Rsa return to KBM under compulsory insurance. Instructions for restoring the KBM are the correct statement in the RSA. Procedure for filing a complaint


Currently, a huge number of accidents involving vehicles occur on the roads of our country. In order to somehow protect himself in an accident, the driver needs to take out an insurance policy.

Every year, more and more motorists are wondering how to restore the MTPL discount. This is due to the fact that when renewing a car license, the cost of the policy is calculated without taking into account the discount. This is a rather unpleasant situation, especially if the driver has a long continuous accident-free record and the discount reaches 50 percent.

Burning out accumulated bonuses may seem like a hopeless situation, however, there are several ways in which you can restore your CBM ( bonus-malus coefficient). This article will tell you about this and much more.

Why might the KBM be calculated incorrectly?

Before we talk about how to restore the MTPL discount (Rosgosstrakh offers it to its clients), you first need to understand the main reasons why the calculation may be incorrect. This will significantly simplify the process of restoring the discount and save a lot of time.

All information about insurance experience and previous policies are stored in a single electronic AIS database, which is under the jurisdiction of the RSA. When making changes to the database and updating data about a specific driver, various errors may be made, which will cause an incorrectly calculated car insurance discount.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons for the decrease in BMF, among which the most common are:

  1. or data about an individual.
  2. The insurer did not transmit information about the driver to the RSA.
  3. Mistakes made by the insurance agent when filling out the policy.
  4. Changes in the insurance program.
  5. Interruption of accident-free experience.
  6. Allowing multiple drivers to drive a car.

Regardless of the reason for the expiration of insurance points, each driver can return the overpayment under MTPL and restore the discount in one of several ways, which will be discussed a little later, but for now we should consider each reason in more detail.

Replacement of driver's license or personal data

One of the frequently asked questions from many drivers is: “How to restore the MTPL discount after replacing your license?” And this is not surprising, because every motorist has changed his driver’s license at least once in his life. Each document is assigned an individual number, which must be entered into a single electronic database. If this is not done, then insurance history is reset to zero, and you will not receive any discount when applying for a policy. The same applies to changing your last name.

The insurer did not transfer the necessary information about the client to the RSA

Employees are people just like you and me, therefore, due to their negligence, inattention or other human factors, they may not transmit data about the policyholder to the AIS. A similar situation may arise during the liquidation of an insurance company. How to restore the MTPL discount (Rosgosstrakh offers its clients this opportunity) will be discussed a little later.

Incorrectly completed insurance policy

Even the slightest mistake made when filling out insurance contract, can lead to a return of the BMR to the base value. This is due to the fact that if incorrect data is entered into the policy, they will also end up in the AIS, as a result of which the driver will be perceived as a completely different person.

Permission for several persons to drive a car

This situation concerns mainly corporate transport, which is used by several company employees. In this case, when applying for an MTPL policy, the smallest size of the CBM will be taken into account.

Changing the insurance program or interrupting accident-free experience

If the driver has not been involved in a traffic accident for one full year, he is awarded insurance points that provide a discount when renewing the policy. If the insurance program has been changed or the driver has not driven a car for more than one year, then all accumulated points will expire and the KBM will be reset to zero. How to restore discounts in this case? Unfortunately, no way.

Is it worth restoring insurance points?

The size of the discount depends on many factors, the main ones being the accident-free driving period and the number of accidents involving the driver. If the owner of a car regularly gets into accidents, then when registering insurance policy he is assigned a coefficient of 2.45. It follows from this that you have to pay for your insurance vehicle he will have to pay almost 2.5 times more than the average driver.

If a car owner follows the speed limit and traffic rules, and does not get into an accident, then over time he can accumulate insurance points, which will allow him to receive an almost 50% discount on insurance services.

Thus, the question of how to restore the MTPL discount in Rosgosstrakh is very relevant these days, since KBM allows you to significantly save on motor vehicle insurance. In addition, if the insurer incorrectly calculated the coefficient for previous policies, then when the points are restored, the driver will receive compensation.

Basic methods for restoring KBM

So, you contacted your insurance company to renew your policy and discovered that it had gone up in price. What to do in this case, and how to restore the MTPL discount? VSK offers its clients assistance, others insurance companies- Same. The first thing you should do is calm down, because there is nothing wrong with this.

You can return your previous discount by:

  • filing an application with the Investigative Committee;
  • appeals to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • drawing up

Each method has certain nuances, so it is necessary to dwell on each of them in more detail.

through the insurer

Many drivers are interested in the question: “How to restore the MTPL discount after replacing your license?” The simplest and in a fast way will contact your insurer. Current legislation obliges insurance companies to consider all complaints and customer requests related to compulsory motor liability insurance.

In this regard, the websites of most insurance companies even have a special section where you can file a complaint online. You will need to attach scanned copies of the previous policy or a certificate certifying that the client has no insured events, issued by the insurer, to the form. If there is no access to the Internet, then you can write a statement in writing and send it by registered mail to the physical address of the company. The application must be submitted in two copies, and photocopies of the above documents must also be attached.

