Presentation on the topic "the role of the state in the economy." Presentation on social studies "the role of the state in the economy" Functions of the state in the economy


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TAXES Voznova Elena Gennadievna Teacher of history and social studies GBOU school 2299 Moscow

Sea, forest, river, fields - This is my Motherland... So that the country is strong, Pay the tax in full!

Tax - mandatory contribution to the budget of the appropriate level, which carried out payments to payers in the manner and on the terms determined legislative acts. About the basics of the tax system in Russian Federation. Law, 1992

Classification of taxes: - By methods of collection Direct Indirect By subject Legal entities Individuals- By objects From income From property

Taxes are the most important source of income for the state and local authorities. Taxes are a unique tool in a market economy. Taxes perform a number of important functions.

Tax function 1 Regulating - changing tax rates, taxation conditions, introducing benefits and fines, authorities create conditions regulating economic processes (business activity, capital transfers...)

2 Stimulating - With the help of taxes, the state encourages economic processes that are necessary and beneficial to society.

3 Redistributive - Taxes actually redistribute the state budget financial resources from taxpayers to those in need (pensioners, low-income families).

This presentation reveals the essence of the market, its types and functions. This topic is relevant, since the modern economy developed countries wears market character. This economy is effective now and will determine the economy of the future in all countries of the world.

The purpose of the presentation is to study the market, its essence, reasons for its occurrence, main features, functions, types, as well as positive and negative aspects of the market mechanism.

The presentation can be used in a social studies lesson to accompanying the explanation of new material, primary consolidation of knowledge, generalization and systematization of knowledge.

*Conditions for the emergence and functions of the market.

*Classification of markets.

*Main market factors and economic laws operating in markets.

MARKET- these are all the organizational, legal and material mechanisms and institutions that ensure the exchange of goods, everything that connects the seller and the buyer in their desire to increase their wealth. MARKET - a meeting place for sellers and buyers where their interests collide

Market Basis




Market functions




Market classification

Services market

Innovation market


real estate

Market of goods

Investment market

Capital market


labor force

Land market

Loan market

Securities market



Market of funds


By territorial




By degree of saturation

Excess market

According to the functioning mechanism





From a legal point of view



Demand and







  • Law of Value
  • Law of supply and demand

Law of value - economic law commodity production, in which the production and exchange of goods are carried out in accordance with socially necessary labor costs.

Price is a monetary expression of value. Cost is the cost expressed in money for the production and sale of goods.

The most important instrument of a market economy is demand And offer.

Demand is those goods and services that the consumer has chosen to purchase and is willing to buy at a certain price level.

The basis of demand is need.

Needs are those goods and services that people would like to have if they did not have to pay for them or for which they had enough money.

Demand - needs limited by the buyer's ability to pay.

The law of demand is that as the price of a given good rises, the quantity demanded for it will fall.

Price is a guideline for the manufacturer and consumer.

Price is a signal for the market.






is declining



Law of Demand

The quantity demanded is inversely related to price:

demand is lower

the price is higher

demand is higher

price is lower

Supply is the amount of goods that the seller is willing to offer to the buyer in a specific place and at a specific time.

The law of supply is that as the price of a given product rises, the quantity supplied on the market will increase.

Law of supply

The quantity supplied is directly dependent on the price:


the price is higher


price is lower


Competition is a struggle between participants market economy for the most favorable conditions production and marketing of goods.


Market advantages:

efficient resource allocation;

adaptation to changing conditions;

freedom of choice and action of producers and consumers;

maximum use of scientific and technological advances;

meeting diverse needs;

improving the quality of goods and services. .

Market Disadvantages:

does not contribute to the conservation of non-renewable resources;

does not create incentives for the production of goods and services for collective use;

does not guarantee full employment and stable price levels;

creates social injustice and stratification of society into rich and poor.

Market is the sphere of free exchange of equal goods and


The market arises as a result

social division of labor.


