Information support of state budget statistics. The state budget. Functional classification of expenses and lending less repayments


Topic 16. Statistics of the budget and the budget system. tax statistics

Main indicators of budget statistics

The most important means of state regulation of the economy in the conditions market relations is the state budget, which determines the ways and methods of formation of financial resources to ensure social policy.

The purpose of state budget statistics is to give a reliable characterization of state budget indicators, the degree of effectiveness of the state's fiscal policy, for which they determine:

    1) the total amount and structure of revenues and expenditures of the state budget;

    2) the size of the deficit or surplus;

    3) sources of financing the budget deficit;

    4) the size of the state internal debt.

In the course of summarizing and analyzing statistical data, relevant statistical information is prepared.

The main indicators of state budget statistics are:

These are non-refundable payments received by the state budget for the implementation of social economic activity states. Incomes can be current (tax and non-tax revenues) and capital.

One of the types of income can be official transfers, which are understood as gratuitous, non-refundable, one-time receipts (in addition to any obligations) on a voluntary basis in the form of subventions and gifts, as well as in the form of reparations from any organizations (including international ones) and institutions (including private ones) . Official transfers are sometimes included in the "income" category in order to reduce the deficit rather than finance it.

Net lending in government finance statistics, they are combined with the category "expenditure" as a factor affecting the budget deficit.

State budget deficit DF is calculated as the sum of incomes D and received transfers T minus the sum of expenses R and net lending Kch:

The amount of financing the deficit depends on the difference in the amount of borrowings and repaid debt, as well as on the amount of reduction in the balance of liquid financial resources. As the budget deficit accumulates, it not only forms, but also increases state debt(unpaid amount of officially recognized direct obligations of state structures).

The result of the effective activity of the state, as a rule, is expressed in a surplus. Nevertheless, the size of the budget deficit, not exceeding 3% of GDP, is considered normal. It is very important from what sources the budget deficit is covered. If in the first half of the 1990s the non-inflationary external source (foreign borrowings and operations with securities) was the predominant source, then in the second half of the 1990s the state covered the budget deficit from internal and external sources in equal shares.

At present, the budget policy of the Russian state is based on the system of international budget classifications, which made it possible not only to streamline statistical information on the state budget, but also to implement budgetary activity states in accordance with the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund.

The international system of indicators of the state budget includes four main sections.

Section 1 Classification of Income and Official Transfers Received

A. Total revenues and official transfers received (B+G)
B. Total income (B+E)
C. Current income (Y+D)
D. Tax receipts
E. Non-tax revenues
E. Capital gains
G. Official transfers received

Section 2 Classification of Expenses and Lending Less Repayment

A. General expenses and lending minus repayments (B+D)
B. General expenses (C+D)
B. Current expenditure (expenditures on goods and services, interest payments, subsidies and other current transfer payments)
D. Capital expenditures (acquisition of fixed capital, purchase of goods for stockpiling, acquisition of land and intangible assets, capital transfers)
E. Lending minus repayment (domestic lending, external lending).

Section 3. Classification of budget deficit financing operations

A. General funding (B+C)
B. Domestic financing: for the creditor country (from other parts of the general government, from the monetary authorities, from deposit banks, other domestic financing); for a country with debt obligations (long-term bonds, short-term bonds, long-term loans, short-term loans, other obligations)
C. External financing: for the creditor country (from international economic development organizations; from foreign management institutions; other external borrowing); for a country with debt obligations (long-term and short-term bonds and bills, long-term and short-term loans and advances, other obligations)

Section 4. Classification of public debt

A. Total Debt (B+C)
B. Domestic debt
B. External debt

Each section of the classifications has some key articles.

In the first revenue section, tax revenues are highlighted, the collection of which largely determines the filling of the budget.

In the second expenditure section, an important place is occupied by government spending on regulation and ensuring high efficiency of economic activity.

In the third section, an important place is occupied by the sources of obtaining financial resources to cover the deficit.

In the fourth section, the statistics examines the total amount of liabilities of the general government sector. Debt data reflects the amount of liabilities, not reduced by the amount of their claims on other sectors of the economy. It also reflects perpetual obligations, on which only interest is paid.

Statistical analysis of taxation

They are gratuitous, mandatory payments (fees) collected from individuals and legal entities by government agencies to ensure state and public interests. Tax rates are established by law.

Statistical analysis uses such concepts as the base of taxation, object of taxation, tax event.

Represents a certain basic cost value subject to taxation. The taxation base assumes the presence of a fixed amount of tax (tax duty), the object of taxation in the form of legal entities or individuals institutional units, as well as the so-called tax event.

Statistics using certain methods evaluates the value of the object of taxation, which is very important for the tax authorities.

This is the situation that entails the payment of taxes (delivery of goods, inheritance, collection of money, etc.).

Taxes can be viewed from functional and economic points of view.

Depending on the functions performed by taxes, they can be divided into personal (depending on the level of solvency individuals), real (the moment of the act of purchase and sale), progressive (growing as the tax base increases depending on the taxable minimum), proportional and fixed.

