Denis Bortnikov will oversee the regional network and medium-sized businesses at VTB Group. Golden youth: what do the children of Ivanov, Patrushev, Bortnikov and other Russian government officials do? Start of working life



Finally, FSB director Alexander Bortnikov managed to find a place for his unlucky son Denis Bortnikov somewhere. Bortnikov Jr., who is already more than forty years old, actually received a sinecure - he will be responsible for the regional network and medium-sized businesses in the Vneshtorgbank (VTB) group. These issues were previously dealt with by Mikhail Oseevsky, who headed Rostelecom in March.

“The supervisor of small and medium-sized businesses will be Denis Bortnikov from St. Petersburg, the supervision will be from St. Petersburg, he is a member of the board today, the group of small and medium-sized businesses will be located here, on the basis of the North-West Regional Center,” said the head of the Management of the Future at the conference “Management of the Future” at the Higher School of Management VTB (quote from Interfax). Bortnikov will oversee medium-sized businesses, the bank’s regional network and head the VTB North-West Center, the bank’s press service clarified.

The appointment has taken place; additional approval of Denis Bortnikov from the Central Bank is not required, since he is already a member of the VTB board, the bank’s press service says.

“Among the tasks set for Denis Bortnikov is the growth of overall business performance and the implementation of the tasks outlined in the VTB strategy,” the press service added. The press service did not comment on which candidates were still being considered to replace Oseevsky. Bortnikov will continue to lead the North-West regional center of VTB, the bank clarified.

Denis Bortnikov is the son of the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov.

VTB North-West Regional Center is an independent structural unit of the bank’s parent organization, created in March 2011 on the basis of VTB North-West Bank, where Bortnikov worked as Deputy Chairman of the Board. According to the VTB NWRC, the volume of the division’s total loan portfolio in December 2016 was about 250 billion rubles, the volume of funds raised was about 300 billion rubles.

Bortnikov has extensive management experience in the banking business and great internal support, so the appointment was expected, says HR bp Managing Director Andrey Shcherbakov. Running a regional network requires organizational effort and strategy, says a St. Petersburg banker who asked not to be named. According to him, competition in regional markets is growing, including due to the development of technology, and VTB faces many challenges in this area. Bortnikov has 20 years of banking experience, he recalled.

The expansion of powers, according to Shcherbakov, will generally add significance to the North-Western regional center, which is important against the backdrop of the trend towards optimization in the banking sector. Managing a regional network in isolation from the decision-making center is quite difficult, the expert adds. He does not rule out the further relocation of the top manager to Moscow.

“It will not be easy for Denis Bortnikov to combine two positions,” believes a top manager of another bank. Now banks save more on personnel and when a top manager of a level similar to Oseevsky’s leaves, they try to assign his responsibilities to other members of the board; this is a common practice, says another Vedomosti source in the St. Petersburg banking market.

VTB, according to the Central Bank website, has 34 branches, including two abroad, four representative offices, 210 additional offices, five operational cash desks and 126 operational offices.

The regional network is an important part of the bank’s business, since it is it that sells banking services and serves bank clients. Despite the development of remote channels, most services are still provided only in offices, notes Frank Research Group CEO Yuri Gribanov.

As the Ruspres agency previously reported, Denis Bortnikov is 42 years old. He graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. From 1996 to 2004 he worked at Promstroibank (in 2007 it became part of the VTB Group, renamed OJSC VTB Bank North-West), in 2004 he worked at Guta Bank (also part of the VTB Group), in 2005 - at "Vneshtorgbank retail services." In 2006, Bortnikov was appointed deputy manager of the VTB branch in St. Petersburg, in 2007 he became deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West bank, and in 2010 - first deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West. There is reason to believe that Bortnikov Jr. came to Guta Bank to facilitate its further takeover by VTB.

Head of the North-West Regional Center, Senior Vice President. Since November 2011 - member of the board of VTB Bank.


Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov was born on November 19, 1974. Graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance (specialty: national economics).

1996 – 2004 OJSC Industrial Construction Bank, consultant in the liquidity management department, consultant in the transfer operations department, consultant in the financial instruments department, leading consultant in the brokerage department, chief expert in acquiring and authorization, head of the acquiring and authorization department.



