Regional markets and their functioning. Regional market - what is it? Formation, management, analysis, problems of regional markets Types of regional market structures include


The system of regional markets is a set of interconnected markets of various types located in a certain territory.

Classification of the regional market system

Regional markets can be classified according to a number of characteristics.

Reproductive trait according to which they distinguish:

Markets that meet the needs of the region's population;

Markets that ensure the movement of material and material flows;

Markets that ensure the formation and use of production factors (labor, financial and credit, raw materials and other resources).

Classification by objects of sale and purchase:

Regional consumer market;

Regional market for means of production;

Regional financial market;

Regional labor market;

Regional real estate market;

Regional information market.

Subjective sign, according to which they distinguish:

Regional consumer markets;

Regional producer markets;

Regional markets for intermediate sellers.

Economic and legal sign, according to which they distinguish:

Legal markets;

Illegal markets;

Semi-legal markets (unregistered firms, officially unregistered goods, etc.).

Material and material sign, according to which they distinguish:

Regional commodity markets;

Regional services markets.

Regional market for capital goods

The regional market for means of production is a system of socio-economic relations in the sphere of exchange, providing the production process with tools and objects of labor and located in a certain territory.

The subjects of the regional market for means of production are producers of tools and objects of labor and consumers of all sectors of the economy that use these products in their production process. At the same time, market entities may be located in the territories of other regions. The resources of this market are formed primarily through interregional economic ties.

The relationship between supply and demand in the regional market for means of production is influenced by such factors as the phase of the economic cycle, the proportions of economic development of the region, the level of development of market infrastructure, changes in legislation in this area, the solvency of consumers of means of production, the pace of scientific and technological progress, the degree of development of interregional connections, level of competition intensity, etc.

The main product groups of the regional capital goods market include:

Markets of fuel and energy resources;

Markets of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;

Forest and forest products markets;

Construction materials markets;

Markets for engineering products, including: the market for machine tool and machine tool products;

Agricultural machinery market;

Market for forestry and woodworking machinery products, etc.

The market for means of production is regulated by the state using administrative and economic methods. Administrative methods include: quotas for certain types of products; limiting the scale and scope of activity of individual manufacturers; direct participation in the activities of enterprises; participation in the formation of demand for certain types of means of production (government orders, subsidies and subventions to manufacturers of means of production). Economic methods include: tax regulation, price regulation for certain types of means of production; regulation of supply and demand for certain types of means of production (benefits to the manufacturer, accelerated depreciation, state guarantees for loans from commercial banks, preferential conditions for the rental and sale of federal property, ensuring free access to state patents and other scientific and technical information).

Topic: typology of regional markets

Saint Petersburg

Formation and development of markets in the region.

In its economic essence, a regional market is a set of highly localized socio-economic processes and relations in the sphere of exchange (circulation), formed under the influence of the characteristics of supply and demand of each territorial administrative entity and taking into account adequate methods of market conditions and commercial decision-making processes.

Regional markets can exist both under a limit-distribution system and under a market economy. In the first case, markets develop and function in accordance with the logic of administrative-directive management. Thus, the volume of trade turnover and the corresponding supply of goods for each territorial-administrative entity is established by directive plans.

With the transition to market economic relations, the role and importance of the market in the regional reproduction process changes. The proportions of the regional reproduction process are formed through the influence of market regulatory instruments: prices, taxes, interest on loans, etc.

A developed regional market can function effectively with a scientifically based system of studying demand, trends and its patterns of development:

The total volume of demand and the volume of demand for individual groups and types of goods;

Structures of demand for goods of the same name from various enterprises;

Seasonal fluctuations in demand for individual goods;

Buyers' requirements for the quality of goods.

The study of demand provides information that allows forecasting the capacity and structure of the market, as well as expected shifts in improving the geography of production and consumption of goods and services.

Regional markets are heterogeneous. Thus, according to the territorial organization of the sphere of circulation, one can distinguish settlement markets in rural settlements, city, regional, republican, interregional, interrepublican and interregional.

Each type of market has its own corresponding infrastructure with features of location, development and operation, market capacity, channels and schemes for product formation.

