Debit cards. Mortgage with state support - what does it mean? State mortgage programs for a year


Rising mortgage rates and economic instability have seriously affected the situation in mortgage market. The government has decided to further stimulate buyers new real estate and thereby support builders. The program was approved housing lending with state support, designed for 2015-2016. The program started in March of this year and will last until March 1 of next year. We’ll talk further about the conditions under which state mortgages will be issued in 2016 and who will be able to receive them.

The essence of the program

Since this initiative pursues several goals at once, it has a number of limitations. With the help of government preferences, you can only purchase new housing and only from the developer. Buy new apartment, but it is impossible to purchase housing from an individual, as well as to purchase housing on the secondary real estate market. At the same time, it is allowed to buy apartments in houses under construction. The essence of the state program for subsidizing mortgages for 2015-2016 is to reduce the interest rate on a housing loan to 12%.

In order for the bank to painlessly issue mortgages in domestic currency at 12%, the state allocates a certain amount of subsidies to it. The program involves such large financial and credit structures as Sberbank, VTB24, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow, Rosselkhozbank, Otkritie Bank and others. Real estate can only be purchased from builders who are accredited by the bank. According to the deputy chairman of the North Caucasus branch of Sberbank, Maria Mikheeva, this reduces the risk of borrowers becoming victims of construction scams, and the bank is guaranteed the availability of liquid collateral.

Mortgage conditions with state support for 2016

Next year, the conditions for providing a mortgage loan will not differ in any way from those in force now. It is worth noting that uniform rules for issuing such loans were established for all banks. In particular, the loan can be obtained under the following conditions:

  • initial payment – ​​from 20%;
  • maximum loan period – 30 years;
  • maximum loan amount – 8 million rubles. for the capital, region and St. Petersburg and 3 million rubles. for other regions;
  • interest rate is about 12% (may be less depending on the offer of a particular bank).

A potential borrower should be prepared for the fact that the lowest interest rate is provided only to those who insure not only the collateral, but also their own life and ability to work. In addition, for example, in Sberbank, mortgages with state support in 2016 are not combined with other offers and promotions of the bank. To repay of this loan can't even be used.

Offers from different banks

Offered by various banks. It should be noted here that some financial institutions refuse to provide such a loan product. This is due to minimum interest rates, which do not allow banking organizations to count on making good profits. Below are current offers for clients from various lenders.

  • Svyaz-Bank. A loan for the purchase of housing is provided in rubles. Initially, the borrower must pay an amount from 20 to 90% total cost real estate. The maximum repayment period cannot exceed 362 months. A mortgage loan in the amount of 3 or 8 million rubles (for residents of the capital or St. Petersburg) is provided at 12%.
  • Sberbank. Money is provided for the purchase of finished or under construction housing at 12%. The maximum repayment period should not exceed 30 years. As an additional cost when applying for a loan from a client financial institution a certain amount may be charged for carrying out assessment activities. Property insurance is also one of the mandatory conditions for providing a loan.
  • VTB 24. The interest rate in this case remains at 12%. Immediately upon conclusion of the contract, the borrower must pay an amount of 20% of the total cost of housing. The maximum amount that a potential borrower can count on does not exceed 8 million rubles. When completing all documentation, no additional fees are charged to the client of the financial institution.
  • Transcapitalbank. In this case, a mortgage can be issued by providing only two documents. Cash up to 8 million rubles can be obtained at 10.9%, which the borrower undertakes to repay after 25 years. The amount received can be used to purchase a new or secondary home. It should be noted that only those borrowers whose age at the time full repayment credit debt does not exceed 75 years.
  • Raiffeisenbank. The maximum possible amount in this case varies from 3 to 8 million rubles. The repayment period for credit debt is limited to 25 years, and the interest rate is kept at 11%. Magnitude down payment can range from 20 to 50%.

Who can count on government assistance for mortgages in 2016?

