The service life of a panel house built in 1974. How long will a brick house last? Terms of capital repairs of apartment buildings


Brick is deservedly considered one of the most popular materials for the construction of residential buildings and buildings for other purposes. Any structure built from it can last 150 years or more, only occasionally needing repairs. But the service life of an apartment brick house depends not only on the quality of the building stone itself. In addition, other factors also influence it.

What determines the duration of the operation of brick buildings

Over time, absolutely any construction objects come into disrepair. Buildings that are built of brick are no exception. The main factors affecting the period of their use are:

  • quality of materials used in the process of building a house. These include not only bricks, but also components of individual structural elements - the foundation of the building, floor, roofing, utilities. If, for example, wooden floors are used in a house, it will last much less, so these structures are made mainly of concrete;
  • population density of a multi-storey building, load;
  • compliance with the requirements for the operation of the house and the regularity of major repairs, the timely elimination of any emergencies;
  • constructive solutions used in the process of building a house;
  • construction technology.

To calculate the service life of a finished house, first its depreciation is calculated, which can be of two types:

  • moral. It represents the compliance of the technologies, materials and structural elements used in construction with their functional purpose and existing requirements;
  • physical. is calculated according to specially developed tables and is the ratio of the specific weight of wear to the cost of certain components and materials.

Depreciation is calculated not for the entire multi-apartment building, but for its individual elements - the roof structure and base, stairs and floors, walls and internal partitions, utilities and others.

If we are talking about a brick house, then the type of building stone is of great importance. For example, ceramic bricks can last the longest. Silicate and concrete materials have a much shorter service life.

It is also important to take into account the following factors in the calculation process:

  • compliance of the foundation of the building with the expected loads, the quality of its construction;
  • the level of occurrence of groundwater, which over time can adversely affect the condition of the building, the presence of an effective drainage system for their diversion;
  • the presence of waterproofing of the foundation and walls, which significantly extends the life of the structure.

In many cities of our country, brick buildings of the 60s are successfully operated. At the same time, not all of them underwent major repairs. Many experts say that Khrushchevs are quite capable of serving for more than 100 years.

What is the service life of buildings that are built using modern technologies? If we turn to the opinions of experts, we will get the following data:

  • panel houses, which today belong to the economy class, have every chance of "surviving" before the overhaul of 30-40 years. Such a short period is due to the need to monitor the condition of interpanel seams, which are destroyed much earlier than the panels themselves. If you follow all the maintenance requirements for such a structure, it will successfully stand for 50-75 years;
  • the longest service life of monolithic buildings belonging to the business or elite categories. It is 150 years old, as high-quality materials are used in the construction process. In addition, such houses are equipped with modern engineering communications that can serve for many years without repair;
  • brick houses that use ceramic building stone last about 100 years. But in about half a century they will need a major overhaul.

If we talk exclusively about bricks, then the materials from which it is made are of great importance. As an example, we can provide the following information:

  • houses made of double silicate bricks marked M-150 (resistance to loads of 150 kilograms per square centimeter) will definitely stand for more than 50 years. Therefore, this material is used for the construction of main walls, ensuring their durability;
  • ceramic bricks made using special firing technology is the most durable - buildings made of it are designed for 100-150 years of service;
  • clay brick (adobe) is significantly inferior to other types in terms of its strength and resistance to stress. Therefore, experts say that it can serve no more than 45-50 years. And that is subject to a timely overhaul.

Summing up, we can say that the life of a brick house depends on a number of factors. These include not only the quality of the material and the applied construction technologies. In addition, the location of the building, any climatic features of a particular region are of great importance. That is why all calculations and forecasts of the feasibility of building houses with 5, 9 or more floors are best trusted by specialists who are able to take into account every small detail.

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The service life of buildings is determined based on the duration of the operation of the main structural elements, such as ceilings, floors, engineering systems, foundations, and more. To calculate this indicator, the number of measures taken for the overhaul and maintenance of buildings is taken into account. Over time, structures and elements of structures wear out, lose their original properties. In this regard, brick houses are no exception. Over the years, the strength of structural elements decreases, and thermal insulation properties deteriorate noticeably.

The service life of brick buildings is affected by:
- the quality of building materials used in construction;
- regularity of carried out repair activities;
- constructive solutions used in construction;
- population density.

Types of building wear

There are moral and physical depreciation of buildings. Physical wear is calculated using special tables. The indicator of physical deterioration is equal to the specific weight of the wear of individual elements to the total cost of the building. Obsolescence must be understood in terms of the conformity of building elements to their functional purpose. In residential buildings, this discrepancy can manifest itself in the use of outdated engineering systems and architectural solutions.

Today, the construction market offers various types of bricks. Depending on the production method, concrete, ceramic and silicate bricks are distinguished. They differ not only in appearance, but also in their characteristics.