The secretary will have to register the application in a special journal, and put a registration number and stamp on one of the applications, and then send it by mail to the client. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the insurance company has 10 days during which it must determine the problem of combustion of CBM and solve this problem. How can you restore your MTPL discount if a year has passed, you ask? Unfortunately, this case does not provide for the possibility of restoring the KBM.

What to do if the insurance company has been liquidated?

If the insurer with whom you took out an insurance policy no longer operates, then you can restore the KBM through the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the RSA. You will learn further about the procedure for applying and submitting documents to these authorities.

Submitting an application to the Central Bank

How to restore a discount under OSAGO through Central Bank RF? It’s very simple, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that this authority considers only those applications from citizens that were filed under compulsory motor liability insurance that expired no more than one year ago.

To restore the KBM, you need to go to the Internet reception of the Central Bank and fill out an online form, entering all the necessary information and indicating “Incorrect calculation of the KBM” as the reason. It will also be necessary to attach a scanned copy of the previous policy or a certificate confirming the absence of insurance payments to the form. This method is very convenient, since the driver will receive notifications about the status of his application by email. The time it takes for the Central Bank to make a decision can take up to 30 days, during which representatives of the authority will check the relevance of the information provided by the driver, determine the cause of the problem and make a final decision.

Now you know how to restore the MTPL discount. Alfa insurance and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation help solve this problem according to the same principle. If suddenly for some reason an appeal to these authorities does not bring any results, then you should file a complaint with the RSA, which is the most powerful tool in solving this problem.

Contact RSA

RCA is one of the most influential organizations in the world of automobile insurance. It can not only put significant pressure on insurance companies, but also deprive them of their license, which is what every insurer is afraid of. Therefore, at the mention of just the name of this authority, any insurer will strive with all its might to solve the client’s problem. It is worth noting that RSA does not have the right to make any changes to the unified electronic database, since this is the responsibility of insurance companies.

So, how to restore discounts on compulsory motor liability insurance in RSA? On the official Internet resource of this authority is provided detailed instructions on the procedure for restoring discounts under the MTPL policy. There you can also find the relevant application form and contacts for advice.

Restoring KBM through an insurance broker

This method of restoring insurance points is not the most successful, but it cannot be completely ruled out. Motorists prefer to avoid these companies as they charge a commission for their services. However, they work very quickly and can help you restore your MTPL discount in 1 day. The only exception will be if you have previously been involved in a traffic accident in which you yourself were the culprit.

Contacting will be justified if you do not have the time to independently restore the KBM for a civil license, and the accumulated points provide a really big discount. Otherwise, you will pay significantly more for the company's services than you will save on insurance.

Restoring KBM via the Internet

Nowadays you can decide via the Internet various questions, so many motorists are interested in the question of how to restore the MTPL discount without leaving their own home.

On the World Wide Web you can find many online services, including both paid and free ones, which allow you to quickly and easily restore the KBM. All that is required of you is to fill out a special form and attach scanned copies of the necessary documents to it. However, you should be very careful when choosing, because recent years There are a lot of cybercriminals out there.

What documents may be needed to restore the KBM?

To regain your rightful insurance discount, earned through years of accident-free driving, you must submit certain documents. The most important of these are last year's insurance policies. If for any reason you cannot find them, then in this case you will need to contact the insurer and ask him to provide a certificate certifying the absence of insured events.

In some cases, the insurer may ask you for a certificate from the traffic police about the absence of offenses, so in order for the recovery process to go as quickly as possible, it is worth obtaining it in advance. However, there is one small nuance here. The thing is that the traffic police is not obliged to provide such certificates, so everything depends on the loyalty of the law enforcement officer.

It would be a good idea to take screenshots from the RSA website, as well as photocopies technical passport for the vehicle, driver's license and inspection certificate. Having copies of all of these documents can greatly speed up and simplify the application review process.


So, now you know how to restore the MTPL discount. This article discussed all the methods for solving problems with car insurance that exist today. As practice shows, in most cases everything ends with contacting the insurance company. After all, despite the fact that insurers are very reluctant to accept applications from their clients, nevertheless, no one wants to pay a large fine or lose their license. However, if suddenly for some reason the insurance company was unable to solve the problem of incorrect calculation of the coefficient, then you can always contact higher authorities.

Used since the introduction of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance. Initially, information about drivers was accumulated by insurance companies - and when calculating the cost of the next policy, they were guided by their own data. If the policyholder did not change the company, the discount for accident-free driving increased every year. When changing companies, the policyholder had to take a break-even certificate under the previous contract - otherwise there would be no discount. True, almost no one did this, since at that time the MTPL policy was inexpensive, and the discounts were pitiful.

In 2013, RSA launched a special information system (AIS RSA), which began to accumulate all information about policyholders transmitted by insurers, including payments made. And from July 2014, he obliged insurance companies to use only this data when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance. It turned out that many drivers lost their discounts for accident-free driving, and here’s why.

How does this work

When the policy expires, the driver (if the number of those allowed to drive is limited) or the owner (if the policy is unlimited) is assigned a certain class, which reflects how carefully the person drives. Each class (there are fifteen in total) has its own KBM. The higher the class, the less the policyholder will pay for insurance (see table).

