Automation of IFRS - accounting according to international standards. Aspects of automating the process of preparing IFRS statements Constructor tool for filling out printed forms


Your company is already preparing IFRS statements using MS Excel transformation or is just about to start preparing them. Management is aware of the complexity of the process and decides to resort to its automation. To implement a successful automation project, you will need task managers (methodologists) and programmers.

The quality of your reporting, the timing of its preparation and the amount of manual labor depend on how competently the task is set for programmers, so the methodological base of the project is the foundation on which it will be designed and built. automated system accounting and reporting under IFRS.

At the same time, those responsible for the development of the methodology need not only to know IFRS and the specifics of the company's activities. Methodologists must have an excellent understanding of the automation process and the features of the selected software product. As practice shows, consultants in companies specializing in automation, as a rule, do not have a good command of IFRS. Specialists of IFRS departments in customer companies often do not understand the technical side of the issue.

Therefore, before embarking on the development of a methodology, it is necessary to make sure that this task will be handled by specialists who own both the methodological and technical side of the matter.

It is necessary to conceptually think over the issue of functional architecture!

In general terms, the role of methodologists in automation projects is reduced to the following tasks:

1. Participation in the selection of the optimal software product for solving the problem of preparing IFRS statements, taking into account the specifics of the customer.

2. Choice of a method for preparing reports under IFRS (full / partial automation, automation of fully parallel accounting, automation by converting from RAS, etc.).

3. Identification of the list of tasks to be automated.

4. Development / adaptation methodological documents to work in the system:

— Chart of accounts according to IFRS.

— Correspondence map (mapping) of data according to RAS and IFRS.

— Regulatory reference information and methods of its application.

— Album of reporting forms in accordance with IFRS and the methodology for filling them out.

— Calculation algorithms and data generation in the system (including scheduled operations).

— Loading technique initial balances into the system.

— IFRS accounting regulations in the company, etc.

5. Development of project documentation:

— Functional and technical requirements for the system.

— Terms of reference for the development / improvement of the system.

— Program and methodology of test tests.

— User and administrator guide, etc.

6. Testing of the developed functionality.

7. End user training.

8. Consulting support during the operation phase.

9. Passing an external audit of the information system (if necessary).

By the methodological basis of an automation project, we mean a set of documents regulating the procedure for accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS in a company, which is necessary for the design and development of an automated system.

There is no universal list of documents; it may vary depending on the project and the specifics of the company's activities. Let's consider the issues related to the set of methodological documents required for the case when full automation (all areas of accounting and reporting generation) is chosen as the reporting method, performed by converting data from RAS.

At the first stages of an automation project, it is necessary to develop and transfer to programmers the following documents:

1. Chart of accounts IFRS. If the company already maintains accounting in accordance with IFRS, then the Chart of Accounts exists in one form or another (as a rule, this is the code and name of the account in relation to the articles of reporting forms).

For automation purposes, the Chart of Accounts will need to be detailed and adapted taking into account the requirements of the software product on which automation is supposed to be performed, namely:

- select top-level accounts and sub-accounts;

- Organize invoice coding. The most common options:

  • analogy of IFRS codes with Russian codes (for example, account 50 "Cash" RAS, account F50 "Cash" in IFRS); for accounts that have no analogues, numbers not used in RAS are used;
  • linking IFRS codes to reporting forms (for example, the item "Fixed assets" in the IFRS balance sheet has the code 1100; accordingly, the top-level account for accounting for fixed assets will also have the code 1000, and the sub-account to it - 1100.1, 1100.2, etc. );
  • independent coding of IFRS accounts (M100 "Fixed assets", M200 "Intangible assets", M300 " Financial assets" etc.);

- determine the language of the names of the accounts (sometimes one language is used, sometimes several);

— for each account, specify its type (active, passive, active-passive);

— describe the analytics (subconto) for each account (for example, for the “Settlements with suppliers” account, it is advisable to keep records in the context of counterparties and counterparty agreements; accordingly, the first level subconto is “Counterparties”, the second level subconto is “Counterparty agreements”). To do this, it is advisable to analyze the Russian chart of accounts for sub-accounts organized on it and analytical features;

- select accounts for which not only total, but also quantitative accounting will be kept (as a rule, these are accounts with the "Nomenclature" analytics);

- Separate foreign currency accounts, which will be recorded not only in functional currency, but also in foreign currencies.

Depending on the specifics, it may be necessary to organize other features and characteristics on the IFRS Chart of Accounts (for example, it may be necessary to mark accounts for which accounting is kept in the context of branches / divisions; monetary accounts, the balances of which are subject to revaluation in accordance with IFRS 21 “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates” , and etc.).

As practice shows, it is advisable to develop the Chart of Accounts by the customer's specialists in coordination with external project methodologists.

An example of the document format is shown in Table. one.

Table 1. IFRS Chart of Accounts (Example Format)

English name

Russian name

Subconto 1

Subconto 2

Subconto 3

Intangible assets

Intangible assets

Intangible assets - Costs

Intangible assets - historical cost

Other Intangible Assets

Other intangible assets

Intangible Assets – Accumulated Depreciation

Intangible assets - accumulated depreciation

Other Intangible Assets

Other intangible assets

Intangible Assets - Accumulated Impairment

Intangible assets - accumulated impairment

Other Intangible Assets

Other intangible assets

2. The list of typical business transactions and the methodology for their reflection on the IFRS Chart of Accounts (Map of functional coverage).

The activities of any organization can be reduced to a set of business transactions reflected in the system for various areas of accounting. For example, the “Fixed Assets” section involves operations: receipt of fixed assets, acceptance for accounting of fixed assets, revaluation of fixed assets, moving fixed assets, changing the parameters / characteristics of fixed assets, disposal of fixed assets, etc.

Each operation is registered in the system in a certain way, for example, it is reflected in the accounts accounting: the posting, the amount of the posting, the registrar document of this posting are determined, a record is made. Another example, without the formation of postings, is a change in the characteristics of an object, for example, a useful life or a depreciation method: information changes in object cards or in special registers.

To form a list of typical business transactions under IFRS, you must:

— analyze and describe operations under RAS in information system for previous periods (a year or two);

— describe transactions specific to IFRS that are not reflected in RAS (accrual of a number of allowances, accounting for leasing, accounting for work contracts, depreciation of assets, etc.).

The next step is to determine how the described transactions will be accounted for under IFRS. Possible options:

— by converting RAS data according to the mapping rules (see below);

— separate documents in accordance with IFRS (some documents may already be provided for in the software product; they may need to be finalized, and in case of absence, they can be created from scratch);

- an accounting statement (operation) in accordance with IFRS. A universal document, in the standard version, generates postings on the IFRS Chart of Accounts, does not make entries in registers (does not change information about the object).

