Vostochny Bank deposits in the year. Vostochny Bank deposits. How to open the most profitable Vostochny Bank deposit


Vostochny Bank in March 2019 offers deposits for individuals, including pensioners, with a maximum interest rate of 8.72% per annum in rubles. Let's look at how to open the most profitable deposit of this bank.

Before the New Year, banks in Russia traditionally increase interest rates on deposits for individuals, and also introduce special seasonal deposits. This is done, for example, by Sberbank, VTB and many other banks. Correspondents from the economic block of the online magazine website made a whole selection New Year's deposits 2018-2019 of other Russian banks (see review). They are distinguished increased interest.

At Vostochny Bank, such a special seasonal offer in January 2019 is the “Rozhdestvensky” deposit. Like most seasonal offers this contribution has conditions for raising funds that are not very convenient for the client, but a very favorable interest rate.

Opening such a deposit is good way investments free funds. The contribution of the Eastern Bank "Rozhdestvensky" today is very profitable deposit. Let's take a closer look at its terms and interest rates.

Terms of the Rozhdestvensky deposit

As mentioned above, seasonal promotional deposits are not particularly different favorable conditions in terms of the ability to manage funds. The Rozhdestvensky contribution included.

  1. The deposit cannot be replenished. This means that you need to immediately invest the maximum possible amount. If you planned to put money from your salary or pension into the bank from time to time, then this offer is not for you.
  2. Partial withdrawal of money without loss of profitability is not provided. This means that you will lose all previously accrued interest if one day you suddenly decide to withdraw some of the money from the bank. You will only get back what you invested. But you can’t see the percentages like you can see your ears. Why put money in the bank if not for interest?
  3. Early termination deposit agreement made at the demand deposit rate. What does this mean - see point 2. Bring to the bank only the money that you definitely will not need during the entire deposit period!

CONCLUSION. Applying at the bank Eastern contribution"Rozhdestvensky" try to correctly calculate your financial capabilities.

Interest rates of the Rozhdestvensky deposit

Now let's look at the numbers. So, the deposit is attracted for a period of 91, 181, 367 or 732 days. The minimum amount is 30,000 rubles, the maximum is 1.5 million rubles. Interest is accrued and paid at the end of the deposit period.

For ease of perception, the site’s correspondents have summarized the interest rates in a table:

As you can see, the maximum rate today is 7.8% per annum. But there is an opportunity to get even more high percentage— up to 8.50% per annum in rubles.

Conditions for receiving an increased rate

Today Vostochny Bank is holding the “Interest as a Gift” promotion. The premium to the deposit rate will be:

For clients opening a deposit in Russian rubles for a period of 91 to 732 days and applying for an investment product (“Investment life insurance” or “Accumulative life insurance”). If the client has taken out both “Investment life insurance” and “Accumulative life insurance”, then the amounts of these products are summed up to calculate the bonus. The size of the bonus is determined in accordance with the amount of opening the deposit and the share of the contribution to the ILI/NSZh from the amount of the opened deposit, and ranges from 0.05 to 1.4%.

Vostochny deposit: interest and conditions

The “Vostochny” deposit, under certain conditions, may turn out to be even more profitable than the seasonal “Rozhdestvensky” deposit!

His conditions for raising money are as follows:

  • Amount: from 30,000 rub. / 500 $ / 500 €
  • Duration: from 31 to 1097 days.
  • Replenishment: no
  • Partial withdrawal: not possible
  • Early termination: at the demand rate
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment at the client’s choice
  • Auto-renewal: not possible

Interest rates

With capitalization/without capitalization

In rubles


31 days

91 days

181 days

367 days

732 days

1097 days

from 30,000 to 250,000 rubles.

from 250,000 to 650,000 rubles.

from 650,000 to 1.5 million rubles.

In dollars


31 days

91 days

181 days

367 days

732 days

1097 days

from 500 to 5,000 $

from 5,000 to 15,000 $

from 15,000 to 25,000 $

In euros


31 days

91 days

181 days

367 days

732 days

1097 days

from 500 to 5,000 €

from 5,000 to 15,000 €

from 15,000 to 25,000 €

Rate taking into account capitalization and additional bonuses(see above for the terms of the “Interest as a Gift” promotion) on the “Vostochny” deposit can reach up to 8.49% per annum in rubles!

