly not be able to avoid retribution, but by maintaining a good relationship with the bank, you have every chance, for example, of debt restructuring - then you will be able to pay off the debt longer, and, accordingly, in smaller amounts.

In addition, this way you will reduce the risk that your case will be taken to court - after all, the bank, by and large, is interested in getting its money back, and not in protracted legal proceedings.

And if you demonstrate your willingness to pay, but ask to change the payment schedule, then they will most likely accommodate you. Ideally, this option may even keep you with a good credit history. Unless, of course, you still want to use loans in the future.

Tip two. Pay little by little regularly

If the amount of your debt seems overwhelming to you, do not despair and do not stop making payments. Allocate at least 10% of your income monthly to pay off debt - firstly, this way you will gradually get closer to your goal. And secondly, this way you will accustom yourself to financial discipline.

A very important point is to understand that you will not be able to pay off all your debts at once, but by gradually paying them off, sooner or later you will pay off in full. And in the future, the habit of saving 10% from each salary will help you save.

Tip three. Pay more than the minimum payment
Try to pay more than the minimum regular payment on your loan or credit card to the bank each time. You might think that making a minimum payment saves you money, but it's actually the opposite. By contributing more, you will be able to pay off the debt faster, which means there will be less overpayment on it. In addition, getting closer to your desired goal will motivate you to take further action.

Tip four. Pay off “expensive” loans first

If you have several different loans that you cannot pay off at the same time, then start paying them off one by one. It would be logical to give preference first to those debts with the highest interest rates. The faster you pay them off, the lower your debt servicing costs will be, and the faster you can pay off the remaining, “cheaper” loans.

Of course, you should not allow delays on other loans - fines and late fees are not the best help in repaying loans. But, let’s say, with credit cards you can be limited to only the minimum payment for some time.

Tip five. Pay off small debts

If you have already paid off the most “expensive” debts, or the interest on your loans is approximately the same, then take up small loans. Pay off all the small debts that you can pay off quickly, then you will immediately notice how the number of your loans decreases. And this, in turn, will serve as a good motivation to move further towards the goal: after all, if you have paid off these debts, you will definitely pay off the rest!

Tip six. Refinance only expensive loans

In some cases, you can take out a new loan from the bank to cover old debts. Refinancing can not only lower the interest rate on your loan, but also extend its term. However, it should be remembered that refinancing is not always profitable. This procedure itself is not free; you will have to pay commissions and other payments when applying for such a loan. So if the difference in the rate is not significant, the costs may be even higher than when paying off the old loan. Therefore, it is worth refinancing only those loans whose rates are much higher than those currently offered on the market.

Advice seventh. Manage your finances

Get your finances in order. It may turn out that you spend most of your income on things that you could give up and use the funds to pay off debt. Write down your expenses - this will help organize them and identify reserves for savings. Financial advisors say the path to financial freedom starts with getting your personal finances in order. Make a financial plan - this way your expenses will become planned and consistent with your existing income. And, in addition, avoid unexpected expenses, because your first priority is to pay off your debts!

Tip eight. Increase your income

If your current income is not enough to pay off all your debts, take care of increasing it. However, you should do this only after you have listened to the previous advice - after all, irrational expenses can absorb most of your income, and then it makes no sense to increase them - there will not be enough money.

If you have already put your finances in order, then think about earning extra money. There are various options here: you can simply find another job. But if this is not an opportunity, because you spend all your time on your current job, then perhaps you will be able to take on additional responsibilities, which will lead to an increase in wages.

In addition, your hobbies may bring you additional income: for example, if you like to sew, knit or cook. Think about how you can make money from something that brings you pleasure.

Tip nine. Sell ​​something you don't need

Despite the assertion of the famous cartoon character Matroskin the Cat, you don’t have to buy anything unnecessary first. Some experts advise selling... your TV. After all, it takes away your free time, which you could spend usefully. In addition, during the crisis, you can probably give up your second car, and maybe even your first: this way you will save on its maintenance, and with the proceeds you can repay the loan.

Tip ten. Don't take on new debt

If you are determined to pay off all your debts, then the most important rule to follow is - under no circumstances take out new loans! There is not enough for regular payments - ask the bank to restructure the debt. If you don’t have enough to live on, get rid of unnecessary expenses or find additional income. But give up personal loans and credit cards.