As a result, at this stage, there is an understanding for which postings it is necessary to describe the mapping, which should be excluded from the conversion; a list of tasks for automation is born in terms of documents that require revision / development.

It is advisable to entrust the development of the Functional Coverage Map to external project methodologists (since they are better aware of the technical capabilities of the software product and the results of this work will form the basis for the formation of the Functional and Technical Requirements for the system being developed) with subsequent approval by the customer.

An example of the document format is shown in Table. 2.

Table 2. Functional coverage map (format example)



Reflection in IFRS

Own fixed assets

OS facilities construction

OS commissioning

Own fixed assets

Acquisition of separate OS objects that do not require a set. assembly

OS commissioning

IFRS document "Adoption of OS IFRS"

Own fixed assets

For current operations

Advice incoming (branch)

RAS conversion

Disposal of property, plant and equipment

Own fixed assets

Write-off, disposal of fixed assets

For allotted property

Own fixed assets

Advice outgoing (branch)

RAS conversion

Disposal of property, plant and equipment

Write-off, disposal of fixed assets (depreciation)

IFRS document “Disposal of OS IFRS”

other expenses

Depreciation of own fixed assets


Primary production

Depreciation of own fixed assets


IFRS document "Amortization of OS IFRS"

Auxiliary production

Depreciation of own fixed assets


IFRS document "Amortization of OS IFRS"

overhead costs

Depreciation of own fixed assets


IFRS document "Amortization of OS IFRS"

General running costs

Depreciation of own fixed assets


IFRS document "Amortization of OS IFRS"

3. Correspondence map (mapping) of data according to RAS and IFRS.

In the system, the Compliance Map will be used to convert RAS entries to the IFRS Chart of Accounts and to search for account matches when performing regulatory procedures (for example, depreciation, month closing, etc.).

The conformity map is developed on the basis of an analysis of typical business operations of the customer. The Map can describe the correspondence between RAS and IFRS documents, between RAS and IFRS accounts, account analysts; matching for specific postings. If the IFRS transaction amounts differ from the RAS amounts, then for each correspondence it will be necessary to describe the rule for calculating the amount of the IFRS transaction.

A separate list is drawn up RAS transactions not subject to conversion to IFRS (excluded from conversion). For example, depreciation entries in RAS (Dt 20.x, Kt 02.x) are not subject to conversion, as they will be formed as a separate document in the IFRS system, since depreciation rates are usually different in RAS and for IFRS purposes.

In order for the RAS posting (not included in the list of excluded ones) to be converted into an IFRS posting, a match must be found for both the debit and credit of the posting accounts using the Compliance Map, the rule for calculating the amount is defined, and subconto values ​​for filling are found. If quantitative records are kept on the accounts, then the quantity must also be converted from RAS.

When preparing the Compliance Map, the priority rules should be described separately, for example: the highest priority is given to the transactions contained in the list “Excluded from conversion”, the priority of the next order is the transactions for which the most complete correspondence is set (for example, the transaction Dt 70 “Settlements with personnel”, Kt "Cash desk" corresponds to the posting of IFRS Dt F70, Kt F50, while the values ​​of the subconto to IFRS accounts are equal to the values ​​of the subconto of RAS accounts), the priority of the lower level is other correspondences.

Most of the IFRS solutions currently on the market provide universal technical capabilities for setting up the Compliance Map in the system, but you need to look at how much they reflect the needs of a particular customer. Therefore, as a rule, refinement of the typical functionality is required.

Mapping development should be entrusted to external project methodologists with subsequent approval by the customer.

Examples of document formats are given in Table. 3 and 4.

Table 3 Correspondence map of RAS and IFRS data (format example)

Dt/ Kt

RAS account

Additional mapping conditions

IFRS account

Filling rules

Posting amount


Subconto 1

Subconto 2

Subconto 3

Cor. check


Subconto 1

Subconto 2

Subconto 3

Subconto filling

Equipment for installation


Storage locations


Storage locations

RAS subconto value

Rule for corr. accounts

Equipment for installation


Storage locations

Construction in progress (CIP) nomenclature


Storage locations

RAS subconto value

ACS $ on the IFRS account x number in the transaction / / number for the specified subconto

Calc. from post. in rubles



Invoices received.

Any other than 60.11

Trade payables in RUB



Invoices received.

RAS subconto value

CCM $ on the IFRS account x the amount of the posting rub. // SKK on the RAS account for a given subconto

Calc. from post. in rubles



Invoices received.

Trade payables in RUB



Invoices received.

RAS subconto value

Rule for corr. accounts

Calc. from post. in rubles



Invoices received.

Trade payables in RUB



Invoices received.

RAS subconto value

Insufficient from damage to valuables


Types of income and expenses

= "Inventory, shortages"

Rule for corr. accounts

Insufficient from damage to valuables


Types of income and expenses

= "Inventory, shortages"

Posting amount RUB // current rate $

Table 4. RAS transactions excluded from conversion (format example)


RAS account

Corr. RAS account

Reason for exclusion


Subconto 1


Own fixed assets

Disposal of property, plant and equipment

Disposal of fixed assets is a separate IFRS document

Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation is a separate IFRS document

Primary production

Allowance for doubtful debts

Separate IFRS calculation

Other income

Exchange differences

Month-end closing is a separate IFRS document

other expenses

Exchange differences

Month-end closing is a separate IFRS document

4. Regulatory reference information (NSI) used for the purposes of IFRS, and the methodology for its application.

NSI refers to constants, directories and registers that will be required for accounting in accordance with IFRS.

Most of the NSI, as a rule, is already used in the RAS system and can also be applied to IFRS, for example, reference books "Counterparties", "Nomenclature", "Intangible assets and RBP", etc. Sometimes for the purposes of IFRS it is necessary to refine the details in these reference books, for example in the counterparty card, add the attribute "Group company" or "Related party" to build reports specific to IFRS.

The document "Regulatory and reference information" should describe:

1) objects that are available in the RAS system and will be used in IFRS without modifications and changes;

2) objects available in the RAS system, for which any details/parameters will need to be finalized for the purposes of IFRS;

3) objects specific to IFRS and absent in the RAS system. So, often found in practice:

- constant "Date of prohibition of editing IFRS";

- constant "IFRS discount rate";

- reference books "Account Compliance" and "Exclusion of Postings";

— reference book “Fixed assets IFRS”;

— register “Results of IFRS revaluation”, etc.

It is advisable to entrust the development of NSI to external project methodologists with subsequent approval by the customer.