How to open the most profitable Vostochny Bank deposit

In principle, you can make deposits at Vostochny Bank both at a bank branch and via the Internet. But if you apply for maximum percentage, then you should check the current rates with bank employees or in your Internet bank.

The fact is that bonuses, as mentioned above, do not apply when opening a deposit through Internet Banking. In addition, interest rates when making a deposit online may be significantly LOWER than when opening in a bank branch.

If you contact Eastern Bank, then specialists will help you open a deposit with interest that matches your goals, draw up documents, and tell you how to place your cash as profitable as possible.

About the bank

PJSC CB "Vostochny", better known as Vostochny Bank, is reliable and safe, which is confirmed by many facts:

The Bank of Russia included Vostochny Bank in the list of organizations in which Pension fund has the right to place the collected funds, which means the highest level of reliability.

The branch network of the Eastern Bank covers major cities of Russia, which means you can make a deposit, receive bank interest, and withdraw your funds wherever it is convenient for you.


Find out more about the conditions for opening and interest rates of deposits for individuals at Vostochny Bank on the official website www.vostbank.ru or at bank branches.

Phone: 8 800 100 7 100

The information is not a public offer. General license of the Bank of Russia No. 1460.

The main offices of Eastern Express Bank are located in Khabarovsk and Moscow. By number of branches financial enterprise ranks second, second only to Sberbank. A wide regional network has a positive effect on the profitability of the organization. On the quality of services provided at the moment has no effect. The organization is positioned as financial institution retail direction. The bank issues deposits for individuals and provides credit services to the population. In addition, the institution actively cooperates with large corporate clients.

Deposits offered by Orient Express Bank and the possibility of withdrawing funds may be different. You should pay attention to demand deposits. This product allows you to get rid of the need to pay for a deposit box, however, the rates on deposits of this type will be minimal. At the same time, the possibility of withdrawing the required amount at any time is unlimited.

Maximum interest on deposits is typical for time deposits. However, in case of early withdrawal, the accumulated interest is lost. More detailed conditions are specified in the contract.

Deposits for pensioners may include a capitalization option. Interest is calculated on the principal amount monthly or quarterly. The formation of the interest rate is also influenced by the type of currency that was chosen for a specific deposit program. When using Russian rubles, the rate will be maximum.

Bank contacts

On the map

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Bank news


Fitch: 7 large banks of the Russian Federation did not comply with capital allowance requirements in April. This is Post Bank, " Russian Capital", Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development, Absolut Bank, Moscow Industrial Bank, Orient Express Bank and Uraltransbank.

Bank Vostochny provides the opportunity to place a term savings deposit in national or foreign currency With fixed rate. The Bank has also developed a deposit program with an increasing interest rate. Possibility of placement in the Bank savings deposit. It is also possible to open a spending-savings deposit with the possibility of increasing the principal amount and withdrawing money in part.

Features of deposits. When placing a deposit with Vostochny Bank, the client needs to pay attention to following features Bank programs:

  • Opening a deposit is possible at any office of the Bank; existing clients can open a deposit remotely, receiving a higher interest rate;
  • There is a program of interest rate supplements for Bank clients who are owners of a package of services, as well as pensioners. Bonuses cannot be summed up. When registering a deposit remotely, bonuses are not accrued;
  • Opening an account with the Bank is available to citizens/nationals of any other state - they need to provide documents identifying them and confirming the right to stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as a migration card;
  • You can close a deposit or withdraw partial money ahead of schedule at any branch of the Bank in the country;
  • Current programs the Bank's deposits do not provide for the possibility of their extension after the expiration of the agreement;
  • The client has the right to transfer the right to carry out the main set of operations on the deposit to a third party; to do this, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney at the Bank branch where the deposit agreement was concluded;
  • Funds in a deposit account with the Bank may be the subject of a will drawn up by a notary.

How to open a deposit? The bank provides the following methods for placing a deposit:

  • At the Bank branch. The client is required to have an identification document with him: a general civil passport of the Russian Federation, a military serviceman's ID card, a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A foreigner, in addition to a national passport, must have a document confirming the right to stay in the country - a visa or residence permit, as well as a migration card;
  • Remotely – using Internet banking. Available to current Bank clients who are cardholders or owners of other products. When opening a deposit remotely, the Bank offers higher interest rates.

