Home loan owners. Who owns the home loan bank. Bank closure or reorganization


— Home Credit was one of the first in retail to stop issuing loans to high-risk borrowers. For what reason?

— Back in early 2013, we noticed the first signs of debt load. Even those customers who used to regularly pay their loans began to make delays. We understood that this could lead to an avalanche of non-payments. Therefore, we have taken urgent action. Dramatically increased requirements for borrowers, strengthened interaction with all credit bureaus, limited the frequency of obtaining loans.

- And where will you take new borrowers with "tougher" requirements to increase your loan portfolio? After all, the market is oversaturated. Raiffeisenbank analysts believe that half of the economically active population already have consumer loans, and the rest, most likely, do not want to live in debt, especially in the current economic situation.

— In February of this year, we conducted a survey among our active borrowers, who have never made a late payment during the entire period of cooperation with the bank. According to its results, it turned out that a quarter of these people, and in some regions a third, are going to take new loan. In the first place in demand are non-purpose cash loans, in the second place are POS loans, that is, loans for the purchase of goods, in the third place are car loans, in the fourth place are mortgages, in the fifth place are credit cards.

Therefore, we, of course, feel a contraction in demand, but I would not say that it has completely disappeared. In addition, we see that the flow of new customers coming to us through the POS channel does not dry out. There are enough borrowers. We have about 30 million people in our database. We offer them cash loans as part of cross-selling. But again, we strictly check them: we make offers only to customers who have not had delays.

How much has your loan portfolio decreased Last year?

- What is its structure now?

— Cash loans — 59.2%, POS loans — 23.3%, credit cards — 15.5%, mortgages — 2% [ mortgage loans"Home Credit" issued from 2006 to 2008].

Yuri Andresov, Chairman of the Board of Home Credit Bank

Education and early career

In 1991 he graduated from the Ufa Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze with a degree in electronic engineering, in 2003 - the Russian Academy of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in finance and banking. In 1999-2000 he was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Bashprombank.

In "Home Credit"

He has been with the bank since 2003. Promoted through the implementation of a number of projects in the regions, including through contracts with the Eldorado chain of stores for providing loans for the purchase of goods (POS loans) and for repaying loans through the Russian Post.

Acting Chairman of the Board since February 2015, he was appointed Chairman of the Board on March 25. Prior to that, he was Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank, as well as the Director of the Home Credit banking network.

“Losses should already be reduced”

- In the first quarter, Home Credit received a record loss in Russia under IFRS - 5.2 billion rubles. How are you going to rectify the situation?

— The macroeconomic negative has been added to the problem of debt load. The inverse correlation between the welfare of the population and the share of delinquency is very high. Real wages for the year fell by 13%. Not surprisingly, delinquency remains high. We have a traditionally conservative approach to provisioning (the provisioning ratio in the first quarter of 2015 was 109%), and this is putting significant pressure on financial results. The decrease in profitability was also affected by expensive funding, which we attracted in December-January due to a sharp increase in the Central Bank's key rate at the end of 2014 (by 6.5 percentage points, to 17%).

We always prefer to maintain high capitalization and a liquidity cushion, which gives the bank stability in difficult times. Now the key rate of the Central Bank has decreased to 11.5%. Negative influence"expensive passive base" for the most part exhausted by the end of the first half of this year. In the third quarter, losses should already be reduced.

- Did you expect such losses?

— In 2013, we had a more optimistic view of what is happening in the sector. Last year, it became clear that against the backdrop of macroeconomic negatives, we are all in for a difficult period. The peak of delinquency in the banking industry has not yet been passed. But the situation on foreign exchange market stabilized, the Central Bank consistently reduces key rate. All this inspires a certain optimism.

What are you doing to prevent losses?

— We have developed a set of measures to optimize the business, which has significantly reduced costs. The optimization will be completed by the end of this summer. We are consistently fighting delays. We managed to stabilize the situation with overdue debts even on a declining portfolio. NPL (overdue from three months) in the first quarter of 2015 amounted to 15.1%, in 2014 - 15.6%, in the third quarter of 2014 - 16.8%. But this figure may fluctuate depending on macroeconomic conditions. Portfolio quality is now prioritized above business growth. Currently, we issue loans to off-the-street clients only in the POS segment. The risks in this segment are lower, since the amounts and terms of the loan are small.