Demand is those goods and services that the consumer is willing to buy at a certain price level.

Demand is inversely related to the price of a product: higher the price, lower demand.

Supply is the quantity of a product that the seller is willing to offer to the buyer.

Supply is directly dependent on price: higher price means more supply.

Market equilibrium occurs when demand equals supply.

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Presentation by social studies teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Odessa Secondary School No. 2” Irina Aleksandrovna Borodavkina

Weaknesses of a market economy Monopolization of markets Economic crises Unemployment Inflation Difficulties in creating public goods Income inequality The emergence of externalities Economic instability Economic crimes Bankruptcy

Objective of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​the state as a subject economic relations Lesson objectives: be able to identify the main economic functions states; be able to explain the reasons for the existence of the public sector in a market economy; know the most important areas of government intervention in the economy

The goal of the state is joint advancement towards a high quality of life. Aristotle

Your Topic Goes Here At Dawn economic science A. Smith put forward the idea of ​​state non-interference in the economic sphere. Indeed, the “mother” of wealth is nature, the “father” of wealth is labor. What does the state have to do with it?

State in a market economy

Functions of the state 1. Providing a legal framework: providing legal status to enterprises, determining property rights, guaranteeing compliance with contracts, establishing “rules of the game” for the relationship of firms among themselves, acting as an arbiter

Functions of the state 2. Adjustment of resource allocation: creation of public goods public sector neutralization (elimination) of negative external effects

Functions of the state 3. Protection of competition: adoption antitrust laws regulation of prices and standards in natural monopolies through public commissions, application of financial sanctions

Functions of the state 4. Stabilization of the economy: ensuring high employment, fighting inflation, stimulation economic growth helping the private sector solve problems

Functions of the state 5. Maintaining internal order in the country 6. Ensuring monetary system countries 7. United tax policy 8. Application of a system of standards 9. Ensuring social protection population 10. Preservation and improvement environment 11.Implementation of national interests

The role of the state in the economy State – economic entity which seeks to preserve the economic order of which it itself is a political expression.

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The role of the state in the economy. (Workshop). Lesson objectives: consolidation of the studied theoretical material on this topic through solving practical tasks.

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1.Warm up on terms: - Economics - Economic system - Taxes - Excise - Social policy

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Answers Economy is the rationally organized activity of large groups of people entering into relations with each other in the production of consumption, distribution of exchange of goods and services. An economic system is a form of organization economic life societies characterized by a certain type of ownership. Taxes are payments levied by the government on individuals and legal entities. Excise tax is a type indirect tax, paid upon the purchase of certain goods, which is set as a percentage of the price of the goods.

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Social policy is a set of measures taken by the government in the social sphere.

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Which type of economic system do you think is considered the most progressive? Question for students.

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2.Working with the source. Assignment: Analyze the following situations and explain what type of economic system they characterize

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A. “...In order to close any loophole through which products could escape state control, in March 1933 the USSR issued a decree according to which, until the region fulfilled the grain procurement plan, 90% of threshed grain was given to the state, and the remaining 10% was distributed among collective farmers as an advance for work. The opening of collective farm markets... depended on whether the collective farms of the region were able to fulfill the plan... The authorities announced the establishment of an exceptionally high monetary taxation of private peasants..." B. "In October 1922, a new Land Code, according to which peasants received the right to freely leave the rural community and choose forms of land use. Strict centralization in supply industrial enterprises raw materials and in the distribution of finished products was cancelled. The factories independently resolved issues of procuring raw materials and selling finished products.” V. “The end of the 1920s is noteworthy in Russian history, when in June 1918 a decree was issued on the nationalization of large industry, and in November 1920 - small industry. According to the decree of January 11, 1919, all surplus grain was confiscated from the peasants. Non-monetary payments prevailed everywhere. Payment for work was carried out in food and basic necessities. In 1919, free meals were introduced for children, and then for industrial and transport workers.

