Who owns the Central Bank of the Russian Federation? Legal status and functions of the Bank of Russia. What is this banking organization?


People's interest in the question of who the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is subordinate to is growing more and more. The time has passed when people “ate” everything that was served to them by domestic political “culinarians”, and even more so by foreign professionals - lovers of spicy food. Now most people want to understand what is really happening to our state. After all, not so long ago we had to endure the collapse of a great country and a lot of human pain. To prevent such a scenario from happening again, we must not remain on the sidelines, but at least start by understanding the processes in the world and correctly responding to them.

“Give me the power to print and control the money of the country, and I don’t care who writes the laws,” Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said.

But indeed, those who have money are endowed with much greater opportunities than those who do not. However, as the legendary Sergei Bodrov said in the film “Brother-2”: “He who has the truth is stronger.” And if we proceed from this, then we need to bring the truth out. So, what role do central banks, in particular the Central Bank of Russia, play in the financial system of the world order? This is what the article is about.

State Bank of the USSR and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The deputy introduced an amendment to the law on the Central Bank to the State Duma in 2014, in which he proposed removing the bank’s dependence on the IMF. The amendment to the law was not adopted by the State Duma. This caused misunderstanding and protest among many people.

But with those to whom the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reports, it is hardly worth acting so directly and openly. After all, our so-called partners are already very seasoned.

Quiet revolution

The United States and the European Union live, as people say, beyond their means. Essentially, they live on credit. At the same time, developing countries are reducing their size and are able to increasingly influence the world economy and occupy leading positions in the IMF. We are talking primarily about Russia, China and India. These countries are now trying to reduce Washington's influence in the IMF and strengthen their own. The BRICS countries have united to reduce the harmful influence of the United States. And they are systematically implementing this.

The United States is faced with a choice: give it to the IMF, as a result of which it will have to “merge” Ukraine, reduce its influence in foreign policy around the world and not profit from the next global financial crisis, or Russia, China and India will “merge” the IMF.

In 2015, contrary to the expectations of liberals, the Russian currency stabilized.

The President gives instructions to the Central Bank about what, as it seemed, he could not do. Currency commissioners suddenly appeared at the Central Bank to suppress speculation in the foreign exchange market. Elvira Nabiulina states that the Central Bank will now focus not only on inflation, but also on exchange rate stability and supporting the economy.

Who does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation report to today? It seems that Russia is beginning to change the situation for the better.

Chairman of the Bank of Russia

Chairman of the Bank of Russia– official head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The status of the Chairman of the Central Bank is determined by Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”.

He is vested with the following powers:

  • act on behalf of the Bank of Russia and represent its interests without a power of attorney in relations with government authorities, credit institutions, organizations of foreign states, international organizations, other institutions and organizations;
  • chair meetings of the board of directors of the Central Bank. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia is decisive;
  • sign regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, decisions of the board of directors, minutes of its meetings, agreements concluded by the Central Bank, delegate the right to sign regulatory acts of the Central Bank to a person replacing the chairman of the Bank of Russia, from among the members of the board of directors;
  • appoint and dismiss deputy governors of the Bank of Russia and distribute responsibilities among them;
  • delegate your powers to your deputies;
  • sign orders and give instructions that are binding on all employees and organizations of the Bank of Russia.

The Chairman bears full responsibility for the activities of the Bank of Russia. He is obliged to ensure the implementation of the functions of the Central Bank in accordance with the law and make decisions on all issues within the jurisdiction of the Bank of Russia, with the exception of those on which decisions are made by the National Banking Council or the Board of Directors.

At the same time, the chairman does not have the right to: combine his main activity with other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative work, and also be a member of the management bodies, trustee or supervisory boards of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations.

The candidacy of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia is submitted by the President to the State Duma and is elected by a majority vote for a term of four years. He can hold this post for a maximum of three consecutive terms.

