Construction and economic activity in the buffer zone of the World Heritage site: problems and prospects of legal regulation. Development regulation zone What does encumbrance development regulation zone mean?


"... The zone of regulation of development and economic activity is the territory within which the land use regime is established, which limits economic activity, and the requirements for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures are determined ..."


Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ (as amended on November 12, 2012) "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of peoples Russian Federation"

Official terminology. 2012 .

See what the "Zone of regulation of development and economic activity" is in other dictionaries:

    Zone of regulation of development and economic activity- the territory within which the land use regime is established, which restricts construction and economic activity, the requirements for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures are determined (see also Protection zones of objects ... ...

    Zone of regulation of development and economic activity- land plots associated with cultural heritage sites, within which a usage regime is established that restricts construction and economic activity, requirements for the reconstruction of existing buildings are determined and ... ... Big Law Dictionary

    Cultural heritage protection zone- a land plot associated with an object of cultural heritage, within which a special regime of use is established in order to ensure the safety of the object of cultural heritage in its historical environment. Protection zones of a cultural object ... ... Big Law Dictionary

    zone- 3.11 zone: A space containing logically grouped data elements in an MRP. Note Seven zones are defined for SMEs. Source: GOST R 52535.1 2006: Identification cards. Machine readable travel documents. Part 1. Machine ...

    Sanitary protection zone- 1) (for the purposes of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) one of the types of zones with special conditions for the use of territories; 2) (for purposes federal law About security environment) zones withdrawn from intensive economic ... ... Russian Environmental Law: Dictionary of Legal Terms

    Zones of protection of objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation- 1) (for the purposes of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) one of the types of zones with special conditions for the use of the territory; 2) (for the purposes of the Federal Law on objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian ... ... Russian Environmental Law: Dictionary of Legal Terms

    Decree 510-PP: On approval of the provisions on the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage and on the Historical and Cultural Basic Plan of the City of Moscow- Terminology Decree 510 PP: On Approval of Regulations on the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage and on the Historical and Cultural Basic Plan of the City of Moscow: 2.1.1. The authorship of the object of information about the person (last name, first name, patronymic and ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation- 2.1.20. Zones of protection of objects of cultural heritage of the territory, within the boundaries of which special regimes for the use of land and urban planning regulations have been established to ensure the safety of the object of cultural heritage in its historical environment on ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

A selection of the most important documents on request Development regulation zone(legal acts, forms, articles, expert advice and much more).

Arbitrage practice

The court refused to satisfy the demands of the company to the city administration to recognize the ownership of non-residential premises in the building. As the court pointed out, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 38 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation to determine the places of permissible placement of buildings, structures, structures, restrictions may be established in the form of limiting (minimum and (or) maximum) sizes land plots, including their area, as well as restrictions in the form of minimum indents from the boundaries of land plots, beyond which the construction of such objects is prohibited. In the case under consideration, part of the land plot on which the disputed building is located is part of the conservation zone of historical and cultural monuments, and the other part is included in the regulation zone of development and historical and cultural protected areas, the peculiarity of the use mode of which is the possibility of preserving 1 - 2 floors , predominantly residential. Meanwhile, the company has erected a multi-storey building on the specified site, and therefore there are no grounds for satisfying the requirements declared by the company.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Development regulation zone

The institution provided the plaintiff with a town-planning plan only on 10/23/2013. At the same time, on the basis of the plan, it was found that the project facility is located in the zone of regulation of development and economic activity ZRZ 2-1, which in turn requires the coordination of design decisions in KGIOP.

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Land use regime and urban planning regulations

Regulations: Development regulation zone

1. In order to ensure the safety of a cultural heritage object in its historical environment, zones of protection of a cultural heritage object are established on the territory adjacent to it: a protective zone of a cultural heritage object, a zone for regulating development and economic activity, a zone of protected natural landscape.