5. Rules for accounting for specific operations.

These are mainly transactions that require the use of accounting estimates, for example:

- depreciation for IFRS purposes (what methods, depreciation rates, liquidation value to use; at what point to start and stop accrual; depreciate each object or group);

— impairment of assets (what discount rate to use, how to determine the fair value of objects, to which assets and in what proportion to distribute the loss);

- accounting for leasing (how to distribute the percentage component);

- accounting for operations under contracts (how to determine the degree of completion, how to estimate future income and costs under contracts);

- calculation of reserves (what formulas are used to calculate the estimated reserves of each type);

— data consolidation mechanisms (if consolidated reporting is required).

Some of the information can be found in the customer's accounting policy for IFRS purposes, some will need to be documented for subsequent automation. This is especially true for formulas and calculation algorithms.

preparation this document, in our opinion, the customer should keep to himself (since the specifics of the calculations are better known to specialists who already work with them in the company) in coordination with external project methodologists.

6. Album of reporting forms in accordance with IFRS and methodology for the formation of indicators.

The result of automation of the accounting process can be:

1) a typical Balance Sheet, built according to the IFRS Chart of Accounts, with accompanying transcripts (OSV on the account, account analysis, account card, subconto analysis, etc.);

2) IFRS reporting package (Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, ODDS, Statement of Changes in Equity and transcripts to them).

In addition, for individual areas of accounting, as a rule, the development of special reports is required. For example, "IFRS depreciation statement", "Report on the results of the conversion of transactions", "Calculation of deferred taxes", "Reference-calculation on the formation of reserves", etc.

For each "non-standard" report, developers need to provide at least its format. The methodology for generating indicators (from which sources in the system are taken and how the numbers in the report are calculated) is described either by the customer or by external methodologists, since before the development of a design solution it is not always known how information will be stored (what will be stored in accounting accounts, in registers , in documents).

The listed documents are the basis for the development of project documentation, including the main document for programmers - the "Terms of Reference for the Development of the IFRS System" (see diagram).

Scheme for preparing a technical assignment for the development of an automated accounting system in accordance with IFRS

In addition to the documents described, to start accounting in the automated IFRS system developed on their basis, you will need to draw up at least two more documents:

1) The methodology for calculating and uploading initial balances to the IFRS Chart of Accounts.

If earlier reporting was formed by transformation or the first application of IFRS is already carried out in the system, then as of the date of commencement of accounting in the system, it is necessary to upload the initial balances to the IFRS Chart of Accounts.

Under the initial balances is understood the filling of directories specific to IFRS, and the formation of transactions that make up the opening balance sheet.

Loading of initial residues is usually performed automatically for bulky and labor-intensive areas, for other areas - manually by the customer's specialists. In the methodology, it is necessary to describe the list of accounts for which the balances are loaded using technical means.

If IFRS is formed on the basis of RAS data, then most of the balances can be obtained by converting RAS data into IFRS accounts with subsequent reflection of transactions specific to IFRS.

The work on the formation of the methodology should be carried out jointly by the project methodologists and the customer's specialists.

2) Regulations on keeping records in accordance with IFRS in a company using an automated system (Requirements for the accounting methodology).

The regulation will become the final document, which will describe how the company maintains accounting in accordance with IFRS.

The document also describes the restrictions imposed on the IFRS system; interconnection of RAS and IFRS subsystems; frequency of data conversion; the sequence and timing of the closing of the period for the purposes of IFRS and other aspects.

The development of the Regulations, as a rule, is carried out by the customer's specialists in a format convenient for their subsequent work with the system.

Thus, the methodological component of accounting automation projects is quite voluminous and time-consuming. Given the importance of this work for the success of the project, it should be entrusted to high-level professionals who own both the methodological and technical side of the issue. To minimize the risks of the project, the documents that make up the methodological base, before being transferred to the developers, should be agreed with the customer's auditors who check the financial statements in accordance with IFRS.

Full automation - automation of all areas of accounting and reporting. Partial automation - automation of the accounting of individual sections (as a rule, the most voluminous and labor-intensive ones) with the unloading of data from the system for further processing, for example, in MS Excel.

Completely independent of RAS accounting. In practice, the method is rarely justified, since most of the data can be translated / converted from RAS, since the company's operations are the same regardless of the accounting system.

Correspondence between documents is described if it is decided to form IFRS posting by IFRS documents created on the basis of RAS documents. If IFRS entries will be recorded in RAS documents or formed by one universal IFRS document (such as "IFRS Accounting Statement"), then document mapping is not required.

Effective management decisions cannot be made without the most accurate and complete reporting, including reporting in accordance with IFRS.

Recently, representatives of various organizations increasingly have an urgent need to automate the compilation of various types of reports. This trend is easily explained by the fact that the preparation time required documents tightened, and the standards, at the same time, become more complex. As practice has shown, automation of the reporting process provides invaluable assistance!

Company "Informauditservice" has been providing training services for over 20 years financial reporting to various organizations using an automated system and in compliance with international standards GAAP, IAS.

The main goal of any automated system is to prepare the correct reporting of a given type (published, audited, internal, intermediate), reducing the time required for this process to a minimum. We select for our customers the optimal system that can solve even the most complex tasks even ahead of schedule.

Benefits of IFRS

The transition to international financial reporting and accounting standards allows banking organizations to:

  • reflect the real economic essence operations, focusing on the content, not on the form, as in the case of RAS, requiring the strictest compliance with the standards for reporting prescribed by law.
  • write off the cost to replacement if it turned out to be lower than the carrying amount.
    reflect the initial cost of fixed assets;
  • include only direct costs in work in progress;
  • work only with those funds and bank accounts that are available for settlement of transactions ...

We have listed only a small number of the advantages of IFRS, according to which all progressive enterprises report.

IFRS reporting methods

There are several ways of reporting under IFRS: the method of parallel accounting, the method of transformation of reporting and the method of translation of transactions, which differ not only in the complexity of implementation, but also in the quality of the information received.

The most difficult is parallel accounting, which uses at the input source documents and giving output reporting in several standards, as well as postings in accounting registers. In this case, all business transactions are reflected in the databases both in accordance with Russian standards and IFRS. This method is also the most expensive, and therefore is used by enterprises extremely rarely.

The posting translation method in one of the standards allows you to create accounting registers. Accounting is organized in one database in accordance with national standards, after which each of the operations is translated into the IFRS database (from the source database to the receiver database). Broadcast types differ in which currency is used (one-to-one, historical, current, weighted average, original, or preset). This method is complex and time-consuming, which also entails time and material costs for customers.

Reporting transformation is the best way to solve the set tasks

Based on what was written above, the most convenient, fastest and most profitable method of reporting is transformation. Transformation is the formation of reporting under IFRS, i.e. transfer of data to international financial statements from national ones.

