Is it possible to extend the insurance policy in advance. Issue an OSAGO policy in advance Is it possible to buy insurance on the old date


. It is valid for exactly one year. This period is universal, and at the request of one of the parties it cannot be changed. The fact of the conclusion of the contract is the issuance of the policy. It is he who turns out to be in the glove compartment of many car owners. For information on how to find out if the OSAGO insurance policy is valid or not, read at.

The contract is concluded for a shorter period in exceptional cases. The most common is the purchase of a vehicle. They rarely issue a temporary one due to a change in the place of registration, inheritance or donation of a car. The policyholder and the insurer agree on the optimal insurance period. Sometimes it happens that they drive on a temporary basis longer, as the transportation of a car to the place of registration is delayed. Foreigners during temporary import at customs show an insurance contract valid for 5 days. About which minimum term you can issue OSAGO on a car and what you need for this, read. And we will tell you about the nuances of obtaining a policy for 1, 3 or 6 months.

Important! For the lack of auto insurance, they are punished with a penalty of 500 or 800 rubles. If she stayed at home, the traffic police will be required to pay a fine of 500 rubles, and if she is not formalized at all, already 800 rubles.

If the insurance comes to an end

What happens if the insurance documentation is overdue? The driver risks paying a fine if he continues to drive on motorways as before.

However, keep in mind the following exceptions:

  1. Another day after the expiration of the policy, you can drive to renew the insurance.
  2. You can ride if you still ordered a new one.
  3. In order not to run into fines, they show a special document to traffic police officers. He confirms that the car owner will soon receive new policy.

If the driver has an expired OSAGO, he did not take care of updating it and drives a car to work, home, kindergarten, etc., he can be stopped by the traffic police at any time. On him draw up a protocol and punish for driving without a policy by paying a fine. This penalty threatens for late execution of the contract. You can avoid punishment by contacting the insurer by phone or ordering its production via the Internet.

On April 3, 2002, the Federal Law "On CTP" was adopted. A week later, the Federation Council approved its adoption. Everything related to the term of the compulsory insurance contract is reflected in Art. ten.

The OSAGO policy is received annually. In some cases, it is valid for less than a year. After a year, it is extended for another year, if two months before the expiration of the contract, the driver did not notify the insurer of the refusal of it. After that, any day he can come to the insurance company and get a new insurance. If he does not come for him on the due day, the insurer will not change the price of the policy, calculated taking into account the current tariffs, benefits and concessions for the driver, for another thirty days.

Can it be reissued and when?

July 1, 2015 - the day when electronic and paper contracts insurance. You can take care of getting it ahead of time, avoiding queues and last-minute rejections due to office closures. An electronic policy is easier to issue than a paper one.

Drivers often draw up a new OSAGO policy in advance. In doing so, they do not violate any laws and regulations in force in Russia. They did not set a deadline for applying to the insurance company for a new auto insurance. Clause 1.12 only says that the driver must issue a new one without fail as soon as the old one ends.

In accordance with articles and 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the legislator has set a 30-day period for agreeing on the conditions and the same number of days for resolving disputes over the conditions. In other words, sixty days before the end of the old policy, you can apply to the insured for a new one, until the moment when the insurance ends. In early February 2015, this period was revised down, giving the driver a month to extend and resolve disputes under the insurance contract.

Nowhere in the regulatory documents did they regulate the period for issuing OSAGO for the new insurance year.

Insurers recommend applying for its registration 30 days before the end. Sometimes they do it earlier due to some life circumstances. Even if it is issued in advance, the new one will be valid from the day the old one ends.

When should you renew?

How many days before the expiration of the OSAGO policy can a new one be issued? 30 days before the expiration of the OSAGO policy, the driver has the right to contact the insurance company.

During the visit, he must have documents from the list below to submit:

  • previous policy.
  • Passport of the owner of the vehicle, as well as driver's licenses of all drivers to whom he granted the right to drive a car.
  • Technical inspection ticket (?).
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • A power of attorney from the owner, if another person decides on insurance issues.
  • A statement expressing a desire to extend OSAGO.

