How to save a million: advice from experts. “How I was able to save a significant amount How to save a million in 5 years


Cars, furniture or other purchases that you can’t make right away are full of websites, periodicals and how-to guides for dreamers. Most sources offer every month and it is profitable to invest this amount in growth. The idea is certainly fruitful, but in reality, saving the required amount Every third person succeeds in this way, but only one in twenty manages to save money for investment.

Many people agree that you need to save money, but good intentions alone are not enough. Studying savings techniques brings as much benefit as learning to drive a car using the “Turn the steering wheel and press the pedals” scheme or learning to swim – “Jump in the water and swim.” Some people inherit the ability to properly handle money, others have sufficient knowledge, but most mere mortals have to learn the art of saving on their own and painfully.

1. Decide on the required amount

You should be absolutely clear about how much money you need to raise and why. If you are planning to invest, find out the exact amount and conditions for investing money, then saving money will not turn into a series of hardships, but into a stage of a profitable business. Find out as much as possible about the object of investment or savings.

Get a taste of hoarding. If you have never managed to cut your usual expenses in order to raise money to renovate your apartment or buy a new phone, you are unlikely to be able to invest. Practice by saving up money for a few months for something not too expensive, like a laptop or a vacation.

2. Increase the amount you save each month

You can save the 10% of income recommended by many authors without stress, but the results of such accumulation will be scanty. Calculate how much money you will receive in a year and what you can afford with it. Progress becomes obvious and joyful when you save at least 30% every month, it is advisable to bring this figure to 70%. Yes, it's not easy, but it's effective. Find an opportunity, change your job, try to earn the required amount as quickly as possible - saving for 10 years to buy a car, computer or new sofa is too tiring.

3. Automate

Create conditions under which the account will be replenished automatically, and spending money will become difficult. Ensure that part of your salary is transferred to a bank account. In some online banks, you can set up an automatic transfer of a certain amount of money from your main account to your savings account. Do not carry all cash with you and do not use credit cards- This is a direct path to wastefulness.

4. Divide the money left over for expenses into several parts.

Do not mix bills intended to pay for an apartment with money for food, gasoline, clothing, etc. Plan your expenses and monitor your spending.

5. Learn saving skills

If you enjoy buying pleasant and unnecessary little things, you will have to devote a couple of months to retraining. You need to train “on cats”, that is, on small things that you buy often - pay attention to prices, count the number of goods and analyze your need for them. This is not stinginess, but the ability to handle money.

Having learned to save, you will be able to replenish your bank account not by 10%, which will stretch out the fulfillment of your dream for many months or years, but by 30 percent or more. Our calculator will help you plan the accumulation of the required amount.

Contrary to popular belief, you can become a millionaire in a completely legal way. You can religiously honor the criminal code, not run a super-successful business and not make a political career - continue to do what you love, but invest your earnings correctly, and one day the coveted amount will be collected in your account.

Are there any chances of becoming a millionaire?

There are now 158,000 dollar millionaires in Russia. In total, 146,500,000 citizens live in the country, which means that only 0.11% have become millionaires. The information does not inspire optimism; it turns out that the probability of getting rich tends to zero. Don't lose hope - a way to join the ranks of moneybags even without starting capital and the talent to “make money” exists. A method proven and tested by several generations of Western millionaires. You need to learn funds and manage them wisely.

5 rules for a future millionaire

  1. Start keeping a ledger of your income and expenses to see how much you can invest each month without breaking the bank.
  2. Invest the amount you decide to give up every month, without skipping. Make other purchases and cash investments after deducting the required investment.
  3. Before you start moving towards a million, provide yourself with money that you can live on for 3-6 months.
  4. Decide on the currency. Even if you really like rubles, they are not suitable for investing - inflation and instability will ruin the whole thing. Of course, it is more difficult to collect a million euros, dollars or pounds sterling, but for several decades these currencies have shown surprisingly stable positions, not falling in price by more than 3%.
  5. Choose the right investment method. This is a difficult task, since the investment object must be absolutely reliable and time-tested. A neighbor or employee in this case is not a reliable source. Look for a method that is quickly practiced throughout the world, not in a region or country. The second requirement is accessibility; you can start investing with small deposits, say $100.

