Will they give a loan if there is a debt in another bank? How can I find out if they will give me a loan if there are unclosed loans? We determine the chances and look for options Find out if installment plans will be approved


Today, every second citizen of our country pays off a loan. People with a mortgage want to go on vacation. The car loan payer's TV broke down. There are a lot of life situations that arise. What to do? Will they give me a loan, if any? outstanding loans and how much should I expect?

It is worth noting that outstanding loans will not serve as an obstacle. On p The lender's decision is influenced by the prevailing circumstances and the borrower's finances.

How will your existing loan affect the lender's decision?

When requesting another loan, the bank first of all checks credit history borrower. Let us immediately make a reservation that its absence is generally regarded negatively by creditors. Such clients, of course, are unlikely to be refused. But increasing the interest rate and extending the loan term is sacred.

So, the lender pays attention to the presence of closed and open loans and overdue loans in your credit history.

There are cases out of competition when:

  • the borrower's income covers current and future payments;
  • The loan is secured by expensive collateral;
  • The guarantor is a large legal entity.

Other cases are considered in individually. When assessing solvency, the bank evaluates credit load. It is calculated as a percentage of the borrower's total income. That is, the larger the share of income taken up by payments, the stricter the conditions for issuance will be and the higher the likelihood of refusal.

The number of dependent family members, the availability of real estate, and current liabilities are also taken into account.

Also influences type of loan requested. If the borrower has a mortgage, then, of course, they will not give him another one. They will also not give you a large loan or a loan for business development. But get it credit card, a small loan or buying goods in a store on credit is quite possible. That is, it is necessary to request a different loan, different from the current one.

Another parameter - number of active loans. Of course, the bank will think about the advisability of issuing a new loan if the client has several existing loans. There is a high probability of getting confused in scheduled payments. In this regard, many banks offer a refinancing service by combining them into a single loan. A longer loan period will lower your monthly payments and interest rate.

Remember In order to receive loans without hindrance, it is necessary to make all payments on schedule without delay, and to keep your credit history “clean and in order.”

Finding out the chances of approval of a new loan

In order for your credit history to become, if not ideal, then at least good, it is necessary to constantly monitor it. Then the borrower will not have problems obtaining loans. Online credit history checking services are now widespread. The best way to find out if they will give you a loan if you have outstanding loans is at BKI24 ↪.

According to user reviews, this is the best service that provides fresh and reliable information. User-friendly interface, minimal amount of requested data. By transferring your personal data to the official BKI24.INFO service, you can be absolutely calm about their confidentiality.

After submitting the application, the result will be sent to email specified in the request, already after 15 minutes. For a relatively small fee, borrowers will receive a very detailed and informative 5-page report. And for those seeking additional credit, this is simply a treasure trove of information. Because, in addition to your credit history and all related information, the report also provides assessing the likelihood of approval of a new loan. Regarding this issue, the report shows:

🔷 probability of failure;

🔷 probability of approval of a new loan by the bank in percentage;

🔷 credit scoring and the reasons that influenced the scoring score;

🔷 types and amounts of loans that will be approved for you.

An example of a credit history report looks like this: *.

Overdue and new loan. What to count on?

The most important part credit report is information about the presence of overdue payments. It is of decisive importance when the bank’s credit committee makes a decision on issuing the next loan.

Borrowers with loan debt are divided into two types: without delays and with them. For the former, all roads are open. For the latter, the picture looks much sadder. Banks are not afraid of short-term delays. But if they are systematic, then the credit committee will think deeply. Long delays will make obtaining a new loan almost impossible. The only way out is to contact the micro financial institution.

Don't get carried away! Having more than two loans drives a person into a deep hole of debt.

Scheduled payments must be made on time. If you have current loans without arrears, contact your bank. You will be considered a conscientious client and will be treated loyally. Track your credit history on the service ↪ BKI24.INFO to know what to expect.

