Restore the safety factor. How to restore cbm in the rsa database and get a discount on OSAGO. Where to start the restoration of the coefficient


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The most significant coefficient that allows you to get a discount of up to 50% is the bonus-malus coefficient, which is assigned to each driver.

Reasons for canceling the discount

Many drivers, when applying for a motor citizen, are faced with the problem of resetting the KBM.

Assignment to the driver of the third class with a single value of the coefficient can occur for the following reasons:

  1. the driver independently made an incorrect calculation of the parameter. To calculate the value of the coefficient, you need to know:
    • how many years a person has been using vehicles;
    • how many accidents due to the fault of the driver occurred in each insurance period.

    When obtaining rights for the first time, the driver is assigned the third class. Further, the calculation is carried out according to the following scheme using a special table, which reflects all the values ​​of the parameter:

    For example, within 1 year of using the vehicle, the driver did not become the culprit of a traffic accident. For the next insurance period, he will be able to receive a discount on the policy in the amount of 5%, since the value of CBM will decrease from 1 to 0.95, and so on for each year of auto insurance;

  2. The driver was included in several insurance policies as a person allowed to drive. In one of the documents, the insurer canceled the discount for some reason.
  3. Database error. With each policy compulsory car insurance an employee of an insurance company is obliged to enter all information into a single database developed by the PCA (Union of Motor Insurers of Russia). Some unscrupulous employees deliberately distort the base, for example, instead of the letter O, putting the number 0. In the future, the insurer will not be able to find the desired coefficient value based on the specified parameters.

    Deliberate actions to distort information in the database may be regarded by law enforcement agencies as fraud. However, this fact requires a certain evidence base, which is quite problematic.

  4. The insurance company did not transfer information about the insurance policy and drivers to a single database. This situation has recently been extremely rare, since all policies are issued using a computer and the Internet, which leads to automatic sending of data.
  5. An employee of the insurance company deliberately underestimates (conceals) the amount of the discount, which leads to an increase in the agent's commission for the policy sold.
  6. Change of driver's license. Kbm is assigned to a certain person not only by last name, but also by details of a driver's license. If the document is replaced, the discount may be lost.
  7. During the validity period insurance policy there was a change of surname, and the insurance companies did not enter the relevant data into the database.
  8. The insurance company has gone out of business.
  9. Lost or zeroed OSAGO coefficient can be restored. How to do this, read on.

    When is recovery required?

    You can restore the amount of the discount for accident-free driving in any of the above situations.

    The coefficient cannot be restored if:

  • in a certain period of time, the autocitizen was issued with an unlimited number of drivers. In this situation, the coefficient is assigned not to a person, but to a vehicle. When switching to another type of autocitizen, the individual parameter is reset to zero;
  • the driver was not included in more than one policy for a period of more than 1 year. The accident-free driving discount is calculated annually and is valid for the next 12 months. If the driver's experience is interrupted, then the discount is reset to zero.

Required documents

To restore the value of the bonus-malus coefficient, you will need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

  • civil passport of the driver;
  • a valid driver's license;
  • previous mandatory auto insurance policies (if any).

Documents are collected:

  • in a scanned form, if the application for the restoration of the coefficient will be sent via the Internet;
  • in the form of copies, if the application is planned to be sent by registered mail.

If there are no previous insurance policies, then you can:

  • contact in person or online insurance company with which the contract was concluded, in order to obtain a certificate of;

The insurance organization has no right to refuse this request. Certificates on compulsory auto insurance contracts are provided within 5 days from the date of application. When contacting the insurer, it is also necessary to provide a passport and a driver's license

  • find out the moment of loss of the coefficient through the PCA website.

To verify the value of the coefficient, it is necessary to enter information about the driver (full name, date of birth, details of the driver's license) and the date on which you want to find out the coefficient in the provided form (for a correct check, it is recommended to enter the date following the expiration date of the previous insurance contract).