This method is based on the use of storage technologies, which contain all the data that integrates with the software installed in the bank. Such storage can collect information from any available automated systems. This allows you to prepare individual reporting for the bank, as well as reporting for the group in which it is a member.

IFRS reporting transformation makes it possible to create reports periodically and on a given date due to the reclassification of RAS reports and their adjustment. Typically, the transformation is a set of tables that clearly demonstrate the transition from financial statements and Russian balance sheet items to IFRS standards. Note that the visibility of such a reconciliation can only be provided by this method of reporting.

Specialists of the Informauditservice company make any reports, reducing labor costs and terms of carrying out this responsible and painstaking work to a minimum. At the same time, even the most complex adjustments are made at any time. Despite the fact that some experts consider the automation of the preparation of IFRS reporting by the transformation method the most risky in terms of the occurrence of errors, we guarantee that our qualified employees will add one more thing to all the advantages of this method - vigilance: the reports that our clients receive are drawn up in such a way professionally, that the presence of errors in them is excluded.

Transformation of IFRS reporting

Today, the service of automating the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS is the most demanded. However, this convenient and fast way reporting is incorrectly considered the simplest.

The practical application of IFRS requires considerable knowledge and solid work experience, which is what our employees are so proud of. Note that IFRS, which is not a set of strict rules and leaves freedom of action for specialists, also has a downside: the responsibility for the literacy of the reports drawn up is completely on the shoulders of the person who undertakes to perform such work.

The approach to the implementation of the tasks set by the employees of our company is carried out independently, however, our clients can always act as the main adviser and the person who has the right to control the work process at any time.

Starting to set goals, we proceed not only from the essence of the operation, but also from the specifics of the enterprise, as well as its economic situation. Our specialists have extensive experience in such work - experience in auditing, as well as reporting not only for corporate purposes, but also in providing the necessary documents to international financial institutions.

Preparation of IFRS statements consists of several stages:

  • designation of the accounting policy within the framework of IFRS for each of our clients individually;
  • definition of the company's obligations;
  • drawing up a working plan of accounts;
  • treatment accounting information RAS, which will be translated into compliance with IFRS;
  • reclassification of transactions taking into account their economic component;
  • formation of estimated reserves;
  • recalculation of required indicators in accordance with IFRS;
  • determining the value of assets;
  • development of reporting of such forms that best correspond to the specifics of the enterprise;
  • preparing reports and explanations.

What do our clients get as a result of cooperation?

Our Clients receive ready-made IFRS statements and explanations to these documents in the form of four forms: statements of financial position, capital and comprehensive income, as well as statements of movement Money. Explanations include information on both financial and non-financial activities of a particular enterprise, which was not included in the reporting.

5 reasons for the absolute trust of our customers in us

  1. Company "Informauditservice" exists for over 20 years
  2. Our experience is confirmed by portfolio, client names and testimonials
  3. Our company employs highly qualified employees
  4. Automation of reporting will save you time, and checking documents by specialists will ensure their accuracy and literacy
  5. The reports that we issue have never had any complaints.

We guarantee impeccable work, which is backed by competence, experience, the ability to hear and convince, love for our work and respect for our clients. We listen to your every word!

Service cost

The cost of reporting is individual for each customer and is always beneficial for the customer..

    This article is so unique, that we couldn't find any services related to it!

The problem of automation of accounting and reporting processes under IFRS.

In connection with the spread of IFRS, especially after the official adoption in Russia at the end of 2011, the problem of automating the preparation of financial statements according to International Standards is becoming more relevant. However, at present there is no software product on the market that would satisfy the basic needs of consumers and would be a standard in its field, such as 1C products for accounting, MSProject for project management, AutoCAD for preparing drawings, etc. The reasons for this are that IFRS do not regulate accounting as strictly as, for example, Russian Accounting Standards (hereinafter referred to as RAS), and are more difficult to formalize. The main software that can be purchased is either very complex accounting systems such as SAP, Cognos, Hyperion, etc., or small systems of domestic manufacturers.

The first products are very expensive both in themselves, and their implementation itself requires large material and time costs. Only big companies can afford it. The implementation of such a system, as a rule, affects many business processes in enterprises and requires an expensive restructuring of the IT infrastructure. The products of domestic manufacturers can be cheaper and simpler, but usually they do not provide the full range of necessary functionality. The development of these products will also require large investments. producers hide technical features from buyers and offer a range of expensive services for the implementation and refinement of these systems to the specifics of each particular business.

Therefore, many have developed a myth - the automation of IFRS is difficult, long and expensive. I want to dispel it a little and describe an idealized example of how automation can be introduced into the preparation of IFRS in a large holding (more than 100 organizations can be included in the consolidation perimeter). The implementation time is estimated at 2…3 months, the budget is the department's own resources (for example, 4..5 people between reporting periods). Of course, you will not get a “big button” that solves all problems, but the effect will be significant. You will not be ashamed to show such a project to the management. Maybe someone will find this example interesting, because. automation of these processes in many enterprises leaves much to be desired.

The category of stakeholders can be different, so I divided the presentation of the example into two parts: for people who are not related to IT (How it works and what we are changing) and for IT specialists (Solution concept). They describe the same thing, but just from different points of view. If you are not an IT specialist, then you can skip the second part. For the preparation of reporting, the method of transforming reporting from RAS to IFRS is considered, since it is he who is used in practice in most cases and is the easiest to use.

Part 1. How it works and what we are changing.

A situation that is proposed to change radically.

Imagine the following picture. The company has been preparing reports in accordance with International Standards for several years. The level of automation of the IFRS department is low. The main means of automation are excel tables. A simple consolidation program can be used that does not allow you to build analytical reports. Either consolidation is also carried out in an excel file. Reporting is based on the transformation of RAS into IFRS. It happens like this.

Everyone from the enterprises of the holding gathers reporting forms for IFRS in the form of excel tables in a single file. This file will be referred to as "Package". These forms are validated and loaded into the consolidation program (or into an excel summary file). Next, there is a reconciliation of intra-group transactions and the calculation of adjustments. The results of the calculation of all adjustments are performed in excel files and entered into the consolidation system in a consolidated form. For the preparation of analytical reports and texts of financial disclosures, information is collected from many source files. Sometimes, for specific accounting areas, separate tables of transcripts can be maintained, passing from period to period (“Roll”). There may be many versions of such tables, making it difficult to analyze the information. Those. During operation, you may encounter the following problems.

1. The transformation package is tested long and hard. Because Since the package is collected in total figures, it is difficult to compare it with accounting data. You have to call the accountant and find out - on the basis of what data he filled out this or that line or, if you filled out the package yourself, open files with calculations and search there. It is also not clear to the auditor how the package was formed. And in some cases he is forced to repeat the work of collecting the package again or ask you a lot of questions in order to check it qualitatively.