Closing the deposit and withdrawing money. Closing of the deposit and return of funds is carried out on the last day of the agreement. Before closing the deposit, as well as in case of partial withdrawal of funds, the client is recommended to order a refund in writing no later than 2 days before the operation. You can close a deposit at any branch of the Bank without being tied to the office where the agreement was concluded. The client must have with him the identification document used to make the deposit.

Premature termination of the deposit agreement is allowed, in which case the accrued interest is recalculated at the rate of the permanent deposit.

When choosing financial institution Each potential investor must independently draw up. This will help him find a deposit program that will meet the stated parameters. Orient Express Bank deposits should be considered individuals who plan to get the maximum profit from their savings.

“Rozhdestvensky” line

Today, Orient Express Bank offers individuals a line of deposits that provide bonuses in the form of an increase in base interest rates by 0.20%. They are issued under the following conditions:

  1. Russian rubles, American dollars and euros are accepted for placement from individuals. The deposit validity period ranges from 91-1097 days. When opening the program, the client must deposit a minimum of 30,000 rubles and 500 euros/dollars into a deposit account. The interest rate can reach 9.02% per annum. There is no possibility of making additional payments and automatic prolongation, just like with . Individuals who opened this deposit in 2017 can partially withdraw funds once during the entire period (up to 90% of the total amount excluding capitalized interest). If the deposit is closed early, the interest rate of the “On Demand” program will be used.
  2. Today, on this deposit you can place funds in domestic and foreign currencies for a period of 91 to 1097 days. The minimum amount of starting investment must be at least 30,000 rubles, 500 dollars or euros. Under the terms of the program, individuals cannot automatically renew contracts or make top-ups. The annual interest rate can reach 9.22%. Clients are allowed to partially withdraw funds once, as well as terminate the contract early.
  3. Of the entire New Year's line of holiday deposits, this program is characterized by the highest profitability. The interest rate in effect in 2017 can reach 9.42% per annum (clients receive + 0.20% as a gift from Orient Express Bank). The period for which at least 30,000 in rubles and 500 in dollars/euro are placed ranges from 91-1097 days. Individuals are allowed to partially withdraw funds (once for the entire period within the minimum balance), close the deposit early (interest is recalculated at a reduced rate). It is prohibited to renew contracts and replenish deposits.

“Practical” line

Today, individuals can open deposits from this line of Orient Express Bank on the most comfortable terms. Clients are allowed to deposit multiple times additional payments and withdraw funds within the minimum balance. Each deposit has a high yield and can be issued in 2017 under the following conditions:

  1. This deposit can be opened for a period of 181-731 days (for 366 days it is not issued) in Russian rubles, American dollars and euros. The entry fee must be at least 100,000 rubles, 2,000 euros/dollars. The maximum investment amount should not exceed 3,000,000 rubles. The interest rate reaches 7.47% per annum. Individuals can renew their contracts automatically on the last day. The minimum amount of additional payment is fixed at 5,000 rubles, 150 dollars/euro, and the maximum amount for replenishing the deposit account should not exceed the amount of the initial payment. If the deposit is closed early, interest income will be recalculated at the rate of the “On Demand” program, which is set at 0.01% per annum.
  2. The validity period of this deposit is set in the range of 181-731 days (except 366 days). In 2017, individuals can place on deposit with Orient Express Bank from 100,000 Russian rubles, 2,000 euros or American dollars. The annual interest rate reaches 7.25% (a bonus of 0.20% is added). The program provides for automatic prolongation, additional payments in the amount of 5,000 rubles, 150 dollars/euro, and early closure of the deposit. If necessary, clients can partially withdraw funds within the minimum balance, which is equal to 100,000 rubles, 2,000 USD.
  3. This deposit differs from similar programs in that individuals can partially withdraw funds without losing accrued interest income. In 2017, you can place from 100,000 rubles, 2,000 euros/dollars for a period of 6 months to 2 years. The maximum deposit amount should not exceed 3,000,000 rubles, 45,000 euros/US dollars. The annual interest rate reaches 7.03%. Individuals can replenish their deposit accounts (the amount of one contribution should not be less than 5,000 rubles, 150 USD), but on the last day they will not be able to renew contracts. If the contract is terminated early, then all accrued income will be recalculated at the rate of the “On Demand” program, as well as at.

