What is TSN in an apartment building. TSN instead of HOA. What will change? Free online legal advice on all legal issues


Legislation Russian Federation implies the ability for citizens to unite to work together for a task and manage housing or real estate.

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So, regulations allow owners real estate unite on a voluntary basis for joint ownership and disposal of property.

The tasks of such associations can be very different, but before that you need to find out what a partnership of real estate owners (TSN) is in the Russian Federation in 2019.

What it is

In accordance with the law, all participants in the partnership have equal rights, but at the same time resolve all issues in the manner of a collective agreement.

This concept is relatively recent and this moment it is understood that associations of owners can be created in the form of TSN:

  • premises in apartment building;
  • premises located in different buildings;
  • private houses, as well as country houses;
  • land plots, which can be used as summer cottages, and are also intended for vegetable gardens or gardens.

It follows from this that a partnership of real estate owners is an association that includes owners of different and, importantly, different types of real estate. It can be both apartments and offices, cottages and even land plots.

Everything is determined jointly, but it should be borne in mind that the law provides for liability for debts only of the partnership.

Thus, the members of this association are not liable for its debts, which protects them from the dishonesty of individuals or activists.

Key Concepts

In order to understand the issue of a partnership of real estate owners, one should understand what terms operate in the field and in what case they can be used.

This will allow you to understand the essence of TSN, to understand what people can be included there, and what functions they can perform:

Term Meaning
TSN The Association of Real Estate Owners is an association of real estate owners, which was organized to perform joint functions. In the Russian Federation, the methodology for creating such civil groups and their legislative features are extremely widely described in the relevant regulations.
Owner A person who has full rights to some property and can dispose of it at his own discretion. The identity of the owner is confirmed with the help of title documents, which must be drawn up by a notary or government agencies. Only if there is a document on the right to own property, a person can have the status of an owner
Real estate Property recognized as immovable in accordance with the law, that is, objects that are closely connected with the land, and their movement in space is impossible, which threatens to destroy or lose the functions characteristic of real estate

Organization goals

In order to understand what TSN is, you first need to fully familiarize yourself with the goals of the organization. That is, it is extremely important to understand what functions such an association performs.

Thus, the functions of control and management are provided at the meeting of owners, while the implementation of the decisions made is ensured by different methods.

So, the board of members of the TSN can be organized, or everything is done individually, for example, by decision of the chairman.

In order for the management sector of the partnership to perform its functions efficiently, it is controlled by the audit commission, which can thus ensure normal work.

The task of TSN is the normal organization of the collective use of real estate. Thanks to the association, property owners can manage their property on their own, without the involvement of management companies.

In this case, the interests of different people are not violated, and they can jointly manage their own property in full, and this does not require large labor costs, since the roles are distributed among the members of the TSN.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Regarding TSN, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there are certain rules that are laid down in different articles Civil Code RF.

In particular, some points are spelled out in articles 49, 65, 123, 174, in addition, some information is also in articles 181 and 182.

They talk about what features non-profit organizations have, what rights their members have, and of course, much attention is paid to what liability may arise due to violation of the rules for using property.

Considering that the legislation has now changed, since 2014 non-profit gardening partnerships and HOAs have been organized in the form of TSN.

In particular, this is confirmed by Articles 135 and 136 Housing Code RF, which talk about how this association is created and registered, and what it is in general.

There is also Article 143, which determines the procedure for membership in the TSN, and Article 145 stipulates the moment with the meeting of members of the TSN, as well as issues that may be considered there.

Important Aspects

If you plan to organize a TSN, then of course you should find out exactly how this process goes, because even a non-profit association has its own registration procedure.

Therefore, it is important to comply with legal regulations so that the organization is absolutely legal. And so that there are no disagreements between its participants, they must familiarize themselves with the rights and obligations of the TSN, as well as their own rights.

And of course, it will be useful to find out if this association is different from the HOA, which were popular long before the establishment of TSN.

How to form a homeowners association

In order to create a TSN, first you need to hold a general meeting of property owners, where the minutes are kept. It is necessary to fix in it not only the general decision on the creation of the partnership, but also the adoption of the Charter of the partnership.

The Charter itself should indicate the name of the TSN, its location, legal status, as well as the composition of the governing body. In addition, the Charter prescribes the subject of the association, that is, the property controlled by the organization and its goals.

And of course, the areas of activity and competence between the TSN bodies are delimited, it is necessary to separately stipulate the procedure for making decisions, whether this will be achieved by a majority vote or unanimously.

These documents must be submitted to the authority responsible for the approval of legal entities. Only in this case, the registration of a partnership of real estate owners and step-by-step instruction for this will be legal and correct.

Rights and obligations

It follows from the law that TSN is such a form legal entity, which may have some property used to meet obligations.

At the same time, its members do not bear any subsidiary, or joint and several, or shared liability for the activities of the partnership.

At the same time, the partnership undertakes to form the governing bodies necessary for its cooperation with state services or legal entities. Also, the main body of the TSN establishes mandatory contributions for members of the organization.