According to the economic content, taxes can be divided into direct (levied directly on the personal income of citizens or their property) and indirect (established in the form of surcharges to the price or tariff).

Direct taxes are directly related to the income of taxpayers, reducing them nominally, as they are taken directly from wages, profits, rent, land, houses, valuable papers taxpayer, and it is quite difficult to evade them.

Indirect taxes are not directly related to the income or property of the taxpayer, therefore, theoretically, they can be avoided if you refuse to purchase a product or service.

Indirect taxes can have fixed rates (the tax is calculated per unit of measurement of a good or service) and share rates (the tax is taken, as a rule, as a percentage of the price of a good). A variety of indirect taxes are excises (a tax on a homogeneous highly profitable consumer goods). Indirect taxes are a very important source of filling the state treasury.

For the socio-economic policy of the state, indirect taxes perform several important functions: fiscal (shared tax rates are very beneficial, since with an increase in the price of a product the tax amount automatically increases), regulatory (they affect consumer demand), structuring (with the help of turnover tax, tax value added, customs duties, etc.).

Statistics also take into account such an important point that, in general, taxes can also influence the distribution of power between different levels of government.

Budget is a specific detailed plan for the collection and use of resources by economic agents for a certain period.

- a document describing the income and expenses of a particular state, as a rule, for a year (from January 1 to December 31).

Functions of the state budget:

  • Regulates the cash flows of the state, strengthens ties between the center and the subjects of the federation
  • Legally controls the actions of the government
  • Carries information about the intentions of the government to participants in economic activity
  • Defines the parameters of economic policy and sets the framework for possible government action

In view of the special importance of the state budget for all areas economic life its drafting, approval and implementation occur at the level of laws. At the same time, the state budget itself is a law.

Almost every economic institution (enterprise, firm, branch of the economy, bank, economic and financial funds, etc.) has a plan for collecting income and using expenses. All socio-political institutions (government organizations, political parties, etc.) also have budgets.

The state budget serves as a prerequisite and financial basis for the functioning of the state and the implementation by it of those functions that society has authorized it to perform. Issues are dealt with through the budget. financial regulation at the macro level and across the economy. Economic importance the budget consists in the fact that it forms a significant part of the final demand (due to its funds, most of the income from the population is formed, large volumes of products are purchased, and state reserves are created). Significant financial flows pass through the budget, it directly affects the formation of important economic indicators (Fig. 1):

State budget revenues - the final stage cash flows coming from real sector and other major areas of financial relations, and state budget expenditures are the starting point for the movement of state resources to the needs outlined by the state and society (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. The impact of the state budget on the main economic indicators:
  • Volume of production
  • Investments
  • Real income

Rice. 2. The main directions of income and expenditure of the state budget

The state budget is the main financial plan of the country, having the force of law.

The budget is a way of redistributing the monetary incomes of the population, enterprises and other legal entities in the interests of financing state and other public expenditures.

State budget revenues:

  • Taxes on income of legal entities and individuals
  • Receipts from the real sector (profit tax)
  • Receipt of indirect taxes and excises
  • Duties and non-tax fees
  • Regional and local taxes

State budget expenditures:

  • Industry
  • Social politics
  • Agriculture
  • public administration
  • International activity
  • Defense
  • Law enforcement
  • The science
  • healthcare

Balanced budget- a budget in which the ratios of income and expenses are equal.

If revenues and expenditures in the budget differ, then the budget deficit or surplus.

The spending of state budget funds is carried out in the directions and in the amounts determined by the federal law, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of state power. State budget expenditures can be classified according to different featured, the most important of which is financing the state of their functions: economic, social, defense etc.

The following expenses are financed from the federal budget:
  • content of authorities;
  • national defense;
  • science funding;
  • financing of the real sector;
  • formation of state reserves;
  • service and repayment of public debt (internal and external);
  • regulation of the financial potential of the subjects of the state (federal or unitary).
The expenses financed jointly from the state budget, federal and municipal budgets include:
  • state support for industries (construction, Agriculture, transport, communications);
  • ensuring law enforcement activities;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • science and social and cultural events.

The basic principle of delimiting expenditures between budgets is their adequacy to the powers assigned to the respective level of government.

Budget expenditures are also divided according to the principle of their participation in the process of expanded reproduction.

According to the principle of participation in the process of expanded reproduction, budget expenditures are divided into current and capital expenditure.

Current expenses- this is:

  • maintenance of authorities, administration and law enforcement agencies;
  • current spending on defense, science, social sphere;
  • separate compensation expenses by sectors of the economy.

Capital expenditures are divided into:

  • New construction;
  • reconstruction of important objects of state and municipal property.

Among priority state budget expenditures are:

  • social spending;
  • military spending;
  • content of the judicial system;
  • education and healthcare.

Finance - production relations that actually exist in society and have a monetary form of expression. The distribution and redistribution of value with the help of finance is necessarily accompanied by a movement Money taking a specific form of financial resources. The object of statistical study of finance includes the formation and use of financial resources, credit and money circulation. Finance is an integral part of market relations and at the same time an instrument of state regulation. As part of the course of national accounting and macroeconomic statistics, special attention should be paid to the statistics of public finance, money circulation and credit, which are interrelated processes at the macro level.