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Ways of government influence on the economy. Tasks: explain which method will be more successful in a particular situation and why? Due to the increase in the price of bread, residents of the N region began to stock up on food for future use. This rush for goods has led to shortages of many products. The country's automobile manufacturing companies began to go bankrupt due to the fact that citizens buy only foreign cars, since they are cheaper and more practical to operate. In order to provide food and clothing to the low-income population, the disabled and pensioners, it is necessary to produce special goods for them, selling them at low prices. However, commodity producers are not interested in producing such products. A certain pensioner Grigoriev took land for farming, dug a pond on it and began to raise fish. The neighbor didn’t like this, and he and a friend came to someone else’s pond and began catching fish there with nonsense. Grigoriev went home to get a gun and threatened that he would kill him, that this pond was his property, to which the neighbor responded rudely. Then Grigoriev shot in desperation from two barrels and killed him...” (From the memoirs of A. Pristavkin.)

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Taxes. Levels A) federal B) regional C) local Types of taxes 1) tax on housing maintenance 2) income tax 3) property tax Match: A-2 B-3 C -1

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1. One of the functions of the state in the economy is: a) decides what and how to produce; b) not interfering in the economy; c) exchange of products; d) decision social problems, helping the poor. . 2. Excise tax is a type direct tax: a) yes; b) no 3. A sign of a command-administrative economic system is: a) strict regulation of the economy by the state; b) lack of exchange; c) the state minimally interferes in the economy; 4. The main functions of the state in a market economy include: a) establishing the required production volumes b) regulating pricing; c) distribution of profits by the enterprise; d) carrying out antimonopoly policy. 5. One of the ways the state influences the economy and population is: a) persuasion b) punitive measures; c) no impact. 6. A sign of a market economic system is: a) the predominance of state ownership; b) centralized planning c) centralized pricing; d) competition among commodity producers. Tax is subject to: a) pension b) scholarship c) unemployment benefit d) wages. 8. A sign of traditional economics is equalization of distribution: a) yes b) no

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Goal: Consider the role of the state in the country’s economy. Get acquainted with the taxation system.

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Lesson plan: Types of economic systems Functions of the state Taxation and its main components

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An economic system is a historically emerged or established set of principles, rules, and legally established norms operating in a country that determine the form and content of basic economic relations that arise in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of an economic product.

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Traditional system Traditional economy is like this economic system, in which traditions and customs determine the practice of using limited resources. Basic economic problems societies - what, how and for whom to produce - are decided mainly on the basis of traditional tribal or semi-feudal hierarchical ties between people.

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Distinctive Features traditional economy: primitive technologies; predominance of manual labor; members of economic relations are united in a strong social network; key economic problems are solved in accordance with customs; The traditional economy is characterized by low-productivity farming, hunting and gathering - there is no regular food surplus, and therefore trade is not constant.

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Command system A system, a way of managing the economy and social relations of a country, in which the main role is given to distributive, command methods, and all power is concentrated in the hands central authorities management, bureaucratic apparatus. The economy is built on state form property.

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The administrative-command system is characterized by: directive planning from the Center; enterprises act in accordance with the planned targets communicated to them. The administrative-command system is based on an undemocratic political system, on totalitarian/authoritarian regimes, contradicts the democratic principles of management, and does not accept the free market, competition, and entrepreneurship.

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A market system is an economy organized on the basis of market self-regulation, in which coordination of the actions of participants is carried out by the state, namely the legislative and judicial authorities directly, and the executive only indirectly, by introducing various taxes, fees, benefits, etc. This is an economy in which only the decisions of consumers themselves, suppliers of goods and services determine the structure of distribution.

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Market economy- an economy based on the principles of: entrepreneurship; diversity of forms of ownership of the means of production; market pricing; contractual relations between economic entities (people, enterprises, etc.); limited government intervention in economic activities.

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Functions of the state What economic functions of the state do you know? State Economy Belief Taxation Benefits Regulation