Andrey Kostin - President - Chairman of the Board of JSC VTB Bank


Geropharm received a loan of 1 billion rubles for the construction of a plant

“VTB Bank is pleased to support the company in the development and production of high-quality Russian medicines, a priority from the point of view of import substitution, and to provide the range of financial services necessary for development,” Denis Bortnikov, a member of the board of VTB Bank, is quoted in the message.

VTB Bank increased payments to the board by 15.5% in the first quarter

There are currently 11 members of the VTB board: the head of the bank Andrey Kostin, first deputy chairmen Yuri Solovyov and Vasily Titov, deputy chairmen Herbert Moos, Mikhail Oseevsky and Andrey Puchkov, board members Denis Bortnikov, Victoria Vanurina, Maxim Kondratenko, Valery Lukyanenko and Erkin Norov.

Rosselkhozbank and sons

The appointment of children of high-ranking officials to top positions in state-owned companies has long become the norm in Russia. Since February 1, 2011, Denis Bortnikov, the son of FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, has been the Chairman of the Board of VTB North-West Bank. The vice-president of Vnesheconombank is Pyotr Fradkov, the son of Mikhail Fradkov, director of the Foreign Intelligence Service. Analyst Vladimir Pribylovsky laments that such practices are “more common in third world countries.” “Having a relative on the board of directors is a voice in the politics of the bank or corporation, which is always a good thing. Medvedev has not yet condemned the scheme for children to head companies with state shares,” the expert sneers.

Musketeers against the government

Children of officials generally feel great in Russia: Denis Bortnikov, son of FSB director Alexander Bortnikov, was recently appointed chairman of the board of VTB North-West Bank

Bortnikov clan

Son, Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov, banker. Graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance with a degree in national economics. In 1996-2004 worked at the St. Petersburg Industrial Construction Bank (PSB). In 2004-2005 - Advisor to the manager of the northwestern branch of Guta Bank. In 2005-06 - Deputy Manager of Vneshtorgbank Retail Services CJSC. In 2006-2007 - Deputy Branch Manager of VTB Bank in St. Petersburg. In 2007-2010 Deputy Chairman of the Board, 2010-2011 — First Deputy Chairman of the Board, since 2011 Chairman of the Board of OJSC VTB Bank North-West. There is reason to believe that after VTB acquired a controlling stake in Promstroybank and renamed the purchased structure to VTB North-West Bank, Denis Bortnikov initially planned a career in this company, and moved to Guta-Bank to contribute to his future takeover of VTB. However, Denis Bortnikov himself denies this.

VTB branch in St. Petersburg has lost its manager

The branch manager was dismissed at his own request on Monday by agreement of the parties. Currently, Denis Bortnikov, Malyshev’s former deputy, has been appointed acting manager. Presumably, the manager’s place could be taken by the head of one of the city branches of VTB North-West. It is likely that the new manager will be a technical figure. Market participants note that in the process of integration of VTB North-West and VTB, managers in the St. Petersburg bank will be freed up, and there will be no personnel problems. Experts believe that the compensation of a branch manager can be $10-15 thousand, of which the salary is $7-9 thousand. The salary of bank top managers in St. Petersburg is about $10 thousand per month, growing by 20-25% per year.

The son of FSB director Alexander Bortnikov, Denis, took over the post of chairman of the board of VTB North-West

Denis Bortnikov is the son of Vladimir Putin’s colleague in the state security agencies, Alexander Bortnikov, who now heads the Federal Security Service. He began his career as a banker in 1996 at the Industrial Construction Bank (PSB). And he went from a specialist to the first deputy chairman, recalls Olyunin. According to him, Bortnikov is a worthy leader, he performed his work efficiently and creatively and ensured the implementation of the plan, was involved in a wide range of areas and is respected by the team. Bortnikov has a broad outlook, he has worked in different positions and has a clear understanding of both corporate and retail business, says another banker who worked with him at PSB. “He is a very balanced person, he probably had less ambition than his competitors, which led to his appointment,” he adds. “The Supervisory Board considered that at the important final stage of the merger of VTB North-West with VTB, the professional and human qualities of Denis Alexandrovich will be especially in demand,” a representative of the group explained to VTB.