Any potential borrowers whose candidacies meet the banks’ requirements will be able to receive a special loan. The only exceptions are participants in the “Housing” federal program, which is implemented by AHML. In accordance with its terms, in addition to a preferential interest rate, potential borrowers will have the opportunity to buy housing at a reduced price, which will be approximately 20% less than the average prices for similar real estate on the market. However, this will only be available to certain categories of citizens.

To qualify for a preferential loan on general terms, you must submit the appropriate package of documents to the selected bank. Each lender will have its own list of required papers. It is worth considering that the amount of subsidies is limited, in particular, about 400 billion rubles have been allocated for the entire program, which will be evenly distributed among banks participating in the program, depending on the implementation of the plan for issuing mortgage loans established by the Ministry of Finance.

In addition, the Government included in the program the condition that if the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reduces the key rate to 9.5% per annum, then subsidies will be completely stopped, since banks will be able to issue home loans at 12% on your own.

Mortgages with state support in 2016 were extended until the end of the year. The program has been postponed due to its successful implementation in major Russian cities. Preferential mortgages have had a beneficial effect on the development of the real estate and housing lending markets.

In 2015, 70-75% of apartments were purchased on the primary real estate market using state-subsidized mortgages. By March 1, 2016, at the expense of targeted funds for individual housing complexes this value reached 90% of the entire stock. According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, at the end of January 2016, more than 227 thousand mortgage loans were provided in the amount of 405.7 billion rubles. Most often, the federal program was used to purchase two- and three-room apartments with an area of ​​60 - 85 m².

The resolution to extend the program was signed on March 1, 2016. The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, D. Medvedev, stated that in the conditions macroeconomic instability and falls real income For Russians, maintaining a mortgage with state support is a necessary measure.

The main goals of its extension are:

  • assistance in solving housing problems for citizens;
  • support for the construction industry;
  • preventing the real estate market from falling;
  • encouraging banks to expand their range of mortgage products.

The new edition of the program includes minor changes. In particular, the volume of issuing borrowed capital was increased from 700 billion rubles to 1 trillion. rubles All banks selling mortgages with state support had their limits revised at the end of March. The new rule did not bypass players who became participants in the mortgage subsidy program in 2016.

The changes also affected the subsidization of part of the rate. If previously participating banks were compensated with a 3.5% rate, the new version of the program provides for only 2.5%. For lenders, a 1% reduction in subsidies results in a loss of part of the marginal income. In this regard, almost all participants changed conditions lending in terms of interest rates, setting a maximum annual percentage of 12%.

What remains unchanged?

Apart from the amount of subsidized rates and the volume of issue, the remaining conditions of preferential mortgage lending for 2016 were not changed. In particular, only middle-income households that need to solve their housing problem or improve their living conditions can apply for preferential mortgages.

The maximum rate on a targeted real estate loan is 12%. There is a restriction on maximum amount loan - 8 million rubles in cities of federal significance and 2 million rubles - for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In all participating banks, the down payment is at least 20% of the value of the property. The exception is TransCapitalBank, where the minimum one-time payment is set at 15%. If the borrower provides other liquid housing as collateral, then some lenders are ready to consider the possibility of obtaining a mortgage without a down payment.

Difficulties for borrowers

Despite preferential lending conditions, mortgages with state support are available to only 1% of Russians. The main difficulties in obtaining it are associated with the rather high additional costs that borrowers must bear. They concern not only insurance of the property, but also personal insurance life and health of the applicant.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Mortgage”, the property must be insured. However, many program participants also have compulsory insurance life and health of the borrower. At the same time, issue insurance services they offer in a small number of insurance companies that are their partners. Often their rates are higher than the market average. In general, insurance services will cost the loan holder 1-3% of market value real estate.

Under the program, you can buy housing only on the primary market. The proposal to purchase real estate on the secondary market has not been accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation, since its legal purity is often in doubt. The opportunity to purchase housing on preferential terms applies only to apartments that meet the mandatory minimum of 18 m² per family member. If the borrower wants to purchase more spacious housing, then he must pay the difference own funds.