All documents from the list will be useful when applying to an insurance company for a new policy. But this design method is not the only one. In the summer of 2015, a new service began to be provided to car owners in Russia - electronic clearance OSAGO policy. Now you can issue it via the Internet by entering the necessary information in the appropriate columns (

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy new car. Therefore, many citizens buy used cars from other owners. After that, new vehicle owners often face a number of difficulties. For this reason, they often ask themselves the question of whether it is possible to re-register a car without insurance? Unfortunately, at present, no one will register a car without a issued OSAGO policy with the traffic police. Moreover, a person who bought a used car must know that he needs to urgently go to the insurance company and draw up new document. Otherwise, he will face penalties. After all, after the sale of the car, the validity of the previous OSAGO policy issued to the old owner automatically ends.

How to do everything right?

After purchasing the car, the new owner is faced with the solution of a large number of organizational issues. The main one is to insure your car and register it with the traffic police. It is best to deal with such issues on your own. It is not worth contacting intermediaries and paying extra money for it. After all, you can easily run into scammers.

In addition, after buying a car from another owner, many motorists are wondering if it is possible to re-register a car without insurance? After all, people are not always ready to pay money for Additional services. To do everything right, you need to know that it will not work to re-register a car without an OSAGO policy. Because it is included in the package of documents that are needed in order to register the vehicle with the traffic police.

Need to provide

So, is it possible to re-register a car without insurance? As mentioned above, without first obtaining an OSAGO policy, it is impossible to register a vehicle. Indeed, for this procedure, it is necessary to provide the following documents to the traffic police:

  • an application of the established form, which, as a rule, is filled out right on the spot;
  • passport of the new car owner;
  • a power of attorney, if an intermediary is engaged in registration;
  • car documents;
  • a contract of sale (sometimes the traffic police accept a copy, but it is better to take the original with you);
  • OSAGO policy.

Thus, it is simply impossible to do without preliminary insurance. Moreover, without this document, no one will accept the rest of the papers. It needs to be known.


In the application that the car owner fills out in the traffic police, there is a certain column, it must be entered in it:

  • OSAGO policy number;
  • the name of the insurance company;
  • date of conclusion of the contract.

Accordingly, the list of documents required in order to register the car with the traffic police contains a paragraph dedicated to Therefore, it will not be possible to do without this paper. Citizens who are wondering whether it is possible to re-register a car without insurance should know that the vehicle will not be registered with the traffic police until the car owner brings the OSAGO policy. The list of documents must be complete.


So, you can get insurance for a car in a short time, but it is best to do it immediately after purchasing the vehicle. If someone thinks that there are other options for registering a car, then he is seriously mistaken. Therefore, you should not look for ways to circumvent the law. Nothing will come of it. The car owner is just wasting his time.

Therefore, when answering the question of whether it is possible to register a car without insurance, it must be said that this can be done only after the registration of the OSAGO policy. That is the order.

Reason for refusal

If the motorist does not provide the traffic police with an OSAGO policy along with a package of other documents necessary for registering the car, then the latter will be denied registration of the vehicle. This would be perfectly legitimate.

Experienced drivers already know that re-registration of a car and insurance are interconnected. Because without a new OSAGO policy, it will not work to register the purchased car. Those are the rules.

Do I need to change insurance?

So, as mentioned earlier, not all people can afford to buy a new car, so they buy a used car. But some drivers do not know that insurance must be changed after purchase. vehicle. However, it is required by law to do so.

In addition, after purchasing the car, the new owner must insure his motor third party liability. This must be done within ten days after the purchase of the vehicle. Then the motorist is obliged to come with all the documents to the traffic police and register the car.

If the car is insured

Often there are situations when the owner of the car is forced to sell his car urgently. At the same time, there is still a lot of time left until the end of the OSAGO policy. What can be done in such a case? First of all, after the sale of the car, the former owner has the right to ask the insurance company to return the remaining amount of funds. After all, the terms of the OSAGO policy lose their force. In such cases, it is not uncommon for companies to try to withhold 20 percent of the amount claimed by the customer.

In addition, you can renew the insurance in the name of the buyer of the car. This is done if the seller does not object to this. The insurance company is not always ready to agree to such conditions, but most often agrees. After all, the new owner of the vehicle will assume obligations under the current policy. This means that the company will not lose a client. To perform such actions, you need to provide the following package of documents to the insurance company:

  • the contract itself;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • service payment receipt;
  • a statement from the buyer that he wants to renew the insurance for himself.