VTB North-West said goodbye to the market

One of the largest players in corporate lending, VTB North-West Bank, ceased to exist. Instead, clients in the North-West will be dealt with by the VTB North-West Center, a new structure that is part of the VTB Group, and it will be led by the son of the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, Denis. Analysts suggest that banks will reorganize in connection with the upcoming revival of the corporate lending market.

VTB has decided on the head of the branch

A new chairman of the board has been appointed to the North-Western subsidiary of the bank. The North-West regional center of VTB will be headed by the first deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West Denis Bortnikov, the son of the director of the FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov. The reorganization of VTB North-West in the form of merger with VTB Bank OJSC will be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2011.

Golden children of Russia

A little over a month ago, the son of the director of the FSB of Russia, Denis Bortnikov, was appointed chairman of the board of VTB North-West Bank. This example once again confirms the trend: children of high-ranking officials are increasingly becoming heads of large banks or companies with state participation. And if you look at what the offspring of governors do, it turns out that almost every second head of the region has children who are real businessmen with a lot of assets behind them.

“The VTB NWRC now has more powers and resources than VTB North-West had”

This week, the merger of VTB Bank North-West OJSC with VTB Bank OJSC, which the banking group has been pursuing for the last five years, will be completed. As a result of the reorganization, a new structure for the VTB Group was formed - the North-West Regional Center (NWRC) of VTB. In February 2011, the center was headed by DENIS BORTNIKOV. In his first interview, Mr. Bortnikov told Kommersant correspondent ANNA MIKHEEVA how the creation of the center would affect the city’s banking market.

Chairman of the Board of VTB Bank North-West LLC

In 1996 he graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance.

From 1996 to 2004 he worked at the Industrial Construction Bank (former owners Vladimir Kogan and David Traktovenko; after joining the VTB group the bank is called VTB North-West),

Since 2004 - Advisor to the manager of the North-West branch of Guta Bank. Since 2005 - Deputy Manager of Vneshtorgbank Retail Services.

Since 2006 - deputy. manager of the VTB branch in St. Petersburg. Since November 20, 2007 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of VTB North-West Bank LLC (Chairman of the Board - Dmitry Olyunin; Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Andrey Kostin).

On January 19, 2011, the Supervisory Board of VTB North-West appointed D. Bortnikov as Chairman of the Board of the Bank (since February 2011, in place of D. Olyunin, who was moving to Transcreditbank for its integration into the VTB Group).

The merger of OJSC Bank VTB North-West with OJSC VTB Bank will be completed by the end of the first quarter

The procedure for the merger of VTB Bank North-West OJSC with VTB Bank OJSC should be completed before the end of the first quarter of 2011, said Denis Bortnikov, Chairman of the Board of VTB North-West Bank OJSC, Prime-TASS reports. The procedure began in December 2010 and will end with the creation of the VTB North-West Regional Center on the basis of VTB North-West, which will manage the corporate branches of the VTB Group in the North-West of Russia and the Kirov region.

The 33-year-old son of FSB head Bortnikov, Denis, has been deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West since November 2007.

The former head of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the region, Alexander Bortnikov, moved to the central office of the FSB in 2004. Until recently, he was the head of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB. On the sidelines of the Lubyanka they recall that during the feast, Bortnikov once seemed to utter a meaningful phrase: “We don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up ours, no matter who it belongs to.”

Banking son of the FSB Denis Bortnikov

Denis Bortnikov: “The creation of the VTB North-West Center will increase the Bank’s share in the region to at least 20%”

At the end of March, the merger of OJSC Bank VTB North-West with OJSC VTB Bank, which the financial group had been pursuing for the last five years, was completed. As a result of the reorganization, a new structure for the VTB Group was formed - the North-West Regional Center (NWRC) of VTB. In February 2011, the center was headed by Denis Bortnikov. In his first interview, Mr. Bortnikov spoke to Kommersant correspondent Anna Mikheeva about how the creation of the North-Western Regional Center will affect the city’s banking market.