Which banks can you get a preferential mortgage from?

Participants in the program include: commercial banks, and credit institutions with state participation. It is worth noting that everything major players of the TOP 10 in terms of mortgage portfolio volume provide mortgages with government support. WITH full list participants can be found on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The lending conditions established under the program to subsidize part of the mortgage interest rate are the same for all participants. However, some players may provide certain privileges to their clients.

Particularly in 2015 large banks issued a targeted loan at 11-11.5%.

Last news in 2016 indicate that there is a decrease annual interest For now you can forget. Due to the reduction in compensation for part of the interest rate by 1%, many banks have set the maximum fee for borrowed funds - 12%.

The provision of benefits for the purchase of housing in new buildings may be terminated if the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reduces the interest rate to 8.5%. At the same time, the regulator’s policy cannot affect the terms of previously concluded contracts. Taking into account the fact that high financial risks remain in the country, talk about mitigation monetary policy The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is reckless.

The bank became one of the first participants federal program and was able to overtake others in terms of issuance volumes. It accounts for more than 79% of all government-subsidized loans issued. Credit institution provides money for the purchase of finished or under construction housing in new buildings.

Sberbank requirements for borrowers

To obtain a loan for preferential terms applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • age restrictions: minimum age limit - 21 years;
  • work experience: at least six months at the last place of employment and at least 1 year of total work experience over the last 5 years;
  • the ability to attract up to 3 co-borrowers (the borrower’s second spouse automatically becomes a co-borrower, regardless of his solvency).

Required documents for Sberbank

To receive a preferential mortgage, the borrower must provide:

  1. Identification documents (passport, marriage registration certificate, military ID);
  2. Documents confirming the solvency of a private person (certificate in form 2-NDFL, copy work book, statement from deposit account, etc.; For participants in salary projects, a debit card is sufficient);
  3. Documents for the purchased residential real estate(provided within 60 days from the date of approval of the loan application).

Life and health insurance when applying for a preferential mortgage at Sberbank is prerequisite. The credit institution provides the opportunity to repay part of the mortgage obligations using maternity capital funds. If financial difficulties arise, loan restructuring is possible.

Mortgage conditions with state support at VTB 24

According to the volume of issuance of preferential VTB mortgages 24 takes second place. Lending conditions in terms of requirements for the borrower are similar to those at Sberbank. The credit institution does not prohibit the use of maternity capital to repay part of the mortgage debt or provide a down payment.

Loan term with government support after March 1 reduced to 30 years. At the time of repayment of the debt, the mortgage holder must be no more than 60 years old. The loan is provided to citizens who have permanent or temporary registration in the region where the lender is present, starting from the age of 21.

Unlike Sberbank, VTB 24 simplifies the requirements for the borrower’s length of service. To receive a preferential housing loan, it is enough to work in your last place for 3 months, and the total seniority must be 1 year.

Obtaining a mortgage under the state subsidy program at VTB 24 consists of several stages:

  • Stage 1 - submitting an application on the bank’s website or directly at the lender’s office;
  • Stage 2 - consideration of the application by the credit committee;
  • Stage 3 - providing original documents to the bank (if an online loan application was submitted);
  • Stage 4 - searching for a suitable property on the primary market;
  • Stage 5 - provision of documents for the purchased property to the lender, approval of the transaction and signing of the loan agreement.

Mortgage with state support at Gazprombank

The issuance of preferential mortgages at Gazprombank in 2015 amounted to more than 44% of the total volume of mortgage lending. Rates by credit product within the framework of the state program remain one of the lowest in the domestic market. The bank offers a targeted loan at 11.35% per annum, provided that the borrower provides 50% or more of their own funds, and the debt repayment period does not exceed 7 years. Upon issuance borrowed money condition is taken into account credit history applicant.