How to determine the service life of a brick building

The service life of brick houses depends on how well the foundation of the building was made. If the foundation is built incorrectly, then over time there will be a displacement, which will lead to the appearance of cracks. Any construction process must be carried out in strict accordance with building codes and technologies. Also, the duration of operation directly depends on the occurrence of groundwater. As for the quality of the brick itself, if high-quality cement and modern firing technology were used in its manufacture, then the house will stand for at least 200 years. Increased humidity can significantly reduce the life of structures. Therefore, it is very important to securely insulate the walls.

To calculate the service life of brick buildings, generally accepted SNiP coefficients are used. Assessing the state of individual structures, the service life of the entire structure is obtained. The total wear of the roof, frame, floors, stairs, partitions, interior and exterior finishes indicates the service life of buildings without repair. Since there are no practical exact calculations for determining the durability of buildings, a system is used to determine the degree of durability of individual structures. In this regard, the first degree of service life is distinguished - 100 years or more, the second - up to 50 years and the third - 20-50 years.

Since childhood, we know that the most durable buildings are stone. It was such a house that stood for the longest time in the tale of the three little pigs. Today, it is hardly possible to find a person who would not agree to live in a warm, durable house built to last. If a brick is chosen, then it is important to know: what affects the durability, what conditions must be met, and most importantly - how long will a brick house last?

About the service life of buildings made of stone

Each building, built from any building material, has a certain "reserve" of longevity. For everyone, this is their period. It is clear that wooden houses can stand not as long as stone ones. In addition, such variants of houses (for example, frame, timber, log) are prone to decay or may suffer during a fire, which cannot be said about brick buildings. These are strong, stable and durable structures. The last point is justified by the characteristics of the brick.

The main properties that prolong brick service life. Let's specify them:

  1. Brick is made only from natural materials that have special properties. The structure is dense, which does not tend to rot and biofouling;
  2. Fire resistance. In case of fire, the brick will not be damaged, the house will continue to stand;
  3. Weather resistance. The material is well tolerated by constant exposure to moisture, the influence of negative temperatures and other factors;
  4. With additional wall protection, for example, siding or any other material, we can safely say that brick house will last very long, much longer than it is stated in the reference books;
  5. Proper installation also extends the life of the house.

According to experts, on average, the durability of a brick house is declared for 100 years. However, given many factors, this period may vary. So, let's look at the main ones:

  1. The correctness of the construction of the foundation. If the design is chosen correctly, the required bearing capacity, then we can say that the house will stand for a long time. Before laying the foundation, a whole range of measures must be taken to determine the conditions in which the system will be built. If the type of foundation is not suitable for the local operating environment, then the most negative consequences can be observed, up to the collapse of the house;
  2. Quality wall construction. Normal masonry should be even, have even layers of masonry mortar. brick walls may serve up to 150 years;
  3. Window openings. Their proper arrangement is very important. Gaps must be sealed with high tightness. There should be slopes, if there are none, the brick will begin to absorb moisture and in winter the stones will begin to burst;
  4. Roof. Protection of the whole house from bad weather. The service life depends on the selected materials, choose only high-quality options. For example, ceramic tiles can last up to 100 years.

Thus, durability brick house due to 4 factors - the foundation, walls, window openings and roofing. If these elements of the structure are executed qualitatively, in accordance with all building codes, then we can safely say that brick house will last at least 150 years old.

Summing up…

Would you like to achieve exactly the same results for your own home? Then it is better to entrust the construction to a professional company that has experience and special skills in this area. You can also build it yourself, but only if all the rules and regulations are observed, it will be possible to talk about the durability of the house.

The first thing that predetermines the limiting time is the material from which the house is built. The most reliable are houses whose walls (bearing structures) are 2.5 bricks thick. Such buildings belong to the class of "capital", designed for 150 operation. There is also a class of "especially capital" houses, whose walls are even thicker; such buildings can stand for 300 years. The next place in terms of durability is occupied by brick houses with a smaller thickness of supporting structures ("Khrushchev"

Buildings of this type were built from various materials: brick, thick and thin panels, sometimes even blocks were used. The Khrushchev houses built in 1955-1970 are designed for the shortest period. from thin panels. Their maximum service life is only 50 years. However, with proper operation, such houses will easily withstand another 20 years. According to studies, the panels of these buildings have a margin of safety that exceeds the design by 1.5 times.

It is quite another thing - brick five-story buildings, designed for a hundred years of operation. However, in any calculations for the longevity of houses, there is a condition that must be observed in order for the building to serve its full life. This is a timely overhaul. At the same time, the repair of a separate apartment does not affect the condition of the whole house. Another important point is the cost of utilities, electricity. In Soviet times, all this cost a penny, so during construction, for example, they did not really try to seal the seams - the heating was almost free and worked constantly at full capacity. If we take the current conditions, it turns out that an apartment in the same panel building consumes more and more funds every year; it becomes clear that in a few years the price of housing is completely eaten up by the payment for the "communal".

In addition to the house box, there are also engineering communications, the degree of wear of which in the "Khrushchev" does not require a major overhaul (early 2000s). Approximately 25% of communications have completely exhausted their resource. Therefore, it is obvious that it is more profitable to demolish such buildings and build new housing than to repair the old one.