The current system is downright predatory. For each accident-free year, insurers give us only a 5% discount. Maximum - 50%. But to do this, you need to avoid getting into an accident for eleven years. If you slip up even once, the price of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy for the next year will increase significantly. For example, you drove for five years without an accident, and in the sixth year you hit another car. This means that when you sign up for your next policy, instead of a 30% discount (KBM 0.7; class 9), you will receive only 10% (KBM 0.9; class 5). And if more than three accidents happened due to your fault, the BMC will be 2.45. If you have not insured your vehicle for more than a year, the discount is canceled - the BMR becomes equal to one.

Add a driver to your policy bad story- and the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance will be calculated taking into account its CBM (that is, the worst). A reason to think about who to let behind the wheel of your car. If the MTPL policy has no limit on the number of persons allowed to manage it, the KBM is tied to the owner. When concluding such an agreement, no deductions are allowed (the BMR is equal to one), and the increase in discounts will begin only from next year, subject to insurance of the same car.

Even in theory, such a system of discounts benefits primarily insurers and, to a lesser extent, drivers. And in practice, in addition, the majority of the KBM is incorrect - and not in favor of the driver.

Correcting errors

Insurers want to make more money, and this is how they do it. For example, you changed your passport or license. The insurance company enters information into the database using new documents and offers to buy insurance... with a BMR equal to one - as for a beginner. Formally, you can’t find fault, because the driver’s data in the AIS RSA is identified according to several criteria: full name, driver’s license and passport details. A conscientious insurer should ask you about replacing documents in order to link you to the previous data, maintaining the KBM. But who would refuse extra money? And they do not refuse, citing poor performance of the AIS RSA database. Therefore, if you change your documents, notify your insurance company. And be sure to check whether new data has been entered and whether your accident-free coefficient has been preserved.

Another option: when concluding the OSAGO contract, your last name or driver’s license number was written incorrectly. The system will not recognize you - and again you will not be given any discount. When concluding a contract, carefully check the data: if you see an error, write an application to the insurer to make changes. You will not see the correct KBM even if the insurer incorrectly entered your data into the AIS RSA database. It’s easy to check the KBM: enter your full name, date of birth and driver’s license number on the RSA website.

Sometimes the insurer, citing a broken system, assigns an initial CBM to the policyholder, although no payments have been made due to the fault of this driver for many years. Here you will have to suffer. If an error in determining the driver’s class was made before the introduction of AIS RSA, you need to contact each insurance company where you entered into previous agreements, obtain a certificate of accident-free status, and then write an application to the current insurer to recalculate the price of the MTPL policy. Those who fail to obtain such certificates (the insurance company has gone bankrupt or the data has not been saved) will not be able to restore justice. If the insurer announces an inflated CBM, and the old MTPL policy expires the other day, buy the policy at the offered price, but ask the insurer to make changes. If the claims are justified (for example, you can attach a printout from the RSA website to the application), the insurance company is obliged to recalculate the cost of insurance and return the overpayment.

Punish the culprits!

As the RSA explained to us, insurers are punished for every mistake. But I'm afraid that the punishment is purely formal. Otherwise, why is the scheme still working one way? For almost two years, the system has been tested on policyholders and they pay for its debugging from our pockets - and so far to no avail. My colleague, for example, achieved the maximum discount on KBM, but when concluding the next contract, it turned out that KBM had increased again, because another insurance company had made new changes to the base. And what - everything is all new again? How long will this confusion continue?

For the money that motorists have already overpaid and continue to overpay (for various reasons) for compulsory motor insurance, you can as soon as possible bring the system back to normal operating condition. Naturally, this is unprofitable for insurers. And it is not at all natural that RSA behaves so passively. Apparently, the Union of Automobile Insurers has forgotten whose interests they are called upon to protect.

There are such unpleasant situations when, when you take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, you realize that it costs much more than it did last year.
Moreover, the situation becomes unpleasant precisely because old insurance is coming to an end, and the change is reported upon registration with the insurance company. So you need restore KBM

What to do?

It is necessary to restore your previous level of BMR so as not to overpay for the policy more than necessary.

How to return the previous value of KBM?

There are two ways: fast and long

A quick way to restore KBM

If your insurance runs out just the other day, we recommend that you use our KBM restoration service. You only need to pay for the service in the amount of 450 rubles and indicate your data:

  • passport series and number
  • phone number
  • date of birth
  • series and serial number
  • e-mail

24 hours after submitting your application, your BMR level will be restored to its previous value. And since we work through the RSA database, all changes will be visible when applying for an MTPL policy the very next day. And this will help you get insurance faster without unnecessary hassle.

Long way to restore KBM

It is suitable for those who have time to collect the necessary documents and go to the insurance company.

What should you do to restore the KBM yourself?

