Innovation as a factor in the development of the economy. Innovation as a strategic factor in the development of the region Innovation as a factor in the development of the economy


It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "innovations" and "innovations". Innovation is a broader concept than innovation.

Innovation is an evolving complex process of creating, disseminating and using a new idea that improves the efficiency of an enterprise. At the same time, innovation is not just an object introduced into production, but an object successfully implemented and profitable as a result of scientific research or a discovery made, qualitatively different from the previous analogue.

Scientific and technological innovation must be viewed as a process of transforming scientific knowledge into a scientific and technical idea and then into the production of products to meet the needs of the user. In this context, two approaches to scientific and technological innovation can be distinguished.

The first approach mainly reflects the product orientation of the innovation. Innovation is defined as a process of transformation for the sake of producing a finished product. This direction is spreading at a time when the position of the consumer in relation to the producer is rather weak. However, the products themselves are not the ultimate goal, but only a means of satisfying needs.

Therefore, according to the second approach, the process of scientific and technological innovation is considered as the transfer of scientific or technical knowledge directly to the sphere of meeting the needs of the consumer. In this case, the product turns into a carrier of technology, and the form it takes is determined after linking the technology and the need to be satisfied.

Thus, innovation, firstly, must be market structure to meet the needs of consumers.

Secondly, any innovation is always considered as a complex process, involving changes in both scientific and technical, and economic, social and structural nature.

Thirdly, in innovation, the emphasis is on the rapid introduction of innovation into practical use.

Fourth, innovations must provide economic, social, technical or environmental benefits.

The innovation process is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation, which can be represented as a sequential chain of events during which innovation matures from an idea to a specific product, technology or service and spreads with practical use. The innovation process is aimed at creating the required markets for products, technologies or services and is carried out in close unity with the environment: its direction, pace, goals depend on the socio-economic environment in which it functions and develops. Therefore, it is only on the innovative path of development that economic recovery is possible.

Innovative activity is an activity aimed at using and commercializing the results of scientific research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products, improve their manufacturing technology with subsequent implementation and effective implementation in the domestic and foreign markets.

Innovation can be viewed as:





Innovation has a clear focus on the end result of an applied nature; it should always be considered as a complex process that provides a certain technical and socio-economic effect.

Innovation in its development (life cycle) changes forms, moving from idea to implementation. The course of the innovation process, like any other, is due to the complex interaction of many factors.

The use in business practice of one or another variant of the forms of organization of innovative processes is determined by three factors:

1. the state of the external environment (political and economic situation, type of market, nature of competition, practice of state-monopoly regulation, etc.);

2. the state of the internal environment of this economic system (the presence of a leader-entrepreneur and a support team, financial and material and technical resources, technologies used, size, current organizational structure, internal culture of the organization, relations with the external environment, etc.);

3. the specifics of the innovation process itself as an object of management.

Innovation processes are considered as processes that permeate all scientific, technical, production, marketing activities of manufacturers and, ultimately, focused on meeting the needs of the market. The most important condition for the success of innovation is the presence of an innovator-enthusiast, captured by a new idea and ready to make every effort to bring it to life, and a leader-entrepreneur who has found investments, organized production, promoted a new product to the market, took the main risk and realized your commercial interest.

Innovations form the market of innovations, investments - the market of capital, innovations - the market of competition of innovations. The innovation process ensures the implementation of scientific and technical results and intellectual potential for obtaining new or improved products (services) and the maximum increase in added value.

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Today's actively developing economy dictates to firms and organizations such conditions in which, in order not to be left out of progress and business, they are forced to constantly evolve. The changes taking place in society are so global that at that very time a simple reorganization of labor is no longer enough. Today, in order to comply with the times, its norms and trends, entrepreneurs must be able to interest potential client, attract him with a new product or service, keep him. The issues of development and implementation of new projects from the point of view of organization management are dealt with by innovative management. This discipline has already shown itself as the only potential way of accumulating and systematizing knowledge and experience in introducing innovations in enterprises.

Innovation management helps to effectively manage the processes of innovation associated with the creation, development, production, and distribution among consumers of new, progressive products and services. All aspects of innovation, from basic research to marketing and project shutdown, must be clearly and effectively managed. Only such an approach will make it possible to evaluate, make the right selection and, ultimately, benefit from innovation.