This option rarely occurs in practice. Because in most cases, after buying a used car, citizens try to immediately conclude an agreement and receive an OSAGO policy with another insurance company. Indeed, without this document, you can not even come to the traffic police.

Therefore, those citizens who are wondering whether it is possible to re-register a car without insurance should know that, according to the current law, this cannot be done without an OSAGO policy.

Many citizens are wondering how to re-register a car without an OSAGO policy if the transaction is not made under a sales contract, but under a general power of attorney? Everything is quite simple here. It is necessary to renew the policy for the new owner and indicate his data in the policy. This can only be done by an employee of the insurance company.

To enter data about a new driver in the company, you must provide:

  • OSAGO policy;
  • passport of the new owner of the car;
  • the rights of the person whose data must be included in the insurance.

What happens in case of cancellation of insurance?

For failure to comply with the terms of the current law, the driver faces a fine. For driving without a policy, a person can lose 800 rubles. In addition, if the car is not registered after 10 days after its purchase, then a car enthusiast will be fined 5,000 rubles for the lack of state registration plates. Thus, the prospects for violators of the law loom not the most pleasant.

Therefore, if someone still doubts whether insurance is needed when re-registering a car, then it must be said again that no one will register a car with the traffic police without an OSAGO policy.

Is it possible or not?

At present, many citizens are worried that clearance insurance policy OSAGO takes a lot of time. Actually, it is not. In addition, you can even insure motor third party liability even via the Internet. Such a service is suitable for those citizens who live in settlements where there is no office of a suitable insurance company. This is what many do now. Unfortunately, not all Insurance companies provide services for issuing OSAGO policies via the Internet.


When registering a car with the traffic police, you must follow the norms of the current law. In addition, once again I would like to say that insurance for a purchased used car must be issued in advance. Otherwise, the registration of the car in the traffic police will be denied.

If someone is still wondering if it is possible to get insurance after re-issuing a car, then you need to say again that you need to prepare an OSAGO policy in advance. Otherwise, you will need to come to the traffic police with the entire package of documents one more time.

Have you made a deal to buy and sell a car? There was one more unresolved issue - its registration for a new owner. Does the owner need to be present during the registration procedure?

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Is it possible to re-register by proxy and how to issue it?
Do I need an owner to register a car?

When registering a car, there are always a lot of questions, the answers to which should be known to both new and old owners.

Consider whether owners need to be present when registering a vehicle. What features of the procedure should be known when preparing a power of attorney for car registration.

When is the owner not required?

After concluding a contract for the purchase of a car, the new owner is obliged to register his purchase within 10 days (according to).

For carrying out such a procedure, the presence of the old owner is not necessary. But if the new owner doubts the “past” of the car, then he can go to the authorized body with the seller of the vehicle.

In the same way, the old owner may want to go with the buyer to make sure that the car will actually be re-registered.

Indeed, often after the sale of the vehicle, the former owner receives “letters of happiness” (to pay taxes and fines for traffic violations that were recorded after the change of ownership).

How to issue a power of attorney

It is worth remembering that a power of attorney to drive a car and to register is not the same thing. In the first case, it is only allowed to drive a vehicle.

When drawing up the second type of document, it will be possible not only to drive, but also to register the car with the traffic police.

To issue a power of attorney to conduct registration actions, you will need to collect the following certificates:

  1. Citizen's document Russian Federation.
  2. Passport of transport, in respect of which a power of attorney is issued (it is allowed to present the original document or its photocopy).
  3. Certificate of registration of the car, which will be entrusted.
  4. Information about the person who will represent the interests of the owner.
  5. Prepare documentation that will confirm the purchase of the vehicle. If there are documents that reflect information about transit license plates, they are also submitted.

The power of attorney for registration must contain the following information:

  • information about the owner of the car: last name, first name, patronymic, data from the identity card, place of residence, registration;
  • information about the person who has the right to represent the owner during registration (for whom a power of attorney is issued);
  • car data: brand, color, release date, model, numbers;
  • interests that are being represented. This is one of the main points that allows you to register a car to a third party.

It is prescribed what legal actions can be performed by a trustee: he has the right to register a car and deregister it, enter data on the forms on behalf of the owner of the car, and sign the documentation for the traffic police.

It is advisable to make several copies of the power of attorney. This will speed up the procedure in the authorized body.