2. On the territory associated with a cultural heritage object included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, one or more protection zones can be established in its historical environment: a buffer zone, a zone for regulating development and economic activities, protected natural landscape zone.

Zone of regulation of development and economic activity

The proposed development and economic activity regulation zone is subdivided into four sections - sections 1, 2, 3, 4 - with the established land use regimes R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and the relevant urban planning regulations within the boundaries of the plots of this zones.

3.1. Description of the boundaries of the development and economic activity regulation zone.

The development and economic activity regulation zone with the R-1 land use regime includes one site - site 1 - located to the south-west, west and north of the territory of the monument, including local passage, road sections - st. Arzhakov and st. Kaliningradskaya, located in the zone of compositional influence of the object of cultural heritage under consideration.

The area of ​​the territory of the development and economic activity regulation zone with the R-2 land use regime is: plot 2 - about 1.19 hectares.

The development and economic activity regulation zone with the R-3 land use regime includes one site - site 3, located to the south-west and west of the territory of the monument and site 1, stretching along the street. Ordzhonikidze, local passage, st. Arzhakov and st. Kaliningradskaya, located in the zone of compositional influence of the object of cultural heritage under consideration.

Within the boundaries of plot 4 of the development and economic activity regulation zone, the following land plots are located, registered in the Unified state register rights to real estate and transactions with it: land plot К№ 50:45:40822:21, partially - land plots К№ 50:45:40822:182 and К№ 50:45:40822:159 elios").

The area of ​​the territory of the development and economic activity regulation zone with the R-4 land use regime is: plot 4 - about 1.23 hectares.

Mode of land use within the boundaries of the zone of regulation of development and economic activity:

For all sections of the development and economic activity regulation zone, it is prohibited:

construction of buildings and structures for industrial and municipal storage purposes, placement of facilities that create cargo flows, pollute the air and water basins, are dangerous in terms of fire, explosive;

construction of objects with an active silhouette completion (in the form of towers, spiers), dissonant volumetric and color solutions, facade decoration;

economic activity leading to a significant change in the terrain (cutting, backfilling more than 0.5 m) without justification, causing pollution of soils, surface runoff and groundwater, violation of the prevailing characteristic hydrogeological conditions (changes in the level of groundwater);

change in the routing of historical access roads to the Manor of A.N. Kraft "Kostino", early. XX century;

organization of unequipped places for garbage collection, placement of sites with garbage containers in the areas of the main view openings to the territory of the monument;

making fires;

laying ground engineering communications, placement of telecommunication towers, antenna masts, boiler pipes, advertising steles and other engineering structures of significant height;


economic activity without prejudice to the safety of A.N. Kraft "Kostino", early. XX century, without distorting the valuable panoramas, including the monument;

overhaul, reconstruction of buildings and structures, construction of residential and public buildings with infrastructure facilities, with the exception of special requirements for sections 1, 4 (limiting construction parameters for individual sections are determined by urban planning regulations);

fencing of individual sections, placement of engineering infrastructure facilities (TP, CTP) in the depths of building sites;

repair, reconstruction of the road surface of roads, local passages, footpaths, placement of parking lots along roads and local passages;

carrying out works on landscaping and landscaping of the territory, placing small architectural forms (benches, urns, lanterns), carrying out reconstructive and formation felling, sanitary felling of green spaces, planting traditional tree species along the main entrances to the A.N. Kraft "Kostino", early. XX century;

laying, repair, reconstruction of engineering communications, overhead and underground communication lines and power lines;

any earthworks with the obligatory supervision of an archaeologist, with the exception of special requirements for site 2.

construction of new capital construction facilities;

reconstruction (expansion, superstructure) of the administrative building of OJSC “Corporation “TRV”;


reconstruction of individual elements of the building of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2005 (side extensions, extensions) in the existing height parameters;

repair, reconstruction of roads (Kaliningradskaya St., Arzhakov St.), local passage without expansion towards the territory of the monument;

placement of public transport stops along the street. Kaliningrad.