The innovation sphere differs from the scientific and industrial one by the presence of a specific marketing function, specific methods of financing, lending and methods legal regulation and, most importantly, a special system of motivation for innovation. Ultimately, these methods are predetermined by the specifics of innovative work and the circulation of funds, obtaining economic income and an innovative product.

The process of economic and political transformations taking place in our country has led to the need for significant changes in the activities of economic entities.

The former organizational structures are changing, interests are changing, and with them the mechanisms of behavior and decision-making methods. The changes taking place turned out to be so serious that not nearly all economic formations were able to choose the right path, the direction of development adequate to the social dynamics. Conditions for transition to market economy period require increased attention to the management of innovation, ensuring the effective development of production. Innovative business is the most progressive form of entrepreneurship in market relations. The market creates real opportunities for the development of scientific and technological progress. The fundamental difference between innovative activity in the market is the focus not on the capabilities of the manufacturer, but on the needs of the consumer.

Innovation as a factor in the development of an enterprise

In modern conditions, the successful operation of enterprises is impossible without innovation and investment. Market conditions for the development of the economy constantly put forward the requirements of not only quantitative, but also qualitative transformations. These transformations can be carried out using the most advanced equipment, technology, continuously developing the research base in order to ensure high quality innovations, which require significant investment. You can use technological, product - innovation, process innovation. Using technological innovations, the enterprise connects its activities with the development and development of new technological processes.

Innovation is the use in one or another sphere of society of the results of intellectual (scientific and technical) activities aimed at improving the process of activity or its results. Innovations can relate to the spheres of production, economic, legal, social relations, the field of science, culture, education, and other areas of society. This term can have different meanings in different contexts, and the choice of them depends on the specific goals of the measurement or analysis. Using the innovation product, the company develops and introduces new or improves previously released products. At the same time, the enterprise strives to produce a fundamentally new product, for which the intended scope (or use), functional characteristics, features, design, Additional services, as well as the composition of the materials and components used, are new or significantly different from previously produced products. When using process-innovation, it is supposed to develop and master new production processes or significantly changed ones. Process - innovation can be new or improved production methods already implemented in the production practice of other enterprises. The innovative activity of an enterprise is characterized by cost indicators, indicators characterizing the dynamics of the innovation process, indicators of renewal, and structural indicators.

Cost indicators include unit costs for research and development (R&D) in the volume of sales, which characterize the indicator of knowledge intensity of products manufactured by the enterprise? unit costs for the acquisition of licenses, patents, know-how? availability of funds for the development of initiative developments. To indicators characterizing the dynamics of the innovation process can be attributed to the indicator of innovation? duration of the new product development process ( new technology). Renewability indicators include the number of developments or implementations of product innovations and process innovations; number of acquired new technologies (technological advances)? the volume of exported innovative products? scope of new services. Structural indicators include the composition and number of research, development and other scientific and technical structural divisions(including testing and experimental laboratories)? number and structure of R&D employees? the composition and number of creative initiative temporary teams.

Like any organization, an enterprise needs constant development in its activities. If we consider questions economic policy enterprise, then the development of scientific and technological progress should be considered the first among the key problems of enterprise development. The technical development of an enterprise is an activity of an enterprise aimed at increasing the efficiency of work through the improvement of equipment, technology and organization of production in order to better meet the needs of the market. The technical level of production is characterized by such indicators as: development and implementation of new technology? use in the production of tools (equipment, fixtures, tools)? mechanization and automation of the main and auxiliary works? implementation modern technologies, including technologies that save raw materials, fuel, materials as much as possible and provide protection environment? product quality. In order for an enterprise to be able to pursue an appropriate economic, technical, innovation and investment policy, to comprehensively resolve issues, to respond flexibly and in a timely manner to emerging needs, it is necessary to have appropriate funds. Innovation allows an enterprise to achieve a competitive advantage. Innovation includes both R&D and improvement organizational structures and control systems. Does the enterprise need to develop innovative goals, which can be, for example, the creation of a new product? transition to a new technology? preparing a new service? transition to a new type of resource? new system management? new organizational structure.