If checking the last insurance contract did not help to find out the error, then you need to change the search date to a year earlier, that is, check the parameters of the previous one.

It is recommended to save the results obtained from each test in order to provide them later as an evidence base.

How to write an application for the restoration of KBM under OSAGO

After finding out the moment of loss of the discount for accident-free driving, it is necessary to submit a written application for the restoration of the parameter.

The application must indicate:

  • the name of the organization to which the document is submitted;
  • Full name, registration address and contact phone number of the person submitting the application;
  • request for changes to the database;
  • series and number of the current insurance policy;
  • grounds for making changes (certificate from the insurance company, previous insurance contract, and so on);
  • a list of documents that is evidence of the facts indicated in the document;
  • Applicant's signature and filing date.

    Where to apply

    An application for the restoration of KBM is first submitted to the insurance company, with which an agreement is currently concluded for.

    From December 1, 2015, only employees of insurance organizations can change the value of a parameter in the database. Previously, the actions in question were carried out directly by the association of motor insurers.

    You can apply to an insurance company:

    • personally at the nearest office of the insurer. On the second copy of the document, the representative of the insurance company is obliged to put a mark on the acceptance of the document for consideration (number of the incoming document, date, signature, seal);
    • by registered mail through Russian Post. A registered letter must be sent with an attached inventory, as copies of personal documents and a receipt are sent. The notification will help the sender to know on what day the letter was received by the insurer;
    • through a special form on the official website of the insurance organization.

    For example, VSK insurance company offers the following application form:

    Terms of consideration

    The insurer has the right to consider the received application within 30 days. After this time, the applicant must receive a response in writing.

    The letter can be sent by mail to the driver's registration address or to an email box.

    If, after the expiration of the specified period, no response is received from the insurance company, the driver has the right to:

    • file a complaint against the insurance company with the PCA;
    • file a complaint with the Central Bank.

    One of the functions of these organizations is to control the activities of insurance companies for compulsory motor insurance.

    To file a complaint with the RSA, you must:

    • send a letter containing the application and attached documents to the address 115093, Moscow, st. Lyusinovskaya, 27 building 3;
    • send documents and an application to an email box ( [email protected]).

    In the application for changing the bonus-malus coefficient, you must specify:

    • Name, address and contact numbers of the applicant;
    • name of the insurance company;
    • details of the application for changing the CBM, which was sent to the insurer;
    • date of birth of the applicant;
    • the series and number of the applicant's driver's license;
    • details of the applicant's civil passport;
    • details of the current and previous (if any) compulsory auto insurance policies.

    You can also file a complaint with the Central Bank via the Internet. For this you need:

    • go to the official website of the organization (cbr ru);
    • on the left side in the column, select "Information on OSAGO";

    • fill out the proposed form in which to indicate: the name of the insurance company, the date of application, the region of residence. In the text of the message, describe the problem in detail, indicating the details of the documents, including the application for the restoration of the discount sent to the insurer;
    • in a special window, upload scanned copies of all documents. If a complaint is sent without supporting it with relevant documents, it will not be considered.
    • The given procedure in 99% of cases helps to restore the value of the bonus-malus coefficient, even if the insurance organization is inactive.

      If the listed actions did not help to achieve justice, then it remains only to go to court with the appropriate statement of claim.

      One of the significant coefficients in calculating the cost of an OSAGO policy is the Bonus-Malus coefficient (MBM). Its size depends on the number of years of accident-free driving of the insured. Right now in Russian insurance there are 15 classes that can be assigned to drivers. Initially, in the absence of experience, the 3rd class is assigned, which is equal to 1. Further, in the absence of accidents, the driver class increases annually and the cost of the policy is reduced by 5%.

      The maximum driver class is 13th, and the maximum discount when issuing a policy is 50%.

      It is important to remember that the discount may be lost or reduced if there was a break in insurance for more than a year, or if you became a participant in an accident for past period insurance. In this case, the MSC will be legally increased and the driver will have to accumulate his discount again.