new construction to replace the worn-out fund with an increase in the area of ​​the development spot, the placement of objects that create significant car flows and increase the anthropogenic load on the territory of the monument;

the use of the territory of the monument (park) as an adjoining territory of residential buildings;

the use of shiny and brightly colored roofing and wall coverings of buildings;

significant dynamic impact on soils, creating potentially destructive vibration loads;

carrying out any excavation work without advanced archaeological research;


functional solution planning organization territory and placement of projected volumes on the site of demolished residential buildings in conjunction with the historical planning structure of the Estate of A.N. Kraft "Kostino", early. XX century, with the preservation of the modern access road (Ilyicha Street) and on the basis of a project agreed with the authorities for the protection of cultural heritage sites;

in case of demolition of residential building No. 32 on the street. Dzerzhinsky, upon discovery of the foundations of lost historical buildings (the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1691, the bell tower in 1863), the exclusion of this place from the construction zone with the breakdown of a memorial square and the installation of a memorial sign or a chapel.

overhaul, reconstruction of existing low-value buildings (garages);

construction of new buildings and structures exceeding the height parameters established by the urban planning regulations;

planning of the territory without taking into account the organization of "green corridors" free from development, providing access to the territory of the monument;

Urban planning regulations within the boundaries of the zone of regulation of development and economic activity:

For plot 1 with land use regime P-1, it is allowed:

fencing of individual sections of the territory using forged, cast and similar "transparent" metal fences with height parameters up to 1 m;

landscaping of the territory with the arrangement of ordinary plantings of traditional tree species (linden, maple, birch, poplar) along the local passage, st. Arzhakova, st. Kaliningrad;

the use of "rocket" landings with a width of at least 5 m, which ensure the neutralization of the influence of the adjacent modern buildings.

For plot 2 with land use regime R-2, it is allowed:

new construction of residential and public buildings in the constructivist style with height parameters of the main volume up to 18 m (no more than six floors), with maximum permissible height parameters of separately protruding structural elements (ledges, extensions, etc.) up to 24 m, counting from the level land to the top of the building, with a decrease in the height parameters of possible construction near the intersection of the street. Kaliningradskaya and st. Dzerzhinsky up to 15 m;

architectural design of facades of buildings and structures using decorative elements, proportions of window openings, type of decoration in the style of early constructivism, similar to the buildings of the former Bolshevskaya labor commune;

device along the street. Dzerzhinsky no more than three parking lots with a capacity of no more than 20 cars each;

landscaping of the territory with the arrangement of ordinary plantings of traditional tree species (linden, maple, birch, poplar) along the street. Dzerzhinsky in order to form a landscaped building facade, neutral in relation to the monument;

the use of "rocket" landings with a width of at least 5 m, ensuring the neutralization of the influence of engineering infrastructure facilities.

For plot 3 with land use regime P-3, it is allowed:

reconstruction of buildings and structures in the existing parameters;

new construction of residential and non-residential buildings and structures, objects of cultural and community, commercial, office and business purposes with height parameters up to 15 m, counting from ground level to the top of the building, including all structural and decorative elements, with an increase in the height parameters of possible construction near southern border of the site up to 30 m;

For plot 4 with land use regime P-4, it is allowed:

stage-by-stage reorganization of the territory in accordance with the town-planning documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure;

new construction of residential and public buildings (cultural, commercial, office and business facilities, sports, recreation, healthcare) with maximum permissible height parameters of up to 30 m, counting from ground level to the top of the building, including all structural and decorative elements ;

finishing facades of neutral colors and textures, with the exception of sharply dominant elements;

fencing of individual sections of the territory using forged, cast and similar "transparent" metal fences with height parameters up to 1.5 m;

organization of entrances to the projected residential areas from existing roads and local driveways;

landscaping of the territory with the arrangement of row plantings of traditional tree species (linden, maple, birch, poplar) along the perimeter of the quarters in order to form a landscaped facade of the building, neutral in relation to the monument;

creation of buffer green areas with a width of at least 10 m, ensuring the neutralization of the influence of modern development.