The Association has certain rights, including:

  • the opportunity to conduct entrepreneurial work that does not contradict the adopted charter;
  • conclude agreements, the content and subject of which does not have comments and objections from other participants in the partnership;
  • TSN can draw up estimates on the basis of which financial activities are carried out;
  • agreements regarding the sale and purchase of property, its lease or exchange;
  • carry out work to improve the condition of the property, as well as provide services to its owners;
  • get loans from banks and use them at your own discretion.

At the same time, TSN is obliged to conduct its activities strictly within the framework of not only legislation, but also the Charter. Also, the partnership must enter into contracts with third parties to carry out work, as well as fulfill its obligations and exercise control over common property.

TSN members have the right to participate in the activities of the association independently or in the form of an authorized representative, request information about the activities, and familiarize themselves with the documents of the organization.

If the association does not fulfill its obligations, people can demand quality services and work according to the charter, as well as appeal controversial decisions in court.

The pros and cons of such a combination

TSN has both pluses and minuses, but they are quite individual. Despite this, there are still some points to consider, because it can be important:

How is it different from HOA

According to the legislation, TSN and HOA are now almost identical concepts, but there are certain differences.


An association of real estate owners is a voluntary association of owners of real estate, in particular premises in a building (including many apartment buildings) or in several buildings, residential buildings and non-residential buildings.

To register the Association of Real Estate Owners, we need the following documents and information:

1. Name of TSN.

2. Address (location) of TSN.

3. Information about the total area apartment building and the area owned by the owners of the premises (for a homeowners association).

4. Passport details of the Founders (individual), name and OGRN of the founder of the legal entity.

5. Passport data of the sole executive body of TSN (Chairman of the Board) and members of the Board.

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The concept of "partnership of property owners" appeared on 09/01/2014 as a new organizational and legal form of non-profit organizations.

The Association of Real Estate Owners (TSH) is the organizational and legal form of non-profit organizations, and the Association of Homeowners (HOA) - one of the types of TSN, which unites the owners of premises in an apartment building (MKD) or in several apartment buildings or residential buildings with a common border and within which there are engineering and technical support networks, other infrastructure elements that are intended for joint use by the owners of premises in these houses.

Based on the foregoing, TSN is a broader concept compared to HOA - an association of owners of different types of real estate, while within the framework of HOA only owners of premises in apartment buildings are united.

The main difference from other legal entities and other types of TSN is that it is in the HOA when voting that the share in the right is taken into account common property. The number of votes that each owner of a premise in an apartment building has, in proportion to his share in the right of common ownership of the common property in this house. For one vote of the owner, it is easiest to take 1 sq. m of the total area of ​​the premises owned by him, therefore it is in the HOA that they "vote with meters". In this way, number of votes held by the owner a specific room (rooms) in an apartment building, in proportion to the area of ​​the premises (premises) owned (owned) by the specified owner on the right of ownership. Voting by a part of the votes belonging to the owner is not provided for by the legislation.


A homeowners association (HOA) is an association of owners of premises in an apartment building (MKD) for the joint management of common property in an MKD or, in established cases, the property of owners of premises in several MKDs or several residential buildings, ensuring ownership, use and, in the cases established by law limits, disposal of the relevant property, implementation of activities to create, maintain, preserve and increase such property, provide utilities persons using the premises in this MKD or data residential buildings, as well as other activities provided for by law (part 1 of article 135 of the LC RF).

1. Create an initiative group to organize an HOA

The decision to establish a homeowners association is made by the owners of premises in an apartment building at their discretion. general meeting.

The initiator of the meeting can be any owner of residential or non-residential premises in the MKD, including representatives of municipal property, or an initiative group. Carry out work to collect information about the owners of the premises and their desire to create an HOA.


1. It is necessary to compile a register (list) of owners of premises in MKD (when creating a multi-house HOA - in each apartment building separately.

2. You should decide on the name of the HOA and prepare a draft charter for the HOA.

Do not forget that the name of the HOA should contain an indication of the organizational and legal form and the nature of the activities of the legal entity. Therefore, the title should contain the words:"Partnership of Real Estate Owners" name "; house address, for example,"5 Shirokaya Street", "Northern Boulevard 10" or "Kosmodamianskaya Embankment, 1". Lyrical titles like"Chamomile", "Vertical" not allowed.

3. It is necessary to think over and prepare candidates for the counting commission of the meeting, members of the board of the HOA and its chairman, audit commission(Auditor) HOA.