      However, there are other reasons why your legitimate discount may be lost:

      You have replaced your driver's license due to expiration, loss or change of name;

      The representative of the insurance company made a mistake when issuing the previous policy (incorrectly indicated the year of birth, full name, etc.);

      The insurance company did not submit information to the AIS RSA;

      The insurance company submitted information to the AIS PCA with errors.

      In the above cases, you can restore the KBM in several ways:

      Through an insurance company that made a mistake;

      Through the PCA, by sending a corresponding request;

      Across central bank by submitting a complaint in writing.

      * A period of 30 days is allotted for consideration of documents. During this period, the recipient of the complaint must provide the complainant with a detailed response in writing about the decision taken.

      By using our service: The term for consideration of the application is from 1 to 5 working days.

      After the restoration of the CBM, you have the right to receive an overpaid insurance premium (overpayment) both under the current OSAGO contract and under previous contracts in which the wrong CBM value was applied.

      Important: Deadline limitation period in such cases is 3 years. Accordingly, you can return the overpayment for the last 3 years.

      What do I need to get a refund of an overpayment under a valid policy?

      1. Write an application to the insurance company in free form, but with the obligatory indication of the following data:

      a. personal data of the insured;

      b. the reason for petition;

      c. the amount of the overpaid amount or a request to recalculate;

      d. series, number and date of issue of the OSAGO policy;

      e. series, number of the vehicle registration certificate, state registration plate;

      f. series and number of the old and new driver's license (if it has changed);

      g. indicate the bank details where you want to transfer

      h. date, signature.

      2. Attach copies of the following documents:

      a. a copy of the driver's license on both sides and the passport of the insured;

      b. a copy of the current (valid) OSAGO policy;

      c. details of your account - a printout from the bank;

      d. printout of KBM recovery from PCA:

      3. Send to the office of the insurance company by registered mail with notification. According to the receipt that you will receive when sending a registered letter, you can find out exactly the date when your letter will be delivered to the insurance company:

      Refunds are made within 14 days from the date of application.

      If the insurance company refuses to recalculate you, you have the right to send a complaint to the Central Bank Russian Federation(TSB RF). Also, to return for previous periods, you must adhere to this procedure.


      1. Fill out the Application Form for a refund of an overpayment with documents attached, similar to sending it to an insurance company.

      2. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation sends a request to the insurance company regarding your claim with a request to conduct an audit.

      3. You receive a response from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which will contain all your policies (including expired ones), for which KBM discount under OSAGO and calculations were made for each policy.

      4. With this letter, you go to any nearest office of your insurance company, show him this letter and leave your bank account details to transfer you the discount for all the years when it should be accrued to you.

      If you are confident in your trouble-free experience, you should not let everything take its course. Be sure to use the service KBM restoration and don't overpay for your motor third party liability policy

      You can order a full package of services for the return of overpayment under OSAGO by submitting an application for [email protected] website

      Each car owner is obliged to insure his liability and purchase. For each year of renewal of the policy, the driver must be granted a discount of 5 percent.

      Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

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      The main thing is for the driver to prevent traffic accidents. The discount on the cost of the policy is called, that is, the KBM, which is checked against the PCA database. At the same time, the presence in this case does not have any meaning.

      Discount loss can occur due to many reasons. And you can also restore it in several ways. Unless, of course, the loss of such an advantage was not the fault of the driver himself (for example, etc.).

      There are certain rules that must be observed in order not to lose the accumulated bonus when changing a driver's license.

      Reasons for change

      In case of loss, theft and change of a driver's license, the car owner is issued new document. The reason for the change can be anything.

      When issuing a policy, the client of the insurance company provides its employees with a new driver's license with a changed series and number.

      When the operator of the insurance company enters the changed data of the new document, it turns out that the data that was before the change of the driver's license was not transferred to the database of insurance companies.