Protected natural landscape zone

The protected natural landscape zone is established in order to preserve valuable elements of the historical landscape, the compositional connection of the cultural heritage object under consideration with the natural environment, the integrity of the historical, urban planning and spatial environment in the zone of compositional influence of the cultural heritage object in a rapidly changing urban planning situation in the modern developing city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

Description of the boundary of the protected natural landscape zone.

The protected natural landscape zone is located to the north of the territory of the monument and section 1 of the development and economic activity regulation zone; includes the entire southern part of the Kostino DiKTs park - up to the drainage ditch crossing the park territory in the direction from west to east.

Park DiKTs "Kostino", organized on the site of a previously existing mixed forest and reproducing the historical landscape, is located in the zone of compositional influence of the object of cultural heritage of regional significance of the Estate of A.N. Kraft "Kostino", early. 20th century

Within the boundaries of the protected natural landscape zone, there are no land plots registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with it.

Protected natural landscape zone, see drawing No. 1 this project"Map (scheme) of boundaries of protection zones" on a scale of 1:2000, indicated by numbers: 10, 21, 22, 11, and graphically.

The boundary of the territory of the protected natural landscape zone passes: from point 10 - located near the crossing of the northern border

right of way of the road - st. Kaliningrad and eastern border of the right of way of the road - st. Arzhakov, on the southwestern corner of the territory of the Kostino DiKTs park, at a distance of 60 m north of the main entrance to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;

10 - 21 - to the northeast 128 m along the footpath that runs along the street. Arzhakov;

22 - to the southeast-east, southeast, southeast-east, total - 265 m, along the territory of the Kostino DiKTs park, along the drainage ditch;

11 - to the south 78 m along the footpath running along the street. Dzerzhinsky;

11 - 10 - to the northwest-west 262 m along the northern border of the right of way of the road - st. Kaliningradskaya, along the southern border of the park DiKTs "Kostino", to the starting point.

The area of ​​the protected natural landscape zone is about 2.53 hectares.

Mode of land use within the boundaries of the protected natural landscape zone:

On the territory of the zone of protected natural landscape it is prohibited:

construction capital buildings and structures;

economic activity that violates the nature and appearance of the historical natural environment of the A.N. Kraft "Kostino", early. XX century;

clear felling of green spaces, damage to species composition, destruction of old-growth trees of valuable species, valuable soil-protective vegetation;

a significant change in the terrain (cutting, backfilling more than 0.5 m) without justification;

pollution of soils, surface runoff and groundwater, violation of the existing characteristic hydrogeological conditions (changes in the level of groundwater);

organization of unequipped places for garbage collection;

making fires;

construction of reinforced concrete fences, fences made of profiled metal and similar “deaf” fences;

laying of high-speed highways and roads, organization of parking lots;

laying of ground engineering communications, placement of telecommunication towers, antenna masts and other significant engineering structures;


economic activity aimed at the preservation and restoration (regeneration) of the characteristic natural environment of the A.N. Kraft "Kostino", early. XX century;

preservation and further formation of the recreational nature of the territory with adaptation for modern use;

construction of non-permanent objects of improvement and maintenance of the recreational area (sheds for equipment rental: deck chairs, bicycles, roller skates), placement of small architectural forms (arbours, benches, urns, lanterns, decorative and drinking fountains) adapted to the historical environment inherent in the monument, with height parameters up to 4 m;

organization of walking and cycling routes, arrangement of sites for recreational use (sites

recreation), equipped modern system landscape


application finishing materials non-capital facilities

improvement and maintenance of the recreational area, small architectural forms, road surfaces, paving elements of neutral colors and textures;

perimeter fencing using forged, cast and similar "transparent" metal fences with height parameters up to 2 m;

carrying out works on improvement and gardening of the territory, taking into account the preservation of valuable green spaces;

carrying out medical and recreational activities for diseased and weakened old-growth trees of valuable species, thinning for the purpose of reconstructing a green area, with subsequent compensation of green spaces;

repair of the pavement of walking and cycling paths;

laying paths, underground engineering communications, taking into account the preservation of valuable green spaces.