The chairmen of the Bank of Russia were:

1990-1992 - G. G. Matyukhin, Chairman of the State Bank of the RSFSR - Central Bank of the RSFSR - Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia);

1992-1998 - V.V. Gerashchenko, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

1994-1995 – T. V. Paramonova, acting chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

1995-1998 – S.K. Dubinin, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

1998-2002 – V.V. Gerashchenko, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (re-elected);

2002-2013 – S. M. Ignatiev, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

See what “Chairman of the Bank of Russia” is in other dictionaries:

    Chairman of the Government of Russia

    - – a permanent collegial body of the Central Bank. Members of the board of directors work at the Bank of Russia on a permanent basis. In this case, the council meets for a joint meeting at least once a month. Conducts such meetings... ... Banking Encyclopedia

    Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation- Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation... Wikipedia

    Chairman of the Board of Bank "St. Petersburg" Alexander Savelyev- Below is a biographical note. Savelyev was born on March 21, 1954 in the city of Kazan. In 1978 he graduated from the Kazan Aviation Institute named after Tupolev with a degree in mechanical engineering. In 1978-1981 he worked in the Kazan branch of Scientific... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Chairman of the Government- The current Chairman of the Government Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Government of the Russian Federation”, heads ... ... Wikipedia

    Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation- The current Chairman of the Government Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Government of the Russian Federation”, heads ... ... Wikipedia

    Chairman of the Government- The current Chairman of the Government Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Government of the Russian Federation”, heads ... ... Wikipedia

    Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation- The current Chairman of the Government Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Government of the Russian Federation”, heads ... ... Wikipedia

    Central Bank of Russia: history, functions and powers- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) was established on July 13, 1990 on the basis of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 75) establishes a special constitutional and legal status... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)- the main credit institution of the country, owned by the Russian Federation. Operates on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) dated December 2, 1990. The Bank of Russia is independent from the executive bodies... ... Administrative law. Dictionary-reference book


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Due to the fact that reports often appear on the Internet, the press and on television that the Central Bank has revoked the license of yet another credit organization - everyone knows this prerogative of it, but what kind of structure is the Bank of Russia, what does it do and who runs it, Not everyone knows.


The regulator of the monetary system in Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This legal entity is a government body, the activities of which are regulated by the main law of the state - the Constitution of the country and laws No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, No. 395-1 “On banks and banking activities”.

An alternative name for the Central Bank is the Bank of Russia, the accepted abbreviation of the Central Bank of the Federal Republic. Feature: the state is not responsible for the obligations of the Central Bank, and it is not responsible for public debts.

It is interesting that the Central Bank does not directly relate to any of the branches of government: judicial, executive or legislative and does not have any organizational and legal form.

  • Head office address: Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12.
  • Official website address: tsb.rf and cbr.ru
  • Authorized capital: 3 billion Russian rubles.
  • Date of foundation of the structure: October 1921, then called the State Bank of the RSFSR, since July 13, 1990 it has had its modern name.
  • Governing body: The Board of Directors consists of a Chairman and 14 members of the Board of Directors.

It is noteworthy that the Bank of Russia is the only government agency that is legally required to spend funds only from its own income, so the Central Bank’s implementation of transactions on a commission basis is not permitted by law, although it states that making a profit is not the purpose of the Central Bank’s activities .

What is it aimed at and how does it function?

In its activities, the Bank of Russia is guided by the following goals:

  • maintaining and developing a stable state of the financial market and the Russian payment and banking systems;
  • The Central Bank ensures the protection and stability of the national currency - the ruble.

What does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do? The functions are regulated by Law No. 86-FZ, it provides a complete list, the main ones are the following:

  • monetary policy of the country, its implementation and development (together with the Government of the Russian Federation);
  • in the issue (issue) of cash in the state and the organization of its circulation, the Central Bank is a monopolist;
  • the ruble sign in the form of a hand-drawn image is the prerogative of the Bank of Russia;
  • establishing a set of rules according to which banking operations are carried out in the country;
  • controls gold and foreign exchange reserves;
  • adoption and execution of decisions on licensing of banks and other credit organizations, revocation of licenses for banking operations, suspension of their activities;

A number of experts criticize the measures of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to “clean up” the banking sector in Russia, and emphasize that in the first 10 months of 2016 alone, the country’s economy suffered losses amounting to more than 700 billion rubles due to banks deprived of their licenses.

  • carries out banking supervision, controls and regulates the activities of credit institutions;
  • non-state pension funds can be registered only with a positive decision of the Bank of Russia;
  • the accounting chart of accounts, in particular its industry standards, are approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • official exchange rates - installation and publication in relation to the Russian ruble;
  • refinancing credit institutions and setting a key rate (since September 2016 it is 10%);
  • bankrupt banks that were not participants in the compulsory deposit insurance system still have debts to clients. Such debts to individual depositors are paid by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the procedure for such payments is provided for by Law No. 96-FZ).