4. It is necessary to form the agenda of the general meeting of owners of premises in the MKD for the creation of an HOA, which must contain the following questions:

Elections of the counting commission;

The choice of a way to manage the house - the creation of a homeowners association;

Approval of the charter of the HOA;

Elections of the board of the HOA;

Election of the chairman of the board of the HOA (elected from among the members of the board);

Election of the audit commission (auditor) of the HOA;

Election of an authorized representative of the owners of the premises for state registration HOA (the future chairman of the board of the HOA is elected by this representative);

5. Notices of the general meeting and ballot papers should be prepared.

6. The notice of holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must indicate:

  1. information about the person on whose initiative this meeting is convened;
  2. the form of holding this meeting (in-person, absentee or in-person voting);
  3. the date, place, time of this meeting or, in the case of holding this meeting in the form of absentee voting, the deadline for accepting decisions (ballots) of the owners on the issues put to the vote, and the place or address where such decisions should be transmitted. In case of in-person or absentee voting, the notification shall indicate the date of the in-person meeting by the joint presence of the owners of the premises in this house to discuss the agenda items and the deadline for accepting decisions (ballots) of the owners on the issues put to vote;
  4. the agenda for that meeting;
  5. the procedure for accessing the information and/or materials to be presented at this meeting, and the place or address where they can be accessed.

7. Preparation of ballots for the meeting in absentia, in person and in absentia.

3. holding a meeting to create an HOA

The general meeting of the owners of the premises in the MKD in any form begins with the notification of all owners of the premises in the MKD about its holding.

Not less than 10 days before the meeting, its initiators must place a notice of a general meeting of owners in the premises of this house, determined by the decision of the general meeting and available to all owners of this MKD. Otherwise, if there is no such decision, the notice of the meeting should be handed to each owner, including legal entities, against signature or sent by registered mail. At the same time, send notice to the local government who is the owner non-privatized apartments (if there are such apartments in the house).

Decision on creation of an HOA is considered adopted if it is voted for by the owners of the premises in the corresponding MKD, having more than 50% of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of the premises in such a house.

In the state information system housing and communal services, citizens can vote electronically at general meetings of owners of premises in an apartment building on all issues of managing an apartment building in the cities. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol - from 07/01/2019.

4. Registration of documents for the meeting on the creation of an HOA

The procedure for drawing up documents following the results of the general meeting and their list are the same for all forms of the meeting.

At the end of the in-person meeting or the completion of the collection of ballots for absentee or in-person voting, the initiators of the meeting, in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 136 LC RF, are list of owners premises in the MKD, indicating the passport data of these owners, the details of their title document for the right of ownership and their shares in the common ownership of the common property in the MKD. This document drawn up without fail, is an annex to the protocol and its integral part.

The minutes of the general meeting shall be drawn up in writing within the terms established by the general meeting, but no later than 10 days after the general meeting.

Minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building where decisions were made to establish an association of homeowners and to approve its charter. The minutes of the meeting are a legally significant document, since the decisions recorded in it have civil legal consequences and give rise to these consequences for all persons (owners of the premises) who had the right to participate in this meeting, including those who did not take part in it or voted against.

2) information about the document confirming the ownership of the person participating in the vote to the premises in the relevant apartment building;

3) decisions on each item on the agenda, expressed as "for", "against" or "abstained".

After drawing up this protocol, the initiators of the meeting must once again go around the owners of the premises in the MKD, who voted for the creation of the HOA and its charter, and sign the protocol with them. Each specified owner must personally sign the protocol.

Note: sign the protocol for all family members one hand is strictly prohibited. With the state registration of the HOA in the tax authority, this may lead to a denial of registration.

5. STATE REGISTRATION of a homeowners association (HOA)

State registration of HOA is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".

To register an HOA, you must submit to the tax authority:

  1. application in form N P11001.
  2. protocol (when creating an HOA in several MKD - protocols for each house) of the general meeting of owners of premises in the MKD, at which decisions were made to create a partnership and approve its charter;
  3. charter of the HOA (in two copies when submitting documents directly or by mail);
  4. information about the persons who voted at the general meeting (meetings) of the owners of premises in the MKD for the creation of an HOA, about the shares belonging to these persons in the right of common ownership of the common property in the MKD;
  5. a notarized power of attorney or a notarized copy of the power of attorney (if a representative handles the documents);
  6. document confirming the payment of state duty. For the state registration of the HOA, a state fee of 4,000 rubles is paid. (clause 1 clause 1 article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

6. Notification of interested parties about the creation and start of work of the HOA

After state registration, the partnership must send a notice about the beginning of its activities to the authorized body executive power subjects of the Russian Federation, carrying out state housing supervision (state housing inspection).

In Moscow, the body of state housing supervision is Moszhilinspektsiya(Clause 1 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 26, 2011 N 336-PP).

A copy of the minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in the MKD on the creation of the HOA and a sheet of record in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the state registration of the HOA, certified by the seal and signature of the chairman of the board of the HOA, are attached to the notification.

After the execution and signing of the minutes of the general meeting by the owners of the premises in the MKD in the prescribed manner, the decisions on the creation of the HOA and the termination of the management agreement with the former management company are considered accepted, about which the owners - the initiators of the meeting must notify this management company and request from it technical and other documentation related to the management of the house.

The created HOA has the right to both provide services and (or) perform work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building on its own or attract, on the basis of contracts, persons engaged in relevant activities (part 2.2 of article 161 of the LC RF), and conclude a management agreement with the managing organization, according to which managing organization assumes obligations to provide all services and (or) perform work to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in this house, and to provide utilities.