"Eastern" line

This 2017 line includes three deposits of Orient Express Bank, which individuals can open under the following conditions:

  1. Regular and new clients of a financial institution can open this deposit in domestic and foreign currency. They must deposit at least 30,000 rubles or 500 dollars/euro into the account. The maximum investment amount is fixed at 1,000,000 rubles, 20,000 euros/dollars. The duration of the program is 1, 2, 3 years. The interest rate can reach 8.01% per annum. Individuals are prohibited from replenishing deposits and automatically renewing contracts. Accrued interest income can be monthly or withdrawn to separate client accounts. In case of early closure of the program, the interest rate of the “Demand” deposit is applied.
  2. Today this deposit of Orient Express Bank Russian citizens can open at following dates: 1, 3, 6 months, 1, 2, 3 years. When registering for the program, you must deposit down payment, the amount of which should not be less than 30,000 rubles, 500 euros, 500 US dollars (the maximum amount that can be kept on a deposit is set at 1,000,000 rubles, 20,000 euros/US dollars). The annual interest rate does not exceed 8.24%. The program does not provide for additional payments, automatic prolongation and partial withdrawal of funds. Interest income can be transferred to clients' separate accounts or capitalized. Early closure of the deposit with recalculation of interest at the rate of the “On Demand” program is allowed.
  3. This deposit has the highest interest rate - 8.47% per annum (customers receive a bonus of +0.20%). It can be opened in 2017 not only in Russian rubles, but also in foreign currency. A minimum of 30,000 rubles and 500 euros/dollars is accepted for placement. The maximum investment amount should not exceed 1,000,000 rubles, 20,000 USD. There is no provision for automatic renewal of the contract, and it is prohibited to replenish the deposit account. Interest income is paid monthly to clients or capitalized. Allowed early termination agreement.

“Sberknizhka” line

All deposits of this line of Orient Express Bank are characterized by high profitability, since the interest rate increases depending on the amount of funds that will be deposited throughout the entire period. Today, individuals can make these deposits under the following conditions:

  1. This deposit is opened for a period of 181-731 days in Russian rubles and foreign currency. A minimum of RUB 30,000, USD 500 is accepted for placement. The maximum deposit amount should not exceed 1,000,000 rubles, 20,000 euros or US dollars. Throughout the entire period, individuals can make additional payments in the amount of 5,000 rubles, 150 USD. The annual interest rate reaches 7.66%. Under the terms of the program, clients cannot automatically renew contracts, and if they are terminated early, interest income will be recalculated at a reduced rate.
  2. Today this deposit can be opened for a period from 6 months to 2 years. Clients independently choose the replenishment amount. At least 30,000 rubles, 500 dollars or euros must be deposited into the deposit account on the day of registration. By maximum amount The deposit limit is set: up to 1,000,000 rubles, 20,000 USD. The annual interest rate reaches 7.52%. Early termination of the contract is provided for, but automatic termination is prohibited

Deposits with Vostochny Bank are a great combination of convenience, benefits and quality. By choosing a deposit from the line of this bank, the client is guaranteed to receive high income and safety of savings.

Vostochny Bank deposit offers

IN Eastern Bank time deposits are represented by four programs. They are available to individuals with any level of income. The bank's deposits have attractive conditions due to high interest rates, which allows clients to get a good return on their investment.

Choose profitable investment Vostochny Bank is not difficult, since the programs have clear differences in conditions, which will immediately show the investor the direction to choose according to his wishes.

Until 2018, the line of programs was somewhat different, but today the following are available to individuals to open: types of deposits of Vostochny Bank:

  1. Practical— the deposit program will allow the depositor to place funds in national or foreign currency and manage the account, replenishing it to increase interest income.
  2. Growing percentage- the deposit has an unstable and unusual system for calculating interest - with an increase in the number of days the deposit is valid, the interest rate also increases, and therefore this time deposit is the most profitable.
  3. Oriental— the contribution has enough standard conditions, but some bank clients are entitled to a benefit, which consists in increasing the interest rate to 8.03%.
  4. Passbook— it’s very easy to place funds on bank account, which will ensure the reliability and safety of money, and a consistently high interest rate will allow you to make a profit.