  1. First, you need to determine from what moment, namely from which policy and which company the BMI was reset or changed. To do this, on the KBM check page, using several requests, we determine the changes in the KBM by month for several years until we find the desired policy.
  2. We save requests for changes to your BMR for several years in electronic form for subsequent sending of a complaint to the insurance company (we determine the dates of the requests and which insurance company changed the discount: this can be seen from the request - let’s say you had a BMR of 06/01/2018 = 0.6, and 06/02/2018 became 1.0).
  3. It is advisable to find old insurance policies from two or three years ago, you can even find those policies where you are listed as the driver of other cars: in them you can find in special notes what vehicle or class you had. Make copies of everything you find.
  4. Next, you need to send a complaint to the insurance company, RSA and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. For a complete set, you can also send complaints to the Consumer Protection Society, Rospotrebnadzor, FAS, but this is not necessary. If the insurance company went bankrupt, then only in the RSA and the Central Bank.
  1. We are waiting for a response to your email within a month. If they don’t answer, then the next step is only court.
  2. If several policies have already passed since the CBM was reset different companies, you will have to repeat everything for each subsequent company along the entire chain after correcting the KBM of the previous one.

I restored the KBM. What to do next?

Make changes according to the CBM to all current policies. This is important! Even if this does not affect the cost of the MTPL policy. If this is not done, after the end of the policy, your restored KBM will be lost. To do this, contact your insurance company (or several, if you have several policies from different insurance companies) and write “Application for amendments to the policy due to incorrectly applied CBM.” To be sure, you can print the result of the KBM query in advance

Every car owner is required to insure his liability and purchase. For each year of renewal of the policy, the driver must be given a discount of 5 percent.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

The main thing is for the driver to avoid road accidents. The discount on the cost of the policy is called, that is, KBM, which is checked against the RSA database. However, the presence in this case does not have any significance.

Losing a discount can happen due to many reasons. And there are several ways to restore it. Unless, of course, the loss of such an advantage was not due to the fault of the driver himself (for example, etc.).

There are certain rules that must be followed in order not to lose the accumulated bonus when changing your driver's license.

Reasons for change

In case of loss, theft or change of driver's license, the car owner is issued new document. The reason for the change could be any.

When taking out a policy, the client of the insurance company provides its employees with a new driver’s license with a changed series and number.

When an insurance company operator enters changed data on a new document, it turns out that the data that was there before changing the driver’s license was not transferred to the insurance companies’ database.

Updated: 07/29/2019 5326

How to restore KBM - 3 ways. Step by step instructions

Hello, dear readers! I am with you again, Ilya Kulik, and today I will tell you how to restore the KBM of your vehicle.

After a two-fold increase in compulsory motor insurance tariffs on the bonus-malus coefficient (BMC), drivers began to pay much more attention than before, when insurance was almost cheap. Now, most motorists take the CBM discount into account in their budget and, accordingly, make more efforts to increase their insurance class.

However, often, after the next insurance, when replacing rights and in some other cases, the value of the BMR, after re-checking it, turns out to be unreasonably inflated, which automatically increases the cost of the policy.

This is of no use to you, is it?

With the help of the tips from this publication, you can restore the KBM points you are entitled to and even get back the money unfairly overpaid to insurers.

Sometimes drivers, when renewing their car license, discover that the payment amount has unreasonably increased, and the discount does not correspond to the accrued class and KBM: it has not increased to the expected value, has sharply decreased or disappeared altogether.

In this regard, in advance, you should know that since July 2014, information on the previous insurance period, for the correct calculation of the driver's insurance class and insurance class, is taken exclusively from a database common to all insurance companies (IC).

AIS RSA database (Automated information system Russian Union of Auto Insurers) may contain data inaccuracies of various origins, leading to subsequent incorrect calculations.

But you should keep in mind that most often the driver simply misunderstands the principles of calculating the KBM - which is not a real error, but a misunderstanding. That is, if an error is suspected, the policyholder should not exclude himself from the circle of suspected causes. After all human factor always something to consider, right?

Possible reasons for reducing discounts that are not related to errors

Registration of unlimited compulsory motor liability insurance

You should know that if the previous insurances were ordinary (with a limited list of drivers), then according to the established rules, all previously accumulated insurance points are taken into account only if the same vehicle (V) is used.

That is, when applying for this insurance, the full name of the driver and his vehicle (make/model, VIN code, etc.) must completely match those indicated in previous policies. In this case, you will retain your class and KBM. Otherwise (for example, when buying a new car), your class will be reset to standard third (KBM = 1).

Permit to drive multiple vehicles

If the driver is included in other MTPL policies, then his accumulated points may not be taken into account in accordance with their values ​​if they are higher than someone else’s points indicated in the same policy.

Different policies, even those belonging to the same driver for different cars, may have different discount points (KBM, classes), depending on what points the registered drivers have.

The general rule: in an insurance with several drivers allowed to drive, the BMC value is taken from the driver who has the lowest. Today, with the introduction of a common AIS base, it will not be possible to hide the presence of a driver being included in another insurance (for example, by changing the insurer).

Let me give you an example: A husband and wife each have a car. The spouse has a BMR value of 0.5 (maximum), while the wife has only 0.95. The wife is included in her husband's insurance. Therefore, the cost of the policy for the spouse and his car will be calculated in accordance with the spouse’s BMR - equal not to 0.5, but to 0.95.

Interruption of insurance period and making changes to the policy

As you know, driving insurance experience is accrued based on the continuity of accident-free driving (for a full 12 months) and a break in it for more than a year leads to the reset of accumulated insurance points.