TARIFFS AND BENEFITS Homeowners' associations

The main statutory goal of the HOA is to keep the apartment building in the best possible condition. HOA has preferential taxation, that's why economic situation in the HOA, other things being equal, it is better than in the majority of the Criminal Code.

Tariffs for utilities do not depend on the way the house is managed. They are accepted by the state body - the Regional Energy Commission of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation.

Thus, when creating an HOA, the tariffs for utilities will not change.

When creating an HOA all benefits and subsidies provided by law are preserved.

federal law does not include a 50% discount for the maintenance of residential premises privatized apartments for people with disabilities due to a general illness and families that include children with disabilities. If an apartment is privatized, it is a private housing stock, and, accordingly, a 50% benefit for the maintenance of residential premises is not accrued to persons with disabilities due to a general illness.

When creating an HOA, benefits for the payment of contributions on the overhaul common property in an apartment building is also preserved.


If the HOA applies the basic taxation system (OSNO). Not subject to VAT on the territory of the Russian Federation, the sale of utility services provided, in particular, by HOA, subject to the purchase of utility services by the said taxpayers from organizations of the communal complex, electricity suppliers and gas supply organizations, organizations providing hot water, cold water supply and (or) sanitation.

Funds received by the HOA from the budget for a major overhaul apartment buildings within the framework of the implementation of Federal Law N 185-FZ, are not included to the income tax base.

Not subject to taxation funds of the owners of premises in apartment buildings, received on the accounts of the HOA to finance the repair, overhaul of the common property of apartment buildings.

Mandatory payments received by HOAs from their members, in accordance with the generally established procedure, are included in the tax base for corporate income tax. At the same time, utility bills, for example, such as payment for electricity, hot and cold water, garbage disposal and the like, simultaneously with their reflection in the income part of the HOA, are included in the expenses, since they must be transferred to the relevant organizations providing these services, and thus are not subject to taxation.

On the basis of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation of a homeowners association, applying simplified tax system , when determining the tax base does not take into account entrance fees, membership fees, donations, as well as deductions for the formation of a reserve for repairs, major repairs of common property, which are made by the HOA by its members. Accounting for other payments received by the HOA from its members as income will depend on the contractual relationship between the HOA and its members.

Moreover, if the HOA applies the simplified tax system with the object of taxation in the form of income reduced by the amount of expenses (15%), then it has the right to take into account expenses for tax purposes that meet the requirements provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

If the amount of tax calculated in accordance with the general procedure is less than the amount of the calculated minimum tax, such taxpayers are obliged to pay minimum tax 1% of the tax base.

According to the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Moscow dated November 25, 2008 N 26-14 / 109814, payments from tenants for the maintenance of elevator facilities, fire safety systems and the removal of municipal solid waste received on the account of the HOA and subsequently transferred to organizations providing relevant services, not included in income because the HOA does not provide these services.


15 000 rubles

Association of property owners

The price of the service includes:

  1. Payment state duty 4000 rub.
  2. Preparation of a package of documents for state registration (minutes, charter, list of owners, application).
  3. Submission of documents to the registration authority.
  4. Support of state registration at all stages.
  5. Receipt of documents in the registration authority.
  6. Print making.


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From 2018, the well-known organization called the Homeowners Association will be renamed the Homeowners Association.

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The legal status and legal status of the organization is changing.

Consider what this entails.

What it is?

The previously existing HOA is the official representative of all residents of an apartment building.

Its functions included meeting the needs of homeowners and providing services in accordance with their interests, for example, turning on the heating when cold weather sets in.

Functions of the HOA:

  • allocation of common property;
  • implementation of functions focused on favorable living in the house;
  • solving problems with other communication services;
  • work on the improvement of the adjacent territory;
  • interaction with residents of the house, etc.

The homeowners association is a non-profit organization.

House Control Forms

An apartment building cannot exist without management.

There is an urgent need for an organization to take on these challenges.

Otherwise, residents may face problems such as a leaking roof, debris in the yard, lack of hot water, etc.

Association of property owners

The newly introduced association of real estate owners is an organization in which the following can be united at the same time:

  • several houses;
  • non-commercial premises;
  • homeowners and non-commercial premises.

The next difference from the homeowners association is a different system of taxation.

A simplified system is not provided for TSN, apparently, legislators do not plan to introduce changes regarding this issue in the near future.

homeowners association

The chairman does not have to be one of the owners of the apartment building.

An important difference from TSN is the ability to work under a simplified taxation system.

Of course, not all HOAs used it, but for many it is the only form of activity.

Commercial premises could not be united in the HOA. They represented their own separate organization, the name of which is each time differently prescribed by law.

Transformation Law

The Transformation Law entered into force in September 2018. In the future, the creation of an HOA will become impossible, it will be possible to organize only TSN.

In accordance with the law, from May 1, 2018, it is required to obtain a license that allows you to manage an apartment building.

