Do I need to sterilize jars after using the dishwasher? Sterilization of jars at home using proven and modern methods. Dishwasher sterilization


The tradition of canning fruits and vegetables for the winter remains popular in many families. This allows you not only to enjoy the summer gifts of nature, but also to save the family budget. During the period when housewives begin canning, they need to make some preparations, in particular, subject the jars to mandatory sterilization . Sterilization is a heat treatment that kills germs.

How to sterilize jars at home

Sterilizing jars and lids is not difficult, but there are rules that cannot be broken. Before proceeding with the sterilization process, you need to thoroughly rinse the glass container under running water using soda, soap or any suitable detergent, and then rinse it thoroughly with water. Check the jars for cracks and chips.

How to sterilize jars in a pan of water

There are several methods for sterilizing glass containers. The easiest way is steam sterilization. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan and place the jars in it upside down. Place the pan on the fire and wait until the water boils. The process time depends on the volume of the container being sterilized.

  • 0.5 liters - 10 minutes;
  • 1 liter - 15 minutes.

Then for each added liter another 5 minutes are added.

How long to sterilize jars in the oven

Another method is oven sterilization. Place the container in the oven. Then turn it on 50 degrees. After 10 minutes, at intervals of five to seven minutes, increase the temperature in the kitchen appliance by 10-20 degrees until it reaches 150 degrees.

Objects should not be placed close to each other, otherwise they will burst. When sterilizing lids in the oven, be sure to remove the rubber seals. A gas oven is not suitable for sterilization because its temperature is usually uneven and it takes a long time to heat up.

After sterilization, put on gloves and carefully remove the jars. Gloves must be dry, otherwise when you remove glass items from the oven, they may break in your hands. Remember that the temperature of the water or air in the pan or oven should be approximately equal to the temperature of the jar. If you place cold glass in boiling water or the heat of a stove, it may break.

Benefits of Microwave Sterilization

Jars can be sterilized in the microwave. This is a very effective method, the fastest and most convenient. Rinse your jars thoroughly with water. It is best to use regular baking soda for this purpose, which is a natural product and does not contain any unnecessary chemical additives. Pour some boiled water into a glass container. Place it in the microwave. In the next step, bring the water to a boil or set the timer for five minutes. The microwave power can be set to the highest setting.

After the microwave finishes working, do not rush to take the jar with your bare hands. Use dry gloves or a towel. Turn the container upside down and give it time to dry a little. This method will not only help save time, but will also protect your jars from unnecessary microorganisms one hundred percent.

If we take into account the advantages of this type of sterilization, we can note three important and main advantages:

What to pay attention to:

  • The jar may burst if the water in it evaporates. You should always monitor the water level.
  • Glass containers can be placed horizontally, but do not forget about the water level.
  • Never place metal lids in the microwave. This will damage the operation of the oven.
  • Heating time is 2 minutes. If you place several glass objects, you will need to wait until 3 minutes have passed.

In the dishwasher

Strictly speaking, this method is difficult to classify as heat sterilization, since the maximum water temperature in dishwasher is 70 degrees. But in fact, if you trust the experience of many housewives, no problems arise after such treatment.

Place baking soda in the machine and set the temperature to the highest setting. No detergent required.

In manganese

The following method will be appreciated by those who are unable or do not want to boil water. In this case, objects can be washed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Dry method

One of the oldest methods that allows you to save gas or electricity and is very simple. Place clean jars on a clean towel in the sunniest place in the yard or balcony. The ultraviolet rays of the sun will heat the air in the glass and destroy all bacteria.

How to properly sterilize jars with blanks

Many recipes require sterilization with the contents. In this case, you should place a rag or a wooden circle at the bottom of the pan. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a saucepan. Then the pan is filled with water, the temperature of which is approximately equal to the temperature of the workpiece. The water level should be slightly below the level of the neck.

Then the water in the pan is brought to a boil. The amount of time this process takes depends on the content. As a rule, housewives determine the readiness of the product because it changes color to a lighter one.

If you use an oven, then the containers with the workpieces are placed in an electric oven and covered loosely with lids without rubber bands. The duration of the process again depends on the content. But if pasteurization is carried out, then in this case the process (in which the contents must heat up to 60 degrees at an oven temperature of 70-80 degrees) takes half an hour.

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How to sterilize jars

Sometimes even experienced cooks wonder whether it is enough to sterilize jars in the usual way? Will my preparations spoil over the winter?

In this article you will see the main, most effective ways sterilization of jars before preparing for the winter.

