Conditions for granting loans by banks. Conditions for granting a loan Under what conditions is a consumer loan issued in the main banks of Russia?


Any Sberbank loan program is subject to certain processing conditions that every borrower must comply with.

The conditions for issuing a loan at Sberbank, what principles it is guided by when assessing the borrower, and also what can influence its decision when issuing borrowed funds - this is useful for anyone who applies to a financial institution to know.

Registration and issuance of loans at Sberbank occurs in several stages:

  • examination of the application by credit department specialists;
  • provision by the applicant of the package necessary documents;
  • verification of documents and information provided by the borrower about himself;
  • if the previous stage has convinced the lender of the applicant’s solvency, preparations begin to draw up a loan agreement - calculating the amount, loan term and rate with further adjustment;
  • signing an agreement, issuing a monthly payment schedule;
  • transfer of money in the manner specified in the agreement;
  • control by the bank over debt repayment.

What does Sberbank check when issuing a loan?

The main question that interests everyone who wants to get a loan is what and how Sberbank checks when issuing a loan. Not only the decision to issue money to him, but also the size of the future interest rate depends on the result of the analysis of the applicant’s data.

Conventionally, a credit institution divides all applicants into 2 groups according to the degree of risk. The first group is borrowers with optimal data, i.e. representing a minimal risk of non-refund. These are clients who have already applied for a loan, repaid it on time and have an unblemished credit history, official income and property as collateral. For this category of clients, a delay in payments of no more than 10 days is allowed, which is considered to be the credit norm. The second group of borrowers are those who pose the maximum risk. These are citizens who have never applied for a loan, in other words, with “zero” credit history or those for which it looks quite dubious from the point of view of the creditor.

Payroll clients can be included in a separate privileged group: they are not subject to such thorough checks as others. The bank treats citizens who apply for a small loan or express loans in the same way. In this case, the lender insures itself with high interest rates. A scoring system is provided for such applicants. A specially created computer program allows for accelerated analysis credit potential client: his property and financial condition, amount of income, outstanding arrears on previous loans, criminal record. Also, when starting the program, the bank specialist adds his personal assessment of the applicant ( appearance, behavior), which can play an important role.

One thing worth noting interesting fact– at the beginning of the month, it is much easier to get a loan when using scoring, since the lender is gaining a client base.

For loans over 70 thousand, the applicant will face a more serious check. What should you prepare for? Parameters that interest the lender:

  • Personal information provided by the applicant himself. Information about the place of work can be verified quite simply by calling the organization. Moreover, information about the telephone number is taken not from the applicant’s application form, but from other sources. Outstanding debts that may be intentionally hidden in the application form are checked. A request is made about the criminal record and the article under which the borrower was convicted. If this is an economic crime, the loan will be refused automatically, and also if such a fact was hidden. Additionally, a conversation may be held with the manager, which should not be underestimated.
  • Reliability of information on solvency. Certificates of basic and additional income are verified by the company’s OGRN code and TIN number. The lender independently verifies information about existing debts in other banks. A request is made to the BKI about the status of the credit history. It is also possible to contact the competent authorities to establish the authenticity of the documents provided (passport office, tax service, etc.).
  • If collateral is provided, its legal “purity” is checked. If real estate is provided as collateral, a bank employee will go to its address to make sure it is available. It is imperative to obtain information about who the housing is registered to and whether there is an encumbrance on it, and whether the declared value corresponds to the real one.
  • If a loan requires guarantors, they undergo a similar check.

Since the bank scrupulously checks all the information and documents of the borrower, the worst option for it is to hide or falsify information. This will still be known to the lender, and will automatically lead to a refusal or reduce the applicant's chances of getting better terms.

The procedure for issuing a loan at Sberbank

The transfer of borrowed funds is made in accordance with the terms of the signed loan agreement and is carried out both in cash and by non-cash payments. The latter involves transferring the loan amount to a bank card and demand deposit (for individuals) and transferring to the account of an entrepreneur or organization (for legal entities). To do this, the loan agreement must indicate the account number of the card, deposit or organization. All amounts are transferred in one payment. An exception is housing loans provided for the construction of real estate.

Credits to the borrower's account for demand deposits

One of the options non-cash payment– crediting funds to a demand deposit. This is a kind of deposit where, upon the client’s first request, the transferred money is given to him at any time, except on non-working days.

Credits to the borrower's plastic card account

For an individual, crediting credit money directly to his card is the most mobile and convenient option: the funds are immediately at his disposal.

Payment of bills of trade and other organizations

For corporate clients borrowed funds can be transferred to the accounts of trade and other organizations. All account information is indicated in the loan agreement. Money is never credited to the accounts of other credit institutions.

Transfers to the account of citizen entrepreneurs

The same is true for the flow of funds for private entrepreneurs. They can specify their bank account in advance for further deposit of money.

Requirements for borrowers

One of the conditions for issuing a loan from Sberbank of the Russian Federation is that future borrowers meet certain criteria. Their main goal is to convince the bank of their solvency and demonstrate a positive credit history. The requirements are as follows:

  • Age from 21 to 65 years. Although this age range is official, it is more arbitrary. The bank has Special offers for clients under 75 years of age who were able to provide an expensive collateral. Of course, we are not talking about a long-term mortgage. At the same time, at the time of completion of the loan agreement, the client must be no more than 75 years old. There are exceptions regarding the lower limit: some loans can be obtained by citizens under 21 years of age, but with a mandatory guarantee.
  • Availability of Russian citizenship. The only exception may be the issuance of a corporate loan.
  • Availability of residence permit or temporary registration in the territory where there is a branch to which you applied for a loan.
  • Positive credit history.
  • Providing a certain package of documents depending on the type of loan program: in some cases it is enough to provide a passport or driver’s license, but in others the package of documents can be quite impressive.
  • Continuous work experience in one place is at least 6 months, and total work experience is at least 5 years. But there may be exceptions to this point.
  • Documentary proof of solvency (certificate of income).
  • Providing collateral when issuing a large amount.
  • No criminal record or being under investigation.