As for the introduced changes, there are only a few of them, and they affect various aspects of the organization's activities:

  1. Changing the provisions in and the form of the document itself.
  2. The emphasis of the partnership is changing - the management and use of property to general rights is now carried out in accordance with the Criminal Code.
  3. The rights and obligations of the participants representing the organization are changing.
  4. All other points concerning the procedure for appointing the enforcement bodies (the chairman and his assistants) have not changed.

The advantage of the changes that have taken place is the adjustment of the charter, as well as the introduction of control and enforcement bodies.

Thanks to the structural association, it will be possible to establish relations with the partnership.

The downside of the innovations is that important decisions will not be made by the owners of the houses themselves, but only by members of the partnership who have the appropriate rights.

What is the difference between TSN and HOA?

What is the difference between HOA and TSN? HOA members - always individuals. TSN participants in 2018 can be individuals and legal entities.

It is important to consider that the latter organization does not bear any responsibility for the obligations of its members.

The establishment of a partnership takes place at a general meeting of tenants. The right to create will be exercised if more than half of the owners agree.


TSN and HOA - what's the difference? The differences between TSN and HOA lie in their powers:

  1. The Association of Real Estate Owners performs much more tasks, which gives it the right not to consult with the general meeting.
  2. Another difference, which has already been mentioned, is the taxation system. TSN does not have the right to use the simplified system, which is a significant disadvantage.


In accordance with the HOA - a non-profit organization.

Its main task:

  • management of property belonging to the house;
  • joint management of property;
  • making decisions about her.

The powers of the association of property owners are presented differently.

The organization considers public issues relating to the maintenance of not only the home, but also commercial premises. It establishes in accordance with the estimate of the amount of utility bills.

What's better?

What is the best organization? Which of them will better cope with the obligations assigned to it? This issue is irrelevant, since the legislative draft has already entered into force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Now HOAs are already engaged in obtaining licenses and are gradually being renamed TSN, although this is only a right, not an obligation.

Of course, the HOA understands that they must deal with this bureaucratic procedure, otherwise they risk not earning recognition from the residents of the house.

Such a tipping point is indeed a difficult one for the organization. It is impossible to single out which is better, because both approaches have their advantages and, conversely, disadvantages.

In accordance with a survey of the country's residents, it became clear that most of them have nothing against the establishment of TSN.

This is due to the fact that in the modern world people practically do not have enough time to resolve issues related to homeowners associations. They are:

  • do not attend general meetings;
  • do not make certain decisions.

Their task is to pay utility bills in return for services.

Therefore, if TSN takes all the critical issues on its own, it will not be considered a problem.

A large concentration of similar properties allows owners to create a structure that will effectively defend their interests. In the case of apartment buildings, it eliminates all the main disadvantages associated with the activities of management companies.

The Association of Real Estate Owners is governed by Art. 123.12 - 123.14 of the Civil Code, and some of their types are determined in the LCD (Article 135) and the law "On horticultural, horticultural and country non-profit associations citizens."

The concept and features of the partnership of property owners

The general concept of such an organization is given in Art. 123.12 of the Civil Code.

This is an association of owners of homogeneous real estate objects, voluntarily created by them for joint operation (possession and use), as well as for disposal, within the framework established by law, of property legally owned or used by them and for other purposes provided for by law.

The specified norm gives an exhaustive description of this legal entity and allows you to establish its main features.

Signs of a partnership of property owners

The Association of Property Owners has the following features.

  • Created on a voluntary basis. No one has the right to force membership in it.
  • Only owners of real estate objects can be participants. At the same time, there should be a sign of their commonality. They should be located in the same apartment building, or in neighboring houses with common communications, and the land plots should be part of a single summer cottage. Otherwise, the management of the common property will not be feasible.
  • The partnership has a purpose of creation. It pursues joint possession and use of common property. It includes halls, corridors and other premises in an apartment building intended for operation by all owners. In the case of summer cottages, we are talking about communications serving the owners of the site (water supply and other engineering networks of a local nature). This is a non-profit association.

Activities and rights of the association of property owners

This issue has not received detailed regulation in the Civil Code. However, the activities of homeowners associations are distinguished by detailed study in Art. 137 LCD.

These rules grant the HOA the following rights:

  • Conclude agreements on the management of one or more apartment buildings.
  • Define financial parameters coming year, including the cost of all types of maintenance and repair of both the houses themselves and auxiliary equipment. At the same time, the income part is formed from membership fees.
  • Determine the amount of contributions that members must pay in proportion to the shares in the common property. This is done on the basis of the planned annual financial parameters.
  • Provide services and perform work at the request of the owners of the premises.
  • Conclude loan agreements.
  • Pay for the work of counterparties of the partnership.
  • Exercise ownership of your property. The HOA has the right to sell, transfer in the order of temporary use, exchange things belonging to it.
  • To provide a part of the common property in an apartment building for the use of 3 persons, if such does not conflict with the interests of the members.
  • Make changes to a part of the common property (superstructure, restructuring) in cases where this does not violate the rights and interests of the owners.
  • Obtain rights (property, use) to land plots adjacent to the house or houses for the purpose of constructing utility-type buildings, residential facilities or other buildings.
  • Organize the development of the adjacent site, acting on behalf and at the expense of the members, respecting the interests of the latter.
  • Make any transactions that meet the goals of the organization.