With the autumn harvest in full swing, it's time to think about how to preserve all this beauty throughout the long winter. And, opening a jar of raspberry jam on a cold winter evening, remember the warm, gentle summer sun that gave this magic. And how beautiful are the tomatoes that are grown in the ground and under the real sun! - even canned ones smell so bad that you’ll be pumped up, and a winter greenhouse tomato can’t handle even a 10th part of that aroma.

But in order to preserve this piece of sunshine for a long time, you need to know and follow the rules for sterilizing containers and products during preservation. Micro- and macro-organisms live on any surface, which can harm our winter preparations, and subsequently our health or mood.

These small organisms are not as dangerous as their waste products, which are very toxic and can lead to severe food poisoning.

Therefore, let's not take risks, but sterilize everything!

Before sterilization, it is necessary to inspect the container. Cans should be thoroughly washed, selected and inspected for chips, cracks and other defects. They must be perfect! It is also necessary to inspect the covers - they must be clean and even. If these are metal (Soviet) lids for seaming, they should not be rusty and must have a new rubber band (gasket). If you use modern screw caps, their painted surface should not be damaged, otherwise corrosion may occur during storage, which will also have a very negative effect on the product. Also check that the lids fit the jars perfectly and are screwed on tightly.

There are many ways to sterilize containers, here are some that I will talk about today:

1. Steam sterilization using a pan.

The oldest and reliable way, which our great-grandmothers used - steam sterilization.

To do this, you need a large pan for the jars and another smaller one for the lids.
Pour clean water into a pan and place it on the stove. Either a metal sieve, or an oven rack, or any other limiter for the jar is placed on top of the pan so that it does not fall into the pan. The can is placed upside down on this limiter. If the design allows, you can install several cans at the same time. The water boils and steams the container, sterilization takes about 15 minutes until the drops of steam that have settled on the jar begin to drain.

After this, the jars can be placed, without turning them over, on a clean cloth (for example, a lint-free towel or other clean and smooth fabric), previously ironed on both sides. You can make several batches of jars this way. You can store the jars for up to 2 days, but just do not turn them over or touch the neck of the jar, so as not to introduce the very organisms that we got rid of.
The lids are boiled just before rolling and just in water for about 15 minutes.

The advantages of this method:
— 100% guarantee of sterilization quality.
— An option that does not require additional costs.

— Great heat and moisture release (gets very hot environment- room)
— Time-consuming process.
— It is necessary to find some kind of limiting device (such as a metal sieve) for the pan in the house.

It should be noted that there is also a special cover for pans, here is an approximate image:

Or this one for several cans:

2. Sterilization in water, or boiling the container.

Place a wooden grate or plank at the bottom of a large saucepan, place jars on top and fill with water so that it completely covers the container. It is better to install the jars so that they do not knock against each other when boiling, so it is better to either place nylon lids or smooth cloth between them. The lids can be boiled either together with the jars or separately. Boil for 15 minutes. The jars are removed immediately, without waiting for the water to cool.

— An option that does not require special equipment other than a very large saucepan.

— Greater heat and moisture transfer (the environment, the room, also gets very hot).
— It is inconvenient and unsafe to remove containers from hot water; you can, of course, drain the water, but this is also an interesting task.

3. Sterilization in a double boiler.

Place the washed jars into the steamer and turn on the cooking mode for 15 minutes; you can add the lids along with the container.

- Convenient and fast way.

— You need a double boiler, and one that is large enough to accommodate jars of different sizes.

4. Sterilize jars in the microwave.

Pour 1 cm of water into a jar and put it in a microwave with a power of 700-800 watts for 2-3 minutes - the water boils, and the jars are sterilized with steam; if there are a lot of jars, the time needs to be increased. It is still better to sterilize the lids simply in water on the stove.

— The sterilization process occurs very quickly.
— Several jars can be sterilized at the same time.
- Slight change in room climate.

— Not all microwaves can accommodate tall or 3-liter jars.

5. Sterilization of containers in the oven.

After washing, place the wet jars in the oven and turn the oven on at 160°. Heat until the drops are completely dry.

— Fast and not labor-intensive process.
— Almost everyone has an oven.

- We must carefully monitor so that the jars do not overheat and burst.

6. Sterilization in the dishwasher.

Load clean jars into the dishwasher and put without powder and other additives on the cycle with the most high temperature, but it should not be below 60 °C, but better above!

It is better to boil the lids separately in water and on the stove.

— While the container is being washed, at this time you can prepare the contents for these cans.
— The process does not require control and attention.
— You can sterilize up to 12−20 jars at the same time.

— You must have a dishwasher.
— There is a risk of unfair sterilization, because the temperature there is still lower than in previous versions, although no problems have been noticed so far.