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation participates in the authorized capital of Sberbank of Russia; it is prohibited by law from placing funds in the capitals of other credit organizations, with the exception of the possibility of participating in the capitals of international structures that develop cooperation in financial spheres.

SMS fraud: scammers send messages to citizens’ phones stating that their bank card is blocked, signing with the signature “Central Bank” or something similar in Russian or English transcription. They are trying to find out PIN codes and other confidential information in order to steal funds from the card. On its official website, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation warns that it does not send SMS messages and urges citizens to be vigilant.

Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The current Chairman (December 2016) of the Bank of Russia since 2013 is Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina - this is the first woman to hold such a post in the Central Bank of the G8 countries.

The Chairman of the Central Bank is appointed by the State Duma for a period of 5 years upon the recommendation of the President of Russia by voting. Moreover, one person cannot be appointed to this position more than three times in a row.

There is an exhaustive list of cases when the chairman can be removed from office:

  • the period for which it was appointed has expired;
  • cannot perform official duties due to health reasons (this must be confirmed by the conclusion of a commission of doctors);
  • leaves the post of his own free will by submitting a letter of resignation;
  • if he has been convicted by a court for committing a criminal offense;
  • will violate the norms of federal laws regulating the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

in case of corruption, concealment of income, failure to take measures to resolve conflicts, storage of funds in foreign banks and expenses (including those of his family members) that do not correspond to income.

Take any ruble bill in your hands. Look at it carefully from both sides. Do you find anything unusual in this bill? Nothing? Okay, put the bill aside. Try to abstract yourself from the idea that this is money that you are used to and, when spending it, you think not about money, but about its face value. Abstracted? Well, that's good.

Let's begin to make important discoveries for you. Firstly, on a banknote of any denomination you will not find an indication of the country where it was printed. The inscription “Ticket of the Bank of Russia” does not in any way indicate the country where this piece of paper was issued. For example, the American dollar clearly says “The United States of America”. This indicates that the bill was printed in the USA. Of course, on the “green bastard” there is an indication that this is a “Federal Reserve Note”, that is, a ticket of the Federal Reserve System, just like ours - a “Ticket of the Bank of Russia”. Why is the country not indicated, because it should be written, as in the Constitution of the Russian Federation - “Russian Federation - Russia”, or at least simply “Russian Federation”, “Ticket of the Bank of Russia”. I repeat, it is not enough to indicate on the banknote who issued it; it must also indicate where (in which country) it was issued. Otherwise, it turns out that our Motherland is called “Bank of Russia”. However, this is not true either. Without indicating the country in which the banknote was printed, the Bank of Russia showed that it has nothing to do with this country!

Even the US Federal Reserve System (FRS) indicates the name of the Motherland on its banknotes, but we do not.

Secondly, is the Bank of Russia banknote a state banknote? Certainly! - most of our readers will answer. But, alas, this is not so. There are no traces of such a state as “Russian Federation - Russia” on any Bank of Russia banknote. Even the double-headed eagle, imitating the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, has nothing to do with the State Emblem. By comparing two coats of arms, you can easily find ten differences.

Any Soviet banknote featured the coat of arms of the USSR, but any Russian banknote did not, although according to the law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia is a legal entity and has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and its name. However, yes! The bank is not state-owned, but has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation! Amazing metamorphosis!

So, the absence of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation on the banknote of the Bank of Russia is proof that these banknotes are not state banknotes, and the Bank of Russia is not a state banknote.

Thirdly, on all Soviet banknotes (and, by the way, on all US Federal Reserve banknotes!) there is, at first glance, a “completely unnecessary” indication, namely: This banknote must be accepted throughout the USSR or relative to the dollar -- This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private. There is no such indication on the Bank of Russia Ticket. Do you think it’s a trifle that this is provided by default? Imagine that you want to buy some product for rubles, but they tell you that you don’t have to accept rubles, pay for the product in dollars, yuan, euros, etc. Of course, you can refer to the law, but there is not even such a reference on the “Ticket of the Bank of Russia”. While you are running around looking for a law obliging the seller to accept your “Bank of Russia Ticket”, the product you desired may already be sold to someone who did not think about the intricacies of money circulation in the country, laid out the currency and left in a good mood! It's a small thing, but unpleasant.