Conditions for establishing an association of property owners

The Civil Code does not contain a list of conditions that allow you to create a partnership of property owners. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the requirements of special legislation.

The creation of an HOA is provided for by Art. 135 LCD. According to its provisions, an organization can be created at facilities united by common communications. At the same time, there must be at least 2 owners. If this person owns the entire complex, he cannot create an HOA.

To establish this organization, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of owners. At the same time, the number of those who voted “for” should be more than half of the total number of votes assigned to the owners.

The voting results are reflected in the protocol, which must contain information on all issues under consideration and clearly indicate the creation of the HOA and the approval of its charter. These documents must be properly formatted.

The period for which the partnership is created is unlimited. However, the articles of association may provide otherwise.

Requirements for the bylaws

Art. 123.12 establishes the basic requirements that the charter of an association of property owners must comply with. These include the following provisions:

  • Location, which is a town.
  • Name. It must necessarily include the phrase "partnership of property owners."
  • Data about the goals and subject of activity. We are talking about the joint operation of common property.
  • The procedure for formation, structure, powers and methods of their implementation, as well as the procedure for making decisions by the bodies managing the partnership.

This list is open and supplemented by special laws. In particular, art. 137 of the LCD requires a procedure for admission to and withdrawal from the HOA, as well as an indication of the procedure for the formation and competence of the audit body.

Registration procedure

HOA members must choose executive agency who will prepare documents for the tax authority.

State registration involves filling out a special application and signing it in front of a notary.

Documents are handed over to a specialized tax office and must include the charter, minutes of the general meeting and a receipt for payment of state duty. Registration may end with the issuance of documents, or refusal. In the latter case, the refusal can be appealed.

The organization has the right to enter into relations with counterparties, and its head to sign documents only after its registration is completed.

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Lydia 02.07.2019 22:38

Good afternoon!

If the meeting was attended by owners or their representatives who have more than 50% of the votes of the total number of votes, then the quorum has taken place and the meeting is considered to be held and competent (part 3 of article 45 of the LC RF).

The number of votes is determined not by the number of people present at the meeting, but by the size of their share in the ownership of common property (part 3, article 48 of the LC RF). Accordingly, for a quorum, it is necessary that the meeting be attended by owners who jointly own more than 50% of the share in the common property.

If you have any difficulties in resolving your situation, we recommend that you contact the office for a consultation with our specialists.

Fedorova Lyubov Petrovna 03.07.2019 14:05

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Is it legal for TSN to demand payment of membership dues from non-members of TSN?

Good afternoon! On the territory of the village in which the land was purchased, a TSN was created, we did not join it and immediately warned that we were not going to do this, because. the plot is up for sale. No communications have been brought to our site, we did not come to the territory of the village, we did not use any of its infrastructure, there is not even a pass and a key fob from the barrier at the entrance. Is it legal for TSN to demand monthly membership dues from us? The site is currently sold, but TSN requires to pay off the "debt" on membership fees.

Alexey 04/02/2019 14:43

Bazhina Rafilya Amirzyanovna 10.08.2019 14:08

We bought a house on the territory of TSN. Haven't lived there for a year, the house hasn't been put into operation yet, accumulated a small debt on membership dues. Now, having moved to TSN, we are gradually paying off the debt, from time to time we are not allowed to go to our site (300-400m) because of the resulting debt. Considering that we already live there, we have a disabled person of the 1st group in our hands, we need to travel by car to our site. Now the manager of TSN is demanding that the debt be canceled due to the fact that it has grown due to the decision at the general meeting to collect additional funds of 5000.00, naturally our debt has also increased. In this connection, we were allowed to enter the territory of TSN, but without transport. There are no pedestrian sidewalks, no crossings, the road is dirt, mud, clay, and we are bringing from the city, changeable linen, medicines, products, there is no infrastructure nearby. It is useless to say that the crisis has affected everyone, but we pay off monthly the amount exceeding the monthly membership dues, despite the fact that we also pay the mortgage. We have already regretted 100 times that we didn’t just buy a house in the village. What should we do? There are no clauses on the eligibility of these actions on the part of the manager in the Charter.