In addition to the methods described above, there is also sterilization along with preservation, but that’s another story...

Another rule that you need to know is that there should be no sudden changes in temperature so that the container does not burst, so the water must be heated gradually and together with the jars, and hot preparations must also be placed in hot jars.

I hope the information will be useful to our readers and they will make even more preparations for the winter.

Good luck saving a little piece of summer sun!

The delicacies given to us in summer and autumn can be preserved in an edible state for a long time. What kind of homemade preparations do culinary magazines offer us?

But just knowing a delicious recipe is not enough. To ensure that vegetables, fruits and berries preserved during the winter do not spoil, you also need to know how to sterilize jars. Sterilization is necessary so that canned foods do not spoil during storage and do not harm our health when consuming them.

We already know how our mothers and grandmothers sterilized jars for homemade preparations. They were kept for several minutes over steam. Steam sterilization is the most proven method of processing products and containers before preservation. But this procedure is quite labor-intensive and not very pleasant, since the room in which sterilization takes place is filled with moist and hot air. And in the summer it’s already quite hot. Modern household appliances provide us with modern ways to sterilize jars, for example, they can be sterilized in a microwave, double boiler, dishwasher or oven.

For any type of sterilization, only well-washed jars without cracks are suitable. The neck should not be chipped. Also choose your canning lids carefully. The covers must be smooth, clean, without signs of rust, with a new rubber gasket. If you like to use screw-on lids when canning, then make sure that the inner surface of these lids is free of scratches and rust, and before you start canning, check that the screw-on lids fit tightly to the neck and do not twist.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

You can sterilize jars in the microwave in the following way:

- Pour a little water into each so that the bottom is covered with water by about 1 centimeter.

— Place the jars in the microwave for a few minutes at high power of about 750 watts.

You can sterilize jars in the microwave because the water inside boils and begins to evaporate. The same sterilization of cans with steam occurs. Microwave sterilization time depends on the number of jars you put in the microwave at the same time, and can take up to 5 minutes.

Sterilizing in the microwave is quite quick both in terms of time and due to the fact that many jars can be sterilized at the same time. The room in which sterilization takes place is not filled with moist air. The only drawback is that three-liter jars are too tall for many household microwaves and may simply not fit.

How to sterilize jars in a double boiler

Place the jars in the steamer with the neck down and turn it on to the cooking mode for about 15 minutes.

The water that is poured into the steamer begins to boil, and the cans are sterilized with this steam.

By the way, you can also place not only jars, but also lids in a steamer for sterilization.

Sterilizing using this method is very convenient. Little time and effort is spent. But it is possible to sterilize jars in a double boiler if it is spacious enough. If you can only place one in a steamer, then sterilizing in a microwave is faster and more economical in terms of energy consumption.

How to sterilize jars in the oven

— If you plan to sterilize jars in the oven, then after washing them, do not let the water drain from the jars, but immediately place them in the oven.

— Turn on the oven to 160 degrees.

— The jars must be sterilized until all the water droplets have evaporated and the glass becomes completely transparent. This will take approximately 10-15 minutes, but be careful not to overdo it.

This method of sterilizing jars is the most affordable and most convenient for many housewives. Almost everyone can sterilize jars in the oven, since almost every home has an oven. In addition, many jars can be sterilized in the oven at the same time. The only thing that is required from you is attention, because if it gets too hot, the glass may burst.

How to sterilize jars in the dishwasher

I myself have not used this method of sterilizing jars, but they say that it is also quite simple and effective.

— Jars prepared for sterilization are placed in the dishwasher.

— Then the dishwasher is turned on to the hottest setting.

In terms of capacity, dishwashers are higher than the microwave, steamer or oven mentioned above. But the dishwasher cannot be set to a very high temperature. Therefore, some doubts arise about the quality of this method of sterilizing dishes.

But if you have not yet prepared vegetables or fruits for canning, then you can calmly do this preparation while the jars are being sterilized in the dishwasher, since no control on your part is needed over this process.

The last thing I want to tell you about, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, is that banks are afraid of strong temperature changes. For example, glass can easily break if hot jar You will put it in a cold sink or, conversely, put a hot snack or jam in a cold container.

Now you know modern ways to sterilize jars. The choice is yours.

In summer and autumn, housewives do homework. It goes without saying how tedious this process is, so many are interested in somehow simplifying it. Recently, the Internet has suggested sterilizing jars in the dishwasher. When we first learned about this, we thought that such a proposal was nothing more than stupidity, but after thoroughly studying the issue, we reconsidered our position.