      Apply since the introduction of OSAGO. Initially, information about drivers was accumulated by insurance companies - and when calculating the cost of the next policy, they were guided by their own data. If the policyholder did not change companies, the discount for accident-free driving increased every year. When changing the company, the insured had to take a break-even certificate under the previous contract - otherwise there would be no discount. True, almost no one did this, because at that time the OSAGO policy was inexpensive, and the discounts were cheap.

      In 2013, the PCA launched a special information system (AIS PCA), which began to accumulate all the information transmitted by the insurers about the insured, including the payments made. And he obliged insurance companies from July 2014 to use only this data when issuing OSAGO. It so happened that many drivers have lost discounts for accident-free driving, and here's why.

      How it works

      When the policy expires, the driver (if the number of people allowed to drive is limited) or the owner (if the policy is unlimited) is assigned a certain class, which reflects how carefully a person drives. Each class (there are fifteen in total) has its own KBM. The higher the class, the less the policyholder will pay for insurance (see table).

      The current system is openly predatory. For each accident-free year, insurers give us only a 5% discount. Maximum - 50%. But for this you need eleven years not to get into an accident through your own fault. It is worth at least once to stumble, and the price of the OSAGO policy for the next year will increase dramatically. For example, you drove for five years without an accident, and in the sixth year you hit another car. This means that when applying for the next policy, instead of a 30% discount (CBM 0.7; class 9), you will receive only 10% (CBM 0.9; class 5). And if more than three accidents happened through your fault, the KBM will be 2.45 at all. If you have not insured motor third party liability for more than a year, the discount is canceled - the CBM becomes equal to one.

      Enter a driver with a bad history in the policy - and the cost of OSAGO will be calculated taking into account precisely his KBM (that is, the worst). An occasion to think about who to let drive your car. If the OSAGO policy is without limiting the number of persons allowed to manage, KBM is tied to the owner. When concluding such an agreement, no deductions are allowed (CBM is equal to one), and the growth of discounts will begin only from next year, provided that the same car is insured.

      Even in theory, such a system of discounts is beneficial primarily to insurers and, to a lesser extent, to drivers. But in practice, in addition, the KBM for the majority is wrong - and not in favor of the driver.

      Fixing bugs

      Insurers want to make more money, and here's how they do it. For example, you changed your passport or driver's license. The insurance company enters information into the database according to new documents and offers to buy insurance ... with a CBM equal to one - as for a beginner. Formally, you won’t find fault, because the data about the driver in the AIS RSA are identified according to several criteria: full name, driver’s license and passport data. A conscientious insurer should ask you about replacing documents in order to link you to the previous data, while retaining the KBM. But who will refuse extra money? And they do not refuse, referring to the poor performance of the AIS SAR base. Therefore, by changing the documents, notify your insurance company about it. And be sure to check whether new data has been entered and whether your coefficient for safety has been preserved.

      Another option: when concluding the OSAGO contract, they incorrectly wrote your last name or driver's license number. The system will not recognize you - and again they will not give you any discount. When concluding a contract, carefully check the data: if you see an error, write a statement to the insurer about making changes. You will not see the correct KBM even if the insurer incorrectly entered your data into the AIS RSA database. Checking the KBM is easy: enter your full name, date of birth and driver's license number on the PCA website.

      Sometimes the insurer, referring to a broken system, assigns the initial MSC to the insured, although no payments were made due to the fault of this driver for many years. Here you will have to suffer. If a mistake in determining the driver's class was made before the introduction of AIS PCA, you need to obtain a certificate of accident-free operation from each insurance company where you concluded previous contracts, and then write a statement to the current insurer about recalculating the price of the OSAGO policy. Those who cannot obtain such certificates (the insurance company has gone bankrupt or the data has not been preserved) will not be able to restore justice. If the insurer announces an overestimated CBM, and the validity of the old OSAGO policy expires one of these days - buy the policy at the offered price, but demand that the insurer make changes. If the claims are justified (for example, a printout from the PCA website can be attached to the application), the insurance company is obliged to recalculate the cost of insurance and return the overpayment.

      Punish the guilty!