Good afternoon! PROSECUTION GENERAL OFFICE https://ipriem.genproc.gov.ru/contacts/ipriem/ From 01/01/2019, the new Federal Law that regulates the moment obliged all citizens to pay money in the amount of contributions, even those who are not members of the partnership: Art. 5: . Gardening or horticulture on garden land plots or garden plots located within the boundaries of the territory of horticulture or horticulture, without participation in the partnership, can be carried out by owners or, in cases established by Part 11 of Article 12 of this Federal Law, right holders of garden or garden plots of land who are not members of the partnership. 2. The persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall have the right to use the property of common use located within the boundaries of the territory of horticulture or horticulture, on equal terms and in the amount established for members of the partnership. 3. The persons specified in part 1 of this article are obliged to pay for the acquisition, creation, maintenance of public property, current and major repairs of capital construction objects related to public property and located within the boundaries of the territory of gardening or horticulture, for services and works partnerships for the management of such property in the manner established by this Federal Law for the payment of contributions by members of the partnership. 4. The total annual amount of the fee provided for by Part 3 of this article is set at an amount equal to the total annual size of the target and membership fees of a member of the partnership, calculated in accordance with this Federal Law and the charter of the partnership. If you have not previously concluded contracts for the use of SNT infrastructure, then I believe that you should be required to pay Money possible from 01.01.2019, as it became mandatory only from that period.

Dubrovina Svetlana Borisovna 11.08.2019 12:27

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From HOA to TSN

We have a HOA charter. Can it be used by changing only the name of the HOA to TSN?

Viktor Zakharovich 06.11.2018 11:43

Hello! Constituent documents, as well as the names of legal entities established before the date of entry into force of the Law of 05.05.2014 N 99-FZ, are subject to harmonization with the norms of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the said Federal Law) upon the first change in the constituent documents of such legal entities. Changing the name of a legal entity in connection with bringing it into line with the norms of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Federal Law) does not require changes to the title and other documents containing its former name. The constituent documents of such legal entities, until they are brought into line with the norms of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by this Federal Law), shall be valid to the extent that they do not contradict the said norms. We invite you to the office for a consultation, where our specialists will answer all your questions in more detail. For a 50 percent discount on a consultation - Promo code - "Free Legal Advice Service".

Attention! Promo code discounts are no longer valid

Pchelintseva Marina Vladimirovna 06.11.2018 15:57

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And there is.

Sharabarova Irina Pavlovna 07.11.2018 12:18

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Is it possible to create a TSN by gardeners who have left the SNT

SNT consists of 280 members, but some of them (40 people) categorically disagree with the decisions of the current Board. The composition of the SNT is mainly (about 60%) very old people and young people (15-20%), who can still pay quite high membership fees. We decided to leave the SNT, but this 217-FZ will not give us the opportunity to create our own TSN, because. our plots are included in the territory of SNT. Is it possible to solve these problems through the court? After all, it will be necessary to share property and infrastructure.

Elena 11.09.2018 09:47

Hello! This issue is resolved by reorganizing the SNT. For this your initiative group it is necessary at the general meeting to raise the issue of dividing SNT through reorganization and make a positive decision. Prepare and approve the separation balance sheet. Prepare a new charter and submit Required documents to the tax office. Obtain documents on registration of a new legal entity.

Malov Dmitry Vladimirovich 17.09.2018 21:55

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True, I completely agree with my colleague

Dubrovina Svetlana Borisovna 18.09.2018 10:19

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  • Fundamentals of an autonomous non-profit organization
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  • Features of management in a partnership of property owners
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  • Features of management in a production cooperative
  • Restrictions on the issue of securities and the payment of dividends by a joint-stock company

The history of the development of the institution of a homeowners association (HOA) as a way of managing the common property of an apartment building has been going on for more than 20 years. Oddly enough, over these twenty years, the legislator managed to mislead residents several times, changing the concept from “condominium” to “HOA”, and in 2014 from “HOA” to a partnership of property owners (TSN).

For example, the Law of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1992 No. 4218-1 “On the Fundamentals of the Federal Housing Policy” defines a condominium as an association of owners of residential premises in apartment buildings with the establishment of conditions for joint ownership and use of inter-apartment stairs, elevators, corridors, roofs, technical basements, non-apartment engineering equipment, adjoining territory and other public places. From this definition the following follows: a condominium is a kind of legal entity whose purpose is to operate the common facilities of an apartment building. The terms condominium and homeowners association are confused. The same confusion of concepts was preserved in the "Temporary regulation on condominium", approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 23, 1993 No. 2275 (lost force on October 19, 1996). As a result, in practice, both HOAs and Condominiums were registered, and the difference was only in the name, but not in essence.

After the entry into force of the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF) on January 1, 1995, the contradictions in the definitions of a condominium and an association of homeowners began to be gradually eliminated. In accordance with Article 291 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a homeowners' association is a legal entity created and operating in accordance with a special law on homeowners' associations. The partnership of homeowners in Article 1 of the Law of 15.06.1996 No. 72-FZ is defined as "a non-profit organization, a form of association of homeowners for the joint management and operation of a real estate complex in a condominium, possession, use and, within the limits established by law, disposal of common property." In the same article, a condominium is defined as “a single complex of real estate, including a land plot within the established boundaries and a residential building located on it, other real estate objects, in which separate parts intended for residential and other purposes (premises) are owned by citizens, legal entities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities (homeowners) - private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership, and the remaining parts (common property) are in the common shared ownership of these persons. Thus, an HOA is an organization, and a condominium is a complex of property.