Home Credit Bank"

It specializes in unsecured retail lending - that is, providing loans to citizens without collateral. The priority areas of the bank are the provision of POS loans, cash loans and credit cards. 60% of liabilities are deposits of individuals.

The bank is in the top 30 in terms of assets (304.3 billion rubles according to RAS, as of June 1). In 2013, the bank was in the top 15. In the first quarter of this year, he received a loss in Russia of 5.2 billion rubles. Even a significant reduction in costs did not help to avoid losses. Thus, in 2014, the bank closed every fourth office, and over the three months of 2015, the Home Credit network decreased by another 16% and now consists of 4,483 outlets of various formats.

According to the disclosed information, the beneficiaries of the bank are the main owner of PPF Group, one of the richest Czech businessmen Petr Kellner (with a share of 88.62%) and his partner Jiri Šmeits (11.38%).

How do you deal with bad debts?

— We use all the tools: collection, restructuring, sale.

- How do they behave in the current economic conditions borrowers who received loans under stricter requirements? Taking into account the fact that their real incomes are falling, and the credit burden is very high.

— The average term of a POS loan is now 20 months, and a cash loan is 41 months. Today, new loans issued since mid-2013 account for more than half of the portfolio. The analysis shows that the risks for these clients are lower.

— In December 2014, at the height of the crisis, the Central Bank allowed banks to record transactions in foreign currency at the exchange rate as of October 1 last year - 39.38 rubles. per dollar, do not overestimate the cheaper ones securities and ignore deterioration credit quality borrower during the restructuring of loans, which allowed banks not to increase reserves. Did these steps help you? How will their cancellation affect the bank?

— We took advantage of this opportunity only for the purpose of calculating the H6 standard [maximum risk per borrower]. We calculated loan reserves at the current exchange rate.

- On July 1, the law on the full cost of the loan, PSK, came into force. Have you had to significantly reduce interest rates on consumer loans?

— Yes, we have reduced rates to the level of the maximum TIC, and this will lead to the fact that we will no longer be able to issue loans to some borrowers. They will have to borrow outside the banking sector.

“Mergers and Acquisitions are not our subject”​

— Your shareholder, the Czech group PPF, is ready to support the bank in Hard time?

— The shareholder constantly emphasizes that he, as a strategic investor in Russia, is always ready to support the bank. For example, in December 2014, we received additional funding for a total of RUB 12 billion. But now I do not see the need for additional support.

- Mortgage in your portfolio takes only 2%, do you plan to develop this area? Perhaps in the plans - car loans, commission transactions?

- On the this moment we receive commission income from the sale of various insurances, including those not related to lending, and from the sale of legal services. Auto loans and mortgages are definitely not our story. We try not to scatter.

- In winter, you said that the bank plans to provide most of the services through remote channels, and the offices will still accept deposits and consult on complex products and services. When will you reach this result?

— By remote channels, we mean not only the Internet and mobile banking. Remote channels are the service and sale of products outside the branches. Until the end of this year, 20% of our sales will be done remotely.

Currently, we are actively developing a courier scheme, which we called Taxi-Credit. If the client needs a loan, the store employee calls our specialist. The entire process of issuing a loan, including the arrival of a courier, takes 40 minutes. We conduct scoring and approve the loan remotely, plus our employee checks the documents and conducts face control on the spot. We are currently working with outlets with whom we already have contracts. There are about 100 thousand of them. In the future, we plan to work with other points, as well as the ability for the client to call a loan officer on his own.

The courier sales scheme leads to a reduction in costs, since our employees, who until recently issued a loan per day, will be able to issue five to six loans daily when they visit a client at his request. We have 10 thousand loan officers and 20 thousand agents who work throughout Russia.

We also work with several banks to process their loans through our distribution network and plan to expand the number of partners.

— Former VP of network money transfers MoneyGram in the CIS, Eastern Europe and Israel Petr Gnatiuk once said in an interview: “Cash is cash. He was, is and will be." Do you agree with this?