The need for goods and services is directly dependent on effective demand and the development of the non-productive sector in the region. The effective demand of the population is characterized by the amount of monetary resources that it can use to purchase goods and consume paid services. The structure of effective demand in different regions of the country and for different socio-economic groups of the population is determined by the nature of the development of productive forces in a given economic region. A characteristic feature of the development of the regional market for goods and services is the continuous expansion of its capacity and quality parameters. Market capacity is the possible volume of sales of goods on the domestic market, determined by the size of effective consumer demand at a given price level. In addition to the population, consumers of goods and services on the market are organizations and institutions of the non-productive sector and enterprises in the region.

Regional markets can be combined into a system, which is a set of market formations of various types, the purpose of which is to ensure the effective development and functioning of the regional reproduction process, reproduction of tools, objects of labor and labor. The system of regional markets includes:

Consumer market (goods market);

Land and real estate market;

Labor market;

Capital market (credit market and securities market);

Information market;

Natural resources market;

Market of cultural property;

Market of educational services, etc.

All markets are interconnected with each other, they are served by the corresponding components of the market infrastructure.

Regional consumer market.

The mechanism of formation and functioning of the regional consumer market is presented as the interaction of objectively operating factors, phenomena and processes in the sphere of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services that have developed in a given territory.

The functioning of the regional consumer market is determined by the connections: between the needs of the region's population and production; supply and demand in the regional market for goods and services; income differentiation and consumption patterns; level and structure of consumption; current consumption and accumulation; socialized and individualized forms of consumption, etc.

The concept of “consumer market” has been found in modern Russian economic literature since the early 90s. In general, in its economic essence, the regional consumer market is a set of highly localized socio-economic processes and relations in the sphere of exchange and consumption, formed under the influence of the characteristics of supply and demand of each territorial administrative entity, taking into account adequate methods for regulating market conditions and making commercial decisions .

The regional consumer market is part of the general regional market (or goods market). The commodity market in modern economics is understood as “a system of economic entities that form their relationships with the aim of rational circulation of final consumption goods and industrial and technical products.” At the same time, the consumer market, according to the authors, represents that part of the commodity market in which goods are purchased for personal consumption.

In terms of its share and role in ensuring the livelihoods of the population, the consumer market occupies a leading place in the regional market system. It appears to us as a dynamic system of cause-and-effect relationships that ensure the greatest correspondence of the production (or import from outside the region) of goods and services to the needs and effective demand of the population, covering the entire set of economic relations of production, sale and consumption of material goods and consumer-oriented services.

The saturation and capacity of the regional consumer market are largely determined by the efficiency of economic activity in the region. The final consumption of the region's population largely depends on it.

The regional consumer market affects a number of phases that are closely interconnected in a single process: the needs of the region's population - production (supply) - cash income of the population - sales (trade) - consumption (satisfaction of needs). The block of needs at the beginning of the process acts as requests for production, orienting it towards a certain volume and structure of production resources. It is the most important factor in shaping the policy of priorities in the region’s production program.

However, in the conditions of the modern Russian economy, when there is an unprecedented decline in production, and the market system is just taking shape, the consumer market is also just taking shape.

Due to the fact that a region is an area (district, part of the country) that differs from other areas by a set of natural or historically established economic and geographical features, the regional consumer market has a corresponding territorial definition. In Russia, the following consumer markets are legitimately identified as regional:

There are currently eleven economic regions in the Russian Federation: Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, Volga, North Caucasus, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far Eastern (except In addition, the Kaliningrad region is considered separately);

Territories, regions, republics, districts (or groups thereof);

Individual settlements included in the district.

Thus, the regional consumer market is a complex system of institutions in the sphere of circulation, characterized by a large number of interrelations. However, each of its participants also has its own interests: producers strive to return the money spent and make a profit, and consumers strive to satisfy their own needs. State regulation of the regional economy by federal and local authorities serves to resolve the contradictions of these interests.

Subjects of demand in the regional consumer market are individuals and families purchasing goods and services for personal consumption and residence in a given region. Markets for consumer goods are characterized by mass consumption, competition, and a decentralized structure.

The main ways of selling goods on the regional market are: wholesale trade, small wholesalers, retail trade. Regional policy in the field of sales of goods is complemented by stimulation of trade and sales activities, technical services, and a system of measures for the development of the regional consumer market as a whole.

