Projects of three-story houses. Projects of three-storey houses Three-storey apartment building


In most cases, when a customer selects a project for a three-story house, he implies the construction of a full-fledged basement or attic floor. At the same time, it must be remembered: the choice is determined not only by desire, but also by the terrain, soil strength, climate, the ratio of financial costs and the desired result.

Ground floor features

Projects of houses and cottages on 3 floors, providing for a basement, are most often chosen with uneven terrain construction site. Before doing so, careful geological surveys, insofar as:

  • the choice of type, depth of laying, foundation material depends on the properties of the soil (clay, sand);
  • from the level of occurrence groundwater- the need to equip the drainage system, if the level is less than 2 m;
  • it is important to choose the right waterproofing, to withstand the period of "ripening" of concrete before erecting walls.

Properly designed and built without violations, a large basement floor is convenient and practical. This is an ideal place for a garage, boiler room, swimming pool, sauna, freeing up space for a residential area.

The feasibility of a mansard roof

Projects of 3-storey houses with an attic are popular, and the technology for their construction is well developed. The main disadvantage of such a floor is a significant increase in costs:

  • roof insulation is more expensive than walls:
  • installation and maintenance of the roof becomes more difficult;
  • the location of risers, chimneys is taken into account.

The main advantage of a multi-storey building is saving the area of ​​the site, a rational and convenient layout. The cottage project with a photo in the catalog No. 50-90 with dimensions of 10 by 10 m is a three-story house where both ideas are implemented. In the basement there are utility rooms and a gym, and the attic is designed for private spaces.

The project of the house for 12 apartments is made in a modern, urban style, which is characterized by the presence of original architectural elements and details that give the house originality and unique chic. This option will be an excellent solution in the category of affordable housing, while it will look equally organic both in an ordinary settlement and in an elite cottage village.

The project of a three-storey house includes six one-room and the same number of two-room apartments ranging from 55 to 80 square meters. With a relatively small size, each housing has complete list all the premises necessary for a comfortable life. Carefully thought-out interior layouts are functional and practical, while meeting all safety and design requirements.

Panoramic glazing of the building can give a feeling of airiness, warmth and light even on the coldest and most cloudy day. For wall cladding, environmentally friendly wooden thermal panels are used, which go well with dark brick and the original white finish of the entrance group to the house. To increase safety, the windows are equipped with railings.

Such projects are ordered less and less, there is a steady trend to lower the number of storeys country house. However, similarhouse designs in our catalog are present and are in steady demand as well as two-story. What attracts our customers in such solutions?

The project of a three-story house allows you to build a house of maximum area with a minimum building spot on your site, unlike two-story or one storey houses. Often, municipalities regulate the percentage of development of the total area of ​​the site. It is not always possible to enter all the desired premises for comfortable family accommodation in the allotted area, there is only one way out - to increase the number of floors.

Third floor - basement or attic?

The choice depends not only on the desired appearance of the house, but also on the characteristics of your site, its topography and soils.

The site with a developed slope itself suggests that the third floor will be a basement and must be entered into the relief. You have a unique opportunity to divide the house into several levels according to the relief, each of which will have access to the site. In our catalog you will find several similar projects.

A flat terrain site allows you to choose whether to make a basement (basement) or make an additional full-length or attic floor. Everything will depend on your personal preferences. There is one caveat, the basement is not desirable to do with a high standing groundwater. If you are initially focused on a house project with a basement, then we recommend that you do engineering and geological surveys before buying a project or starting an individual design of your future country house.

Where to place a garage in a three-story cottage

If a three-story house is delighted ground floor, then we have two options for accommodation in the basement and on the first floor, we will consider both.

  • Garage in the basement- in this option, before entering the garage (if the house is located on a flat plot), we have an inclined entrance. It must be performed according to certain rules so that the car can comfortably drive into the garage. This design takes up a lot of space. Since this is essentially a recess in the relief, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of rainwater and provide for measures to eliminate the ingress of surface rainwater from the adjacent territory. It is worth noting that in regions with a large amount of winter precipitation, we do not recommend doing this option, the congress will be blown with snow. The advantage of this solution is the release of the ground floor area for living quarters.
  • Garage on the ground floor These decisions are common. Utility rooms are usually located under the garage located on the ground floor. The entrance to the garage is used for parking or other needs.
In all cases, our house projects provide for natural ventilation of the garage space, as well as two-story and one-story houses without fail.