Insurance points increase by 5% discount annually (subject to trouble-free driving), but this increase is not accrued when purchasing insurance for a period of less than 12 months and when making changes to the policy (for example, allowing another driver to drive a vehicle).

Typical causes of most errors

Changing your driver's license

This is a very common reason leading to incorrect calculation of points by the insurer. The blame here lies mostly with the driver, since the license is a personal document, with all the attendant responsibility.

Most often, women change their license (when they change their last name), and they usually forget to follow the rule: if the driver changes his license, he is obliged to notify his insurer about this. Oh these women...

As a result, during the next insurance with a new insurer, the information provided will lead to a discrepancy with the old ones available in the RSA database.

And this will not even just lead to an error, but in general to a completely legal start of a new insurance history, since according to AIS RSA, this driver will be considered a different person.

Liquidation of an insurance company

If the insurance company is liquidated (for example, due to bankruptcy, license revocation, etc.) before it transferred your data to the AIS system, then, naturally, there will be a gap in the insurance history, which can lead to the loss of points.

Entering your data into the AIS database must be done on mandatory basis at the end of each insurance year and this is the prerogative of the insurers, and not the RSA, which is only an insurance arbiter.

Of course, anything can happen over the course of a year, including the liquidation of your insurance company, which may be negligent in the termination procedure and not send the available information to the AIS.

Human factor

And these are the real mistakes made by insurance agents. Here it is critical to correctly fill out personal identifiers: full name, date of birth, etc. Even one wrong letter or number can lead to incorrect or problematic reading of your data by the AIS system.

If you read it incorrectly (this does not happen very often), for example as a result of a distortion of your last name, the AIS may mistake you for another person. And in case of a problem, when the system itself detects any incorrectness or discrepancy, it marks your directory as erroneous.

In both cases, upon subsequent insurance, the points will be reset, so be careful when providing your data to the agent and control this process.

Restoration of KBM

Preliminary actions

There are several ways to restore the KBM. All of them are based on official appeals to various organizations.

But before you make these requests, you need to prepare for them in advance:

  • Collect documents;
  • Determine who made the mistake and when.


You need to collect necessary documents, convert them into electronic scanned copies and print paper versions - they will be needed as attachments to subsequent electronic and postal requests.

Here is a list of the documentation required in this case:

  • Personal passport – scan and photocopy of the first page;
  • Driver's license - full scan and photocopy;
  • Insurance policies - full scan and photocopy of all copies that you have.

If you do not have old policies (they are irretrievably lost in paper and digital form), then be patient and contact each of your insurance companies for the appropriate certificate on the existing contract.

Today they do not have the right to refuse you such an insurance company and are obliged to provide the document within 5 days. These certificates will replace lost policies in the process of restoring the KBM.

Finding the error

You need to try to independently determine which insurer and at what point the mistake was made (at least approximately) - this will significantly speed up the recovery process.

To do this, write down the data you have: the dates of the conclusion of the insurance contract in relation to each of your insurers. Then, on any online service, conduct a check-search for KBM.

In the MTPL policies themselves, the KBM is usually not specified (sometimes the class and KBM are included in special notes, but not always), because of this, it must be determined for each year independently, and verification is needed for each month of each insurance period.

But this is not always required - if you have previously checked the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance using an online calculator every year and know for sure that everything was fine, then the reason for the incorrectness of the insurance points will be the most recent contract.

And if there were no annual inspections, then go through all the periods, starting with the most recent one. If you find an erroneous discrepancy, do not stop and check further - it may not be the only one.

Attention! When making calculations, take into account changes in tariffs for compulsory motor insurance in recent years.

Now you can go directly to restoration of KBM. Are you ready? Then go ahead.

Recovery procedure

The procedure for restoring a KBM today is much easier than before - usually it is enough to contact one, or less often two, organizations. This is due to the strict position in this area of ​​the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which has many powerful levers of pressure on any insurance companies.

Thus, in 2015, Rosgosstrakh was temporarily deprived by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of a license to issue compulsory motor insurance due to non-transparent methods of conducting insurance business and large number complaints from the population.

This serious act has become indicative for all other less significant companies, which are now trying not to cheat, but to honestly deal with it and restore the points allotted to drivers, because there is too much at stake big bet– insurance business license.

Here is the current optimal sequence of calls to organizations for the restoration of KBM:

  1. Contacting an insurance company;
  2. Complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  3. Complaint to RSA;
  4. Additional features.

Let's look at all this in more detail.

Contacting an insurance company

From the above list, the most effective is a complaint to the Central Bank, but note that it is in second place. And this is not without reason, since it is now assumed that the bulk of the problems related to the restoration of the KBM will be solved by the insurers themselves.

Since December 1, 2015, they have been officially charged with the responsibility of considering and solving emerging insurance problems at the request of citizens.

There are serious sanctions for ignoring them. The state has finally taken on a long-standing problem, which is encouraging. Do you agree? Now, to restore the CBM, you can contact your current, or even your chosen future insurance company.

The official website of a decent insurance company should have a special online form for citizens’ requests, including on the issue of restoring the KBM, with the ability to download the necessary documentation in electronic form.

If there is no such form on the website of your insurance company, then send it to them by email. email corresponding statement addressed to general director companies. This application is drawn up in free form, and as a sample you can use the form of a similar application in the RSA, changing the details of the header.