Almost everyone Russian citizen can get a loan from Sberbank. A wide range of credit programs, allowing everyone to get the banking product they need. As in any credit organization, borrowers are subject to certain requirements and conditions for issuing borrowed funds. Meeting these criteria will make it easier for citizens to implement their own plans.

In order to better understand the essence of credit policy and its role in the economy, let us dwell on the basic principles of providing credit. They are:

Ø Payment. For everything in market economy you have to pay. “Free cheese, they say, only comes in a mousetrap.” Interest is paid on money borrowed;

Ø Repayment credit is also obvious. It follows from the very essence of loan capital, because it is an object of someone else’s property and is given only for a time;

Ø Urgency. Loans are provided, of course, for a certain period, after which they must be repaid;

Ø Target character. Nobody gives money to nothing. The lender must know where his money is going. It's not just that he's so curious. Firstly, he is interested in the legality of using credit resources. And, secondly, will they be used effectively;

Ø Material security. A homeless person most likely will not receive a loan, since he is not financially secure. It’s good if there is a wealthy guarantor. Nobody wants to take risks in a competitive environment. Therefore, the size of the loan, as a rule, depends not only on the purpose of using the loan, but also on the size of the client’s property.

Loan forms

Loan forms in terms and conditions modern economy varied. They can be classified according to a number of characteristics.

By delivery date loans are distinguished:

Ø On-call - allocated for a short period and repaid on demand;

Ø Short-term - up to a year;

Ø Medium term - from one to five years;

Ø Long-term - over five years.

By composition (subject) of lenders and borrowers There are bank, commercial, state, consumer, international and leasing loans.

Bank loan provided mainly in the form of cash loans to entrepreneurs and the population. Depending on the collateral, guaranteed (secured) and non-guaranteed (unsecured) loans are distinguished. Secured loans are loans issued against collateral. Can be used as collateral securities, real estate, etc. A loan issued against real estate is called a mortgage. Unsecured loan is a loan issued without collateral.

By maturity loans are term, deferred and overdue. Term loans are loans that have come due. Deferred - loans, the repayment period of which is assigned by the bank to a later period (extended loans). Overdue - loans that are not repaid on time.

By nature of repayment There are loans repaid in a lump sum and in installments.

Commercial loan is a loan provided by business entities to each other with a deferred payment. The need for such a loan arises due to a discrepancy between the production and circulation times of individual goods. So, for example, a farmer can purchase a tractor on credit in the spring and pay off in the fall after selling the harvest.

State loan occurs when the borrower is the state, and the lenders are banks, households, and enterprises. To borrow money, the government can issue and sell securities: treasury bills, bonds. By purchasing them, business entities and the population lend to the state.

Consumer loan associated with the provision of loans to the population for the purchase of durable goods. Such loans are repaid in installments, in installments. Consumer credit also includes pawnshops. It is issued on the security of movable property, for example, precious stones and metals, for a period of up to three months in the amount of 50 to 80% of the value of the pledged property. If the loan is not repaid on time, then the pledged items are sold and the proceeds are used to cover the debt.

Leasing loan- is the provision of long-term lease of machinery and equipment, vehicles and other means while maintaining ownership of them by the lessor. It is divided into financial and operational. In the first case, the technical equipment is provided for the entire depreciation period, and in the second, the agreement period is shorter than the service life of the leased equipment.

International loan issued by states, international financial and credit institutions and private firms in the process of international economic cooperation. It is mainly in monetary form, although it can also be provided in commodity form. Long-term loans issued in in cash, are called external loans. International commercial loan often appears in the form corporate loan when an exporting company in one country grants an importer in another country a deferred payment.

How do banks create money?

You and I already know that only the National Bank of the country has the right to issue cash. But it turns out that commercial banks capable of creating money without breaking the law. How, I wonder, do they manage to do this?

The fact is that commercial banks or others credit institutions must have mandatory reserves in accordance with the procedure established by law. Their sizes are determined by the National Bank: it indicates what percentage of its assets commercial Bank must have either in the form of contributions to National Bank, or in the form of cash. This percentage is called reserve norm (Rr). The bank can use the remaining funds in excess of this norm to increase money. It's not clear what we're talking about? Then let's try to consider this process using a specific example. Let someone Petrovich deposit 500 million rubles in the bank for a year. at a required reserve rate of 20% to bank No. 1. Then the balance sheet of bank No. 1, which let only changes be reflected, will look like:

The actual reserves of Bank No. 1, as can be seen from the table, amount to 500 million rubles, including required reserves - 20% of 500 million rubles, or 100 million rubles. The bank's excess reserves are therefore equal to 400 million rubles. (500 million rubles - 100 million rubles). Bank No. 1 has the right and opportunity to lend 400 million rubles. Let's say that he lent this money to company No. 1. Then his balance sheet will look like this:

Thus, the account of bank No. 1 contains deposits of 500 million rubles. and a loan of 400 million rubles. Consequently, from the received amount of deposits of 500 million rubles. Bank No. 1 created 400 million rubles. additional credit money. But that is not all. Let's assume that company No. 1 used a loan of 400 million rubles. to pay for equipment purchased from company No. 2. Firm No. 2, in turn, will transfer the money received to Bank No. 2. This bank, having received a deposit of 400 million rubles, will also leave a mandatory reserve of 20% of 400 million rubles, and the rest of the money in the amount of 320 million. rub. will give a loan to firm No. 3. Its balance sheet will be as follows:

Bank No. 2 is already creating an amount of money of 320 million rubles. and transfers it as a loan to firm No. 4. With this money, it purchases raw materials from firm No. 5. Firm No. 5 transfers an amount of 320 million rubles to bank No. 3. The balance sheet of bank No. 3 will look like

This process, theoretically speaking, will continue until the entire deposit amount is used as required reserves. How much money, I wonder, can be created using the amount of money that was deposited in Bank No. 1?

The process of money creation will continue until, abstractly speaking, the entire deposit amount is used as required reserves. In our case, three steps were taken and the total amount of money (in million rubles) created by three banks turned out to be equal to 500 + 400 + 320 = 500 + 500(1 – 0.2) + 500 (1 – 0.2 ) 2 = 1220.