Will they give a loan if there are outstanding loans - where to find out? was last modified: August 30, 2017 by Alexander Nevsky

Loans up to 100,000 rubles

  • up to 100,000 rubles
  • 1 year

Consumer loans

  • 50,000 - 3,000,000 rubles
  • up to 7 years
  • 1–25 million rub.
  • 6–30 years

Any citizen who submits an application to the bank expects the loan to be approved. Each bank applies its own algorithms for reviewing applications and evaluating creditworthiness potential borrower. Although the criteria of banks are different, in general the approach to considering an application is the same. So let's find out what needs to be done to get your application approved.

The appearance of the borrower and his condition

As soon as you enter a bank branch, they immediately begin to evaluate you. The manager who accepts the application does not make any decisions, but he accepts the application from the potential borrower, and there are points that he can influence.

The manager’s job is not only questioning the client, he also checks the borrower for information and evaluates its appearance and condition. The loan application itself, which is filled out by a bank employee, contains not only fields with the applicant’s personal data. These fields are filled in by the manager, therefore:

1. Come to the bank neat. If you come for a loan dirty, then you may be thought of as a fraudster. It's possible characterize, as a discrepancy between the appearance and information in the questionnaire. The manager will indicate this in the application form, and in doubtful situations this may become an argument in favor of a refusal decision.

2. Never visit a bank under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or after a wild feast. The manager will mark that the applicant is drunk, and then an automatic refusal will be received.

3. Be polite to the manager. Although he does not make decisions, he has a certain amount of influence on approval. If in his eyes you look like a good borrower, he will indicate this in the application form in special service fields.

The most important thing is the assessment creditworthiness

Bank approval for a loan depends on your creditworthiness. If you receive a salary of 20,000 rubles, then claiming a million is pointless. Your income must be commensurate with the monthly payment. The bank will definitely analyze your income and expenses to understand how much you can borrow.

In this case, the borrower's monthly expenses are taken into account. For example, for rent and for fulfilling other loan obligations. When drawing up an application, you will definitely be asked about the expenditure part of your budget. But you don't have to tell everything. You can keep silent about the fact that you spend money on your child's education or send money to your parents. This information will lower your creditworthiness Therefore, it is better not to talk about such expense items at all.

Some tips:

  1. The loan approval rate will be higher if you document as many sources of your income as possible. From this, your creditworthiness gets taller.
  2. It is not necessary to talk in detail about non-obvious expense items in your budget.
  3. If your passport does not contain a note about children, it is not necessary to tell the bank about their presence. Children are dependents, which reduce your creditworthiness.

We collect points during scoring

For a long time, banks have been using scoring programs when considering loan applications. It is these programs that primarily evaluate the profiles of potential borrowers.

The system is based on assigning a certain number of points for each questionnaire item. The higher the client scores during scoring, the higher the likelihood of approval. In this case, either approval comes automatically, or the application goes to the next stage of consideration, it all depends on the type of loan program. If a citizen does not score the required number of points, he receives a refusal.

What they give the highest points for:

  1. Married status.
  2. Great experience (the more, the higher the score).
  3. Leadership position.
  4. Age (highest score for middle age).
  5. Purpose of the loan (lower score for non-targeted loans).
  6. Job title state employee
  7. Availability of real estate.
  8. Own car.
  9. Good credit history.
  10. No credit debts.
  11. Absence of children, dependents.
  12. Higher education.

If your credit history is damaged

The easiest option is to take out a microloan. This way, two goals are achieved - you correct your credit history and get the money you need. We recommend that you use the following services:

  1. Excellent cash - fast loan disbursement, and in online mode- Great cash
  2. Turboloan - even faster and more reliable, they give even with a not very good CI - Turboloan
  3. Zaimer - the name speaks for itself, a fairly old resource with a proven reputation - Zaimer

How to influence approval when applying for a loan online?

Many banks use services for receiving questionnaires from citizens via the Internet. In this case, the application is not accepted by the manager, but the applicant fills out his application form without leaving home. This is good for the applicant because he avoids the manager's assessment; the bank takes into account only the information indicated there.