- In the Russian market, this is still true. We can talk about any innovation. But so far in Russia they are used by 10-15% of people. We are designed for the remaining 85%.

- "Home Credit" has always been aloof from any reorganization, M&A. Perhaps plans have changed?

- This is a question for shareholders, although, as far as I know, they have not changed: mergers and acquisitions are not our topic. We have always developed and will continue to develop organically. As for the rehabilitation of other credit institutions, we do not rule out such a possibility for ourselves.

used to say


“In general, we position ourselves as a bank for everyone ... Conceptually, our bank strives to become a kind of McDonald's on financial market. Accessible, recognizable and providing products for everyone” (“Marker”, February 2011)

year 2012

“Our loan portfolio grew at a rate far ahead of the market thanks to a wide network of points of sale and branches (6 thousand), as well as an affordable and attractive product line” (Vedomosti, December 2012)

year 2013

“The consumer lending market was slowing down under the influence of<…>increased credit burden on some segments of the population, as well as regulatory measures... Our bank<...>begins to focus on servicing less risky categories of borrowers” ​​(“Gazete.ru”, December 2013)

year 2014

“There is demand, but banks have to be very careful in selecting borrowers… I have been working at the bank since 2003. And I get asked all the time when the POS market will die (loans in stores and other points of sale). I answer: "Never!" (RBC, October 2014)


“Optimization (closing every fourth office, etc.) is necessary for the bank to return to profit... Strict selection of borrowers led to a reduction in lending volumes and a decrease in income” (RBC, March 2015)

On June 9, 2019 it became known of data leakage of 900 thousand clients of the Russian banks. Passport data, phone numbers, places of residence and work of citizens of the Russian Federation turned out to be in the public domain.

2018: The first in Russia issuance of a loan with remote identification

In mid-July 2018, Home Credit Bank announced the issuance of the first loan in Russia using remote identification. The Russians got the opportunity to remotely use banking products and services after the launch of a single biometric system.

At the first stage, Home Credit issues online loans for the purchase of goods using a completely remote customer identification. In the future, the bank is going to process most of its other products in the same way.

It is noted that the online identification of the first client took less than a minute. After that, he was able to remotely sign an agreement for a POS loan and purchase a vacuum cleaner in the online store of a partner of Home Credit Bank - the Russian representative office of Samsung.

In order not to go through face-to-face identification in banks, customers need to provide their biometric data (voice and face image) once, which will be stored in a single system. Rostelecom ensures the collection, processing and storage of biometric data, as well as verification of their compliance with the initially submitted biometric samples. The results of the verification are transmitted to banks for remote identification of citizens when opening accounts.

After registering in a single biometric system, a citizen will be able to remotely receive the services of any bank that works with the system. It is enough for the client to enter the username/password from the ESIA and say the short control phrase generated by the system, looking at the camera of a smartphone or computer.

By July 17, 2018, Home Credit accepts biometric information from customers at its offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Kazan. In a short time, it is planned to increase the number of such branches to 80, and by the end of 2019, it will be possible to pass biometrics in all branches of the bank, he said.


The volume of loans issued through POS-online exceeded 1 billion rubles

The volume of loans issued for goods through POS-online technology at Home Credit Bank exceeded 1 billion rubles, which accounted for 3.5% of the total volume of POS-loans issued by the bank. About 80% of online loans are issued without down payment and overpayments, Home Credit reported on October 19, 2017.

Most often, household appliances and mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) were taken on credit, in third place - audio and video equipment. The most popular household appliances - washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens and stoves. And from video and audio equipment, most of the loans were taken for TVs.

POS-online is a technology developed by Home Credit Bank for obtaining loans on a simplified application via the Internet. The first online POS loans were issued in the Eldorado online store in the summer of 2016. As of October 2017, Eldorado, M.Video, DNS and other large online stores are among the main partners of the bank in this project.

When applying for a loan via POS-online, in most cases, the client needs to fill in only 5 fields. It takes the bank 40 seconds to fully evaluate a short order. Basic clients can sign an agreement via SMS and receive a loan completely remotely.

Recently, the question of Home Credit - whose bank and which group of companies it belongs to, has arisen more and more often. And this is not strange, because the popularity of this organization is growing. Therefore, people who trust her with their money are interested not only in the rating of the company, but also who owns it.