In order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, innovation should provide:

The most complete and timely satisfaction of needs;

Competitiveness of the enterprise in terms of product quality and production efficiency, achieving a balance between stability (traditional technology management) and efforts to introduce new technology. While preserving the traditional productive technology, it is necessary to simultaneously direct part of the resources to the introduction of new technology, thereby diversifying the set of technical means;

Efficiency in a wide range of radical innovations and adapt flexibly to both evolutionary, constantly implemented innovations, and radical, periodically implemented innovations. At the same time, a combination of continuous management of evolutionary technological innovations and programmatic management of radical innovations should be ensured;

Organization of interaction between internal and external elements of the development system, the main factors of which are the system of information about the innovation market, the selection of projects from among alternatives and mutual interest.

Currently, the strategies of many enterprises are undergoing a certain reorientation, that is, a transition from the general use of the economic effect of large-scale production to a more focused innovation strategy. Innovations are the most important means of ensuring the stability of economic functioning, the efficiency of functioning and competitiveness. There is a strict relationship between competitive positions, the efficiency of the enterprise and its innovative potential. The efficiency of an enterprise can be achieved by improving the quality of products, implementing a resource-saving policy, launching new, competitive projects, and developing profitable business projects.

Of course, innovation is based on the satisfaction of certain social needs, but at the same time, increasing the efficiency of using individual resources or increasing the efficiency of individual production units, or increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole as a result of introducing innovations and obtaining innovations does not always happen. The final success of an innovation, expressed in obtaining an economic effect or increasing the efficiency of an enterprise, is influenced by a combination of various factors (economic, legal, technical, market, etc.), the impact of which is extremely difficult to predict.

Thus, it can be argued that innovation is an innovation introduced into the activities of an enterprise in order to increase its efficiency based on better satisfaction of a certain social need. At the same time, it should be noted that efficiency should be understood as a certain economic, production, social, environmental and other result expected from the introduction of innovation.


This article touches upon issues relevant to the management of the modern national economy regarding the definition of external and internal factors in the development of an innovative economy. The author of the article determines that the main task of the innovative development of subjects Russian Federation is a tangible increase in their competitiveness. At the same time, the local socio-economic system, the creation of which will increase the competitiveness of the region and ensure an increase in the level and quality of life of the inhabitants of the subject of the federation, is defined as an innovative subsystem at the mesolevel. This is an element of the national innovation system, the basis of which is the scientific and technical complex, which unites the institutions of science, education and production in the region, aimed at creating knowledge, developing modern technologies and new values ​​corresponding to the conditions. At the end of the article, the author concluded that the effectiveness of managing the factors of development of an innovative economy depends on the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the economic development of Russia and the experience of foreign countries.


innovation economy

development factors

competitiveness of the region

innovation management

innovation system

human capital

risks for the global economy

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The current practice and the works of economists show that the current model of the consumer economy has exhausted itself. One of the current vectors of economic development should be considered the formation of an innovative economy.

The basic foundations of the innovation economy are considered in monographs and articles by S.A. Mokhnachev, N.K. Kostenkova, M.P. Pavlova, S.Yu. Ilyin and others. N.N. Barchan considers the formation of a new model through the prism of the investment economy. P. B. Akmarov and A. N. Suetin explore the possibilities of automation. GG Bubnov and SA Titov consider new directions of innovation project management. M.V. Zharikov explores international aspect introduction of innovations in the financial and economic activities of enterprises and the possibility of using best practices. VV Muzychenko focuses on HR in innovative business. S.A. Mokhnachev , S.N. Suetin, A.K. Osipov and D.V. Kondratiev explore innovative processes in mesoeconomics. O.V. Kotlyachkov, Podlevsky and others assess the feasibility of modernizing the hardware and software base of industrial enterprises. The basics of innovation management in the agro-industrial complex are considered in the works of M.I. Shishkin, A.V. Zverev, A.N. Suetin and others.

The obvious task of the innovative development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is a tangible increase in their competitiveness. The local socio-economic system, the creation of which will increase the competitiveness of the region and ensure an increase in the level and quality of life of the inhabitants of the subject of the federation, is defined by us as an innovative subsystem at the mesolevel. This is an element of the national innovation system, the basis of which is the scientific and technical complex, which unites the institutions of science, education and production in the region, aimed at creating knowledge, developing modern technologies and new values ​​corresponding to the conditions.