      As we were explained in the PCA, insurers are punished for every mistake. But I'm afraid that the punishment is purely formal. Otherwise, why is the scheme still working in one gate? For almost two years, the system has been tested on insurers and paid for its debugging from our pockets - and so far to no avail. My colleague, for example, achieved the maximum discount on KBM due to him, but at the conclusion of the next contract, it turned out that KBM had grown again, because another insurance company made new changes to the database. And what - all over again? How long will this confusion continue?

      For the money that motorists have already overpaid and continue to overpay (for various reasons) for OSAGO, you can quickly bring the system back to normal working condition. Naturally, this is unprofitable for insurers. And it is not at all natural that RSA behaves so passively. Looks like the Union of Motor Insurers forgot whose interests they are designed to protect.

      and in the Memo of the Ministry of Finance for policyholders, defines the main characteristics of the KBM:

      • information about insured event for which reimbursement was made
      • the time of the reimbursement coincides with the validity period of the previous OSAGO agreement,
      • data on the payment of insurance are recorded in the AIS OSAGO, which is supervised by the RSA.

      If all three conditions are met, the experience of the driver affects the price of the insurance policy.

      Where indicated in the policy

      The legislation does not regulate the fixation of KBM in the OSAGO policy. The standard form of the policy, approved by the Government, does not contain additional fields for the MSC, even in section 3, which lists the persons allowed to drive the vehicle.

      The absence of KBM in the policy is quite logical - otherwise, all the coefficients that affect the calculation of the insurance premium would have to be rewritten. Some insurance companies prescribe KBM for all drivers, putting it in brackets after indicating the data on the person.

      Initially, when filling out an application for concluding an OSAGO agreement, the insured enters all the coefficients assigned in previous years in section 7. This is sufficient for reconciliation with the PCA data.

      Some insurance companies still prefer the openness principle of MSC. And they enter it either in front of each driver in section 3 of the policy, or in section 8 - “special marks”.

      What does it depend on

      CBM - bonus-malus coefficient - a concept with a literal translation from the Latin "good - bad", "a lot - a little". CBM is both a system of reward and punishment.

      If the driver drives the car carefully, does not get into accidents, does not cause material harm to others, he saves money for the insurance company, because it does not have to make insurance payments. Accordingly, his exemplary legal behavior should be encouraged by providing a benefit (discount, bonus) to pay for the next insurance under the OSAGO program.

      If the behavior of the driver on the road is dishonest, illegal, indifferent to the life, health and property of other road users, the company performs additional work and bears the cost of insurance claims for emergencies. The price of insurance for the next year increases in proportion to the risks of payments, regardless of the insurer company. This function of the CBM is punitive-educational (malus).

      In addition to the number of insurance payments, the coefficient is affected by:

      • The term of the OSAGO contract according to the KBM law is calculated only for contracts concluded for 1 year,
      • The number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle. An OSAGO contract with restrictions means that any driver from the list can drive the car. Therefore, to calculate the maximum KBM.


      For the correct use of the KBM table, you need to know:

      • the number of insured events with payments during the period of the previous contract. In this case, all payments for one case are summed up.
      • the class that was defined at the beginning of the previous contract.

      Application of KBM

      KBM is tied to the driver, not to the car. Each subsequent KBM is established on the basis of information about the driver's insurance history, taken from documents or from AIS OSAGO.

      At early termination OSAGO and the conclusion of a new one, the KBM, calculated under the terminated contract, is applied.

      The calculation of KBM also depends on the form of the OSAGO agreement.

      With a limited list of drivers in the policy, KBM is prescribed (in the contract) for each of them. But for the formula for calculating the insurance premium, the worst (greatest) coefficient is taken. If information about the driving classes of drivers is unknown, then the MSC is automatically assigned equal to 1.


      In January 2015, 3 drivers are included in the policy. Two have a 3-year accident-free driving period. The CBM of the third at the end of 2013 was 0.95, and in 2014 3 insured events with payment were recorded. To calculate the price of OSAGO, the last driver's KBM will be used, which is equal to 1.55 in 2015.