Requirements for borrowers at Gazprombank

To obtain a mortgage from Gazprombank, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Age:
  • for women - from 20 to 50 years;
  • for men - from 20 to 55 years;
  1. Work experience: continuous - 6 months, total experience - from 1 year;
  2. Availability of registration in the region where the lender is present.

The extension of the mortgage subsidy program in 2016 allows citizens with average incomes to acquire their own housing. This is the best offer on the mortgage market.

The program began back in 2019 under the title and has already been extended three times.

Applying for a housing loan

The conditions for all banks participating in the program are the same:

Bank rates

The following rates apply:

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage with state support

The program applies only to housing classified as new buildings.

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A mandatory criterion is also. Joining cooperatives excludes the possibility of issuing a mortgage loan for such housing.

Video: mortgage with state support under new conditions

The loan is issued at 12% and involves insurance of yourself and property with an annual renewal of the contract.

The amount of the down payment if there is a stable income for 6 months is 1/5 of the cost of the apartment.

If the income level is not confirmed, the first payment is doubled.

For a young family


Single moms

There are no separate programs for single mothers, but they can qualify for:


It has a lower interest rate and is sold within the framework of the state. “Mortgage with state support” program.

The circle of persons entitled to receive such a loan is not specified, so any citizen of the country with a regular income can apply for it.

The program provides credit holidays up to one year.

State employees

The following may apply for such a mortgage:

  • doctors;
  • teachers;
  • young scientists;
  • military personnel.

Each group of public sector employees has its own specific requirements, for example, teachers can receive a preferential mortgage if they work in an educational institution for at least three years and their age does not exceed 35 years.

If both spouses work in this field and are covered by the program, only one of them is entitled to apply.

The benefits of a mortgage provided in this category are as follows:

Requirements for applicants:


The conclusion of an agreement is preceded by the collection of documents and obtaining approval from the bank based on them. Each organization has its own specific list of required papers.

Where to contact

Package of documents

You will need:

Application about issuing a mortgage loan
Reference confirming the presence of income for 6 months and its amount. Provided by both spouses
Certificate about the marriage
Passports all family members with copies of pages
Birth certificate children
Copy of service in the armed forces if the mortgage is taken out by a military personnel
Employment history copy of pages
Military ID original and copy
Pensioner's ID for pensioners copy and original

On March 13, 2015, Dmitry Medvedev signed Government Resolution No. 220. Its main goal is to subsidize the interest rate on mortgage loans and reduce it for citizens to 13%. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 20, 2015 No. 255, amendments were made to the above Government Decree in terms of reducing the mortgage interest rate to 12%. At the same time, at the expense of funds Federal budget banks will be compensated for lost profits by providing subsidies, the total amount of which will be about 20 billion rubles. Moreover, 9 of them will be allocated directly from the budget, and the rest from funds allocated for the implementation of the Housing program (valid from 2011 to 2015).

IN explanatory note To this resolution it was stated that this measure was taken in connection with the general deterioration of the economic situation in the country, against the backdrop of which many banks stopped mortgage lending altogether, and some raised the rate to 20% per annum, when the same percentage in 2014 was on average 12-12.5%. Our article “Personal” explains how to get a mortgage with state support, what kind of real estate can be purchased under the program, what its conditions are and which banks provide mortgages under the state program.

The main goal of the program is to support construction companies engaged in the sale and construction of housing in accordance with Federal Law No. 214-FZ, as well as providing housing to the country's population in need, or rather to the segment that is considering purchasing housing in the first place economy class(that is, inexpensive) in new buildings. It is for this category of citizens that the sensitive point is both the mortgage rate and the size of the monthly payment.