The power of attorney is valid for 3 years. After this time, the document will become invalid.

The termination of the document is stipulated in.

It should be noted that the power of attorney will become invalid:

  • if it is canceled by the principals;
  • if the authorized person refuses to perform his duties;
  • if the principal or trustee dies.

The principal has the right to terminate the power of attorney at any time. But the legal termination will come after the notice is received by the representative of the person. Such notice may be sent by mail, fax or e-mail.

When the power of attorney is ready, you can start registering the vehicle.

Prepare the vehicle:

  • clean up the numbers so they are readable. Damage is not allowed, as this is fraught with an examination. So, you can not use sandpaper, metal tools;
  • wash the car. This will help the inspector correctly determine its color;
  • remove the tint. Otherwise, you may be denied registration of the vehicle.

Then it is worth preparing all the certificates for registration. This is:

  1. Application for registration.
  2. Number plates.
  3. car purchase agreement.
  4. Machine documentation.
  5. Power of attorney to act on behalf of the owner.
  6. Payment documents that are proof of payment of the state fee.

Authorized persons have the right to register a car only at the place of residence of the owner.

Where to apply

The development of a draft power of attorney is carried out by a specialist of the court, law enforcement agency. All requirements imposed by the traffic police departments are taken into account.

You can fill out the power of attorney by hand or on a PC. Notarization is not mandatory. If there are blank lines, it is worth putting dashes.

That is, you have the right to prepare a document yourself, without contacting a notary office employee.

If you decide to notarize the form, you will need to submit an identity card of the owner of the car and a trustee.

Carefully reread the document, which is drawn up by a notary. Understand immediately what powers you transfer to another person.

A power of attorney is issued with the personal signatures of the principals, certified by a notary or officials who have the right to certify signatures in such documents.

How much to pay

When issuing a power of attorney, a citizen will have to pay certain funds - for the notary services provided, as well as payments in accordance with, funds for legal and technical work.

The following rates have been set:

Let us describe in more detail the options for registration, after which it will become clear whether the procedure for registering vehicles is carried out in the presence of the old owner.

Option 1:

  • the owner concludes a contract of sale by filling out 3 copies;
  • puts signatures in the TCP in the paragraph "Signature of the former owner";
  • the new owner also signs in the appropriate column;
  • if there is no free space in the document, then you will have to get a new vehicle passport (in order to enter all the data correctly, it is better to contact the MREO);
  • then the owner of the car takes the money;
  • keys are transferred, a diagnostic card, which will become the basis for issuing an OSAGO policy;
  • then the previous owner takes the phone number of the person who bought the car;
  • in the telephone mode finds out whether the obligation to place the vehicle has been fulfilled within the established time limits.

Option 2:

  • find a buyer;
  • agree on the price of the transaction;
  • take partial payment;
  • determine the day when you and the new owner will be able to drive to the MREO department for vehicle registration;
  • take everything on the appointed day Required documents(PTS, civil certificate, power of attorney);
  • drive your car to the traffic police department and register the vehicle together with the buyer.

When the documentation has been checked by the inspector, you will be able to collect your passport. Then collect the outstanding amount, hand over the keys to the new owner as well.

If the vehicle has been owned for less than 3 years, then you will need to take a copy of the vehicle's passport with information about the new owner entered, as well as a copy of the sales agreement.

These documents will be needed when paying taxes on the sale of movable property.

In cases where you have been the owner for more than 3 years, no certificates are needed, as there is no need to pay tax.

From the moment the car is sold, the previous owner stops paying transport tax.

In case of erroneous accrual of payments, you have the right to contact the MREO traffic police, where the car was registered.

The archive will be given a copy of the agreement on the sale of transport, which can be presented to the employee of the Tax Inspectorate.

The body is perhaps the most important part of the car after the engine, because it is it that represents the “walls” and “roof” of the iron horse. Unfortunately, the body, like many other parts, tends to age and wear out. In addition, when it gets into a serious accident, it takes the brunt. Sometimes the deformation is so strong that it will not be possible to restore the part. In both of these cases, it is necessary to replace the car body with a new one. A few years ago, this process would not have caused any difficulties for anyone: standard package documents were easy to collect, and then the traffic police officers entered the business, who entered the necessary data into the registration certificate. However, after changes in legislation, it became almost impossible to officially register a replacement body. So does it make sense to modify the car, and how to behave in case of failure? Let's figure it out.