2. In the consolidation system, reporting is collected at the top level only for synthetics: Account Amount, and all transcripts have to be kept in separate files. There may be several versions of such files, making your job difficult. Collaboration with such transcripts is also difficult.

3. To calculate adjustments according to IFRS, it is required to obtain certain data in different sections. Since the capabilities of the reports of the consolidation system are very limited, you have to spend a lot of time creating these reports manually.

4. Revisiting adjustments from period to period is difficult. You have to open separate databases and compare analytical reports. Those. all information is distributed in multiple databases and files. Its collection and analysis also takes a lot of time.

You have a lot of work and often have to stay late and work outside of working hours and weekends. And you still want to have time for your personal life ....

Basic principles to be used.

To solve these problems, I suggest you create a centralized information system for yourself. Let's say that you have little funds for development and need a guaranteed result in a short time. Therefore, in this situation, I suggest using the following principles:

  • Divide future system on modules. The implementation of each module should give a tangible result, both on its own and in combination with other parts. There are risks of not having time to solve something, so the system should work in case of failure or lack of time to implement one or another module.
  • Automate only the most difficult and time-consuming processes. First of all, you should focus on the main problems. It is their decision that will give the greatest effect.
  • Give ample opportunities to people in the field to automate their accounting area. Those. automation tools should provide some constructors that each user will customize for themselves. This will allow you not only to save resources, but also to involve people in the system development process, which is also very important in terms of motivation. After all, if a person is given the opportunity to facilitate his work himself, in most cases he will try to do this and will be happy about it.
  • Do not change the original data. You need transparency of the transformation and the ability to "stretch" the entire chain of calculations from the primary document to the final figure in the reporting. Therefore, accounting is supposed to be organized according to the principle of IFRS = RAS + Adjustment 1 + Adjustment 2.

Let's start with the following modules:

  • transformation package;
  • Automated tool for filling the transformation package;
  • Centralized data warehouse with analytical reports;
  • Tool-constructor for filling printed forms.

Changing the transformation package.

A transformation package with data from a local accounting system is usually built on the basis of many tables linked to each other. In practice, it is very difficult to trace the relationships between these tables. Automation of a huge number of such tables is also very complicated. We have two tasks before us:

  • Simplify as much as possible the structure of data entry into the automation package so that its filling can be automated while maintaining its completeness;
  • Add data decryption to the package, on the basis of what balances from which accounts certain lines were filled in.

As the implementation of these tasks, it is proposed to use the following solution. Two flat tables are added to the package for entering total information for the period from RAS:

  • Table of account balances in the context of all subcounts. Table columns: Account IFRS, Account RAS, Amount, Analytics1, Analytics2;
  • Summary turnover table. IFRS account, RAS account, RAS account, Amount, AnalyticsDt1, ..., AnalyticsKt1, ...

Data entry into the remaining tables is blocked (it is left only for entering the total amounts of the package for the previous period, since these amounts are not involved in reporting, but are entered for comparison). Data is pulled into other tables, for example, through excelSumsif() formulas from sheets of tables of balances and turnovers. Schematically, in a simplified form, this can be depicted as the following diagram:

Thus, the Auditor and IFRS Reporting Specialist checks the same package (if you already had it), but sees on the basis of what data it is filled out. Moreover, the IFRS chart of accounts is unified, and the RAS chart of accounts can be different in each system. At its core, the process of preparing the package requires posting the balance sheet in the context of IFRS accounts, and not filling the package with total figures from RAS, as is often the case in practice. The principle is observed - there are no changes to derived data, and the package becomes more "transparent".

It takes about two weeks to solve this problem, prescribing formulas and blocking data entry (depending on the complexity of the package).

Packet filling automation.

Because the package has been modified, now you can automate its filling. The challenge before us is:

Automate the spreading of the balance sheet in the context of accounts according to IFRS for a large number of holding enterprises.

Because the structure in terms of storing accounting data in 1C Enterprise systems is usually the same (it doesn’t matter if it is Production Enterprise Management or Enterprise Accounting), then it is proposed to create external 1C processing as an automation tool (the prototype can be found in the application). Those. for each accounting system, an external procedure will be launched, which, based on the correspondence table, will fill in two tables of the package. There will be two types of correspondences, for the table of balances and summary turnovers, respectively:

RAS account, Subconto1, Subconto2, Subconto3 --->IFRS account

RAS account, RAS account, SubcontoDt1,…,SubcontoKt1,…--->IFRS account

Next, we write instructions (including a video instruction with an example) and train specialists, and we transfer this automation tool to the holding's enterprises. With quality training and your support, those responsible for providing information for IFRS will master this tool and cope with the task of completing the package. Those. for each database, a correspondence between RAS and IFRS accounts will be created, which will be stored in a separate file and used as a parameter for an external procedure. The accountant launches an external procedure, specifies the match settings file, changes it if necessary, clicks the execute button, receives the report and inserts it into our package.

It will take about a month or two to solve this problem. Creation of treatments 2-3 weeks (development can be ordered from the contractor), their running-in together with the package - 2-3 weeks (depending on the complexity and number of systems). The terms for filling out the package will be reduced, "transparency" will increase. I think that most contractors for solving such integration tasks will either offer you to replace IT systems with a single platform, or offer the development of integrations with existing systems, which will also require a lot of time and resources.

Centralized data warehouse with analytical reports.

In order to automate reports and organize all your information, you need a consolidation system that would store all the data in one place. You have two main tasks:

Provide the ability to retrieve data from a centralized repository.

As a data warehouse and at the same time a consolidation system, I propose to use the Database Management System. The data will be stored in a structured tabular form. Their processing and analysis in this case can be automated.

Structure new system should be as simple as possible to obtain reports. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the snowflake architecture as the base architecture. We will add all the package data into one large table with columns: RAS Account, IFRS Account, Amount, Counterparty, Reporting Period, Project, Analytics 1, Analytics 2 ... To store possible values ​​​​of Reporting Periods, Projects (or types of products), IFRS Accounts, etc. Let's create separate tables. Thus, it turns out that one central table (RAS data) has many links with others.

This kind of architecture is very convenient. Because all data is collected in a single table, then using the pivot table mechanism, you can get a huge number of reports. This principle of construction is usually called the OLAP cube.

There will be a lot of data in the RAS Data table, and for the final IFRS reporting, we suggest creating another such table. The data from the RAS Data table will be rolled up and transferred to the IFRS Data table of a similar structure. Those. when the package is loaded into the consolidation system, the RAS Data table is loaded, then totals are generated for some of the columns and they are loaded into the IFRS Data table. The set of columns in the IFRS Data table is approximately the following: IFRS Account, Amount, Organization, Reporting Period, Adjustment Number, Analytics1, Analytics2. Analytics columns will depend on the specifics of the business. This can be, for example, Contractor, Project/Order, Product Type, etc.