An innovative economy as a whole is an economy that can effectively use any innovations useful to society (patents, licenses, know-how, borrowed and own new technologies, etc.).

The innovative economy was created, is being created and is developing together and in parallel with the growth in the quality and value of the accumulated human capital, i.e. parallel to the development of human capital. And human capital is the main complex and intensive factor in its growth and development.

The accumulated high-quality human capital serves as the main part of the foundation of the knowledge economy and determines its current level and development ceiling.

The innovative economy includes, as the most important component, the venture scientific, technical and technological business-risky business for the implementation of scientific discoveries, inventions, major technological innovations. Venture business is aimed at obtaining high profits and new technologies.

An innovation economy is an economy of knowledge and high-quality human capital. The locomotive of the innovation economy, the movement of innovation from an idea to a product and a buyer, a generator of ideas and innovations is competition in all types of activities. Innovative system and economy, venture business in developed countries are models for other countries, to which Russia belongs. The innovation economy includes six main components that need to be created and developed to a competitive level according to global criteria:

1) education;

3) human capital in general, including a high quality of life and highly qualified specialists;

4) an innovative system, which includes: legislative framework; material components of the innovation system (technology transfer centers, technoparks, technopolises, innovation centers, clusters, territories for the development of high technologies, venture business, etc.);

5) an innovative industry that implements innovations;

6) a favorable environment for the functioning of human capital.

Competition stimulates entrepreneurs and management to create new products, innovative products in order to maintain and expand their niche in the market, increase profits. Free competition is the main driver of new knowledge, innovation and effective innovative products. It should be noted that innovation processes are not only the search and acquisition of knowledge, but at the same time it is the transfer of knowledge between all participants. Knowledge can be transferred in two ways. Firstly, it is the acquisition of new equipment, technology, samples of finished products. Secondly, the acquisition or acquisition of knowledge can take place in an "intangible" form: patents, licenses, participation in conferences, professional retraining, getting higher vocational education. In all these cases, we can talk about either the ability to perceive knowledge, or about the processes of knowledge flow.

Scientists pay attention to the use modern methods risk management, which is especially important in the management of innovative projects. Security risks and political risks can seriously affect the development of an innovative economy. The likelihood of these risks and the extent to which they may affect the innovation economy vary widely.

Taking these risks into account, the Economist Intelligence Unit has compiled a list of top five risks that "could seriously change the situation in the economy and business over the next two years" . These scenarios were rated according to their "risk level assessment", or the likelihood of that risk and the consequences of that risk. The highest score is 25. Here are the top risks for the global economy according to the EIU.

1.Grexit could lead to the disintegration of the eurozone. Risk level score: 20.

2. The sharp decline in commodity prices and the collapse of the market in China lead to a slowdown in the growth of emerging markets. Risk level score: 20.

4.Difference in international financial policy leads to high volatility in the currency market. Risk level score: 16.

5. The growing threat of terrorism is destabilizing world economy. Risk level score: 12.

Note that the EIU did not indicate in its report another factor, which also represents high risk for world markets and the world economy as a whole. This is a conflict between North and South Korea.

Among the main factors that ensure the effective development of the innovation economy at the mesolevel, there are:

1) economic advantages of the territory (location, factors of production, infrastructure, economic structure, territorial attractions and places of recreation);

2) strategic capabilities of the territory: (effectiveness of government bodies, territorial strategy, public-private partnership and institutional flexibility, ensuring the ability of authorities and the capabilities of municipalities of the territories to create conditions for business development on their territory).

Among the factors that determine the investment attractiveness of a territory are also called territorial accessibility, the cost of labor, the availability of a modern communication network, the attractiveness of the environment, favorable conditions for territorial and regional policy, spatial and economic indicators of the development of the territory (employment, area and volume of financing), the ratio of independent variables (factors of production) and dependent variable (output); restrictions on attracting resources to a particular production; restrictions on the sale (marketing) of manufactured products. For indication investment attractiveness territories use different groups of characteristics:

1. Infrastructural: territorial and transport position, availability of facilities transport infrastructure, means of telecommunications, water, energy supply, waste disposal.

2. Financial: budget, extra-budgetary funds of the territory, commercial banks, funds of regional and federal programs; opportunities to attract borrowed money, cash at the disposal of the population.