Among other things, this resolution, signed by Dmitry Medvedev, was included by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in the list of priority plans for this year, to maintain sustainable economic development in the country, as well as social stability. Moreover, one of the priority programs, the implementation of which is preferential, is “Housing for Russian families" The program is designed to help certain categories of citizens who, due to the difficult economic situation, find themselves in difficult financial situation. First of all, preferential mortgage lending is aimed at families who live in houses recognized as emergency, on large families(including single-parent large families), for veterans of the Second World War and other military operations and other categories of citizens.

Bankers say that we should not expect growth in the mortgage lending market. There will be no market growth, but thanks to the adopted program there will be no decline.

To summarize, we can say that the program adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation is beneficial not only for ordinary citizens, but also for developers and banks. On a positive note For individuals, of course, is a reduction in interest rates. And for some developers and banks, issuing mortgage loans with government support may be the only chance to stay afloat in 2016. Since the measure to increase mortgage interest to the level of 20% was forced, and it was taken based on the economic situation in the country, it is not surprising that such interest scared off those who wanted to purchase housing. The reduction in the rate to 13%, which is almost the pre-crisis level, made mortgages attractive again.

Conditions for providing a mortgage with state support

In accordance with Government Resolution No. 220, government subsidies for loans will be provided credit organizations and the Agency for mortgage lending at the expense of budgetary funds.

Only citizens of the Russian Federation who plan to purchase housing under construction or commissioned from a developer can participate in the program. A prerequisite for the program is that real estate must be purchased from legal entity in the primary housing market of finished residential premises under purchase and sale agreements or the acquisition from a legal entity of residential premises under construction under a participation agreement in shared construction(agreement on the assignment of rights of claim under the said agreement) in accordance with the provisions Federal Law dated December 30, 2004 No. 214-FZ “On participation in shared construction apartment buildings and other real estate and on making changes to some legislative acts Russian Federation“subject to compliance with agreements on the provision of credits (loans).

At the same time, to receive a preferential mortgage loan at a rate of no more than 13%, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Agreement on mortgage loan must be concluded after March 1, 2015. The mortgage must be in rubles;
  2. The amount of the mortgage loan should not exceed 3 million rubles if a citizen wants to buy residential premises in any territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. The loan amount should not exceed 8 million rubles if the residential premises are located in Moscow, the Moscow region or St. Petersburg;
  3. The down payment on a mortgage loan paid by the borrower must be at least 20% of the cost of the purchased home. Payment is made from your own funds;
  4. The rate on a mortgage loan cannot be higher than 12% if the borrower additionally draws up an insurance contract for the purchased residential premises, as well as a personal insurance contract. The validity period of both insurances must be equal to the validity period mortgage agreement. The bank has the right to increase the mortgage rate above 12% if the borrower refuses to formalize the above insurance contracts. But at the same time, the size of the subsidy that the bank will receive will be proportionally reduced, due to the bank’s benefit from the increase in the interest rate. If, on the contrary, the bank reduces the interest rate to less than 12%, then the subsidy will still be calculated at 12%;
  5. The maximum period for which a mortgage agreement can be concluded under this program cannot exceed 30 years;
  6. Repayment of the loan and interest on it is carried out in annuity payments, which are divided over the entire term of the mortgage agreement. Moreover, the bank does not have the right to unilaterally increase the balance of the debt.

This General terms program "Mortgage with state support 2015-2016". Banks can set Additional requirements about providing documents or health insurance.

Which banks issue mortgages with state support in 2015-2016?

It should be noted that as part of the provision government subsidies banks and the Agency, the adopted Resolution No. 220 sets a total limit of 400 billion rubles. The amount of all issued mortgages cannot exceed the specified limit.

Currently, the main large banks of Russia, including VTB-24, Otkritie Bank, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow and Sberbank, are participating in this program.

Full list of banks (in addition to the above):

  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank (loan - housing);
  • Moscow Industrial Bank;
  • LocoBank;
  • Bank "Revival;
  • CB KubanCredit;
  • Center-Invest;
  • AK Bars Bank;
  • TranscapitalBank.