Denis Bortnikov was appointed Chairman of the Board of VTB North-West

At a meeting on Wednesday, the Supervisory Board of VTB North-West decided to appoint Denis Bortnikov, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank's Board of Directors, as Chairman of the Bank's Board of Directors from February 1, the press service of the credit organization reported. Bortnikov was born in 1974. Graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance (specialty - “National Economics”). From 1996 to 2004, he worked at OJSC Industrial-Construction Bank (in June 2007, renamed OJSC Bank VTB North-West). Since 2004 - advisor to the manager of the North-West branch of CJSC CB Guta-Bank, since 2005 - deputy manager of CJSC Vneshtorgbank Retail Services, since 2006 - deputy manager of the branch of OJSC Vneshtorgbank (JSC VTB Bank") in St. Petersburg, since November 2007 - Deputy Chairman of the Board, since August 2010 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC VTB Bank North-West.

The offspring of the heads of the FSB, SVR and FSO are making rapid commercial careers

For all his youth, the son of Vladimir Putin’s colleague in the state security agencies, the current director of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, is a very old bank employee. In the distant 1990s, when his father was involved in economic security in St. Petersburg, 22-year-old Denis Bortnikov worked at Promstroibank for local oligarch Vladimir Kogan, who was supervised by the young banker’s father. After the sale of PSB to Vneshtorgbank, the renaming of this structure into VTB North-West Bank and the departure of businessman Kogan to public service in the Ministry of Regional Development, Denis Bortnikov did not get lost. It is not difficult to understand that VTB President Andrei Kostin, given the specifics of this institution’s handling of federal money, requires the equally disinterested support of the Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bortnikov, in neutralizing potential criminal investigations.

Bortnikov Denis Aleksandrovich is a well-known businessman who is not only a member of the board of VTB Bank, but also deputy president. But the young businessman became famous even before he began to build his career, since his father is the head of the Federal Russian Security Service.


Bortnikov Denis Aleksandrovich was born on November 19, 1974 in the Leningrad region. His father had a strong influence on the child's development. It is known that Alexander Vasilyevich Bortnikov is not only a famous Russian banker, but also the head. Of course, the father’s activities and his personality greatly influenced the child’s development.


After graduating from school in 1996, Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov entered the University of Economics and Finance of St. Petersburg. Studying at this educational institution for five years, he qualified as an economist, and was awarded a diploma in 2001 in the specialty “National Economics”.

Start of work

Denis Alexandrovich began his career in 1996. First, he got a job at the Industrial Construction Bank, where he worked for eight years. At the beginning of his career, Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov, whose biography is eventful, held the position of consultant in a special department that was responsible for liquidation management.

Soon, the young and successful young man was transferred to the same position as a consultant, but to the department where various transfer operations took place. A new appointment soon followed, which only promoted him. He now held the position of leading consultant in the brokerage department.

But Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov did not stay long in this position, as a new appointment followed. He was appointed chief expert of the authorization and acquiring department. Later, by the way, he received the position of head of a unit of these same departments.

But his career advancement did not stop there. So, in 2004, Denis Aleksandrovich decides to leave the company, where he worked for many years and was successfully promoted, and move to a new place of work. Now he becomes an adviser to the manager of Guta Bank. And soon he successfully combines this work with a post at the North-West branch. In the branch he occupies the position of deputy manager.

But even here the young man worked for only two years; he soon changed his place of service. This time, in 2006, he became deputy manager, albeit of the St. Petersburg Vneshtorgbank.

Career at VTB

In 2007, a successful businessman and banker Dmitry Aleksandrovich Bortnikov comes to work in the structure of the famous VTB bank. And after four years he begins to quickly move up the career ladder, reaching the position

From 2011 to the present day, Denis Aleksandrovich has been heading the North-West Regional Center. In 2011, he joined the banking board. The young businessman successfully combines his work at VTB Bank with work on the St. Petersburg Board of Trustees of the State University of Economics, and since 2014 he has been a member of the board of the St. Petersburg Association of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

More recently, in April 2017, it became known about the new appointment of Denis Alexandrovich. Now he will control a separate and actively developing banking line “Medium Business”.

Thus, Dmitry Aleksandrovich, despite all his father’s connections, was able to demonstrate his talent as a businessman and go through a career path from a simple specialist to the first deputy of a large VTB bank. The work of manager Dmitry Aleksandrovich Bortnikov was so effective that it proved that he really is a worthy and reliable leader who always treats his work responsibly and, most importantly, creatively.