This information allows you to make sure that the company is not a one-day business, but a reliable partner with a good reputation.

General information about Home Credit Bank

For those who are interested, whose bank is Home Credit, worth knowing, what is this commercial Bank, which has been successfully operating in Russia for many years, and has earned the respect of both customers and competitors.

He is on the list most successful in our country. For many years he has been successfully issuing consumer loans. The full name of the company is as follows - Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC. But the company, for the convenience of customers, uses the shortened name Home Credit.

Today it has a huge client base. It reaches 36.5 million people. They use its services both in Russia and in Kazakhstan. In total, the company employs about 17 thousand people.

People who are just thinking about becoming bank customers can familiarize themselves with credit ratings firms. They all confirm the stability of the company, and therefore confirm its reliability.

Financial indicators jar

Currently, Home Credit Bank has strong partnerships with many well-known companies. Its offices operate in 2 thousand cities. In total, on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan operates:

  1. 271 branch.
  2. 117 thousand points of sale in partner stores.
  3. More than 1 thousand ATMs.

The company does not stop there, develops and constantly improves.

Some are wondering if the company has a slogan. The company is famous for its rather aggressive advertising campaigns, for each of which it selects a bright and interesting motto. So for consumer loans it sounds like: “Easy. Fast. Comfortable.". Therefore, it is not surprising that such an accessible and catchy description of the proposal always resonates with people.

History of Home Credit Bank

To understand in more detail whose Home Credit bank it is, you need to go back to the distant 1990. 28 years ago, the company "Innovative Bank Technopolis" appeared. And in 2002 she bought it Home Credit group. From that moment began the history of HKB. The company has earned almost immediately after the creation. In the summer of the same year, the first branches were opened, and the first credit loans began to be issued.

People were not embarrassed by the fact that the bank was founded quite recently. It began to actively develop, attracting more and more customers.

In 2003, Eldorado became his partner, which made it possible to increase the coverage

A year later, the company

  • Starts releasing first credit cards.
  • Concludes agreements with the Russian Post.
  • Gets the first big profit.

A year later, Home Credit points of sale appeared in all federal districts of the Russian Federation. The company did not reach only Far East. In the next couple of years, the company is gaining momentum.

By 2007, the company is already becoming a market leader. And this year will bring major changes. By the decision of the founders, the further development strategy of the organization changes. Home Credit Bank is abandoning the monoliner bank model in favor of a universal retail bank.

As a result, active involvement of physical persons begins. individuals who began to trust their money to the firm. Also appeared car loan offer. The company begins to produce simple debit cards . And this product immediately becomes very popular.

Everyone strongly associates 2008 with the beginning of the crisis. However, Home Credit Bank has responded to the change. He shifted his forces to the issuance of cash loans.

The following year, salary projects were included in the list of services. Home Credit Bank also introduced a lot of convenient additional services which make banking easier. Clients were offered to use banking, and also connect for them convenient system SMS informing.

The suspended car loan program is revived again in 2010. And in subsequent years, Home Сredit Bank is actively developing. He starts:

  1. Expand your network in the regions.
  2. Builds new partnerships.
  3. Implements an agent network.

Home Credit Bank (HKF bank) is a Russian commercial bank. Full name - Limited Liability Company "Home Credit and Finance Bank". The main office is in Moscow. The bank is owned by the non-bank credit organization Home Credit, which is part of the Czech group of companies PPF.

January 31, 2002 non-banking credit organisation Home Credit acquired Russia's Technopolis Innovation Bank, founded in 1990. Already on July 16, 2002, the first loan under the Home Credit brand was issued in Russia. In the same year, the first representative office and the first outlet were opened.

In 2003, the bank entered into a partnership agreement with Eldorado and issued the first commodity loan.

In 2004, the bank issued its first credit card and made its first profit for the year. Home Credit points of sale were opened in all federal districts Russia, with the exception of the Far East.

In 2005, the bank opened the first credit and cash office and issued the first cash loan.