Now let us assume that the number of commercial banks engaged in the production of money is n. Then the total amount of money created by banks will be equal to 500 + 500 (1 - 0.2) + 500 (1 - 0.2) 2 + ... + 500 (1 - 0.2) n - 1 = 500 / 0.2 = 2500 million. rub., or 2.5 billion rubles. It is easy to see that the resulting sum is the sum of the terms of a geometric progression.

The sum of the terms of a geometric progression can be written in the following form:

M = Mo + Mo (1 – Rr) + … + Mo (1 – Rr) n –1 = Mo/Rr,(8.5)

where Mo is the initial amount of money deposited by the depositor; Rr – norm of required reserves; M is the total amount of money, including money created by banks.

In our case, as was calculated, theoretically the entire system of banks with n ¥ would create 2 billion rubles. (2.5 – 0.5).

The value 1/Rr is called the money multiplier (M). Its formula therefore has the form

M = 1/Rr. (8.6)

However, there is often a huge distance between theory and practice. This must be kept in mind, since the figure of 2.5 billion rubles resulting from the calculation in our example has no practical significance. In this regard, we can recall an old joke. “The guide leads a tour of the zoo and in front of the lion’s cage tells how much he can eat in one day. Hearing his story, one of the excursionists faints. When she came to her senses, the guide said: “If he eats, he will eat, but who will give it to him?” In each country, the number of commercial banks is always limited, therefore, they can create less money than is theoretically possible. But that's not all.

The main thing is that the National Bank, by changing the value of the required reserve ratio, can either increase or decrease the supply of money in circulation. Thus, the National Bank can influence output, inflation and unemployment in the country. Let's tie this knot as a keepsake. This information will be useful to us later. Now let's talk in more detail about money credit policy states.


Conditions for issuing loans depend on the latter financial activities enterprises and affect the amounts of short- and long-term loans.

Wherein corporate entities Usually they turn to those banks in which they make all their payments and cash transactions, in which accounts are opened. Of course, in order to become a client of a particular institution, it is necessary to submit a number of documents and fill out an application (signed by the head of the company or the chief accountant) stating that the company wishes to cooperate with this organization.

issuance of credit

Consumer loan(without collateral) for individuals

Requirements for Borrowers that are established by LLC CB Eurocapital-Alliance and the fulfillment of which is mandatory for the provision of a Consumer loan

Consumer loan borrowers can be:

  • citizens Russian Federation;
  • persons over the age of 18;
  • having in common seniority- at least 1 year, including at the last place of work for at least 6 (Six) calendar months after the end of the probationary period established in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Terms of consideration of the completed application for a Consumer loan, adoption and validity of the decision of CB Eurocapital-Alliance LLC regarding this application

From the moment the Borrower provides the full set of documents specified in Article 5 of the General Conditions of this Agreement:

  • Application review period is up to 3 working days.
  • The period for making a decision on granting a loan is up to 7 working days.

Lending terms

Interest rate in percent per annum

List of documents required to consider the application and make a decision to provide a Consumer loan

1. Basic documents
1. Application form for the provision of a Consumer loan (according to the form of LLC CB "Eurocapital-Alliance") Original
2. Passport or other identification document. Original*
3. Certificate of income in Form No. 2-NDFL for at least the last 6 months or for the period of work at LLC CB Eurocapital-Alliance. Original
4. Employment history. Copies of all pages certified by the Employer
2. Additional documents (subject to availability)
1. Educational documents (diplomas, professional certificates, certificates). Original*
2. Military ID (for a potential Borrower of military age). Original*
3. Driver's license. Original*
4. Employment contract. Original*
5. If there is additional income from other organizations - a certificate of income in Form No. 2-NDFL (issued in the accounting department of the employing organization) / Employer's certificate of actual size income (prepared according to the Bank's form on the letterhead of the employing company with the signature of the manager and the seal of the employing company). Certificates are provided for a period of at least the last 6 months. Original
6. Documents confirming other regular income (interest on deposits, rental of property, etc.). Original
Documents confirming the ownership of expensive movable and immovable property (apartment, house, land, car, securities, documents confirming bank account balances, etc.). Original*
8. Documents on existing and already fulfilled debt obligations (credit agreements, loan agreements, account statements, certificates from creditors confirming the regularity of fulfillment of existing obligations or the fact of their full fulfillment). Original*
3. Other documents at the request of the Lending Department**

* Copies are taken from the originals by the Lender’s employee, the originals are returned to the Borrower, the copies remain with the Lender.

** The lender has the right to request additional documents.

Obtaining and servicing a loan

Procedure for obtaining a loan You can receive a loan within 3 calendar months from the date the Bank makes a positive decision to provide a loan.
Procedure for granting a loan A one-time transfer of the loan amount at the request of the borrower on the day of signing the loan agreement to a current account or to a bank card account.
Partial or full early repayment of the loan Carried out on the basis of an application containing the date early repayment, amount and account from which funds will be transferred. The early repayment date indicated in the application must fall exclusively on a business day.

The minimum amount of an early repayable loan is unlimited.

There is no early repayment fee.

Penalty for late loan repayment The penalty for late repayment of the loan is 20% per annum of the amount of the overdue payment for the period of delay from the date following the date of fulfillment of the obligation established by the Agreement until the date of repayment of the Overdue Debt under the Agreement (inclusive).
Loan repayment procedure By decision of CB Eurocapital-Alliance LLC, monthly, as part of the monthly annuity payment, differentiated payments, or another repayment schedule (including at the end of the loan term), according to the payment schedule.

Application form for a loan

General conditions_no security

Borrower's memo

Memo about the terms of use and return consumer loan

A loan is an urgent source of financing for an enterprise, helping to quickly obtain the required amount. It can be a real salvation in case of temporary difficulties. With the help of the money received from the loan, you can pay taxes, pay off debt obligations to partners, and pay salaries to employees.

A bank loan is also very relevant when you need to invest in the development of new technologies, build any facilities, buy growing shares or other promising securities. If your own funds are a guarantee financial stability and independence, then a bank loan is a tool for effective management of resources and increasing capital. With a loan, you don’t need to divert your company’s money to pay off current obligations.