Chapter 1. Public finances: their essence and tasks.

1.1 Tasks of government finance statistics.

public finance- an important area of ​​the country's financial system. Public finance refers to monetary relations regarding the distribution and redistribution of the value of the gross domestic product and gross national income, as well as parts of the national wealth associated with the formation of financial resources at the disposal of the state and its enterprises and the use of public funds for defense and management, socio-cultural the needs of members of society, production, economic and scientific and technical programs. According to domestic traditions, public finances include budgets of various levels of government, extra-budgetary funds, state credit, and finances of state enterprises.
An important role in the composition of public finances is played by budgetary relationships at the federal, territorial and local levels. With the help of budgetary relations, a significant part of the national income is mobilized at the disposal of state structures. A separate link in the composition of public finances is formed by extra-budgetary funds. Extrabudgetary funds are distinguished by their functional purpose (having an economic, social or environmental nature) and by levels of government (nationwide, territorial and regional). The trends in the development of government finance statistics are such that the indicators of the budget itself and the indicators of off-budget funds can be reflected in a single block - state budget statistics. Since in a market economy the predominant part of the budget revenue is tax revenues, it makes sense to consider the statistics of public finance from the perspective of the budget.
The state budget- an important instrument of state regulation of the economy. It determines the forms and methods of formation of state financial resources and the direction of their use in the interests of society and especially socially vulnerable categories of the population.

The main task of state budget statistics is a characteristic of its main parameters that determine the content and direction of fiscal policy.

More specifically, this task is to determine:
the total amount of revenues and expenditures of the state budget, the amount of excess of expenditures over revenues (deficit) or revenues over expenditures (surplus);
the structure of state budget revenues;
the structure of state budget expenditures;
sources of financing the budget deficit;
the size of the state internal debt;
Practical Public Finance Statistics summarizes the data and prepares the statistical information necessary for the analysis and planning of the activities of government bodies and the development of economic policy. Despite the important role international standards in reforming domestic statistics in general and state budget statistics in particular, the organizational and departmental structure of the economy and the specifics of the practical activities of government bodies are reflected in domestic statistics.

1.2 Features and structure of the state budget R.F.

The tasks of state budget statistics are as follows:

  • characterization of the structure and ratio of income and expenses;
  • analysis of budget balance (surplus, deficit);
  • accounting for transactions with the funds of the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • reflection of proceeds from borrowing and expenses for servicing and repaying state or municipal debt;
  • studying the relationship of state budget revenues with the most important macroeconomic indicators;

Forecasting revenues and expenditures of the state budget.
Information support of state budget statistics is regulated by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

All budget revenues, sources of its deficit financing, expenses, as well as operations carried out in the process of execution, are subject to budget accounting, which is based on the Unified Chart of Accounts. Budget accounting is organized by the body executing the budget. The Unified Chart of Accounts for Budgetary Accounting is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Budget performance reporting submission deadlines may be:





A unified methodology for reporting on budget execution is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The authorized executive body submits quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on budget execution to the representative body and the relevant controlling body, as well as to the Federal Treasury.

Municipalities submit information on the execution of local budgets to the institutions of Rosstat.

The execution of the federal budget is carried out on the basis of the reflection of all operations and funds of the federal budget in the system of balance accounts of the Federal Treasury.

The Federal Treasury registers all operations related to the receipt of revenues and receipts from the sources of financing its deficit, as well as the authorization and financing of federal budget expenditures, in the General Ledger of the Federal Treasury. The data of the General Ledger are the basis for the formation of reports on the execution of the federal budget.

In order to draw up a draft budget for the next financial year, the following documents and materials should be prepared:

  • forecast of socio-economic development of the relevant territory for the next financial year;
  • the main directions of the budgetary and tax policy of the respective territory for the next financial year;
  • forecast of the consolidated financial balance of the development of the relevant territory for the next financial year.

The initial macroeconomic indicators for drafting the budget are:

  • the volume of GDP for the next financial year;
  • GDP growth rate in the next financial year;

Inflation rate (price growth rate) (December of the next financial year to December of the current one).

State budget statistics cover all levels of the budget system: the consolidated and federal budgets, the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and local budgets.

The budget of any level consists of income and expenses.

Currently, the budget revenues include:

  • tax revenues: corporate income tax, taxes on goods and services, license and registration fees, VAT, user fees natural resources, mineral extraction tax, etc.;
  • non-tax revenues: income from the use of state-owned property, dividends on shares owned by the Russian Federation, income from leasing state-owned property, transfer of profits to the Bank of Russia, payments from state-owned enterprises, etc.