If your loan application is approved online, you are invited to the bank to issue funds. But for now the solution preliminary, the office may refuse you for the following reasons:

  • you entered the document data incorrectly (there should be no errors or typos);
  • your documents have aroused suspicion (damaged, torn, flooded with water, etc.);
  • the income indicated in the online questionnaire does not correspond to the income stated in the 2NDFL certificate;
  • suspicion of fraud.

If, after approving the loan, the bank sees no reason to refuse to issue funds, then you receive the money. So, be careful when filling out the online application yourself.

Circumstances arise in life when you need money urgently, but your own savings are either not enough or not at all. Most often we turn to them for credit organizations mainly banks. Some come to the branch in person, others submit online applications. In any case, the lender will check your credit history, level of solvency, etc. This will take some time, sometimes a couple of days, and sometimes a few minutes due to credit scoring. But since a person’s need is urgent, the question becomes relevant: how can I find out whether the loan will be approved?

Ways to find out if a loan will be approved

There are several options for how to find out whether a loan has been approved or not. But you must understand that the banks themselves inform the client about their verdict. This is done by:

Now let's look at what an individual can do to determine whether they will refuse him or accept him as a borrower and provide him with a loan.

How to find out if a bank loan has been approved

If for some reason the bank did not notify you of approval, it is possible to resolve the issue using various methods. Only now the person himself needs to check whether the lender agrees to provide him with a loan. We'll have to take some action.

What determines the processing time for an application?

To make a decision, the bank carries out operations to analyze the borrower. The speed of the procedure is influenced by the following factors:

How long do you have to wait for a loan decision?

In general, online applications for loans are processed within 1-3 days. But there are banks that quickly respond to customer requests. They promise a loan on the same day:

  • . Has high percentage credit card approvals. They can call you back in 5 minutes;
  • . Also often responds positively to applications;
  • . The bank's decision is made in approximately 15 minutes;
  • . In this case, you don’t need to worry about how to check whether the loan will be approved. The manager will call you back in 15 minutes;
  • . The verdict is rendered instantly;
  • . Dispenses throughout the day.

It will become known whether the loan is approved by Sberbank only after 3-5 days. You need to wait 1-2 days for a preliminary decision at Alfa-Bank.

Common reasons for failure

If you managed to find out whether the bank will approve the loan, but the answer is disappointing, think about why this happened. The bank may legally not tell you the reason for the negative verdict. Moreover, each borrower is checked individually. Therefore, resolving this issue is not easy. Most often, a loan is denied due to:

  • incorrectly filling out an application or attempting to take out a loan in someone else’s name;
  • knowingly providing false information;
  • insufficient level of monthly earnings, lack of confirmation of solvency;
  • poor CI condition;
  • having a criminal record and other problems with the law.

We figured out how to find out whether a loan will be approved and why banks refuse. But it is equally important to be informed about what to do next. If you are denied a loan, the first thing to do is try to resend your request after a certain period of time. Just now carefully enter all the data and check your application for errors before submitting.

Try to reduce the requested amount, present more certificates proving a good level of income. Make sure that you meet all the bank's requirements, including your age category.

Banks evaluate borrowers for trustworthiness through several stages:

  1. The borrower's data is assessed by the program. The application is processed automatically. A record of parameters is kept - monthly income, age, length of service of the borrower, presence of children, amount of payments on other loans, monthly expenses. Based on the results of the check, the borrower receives points based on which reliability is determined.
  2. After passing the first stage, the application with the result of the verification is sent to the bank manager. It checks your credit history and the completeness of the data filled in.
  3. The security service evaluates the accuracy of the data provided. Calls friends or employer, checks the borrower for the presence of other loans not specified in the application.

When issuing instant loans, processing is carried out by the program; the interest on such loans is higher, since the bank bears higher risks. The offered interest rate and loan amount for express lending depend on the automatically calculated borrower rating. The application is manually checked if there are any doubts about the reliability of the data.