Conditions for issuing loans depend on the recent financial activity of the enterprise and affect the amounts of short- and long-term loans. At the same time, corporate entities usually turn to those banks in which they make all their payments and cash transactions, in which accounts are opened.

How to get a loan from a bank

Of course, in order to become a client of a particular institution, it is necessary to submit a number of documents and fill out an application (signed by the head of the company or the chief accountant) stating that the company wishes to cooperate with this organization.

However, contacting “your” bank is not a guarantee of receiving a loan. You should understand the importance of such an operation as issuance of credit. The bank must determine the reliability of its client, and for this its specialists are required to calculate the turnover of funds, profitability, liquidity, size accounts payable. Determining all these indicators can significantly reduce the risks of both parties.
The conditions for issuing loans are quite specific - here they are:

  1. The loan must be targeted.
  2. The maturity of the loan must always be determined.
  3. It is necessary to provide for the repayment of the loan with interest.
  4. The Bank may reserve the right to change rates at loan agreement.
  5. It is necessary to indicate in what currency funds are issued and accepted.
  6. The loan agreement implies that payments are made by the same person who received the money.

All loans can be divided into short-, medium- and long-term. Moreover, the first of them are the most popular. At the same time, when receiving a loan of any size and urgency, an enterprise must strive to return it without any violations.

Stages of lending. The main loan terms are as follows:


The main loan terms are as follows:

— compliance with the requirements for the main elements of lending;

— coincidence of interests of both parties to the credit transaction;

— the ability of the creditor bank and the borrower to fulfill their obligations;

— compliance with lending principles;

— the possibility of realizing the collateral and the availability of guarantees;

— ensuring the commercial interests of the bank;

— planning the relationship between the parties to a credit transaction.

The lending process begins from the day the loan is issued. However, before and after this moment, significant work takes place between the borrower and the lender. It includes the following steps:

1. Loan negotiations. An offer to issue a loan can come from both the client and the bank.

2. Consideration of a specific project. The instability of the economic situation leads to special caution in the bank's assessment of the creditworthiness of the client, the loan object and the reliability of the collateral, the quality of the collateral and guarantees. In a commercial bank, these tasks are assigned to the credit department (management). Large loans are usually considered at a meeting of the bank's credit committee. Before the meeting, all economic and legal issues are worked out, a final decision is made, and specific lending conditions are determined.

3. Preparation of credit documentation. CB employees draw up a loan agreement, issue an order to the bank to issue a loan, and create a dossier on the borrower (loan file).

4. Use of credit and control over credit operations. Control includes: compliance with the credit limit (credit line), control over the intended use of the loan, payment of loan interest, completeness and timeliness of loan repayment. At this stage, the CB does not stop working on the operational analysis of the client’s creditworthiness and financial results.

Creditworthiness- this is the opportunity available to the enterprise to repay loans on a timely basis. The main indicators for assessing the creditworthiness of an enterprise are:

1. Ratio of sales volume to net current assets:

K1 = Sales volume/Net current assets.

Net current assets are current assets minus the company's short-term debts. The coefficient K1 shows the efficiency of using current assets.

2. Ratio of sales volume to equity capital:

K2 = Sales volume/Equity capital.

This indicator characterizes the turnover of own sources of funds.

3. Short-term debt to equity ratio:

K3 = Short-term debt/Equity.

This ratio shows the share of short-term debt in the company's equity capital. If short-term debt several times less equity, then you can pay off all creditors in full.

4. Attitude accounts receivable to sales revenue:

K4 = Accounts receivable / Sales volume.

This indicator gives an idea of ​​the average period of time spent on collecting money due from customers. Acceleration of receivables turnover, i.e.

Under what conditions is a consumer loan issued in the main banks of Russia?

a decrease in the K4 indicator can be considered as a sign of an increase in the creditworthiness of the enterprise.

5. Ratio of liquid assets to short-term debt:

K5 = Liquid assets / Short-term debt.

Lending method can be defined as a set of techniques by which the bank issues and repays loans. There are 3 methods:

1) method of lending based on turnover;

2) by balance;

3) balance method.

Turnover lending method. The loan follows the movement and turnover of the loaned object. The loan advances the borrower's costs until his resources are released. The loan size increases as the objective need for the loan increases and is repaid as this need decreases.

Balance credit method. The loan is interconnected with the balance of inventories and costs that caused the need for a loan. This type of lending covers a smaller range of lending objects and mediates one of the objects, while turnover lending is associated with the movement of not a separate, but an aggregate lending object.

Reverse balance method combines the previous 2. The loan at the 1st stage is issued as the need for it arises, and at the 2nd stage it is repaid within a strictly defined time frame, which may not coincide with the volume of released resources.

The movement of the loan is reflected in the client’s loan account, which is opened for him by the bank. It reflects the issuance and repayment of loans, as well as the client’s current debt.

A loan transaction requires documentation. Oral negotiations conducted by the client with the bank at the preliminary stage end with the submission of a written request to the CB - justification for the need for a loan for certain purposes. The petition (feasibility study) contains the client’s request to receive a loan, indicating the purpose, required amount, %, term. The application is considered as part of other accompanying documents, allowing the bank to determine financial position the client and his creditworthiness. The client provides a balance sheet for the last 2-3 years, as well as a profit and loss statement.

In addition, tanks require: notarized copies of constituent documents; cash flow statement; internal financial reports; internal operational accounting data; financing forecast; tax returns and business plan.

Loan agreement– the most important document defining the rights and obligations of participants in a credit transaction. The loan agreement must be concluded in writing, otherwise it will be declared invalid. It is signed by persons authorized to enter into such agreements, which must be confirmed by a power of attorney.

The loan agreement defines the legal and economic terms of the loan transaction. It is based on 4 principles:

- solid base;

— voluntariness of entering into a transaction;

— mutual interest of the parties;

— consistency of the terms of the transaction.

These principles are taken into account by the structure of the loan agreement, which includes the following parts:

1. Introductory part.

1. General Provisions.

1. Subject and amount of the contract.

1.Procedure for issuing and repaying a loan

1. Loan fee.

1. Methods of ensuring loan repayment.

1. Rights and obligations of the parties.

1. Responsibility of the parties.

1.Additional terms of the agreement.