System of macroeconomic indicators of budget revenues

State Budget Revenue Indicators

    Indicators Analytical value
    The ratio of budget revenues to GDP characterizes

    redistributive processes in the country through government intervention

    The share of income of different levels in consolidated budget Characterizes the development of interbudgetary relations
    The ratio of tax revenues to GDP Characterizes the tax intensity of GDP
    Share tax revenue budgets of different levels in the income of the consolidated budget Used in solving budget equalization problems
    The ratio of tax revenues to population Used as an indirect assessment of the standard of living of the population
    Share of lost tax revenues in total tax revenues Performs a control function

Classification of state budget expenditures

Type of classification Purpose of classification
functional Delimits the target areas of financing of state activities in accordance with the main functions of the state
Economic Delimits:

Current expenditures (expenditures on goods and services, interest payments, subsidies and other current transfer payments);

Capital expenditures (acquisition of fixed capital, stockpiling goods, acquisition of land and intangible assets, capital transfers).

Allows you to assess the influence of the state on the process of expanded reproduction

Departmental Reflects the distribution of funds by ministries and the most important departments. Allows you to control changes in the structure of costs associated with ongoing reforms in the country's management system

The basis for the functional classification of the budget is the classification of all government expenditures by function (COFOG) in the system of national accounts. The main categories of COFOG include public services of a general nature, activities and services in the field of defense, public order and security, education and health, leisure and culture, other economic activities and other services.

The result of the financial activities of government bodies is determined on the basis of a comparison of the revenue and expenditure parts of the budget. If income exceeds expenses, then there is a surplus; If revenues are less than expenditures, then there is a budget deficit. Statistical indicators, the calculation of which involves a comparison of budget revenues and expenditures, are formed in accordance with such principles of the budget system as the principle of budget balance and the principle of general (aggregate) coverage of expenses.

The principle of a balanced budget means that the volume of budgeted expenditures must correspond to the total volume of its income and receipts from sources of financing the deficit.

The principle of general (cumulative) cost coverage is that all budget expenditures must be covered by the total amount of its revenues and receipts from sources of financing the deficit.

Further statistical analysis of the activities of government bodies includes the definition of indicators for financing budget expenditures, as well as classifications and characteristics public debt.

State Budget Deficit Indicators

    Indicators Analytical value
    Coverage ratio of budget expenditures by its revenues (ratio of budget revenues to expenditures) It is used when forecasting expenses, the amount of which may be dependent on budget revenues and the level of its deficit
    The ratio of the budget deficit and its expenditures (revenues) Characterizes the level of deficit
    Budget Deficit to GDP Ratio Reflects the financial situation of the country. Considered normal financial position countries, if this ratio does not exceed 3%

State budget statistics is one of the constituent parts of finance statistics.

As part of national funds of funds in the Russian Federation allocate:

1) the state budget;

2) off-budget funds ( Pension Fund, Employment Fund, Compulsory Fund health insurance, Foundation social insurance, R&D development funds, etc.).

The objects of study of state budget statistics are the main national fund - the state budget, as well as financial relations that develop between the state and enterprises, institutions and the population.

The state budget is the most important instrument of state regulation of the economy. Its structure determines the forms and methods of formation of public financial resources and the direction of their use in the public interest.

The main task of state budget statistics is a characteristic of its main indicators that determine the content and direction of fiscal policy. This task is revealed in more specific subtasks. Among them:

1) determination of the total amount of revenues and expenditures of the state budget, the amount of excess of expenditures over revenues (deficit) or revenues over expenditures (surplus);

2) analysis of the structure of state budget revenues;

3) analysis of the structure of state budget expenditures;

4) determination of sources of financing the budget deficit;

5) calculation of the size of the state internal debt;

6) characteristics of the effectiveness of the state's fiscal policy;

7) analysis of the impact of fiscal policy on the economic growth and standard of living of the population.

In the process of solving these problems, state budget statistics collects and summarizes data, preparing statistical information that is necessary for analyzing and planning the activities of public administration institutions and developing economic policy.

The statistics of the state budget of the Russian Federation reflect the organizational and departmental structure of the economy and features practical activities public administration institutions, taking into account international standards in this area.

Areas of government finance statistics identified in international statistical practice:

1) the budget of public administration bodies:

a) statistics of the budgetary economy:

· statistics of the draft state budget and financial planning;

statistics of cash transactions (actual expenses and incomes);

b) financial statistics of higher education institutions (their annual income and expenses);

c) debt statistics of all units of the public sector, except for social insurance bodies and business units that directly manage the state;

d) statistics of civil servants. The main tasks are accounting for the number of employees, their grouping by age and rank in order to determine the wage fund for their work;

2) tax statistics:

a) tax revenue statistics. The amounts provided for distribution and redistribution are determined;

b) excise statistics. Taxes on oil, tobacco, liquor, jewelry and other products, as well as enterprises taxed and exempted from taxes on certain types of products are subject to accounting;

c) statistics of the taxable amount of income (the amount of wages taxable income tax, property value and taxable value added, etc.).

Basic definitions of state budget statistics.

One of the main concepts used in state budget statistics is the concept government sector.With the help of this economic category, the circle of institutional units (state enterprises and institutions) is determined, whose income and expenses are subject to reflection in the state budget.

The general government sector includes institutional units whose activities are related to performance of public administration functions:

1) holding public policy through the provision of non-market services;

2) the redistribution of income and wealth, which is carried out by taxing units of other sectors of the economy and by providing pensions, benefits and other social benefits.