Choose highly rated companies, such as international ones Insurance companies. The conditions for investing in such companies are always worked out to the smallest detail, you can choose a convenient financial plan and have no doubt about the safety of your funds.

Investing in reliable company- a guaranteed way to become the owner of a million, provided that you can keep your commitments to yourself and have patience. In this case, almost nothing depends on your luck or talent as a businessman - the main thing is to choose an investment object that can increase your capital.

Our calculator will help you determine monthly amount investment, with regular investment which you will create your first million.

If a person sets a goal for himself - to accumulate a million in a specific period of time, then it means that he has decided to approach his goal wisely. financial condition. Some may find it funny, others simply will not believe the possibility of this, but if you really want it, then, you know, the impossible is possible. No one promises that the path will be easy. Everything must be done according to plan, without missing out on nuances and chances, and then, with the right approach, achieving the goal is quite possible.

Motivation is the most important thing that can set a person up to achieve such global goals. one is eager to buy new car, another is to move into their own housing, and the rest may have other, completely diverse aspirations. And this is correct, because without motivation nothing will happen.

Before embarking on a given task, a person must understand that he may have to greatly limit himself in many things, and also be extremely careful.

The first point is that even if you have a decent job and make good money, in order to save a significant amount of money, most likely you will have to break your habit of spending money on unnecessary things that just bring pleasure.

The second point is safety. Carefully consider the place where your million will accumulate. If you want to save it in cash, then do not forget that in a year or two inflation will lead to the loss of part of the funds. And besides, cash can always be stolen. It would be safer to open a bank account and keep funds there, receiving interest that covers inflation. It would be even better to keep your money in an account in euros or dollars. But you also need to open an account in a trusted institution, because there are a lot of scammers today.

The third point - do not forget that even if you save money, you must live and take care of yourself. Don't torture yourself by giving up healthy food and wearing cast-offs, stay comfortable and don't forget about your health.

How can you save money - a million rubles in a year?

Let's talk a little about saving. The concept of saving money is to give up something that you essentially can do without in favor of what you need and want. You can find a savings calculator on the Internet where you can calculate how much you will save by giving up something specific over a given period of time.

Advice! To quickly learn how to save, find a way for yourself to save, for example, 100 rubles a day. Anyone can save this amount, and in a month you will accumulate about 3,000 rubles of extra money.

A good advantage to saving money will be turning off the lights and water in a timely manner. Also, you will be surprised how much you can save if you take food with you to work in a container from home, rather than buying ready-made food for lunch. Investing money, you can make good money by investing in foreign currency, securities, as well as in real estate. Such investments will not immediately bring a lot of income, of course, but by retirement you will be able to accumulate a budget that will help you not to worry about finances without a bank. And if you have, you can organize yourself an excellent, passive additional income.

Get rid of unnecessary things and make a profit

Among other things, the simplest and in a fast way To earn a certain amount of money is to sell the property that you can do without, old, unnecessary, as well as the most forgotten junk. There will always be someone who could use it.

There is a site on the Internet called Avito. With it you can sell absolutely anything online. You just need to place an ad and wait for a call from a potential buyer. You can sell things both in your city and in other localities by sending things by mail.

Many people earn good amounts of money every month through Avito by buying and selling various things.

What things can be classified as subject to sale? This may include:

  1. Old technology mobile phone, outdated or even broken laptop, photography equipment and much more;
  2. Attributes for hobbies and hobbies that have not been used for a long time: fishing rods, musical instruments, etc.;
  3. Goods for sports and tourist trips;
  4. Furniture and building materials;
  5. Elements of various collections;
  6. Products for children: toys, clothes, crib, playpen, dishes, etc.;
  7. Unnecessary clothes.

Set yourself a goal - to earn 40-60 thousand per year from selling unnecessary things and strive for it.