1. Dispute resolution.

1. Duration of the contract.

1.Legal addresses, details and signatures of the parties.

The contract is considered concluded when the parties reach agreement on all its essential terms.

The first among the essential conditions is the subject of the contract. It is in this section that the parties agree on the loan amount, which is determined by the financial needs and capabilities of the lender and borrower. Essential conditions also include terms and purposes of the loan.

The terms for obtaining and repaying the loan under the agreement are calculated:

¨from the moment of conclusion of the contract;

¨from the moment of transfer of funds by the lender or borrower;

from the moment funds are received by the lender or borrower.

When determining loan rates KB takes into account:

· refinancing rate for loans (the Central Bank provides the CB);

· average % rate on interbank loans;

· average% rate on deposit accounts (paid by the bank);

· structure of the bank's credit resources (the higher the share of attracted funds, the more expensive the loans);

· supply and demand for credit (the lower the demand and the greater the supply, the cheaper the loan);

· term and type of loan (degree of risk for the bank);

· stability money circulation in the country (the higher the inflation rate, the higher the loan fee).

As in the case of issuing a loan, there is no single model for repayment. Practice gives rise to various loan repayment options:

Occasional repayment based on term obligations. Applies when the return is scheduled in advance for a specific date (or series of dates). When the loan matures, CB debits the corresponding amounts from the client’s account.

Repayment as equity funds actually accumulate and the need for a loan from the borrower’s current account decreases. Funds are debited from the borrower’s current account within a predetermined time frame. This option is used for PP with a seasonal nature of work.

Systematic repayment based on pre-fixed amounts (scheduled payments). Used for intensive payment transactions. Write-off of planned (pre-determined for a month or quarter) amounts from the current account is carried out by agreement with the client (daily or once every 3-5 working days.

Deferment of loan repayment. Can be made in the event that the client cannot repay the loan provided to him on time. In international practice, the delay ranges from 15 to 30 days, in Russia – from 1 to 5 days.

Transfer of overdue debt to a special account “Overdue loans”. This means that from the moment the debt is transferred, the borrower will pay a higher loan percentage. This situation arises when the deferment time has been exhausted or the deferment is impossible due to the futility of expecting the loan to be repaid in the near future.

Write-off of overdue debts from the bank's reserves. It is made in the case when the debts turned out to be bad, when the bank does not receive payment for previously provided loans for a long time and the return itself is not realistic.

A loan is an urgent source of financing for an enterprise, helping to quickly obtain the required amount. It can be a real salvation in case of temporary difficulties. With the help of the money received from the loan, you can pay taxes, pay off debt obligations to partners, and pay salaries to employees.

A bank loan is also very relevant when you need to invest in the development of new technologies, build any facilities, buy growing shares or other promising securities. If own funds are a guarantee of financial stability and independence, then a bank loan is a tool for effective management of resources and increasing capital. With a loan, you don’t need to divert your company’s money to pay off current obligations.

Conditions for issuing loans depend on the recent financial activity of the enterprise and affect the amounts of short- and long-term loans. At the same time, corporate entities usually turn to those banks in which they make all their payments and cash transactions, in which accounts are opened. Of course, in order to become a client of a particular institution, it is necessary to submit a number of documents and fill out an application (signed by the head of the company or the chief accountant) stating that the company wishes to cooperate with this organization.

However, contacting “your” bank is not a guarantee of receiving a loan. You should understand the importance of such an operation as issuance of credit. The bank must determine the reliability of its client, and for this its specialists are required to calculate the turnover of funds, profitability, liquidity, and the amount of accounts payable. Determining all these indicators can significantly reduce the risks of both parties.
The conditions for issuing loans are quite specific - here they are:

  1. The loan must be targeted.
  2. The maturity of the loan must always be determined.
  3. It is necessary to provide for the repayment of the loan with interest.
  4. The bank may reserve the right to change rates in the loan agreement.
  5. It is necessary to indicate in what currency funds are issued and accepted.
  6. The loan agreement implies that payments are made by the same person who received the money.

All loans can be divided into short-, medium- and long-term.

On what terms is the loan issued?

Moreover, the first of them are the most popular. At the same time, when receiving a loan of any size and urgency, an enterprise must strive to return it without any violations.

Subject. State credit: economic essence, terms of provision and main types


1 Essence and role state loan in regulating the economy in modern conditions

1.2 Classification of government credit

2 Assessment of the state and development trend of state credit in the Republic of Belarus

3 Main directions of development of state credit in the Republic of Belarus


List of sources used



The state, as a subject of economic relations, attracts not only budget revenues, but also additional financial resources formed on a borrowed basis to cover its expenses. A unique way to obtain them is the state loan, which expresses the relationship between the state and numerous physical and legal entities regarding the formation of an additional monetary fund (along with the budget) in the hands of the state. In this case, the state acts as the borrower of funds, and the population, enterprises and organizations act as lenders.

It is known from history that the government of the country at the beginning of the eighteenth century resorted to public credit to cover its expenses. That's when the first ones appeared government loans, although they began to act as a significant and relatively regular source of revenue to the treasury only from the middle of the eighteenth century. Under the feudal system, the main internal creditors were monasteries and the church. However, gradually the social base of state credit expanded: merchants, industrialists, and sometimes landowners became lenders. The government took money on a voluntary basis, secured by state property. However, loans were often provided compulsorily.

At this time, the following forms and types of government credit were formed: government loans - internal and external; issuance of treasury bonds; borrowing funds from government banks.

Modern credit system is a set of various credit and financial institutions operating in the loan capital market and carrying out the accumulation and mobilization of monetary capital. In the market, along with such forms of credit as commercial and banking, government credit also takes part. These forms differ from each other in the composition of participants, the object of loans, dynamics, interest rate and scope of operation. State credit is one of the main (along with taxes) tools for solving the problems of achieving a balance of budget revenues and expenses. Certain issues relating, for example, to the specific procedure for concluding government loan agreements are also regulated by civil law. However, this does not affect the validity of the conclusion that the state loan itself is an independent financial and legal institution.