Since there is no such indication, as well as the name of the country where the Bank of Russia issued this bill, such a ruble cannot in any way be called a national currency. Conclusion: “Ticket of the Bank of Russia” is the exclusive property of the “Bank of Russia”. The Bank of Russia has an exclusive monopoly right to this property.

But that's not all. The dollar issued by the US Federal Reserve is considered today to be an unsecured “green piece of paper”. However, there is something on this “piece of paper” that makes it secured at least with something. We are talking about the signatures of the Fed treasurers. In a sense, the dollar is the author's piece of paper. Our ruble is an anonymous banknote, not even backed by the signature of the federal treasury. You will again say that this is a trifle and I will again disagree with you. Is money a document? What a document! - you say. So why is this document without a signature, because this signature guarantees the most important thing - the authenticity of the banknote and the responsibility of the person who verified this authenticity.

On the Soviet ruble there was another very important inscription: “State treasury notes are provided with the entire property of the USSR...”. American dollars, as we already understood, are secured by the signatures of treasurers, but ask, what is the “Ticket of the Bank of Russia” secured by?

I turned this “ticket” in my hands for a long time and persistently, but I did not find a word, letter, or signature on it. Of course, “Bank of Russia Tickets” are secured by the assets of the Bank of Russia, as reported on the bank’s website, but there is no mention of such security on the banknote itself. If you say that this is also a trifle, that it is clear by default, I will not agree with you. The “Ticket of the Bank of Russia” is a paper, although private, but official, therefore, it must contain signatures and the relevant information mentioned above.

By the way, about signatures. The story with them was told by the former head of the Central Bank Viktor Gerashchenko, and someone else told him. When they started printing the new Soviet ruble, they asked Stalin whether it was worth putting signatures on these banknotes, officials of the State Bank of the USSR. Stalin allegedly replied that this could cause some difficulties, because today this comrade signed his signature, and tomorrow he was shot, so why reprint the money? So it was decided not to put the signatures of Soviet bankers on banknotes.

If we consider that since 1998 we have had four heads of the Central Bank (Dubinin, Gerashchenko, Ignatiev (two terms in a row), Nabiullina), then it becomes clear why we do not have signatures on banknotes. Although this is not an excuse. By the way, the US dollar bears the signatures of the Secretary of the Treasury and the US Treasurer, if translated literally.

Many banknotes of the former Soviet republics have signatures, but there are no signatures on Russian, Kazakh, and Belarusian currencies. But this is just for reference.

However, that's not all. It is written on the “Bank of Russia Ticket” that counterfeiting “Bank of Russia Tickets” is punishable by law. The state, which has no relation to the Bank of Russia as a private bank, severely punishes such acts. It is not worth counterfeiting private bank notes; for this you can get from five to fifteen years, however, the state prosecution in court will act on the side of the private organization and will act very harshly. If during the Soviet era counterfeiting was considered a crime against the state, then in the Russian Federation today this act is qualified as a crime in the sphere of economic activity. This is an obvious mitigation, but this does not reduce the severity of the punishment. In tsarist Russia, for such acts, people were deprived of all rights to their fortune and sent to hard labor. In the USSR they could have been shot, in the Russian Federation they give a maximum of 15 years.

So, an analysis of the Bank of Russia banknotes showed that the monopolist of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has the right to issue banknotes. The state has nothing to do with the issue of banknotes. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not subordinate to the state, and, therefore, is a private organization. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has a chairman. Today this is Elvira Nabiullina, as well as a board of directors consisting of 11 people. It includes, along with others, the former head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Sergei Ignatiev.

The Central Bank is not an LLC, not a CJSC, not an OJSC. However, it is being built as a private company. The bank's 11 top managers work under the leadership of the chairman. Now attention! Who is the founder of the Bank of Russia?

Neither the great Gugul nor the mighty Yaedex know the answer to this question. The legislation of the Russian Federation on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is extremely confusing and contradictory. These contradictions did not arise yesterday, but no one is going to eliminate them. Probably because this status of the Central Bank suits its owner quite well. The owner of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is unknown, but his power is limitless.

Let's look briefly at these contradictions.

The first contradiction. The authorized capital and property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation constitute federal property. The Central Bank carries out operational management of this property. However, the Central Bank is not responsible for the obligations of the state and, conversely, the state is not responsible for the obligations of the Central Bank.

The second contradiction. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not financed from the state budget and earns money itself, covering its expenses from the income received. However, according to the law, making a profit is not the purpose of the Bank of Russia. Its main task is to protect and maintain the stability of the Russian ruble.