Today, a person can open any of these deposits remotely via Internet banking, or in person at a branch. A visit to the customer center will be especially necessary for those who are not yet a client of Vostochny Bank, or who simply have not chosen the best option for themselves.

Bank employees will help you make a choice and describe the advantages and features of all deposit programs, and also show the current interest on deposits so that a person can evaluate the profitability of each type.


The program has the following conditions:

  • Opening in progress national currency, dollars and euros.
  • The maximum period of the program is 731 days.
  • The minimum contribution (also known as the minimum balance) is 100,000 rubles, 2,000 dollars, 2,000 euros.
  • Withdrawing funds from the account is allowed without loss of interest, but only if the depositor maintains a minimum balance in the account.
  • You can additionally contribute personal funds to the deposit, but the balance should not exceed 3,000,000 rubles, 45,000 dollars or euros. The deposited amounts must be more than 5,000 rubles, 150 dollars, 150 euros at a time.
  • If the entire amount is claimed earlier than the period established in the agreement, Vostochnaya Bank will recalculate the rate at the “On Demand” tariff.

Interest rates according to the deposit program of Practical Bank Vostochny are as follows:

Investment amount
181-366 366-545 546-731
100 000 – 250 000 5.7%/ 5.85% 5.95%/ 6.21% 5.3%/ 5.58%
250 000 – 650 000 5.8%/ 5.96% 6.05%/ 6.32% 5.4%/ 5.69%
650 000 – 3 000 000 5.9%/ 6.06% 6.15%/ 6.43% 5.5%/ 5.8%
2 000 – 5 000 0.65%/ 0.65% 1.2%/ 1.21% 0.75%/ 0.76%
5 000 – 10 000 0.75%/ 0.75% 1.3%/ 1.31% 0.85%/ 0.86%
10 000 – 45 000 0.85%/ 0.85% 1.4%/ 1.41% 0.95%/0.96%
2 000 – 5 000 0.05%/ 0.05% 0.15%/ 0.15% 0.05%/ 0.05%
5 000 – 10 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.2%/ 0.2% 0.1%/ 0.1%
10 000 – 45 000 0.15%/ 0.15% 0.25%/ 0.25% 0.15%/ 0.15%

Growing percentage

Many potential depositors of Vostochny Bank are frightened by the unusual scheme for calculating interest on this deposit, since here the rate is not fixed for the entire period, but floating. Many people see a catch in this technique, but this is by no means true, and if you do the calculations in a calculator, you can easily understand all the benefits and benefits of this method of calculating interest.

The deposit has simple conditions:

  • The investment is made exclusively in national currency in the range of 30,000 - 1,500,000.
  • The deposit is valid for one year, at the end of which the depositor will be able to return his savings and withdraw interest income.
  • Deposits and withdrawals are not provided for by the terms of the agreement, and therefore the client cannot manage the account freely.
  • The deposit cannot be extended.

The Eastern Bank currently has the following interest rates for this program:

Investment amount (rubles)Validity period (days)
1 – 91 92 – 181 182 – 272 273 - 367
30 000 – 250 000 4.8% 5.8% 6.8% 7.8%
250 000 – 650 000 4.9% 5.9% 6.9% 7.9%
650 000 – 1 500 000 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0%

To find out in detail the interest calculation scheme and the total amount of profit for the selected period, you need to contact bank employees, and they will be able to explain the details in detail.


This deposit program could be business as usual if not for the increase in interest rates for Investment or Endowment Insurance Life. Such a policy must be purchased only from partners of Vostochny Bank insurance companies (with their list and requirements for insurance policy can be found on the bank's website).

You can open a deposit at a high interest rate only within the first 10 days from the date of purchasing the policy. There are also clear requirements for the size of the contribution of the ILI or NSG policy, which should be clarified with the bank, therefore, such a deposit is suitable only for wealthy citizens.