In conditions of developed commodity-money relations, the state can attract to cover its expenses not only budget revenues, but also additional, formed on a borrowed basis, free financial resources of economic structures and funds of the population. In a unique way their receipt is a state loan, expressing the relationship between state and numerous individuals and legal entities regarding the formation of an additional monetary fund (along with the budget) in the hands of the state.

Taking into account the economic conditions prevailing in the Republic of Belarus, it can be noted that state credit plays an extremely important role in our economy. From the state of credit in this industry financial system countries depend the most important indicators the state budget, the growth rate of economic stabilization, as well as the country’s position on the world stage.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the state of state credit at the current moment and determine the main directions for further development of state credit and increasing its efficiency in the Republic of Belarus.

The set goal led to the solution of the following tasks:

1) reveal the content and functions of state credit;

2) present the classification of state credit;

3) assess the state and development trends of state credit of the Republic of Belarus;

4) identify problems and develop the main directions for the development of state credit in the Republic of Belarus.

The object of research in course work is a state loan of the Republic of Belarus.

The subject of the study is economic relations determined by the characteristics of government lending in the Republic of Belarus.

The analysis used specific budget indicators reflected in the Budget Laws of the Republic of Belarus, various statistical materials provided by the Ministry of Finance and the State Statistical Committee, monographs and publications in periodicals devoted to the problems of state lending.


State credit is a system of monetary relations associated with the attraction by the state of temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals.

Like any other credit relationship, state credit is based on the principles of repayment, urgency, compensation and voluntariness.

The reason for the appearance of state credit is the state budget deficit. The development of the state and the expansion of its functions led to an increase in government expenditures and a lack of revenue to cover them, therefore the first and most common form of government credit is government loans. But, as will be shown below, in credit relations the state can act not only as a borrower, but also as a guarantor or lender.

State credit performs two functions:

– fiscal;

– regulating.

The fiscal function of a state loan is the temporary withdrawal of free funds of legal entities and individuals and their accumulation to finance state expenses. This allows you to increase government spending without a corresponding increase in taxation.

The regulatory function of government credit lies in its impact on the most important macroeconomic indicators: the volume of money supply, the level of inflation, the value of interest rates, etc.

As a method of financing state budget expenditures, state credit has both advantages and disadvantages. Its positive side is a more even distribution of the tax burden over time. Using this mechanism, the costs of implementing large investment projects can be distributed between generations. On the other hand, an increase in the volume of government credit leads to an increase in demand for borrowed funds, an increase in the interest rate and a decrease in investment activity in economics.

State credit is an integral part of such a link in the financial system of the Republic of Belarus as a loan (its other part is a bank loan).

Representatives of the financial and legal science of pre-revolutionary Russia (M.F. Orlov, M.I. Slutsky, L.V. Khodsky, A. Tarasov, V. Yarotsky, A. Isaev, E. Lamansky, etc.) highlighted others, The differences between state and bank loans are still relevant today. These differences are as follows:

1. In relations regarding a state loan, there is always the supremacy of the state, despite the fact that the state is the borrower (debtor), and not the creditor. With a bank loan, on the contrary, the creditor (bank) has full rights to apply coercive measures granted to him by law in the event of a debtor’s failure.

2. Considering the special role of the state, it enters into long-term loans without securing them with any collateral, whereas when concluding long-term bank loan agreements, collateral must be provided.

3. For a bank loan agreement bank loan is like any civil contract, on conditions of equality of parties. Application of the principle of dispositivity in regulating relations according to bank loan absolutely incompatible with the element of coercion when concluding a credit transaction.

With a state loan, coercion “sometimes takes place when concluding a loan.”

State credit represents the relationship of secondary distribution of the value of the gross internal product and part of the national wealth. The scope of its application includes part of the income and funds generated at the stage of primary distribution of value. Through state credit, funds are redistributed into consumption funds. Usually they are temporarily free funds of the population of enterprises and organizations that are not intended for current consumption. But in certain economic and political situations, the population and economic authorities can consciously limit consumption and funds intended for current production or social needs are drawn into the sphere of state credit (there have been examples in history when such a limitation of needs occurred under the coercion of the state - subscription to state loans ).

Formation through state credit relations of additional financial resources reflects one side of the essence of state credit as a special form of movement of value (loan fund). The second side is the relationship conditioned by the repayment and payment of resources mobilized with the help of a government loan. The state guarantees the return of funds with the payment of a specified income to creditors in the form of interest. State credit relations and tax relations do not replace each other and are independent financial instruments. Relations regarding the return of funds and payment of remuneration are also redistributive in nature.

The financial and economic situation in the country always shows its stability only as a certain conditionality and heterogeneity. In some areas it really takes place, but in others it does not.

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Various fluctuations in the world of finance and the needs of the population significantly affect the lives of ordinary people. Therefore, citizens of the Russian Federation are sometimes simply forced to apply to banks for a consumer loan on different conditions, on different issues and with some differences in the application rules.

What it is

Having analyzed legislative acts, we can conclude that any type of insurance when concluding contracts for consumer provisions cannot be forced, but only voluntary.

Let us highlight the general conditions for obtaining a consumer loan with averaged digital values ​​or other data that play a key role in the process of concluding a consumer loan agreement, as of 2019.

Table. Conditions for providing a consumer loan in Russia

What you should pay attention to when studying the features of a consumer loan Conditions, interest rates and loan amounts
Interest Rate Fluctuations From 13.5% to 69%. On average – 40%
Large banks always do their best to accommodate their clients who have issued bank cards with them, and therefore often lower their interest rates per annum.
Loan limit. How much money can you borrow from a bank? From 25,000 rub. up to 250,000-500,000 rub.
Large banks are maximally ready to provide amounts of up to 3 million rubles.
What are the terms of repayment of debt to the bank? Basically, the terms range from 1-3 years to 5 years (for large amounts)
Service fees – issuing a loan, processing all operational transactions on the account Commercial banks tend to issue money on commission even for the fact that they simply gave it to you
Fines for late payment If you do not pay the amount on time according to the schedule attached to the signed agreement, you will have to pay additional penalties, penalties and fines. The amount of the fine ranges from 0.5 to 2% of the amount of the late payment (for each day of delay)
Is it possible to somehow negotiate with the bank if you cannot pay on time? Yes, you can. It is always better for the client to call the bank and honestly explain the situation. Then the employees can offer you one or another mechanism to correct the situation
Borrower age From 25 to 64 (extremely rarely from 18 years old)
Surety Only for secured loans

All banks set the main condition for repaying the debt - a monthly obligatory payment.