In 2006, the bank focused on improving the underwriting and anti-fraud system, and also launched a program mortgage lending. In 2007, the bank became a leader in the credit card market, one of the first on the market held a 0-0-24 campaign. Home Credit began to move from a monoliner bank model to a universal retail bank. The car loan program was launched, the attraction of deposits began individuals and issuance of debit cards.

In 2008, the bank optimized its strategy, reacting flexibly to the crisis. The bank focused on cash and point-of-sale loans, phasing out mortgages and car loans.

Home Credit entered the market in 2009 salary projects, develops a network of ATMs, offers customers SMS-notification services and Internet banking. Home Credit becomes No. 1 in the lending market at the point of sale.

In 2010, the bank achieves a record profit under IFRS for the entire time of its existence - 9.4 billion rubles. In the same year, Home Credit resumes issuing car loans and active regional expansion.

In 2011, Home Credit Bank's network consisted of 1,273 offices, over 58,000 sales, and 633 ATMs. The bank took the fourth position among the most branch banks in Russia. The share of cash loans exceeded the share of POS loans in the bank's portfolio. The Bank continues to maintain leadership in the POS lending market and ranked seventh in the cash loans market in 2011.

In the spring of 2012, Home Credit Bank modernized the system for issuing loans and introduced a loan approval service without visiting a bank branch. In the same year, applications " Mobile bank» for the most popular mobile platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

In July 2012, the bank announced the transition to a strategy of operating as a financial store, or FinMag. At the end of 2012, Home Credit ranked third in the retail lending market after Sberbank and VTB24, and also entered the top ten largest banks in terms of retail deposit portfolio.

In January 2013, the bank announced the acquisition of Home Credit Bank JSC in Kazakhstan, which is also part of the Home Credit B.V. group. Also in 2013, the 1000th office of the bank was opened. The number of unique bank depositors exceeded 500,000 people.

In 2016 monthly audience online services bank has exceeded one million people. 20% of loan payments are received by the bank through its own online repayment channels. 30% of sales are made through remote channels.

At the end of 2016, the bank recorded net profit in the amount of 7.7 billion rubles.

Home Credit and Finance (HKF) Bank is a Russian commercial bank, one of the leaders Russian market consumer lending. The main office is located in Moscow.

The bank was founded in 1990 under the name "Innovative bank Technopolis". In 2002, a deal was made on the purchase of the Technopolis Innovation Bank by the Home Credit Group. On July 16 of the same year, the first loan under the Home Credit brand was issued in Russia. In the same year, the first representative office and the first outlet were opened.

In 2003, the bank entered into a partnership agreement with Eldorado and began its geographical expansion. In 2004, the bank issued its first credit card and made its first profit for the year. Home Credit points of sale were opened in all federal districts of Russia, with the exception of the Far East. In 2005, the bank opened the first credit and cash office and issued the first cash loan.

In 2006, the bank focused on improving the system of underwriting and anti-fraud, and also launched a mortgage lending program. In 2007, the bank became a leader in the credit card market, one of the first on the market held a 0-0-24 campaign. Home Credit began to move from a monoliner bank model to a universal retail bank. A car loan program has been launched, deposits of individuals and the issuance of debit cards have begun.

In 2008, the bank optimized its strategy, reacting flexibly to the crisis. The bank focused on cash and point-of-sale loans, phasing out mortgages and car loans.

In 2009, the bank entered the salary projects market, developing a network of ATMs, offering SMS notification services and Internet banking to its customers. Home Credit becomes No. 1 in the lending market at the point of sale.

In 2010, the bank achieves a record profit under IFRS for the entire time of its existence - 9.4 billion rubles. Resumes the issuance of car loans and active regional expansion.

In 2011, the bank continues to develop sales channels, expanding its presence in the regions, attracting agents and brokers to sell its products. As a result, at the end of the year, the volume of cash loans issued exceeded the volume of POS loans.

In July 2012, the bank announced the transition to a strategy of operating as a financial store, or FinMag. At the end of 2012, the bank ranked third in the retail lending market after VTB24, and also entered the top ten largest banks in terms of retail deposit portfolio.

In January 2013, the bank announced the acquisition of Home Credit Bank JSC in Kazakhstan, which is also part of the Home Credit B.V. group.