All adjustments will be made only in the IFRS Data table in separate lines. Thus, it turned out that the Total amount according to IFRS = RAS data + Adjustment1 + Adjustment2, etc.

We keep records of adjustments in a separate table with columns: Adjustment Number, Adjustment File Path, Adjustment Period, Organization. Those. for each adjustment, we write down the path to the calculation file, on the basis of which it was generated.

As a platform, I advise you to choose the 1C Enterprise 8 system:

  • because of the ability to conduct rapid development;
  • due to the powerful data composition mechanism, what is needed to build reports based on one “large” data table;
  • because of the wide opportunities for development, especially in terms of Web technologies;
  • due to the large number of specialists in the labor market.

It takes about 3 weeks to solve the following tasks: creating a repository, writing algorithms for loading data from packages, creating two universal reports and creating mechanisms for exchanging with directories with a Regulatory Reference Information system (if you have one) in about 3 weeks.

Design tool for filling printed forms

We are faced with the task of providing data output from our Data Warehouse to a printable form. MSExcel is very well suited for automating the printed form. We use the following technology.

A) We create two sheets in the Excel book "Report data", "Print form of the report".

B) On the "Print form" sheet, we create a print form of our report. We will fill in the numeric columns, using, for example, the sumifmult() function, taking information from the “Report Data” sheet.

D) Copy the information from the IFRS Data table of our Data Warehouse onto the “Report Data” sheet. It is better to write a separate automatic procedure for this. You can preliminarily collapse the table a little by removing redundant analytics and reducing the volume.

The principle is shown in the figure:

You can improve the mechanism. On the printed form sheet, we create cells to set the parameters of our report. Parameter values ​​can be saved in separate lists and selected from the list. Depending on these parameters, the calculated cells of our printed form will be filled. One of these parameters can be, for example, Reporting period. Our printed form will be filled out based on the "Report Data" sheet and depending on the selected period in the cell. This method is suitable for filling many printed forms.

Another great feature of MSExcel is that tables can be inserted directly into an MSWord file using Paste Special. If you need to update the reporting, simply update the information on the "Report Data" sheet, and the data of the reporting book will be updated automatically.

It will take the developer about 3 days to implement this universal mechanism.

What will you end up with.

Now your data is stored in a single system. You have no problems with the output of analytical reports. Packages are filled faster, and you can always show the auditor where this or that number came from in your reporting. There are more opportunities. But you want more:

  • check your analytical accounting data in a centralized system with other accounting systems in the enterprise;
  • streamline and formalize the calculations and methodology of all your processes;
  • automate the calculation of adjustments;
  • etc.

These problems can also be solved by you. To do this, you need to believe in your own strength, have a close-knit team of specialists, use simple and effective solutions. The effect of putting things in order will be huge.

Part 2. The concept of the solution.

Initial conditions (before automation):

  • Big holding with different types activities (maybe more than 100 organizations);
  • The method of transformation of RAS into IFRS is used;
  • Accounting systems for Russian accounting are mainly 1C Enterprise 7.7 and 1C Enterprise 8 different configurations (including heavily modified ones). This requirement is not mandatory, but if it is, then you will get the greatest effect;
  • The enterprise already has an accounting transformation model in the form of a package, which is an excel file with reporting forms for collecting RAS data. If there is no such model, then it can be downloaded from the Internet. There are many such files in the public domain.
  • IFRS reporting is prepared not for the first year.

Basic principles used for automation:

  • Usage modern technologies(ETL, OLAP, unified data model);
  • Maximum use of the potential of available funds and minimum programming (only where it is really needed);
  • Minimal change of information systems in the field;
  • No changes to derived data;
  • Short terms of development and implementation: 2-3 months;
  • The minimum cost of further support;
  • Modular structure of the solution with the possibility of replacing individual modules with the emergence of more advanced technologies.

Business process (enlarged):

Preparation of RAS data (closing databases);

Filling in transformation packages for IFRS at enterprises;

Calculation of adjustments and their introduction into the consolidation system;

Preparation of a reporting book (main reports and reports for disclosures).

Problems (which will then be solved as a result of automation):

  • High level of manual labor, packages are filled with final data manually;
  • It is not possible to trace on the basis of what primary data certain figures in the reporting were obtained and, as a result, a long audit of packages;
  • Lack of analytical disclosure of figures in reporting in a single database. All transcripts are stored in separate files, which leads to data inconsistency in transcripts and final reporting;
  • A large amount of labor expended on building analytical transcripts for reporting and the inability to build analytical reports automatically using a software tool, because all analytical information is stored in scattered files or databases.
  • The tables of the “reporting book” are filled in manually, which leads to a large amount of time spent on filling it out.

Architecture of the solution and description of its operation.

Solution scheme:

Data from primary sources of information (databases for accounting for RAS) using a universal ETL tool (in our case, this is external processing for 1C) is transformed into a single chart of accounts according to IFRS and loaded into a consolidation package (an excel file, hereinafter simply a package) in the form of two tables: summary balances and summary turnovers on accounts in the context of all analysts (subconto). The principle of operation is simple. The user responsible for filling out the package at the enterprise creates a setting - a correspondence between his chart of accounts and the chart of accounts according to IFRS (the correspondence can include not only accounts, but also subcounts). Based on this correspondence, using external processing, tables of balances and turnovers are downloaded with reference to two charts of accounts at the same time: the RAS chart of accounts of the local base and the unified chart of accounts of the IFRS consolidation base.

In the package, through formulas, based on these two tables, verification reports are built, incl. and a trial balance according to RAS in the format of IFRS accounts (table of balances - for the balance sheet, table of summary turnovers - for the income statement). Package data (tables of balances and turnovers) are loaded into the consolidation system. Auditors have the opportunity to check package data using audit reports within the package itself, checking them against the RAS database.

The consolidation system is a data warehouse built on the "snowflake" principle on the 1C Enterprise 8 platform. Theoretically, it can be any other platform, but it is desirable to use a database management system. In our system, we will have two "snowflakes" - two central tables:

Table for RAS Data (contains RAS account balances and summary turnovers, loaded from packages);

IFRS data table (IFRS General Ledger = RAS aggregated data + Adjustments) with linking directories, some of which are centralized analytics. In my practice, these were reference tables: “Organizations”, “Projects”, “Reporting Periods”, “Chart of Accounts IFRS”, “Table of Adjustments”.