Helpful tip:

At this stage, in order to generate more enthusiasm among insurance company employees, it would not be superfluous to simultaneously send a regular postal request to the physical address of the insurer, with a receipt confirmation and a list of attachments of printouts and documents. Well, it’s worth mentioning in the email that your message is duplicated.

Sample application to the insurance company - .

Complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

If within 30 days there is no decision from the Investigative Committee to which you applied, then you have every right to use “heavy artillery” - filing a complaint with the Central Bank of Russia.

However, please note that the Central Bank will consider your complaint regarding MTPL policies that expired no more than one year ago, although the request of this organization to the IC will concern all the contracts it has in your name.

Step-by-step instructions for filing a complaint through the Central Bank website - 4 simple steps

Step 2

On the page that opens, in the section “ Insurance organizations"Click on the link-subsection "Incorrect use of KBM"

Step 3

In the form that opens, click the “No, proceed to filing a complaint” button and enter pre-prepared data in the appropriate fields: the official name of your insurer, the text of the complaint, date, address of purchase of the policy, region. Upload prepared scans of documents.

Step 4

On the second page, enter your information and contact information.

Your complaint will be considered by the Central Bank service within 10 days (a completely tolerable period). During this time, official requests will be sent to your insurer, which he will not dare ignore.

You can write a complaint in the usual way. Here .

Complaint to RSA

This option is presented as an additional option if for some reason the first two did not work, which rarely happens. It should be understood that this organization, despite the AIS database under its jurisdiction, does not have the right to make changes to it.

But RSA has a very effective set of levers of influence on insurance companies, so it may well force them to fulfill their obligations to policyholders.

For citizens' requests, there is a special page on the official website of the RSA with all the necessary information. There is an email address to which the complaint should be sent and download links.

Additional features

Sometimes, in some rare cases, it may happen that all three of the above methods did not work. Anything can happen, right?

But if you are still confident that you are right, then, with the presence collected documents, official refusal responses, simply postal notifications of delivery of appeals and complaints, you have the right to file a lawsuit.

Alternatively, in parallel, complaints can be sent to Rospotrebnadzor, FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service) and the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights - on the official websites of these organizations there are special pages for citizens’ complaints.

There is another opportunity that is very interesting for many: recently, some insurers, in order to lure their clients, have been offering drivers free restoration of the vehicle at a professional level (if this is legal, of course), subject to the purchase of another MTPL policy from them.

Such services are offered, for example, by St. Petersburg “Osago Spb” and some other companies. Sometimes individual insurance brokers do similar things.

Return of overpaid funds on an incorrect KBM

Well, we sorted out the return of the KBM. But some drivers still have an unpaid debt from insurers in the amount of all misappropriated money for incorrect discounts (or lack thereof). And such a debt is sometimes quite considerable.

Is it possible to demand it from insurers? It turns out that it is possible!

Here's what you need to do to do this:

  • First you need to restore your KBM.
  • If you restored the KBM with the insurer, then you need to additionally ask them to recalculate all payments, determine the amount that they mistakenly owed you and offer to reimburse it. If the company is serious and values ​​​​its reputation, then they will not be too stubborn and everything will pass peacefully.
  • But if at the very beginning you had complications with the insurer and had to involve the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, then from there, after processing your complaint, a notification letter should have been sent to your physical address containing a full recalculation of insurance premiums for the entire period and the final amount to be reimbursed.
  • If your insurer KBM restored it itself, but refused to pay the debt, then write a complaint to the Central Bank and wait for a notification letter.
  • When the notification letter is in your hands, make a copy of it and write an application for the return of the excess portion of the insurance premium in two copies. Here .

Then prepare two packages of documents.

First, you present it to the insurance company:

  • Original notification letter from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • Original application for refund;
  • Your bank details.

The second one you keep for yourself:

  • A certified copy of the notification letter from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • A certified copy of the refund application.

With both packages, go to the insurance company, where each document in the last package (yours) must be certified by the insurance company employee to whom you handed the first package: something like “Accepted the documentation. Position, full name, date and signature.

That's all - the insurer is required by law to return your overpaid cash to the specified account within two weeks.

It is interesting that, according to the experience of some motorists who applied for a refund, they were the first to make such claims (as they were surprised to hear in the Investigative Committee). Probably, people, having returned their points, considered this already a good achievement and did not attempt to go further. That's how things are.

If you want to know additional details about the restoration of the KBM, they are available in this video:

  • When purchasing another MTPL policy, if you have changed your driver’s license during the past year, you must enter a notification about this with the series/number of the old certificate in the “Special notes” field.
  • To prevent insurance managers from making mistakes, allow them to independently rewrite all information from documents, rather than dictate it. Then check that the entered data is correct. This is especially true in cases of insurance by freelance agents.
  • Keep in mind that since 2011, the insurer has no right to deprive you of insurance points, even if all the lost certificates, the data of which can be restored upon appropriate requests.


Now you know that KBM can be restored in three main ways and that now insurance companies are more scrupulous about this than before. You also realized that after the restoration procedure there is no need to be modest and forget about the overpayment amount due for refund.