In accordance with Urban Planning Code(Article 36. Town-planning regulations, paragraph 4) the town-planning regulations do not apply to land plots within the boundaries of common areas (in this case, within the boundaries of the Kostino DiKC park, the southern part of which is included in the protected natural landscape zone).

The mode of use of these territories provides for a more active and diverse reconstruction of the environment, individual buildings and structures. If only regeneration of the environment is allowed in the protection zones of monuments; conservation, restoration and reconstruction of monuments, then more active methods of urban planning, volumetric and functional reconstruction can be used in the regulated development zone, namely, renovation, transformation and restructuring of the environment, partial and complete modernization of historical and modern buildings, new construction.

The degree of reconstructive intervention is determined by the following:

- object value(an architectural monument, a valuable building, a low-value building, a disharmonious building);

- preservation of the object and environment(4 categories of preservation: maximally preserved; preserved with minor changes in the space-planning decision; preserved with significant changes in the space-planning decision; not preserved (is in a ruined state));

- modern requirements to the object and environment;

- accommodation object in relation to the protected zone of the monument;

When designing in a regulated development zone, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the mode of use of development regulation zones.


Valuable historical planning and development, landscaping and landscaping, expressive elements of the landscape;

The significance of monuments in the architectural and spatial organization of the environment is preserved and restored. What does it mean? This means that the basic principle of subordination is preserved. The monument is the dominant, all other buildings are its background, subordinate to it; those. planning, architectural and functional everything should be subordinated to the monument or complement it;

The best viewing conditions for monuments are provided;

Compliance of all buildings and structures with the historical environment in terms of scale is ensured.


Supplementing the existing planning structure with new streets, driveways and entrances; (the formation of new streets comes after a comparison of historical plans and the modern planning structure by superimposing them on each other);

Expanding the boundaries of the red lines of historical streets, while maintaining their direction;

Formation of new quarters is allowed; (usually in an undeveloped area or vacated then warehouse or other disharmonious outbuildings; the form quarters is determined after comparing historical plans and modern planning structure by superimposing them on each other; the size new quarters should be smaller than the territory of the monument, the size of buildings in terms of spot and volume - less than the size of the monument);

A fairly active construction of new buildings is allowed, but, at the same time, they are clearly regulated by:

1) placement;

2) methods of planning organization (as a rule, quarterly, perimeter with a courtyard;

3) height (in each individual city - differently, depending on the height of the monuments and the number of storeys of historical buildings; in Kyiv - 27m);

4) the length of the facades (no more than the traditional length of the facade of historical buildings for a given city; small towns - 3-4 windows; multi-sectional - prohibited, or sections must differ from each other in height and plasticity);

5) scale (according to the prevailing in the given historical environment for ordinary, accent and dominant buildings);

6) the nature of the division of facades, vertical and horizontal (close to historical);

7) plastic and color solutions (there may be new forms, new materials, but similar in color and plastic in a given environment);

8) functional use (the new function should not contradict the historical ones, should complement and develop them; should not cause the destruction of the ensemble).

In general, the correct functional organization is very important point in the mode of using the building regulation zone. It is very important which function to remove, as disharmonious, and which one to add in order to actively develop the environment, but not harm this activity.

So, it should be REMOVED from the development regulation zone

disharmonious industrial and warehouse enterprises. There are three options:

1. Renovation (updating) of the industrial enterprise. The enterprise is modernized, re-profiled, the territory is reduced, only harmless production remains, which does not require large storage facilities and transport load.