Footnotes, asterisks, notes - all this is worthy of the close attention of every client. By studying the fine print and footnotes, you can learn a lot about the fees that you will pay after signing the contract.

Some banks are ready to offer the possibility of early repayment of a payment or installment plan if the client suddenly cannot pay the due monthly amount. They will simply calculate the payment schedule with monthly amounts again.

Conditions for providing a loan to improve housing using maternity capital

If, then she should know that then the loan must be targeted. Moreover, according to the law on maternity capital in Federal Law No. 256 of December 27, 2006, the goals should be purely the interests of the child and mother.

These interests are:

  • improvement living conditions for a child;
  • formation of mother's pension;
  • providing the child with the opportunity to receive a quality education or develop creatively.

Now, if consumer lending is somehow aimed at these purposes (except for the mother’s pension, of course), then the mother can quite realistically arrange for such a service and repay part or all of it with a certificate.

From what age do you get a loan?

The youth of our time are quite active and are able to earn money immediately after leaving school. It is this working-age part of the younger generation who is interested in the question of whether it is possible to take out a loan from the age of 18.

It is worth noting that for banks this group of society is still unstable enough to consider them reliable borrowers for themselves.

Therefore, from the age of 18, take out a loan for consumer needs It's not so simple in Russia. Those banks that provide loans to such citizens will most often require a secured loan, even with a guarantee.

Basically, this service is provided to citizens who have reached the age of majority, that is, 21 years old.

What to do to receive money

Previously, to apply for a loan, you only had to go to the branch of one bank or another and there you would inquire about the possibilities of obtaining and the details of providing documents.

Today, the procedure has changed somewhat, and now there are websites of each bank, where there is a convenient interface for submitting applications and even a package of documents scanned by e-mail.

You don’t have to wait in line; you can study all the detailed information on the website. Make a decision, prepare documents in in electronic format, send by mail and just wait for a response.

Find the most profitable bank for yourself

To navigate the world of banks, their conditions for lending to the population and find one that suits your capabilities, you just need to take a closer look at:

  • interest rates;
  • deadlines;
  • limiting amounts;
  • availability of commissions;
  • how much fines may be charged;
  • to a number of other conditions.

Some do the following - they simply take brochures from all the banks that attracted their attention and compare lending conditions. Using exactly the same method of collecting information, you can analyze information on bank websites.

Fill out an application

You can submit an application to the bank at online mode through his website. The response to your application comes quickly by email, so you usually don’t have to wait long. Also through the site you can pre-calculate your future loan using online calculator or ask your questions to a consultant via email or chat.

Typically the application contains the following items:

  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • passport data – date of birth, date of issue and by whom it was issued, gender, registration (registration of place of residence);
  • place of actual residence with exact address;
  • place of actual work or type of employment;
  • work experience;
  • the amount of income for the last six months;
  • put a tick next to the line where the request is written whether you are ready to confirm your income data with a paper document and what kind;
  • your contact information by which you could actually be contacted (telephone, email);
  • at the end of the application you will be asked to agree to the processing of your personal data provided by you;
  • some banks may also use a verification code to ensure that the system passes the application to confirm that you are - a real man, not a bot or program.

Some applications do not include information about whether you have Bank card this bank or not. But according to recent observations by Internet users, it was revealed that most banks began to request such information.

And it’s not surprising, because the size of the interest rate depends on this - they give significant discounts to their clients.

Provide a package of documents

Any consumer of credit banking products must know in advance what documents he should prepare to formalize the contract.

Documents are usually provided in the following modest package:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and copies of all its pages, certified in your handwriting (write the word “True” or “Copy is true”, sign and decipher it, write down the date of certification);
  • any other additional document that would prove your identity - driver’s license, pension certificate, international passport;
    confirmation of solvency - a certificate (form No. 2-NDFL) from the place of work about earnings for the last six months or a bank account statement by debit;
  • if, then they may be asked to present an insurance contract or CASCO policy (in the case of real estate - a preliminary purchase and sale agreement);
  • if, then you may need a certificate of ownership of the apartment or house;
  • It’s easiest for pensioners - they can apply for this service using their pension certificate and passport.

Some banks have long provided customer solvency. There are also banks that make it their condition that the client present a copy of the last pages of the work book in order to confirm his ability to work.

Arrange in this order

Registration occurs in this order:

  1. Prepare all the necessary documents.
  2. Come to the bank and submit them for review (or send scanned ones by email).
  3. You are waiting for an answer.
  4. If the review of your application is positive, come to the bank at the time you are invited for an interview.
  5. At the interview, you have the opportunity to ask questions, study the contract and review the terms again, weighing the pros and cons.
  6. When everything has been discussed, an agreement is signed.
  7. Money is transferred to a bank card, current account, or issued in cash at the bank’s cash desk, depending on the terms of the loan agreement.

Temporary terms under the contract

Among other things, the loan agreement may reflect the following important nuance - time limits. It usually refers to a payment schedule and represents time periods - intervals for making payments on debt obligations to the bank.

So, if they are absent or recognized in the text of the agreement for one year, then the base time period will be considered a year.

If such intervals are repeated, then the shortest period of time will be considered the base. In general, the standard time interval according to Bank of Russia standards is a day, a month and a year, as well as their number.

A consumer loan is issued only for personal or household needs. Requirements from the creditor put forward potential client, to insure either life and health, or mortgaged property, or your bank account against any losses are groundless.

Long-term loans are provided for a period of more than one year. It is issued on the security of real estate, vehicles, land plots. By this product installed minimum interest rates. But to get it, you must meet all the established criteria.