  • Category:

My mother’s unmarried friend, Aunt Sveta, was subject to massive layoffs and was left without a job. She sobbed so much that passers-by stopped and offered Valocordin, a stool, a sandwich, money, soda and a subway token.

Her friends consoled her as best they could, but she kept repeating that now she would not be able to feed her family consisting of two idiot sons, and her life was over. In the evening I came to my senses and decided to go to a nightclub. I’ve never been to such places, but since life hasn’t gone well, there’s nothing left to lose.

Aunt Sveta dressed up in the best dress with lurex, did a chic bouffant and went to “Sorry, Grandma” for a retro party. There I refueled with two cocktails, ate a rack of young calf with gusto, went out onto the dance floor and got so excited that even the bartenders applauded. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a man in a cap with a short visor showed up:

– What does such a woman do besides dancing?
She deftly swallowed the tears that came her way:

– Until today I was an accountant.
He nodded, ordered “Cheri Cheri Lady” and “Macarena”, and then led him to the table and handed him a business card:
- Come on Monday. I have been looking for a good specialist for a long time.
The lady was confused and began to fan herself with the wine list:
- But how do you know that I am a good worker?
He answered without hesitation:
– The way you do one thing is how you do everything else.

It happens that thanks to one atypical action we can get out of the negative and move out of the black streak. Remember, in the old Soviet film "Honeymoon" the husband leaves his wife. At first she sobs, and then, hearing morning exercises on the radio, she gets up, pulls down her pajamas, wipes her nose with her sleeve and begins to squat. After all, men can come and go, but this is not a reason to cancel gymnastics.

There is even a fun children's game in which you need to voice something that you have never done before in your life. Personally, I have not watched a single episode of Star Wars and have not slept in a tent. My husband never smoked, never picked mushrooms, and never wore a mink hat. Someone didn't get up at six in the morning and didn't peel potatoes. I've never been to McDonald's or played cards.

So, as soon as we change course and do something that we didn’t allow ourselves to do before, our vibrations automatically change, and from the caste of losers and debtors we cleverly fall into the category of lucky people, entertainers and optimists.

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In this article, I will give you 8 fail-safe ways that will help you get out of depression.

The most effective way to get out of depression is to not get into it. Joke!

I will say right away that there is no point in fighting depression. Depression will still prevail. Where you put your energy becomes even more powerful. You are wasting your energy, which you almost don’t have at the moment, and your depressive state is intensifying. Therefore, forget about the fight against depression forever. This won't help you.

Now I will tell you about several very powerful ways to get out of depression.

How to get out of depression?

The most important thing you need to realize is that the less time you think about your depression, the faster it will go away. Everything happens according to the same principle: where your attention is concentrated, the energy itself flows there. If you don't put your energy into a depressed state, it will change very quickly. Following from this conclusion, you need to keep yourself busy with something. When you're in the process, you don't have time to think about anything else. This is the easiest and best way to get out of depression.

Now I’ll give you some tips, how to get out of depression.

Method one: Switch your attention

If your depressive state is associated with one area of ​​your life: for example, only work, or only personal life, or only, in order to get out of depression you will simply need to switch your attention from one area of ​​​​life to another and immerse yourself in this area .

For example, if you have a problem in your personal relationship, you can throw yourself into work (of course, if your work brings you joy). If you have a problem at work, you can plunge headlong into your personal life.

Method two: How to get out of depression: Creativity

Many people think that creativity is writing, drawing, singing, dancing and more. These are partly erroneous associations. Creativity is any type of activity in which you manifest yourself in this world. Creativity is a unique (your individual) approach to performing any task.

If you are, you can show your creativity in education. If you are an entrepreneur, you can show your creativity in promoting your own products and services. You may be looking for new and unusual ways of marketing and advertising. If your work is related to, you can show your creativity here too.

When you live and very often show your creativity everywhere and in everything, you cannot be depressed. Creativity is a manifestation of the real you. This is your gift. And when you manifest it, you connect with your own higher essence.

You can find creative ways to do simple everyday things. For example, washing dishes. You can turn on your favorite music and dance along the process. Personally, I always do this when I wash dishes or do any cleaning around the house.

You can sing in the shower. And there are countless such ways. The main thing is to get together and find them.

Method three: Hobbies help you get out of depression

What's your hobby? What do you do for your soul?