Regional labor market

According to many economists, the traditional definition of a regional market as a space in which sellers and buyers interact, as a result of which an equilibrium price and an equilibrium volume of supply and demand are established for each product or service, should be adjusted for the labor market.

The basis for this is that labor has not only economic value, but also social value, since as a source of income it determines the social status of a person in society. Therefore, the regional labor market can be defined as a space where the price and quantity of labor are determined by the interaction of demand (from enterprises) and supply (from temporarily unemployed people).

Methodological accuracy in definitions requires the following remark from the authors. Due to the fact that labor is not a commodity, and, therefore, cannot be an object of market relations, it would be correct to use the term “labor market”. However, the authors nevertheless used the expression “labor market”, generally accepted in Russian economic literature and statistical collections.

Regional features of employment and the functioning of the labor market stem from the specifics of the formation of an economically active population, the current level and structure of employment, determined by the specialization and complexity of the economy, its provision of raw materials, the dynamics and efficiency of production, investment activity and attractiveness of the territories, the nature of support for enterprises from federal and regional authorities. Ensuring that the desired behavior of people corresponds to the actual behavior regarding the occupation of educational places in the field of vocational training and jobs in the economic sphere is the dual goal of managing labor resources and the totality of jobs, employment, both at the national and regional levels.

Labor and employment management consists of regulatory influence at all stages of the movement of labor resources. The initial stage in the movement of labor resources in the region is their formation, which is determined by the ratio and structure of natural and migration sources. The distribution of labor across economic sectors and enterprises is the middle stage in the management system. Within this stage, the process of redistribution of the existing workforce is carried out. There is a movement of workers between territories. The growth of labor productivity and the release of personnel depend on how effectively the workforce is used at a given level of technology and production technology.

A specific product or product group, the scope of operation of which is limited primarily to one region (region, territory, republic).

Dictionary of financial terms.

See what "REGIONAL MARKET" is in other dictionaries:

    Regional market- a market limited to a certain territory. The territorial division of the country's domestic market, as a rule, coincides with the boundaries of administrative entities. At the same time, regional markets can be formed according to other characteristics, for example...

    MARKET, REGIONAL- a market limited to a certain territory. Regional markets can be formed both according to administrative and other characteristics that unite territories. R.r. interstate is formed by a group of states that have specific forms... ... Large economic dictionary

    REGIONAL MARKET- – the market for a specific product (service), which is sold in a certain area (region). The degree of satisfaction of needs (demand) is ensured by the volume of production of relevant goods in the region, taking into account the balance of the value of exported and... ... Concise Dictionary of Economists

    - (see REGIONAL INSURANCE MARKET) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    A set of insurance organizations, national insurance markets of individual regions, interconnected by close integration ties. See also: Insurance markets Regional markets Financial dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

    Noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? market, why? market, (see) what? market, what? market, about what? about the market; pl. What? markets, (no) what? markets, why? markets, (see) what? markets, what? markets, about what? about markets 1. A market is a place like... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Regional market- see Regional market... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    Wikipedia has a portal “Kazakhstan” Regional financial center of Alma Ata RFCA (Kazakhstan ... Wikipedia

    Market Flea market in Lianozovo, Moscow, 05/30/2009 ... Wikipedia

    A set of insurance organizations, national insurance markets of individual regions, interconnected by close integration ties. For example, within the framework of the regional insurance market of the EEC, complete unification of the national... ... Economic dictionary


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Many people ask, what is a regional market? How does he work? We will consider what other questions he has in the article. The development of the regional economy, the unification of business entities and the division of public work in national and regional production determine the functioning and formation of the regional market.


The regional market is the territorial sphere of commodity circulation. For example, market analyst A. S. Novoselov argues that the regional market is a territorial organization of the sphere of circulation, where the interests of consumers and producers are coordinated. Many authors, taking into account the opinions of predecessors and personal vision, try to capture in the definition the basic elements that characterize the local market.

Analyst S. N. Alpysbaeva believes that the regional market is a territorially limited, open and complexly organized system of trade relations and connections through which the bearers of supply and demand contact, maintaining the circulation of material, credit, financial and cash flows in the region and beyond. its borders, as well as the evolutionary formation of a new institutional environment in the region.