In addition to the public administration sector, other categories are distinguished that determine the nature of the system of statistical indicators of the state budget and reflect the essence of various business operations carried out by public administration institutions with institutional units of other sectors of the economy:

1) receipts or payments;

2) receipts (payments) are non-refundable or refundable;

3) receipts (payments) paid or gratuitous;

4) current or capital receipts (payments);

5) acquisition of financial assets or assumption of liabilities;

6) acquisition of financial assets for public policy or liquidity management.

Categories of receipts or payments (returnable or non-refundable) apply to all economic transactions. The categories of reimbursable or gratuitous receipts relate only to non-refundable transactions. Acquisitions of financial assets and incurring liabilities are included in all reversible transactions.

In the implementation of any economic transaction, it is assumed that there are two parties, which are called participants in the transaction. In most operations, two counter flows are involved: one flow is sent to the participant in the operation (receipts), the other flow is sent from him (payments).

Payments or receipts are returnable in the event that the reverse flow is in the form of contractual obligations with a fiscal maturity. If the reverse flow is carried out in a different form, then payments or receipts are considered irrevocable.

Non-refundable payments and receipts are reimbursable in the event that the reverse flow is in the form of payments through goods and services. If there is no flow of goods and services, then the sunk payments or receipts are gratuitous. Thus, paid transactions initially involve payments on the terms of compensation.

The division of receipts (payments) into current or capital is associated with their designated purpose. Capital transactions include those receipts (payments) that are associated with the acquisition, creation or sale of assets, the period of use of which in the production process is more than 1 year (including intangible assets and land). Gratuitous capital payments are classified as official capital transfers if received from government sources and as capital transfers if they are received from non-government sources.

In state budget statistics, transactions are recorded on a cash basis, i.e. on the basis of recording actual cash flows, and in the national accounting system (SNA) - on the basis of accrued amounts, i.e. at the time the receivables or payables arise.

Absolute indicators of state budget statistics

The main absolute indicators of state budget statistics are:

1) income;

2) official transfers;

3) expenses;

4) net lending;

5) excess of income over expenses (surplus) or excess of expenses over income (deficit).

Income These are mandatory non-refundable payments that go to the budget. Budget revenues are divided into current and capital revenues. In the composition of current income, tax and non-tax revenues are distinguished.

taxes are obligatory, gratuitous, non-refundable payments that are collected government agencies to meet government needs. Taxes include profits transferred by fiscal, export and import state monopolies, and profits from state monopoly purchases and sales of foreign currency.

Non-tax revenues- these are reimbursable receipts (income from property, proceeds from random sales, cash profits of departmental enterprises, etc.) and some gratuitous receipts (private donations, fines, etc.).

Official transfers- these are gratuitous, non-refundable, optional receipts that are irregular, voluntary in the form of subventions, donations, reparations. This financial flow comes from other public administration institutions (domestic and foreign) or international organizations. If the receipts are in the nature of gratuitous, non-refundable, optional payments from non-state sources, then they are included in the category of income.

Expenses- this is the entire set of non-refundable payments, regardless of their repayment and spending purposes (current or capital). Transfer payments to other government institutions are allocated in a separate category.

Net lending(lending minus repayment) is the totality of government operations with financial claims on other sectors that are carried out for public policy purposes. This category includes the provision of loans and the purchase of shares, net of repaid loans, proceeds from the sale of shares or the return of equity.

Final indicators financial activities state is a deficit (or surplus).

deficit(excess of expenses over income) = (borrowing - repayment of debt) + decrease in the balance of liquid financial resources.

Surplus(excess of income over expenses) \u003d (repayment-borrowing) + increase in balances of financial resources.

The result of the accumulation of the budget deficit is the public debt.

State debt is the unpaid amount of officially recognized direct liabilities of government agencies to other sectors of the economy and the rest of the world. This debt was formed as a result of transactions between government institutions and sectors of the economy in the past. It can be repaid through the operations of these institutions in the future or reformulated into perpetual debt.

In public debt not included:

1) domestic and interstructural debts of various subsectors of government;

2) obligations of monetary authorities;

3) non-performing debts, the payment of interest on which has been terminated for an indefinite period;

4) any current debt on unpaid obligations.

Relative indicators of the statistical state budget.

The analysis of the implementation of the budget of any level is carried out by calculating the relative values ​​of the implementation of the plan for income and expenditure in general, as well as for various types and purposes.

The characterization of the factors that influenced the deviation from the plan can be carried out using the chain substitution method. For example, a change in tax revenue H could occur under influence of two factors:

1) change in the tax base B;

2) change in the tax rate C.

Impact of change tax base for absolute growth tax revenue is determined by the formula:

The impact of a change in the tax rate on the absolute increase in tax revenues is determined by the formula:

where and are the size of the tax base, respectively, in the reporting and

base (planned) period;

The level of the tax rate, respectively, in the reporting and

base (planned) period.