Of course, ideally, if your hobby is your work, but, unfortunately, this happens to few people.

Perhaps you like to sing, listen to music, or sew.

Method four: Sports and physical activity

How can sport help you get out of depression?

Depression may not go away for a long time only when a person lives a passive life. Depression cannot exist in a mobile and active body.

Depression and activity are two incompatible concepts. Either activity will win and you will come out of depression, or depression will win and you will enter a passive state.

Like water and fire, they cannot exist at one point.

Consciously force yourself to move actively. Start playing sports, go to the gym. Running is the best cure for depression. Running puts your entire body in motion. You gain energy and strength.

Method five: Personal growth

Start reading books on personal growth and self-development. Now there is a lot of it. Most of the authors are prominent personalities and rich. When you read their works, you yourself are filled with these feelings, and the depressive state leaves you for some time.

Download the same books from the site only in . They will divert your attention.

Look or visit some. Live trainings will shift your attention for at least a week. Such trainings are very useful and positive. They are visited by people who strive for self-development. Being in such an atmosphere, your condition will change dramatically for the better.

Remember: the main thing is that during depression, do not be alone with your brain. Otherwise he will eat you.

Method six: Millionaire elastic band

The millionaire's elastic band is one of the most famous methods that helps get rid of negative thoughts. What is its essence? Surely you know the rubber bands that are used to wrap a stack of money. You take one such elastic band and put it on your hand.

Every time you think negatively, you pull back this rubber band, and it hits you painfully on the arm. Fortunately or unfortunately, she hits you on the arm quite hard. Pain arises - and you switch your thoughts from negative to this very pain.

You interrupt the flow of negative thoughts. Then again, when thoughts go in a negative direction, you pull back the elastic band and let go. Again the pain and thoughts switch again. You create an anchor in yourself: negative thoughts equal pain.

Thus, you wean yourself from thinking negatively. At first it will hurt, you will tear a bunch of these rubber bands (take out several dozen at once). But gradually, negative thoughts will become less and less.

Method seven: Tears are the best cure for depression

When you want, cry. There is no need to restrain yourself. There is such a phrase - “Tears won’t help matters”. But be that as it may, you will definitely help yourself. Through tears you are cleansed. That negativity and pain lodged inside you disappear through tears.

You can even watch specials to bring tears to your eyes. Have a good cry. And when you start crying over the movie, remember your problems and switch your crying from the movie to your pain. Thus, you will pay out all the accumulated negativity.

It is much more difficult for men to apply this method. From childhood they were taught not to cry, because it is not like a man. But to abuse alcohol on a regular basis is very masculine. Men - cry boldly!

Tears are a very powerful way to quickly get out of depression. Cry out your depression and move forward.

Method eight: Swear and shout

Here I am in no way saying that you need to argue with someone or shout at someone. In order to get out of depression, you need to swear and shout yourself.

It is best to do this in the forest or in a park, where there is definitely no one. You can turn on the music loudly at home and say everything... You just need to be alone at home. Loud music will drown out your roar and scream.

Now you know . So don't hesitate. The faster you get out of depression, the faster you will return to life.

how to get out of depression


In Russian off-road conditions, it’s easy to get stuck in a car. This situation is not at all exceptional, so every driver should know how to get out of the mud in a car. The condition of the roads in our country is already far from ideal, and with the advent of the off-season, an increasing number of drivers are asking the question: how to get their car out of the mud.


If you can prevent the situation in advance, you won’t have to think about how to get your car out of the mud. Therefore, the driver must carefully monitor the road and try to avoid areas where the car may get stuck. Of course, a detour is not always possible. In this case, in order not to get stuck, it is necessary to overcome the dangerous area at a constant speed. To avoid getting stuck, you must avoid sudden acceleration and braking. Other preventative measures include the driver’s habit of always keeping tools in the car that will allow them to get out of the mud. These primarily include: a shovel, towing equipment, a jack and several blocks.