Process description

After considering different points of view, we decided to try it ourselves this method. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is that during washing all microorganisms that live in glass jars die. Well, of course, you cannot use detergents, since even their insignificant residues can ruin all your work. What are we doing?

  1. We prepare jars for sterilization. If the jars are very dirty, they need to be washed. If a little dust has settled on them, you don’t have to worry, the dishwasher will wash everything away. Also check the dishes for chips.
  2. We clean the cuvette from residual detergents so that they do not get on the dishes being sterilized.
  3. We put the jars in baskets tightly with their necks down.

If there is salt in the dishwasher reservoir, there is no need to remove it. In salt water, microorganisms will die faster and at a lower temperature.

  1. Close the dishwasher door, select the program that provides washing at the highest temperature, and start the process.
  2. At the end of the program, we take out the sterilized jars and begin preparing the preparations.

What dishwashers are suitable?

Everything seems to sound simple. However, it must be understood that the success of the sterilization process will depend on the capabilities of the dishwasher. Some are capable of washing dishes at a temperature of 70-80 0 C. This technique is quite suitable not only for washing dishes, but also for sterilizing jars. But not all cars have such capabilities. Electrolux, Leran, Flavia, Indesit and others machines are mostly capable of heating water to a temperature of 60 0 C, and this is clearly not enough for sterilization.

Open the instructions for your dishwasher and find out whether it can be sterilized in it. If it washes at intensive or any other mode at least at 70 0 C, feel free to place the jars in baskets. If the washing temperature is 10 degrees or more lower, use old proven methods to sterilize jars.

There are also dishwashers with a sterilization function. Their instructions directly state that this technique can sterilize jars, baby glass bottles and dishes for allergy sufferers. But I would like to note that such dishwashers are Russian market very rare, so you'll have to make do with ordinary ones.

Pros and cons of this method

We have already mentioned that we tested this method of sterilizing jars, and we found it quite good. Maybe, of course, not ideal, but not bad. This innovative method Sterilization has a number of advantages.

  1. The effect of sterilization is amazing. The jars were completely disinfected, so the ingredients in them survived the winter well. Out of 40 jars of cucumbers, only 3 became cloudy for unknown reasons.
  2. The sterilization process occurs automatically without the involvement of manual labor. While the jars are sterilizing, you can do something else.
  3. High performance. A whole mountain of cans and jars fits into the dishwasher. They are all sterilized at the same time.
  4. Be careful with dishes. When you sterilize at least one jar with your hands and crack it while “juggling” over a boiling pan. The dishwasher sterilizes without a fight, and this is some kind of savings.

This method also has disadvantages and we will, of course, mention them. Firstly, it takes time. If you need to sterilize 7-10 jars, it is better to do it manually. Spend less time. But if you need to sterilize large volumes of glass containers, then it’s better to give the “palm” to the dishwasher.

Secondly, this method is not feasible on every machine. We have already talked about this and this is an absolute minus. And thirdly, how to sterilize in a dishwasher if you do homemade preparations in the country? Of course, you can bring equipment to your dacha, but if there is no running water, connecting it will be problematic.

So, what conclusion did we draw from this story? Sterilization in the dishwasher, although not in all cases, is possible, and it can really make life easier for the housewife. To master the process, you need no more than 10 minutes, and if you plan well, you can save from 40 minutes to 1 hour. So try it boldly and share your impressions in the comments. Good luck!

Canning requires mandatory compliance not only with the rules of salting and marinating products, but also heat treatment containers for them. Glass jars with lids must be clean and undergo special treatment - sterilization.

There are several ways to sterilize jars at home, from the simplest - steaming over a saucepan, to the most sophisticated - in an air fryer. Let's look at them in more detail, highlighting all the pros and cons so that you can choose the method that is ideal for you. Follow all the recommendations strictly, and your preserves will be perfectly stored all year long! And of course, do not forget about safety rules when working with hot cans and steam.

  1. Take suitable jars for preservation without chips, cracks or chips.
  2. Wash utensils thoroughly before sterilizing. Use regular dish soap or baking soda, then rinse the jars thoroughly under running water. Pay special attention to the neck, where dirt and rust often accumulate.
  3. Tin lids are disposable. If you are using modern screw caps that are reusable, make sure that the inner paint layer is intact - there should be no chips, scratches or rust.
  4. Remember: during sterilization, sudden temperature changes are not allowed! Cold jars should not be immersed in hot water and vice versa! To prevent the container from bursting, it must be heated gradually.