All general conditions The Vostochny contribution, even in the absence of an ILI or NSG policy, are as follows:

  • 30,000 rubles, 5,000 dollars or euros is the minimum for an account opening operation.
  • The maximum you can contribute is 1,500,000 rubles, 25,000 dollars or euros.
  • It is impossible to carry out operations to replenish the deposit, as well as to withdraw funds from it until the last day.
  • The deposit can be opened with monthly payment interest to your own account, or with capitalization (added to the deposit balance).

Interest rates here are relatively low unless you take part in special program, and therefore we can talk about the following figures for all investors:

Investment amountInterest rate (nominal/with capitalization) depending on the duration of the deposit (days)
31 91 181 367 732 1097
30 000 – 250 000 5.85%/ 5.85% 5.8%/ 5.83% 6.7%/ 6.79% 6.95%/ 7.18% 6.7%/ 7.15% 6.4%/ 7.04%
250 000 – 650 000 5.95%/ 5.95% 5.9%/ 5.93% 6.8%/ 6.9% 7.05%/ 7.28% 6.8%/ 7.26% 6.5%/ 7.16%
650 000 – 1 500 000 6.05%/ 6.05% 6.0%/ 6.03% 6.9% 7.0% 7.15%/ 7.39% 6.9%/ 7.38% 6.6%/ 7.28%
500 – 5 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.9%/ 0.9% 1.25%/ 1.25% 1.7%/ 1.71% 1.95%/ 1.99% 2.45%/ 2.54%
5 000 – 15 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.95%/ 0.95% 1.3%/ 1.3% 1.75%/ 1.76% 2.0%/ 2.04% 2.5%/ 2.59%
15 000 – 25 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 1.0%/ 1.0% 1.35%/ 1.35% 1.8%/ 1.81% 2.05%/ 2.09% 2.55%/ 2.65%
500 – 5 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.45%/ 0.45% 0.25%/ 0.25% 0.25%/ 0.25%
5 000 – 15 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.15%/ 0.15% 0.15%/ 0.15% 0.5%/ 0.5% 0.3%/ 0.3% 0.3%/ 0.3%
15 000 – 25 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.2%/ 0.2% 0.2%/ 0.2% 0.55%/ 0.55% 0.35%/ 0.35% 0.35%/ 0.35%

A certain percentage is added to the data given in the table, depending on the amount of the deposit and the amount of the premium for the insurance policy. These values ​​will be given in detail below, but in total the depositor can receive a maximum of up to 8.39% for a ruble deposit, 2.75% for a dollar deposit and 1.55% for a euro deposit.


Passbook is good option for investors who do not want to bother with maintaining a deposit account. Replenishment is made only once (from 30,000 rubles, 500 dollars or euros to 1,500,000 rubles, 25,000 dollars or euros) and the client has no right to deposit more funds.

But the account is still replenished through capitalization of accrued interest and this allows you to receive more income. Withdrawals cannot be made, otherwise the bank will consider such an operation as early closure and will pay interest at the “On Demand” rate. Interest rates on the Savings Book from Vostochny Bank are presented in the table below.

Investment amountInterest rate (nominal/with capitalization) depending on the duration of the deposit (days)
181-366 366-545 546-731
100 000 – 250 000 6.2%/ 6.38% 6.45%/ 6.75% 6.0%/ 6.36%
250 000 – 650 000 6.3%/ 6.49% 6.55%/ 6.86% 6.1%/ 6.47%
From 650,0006.4%/ 6.59% 6.65%/ 6.97% 6.2%/ 6.58%
2 000 – 5 000 0.75%/ 0.75% 1.4%/ 1.41% 0.95%/ 0.96%
5 000 – 10 000 0.85%/ 0.85% 1.5%/ 1.52% 1.05%/ 1.06%
From 10 0000.95%/ 0.95% 1.6%/ 1.62% 1.15%/ 1.16%
2 000 – 5 000 0.1%/ 0.1% 0.15%/ 0.15% 0.15%/ 0.15%
5 000 – 10 000 0.15%/ 0.15% 0.2%/ 0.2% 0.2%/ 0.2%
From 10 0000.2%/ 0.2% 0.25%/ 0.25% 0.25%/ 0.25%