2. Adaptation to a new function with a change appearance- complete modernization.

3. Demolition, in place - a recreational area.

If for some reason it is impossible to demolish disharmonious buildings or a complete modernization does not completely solve the problem (for example, lowering the height), they make the so-called "green curtain" that will visually separate the historical buildings. Exactly the same technique is used if it is necessary to separate a transit highway from the historical building and this highway cannot be moved in any way.

Concerning empty, abandoned territories. There are many of them, especially in small towns. Empty territories after studying and drawing up a historical and urban planning justification can also either be built up with new buildings with a missing function, or be given over for recreation.

In the building regulation zone it is PROHIBITED:

Placement of new industrial, transport and storage enterprises that create large cargo flows; (this requires the expansion of roads, the construction of new interchanges, which may violate the intimacy of the historical environment);

The construction of new highways, esplanades, bridges, interchanges, which can also spoil the traditional character of the environment. What are they doing in Europe? They launch vehicles underground, make any interchanges with a combination of several modes of transport. Only entrances remain ground, which are solved as separate elements (small architectural forms) in squares, streets, or tied to some ordinary building. You enter the building, go down the escalator, you find yourself at the station. Example, Brussels, Munich

Protected Landscape Zones. Their territory can be used:

1) for recreation with landscaping works;

2) for traditional economic activities that do not disturb the landscape and do not require the construction of capital structures on this territory; (typical for small towns).

On the territory of the protected landscape zone it is ALLOWED:

Works to strengthen the coast, to update and modernize it (for example, under the promenade);

Works to strengthen the slopes, their landscaping, landscaping;

The existing individual development may be preserved if it does not disturb the landscape;

New construction of individual residential buildings in that part of the zone where individual buildings already exist, if the new houses are not placed on the top of the terrain, and their height does not exceed 7m (2 floors).

All industrial and warehouse buildings should be REMOVED.


Construction of new buildings and structures of medium height and above;

Construction of roads, laying of engineering networks, overhead power lines, any other construction and earthworks not related to the protection, restoration and reconstruction of the protected landscape.

Zones of protection of the archaeological cultural layer. The mode of use is as follows:

All construction and earthworks, planting trees are carried out with the permission of state bodies for the protection of cultural heritage and under the supervision of an archaeologist;

Prior to the commencement of major construction or excavation work on the sites, studies should be carried out in accordance with the plans for the location of construction;

Upon completion of the research, the sites where the remains of old buildings and structures are found are subject to protection as immovable monuments of cultural heritage. You cannot build on this site. If no remains of buildings are found on the site, after a full study, the site, by decision of the state bodies for the protection of cultural heritage, is removed from the zone of the archaeological cultural layer.

SRP-2007.1 "Recommendations on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of scientific and design documentation for the performance of production work to preserve cultural heritage sites. General provisions"4th Edition
To make the protection zones of a monument, you must first study it, then get acquainted with the project of the protection zones of the entire settlement (if any), receive a Design Assignment from the monument protection authority in charge of this monument. The protected zone of a monument consists of many factors where not only the height of the surrounding buildings, the presence of other monuments in the neighborhood, the importance of the protected object, but even the requirements for environmental conditions - the influence of transport, industry, etc. intersect. This topic is quite large and complex. While the design conditions are not clear, it is rather difficult to determine the protected zone of the monument and to advise anything on specific dimensions.

N 73-FZ Article 34. Zones of protection of objects of cultural heritage.
3. Borders of zones of protection of a cultural heritage object (with the exception of the borders of zones of protection of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation and objects of cultural heritage included in the World Heritage List), land use regimes and town planning regulations within the boundaries of these zones are approved on the basis of the project of cultural heritage protection zones in relation to objects of cultural heritage of federal significance - by the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in agreement with the federal body for the protection of cultural heritage objects, and in relation to objects of cultural heritage of regional significance and objects of cultural heritage of local (municipal) significance - in the manner prescribed by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Encumbrances and restrictions imposed on land plots located in the zone of regulation of development and economic activity ZRZ - 3.