Maybe some of you have had interesting cases regarding the restoration of KBM OSAGO and would like to tell about them? Then the comments and attention of my blog readers are at your service.

That's all for today, dear motorists. Wait for new useful publications, subscribe to their updates for convenience, press the buttons on social networks and drive your cars carefully, accumulating maximum discounts on KBM!

More on the topic:

Comments to the article: 64


    01.11.2016 | 01:26

    “all previously accumulated insurance points are taken into account only if the same vehicle (vehicle) is used.”

    Wrong. The KBM is not tied to the car, it is tied to the driver.

    “The husband and wife each have a car. The spouse has a BMR value of 0.5 (maximum), while the wife has only 0.95. The husband is included in his wife’s insurance, and if the insurer finds out about this (and if there is an AIS, this is inevitable), then he can decide to change the spouse’s class to the lowest option of the two - 0.95, and this is entirely within his right.”

    Wrong. In this case, the cost of insurance for the lowest class is simply calculated, and nothing more. Higher class KBMs are not leveled to the lowest.

    1. Ilya

      12.12.2016 | 13:23

      Hello, Ilya.

      The first place you indicated does not say that the KBM is tied to the car - you were mistaken.

      In the second case, yes, there is ambiguity, which is well explained in this article: "".

      Thank you for your vigilance, the text will be corrected.

      All the best to you, Ilya.

      1. Artem

        14.06.2017 | 20:11

        You answered that the text will be edited, but six months have passed and it’s still the same. And I still don’t understand why the accumulated discounts are not transferred to the new car? Everything used to change - has something changed recently? Could you point to a provision in the law where this is described?

        1. Igor (Ilya's assistant)

          10.07.2017 | 12:21

          Hello, Artem.

          We will answer you in order.

          First question:

          "Wrong. The KBM is not tied to the car, it is tied to the driver.”

          In what case is this really true? That's right - in case of registration of a classic MTPL. And in what case is the KBM calculated according to the car? That's right - in case of registration of unlimited compulsory motor liability insurance. These are two different forms of motor vehicle license and some of the rules associated with them differ. What is the subtitle of the text from which you took the “erroneous” fragment? That’s right – “Registration of unlimited compulsory motor liability insurance.”

          Second question:

          There were indeed inaccuracies in the example given - they have been corrected. Regarding the delay in this: a resource like the Kulikavto blog (this is only nominally an autoblog, but in fact a serious legally oriented site under development) requires a considerable amount of time, so the administrator does not always have time to correct certain details. In this regard, the management of the resource attracted additional specialists (including me) to process comments, which in itself is a rarity - on most auto sites, problematic sections of the text, unanswered comments, etc. places that require attention have been hanging for years. Therefore, treat these things with understanding.

          Third question:

          I understand that you have a problem with the loss of discounts on KBM when insuring a new car. The KBM is not lost when purchasing a new car, provided that a classic OSAGO is concluded, because in this case the points are calculated based on the driver. Loss of points may be caused by the reasons described in the article - transition to an unlimited form of compulsory motor liability insurance, mistakes of insurers (old and new), change of rights, etc.

          All the best to you, Artem.


          13.11.2017 | 14:02

          Good afternoon! Tell me what documents need to be attached in order for the overpayment to be returned (KBM was restored, a letter was received from the insurance company) by mail. Because if you go to the office it takes a whole day, now there is a new feature in Voronezh, Rosgosstrakh accepts one client for 1.5-2 hours. Thanks in advance.

    Olga Ivanova

    11.11.2016 | 07:30

    Good afternoon Is it possible to restore the KBM if it was mistakenly reset by the insurance company 3 years ago? Now this insurance company no longer exists; it was purchased by another insurance company. The policy in which the reset occurred naturally was not preserved.


    11.11.2016 | 13:38


    01.12.2016 | 21:25

    under an unlimited policy (10 years) kbm 1 is this correct?


    12.12.2016 | 08:55

    “This is especially true in cases of insurance by freelance agents.” It is managers (employees) who most often make mistakes, not agents. Because an agent is, as a rule, an experienced person, or a former employee of the insurance company who began working for himself. And a manager (specialist) is (mostly) a person who is just starting to work in the insurance industry. In my experience, this is usually what happens: first a manager, then a department head, then a deputy, then a director, and then your own agency (or better yet, a broker).


    03.01.2017 | 21:10

    Good evening. In recent years, I have taken out an unlimited MTPL policy at the insurance company MSC and KBM, I had 0.55, but when I came to Rosgosstrakh, I don’t have KBM. What should I do?

    Alla Mikhailovna

    26.01.2017 | 16:27

    Good afternoon, Ilya! When moving from RESO to VSK (due to the lack of forms), there was a gap of 7 days between policies, which is why, according to the explanation of the VSK manager, the preferential KBM was lost. RESO has not contributed anything to the database. But I have all the old policies from 2005 with both insurance companies. Should I contact the current Investigative Committee (VSK) with a complaint and attach scans and copies of documents, or demand that RESO enter the data into the database? Or directly to the Central Bank? Thanks in advance for your answer.