How does available credit influence the decision?

The bank may refuse to provide another loan if monthly payments on the first loan or total debt obligations account for more than 40% of total income. The second factor is monthly income. If you earn 25,000 rubles and make payments on the first loan of 5,000 rubles monthly, there is a risk that the bank will refuse a second loan.

Also, the bank may not approve a large amount loan. If a borrower has taken out a loan for 50,000 rubles, and he applies for another 150,000 rubles with a small monthly income, then the bank has the right to reject the application, but there is a possibility that when submitting a second application for a small amount it will be approved.

What else affects the likelihood of approval?

The following factors may also influence the refusal to approve a second loan:

  1. The first loan is overdue for more than 2 months.
  2. Current overdue loans.
  3. Frequent job changes.
  4. Having dependent young children.
  5. Concealing information about the availability of a previous loan.

Data on loans is contained in the credit history bureau. When checking an application, banks also check the borrower’s credit history and it is impossible to hide the presence of loans or arrears on them. When applying for a loan, the bank immediately transfers this data to the BKI, where all loan payments and compliance with repayment deadlines will be reflected.

We evaluate the chances of getting a loan

First, let's calculate the percentage of debt obligations on previous loans. Let's take the monthly total income and determine what part of it we give to the bank. Let's look at an example: income is 50,000 rubles per month, the borrower pays 15,000 rubles to the bank for previous loans. This will be 30% of income. It is possible to approve an application for a loan with monthly payments of 5,000 rubles.

If the client receives a stable, high income, then the bank approves a second loan for a reasonable amount. If you own real estate, a car, or other property, the chances of your application being approved are good. The borrower's rating plays a role; you can find out by requesting information from the credit history bureau. Since there are several BKIs, you first need to find out which of them store the borrower’s history and send requests there. Some banks offer to request a credit history for a fee; you can use their services.

How to increase your chances of approval?

You can increase the likelihood of your re-loan application being approved by following several rules:

  1. Apply for a loan using guarantors and providing proof of income. Loans with a guarantee have a higher percentage of positive decisions on them. These loans are more profitable - the interest rate on them is lower than when applying for a loan using a passport. It will also be a plus to have collateral propertyvehicles or any real estate.
  2. Collecting the maximum number of documents confirming income. You need to collect contracts and certificates if you have a part-time job. Confirm income from rental property. Obtain certificates of alimony received.
  3. It is better to contact the bank where the applicant has salary card or contribution.
  4. Indicate in your application a longer loan period, since in this case the amount monthly payments will be small.
  5. If you have several loan obligations, it makes sense to refinance them into a single debt. Often the refinancing program provides more favorable interest rates.
  6. Arrears on previous loans must be closed in mandatory. Banks do not issue repeat loans unreliable borrowers.

Will they provide a consumer loan?

It will be difficult to obtain a personal loan if the client has a mortgage loan. Since when registering it, the bank calculates the maximum possible amount of payments. You can apply for a loan if there has been an increase in monthly income or most of the mortgage has already been paid off.

If you have a consumer loan, then everything will depend on the loan amount and the borrower’s income. If the borrower plans to take out a loan to purchase equipment or repairs, it is easier to apply for a loan immediately in the store. The disadvantage of this approach is that the interest rate in this case is higher, but the purchase of things on credit is also approved much faster.

Will they give you a credit card?

Review of applications for credit cards occurs quite quickly. The bank takes 1-2 days to evaluate the borrower. There are offers from banks for instant card issuance. An express assessment of the borrower is carried out. If there are no large arrears on previous loans, then the bank will go towards you and will issue a card for a small amount of 30,000-50,000 rubles.

You can apply for a credit card from the same bank where you have the loan, provided that payments are made regularly. Small banks issue cards without unnecessary red tape, but at a high interest rate. A bank can also issue a credit card through which the borrower’s salary is transferred.