When you set a goal to save a million, don’t forget about motivation. It is most important. Every day you must remember why you are saving, saving money, denying yourself something. By following the rules and striving for the goal, you will definitely realize your dream.

One man saved a million, and now he wants to save even more.

Polygraph Sharikov

He says about himself: “I really like saving - it’s my sport.” He started saving several years ago and during this time he developed several rules for himself. We are publishing his story with minor editing.

Realize your situation

To understand how much you can save - a comfortable amount, that same balance of consumption and savings - you need to understand your living wage. And also - what you can save on and how much free money remains. To do this, you need to keep track of expenses. When you see the data, something will probably surprise you - at this stage you can adjust your consumption - for example, start cooking more at home.

Then, based on the numbers obtained, you need to draw up a budget for mandatory expenses: utilities, travel, groceries for home, lunches at work. This is your living wage. You should always keep this amount in mind, knowing that there is no way to get less than this.

Agree with yourself

From the amount remaining after deducting mandatory expenses, we calculate how much you are willing to save each month. I’m now actively saving for a major purchase, so I’m saving more than half of all my income. This is, of course, a bit difficult. Another 25% of income goes to those very mandatory expenses. And another 25% - for everything pleasant, travel, entertainment, clothes. They will only save actively for a year, then it will be easier.

Develop reaction speed

The main thing is to set aside the intended amount immediately after the money arrives in your account. You can't wait a second here. Otherwise, you can spontaneously spend money on something unnecessary. Then the amount in the account will no longer seem so impressive - it will be a pity to tear away the lion’s share from yourself.

Distribute threads

It is necessary to keep what you set aside separately from money for everyday expenses - funds for different purposes should not be confused with each other. This is the basic rule. It is advisable that the money that you are not going to spend right now be difficult to access - in moments of weakness you will not be able to spend it, it will continue to accumulate. At the initial level, you can store money, for example, in a deposit, and at a more advanced level -

Plan and waste away

All that remains is to create a sign in which you need to plan your savings plan, for example, for the next year. And every month cross off the deferred amount, keep track of how much money you will have in a month and how much in six months. Here the “Tsar of Koschey languishes over gold” mode is activated.

There are at least six ways to save a million. Each of the methods may seem to you, to one degree or another, uncomfortable, since you did not try to do it initially, you will need to cut yourself in some way or change the usual structure of your everyday life. But, if you approach everything wisely and carefully, understand your true goals and needs, and consult with experts in this field, then you can get your accumulated million without extra effort and bloody tears.

The simplest way that immediately comes to mind is to stop spending money and start saving it. In this way, natural savings begin, which will help us have a specific amount of money by a certain date, month, which we can then safely spend on something. But this does not at all fit with our desire to save a million, and the amount we save can always be different; it is not a fact that even 100 rubles will be superfluous in our rapidly changing world.

Possible changes in life that are already beginning to radically change our usual structure include: Additional income, both passive and active, and a new job. Active earnings, additional or new job will undoubtedly bring us improvements in financial sector, but do you have the time, desire or energy for this? It is not always possible to answer “yes!” with certainty. As for the passive component of your income, you need to successfully invest money, buy shares that will give interest, or have another area that will constantly generate income, for example, rent. We will be able to save this extra money and live on our basic salary. If you choose this option for saving money, you can save both 100 rubles and a large amount, per month, day or week. If you had the opportunity to save 100 rubles a day, would you take advantage? Let's do the math. It will take us less than 10 years to save a million rubles.

Go to any calculator compound interest, which can be easily found online. Enter our parameters. 100 rubles per day is 3000 rubles per month. There will be one amendment: the money must work, or you must use it, so that it brings 20% per annum. And we see the following picture:

Otherwise, you need to learn how to invest money correctly and wisely, for example, start, open your own business, which, with certain investments, will pay off much faster than you will accumulate your capital by saving 100 rubles. In any case, the terms of accumulation should be beneficial for you, relevant in the conditions economic situation your country and are comfortable, connected with the conveniences of life.

As we can see, it is quite possible to accumulate a million with a little effort. After all, money won’t just jump into your pocket :)

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