He not only does everything to ensure that the plan is carried out and the direction he supervises develops, but he also treats people with respect and great understanding. After all, the work of the team is also important for the common cause and for its success.

Bortnikov Denis Alexandrovich: family and biography

Very little is known about the personal life of the young and successful banker. There is information that he is not married, and all his novels are hidden from prying eyes. But in one of the interviews, he talked about what qualities his chosen one should have.

In this conversation with the reporter, the main qualities of the girl’s character were identified that attract Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov. The wife, according to the banker and businessman, should be, first of all, the most reliable friend. However, the successful businessman has not yet met such a woman. Therefore, he builds his successful career, showing hard work, endurance and the desire to move on and be successful. His father's example is always before his eyes, so he cannot let him down and be weaker.

Alexander Vasilievich Bortnikov

Place of work: Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Positions: since 2008 - Director of the FSB of Russia.

Participation in business: until 2008 entered to the board of directors of one of the largest shipbuilding companies in Russia - OJSC Soviet Commercial Fleet (Sovcomflot).

Impact on business: Together with former Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman, Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev and Director of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) Konstantin Romodanovsky lobbied appointment of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute "Voskhod" as the operator of the system for issuing biopassports. Reiman's group managed to obtain a positive visa from the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, but after the failure of "Voskhod" at the competition and the refusal of the FAS to cancel its result, the president refused to issue a confirming decree. Auction for the construction of departmental housing for FSB officers in Novosibirsk were carried out with the participation of the only company Kraftstroy LLC, the deal with which was concluded at the maximum price. The contract for the development of the FSB Internet portal was also issued with Systematika LLC after an auction without competitors.


Spouse, Tatyana Borisovna Bortnikova, housewife. According to income information , the director of the FSB earned 4 million 723 thousand 400 rubles in 2009. 50 kopecks, his wife - 90 thousand 452 rubles. 76 kop. Bortnikov owns an apartment with an area of ​​99 sq.m., his wife owns an apartment with an area of ​​115 sq.m. m and a plot of 1198 sq. m. According to media reports, Alexander Bortnikov can use Mercedes-Benz S500L 4Matik and Mercedes-Benz S600L cars, purchased for the FSB of Russia for 13.34 million rubles. in 2009

Son, Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov, banker. Graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance with a degree in national economics. In 1996-2004 worked at the St. Petersburg Industrial Construction Bank (PSB). In 2004-2005 - Advisor to the manager of the northwestern branch of Guta Bank. In 2005-06 - Deputy Manager of Vneshtorgbank Retail Services CJSC. In 2006-2007 - Deputy Branch Manager of VTB Bank in St. Petersburg. In 2007-2010 Deputy Chairman of the Board, 2010-2011 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board, since 2011 Chairman of the Board of OJSC VTB Bank North-West. There is reason to believe that after VTB acquired a controlling stake in Promstroybank and renamed the purchased structure to VTB North-West Bank, Denis Bortnikov initially planned a career in this company, and moved to Guta-Bank to contribute to his future takeover of VTB. However, Denis Bortnikov himself denies this.

Closest partners

In 1996-2004 Denis Bortnikov worked under the leadership of the owner of Promstroibank, Vladimir Kogan. After the sale of PSB shares to VTB Bank, Kogan moved to public service, remaining the owner of large property.

As deputy director of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) and head of the department of the Ministry of Regional Development, he until recently supervised construction of a complex of protective structures (KPS) in St. Petersburg from floods, the directorate of which was headed in October-December 2005.

The media claimed that in fact, the former vice-president of the St. Petersburg Banking House CJSC, owned by Vladimir Kogan, and his cousin Yuri Sverdlov, who has been a member of the State Duma since 2007, actively participated in the project for a long time.