With the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF) on March 1, 2005, the concept of condominium disappeared, and the concept of HOA preserved (part 1, article 135).

The original version of Part 1 of Art. 135 ZhK RF:
A homeowners association is a non-profit organization, an association of owners of premises in an apartment building for the joint management of a complex of real estate in an apartment building, ensuring the operation of this complex, possession, use and, within the limits established by law, disposal of common property in an apartment building.

The current version of Part 1 of Art. 135 ZhK RF:
A homeowners' partnership is a non-profit organization, an association of owners of premises in an apartment building for the joint management of common property in an apartment building or, in the cases specified in Part 2 of Article 136 of this Code, the property of owners of premises in several apartment buildings or the property of owners of several residential buildings, ensuring ownership , use and, within the limits established by law, dispose of common property in an apartment building or joint use of property owned by owners of premises in several apartment buildings, or property, owned by the owners several residential buildings, carrying out activities to create, maintain, preserve and increase such property, provide public services to persons using premises in these multi-apartment buildings or these residential buildings in accordance with this Code, as well as to carry out other activities aimed at achieving management goals multi-apartment buildings or for the joint use of property owned by the owners of premises in several apartment buildings, or the property of the owners of several residential buildings.

The current version of Articles 135 and 136 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clarifies not only the goals of the HOA, but also the requirements for the creation and existence of multi-house HOAs (for 2 or more houses).

In accordance with paragraph 1 h. 2 Article. 136 ZhK RF HOA can be created owners of premises in several apartment buildings, if these houses are located on land plots that in accordance with those contained in state cadastre real estate documents have a common border and within which there are networks of engineering and technical support, other infrastructure elements that are intended for joint use by the owners of premises in these houses.

Federal Law No. 176-FZ dated June 29, 2015, effective July 1, 2016, in clause 1, part 2, Art. 136 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the words “in these houses” will be replaced by the words “in these houses. The list of property that is intended for joint use by the owners of premises in several apartment buildings is determined in accordance with the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Art. 5.1 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 189-FZ, a homeowners' association established in two or more apartment buildings, in case of non-compliance with the requirements established by clause 1, part 2, art. 136 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, must be reorganized in the manner prescribed by Part 3 or 4 of Art. 140 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, until July 1, 2016, if the owners of premises in apartment buildings do not choose a different way to manage such buildings. These requirements do not apply to HOAs established before the date of entry into force of Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated 04.06.2011.

The list of property has not yet been established by the Government of the Russian Federation and therefore it is still not clear what to do with multi-house HOAs.

FROM September 1, 2014 a federal law came into force, which amended Chapter 4 of Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ( the federal law dated 05.05.2014 N 99-FZ).

The changes relate to the issues of organizational and legal forms of legal entities, as well as non-profit organizations. So, a new form of legal entity has appeared - a partnership of real estate owners (TSN): art. 123.12 - 123.14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 123.12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The charter of the association of real estate owners must contain information about its name, including the words "partnership of property owners", location, subject and purposes of its activities, composition and competence of the bodies of the partnership and the procedure for making decisions by them, including on issues decisions on which are taken unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes, as well as other information provided for by law.

Questions arose and, as a result, confusion - is TSN a type of HOA, or is TSN equal to HOA and is, in fact, the renaming of HOA to TSN? After all, no changes were made to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and it is indicated everywhere on the HOA. The tax authorities considered that not only new form legal entity - TSN, but also the renaming of the old one (from HOA to TSN), and, therefore, from 09/01/2014, newly created HOAs were registered with the name TSN, and the "old" HOAs were renamed TSN if the HOA wanted to make any changes to charter.

An attempt by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation to clarify this issue was unsuccessful (Letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated April 10, 2015 No. 10407-АЧ / 04 “On individual issues arising in connection with the registration of homeowners' associations"), in fact, the Ministry of Construction did not answer the question, and the tax authorities continued to register HOAs with the name TSN.

Federal Law No. 133-FZ of May 23, 2015 “On Amending Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Political Parties” amended para. 1 paragraph 1 of Art. 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Changes tax authorities are interpreted as follows: since the HOA is a type of such organizational and legal form as TSN, then from May 23, 2015 (date of entry into force of the law), when registering the HOA in the name, we indicate the HOA, in the charter it is necessary to indicate that the HOA is created in the organizational and legal form - TSN. That is, the charter contains the words HOA everywhere, but one of the clauses of the charter indicates that the HOA is a kind of organizational and legal form of TSN.

Thus, the HOA is only a type of TSN (there is another type - horticultural partnership), rather than renaming the HOA to TSN.

All HOAs that were created before 05/23/2015 as TSN or renamed from HOA to TSN, at the first change in the charter, must make changes to it in terms of the name - HOA, and indicate that this is a type of TSN. The obligation to make changes is in no way limited in time, that is, if you wish, you can not make such changes for years until a decision is made at a meeting of members of the HOA to make changes to some part of the charter.

Once again, the reform of housing and communal services only made noise.