The provision of government subsidies to participating banks will be carried out monthly with the direct participation of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. But there is a small condition: the bank must issue and purchase mortgage loans for a total amount of at least 300 million rubles within a month. Moreover, the Ministry of Finance will closely monitor the work of banks, and if for two months in a row a participating bank does not cope with the task (amount of 300 million rubles), then the ministry reserves the right to redistribute funds previously issued to the bank among other banks, participating in this program.

The issuance of loans with government subsidies will take place from March 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. Moreover, if economic situation in the country will allow the Central Bank to reduce key rate to a level of 9.5%, then government subsidies will be immediately stopped, as banks themselves will reduce mortgage rates. Although this will only affect banks, because in general the situation with interest rates will not change.

It should be noted that banks are already actively implementing this program. The undoubted leaders are Sberbank OJSC and VTB-24. At the same time, VTB-24 Bank offers to issue a mortgage at 12%, and clients of Sberbank OJSC can count on receiving a mortgage with state support in 2016 to purchase an apartment in a building under construction at 11.9%. But a prerequisite for issuing a loan at such a rate is life insurance of the borrower, and this is another 1% of the loan amount.

Prepared by "Personal"

Real estate loan with government help

Among other offers for lending to the population, mortgages with government support are in good demand, the conditions for obtaining which from various banks you can find out below. In general, mortgage loans serve both the primary housing market from developers and the secondary housing market.

Not all segments of the population are able to afford a mortgage on normal terms, when the interest rate on such a loan is more than 20 percent. Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation has developed a project of mortgage loans with state support, when part of the funds from pension fund redirected to subsidize such loans.

Basic conditions of a mortgage loan

  1. Interest rate in the amount of 11% per annum
  2. Repayment period is thirty years, or until the recipient reaches the maximum age under the terms of the loan
  3. The starting payment is 20% of the cost of the purchased living space
  4. If the loan is secured by collateral of other real estate owned by the borrower, no entry fee is required
  5. If the borrower is able to contribute 40-60% of full price purchased housing, the interest rate is reduced
  6. By taking out a mortgage with state support, you receive a tax deduction
  7. No registration fees
  8. Loan currency: Russian rubles

The maximum loan amount is 3 million rubles, with the exception of Moscow and the region, as well as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, for which the loan amount will be 8 million rubles

Mortgage with state support in 2016, the conditions for obtaining it differ slightly in different banks providing it. This mortgage is not available in all banks in the Russian Federation. On this moment it can be provided by UniCreditBank, Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Rosbank, Bank of Moscow, VTB-24, Otkritie, DeltaCredit, Vozrozhdenie, Promsvyazbank, Svyaz-Bank , Gazprombank, Raiffeisenbank. The list of banks participating in the program is gradually increasing. Let's consider the conditions of such a loan in some banks.

Sberbank terms and conditions

  1. Issued from March 1 to December 31, 2016
  2. If you are served by a bank within the framework of salary project, only a passport will be enough for registration
  3. It is allowed to attract co-borrowers to increase loan volumes
  4. Borrower's life and health insurance is required
  5. In case of refusal of annual insurance renewal, the rate increases to 12.9%
  6. It is possible to use maternity capital to repay the loan

However, the last point with the payment of the loan maternal capital is relevant in all banks where mortgages with state support are available, and in 2016 the conditions for receipt and repayment contain a mention of this possibility.

Who can take advantage of this mortgage?

  1. Those on the waiting list for improved living conditions
  2. Families in which each family member has less than 18 square meters of living space
  3. For public sector employees

Requirements for loan recipients

  1. Age from 21 to 65 years at the time of the last payment, in Sberbank 75 years
  2. Certificate of income in the form of a bank, or standard personal income tax-2
  3. Minimum six months of work experience at last place of employment
  4. Be a citizen of the Russian Federation

One of the conditions of such loans is the purchase of living space only from developers accredited by banks, which significantly narrows the choice of options. Each bank has its own list, and you can view it on the bank’s website. Searching in such lists is very convenient. They can sort apartments by area size, type of house, wall material and other parameters, which will allow you to choose the best option for yourself.