Russians make the bulk of their large purchases through credit funds. Banks actively advertise their services and offer clients favorable terms of service. Credit products can be divided into two categories: short term loan and long-term. If you need to borrow a large amount of money, it is better to enter into a long-term agreement.

Long-term lending is more profitable for the client, since the rates for these programs are significantly lower than for short-term ones. But in return, the bank needs to give specific guarantees of timely return of funds. Only in this case can you count on a positive decision.

According to accounting provisions, a long-term loan is considered to be a loan that is received more than for 12 months. The debt on it is displayed on the account. 67 "calculations". Unlike a perpetual loan, the agreement sets clear terms for its repayment.

Russian banks offer clients the following types of long-term loans:

  • mortgage;
  • car loan;
  • non-targeted loan secured by real estate;
  • purchase of land;
  • consumer loan in cash;
  • loans for business development.

Almost all of the above loans are provided with collateral. The bank is ready to consider the following types of collateral: real estate, vehicles, equipment, land. The property must be legally owned by the borrower and be liquid. No bank will issue a loan against a house in the village as collateral.

If the debt is not repaid for a long time, based on a court decision financial institution may confiscate the collateral and sell it at auction. Therefore, only highly liquid property that can be sold without problems is considered as collateral.

When a client is faced with a choice between taking out a short-term or long-term loan, it is better to choose the second product. Firstly, it has lower interest rates (from 6% per annum). Secondly, due to the long repayment term of the debt, the size of the debt decreases monthly payment. Contributions to pay off debt must be made monthly. Banks offer two schemes: annuity and standard. The second option is more profitable for the client, since the overpayment for it will be by 20-30% less compared to an annuity.

Who can get a long-term loan?

Many borrowers believe that if they provide collateral, they will be able to obtain a loan without any problems. Without having a stable source of income or an official place of work. But this opinion is completely wrong.

Long-term loans are provided for a period of 15-30 years depending on the program and on large amounts (70-90% of the cost of security). The financial institution will approve this transaction only if it is 100% confident in the client’s solvency.

The potential borrower must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Age from 23 to 65 years old(at the end date of the contract);
  • Official employment within six months;
  • High income. The payment amount for the loan issued should not exceed half of the client’s net income;
  • Positive credit history.

The application will be considered within 2-5 days depending on the amount requested. Even a client with a bad credit history will not be able to get a loan secured by expensive property.

This approach on the part of banks is very easy to explain. Litigation, confiscation of collateral and their sale are not the main activities of banks. Collection of a problem loan can take several years. And no one guarantees a positive outcome of the case, even if there is security.

That's why banks and are ready to work only with reliable and conscientious clients. Special conditions are offered to participants salary projects. For this category of borrowers, banks reduce interest rates and request a minimum package of documents.

Mortgage characteristics

Mortgage is the most popular long-term loan. The contract is concluded for up to 30 years. But the client has the opportunity to repay the debt ahead of schedule at any time. This type of loan is targeted.

Using the funds received, the borrower can purchase real estate on the primary or secondary market. This property is located on bail until full repayment loan. The client cannot sell it or give it away. Without the consent of his creditor, he cannot even register his relatives in it or carry out redevelopment.

Applying for a mortgage involves certain costs for the client. IN mandatory he contributes an initial fee not less than 10-15%. Pays for the services of a notary and appraiser at his own expense. Throughout the loan term is obliged to insure the collateral.

And the main indicator The thing you need to pay attention to when applying for a mortgage is the interest rate. In most cases it is floating. Each bank independently determines the criterion on which it will depend. For example, the Central Bank refinancing rate or the deposit rate, the inflation rate. The procedure and frequency of its revision must be specified in the loan agreement. And its maximum value must also be set. The client repays accrued interest first. Even when they do, they still need to be paid for.

Characteristics of a car loan

Another type of long-term loan is a targeted loan for the purchase of a new or used vehicle. This property also acts as collateral for the loan.

Average repayment period is 3-8 years. Most banks require the client down payment from 15%. But there are institutions that are ready to finance the purchase in full.

A car is not the most reliable collateral . It could be stolen, damaged in an accident, or completely destroyed. To reduce the risk of non-repayment of debt, banks oblige the client to pay CASCO policy, the cost of which is quite high. The beneficiary of it is a financial institution. It is the creditor who disposes of compensation in the event of an insured event.

Long-term loans for business

For a legal entity and entrepreneur to take out a long-term loan even more difficult than a citizen. But the amount issued is several times larger.

Russian banks offer the following products to this segment of borrowers: line of credit or overdraft, loans for purchase commercial real estate and transport, secured loans for business development, bank guarantees. There are also targeted loans for enterprises in specific industries.

For example, according to the credit policy of Rosselkhozbank, long-term loans can be obtained by collective farms (peasant farm), as well as individuals engaged in personal homestead farming (Private household plots). The loan is provided for specific purposes. For example, for the purchase of breeding animals, seed material and other things. In this case, a loan is not just a financing tool, but an excellent way to organize a profitable business and gain financial independence.

Is it possible to get a long-term loan from an MFO?

Lending to the population is carried out not only by banks, but also by microfinance organizations. The principles of their work with borrowers and the scheme for issuing funds are completely different.

Most MFOs provide loans in online mode, through its official website. After approval of the application, the money is credited to the card, current account, online wallet or paid in cash through money transfer systems.

The main specialization of the bulk of microfinance companies is issuance of short-term loans. The borrower must repay the debt within one month.

Very few microfinance organizations are willing to provide long-term loans . For them, long-term loans are considered to be those that are issued for one year.

The debt is repaid in equal payments that must be made each week. The cost of loans from microfinance organizations is significantly higher than bank loans. The rate for them is set from 0.5 to 2% per day. But taking out an urgent loan from these institutions is very simple and you only need one passport.

Video: long-term loans.


Based on the above material, the following conclusion can be drawn. Long-term loan is profitable proposition . Firstly, it has minimum interest rates. Secondly, this is a great opportunity to purchase real estate or a car today. Thirdly, due to the long term of the loan, the debt burden on the family budget is reduced.

But its processing may take one to two weeks. Therefore, it is better for the borrower to be patient. You will also need to collect a certain amount of money, since concluding a deal requires significant financial costs.