Will they give me a mortgage if there are outstanding loans?

An outstanding loan does not prevent the issuance of a mortgage. The client must have a stable income that allows him to make monthly payments. The amount is calculated based on the maximum capabilities of the borrower. When issuing a mortgage, the total family income, the amount of expenses, the presence of minor children or other dependent persons of the borrower, and residence in a rented apartment are taken into account. Unofficial sources of income are also taken into account - part-time work, availability agriculture. In any case, the amount of monthly payments should not exceed half of the family income.

Applying for a mortgage will be easy if you follow these recommendations:

  1. Contact a bank where you already have a good credit history or partner banks. There are high chances that the bank will provide more favorable conditions to its regular customer.
  2. Do not hide information about the presence of credit obligations.
  3. Refinance existing loans, if there are several of them.

Today, several open loans are more a pattern than an exception to the rule. Consumer loans are issued for various purposes or without any intended purpose, therefore, the borrower may well count on new financing with an existing loan agreement. Despite this, the question of whether they will give a loan if there is a loan is still relevant and worries many users of financial services.

What influences the bank's decision

Before contacting the bank, the borrower should analyze his current solvency and possible force majeure situations. The main factors influencing the answer to loan application, include:

How to find out the bank's decision

There are several ways to find out if you will get a loan.

The first option is the simplest, but does not provide a 100% guarantee of a positive answer - study of credit rating. To obtain information, you must contact the National Credit History Bureau, which stores all borrower data for 15 years. You can also get acquainted with the characteristics of financial cooperation with banks and other organizations with the help of intermediaries. Find out for free credit rating available for registered users of some sites, such as Platiza, Unicom24, etc. By paying from 300 to 1500 rubles you can get information about your credit history without registration, for example, in Moneyman or Euroset.

The second way to find out the answer on a loan is submit an online application. The form can be filled out on the website or over the phone with the help of a bank manager. The application contains the following information: passport, personal data, contacts and information about the amount and source of income. Online questionnaires provide quick answers – within 30 minutes. However, banks position the issued decision as preliminary, so the final result of the analysis of the client’s data may differ. You can submit applications to several financial institutions, so as not to waste time in case of a negative answer from one of them. A positive decision does not oblige the borrower to execute an agreement.

Which bank to contact

Along with the question of how to check if they will give me a loan, important point is the choice of the bank itself in which this check will take place.

Let us make a reservation that there are no banks that do not refuse to issue loans. And here it does not matter whether there is already one loan agreement or this is the first application to a financial institution. In reality, there are banks that are more loyal to potential clients, but at the same time significantly increase interest rates. The latter pattern is justified by the companies’ high risks of non-refund of funds.

The first place you should contact is the bank where you have already opened a credit account. Especially if the debt is repaid without delay in accordance with the payment schedule. Please note that in this case the client can count on the amount borrowed funds, not exceeding the previous loan. Also important intended use funds, which, if possible, should not coincide.

Nowadays the easiest way to get a loan is in Orient Express, Renaissance Credit and Tinkoff Bank, Probusinessbank and Russian Standard . Also HomeCredit Bank not so long ago I joined the list of loyal banks that provide loans despite a bad credit past. Of course, you can also try to draw up an agreement in other banks, but if you have several open lines of credit, this will be more difficult to do.

In addition to banks, you can contact microfinance organizations, pawn shops or individuals. Annual rates there are much higher, but the approval rate of applications reaches 95%.

Why do banks refuse?

If, despite a positive preliminary decision, the borrower is refused a loan application, there is a logical explanation for this. Typically, each bank sets its own criteria for assessing the client’s solvency, but there are also general grounds for a negative decision:

Choosing the right loan can increase the likelihood of loan approval credit product, for example, if there is already consumer loans, you should try to get a credit card. A bad credit history can be improved if you take out a small loan from an MFO and repay it on time. Also plays a significant role in completing the application appearance the borrower and his manner of communication.