Data for the RAS data table is loaded only from packages. Further, these data are aggregated and transferred in summary form to the IFRS data table. This happens when loading from the package automatically. In the IFRS data table, it is also possible to add adjustment lines. Each adjustment is linked to an excel file - the source of calculations. Thus, the final balance according to IFRS can be decomposed by accounts into adjustment lines with reference to the calculation file and lines loaded from the package. The primary data does not change, and it is possible to trace the entire chain of calculations from the final result to the original data source.

The hierarchical Anglo-Saxon model of the chart of accounts according to IFRS is used (without correspondence). The income statement accounts are subordinate to the account Retained earnings. In this way, a link is provided between the balance sheet and the income statement. You can develop a chart of accounts for yourself or take any recommended one. The balance sheet and income statement are obtained using the pivot table tool based on the IFRS data table.

The data warehouse has two reports: IFRS Data Report and RAS Data Report. The reports are built on the 1C data layout and essentially represent two OLAP cubes: a cube for IFRS data and a cube for RAS data. These reports are built very quickly, because. in fact, a 1C platform tool is used - data compilation. Programming may be needed when you want to implement a link between reports, when deciphering the lines of an IFRS report obtained on the basis of RAS data, you can call up a report to decrypt RAS data. Thus, the report will allow you to receive a breakdown of IFRS data before primary analytics. Having studied the principle of operation of pivot tables, the user himself will be able to build the necessary reports for himself.

As a universal tool for obtaining printed reporting forms, it is proposed to use the following technology. The data is aggregated in the data warehouse and uploaded in the form of a table to a separate sheet of an excel book. With the help of simple formulas, the data source for which is an uploaded table with IFRS summary data, printable forms are formed on separate sheets. To update the printables, you just need to re-upload the data to the sheet of the excel file, all sheets with printables will be updated automatically. Any competent excel user will be able to generate a printed form for himself. This will save you many hours of IT work.


  • Automated filling of packages according to IFRS. In practice, it may turn out that you cannot avoid some manual filling in special cases. You can easily solve this problem by adding to the package 2 sheets for entering manual adjustments, which will be similar to sheets of summary turnovers and balances, and will also be uploaded to the Data Warehouse.
  • The process of accounting for information in accordance with IFRS has been implemented, when it is possible to trace on the basis of which primary data the reporting was generated (up to the balances on RAS accounts in the context of subconto);
  • A centralized data warehouse for IFRS by analytics has been created (Centralized directories, analytics from local databases, etc.). Almost all IFRS data is stored in one place in the database and can be processed automatically.
  • The process of obtaining analytical transcripts of figures for reporting has been automated.
  • The process of filling out the reporting book is automated.

To make effective management decisions, it is necessary to have accurate and complete reporting, including according to IFRS. Gradually, the standards become more complex, and the requirements for the timing of the preparation of documents are also tightened. Available resources are sometimes insufficient, or they turn out to be ineffective in a rapidly developing banking business. Significant assistance in this case to the bank can be provided by a reporting automation system.

The main objective of an automated reporting system in accordance with IFRS is to reduce preparation time by automating this process. In addition, when automating the verification of information both at the stage of entering it into the system and at the stage of monitoring the consistency of data in reporting, the number of errors associated with human factor. In this regard, the need for such systems is growing every year.

On the modern market, there are a number of systems for automating IFRS reporting using international standards and principles (IAS, GAAP) for various end goals and consumers (published, internal, audited, interim reporting).

Almost all systems use the method of data transformation from the national financial statements to international. They are built using data storage technology and are easily integrated with the software installed in the bank. Data can be collected in the repository for compiling reports in accordance with IFRS from any automated systems. At the same time, the tasks of preparing individual reporting organizations, such as those banking group, and consolidated reporting of the entire group.

Specialized modules of such business applications cover all stages of the automation process - from loading the necessary data to issuing ready-made reports. Even the most complex adjustments are automatically calculated, thanks to which labor costs and reporting time are significantly reduced.

A company that automates reporting in a bank, first of all, must understand what approaches to building international reporting are used in it. And also what problems prompted the bank to start implementing an automation system. This is already a job at the intersection of IT and business consulting. In fact, the task of the automation company is to outline a certain path, after which the bank will receive automation of reporting. In this case, the bank's BI strategy and the strategy for developing the reporting methodology are combined. Their development is an indispensable condition for creating a system that would meet the needs of the bank.

Criterias of choice

The choice of a reporting automation system must be approached very responsibly, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. Of course, when choosing a particular solution, a bank is guided by certain criteria, such as ease of use, cost, functionality.

“Since at the time of the start of the project to implement the automation system, the bank had an industrial solution SAP BW (data warehouse), we did not have any questions related to finding a solution,” says Oleg Ilyukhin, director of the IT department at SDM-Bank. - All the necessary data was already in the storage, and it only remained to correctly collect the necessary reports. Currently, the IFRS reporting automation system includes such components as source systems (ABS), SAP BW data warehouse, reporting forms in BEx (SAP application for reporting).

“Usually, before choosing one or another IFRS automation solution, it is necessary to identify the effectiveness of the project to automate the preparation of IFRS reports, that is, to correlate the costs and benefits of this project, - says Natalia Rublenko, head of the IFRS reporting department of Rosgosstrakh Bank. - The choice of solution is also influenced by the degree of diversification of the bank's business, its size branch network or the number of subsidiaries.

“Choosing one or another solution for IFRS automation, a bank should be guided by the main principle - the realism of implementation and maintenance,” says Arkady Zatulovsky, CIO of Nordea Bank.

Labor intensive process

Financial and credit organizations have different views on the process of automating IFRS reporting. For example, in SDM-Bank, the introduction of such a system is dictated by the high labor intensity of collecting the necessary reports and the risks in manual information processing.

“Since the first day of operation, Raiffeisenbank, as a subsidiary of an Austrian bank, has been generating IFRS statements for the parent company on a monthly basis,” says Natalia Shirokova, Head of International Reporting at Raiffeisenbank. “Raiffeisenbank has implemented an automated reporting system in accordance with IFRS, which is dictated by the need to prepare high-quality information for the bank's management and shareholders in a short time.”

Nordea Bank has partially implemented an automated reporting system in accordance with IFRS. “We plan to build IFRS statements on the basis of a corporate data warehouse (CD), - says Arkady Zatulovsky. - This is a staged process, since it depends on the stages of the data warehouse project (sufficiency of the loaded primary data). Prior to the completion of this project, the financial block builds a number of IFRS adjustments on the basis of the data warehouse, which optimizes the process of preparing IFRS as a whole.”