3. Labor: total number and gender and age composition, number and structure of the working population, professional and qualification composition, educational level, labor cost, labor productivity.

4. Organizational: the level of organization of territorial administration, the presence of public and commercial organizations that can be used by territories (universities, associations, chambers of commerce, etc.).

5.Political forces that can promote or hinder development.

6. Informational: provision with marketing information; the readiness of the territory to use it to develop plans for the development of clusters.

Often the territory is methodologically considered as an environment for economic activity, public organizations and the population, therefore, the assessment of the situation on the territory is carried out according to the PEST-analysis method through the assessment of territorial resources in the context of 4 configurations: political, economic, social and technological. It is also common to study the competitiveness of territories based on a SWOT analysis.

However, the presented methods have a significant drawback - they do not take into account what happened in the era of globalization. deep stratification factors and conditions of production according to the degree of their geographical mobility. If we rank various production factors according to this indicator (required at all stages of the production process, from R & D to the sale of finished products), then we can state that, for example, created intangible assets have become the most mobile assets. Moreover, production and the population are becoming more free to choose their place of residence and residence in connection with the modern processes of globalization. Therefore, the role of factors inherent in a particular location decreases, and the role of factors that can be created within the territory itself increases.

Territories, on the contrary, serve as the focus of much more inert assets - natural resources, climatic conditions, infrastructure facilities. And, what is especially important, they are the living environment of the population, and not an abstract labor force, but stable territorial communities connected by common cultural and economic traditions.

While the mobility of capital and technology was low, their carriers were tied to the territory, and its competitiveness essentially coincided with the competitiveness of its economic entities. At the beginning of globalization, with the separation of assets from the territorial base, it became obvious that, moving to another territory, the subject “can take with him” far from everything. Each territory has its own advantages and disadvantages that cannot be automatically reproduced in another area. It turned out that right choice The location of production can be critical to the success of an enterprise.

Therefore, to analyze the competitiveness of a territory in order to create promising innovative clusters, it is not the factors in which one or another territory is stronger than another that are important, but those that are most significant for clusters. In connection with the above, the following two groups of factors are of greatest interest:

1. Structural factors (created or being created industrial infrastructure; availability of labor potential and high quality of the living environment of the population; availability of intellectual capital; effective territorial policy).

2. Functional factors (i.e. functions that the territory can effectively perform) - can the territory become:

cluster center;

Location of production;

Center for Innovation Activities;

Scientific or research center.

The combination of these factors determines the attractiveness of the territory for specific cluster chains, determines those of its phases that can potentially be carried out in the region.

Thus, the development of the innovation economy in Russia and its individual regions is currently being influenced by a number of internal and external factors, which can contribute to innovative development, as well as to accelerate the socio-economic development of the region, or slow them down. It should be noted that the effectiveness of managing the factors influencing the development of an innovative economy depends on the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the economic development of Russia and the experience of foreign countries.

Bibliographic link

Aleksandrova E.V., Mokhnachev S.A., Suetin S.N., Shamaeva N.P. FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMY OF THE REGION // Fundamental research. - 2015. - No. 12-2. - S. 331-336;
URL: (date of access: 01/15/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Belyakova Galina Yakovlevna, doctor economic sciences, Professor, Department of Economics and Business Process Management, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Chairan Julia Alexandrovna, postgraduate student, Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

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1. Belyakova G.Ya. System of indicators for forecasting regional clusters [Electronic resource] / G.Ya. Belyakova, G.I. Krasnov // Contemporary Issues science and education, 2013. - No. 4.
2. Belyakova G.Ya. Conception of social and economic systems modernization: essence and basic models / L.R. Batukova, G.Ya. Belyakova // Creative Economy, 2011. - No. 10.
3. Indicators of innovation activity: 2012: Collection of articles. - M .: National Research University " graduate School Economics”, 2012. – 472 p.
4. Pilot innovative territorial clusters in the Russian Federation / Ed. L.M. Gokhberg, A.E. Shadrin. - M.: National Research University "Higher School of Economics", 2013.
5. The strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2011 No. 2227-r / Legal server "Consultant Plus" [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
6. Todosiychuk A. Science, education and innovation - the main factors of economic growth and social progress // Problems of theory and practice of management: international journal: official publication of the International Research Institute of Management Problems. - M.: International Media Group, 2010. - No. 2.