The total increase in tax revenues for a particular type of tax can be calculated as the sum of absolute increases due to two factors:

Based on the absolute indicators of the state budget statistics, it is possible to calculate relative statistical indicators characterizing the economic activity of the public administration sector:

In this case, if the indicator of the share of taxes and fees grows at a faster pace than the indicator of the share of taxes, then we can conclude that the social security system has become more expensive.

The share of debt characterizes the number of months or periods of production activity required to pay off the debt:

The coverage rate (1) shows what percentage of social spending is covered by tax revenues:

The Coverage Rate (2) shows what proportion of expenditures is financed by loans.

In line with international standards public finance statistics(GFS) is a statistical system that defines the concepts, accounting and classification rules recommended for systematizing the collection of data on transactions of individual governments and the public sector as a whole. The concept of the general government sector in GFS follows the definition given in the 1993 SNA. The public sector is a derivative concept that reflects the regrouping of institutional units of sectors in the 1993 SNA by combining the subsectors of the general government sector with the subsectors of public non-financial and financial corporations. Government finance statistics record and provide analysis of revenues and expenditures, primarily in the general government sector. International general government reporting standards are set out in IMF papers on government finance statistics. The transition to these standards implies a significant change in the content of budget revenues and expenditures as economic categories. These changes are primarily related to differences in the principles of cash and accrual accounting. The cash method involves the use of the following concepts: recognition of transactions at the time of receipt or payment of funds; revenues are funds received at the disposal of state authorities and local self-government; expenses are money spent on financial security tasks and functions of the state; financial result: excess of cash receipts over cash withdrawals.

The content of these concepts according to the accrual method is as follows: recognition of transactions at the time of occurrence or change in the economic value of assets or liabilities; income is transactions that increase the net worth of assets; expenses are transactions that reduce the net worth of assets; financial result: the difference between assets and liabilities, i.e., net asset value. Thus, the transition from the cash method of accounting to accounting at the place of accrual causes the following changes in the main categories of budget statistics: the concept of "stock" (balances) of non-financial, financial assets arises , balances of obligations; the content of income and expenses determines only those current operations that affect the change in the net asset value: income leads to an increase, and expenses - to a decrease in the net asset value. With this definition, income does not include proceeds from the sale of non-financial and financial assets, for example, the sale of land, equipment, due to the fact that such operations are associated only with the modification of assets: from non-financial (fixed assets) assets are transferred to financial (funds on accounts ). Similarly, neither the acquisition of fixed assets, nor the creation of assets, nor operations with budget credits and loans are included in expenses. The balance of income (net of expenses) is the amount equivalent to the change in net asset value due to transactions with non-financial and financial assets and obligations. Obviously, the introduction of these changes involves the reorganization of the entire system of budget accounting. Measures envisaged by the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to improve the Chart of Accounts will allow, on the basis of asset and liability classification codes at the beginning of the reporting period, to account for flows that (in the process of budget execution) change the corresponding assets and liabilities, and to determine the volume of assets and liabilities at the end reporting period.

The purpose of the reporting system in the GFS format is to ensure the formation of an information base that allows not only to monitor the correctness of spending budget funds and to facilitate the identification and evaluation of the impact on the economy of government economic policies, as well as to identify the long-term sustainability of these measures. For example, public policies will not be sustainable in the long run if they lead to a significant decline in the net value of public assets. From the point of view of external users, it is important that, firstly, GFS data are closely related to other macroeconomic statistical systems (national accounts, balance of payments, monetary and financial statistics), and, secondly, they allow assessing the financial soundness of the public sector. management by the same methods that are usually applied to other organizations in the economy of a given country. State corporations (organizations) may carry out the operations of government bodies at the behest of the state units to which they belong. This activity can take various forms. Directly, a state corporation (organization) can carry out specific operations to perform certain functions of government bodies, for example, provide loans to certain parties at below market rates or supply electricity to individual consumers at reduced tariffs. More generally, however, a public corporation (organization) may pursue fiscal policy by hiring more workers than required, acquiring excess inputs, paying above market prices for inputs, or selling a significant share of its output at below market prices. , at which the market price would be if only private producers were involved in this activity. To improve the efficiency of fiscal analysis, the IMF Guide recommends that public sector statistics be maintained along with general government statistics. The formation of a system of indicators for the public sector as a whole is a special stage in the transition in the Russian GFS to the international standard. The IMF Manual emphasizes that the GFS statistical framework can be applied to both sectors, regardless of the chosen coverage of institutional units.

16.2. Indicators of state budget statistics

The budget is a form of formation and spending of a fund of funds intended for financial support of the tasks and functions of the state and local self-government.

The tasks of state budget statistics are as follows: to characterize the structure and ratio of income and expenditure; budget balance analysis; accounting for operations with the funds of the Stabilization Fund; reflection of proceeds from borrowing and expenses for servicing and repaying state or municipal debt; study of the relationship between state budget revenues and the most important macroeconomic indicators; forecasting of revenues and expenditures of the state budget.