      If the old contract did not limit the circle of drivers, but the new one did, then provided that

      • no payments were made in the previous period,
      • the insured owner
      • the insurance company must apply the reduced CBM.

      If drivers can drive a car, the circle of which is unknown and not limited at the time of the conclusion of the contract, then the class is assigned only to the owner of the vehicle. Accordingly, the entire history of payments for insured events "falls" fully on him. Payments for violations of other drivers will ruin the owner's KBM for the next year.

      When concluding an unlimited OSAGO, KBM is assigned under the last contract. If there is no data in the AIS, then the KBM is calculated according to class 3 and is equal to - 1.

      If the old contract is limited, but the new one is not, then the KBM is assigned according to the last class of the vehicle insured. If it is impossible to determine the class, class 3 is assigned and the full tariffication for KBM without discounts and surcharges equal to 1 is applied.

      The reason for the decrease in CBM


      1. The reduction of CBM is the application of preferential insurance conditions, i.e. discount compared to the previous period.
      2. An increase in KBM is, on the contrary, an allowance to the last coefficient.

      You can make OSAGO more profitable in the following cases:

      • Accident-free driving during the year of the old policy. The discount will be 5% for each year.
      • The conclusion of an unlimited contract, in which the owner of the vehicle has a lower BMF than the driver. However, the benefit will be limited only to the cost of the policy, data in the CMTPL AIS.
      • Loss of the entire MTPL insurance history, or a break in driving since 2011 (from that moment on, centralized fixation is carried out in the MTPL AIS), provided that the CBM is above 1.

      There are several situations in which, when concluding a new contract, the insurer can apply an increased KBM to the driver:

      • If there are insurance payments for accidents for the past period,
      • When concluding an agreement for a limited number of drivers, while the reduced KBM is calculated, i.e. applies only when calculating the price of the policy. Personal KMB in this case will not change.
      • In the absence of data in the AIS OSAGO about the previous class of the driver, KBM-1 will be automatically assigned. So, if in the previous year the KMB was lower and there were no accidents, the driver will lose a discount of up to 50% (for class 12).

      If the KBM is incorrect

      Since 2015, the procedure for changing the KBM to OSAGO has been simplified. You can check the insurance history through the services on the PCA portal. If the policyholder finds that the calculated KBM is incorrect, then he directly applies to his insurance company with a statement about changing the coefficient. The employee checks the information in the system and corrects the error.

      It is worth remembering that the RSA does not have the authority to enter data into the OSAGO AIS system, it only provides technical support. The data in the system is up-to-date: by law, the insurer is obliged to enter data on the conclusion, extension, change, termination, and others. Missed data is also entered, despite the prescription. Lost ones are not restored.

      Application for recalculation

      An application for the recalculation of the insurance premium is submitted directly to the insurance company (to the sales office and a copy with a mark of acceptance to the head office). There is no fixed form, so the content is free.

      • It is necessary to reflect the fact that the wrong KBM was indicated in the policy,
      • attach a copy of the extract from the AIS OSAGO from the RSA website, where the correct KBM is registered.
      • A copy of the driver's license, CTC,
      • Indicate passport details and postal address.

      The term of consideration is 30 days according to the law on the consideration of applications. If the insurance company refuses to recalculate the premium and make a change to the KBM, you should contact the Central Bank.

      How long does KBM work

      The established bonus-malus coefficient is valid

      • During the term of the OSAGO agreement, under which the next class is assigned to the driver,
      • Upon reaching class 13 and the condition of accident-free driving in the future - indefinitely.

      The bonus-malus coefficient is the only opportunity for a driver to influence the cost of OSAGO by lawful behavior. Possibly in 2017 at the suggestion of the PCA the legislative framework and by-laws will change for the better for owners Vehicle. Until that happens, don't break the rules and keep track of your insurance history through the service AIS OSAGO.