To successfully get out of the mud in a car, first of all, you need to soberly assess the situation. Trying to squeeze the maximum out of the engine, you can not only get stuck even more, but also break the engine itself. If the car is stuck, and there is someone else in it besides the driver, you need to evaluate whether they should leave the car, or whether, on the contrary, their additional weight improves the quality of traction of the wheels with the surface. Next, you need to align the wheels. If the car is stuck and you have a shovel at hand, you need to clear the surface around the wheels as much as possible, and place some hard objects or dense layers of soil under the wheels themselves. After these procedures, you can get into the car and try to get out of the mud along a cleared path. Another way to get your car out of the mud on your own is to try to rock it. This technique is known to most drivers, and consists of alternately moving the car forward and backward. However, it is better if you have the opportunity to use outside help in order to get your car out of the mud. Perhaps there are people nearby who will help push the car out of the mud. But it’s even better if it is possible to use another car as a tow. Ideally, you can use a more powerful car as a tow vehicle. In addition to the tug itself, you will need a cable of the required strength and length. There should be no problems with this, since any good driver always keeps such a cable in the car. In order to successfully get a car out of the mud when towing, the actions of both cars must be coordinated. Another way to get your car out of the mud is to use a winch. To do this, you need to have a winch directly suitable for the weight of the car that is stuck and an object that can be used as an anchor.

As in most similar situations, there are several ways to get your car out of the mud. It all depends on the skills and abilities of the driver.

Controlling expenses is not an easy task, especially when you have several loans on hand. There are often cases when a person, due to his own indifference, drives himself into a financial trap from which he can no longer get out. It turns life into a series of endless calls from debt collectors, debt payment reminders and constant loan payments.

Step-by-step instructions from Platiza will tell you how to get out of the debt hole and start the path to financial freedom.

Remember what prompted you to take out loans and at what stage it became difficult for you to make payments on time. What would you do then to improve the situation?

Reason #1. Borrowers allow delays due to unforeseen circumstances that require financial investments and lack of free money in a critical situation.

Reason #2. Living beyond your means. A person spends more than he earns, unable to deny himself pleasures. Today he does not deny himself anything, and tomorrow he receives overdue loans.

You can live a happy life if you have loans if you follow the 50/20/30 distribution rule for income and expenses. Read more about him.

2. Calculate the total amount of debt

You can do this in several ways:

    Write down on paper how much money you owe in total. This way you can see the full picture of your financial situation and draw conclusions.

    Download the mobile app. With the help of special applications, you can keep track of all your debts. You can contact them at any time, and the notification system will warn you about the approaching payment date.

Mobile applications for debt accounting:

  • “Repay your debt” from Alfa Bank
  • "Debt accounting"
  • "Debtors"

3. Don’t get into conflict with debt collectors

Having a delay is stressful in itself. Communicating with collectors and bank representatives in a raised voice causes a blow to your psyche and does not relieve you of debt. Agree on payment dates and demonstrate your intent to repay the debt. If you pay off your debt according to the established plan, collectors will not bother you again.

Refinancing allows you to combine several loans into one. This is convenient because one loan is easier to control than several. When refinancing, banks are ready to offer a lower interest rate on the loan. Contact a banking specialist for advice and he will offer you options for refinancing your debt.

5. Build savings

    When you close the loans, you will break even and you will have no free money. At this moment, there is a high risk of taking out a new loan. If you have previously saved money, then there will be no need for a loan.

    You will form a good saving habit. You will always have free money and there will be no need to borrow. The most important thing is that you will have confidence in the future.

6. Increase your income

The higher the income, the easier it is to repay debts. Several ways to start earning more:

    Ask your employer for a salary increase. Show him your performance, back up your words with numbers. If the employer values ​​you, he will reward your work.

    Consider changing jobs. Use the services of the popular job site Perhaps there are companies on the market that are willing to pay more for your work.

    Find an extra job. If you are in a bad financial situation, allow yourself to work more than usual. Take a weekend or second shift job. Temporary difficulties will make you stronger, and after getting rid of loans, you will be able to return to a measured rhythm of life.

7. Do not trust the services of “Anti-collection agencies”

In emergency situations, the mind turns off, and the person is ready to pay for any solution to the problem. Fraudsters know this and actively take advantage of it. They promise to get rid of credit, write off fines and even clean up your credit history. But this is impossible. The debt will always remain with you, and there is no escape from it until you return the money. Instead of paying for a miracle that obviously will not happen, it is better to use this money to pay off the loan and solve the problem on your own.

Platiza advises its clients to take a responsible approach to applying for a loan. We are against debt overload of the population. Before you take out a loan, consider whether you can repay the loan on time.

Have you ever encountered situations when you needed to repay several loans at the same time? How did you deal with them? Share your tips in the comments to the article.