Is it possible to place a pool in the basement

Yes, it is possible, but this is due to a number of technological features. We recommend that you locate the SPA area on the ground floor, as it is more comfortable and convenient for the family to use the pool. The exit from the pool is equipped with a terrace and panoramic windows. You can read more detailed information about pools in our section - " Pool project.

What to build a three-story cottage

The choice is exactly the same as for the construction of a two-story or one-story house. The usual choice of blocks, bricks and aerated concrete. Foam block designs have proven themselves very well. The third floor can be made of timber, using for the construction of the second, for example, large-format porous bricks. The basement is made of monolithic concrete or FBS blocks, brick or block is not recommended here.

Projects of three-story houses can be divided into actually three-story houses with full floors, two-story houses with a residential attic or with a basement. They differ only in the organization of the internal space, the level of comfort and the amount of funds spent on the construction of the facility. Obviously, a classic 3-storey house will cost more than a house with a basement. A house with a basement is more expensive than a house with an attic. But each of these options has its own charm and logic.

It is clear that it is more logical to implement "multi-storey" projects where there is a need to rationally use the territory - on small plots. Then there will be enough space not only for the house, but also for a landscaped garden plot with a flower bed and a recreational area.

In order not to miscalculate with the choice of a project, it is worth really evaluating all its pros and cons.

Advantages of the project of a 3-storey house

  • Despite the fact that the construction costs result in a decent amount, the cost of 1 m 2 is lower than that of houses of the same area, but with a lower number of floors.
  • This is primarily due to the minimal use of materials at certain stages of construction. For example, less insulation is used between floors. At the same time, in the rooms of the upper floors in cold weather, a normal temperature regime is maintained due to the fact that warm air rises. Of course, this is not a direct benefit during construction, but an obvious plus in the operation of an already built house.
  • In the project of a three-story house, the amount of material needed for the roof is reduced. Accordingly, the budget for their purchase and the duration of construction work are reduced.
  • Given that a three-story house will need a foundation of a smaller area, we get obvious savings. But due to the fact that a reinforced foundation is needed for such a structure, and, consequently, other additional materials, the benefit is “eaten up”. The costs are similar if you lay the foundation for a one-story house with a similar usable area.
  • A sufficient amount of space allows you to realize all the ideas of the developer about the house of his dreams. Here there is a place for a bathhouse on the ground floor, and for a cozy office, and for a gym.

Cons of projects of three-story houses

  • It is obvious that the construction of such a house will cost a lot. But if opportunities allow, this shortcoming fades into the background.
  • Another disadvantage is the irrational use of usable space. In such a house it is impossible to do without stairs. And this is a loss of about 40 m 2.
  • An increase in the length of engineering networks will also entail an increase in costs.
  • And in order to feel comfortable in the warm season on the upper floors, you will have to take care of air conditioners or protective shutters.

DOM4M specialists will help you choose just such a project of a three-story house that is most suitable for your site, terrain and climatic conditions. Such a house will serve you for many years and will become your fortress.

To some extent, this is a means for self-realization and self-expression. A simple one-story building does not provide enough space for the implementation of all plans. Various architectural firms offer a variety of choices for individual and finished projects three-storey houses and cottages.

The project of a large three-story brick cottage with a garage
The original project of a three-story wooden private country house

Project content: main sections

Building a house is a complex and multi-stage process that needs clear planning. Design is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP and GOST standards. This document contains detailed description buildings in graphical (drawings, sketches and other images) and textual form. The presence of a special one allows you to visualize the project and present it in the form of three-dimensional pictures.

Such images provide an opportunity to fully appreciate the architectural solutions used. For example, how harmoniously the height of a three-story house correlates with the objects surrounding it, or how the building fits into the landscape. The use of modern information technologies allows the employees of the bureau to visually demonstrate to the client appearance future home and its interior.