During an audit by the Accounts Chamber, the funds allocated for the project were almost doubled; the cost of the dam increased from 55 to 109 billion rubles. In particular, the price of the contract with the Metrostroy company and the associated Kompakt CJSC has almost tripled, exceeding$1 billion. The owner of Metrostroy was initially Promstroibank and the Baltic Financial Agency (BFA) CJSC created by a group of its managers. According to SPARK-Interfax, Vladimir Kogan personally, through Petrovsky Little Trade House LLC, owns the BFA-Development company, the general director is the wife of a civil servant, Lyudmila Valentinovna Kogan. Center-Invest-Stroy LLC, which received the contract for the construction of the KZS directorate building in Kronstadt, belongs to Nikolai Kazanir, who is part of the management of Papyrus LLC, whose owner is Vladimir Kogan’s uncle, Yuri Sverdlov’s father, Vladimir Sverdlov.

The main patrons of Vladimir Kogan are considered to be former Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and the current head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Naryshkin, who worked at Promstroibank.

At least he managed to find a place for his unlucky son Denis Bortnikov somewhere. Bortnikov Jr., who is already more than forty years old, actually received a sinecure - he will be responsible for the regional network and medium-sized businesses in the Vneshtorgbank (VTB) group. I have dealt with these issues before Mikhail Oseevsky, who headed the Rostelecom .

“The supervisor of small and medium-sized businesses will be Denis Bortnikov from St. Petersburg, the supervision will be from St. Petersburg, he is a member of the board today, the group of small and medium-sized businesses will be located here, on the basis of the North-West Regional Center,” said the head of the Management of the Future at the conference “Management of the Future” at the Higher School of Management VTB(quote from Interfax). Bortnikov will oversee medium-sized businesses, the bank’s regional network and head the VTB North-West Center, the bank’s press service clarified.

The appointment has taken place; additional approval of Denis Bortnikov from the Central Bank is not required, since he is already a member of the VTB board, the bank’s press service says.

“Among the tasks set for Denis Bortnikov is the growth of overall business performance and the implementation of the tasks outlined in the VTB strategy,” the press service added. The press service did not comment on which candidates were still being considered to replace Oseevsky. Bortnikov will continue to lead the North-West regional center of VTB, the bank clarified.

Denis Bortnikov is the son of the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexandra Bortnikova .

The VTB North-West Regional Center is an independent structural unit of the bank’s parent organization, created in March 2011 on the basis of VTB North-West Bank, where Bortnikov worked as Deputy Chairman of the Board. According to VTB NWRC, the volume of the division’s total loan portfolio in December 2016 was about 250 billion rubles, the volume of funds raised was about 300 billion rubles.

Bortnikov has extensive management experience in the banking business and great internal support, so the appointment was expected, says HR bp Managing Director Andrey Shcherbakov. Running a regional network requires organizational effort and strategy, says a St. Petersburg banker who asked not to be named. According to him, competition in regional markets is growing, including due to the development of technology, and VTB faces many challenges in this area. Bortnikov has 20 years of banking experience, he recalled.

The expansion of powers, according to Shcherbakov, will generally add significance to the North-Western regional center, which is important against the backdrop of the trend towards optimization in the banking sector. Managing a regional network in isolation from the decision-making center is quite difficult, the expert adds. He does not rule out the further relocation of the top manager to Moscow.

“It will not be easy for Denis Bortnikov to combine two positions,” believes a top manager of another bank. Now banks save more on personnel and when a top manager of a level similar to Oseevsky’s leaves, they try to assign his responsibilities to other members of the board; this is a common practice, says another Vedomosti source in the St. Petersburg banking market.

VTB, according to the Central Bank website, has 34 branches, including two abroad, four representative offices, 210 additional offices, five operational cash desks and 126 operational offices.

The regional network is an important part of the bank’s business, since it is it that sells banking services and serves bank clients. Despite the development of remote channels, most services are still provided only in offices, notes Frank Research Group CEO Yuri Gribanov.

As the agency previously reported "Ruspres", Denis Bortnikov is 42 years old. He graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. From 1996 to 2004 he worked at Promstroybank (in 2007 it became part of the VTB Group, renamed OJSC VTB Bank North-West), in 2004 he worked at Guta Bank (also part of the VTB Group), in 2005 - at "Vneshtorgbank retail services." In 2006, Bortnikov was appointed deputy manager of the VTB branch in St. Petersburg, in 2007 he became deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West bank, and in 2010 - first deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West. There is reason to believe that Bortnikov Jr. came to Guta Bank to facilitate its further takeover by VTB.