Of course, there are positive aspects to this. You get housing in a new building. Houses built to new quality standards are more spacious. Also, as a rule, new areas have more sophisticated infrastructure.

The mortgage with state support in 2016, the conditions for obtaining and support at TransCapitalBank are very interesting. From this bank, on preferential terms, you can take out a loan to purchase an apartment on the secondary market, from legal entities.

TransCapitalBank terms and conditions

  1. The volume of the loan provided is from half a million
  2. Repayment period up to 25 years
  3. Loan rate from 10.9% per annum
  4. Lending to the primary and secondary housing market
  5. The minimum down payment on the loan is 20% of the total cost of living space
  6. Possibility of registration using two documents with a contribution of 30%

Bank requirements for the loan recipient

  1. Russian citizenship is required
  2. The borrower's age is from 21 to 75 years at the time of the last payment
  3. For persons whose age at the time of the last payment will be above 65, insurance is required
  4. Total work experience of at least one year, of which 3 months at the last place of work
  5. Maximum 4 co-borrowers, including spouse

And that's not even the most low interest on a mortgage loan with state support. Many banks offer their services, and although, in general, everyone has similar requirements, there are distinctive features and nuances.

For example, in AHML Novostroika, mortgages with state support in 2016, the conditions for obtaining a loan, and loan rates look more attractive compared to others. Although they are not available in all cities.

Mortgage loan parameters

  1. Interest rate ranging from 7.9% to 11% per annum
  2. Repayment period from three to thirty years
  3. Minimum amount of funds from 350 thousand Russian rubles. But not less than thirty percent of the collateral value

The interest rate fluctuates depending on the terms of the loan and the volume of the down payment, the size of the collateral value. As you understand, collateral here refers to the property being purchased.

The parameters for such a program are somewhat different in ROST Bank, whose region of activity is Kaluga and the Kaluga region. The interest rate at this bank starts from 7.9%. Moreover, it will be 14% per annum before the registration of ownership by the borrower, and from 7.9% to 11% after, but only subject to full insurance. Otherwise, it will be 25% at the construction stage, and 25.7% when the living space becomes the property of the borrower.

The repayment period in this bank will be from 3 to 25 years, and the amount provided ranges from three hundred thousand to three million. The down payment must be at least 30 percent of the cost of living space, and can reach 70%. The contract does not need to be notarized.

A mortgage with state support and the conditions for obtaining it in 2016 are perfect for those who want to improve their living conditions. But like all good things, it also has its downsides. One of them is that so far the list of banks issuing loans under such a program is limited. And if in large cities this is not yet a problem, because... the choice remains, then in smaller cities, where there are only a few banks, there is practically no choice left.

If you are in doubt about which bank to apply for a mortgage, and whether there is any choice at all in your region, we can help you solve this problem. We work directly with many banks and have a database of the services they offer. It will not be difficult for us to choose the best option for you.

What is required of you

  1. Submit an application in our system
  2. Fill out the form according to the requirements
  3. Please indicate in which area you would like to purchase housing
  4. Indicate the parameters of your current property, which can act as collateral for a mortgage
  5. Leave your contact details

And our consultant will contact you shortly. We will help you not only choose the best option for you, but also advise you at the registration stage. It is also possible to participate in the so-called. social housing, and you can receive cash from the bank for the down payment on the mortgage, or its partial payment. To do this, you need to confirm that you are eligible for such a program.

If you need a mortgage with state support, in 2016 the conditions for obtaining it suit you, and you want to get it under the social housing subsidy program, you need to submit to the local authorities a package of documents consisting of a certificate that your family needs improved living conditions, copies of passports , birth certificates and marriage certificates, as well as income certificates of family members and an extract from the house register, if you are homeowners.