Information support of state budget statistics is regulated by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

All budget revenues, sources of financing the budget deficit, budget expenditures, as well as operations carried out in the process of budget execution, are subject to budget accounting, which is based on a single chart of accounts. Budget accounting is organized by the body executing the budget. The Unified Chart of Accounts for Budgetary Accounting is established by the Government Russian Federation. Reporting on the execution of the budget by the deadlines for submission can be: operational; quarterly; semi-annual; annual. A unified methodology for reporting on budget execution is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The authorized executive body submits quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on budget execution to the representative body and the relevant controlling body, as well as to the Federal Treasury. Municipalities submit information on the execution of local budgets to institutions Federal Service state statistics. The execution of the federal budget is carried out on the basis of the reflection of all operations and funds of the federal budget in the system of balance accounts of the Federal Treasury. The Federal Treasury registers all transactions related to the receipt of revenues and receipts from sources of financing the federal budget deficit, as well as the authorization and financing of federal budget expenditures, in the General Ledger of the Federal Treasury.

The data of the General Ledger of the Treasury are the basis for the formation of reports on the execution of the federal budget.

In order to draw up a draft budget for the next financial year, the following documents and materials must be prepared: a forecast of the socio-economic development of the relevant territory for the next financial year; the main directions of the budgetary and tax policy of the respective territory for the next financial year; forecast of the consolidated financial balance of the development of the relevant territory for the next financial year.

The initial macroeconomic indicators for drawing up the draft budget are: the volume of gross domestic product for the next financial year; the growth rate of gross domestic product in the next financial year; inflation rate (price growth rate) (December of the next financial year to December of the current one). The statistics of the state budget covers all levels of the budget system: the consolidated budget, the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local budgets. Consolidated budget - a set of budgets of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation. The consolidated budget of the Russian Federation consists of the federal budget and the consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The federal budget is developed and approved in the form of federal laws. The budget of the subject of the Russian Federation ( regional budget) - a form of formation and spending of funds intended to ensure the tasks and functions related to the subjects of the jurisdiction of the subject of the Russian Federation. The budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the set of budgets of municipalities located on its territory constitute the consolidated budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The budget of the municipality (local budget) is a form of formation and spending of funds intended to ensure the tasks and functions assigned to the jurisdiction of local government.

The budget of any level consists of income and expenses. Budget revenues - funds received free of charge and irrevocably in accordance with the budgetary, tax and customs legislation of the Russian Federation at the disposal of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. Budget revenues are generated from tax and non-tax types of income, as well as from gratuitous transfers; incomes of targeted budgetary funds are taken into account separately. Currently included in certain categories budget revenues are allocated: tax revenues - corporate income tax, taxes on goods and services, license and registration fees, value added tax, payments for the use of natural resources, mineral extraction tax, etc .; non-tax revenues: income from the use of state or municipal property, from paid services provided budget institutions administered respectively federal bodies executive power, executive power bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies; funds received as a result of the application of measures of civil, administrative and criminal liability, including fines, confiscations, compensations, as well as funds received in compensation for harm caused to the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, and other amounts of forced withdrawal; income in the form of financial assistance received from the budgets of other levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation, with the exception of budget loans and budget loans; other non-tax income. On the basis of this classification, the structure of the revenue part of the budget is studied, and a system of macroeconomic indicators is formed. Indicators of state budget revenues:


Analytical value

1. The ratio of budget revenues to GDP

Characterizes the redistribution processes in the country through government intervention

2. Share of income of different levels in the consolidated budget

Characterizes the development of interbudgetary relations

3. The ratio of tax revenues to GDP

Characterizes the tax intensity of GDP

4. The share of tax revenues of budgets of different levels in the revenues of the consolidated budget

Used in solving budget equalization problems

5. The ratio of tax revenues to population

Used as an indirect assessment of the standard of living of the population

6. Share of lost tax revenues in total tax revenues

Performs a control function

Budget expenditures are funds allocated for financial support of the tasks and functions of the state and local self-government. The formation of budget expenditures of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation is based on uniform methodological foundations, standards for minimum budgetary security, financial costs for the provision of public services established by the Government of the Russian Federation. State budget expenditures are classified differently, depending on the purpose and direction of investment. The basis for the functional classification of the budget is the classification of all government expenditures by COFOG functions in the system of national accounts. The main categories of COFOG are: public services of a general nature, activities and services in the field of defense, public order and security, education and health, leisure and culture, other economic activities and services.

The classification of state budget expenditures can be presented as follows:

Types of classification

Purpose of classification


Delimits the target areas of financing of state activities in accordance with the main functions of the state



  • current expenditures (expenditures on goods and services, interest payments, subsidies and other current transfer payments);
  • capital expenditures (part of budget expenditures that ensures innovation and investment activities, including the acquisition of fixed capital, goods for stockpiling, land acquisition and intangible assets, capital transfers).