Boiling sterilization

Boiling cans in a saucepan is one of the most simple ways heat treatment of containers. The glass container is completely immersed in water and kept in it for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

To sterilize, take a large saucepan (or an enamel bucket) into which you can completely immerse the jar. Place a wooden plank or a piece of cotton fabric on the bottom. Place clean jars on top, neck up. Place them between each other with a clean cloth or gauze so that they do not touch each other and do not rattle when boiling. If the jars do not fit into the pan upright, place them on their sides. Fill in cold water so that the water completely covers the entire surface. Boil for 15 minutes.

ATTENTION! Be extremely careful when removing jars from boiling water!


No special equipment is needed, just stock up on a spacious saucepan;

The lids can be boiled together with the jars in the same pan.


When water boils for a long time, the surrounding area is quickly moistened and warmed up;

To sterilize a large number of jars, you need to reheat the water each time;

It is difficult to remove jars from boiling water;

Hard water can cause salt deposits to form inside jars.

Steam sterilization over a saucepan

Steaming jars is one of the most popular and “ancient” methods of sterilization. The principle of operation comes down to treating the cans with steam, which fills them, rising above the pan at a strong boil.

To sterilize, fill the pan with water and install an oven rack, a metal flat sieve or a limiter - a special metal plate that prevents the jars from coming into contact with water. Place a glass jar, neck down, into the hole in the stopper. Wait for the water to boil and sterilize 0.5 liter containers for 10 minutes, large jars for 15-20 minutes. Steam from boiling water will condense and flow down the walls back into the pan.

ATTENTION! Be careful when removing the lids from the water bath! The steam is very hot, you can get burned!


100% removal of all germs;

Steam can be used to sterilize both jars and lids.


Strong heating of the environment;

The need for a metal stop;

Relatively long sterilization time.

Microwave sterilization

In the microwave, sterilization is carried out very quickly - 2 minutes for jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters, and also 3 minutes for containers with a volume of 1 liter. Under the influence of microwaves, the jars warm up well, and all bacteria on their surface are destroyed.

To do this, pour water into the bottom of each jar - about 1-1.5 centimeters. Place them upright on the turntable. Three-liter jars do not fit in regular home microwaves, but you can cheat. Pour in the water and place it in the microwave on its side. There is little water in it, so it will not spill. Set the microwave frequencies to medium, power 700-800 watts. Set a timer and turn on the microwave for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the water in the jars will boil and sterilize them by spraying them with steam.

ATTENTION! Do not put empty jars in the microwave without water! Do not cover them with metal lids, otherwise the microwave will break down!


Sterilization is carried out quickly;

The air in the room does not heat up;

You can process several small jars at once.


Large jars are difficult to fit;

Metal lids cannot be sterilized.

Sterilization in the oven

The method is convenient when you need to prepare for preservation a large number of containers. With strong heating to a temperature of 150-160 degrees, all bacteria are destroyed. The method is simple, but quite dangerous: if you overheat the jars, they can burst.

To sterilize, place washed, damp (!) jars on a wire rack upside down. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and keep the container in it until all the drops of water on the walls are dry. On average this can take 15-20 minutes.

ATTENTION! Do not allow severe overheating, otherwise the glass may burst! Remove the jars from the oven after cooling them slightly to 80–90 degrees.


Fast and easy process;

No special equipment required.


Care must be taken to ensure that the jars do not overheat and burst;

Lids cannot be sterilized in the oven.

Ultra-modern sterilization methods

Several decades ago, the main method of sterilization was steam treatment. In this case, small jars were placed directly on the spout of a kettle with boiling water and kept for 10-15 minutes. A large container was placed on the kettle instead of a lid. In modern kitchens, electric kettles are often used that are unsuitable for these purposes. But new kitchen assistants have appeared to make life easier for housewives, which have significantly expanded the possibilities for disinfecting jars.

Sterilization in a steamer- the jars along with the lids are placed in a double boiler with the neck down and kept in the cooking mode for 15 minutes.

In the dishwasher- clean containers are loaded into the device without powder and the mode is set to the highest temperature, but not lower than 60°C. Lids are not sterilized using this method.

In a slow cooker- the jars are placed on a stand for steaming dishes and processed for 15 minutes in the “Steam” mode.

In a convection oven- pour some water into the container, cover with lids and place on the lower grill of the air fryer. Process at a temperature of 120-140 degrees at high speed for 15 minutes.

How to sterilize lids

Lids are always sterilized immediately before rolling. Before processing, check the integrity of the cover, make sure there is no rust and that there are rubber bands.

The most convenient way is boiling in water. To do this, boil water and lower the tin lids into it for 5 minutes. If you boil longer, there is a risk of “overcooking” the gum. Remove the lids from the water using clean tongs or boiled dinner forks. Screw caps can also be treated in the same way.