Third contradiction. Since the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not a government body, it sets wages for its employees independently, like any commercial bank. The Board of Directors of the bank will appoint as many as they wish.

The fourth contradiction. Employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are not government employees, because our bank is not subordinate to the state, therefore, they are not required to file income declarations.

Fifth contradiction. Regulatory documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is not a government body, are mandatory for execution by all government bodies, local governments, legal entities and individuals. By the way, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the right to publish laws in the Russian Federation that are binding for execution is exclusively the State Duma of the Russian Federation. However, this does not apply to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Sixth contradiction. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have the right to participate in the capital of credit organizations, but this does not apply to Sberbank. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the holder of 50% of the authorized capital plus one voting share of Sberbank. Therefore, Sberbank is considered a bank with state participation, although the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as we already know, is not a government body.

Seventh contradiction. As part of foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, exporters are required to exchange part of their foreign exchange earnings with the Central Bank for rubles. There are other restrictions, but these are the most important.

The exporter is obliged to sell 50% of the foreign exchange earnings to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, at the rate established by the Central Bank.

What unspecified rights does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation have under such contradictory legislation and why was it created with such contradictions. Read the second part of the article.

I would like to return to this issue again. Once again, explain and show the “nuances” of the status of our Central Bank, which I wrote about in the book “Nationalization of the Ruble.” It is very important. After all, the so-called gold and foreign currency reserves (gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russia) belong not to Russia, but specifically to the Bank of Russia.

So is the Bank of Russia (CB of Russia) a government agency?

Laws are statements. The essence is expressed precisely in them. Emotions are not inherent in laws. Everything is written very clearly in them. Another thing is that sometimes legal education is urgently needed to read and understand them.

But there are moments where this is not required, because the wording of the law is understandable to any adult. Except, of course, “liberal economists”.

To understand, let’s take a law that seems to have nothing directly to do with the activities of the Central Bank. For example, Federal Law No. 152-FZ on personal data.

Recently changes have been made to it.

So, initially the wording of Part 2 of Article 4 sounded like this: “On the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, state bodies, within the limits of their powers, may adopt regulatory legal acts on certain issues relating to the processing of personal data.” http://www.rg.ru/2006/07/29/personaljnye-dannye-dok.html

Now it sounds like this: “Based on and in pursuance of federal laws government agencies, Bank of Russia, Local government bodies, within the limits of their powers, may adopt normative legal acts, normative acts, legal acts (hereinafter referred to as normative legal acts) on certain issues relating to the processing of personal data.” http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=PRJ;n=87877

As we see, the clarification in the law clearly tells us: there are government bodies, and there is the Bank of Russia.

The Bank of Russia is indeed not a government agency. This means that he simply CANNOT submit to the Russian state.

My opponents in the discussion on the Channel 5 program, having high-profile titles and equally high-profile positions, unfortunately, do not read the fundamental laws. And therefore they vehemently opposed the thesis I expressed that the Central Bank of Russia is not a state body.

But it’s enough just to read the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” or just go to the website of our “Central Bank” (which in fact is not ours at all), you can read the main thing, the essence:

“The key element of the legal status of the Bank of Russia is principle of independence, which manifests itself primarily in the fact that that the Bank of Russia acts as a special public legal institution having the exclusive right to issue money and organize money circulation.

It is not a government agency, at the same time, its powers, by their legal nature, relate to the functions of state power, since their implementation involves the use of measures of state coercion.

Functions and powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, the Bank of Russia carries out independently of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies.

The independence of the status of the Bank of Russia is reflected in Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in Articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”. http://www.cbr.ru/today/status_functions/

  1. Let us repeat the essence, especially for “liberal economists”: The law on the Central Bank of Russia directly states that
  2. it is not a government agency. It also states that the Central Bank of Russia is a special public legal institution. I emphasize – special.
  3. A special non-state institution. The law states that their functions

The Bank of Russia operates independently of all types of state power in Russia.

There can be only one conclusion from all this - the Bank of Russia is not subordinate to the state.

Or maybe “liberal economists” know all this very well? But for “certain reasons,” they always turn on the fool, they start giggling, “making funny faces,” when someone claims that our Central Bank is a non-state structure that is not subordinate to the Russian state.

But, as one smart person said, you can deceive some people sometimes, but you can’t deceive everyone all the time.