Rosgosstrakh Bank has not yet introduced an automated IFRS reporting system. First of all, this is due to the lack of quality software products on the market and qualified personnel among software developers, explains Natalia Rublenko. “Today, full automation of IFRS reports for a particular bank costs at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, and its implementation requires more than a year of painstaking work by the employees of the system supplier and the customer himself,” says the Rosgosstrakh Bank expert. - While 2-3 employees of a multi-branch bank with the help of MS Excel can successfully cope with the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS by the transformation method within 2-3 weeks. Moreover, the transition to IFRS requires a change in the existing business processes of the bank, and therefore, the document management system installed in the company, since the analytical load on primary documents increases, additional links appear in the document movement/approval chain.”

For the reasons outlined above, the construction of international reporting in Rosgosstrakh Bank is carried out by the transformation method, the essence of which is to reclassify accounts and transactions and adjust data Russian accounting in accordance with the requirements of IFRS.

The question arises, when does the task of automating international reporting become truly relevant for a bank? According to Oleg Ilyukhin, such a task is always relevant for a large bank: “Large banks must regularly confirm their statements for compliance with IFRS standards, so automation is necessary.”

Automation of IFRS reporting, in addition to the main goal - reducing the cost of preparing reports, also solves other problems, emphasizes Natalya Rublenko. “For example, the automation of reporting can lead to changes in the management of the entire bank. The efforts and funds invested in the automation of IFRS reporting can be compensated by improving the business processes for managing the bank and by improving the quality of the bank's integrated automation system,” says the specialist.

“The task of automating reporting becomes relevant for a bank as its size and profits grow,” says Natalia Shirokova (Raiffeisenbank). - Automation contributes to improving the quality and reducing the time of reporting. At the same time, an assessment of the costs of it and future benefits is carried out.

According to Arkady Zatulovsky, automation of reporting under IFRS is necessary when an organization begins to really live according to Western rules, or the requirements of the parent bank become mandatory for it. “These are the realities of all the subsidiaries of Western banks in Russia, which imply extremely short deadlines for preparing IFRS statements and the regularity of their submission at least once a month,” explains the CIO of Nordea Bank.

Automation of all stages

The mechanisms of the system provide automation of all stages of the technological cycle of preparing and issuing reports. First, the collection and verification of initial data. Accounting information and analytical data on transactions and other accounting objects are collected in a data warehouse from branches or subsidiaries of the group. The uploaded data is checked for consistency.

Secondly, the data of the category "professional judgments" is entered. The system provides interfaces for entering data missing in the national accounting, including risk assessment parameters, assessments market value tools in accordance with the requirements of international standards.

Thirdly, the regrouping of balance sheet items and profit and loss statements is carried out. This operation is done on the basis of customizable tables for regrouping the initial credentials into IFRS reporting forms.

Fourth, corrective entries are made. The system provides interfaces for setting up the correspondence of articles and formulas for calculating the amount of corrective entries. These postings can be done manually or automatically.

The next step is reporting consolidation. The system provides all the necessary tools to consolidate the financial statements of subsidiaries and associates and banks using the full consolidation method, the equity method or the acquisition price. Interfaces are provided for viewing data before and after consolidation, as well as interfaces for setting up and making consolidation adjustment entries.

As a result of completing all stages of the technological cycle, users receive a set of reports in accordance with IFRS: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, cash flow statement own funds shareholders, tables for notes to financial statements.

It should be noted that for the project of automation of accounting for international standards are characterized by the same difficulties as for all automation projects. Firstly, there are certain negative aspects in the work of the staff due to increased control and increased workload. Secondly, there are development problems terms of reference. Thirdly, it may be necessary to purchase additional equipment. However, if there is a strong-willed message from the management of the organization to make the transition to IFRS and at the same time it agrees to the material and time costs associated with this project, then the process will be successful.

  1. Maintaining financial statements in accordance with IFRS is necessary, first of all, for international companies, as well as organizations whose head office is located abroad.
  2. Also, IFRS accounting must be introduced by enterprises whose activities are related to foreign banks or investors.
  3. The third reason for automating IFRS accounting may be the requirement of a business owner who seeks to receive comprehensive information about how things are in the company, because the use of IFRS greatly helps to achieve management goals.

The introduction of specialized software that allows the company to keep records in accordance with IFRS must be carried out with the assistance of specialists.

We provide comprehensive services in the field of accounting automation in accordance with IFRS:

  • reporting transformation,
  • transition to IFRS reporting,
  • implementation of IFRS,
  • preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS (including consolidated),
  • training users to work with the corresponding software product, as well as
  • post-project support and support of the implemented system.

Stages of IFRS implementation

Our company offers its clients both a comprehensive implementation of IFRS from scratch, and the implementation of individual stages in this area.

In general, the full cycle of IFRS implementation includes the following stages:

  • Analysis of the tasks and requirements of the client, as well as the current accounting and reporting process of the company.
  • Development and unification of accounting methodology in accordance with IFRS and corporate standards.
  • Assistance in choosing a software product that best suits the needs of the company.
    We offer our clients to switch to accounting in accordance with international rules by implementing specialized solutions in this area:
    • 1C:Manufacturing enterprise management,
    • 1С:ERP Enterprise management ,
    • 1C: Holding management,
    • BIT.IFRS case and others.
  • Implementation of a system of controls (consistency of information, data protection, audit trail).
  • Adaptation of the methodology to the requirements imposed by the client's information system.
    Even if the company has already developed a methodology or has engaged a third-party consultant for these purposes, we will help to adapt it to the chosen information system and bring it to life in the form of a fully functioning business process.
  • Development of IT architecture for the accounting and reporting process.
  • Development of requirements for integration with other information systems.
  • Additional requirements for functionality based on business processes.
  • System design development and testing.
  • User training and test operation.
  • Support for pilot operation.

Launching IFRS accounting in 5 days! (Video)

Tip 1
Be sure to provide, because the latter are more flexible in matters of accounting policies and regulations. Probably, at the time of receipt and reconciliation of financial statements, you should think about the possibility of convergence of accounting according to RAS and IFRS.

Before setting up the selected IT solution, develop an accounting methodology, on the basis of which the corresponding business processes will be formed, which will subsequently affect the functioning of the system as a whole.

Get ready to increase the volume of work and tasks in real time. This is due to an increase in the degree of control, because now the company will have to keep two records, control them, verify and debug all processes.

Expert opinion:

“The introduction of reporting in accordance with IFRS is undoubtedly a trend dictated by modern market requirements. First of all, foreign companies or organizations whose activities are somehow connected with foreign business should think about IFRS accounting. Today, the most urgent tasks in the field of IFRS are setting up the mapping of accounts, building business processes for preparing reports, accounting for intra-group turnover (IGO), as well as consolidated reporting. It is the implementation of these stages that should be paid attention to when implementing an appropriate IT system.” - Tatyana Solovieva, Lead Consultant, First BIT, Sportivnaya project office