    13.02.2017 | 20:36

    Hello. Ilya, I have a question, the validity period of the insurance policy in Reso was from April 22, 2014 to April 21, 2015. The BMF was 0.70. When she came to the insurance agent, she didn’t find me in the database (I didn’t have the policy with me), although as it now turns out, I was. Due to family circumstances, it was necessary to leave urgently. Since there were only Rosgosstrakh policies, I had to insure there, the validity of the policy from 03/30/2015 to 03/29/2016 Is the KMB lost in this case? If not, how can I return it? Now SK MAKS from 03/30/2016 to 03/29/2017. Thanks in advance.


    14.02.2017 | 07:34

    It was, because the contract was valid from 04/22/2014 to 04/21/2015. (I still have it in my hands.) It’s just that at the time I contacted the agent on March 30, 2015, I didn’t have it with me and I didn’t remember the expiration date of the contract. She didn’t find me in the RSA database. It turns out that the insurance was issued 21 days earlier, only in a different insurance company.


    16.02.2017 | 09:28

    Hello Ilya! Thanks to you, I restored my KBM. The IC office is 200 km from our village.

    To return the overpaid money, I am not able to travel. Can I do this

    via mail or internet and how? And one more thing. From 2015 to 2016 - Rosgosstrakh policy. From 2016 to 2017 - Guardian. Now Reso. Who will return?


    17.03.2017 | 17:25

    Good day! In 07-08 Was class 5. In 08. I bought a new car and another insurance company applied class 3. I missed it (human factor). How can I restore the KBM now if I have all the policies since 03? The current IC could not - the answer is that there is no data in the AIS RSA.?


    18.03.2017 | 11:53

    Hello Ilya! I lost my KBM in 2014 (it’s a murky story) There was no accident through my fault. The entire period of my break according to the RSA analysis was 1 year and 4 months, but for this period I was included in the insurance of my son KBM for both 0.6 (for there is no accident either). Question: Have I saved the KBM? And another question: Was there a regulation or decree on the suspension of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2012, 2014 or 2015 and for what period?


    22.03.2017 | 01:22

    You write that from the Central Bank, where I applied to restore the KBM, there should have been a letter with a full calculation of the debt for insurance overpayments for previous years and with the amount of the overpayment, but they only calculated the insurance for this year. Over the past 10 years, I have been incorrectly charged KBM, and now I would like my money back. Thank you.


    24.03.2017 | 01:59

    Hello, in 2015, the insurance company reset my KBM to zero (I didn’t understand what it was then). Now, despite the fact that I have been driving my KBM 0.95 without accidents for more than 7 years. And the cost of insurance is steep. The insurance company that reset this “MAX” has been insured with Insurance Company Strazh for two years. Is it possible to restore the KBM?


    05.04.2017 | 12:10

    Restored kbm from 1 to 0.6 and class from 3 to 11. Now I bought it new policy Vsk, how to get money back for last year from another insurance company?? Do you need to contact them? And can this be done online? By mail? What is the exact list of documents that need to be submitted?? I restored KBM through VSK


    18.04.2017 | 17:53

    Hello!!! Help me understand the issue. In November 2013 there was an accident, before it the BMR was 0.6, after the accident on the website the next policy they gave me was 0.85. As I understand it, it was because of the accident. From April 2014 to April 2015 I was insured by Rossgorstrakh. This policy is not on the RSA website, or rather it is, but it’s impossible to find it on When insuring in April 2015, I was given KBM 1. Installed by the MSC company. As I understand it, I haven’t had car insurance for a year. How can I restore my KBM?


    04.05.2017 | 11:05

    Hello Ilya. I read your articles regarding the restoration of the KBM. I have been insuring myself with Rosgostrakh for many years, my driving experience is 27 years, my last car is 9 years old, I take out insurance every year, there have never been any insurance payments. At the extreme pole, the BMR is 0.95. I made a request to RSA for KBM, there is information only on the last pole. The insurer Rosgostrakh does not enter information into the RSA and I did not save the old poles. I didn't think they would be needed. What should we do now? How to force the insurer to enter information about poles for previous years and establish the correct BMI?


    05.05.2017 | 20:33

    Good evening! On the RSA website I saw that the kbm was reset to zero in 2013, when I insured the car, namely on April 20, 2013, kbm = 1, before that the insurance contract was from 07.28.2011 to 07.27.2012 and kbm = 0.85 (there was a break from 07.27. .2012 to 04/20/2013 but less than a year).Insurance Service reserve, in which I have been insured since 2008. Last year I bought a new car and had to insure myself with INGOSSTRAKH, kbm = 0.85. This year I was insured again with the Service reserve and the kbm was 0.8, and if it didn’t reset to zero in 2013, it should have been 0.55. And what’s most interesting: I’ve had the policy since 05/12/2017 and if you set this date, then kbm =0.8, but if you set the date earlier than this, then kbm = 0.55! Can I return kbm = 0.55?


    24.06.2017 | 19:48

    Hello! Is it possible to restore the KBM with a certificate from the traffic police? I was insured something like this: 2007-2010 Ingosstrakh (no poles). 2015—2017 consent. I didn’t travel from 2010 to 2015. Ingosstrakh does not issue KBM certificates. rights since 1999.