Agree, the regional market is a complex system. The above definitions do not contain fundamental parts of the content of the regional market, such as natural connections: relations of competition, property, individual reproduction, operating conditions, the law of value. Taking into account these comments, we can give the following definition of the regional market: the nature of the local market is expressed by the economic and social relations of purchase and sale, which make it possible to carry out the distribution and exchange of services and products on the basis of cost analogues, taking into account supply and demand, creating a connection between the appropriation and alienation of property for ensuring private and regional reproduction, subjects of management, consumption and production in conditions of insufficient resources and a competitive environment.

In this formulation, the district market as an economic territorial phenomenon refers to an open system with a complex organization. A mesomarket (territorial market) is always understood as an open system with an intricate organization, and therefore it is unnecessary to include these parameters in its interpretation.


The institutional structure of the system of regional markets is shown by specific business entities, a group of economic relations, infrastructural details and distribution channels. The composition of local market actors and their activities vary depending on the type of market. The connections between different types of markets within a device can be multifaceted and two-way, with an emphasis on connections with the outside world. Regional markets are isolated in surrounding layers due to special relationships with these layers.

All local markets are interdependent and cooperate in the interests of trading entities. At the same time, the prerequisites for the regional reproductive process are maturing. The interaction of local markets is carried out by a self-governing mechanism of regional connections and the coordinating intervention of the state and regional authorities.

District markets are formed as an open company, reacting to both hidden and external social, economic and political situations. All processes of creating markets and the actions of subjects of trade relations depend on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the economic space.

Economic space

The effectiveness of an economic zone depends on the structure and capacity of consumption within the region and the range and nature of production. This subordination programs the characteristics of the processes of movement of goods and the patterns of financial and economic-trade relations. The open nature of the local economy is generated by an appropriate approach to the economic zone within which the reproductive process takes place and local markets operate. In view of this, it is necessary to distinguish between internal and external economic ether, since each occupies an exact place in the formation of dependencies and relationships between the subjects of the regional economy.

The external economic zone is of decisive importance for the work of all subjects of the regional economy. The internal economic ether includes the prerequisites and conditions for the operation of the system of regional markets.

To ensure the production of services and products, the details of the economic reserve must be continuously revived as required by scientific and technological progress. This becomes possible on the basis of regional exchange with a mature system of local markets.

The internal economic zone is the basis of regional reproductive cycles, providing conditions for the active work of manufacturers and the growth of living standards of the population. The presence of these cycles ensures horizontal connections in the system of regional markets, taking into account the interests of subjects of the local reproductive process.

Thus, regional markets are a means for the continuous reproduction of productive forces and economic relations. Markets unite into one whole the internal and external economic ether of the regional reproductive process.

Specifics of the concept

Every specialist must know the peculiarities of the regional market. In general, local markets are dynamically modifying systems that have a structure, are divided into several types and perform a number of functions.

The uniqueness of regional markets lies in the presence of economic and social ties that emerge between the product manufacturer and the consumer (in the process of transactions).

Mature markets in certain areas are included in the general structure of the national (national) market.


It is characteristic that competition, demand, as well as a variety of forms of savings led to the fragmentation of local markets into the following types:

  • investment market;
  • consumer goods;
  • financial market (mortgage, monetary, securities);
  • material and production services;
  • residential and commercial real estate;
  • labor market;
  • land objects;
  • innovation and information markets.


Managing regional markets involves the influence of management subjects on an object in order to achieve goals planned in advance. Regional authorities set these goals for themselves as part of the implementation of the program-target method.

The basic goals of control over local markets are to guarantee the balance of markets in the region, ensure the economic return of the development of the area, and meet the needs of residents.

The objects of management are enterprises, population, organizations, agricultural firms, objects of social market infrastructure of the region.


Let's consider the problems of regional markets in Russia. The conditions for transforming regional development in the vast expanses of the Russian Federation are far from clear. Differences are inherent in the structure of the economy, its technological level and scale, the dynamics and level of prices for energy resources, consumer goods, real estate, labor, and so on.

They are based on different potential for self-development, different mentality or population density, sharply demarcated indicators of the levels of evolution of infrastructure, qualifications of managers and workers, and the isolation of “deep” areas from the outside world inherited from the past.

As a consequence of these qualities, the regions face unique problems of providing services and marketing products, business risks, budget revenues and non-payments.