Allows you to assess the influence of the state on the process of expanded reproduction


Reflects the distribution of funds by ministries and the most important departments. Allows you to control changes in the structure of costs associated with ongoing reforms in the country's management system

The result of the financial activity of government bodies is determined on the basis of a comparison of the revenue and expenditure parts of the budget: if revenues exceed expenditures, then there is a surplus; If revenues are less than expenditures, then there is a budget deficit. Statistical indicators, the calculation of which involves a comparison of budget revenues and expenditures, are formed in accordance with such principles of the budget system as the principle of budget balance and the principle of general (aggregate) coverage of expenses. The principle of a balanced budget means that the volume of budgeted expenditures must correspond to the total volume of budget revenues and receipts from sources of financing its deficit. The principle of general (aggregate) coverage of expenditures means that all budget expenditures must be covered by the total amount of budget revenues and receipts from sources of financing its deficit. The classification of sources of financing the budget deficits of the Russian Federation is a grouping of borrowed funds attracted to cover it.

Sources of financing the federal budget deficit are divided into internal and external. Internal sources - loans received by the Russian Federation from credit institutions in the currency of the Russian Federation, government loans carried out by issuing securities on behalf of the Russian Federation; budget credits (budget loans) received from the budgets of other levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation; payments to repay the principal amount of debt on received and used loans, on government securities; proceeds from the sale of state-owned property of the Russian Federation; the amount of excess of revenues over expenditures on state stocks and reserves; change in the balances of funds on accounts for the accounting of federal budget funds in the currency of the Russian Federation. External sources - government loans in foreign currency by issuing securities on behalf of the Russian Federation; loans from foreign governments, banks and firms, international financial institutions provided in foreign currency, attracted by the Russian Federation, changes in balances of budget funds in bank accounts in foreign currency, as well as exchange rate differences.

The characteristic of the overall result of activity is supplemented by the calculation of relative indicators of the state budget deficit:


Analytical value

1. Coefficient of coverage of budget expenditures by its revenues (ratio of budget revenues to expenditures)

It is used when forecasting expenses, the amount of which may be dependent on budget revenues and the level of its deficit

2. The ratio of the budget deficit and its expenditures (revenues)

Describe the level of deficiency

3. Ratio of the budget deficit and GDP

Describes the financial situation of the country. It is generally accepted that the financial situation of the country is considered normal if this ratio does not exceed 3%.

Further statistical analysis of the activities of government bodies includes classifications and characteristics of public debt. Data on the external debt of the economy are of fundamental importance for the analysis of its resilience to external influences. According to international methodology, external debt at the reporting date is the unpaid amount of current unconditional obligations of residents to non-residents, which requires the payment of interest and / or principal in the future. The debt of all sectors of the economy to non-residents is taken into account, regardless of the type of currency in which this debt is denominated. Debt on traded instruments is adjusted for secondary market transactions between residents and non-residents and covers only liabilities to the latter. This approach ensures the comparability of data on external debt with other macroeconomic systems within the country (balance of payments, international investment position, system of national accounts) and at the international level.

16.3. Tax revenues and their structure. System of indicators of the state and dynamics of taxation

Tax revenues include federal, regional and local taxes and fees provided for by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as penalties and fines. The basis for the statistical study of tax revenues of the budget is provided for in tax code RF definition general conditions establishment of taxes and fees. The tax is considered established only when the taxpayers and elements of taxation are determined, namely: the object of taxation, the tax base, the tax period, tax rate, the procedure for calculating the tax, the procedure and deadline for paying the tax. These issues are considered in relation to specific fees and thus predetermine the types of statistical classification of taxes and fees. Thus, each tax has an independent object of taxation: transactions for the sale of goods (works, services), property, profit, income, the cost of goods sold, work performed, services rendered, or another object that has cost, quantitative or physical characteristics, with the presence of which taxpayer legislation binds the occurrence of the obligation to pay tax. Statistical study of the effectiveness of the taxation system includes an analysis of the structure and dynamics of debt on taxes and fees. As part of the debt, there are: arrears (the amount of tax and fee not paid within the period established by law); deferred payments; suspended payments. When studying the dynamics of indicators of taxes and fees, it is necessary to take into account the possible incompatibility of the levels of the corresponding dynamic range due to changes in regulations on individual elements of taxation, as well as in connection with inflation. Macroeconomic analysis of the impact of taxes on the results of economic activity involves the use of appropriate classifications of the system of national accounts. Taxes in the SNA include current and one-time (capital). Current taxes include taxes on production and imports, and taxes on income and property.


The formation of a system of indicators of financial statistics based on international standards will require a significant transformation of domestic statistics of the state budget, and in particular, the harmonization of the classifications and indicators discussed above with the fundamental concepts of the system of national accounts of 1993, as well as with others. international systems macroeconomic indicators such as the balance of payments and monetary statistics. The implementation of these tasks will significantly expand the system of indicators, increase their analytical capabilities, integrating indicators of flows and stocks in connection with the transition to assessing the performance of the public administration sector on an accrual basis.

Questions for self-examination

  1. What determines the information base of state budget statistics?
  2. What relative indicators characterize budget revenues?
  3. What features are used to classify budget expenditures?
  4. What indicators characterize the balance of the budget?
  5. What information is used to prepare a budget proposal?
  6. What distinguishes the reporting of government finance statistics, according to the requirements of the IMF?
  7. What classifications of taxes are used in statistics?
  8. What indicators characterize the state of the tax system?


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