(From the Decree of the administration of the Bryansk region).

2.2. Development regulation zones

and economic activity (ZRZ)

Zones of regulation of development and economic activity are established in territories connected with cultural heritage sites by a system of spatial relationships that have preserved components of the historical urban environment, or formed by new development, but included in the system of valuable urban panoramas and views, in order to preserve the historically established characteristics of the urban planning background of cultural objects. heritage, as well as the compositional development of the urban ensemble using heritage sites as city-forming factors.

To this end, on the territory of the zones of regulation of development and economic activity, a general regulation is established with special requirements for subzones and sections of subzones.

2.2.1. General regulations within the boundaries of regulatory zones

construction and economic activities of objects

cultural heritage (CRH)

Within the boundaries of the zones of regulation of development and economic activity, it is not allowed:

construction and placement of enterprises that create increased cargo flows, are explosive and potentially have a negative impact on cultural heritage sites;

placement of high-rise dominants that introduce dissonance into the three-dimensional composition of urban panoramas and views, reduce the compositional role of historical town-planning dominants, worsen the viewing conditions and characteristics of the urban background of cultural heritage sites and natural monuments;

demolition of historical buildings belonging to the category of registered buildings of historical development, with the exception of dismantling dilapidated and emergency ones, in accordance with the established procedure and the conclusion of the historical and cultural expertise.

Within the boundaries of the zones of regulation of development and economic activity, it is allowed:

construction of new, reconstruction of existing buildings and structures, road network, improvement, planting of greenery in accordance with the regulations and special requirements;

demolition of emergency disharmonious objects;

placement on separate sites, in accordance with the Rules for land use and development of a part of the city of Bryansk and these regulations, high-rise dominants and accents that positively form the urban environment.

Within the boundaries of the zones of regulation of development and economic activity, it is recommended:

visual neutralization of disharmonious objects with the help of green buffer zones, changing their volumetric and spatial solution, changing the architectural design of facades, demolition as they are depreciated;

removal of industrial enterprises, construction on their territories of objects that meet the requirements of the regulations of the Rules for land use and development of a part of the territory of the city of Bryansk;

development, in agreement with the state body for the protection of cultural heritage sites, complex planning and land surveying projects, as well as development projects for areas subject to urban transformation (including convertible industrial areas). As part of such projects, there should be sections of special historical, cultural and visual landscape justifications with detailed urban planning regulations for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

Subject to the provisions of this regulation, urban planning regulations on the types and parameters of the permitted use of real estate provided for these sites by the Rules for Land Use and Development of a Part of the City of Bryansk are in force on the sites of the development and economic activity regulation zone.

According to the general directions of urban development (development within the framework of existing building morphotypes, limited reconstruction, transformation), the territory of the development and economic activity regulation zone is divided into 5 subzones, in which, in turn, 8 sections of the zones are distinguished, differing in the parameters of permissible construction changes in real estate objects.

2.2.4. Special requirements in subzone ЗРЗ.3

Within the boundaries of subzone ЗРЗ.3, it is allowed:

urban development of territories with a change in existing building morphotypes and an excess of the prevailing height of the existing building in this zone;

reconstruction of buildings and structures with a possible superstructure (with the exception of buildings belonging to the category of historical building registration buildings);

creation of new high-rise accents;

the placement of new high-rise dominants (buildings and structures that exceed the silhouette-forming height of the development of this zone by more than 1/4) refers to the conditionally permitted types of land use in the zone. Issuance of a permit for the placement of new high-rise dominants is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Rules for land use and development of a part of the territory of the city of Bryansk for conditionally permitted types of real estate use. However, legal or individual, interested in obtaining such a permit, is obliged to submit to the commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the city of Bryansk materials of urban planning and compositional justification for the placement of a high-altitude dominant with visual landscape analysis (drawings of a 3D model of the projected object in photo panoramas from control viewpoints, sweeps, perspectives, master plan).