The procedure for issuing a car body replacement: documents and actions

It should be noted that, according to the law, it is the body that is considered the “face” of the car. Replacing the body and not registering it with the regulatory authorities is the same as having plastic surgery and not changing your passport. As practice shows, at the first check of documents, you will be fined for driving a vehicle with obviously false numbers. This is fraught with deprivation of rights for a period of 6 months to a year. Therefore, the registration of a new body should be taken seriously.

You will make your life much easier if you get permission for a replacement before you start work. According to the document "Procedure for monitoring changes in the design of vehicles<…>» You have the right to apply to the traffic police with a request to allow changes in the design of the car.

Obtaining Prior Authorization

To obtain prior permission from the State traffic inspectorate, you must write an application about the desire to modify the car. After reviewing the application, the traffic police officer will explain what additional documents you need to collect. Usually among them is a conclusion about the possibility of changing the design of the car.

With a positive outcome, you will be able to perform the necessary work. All of them must be recorded in the relevant declaration. After that, the car will be sent for diagnostics, which will confirm that it fully complies with safety requirements.

Documents for registration after body change

If you made a change before contacting the traffic police, you need to be prepared for a possible refusal. But first of all, you need to collect required package documents.

  1. Application for the replacement of the car body (with explanations of the reasons).
  2. Car agreement.
  3. Contract of sale of a new body.
  4. A document confirming the identity of the applicant (most often a passport).
  5. Compulsory car insurance policy.
  6. Vehicle number (or signs "TRANSIT").
  7. Vehicle registration certificate (TC).
  8. A detailed plan of changes made to the body structure.
  9. Customs declaration for a new body (when importing a part from abroad).
  10. Certificate of Conformity (when manufactured in the Russian Federation).
  11. Certificate from the traffic police (if the body is used).

The employee of the State traffic inspectorate is obliged to accept the documents. After that, he must check whether the modified vehicle is listed as stolen. After all checks, a decision will be made to register or refuse it.

Registration of a car with a replaced body in terms of the legislation of the Russian Federation

The thing is that since October 2013, a new administrative regulation on the provision of public services for the registration of motor vehicles came into force.

The previous version of the order (No. 1001 dated November 24, 2008) stated that when replacing the body, appropriate notes were made in the TCP, after which the use of such a tool became absolutely legal. This item is missing in the new version of the document. However, it is indicated that traffic police officers have the right to refuse to register a vehicle if it does not comply with the documents.

Clause 24 The public service is not provided for the following reasons:<…>submission of vehicles whose design or changes made to the design do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of road safety or the information specified in the submitted documents;

Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them

It turns out that the new regulation does not allow, but does not prohibit registration of a car with a replaced body. It is this fact that causes the greatest number of problems and disagreements in the procedure for registering a vehicle.

Unfortunately, such changes in legislation are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they aim to prevent fraudulent activities. Now, when stealing, criminals will not be able to kill the numbers and officially sell the car. On the other hand, the same rules make life very difficult for law-abiding drivers who, for some reason, want to replace the body.

Vehicle identification number

The thing is that, according to the law, the vehicle identification number is determined by the body number. Therefore, you can register a new car part only if it:

  • has a VIN code (vehicle identification number);
  • The VIN code on the part is correctly indicated in the documents.

Be careful when buying! If a new body is removed from a stolen vehicle and has broken numbers, you will be denied registration.

There is another problem with this fact. Even the most experienced drivers sometimes confuse the body number and VIN code. Let's see what the difference is.

As you can see, the VIN code is much longer, while it contains the most complete information about the vehicle. Therefore, some manufacturing countries have switched to using them instead of regular body numbers. According to Russian legislation, if the information encrypted in the VIN code does not match the rest of the vehicle's characteristics, its use is illegal.

Refusal to register a car in the traffic police

Since October 2015, the State traffic inspectorate has mainly refused to register a vehicle with a non-native body.

Possible reasons for refusal

If you have been denied registration of a vehicle, there may be several reasons for this.

  1. The package of documents is incomplete.
  2. Some of the documents are incorrect.
  3. The registered car is listed as stolen.

Any of the above reasons is official. It is not critical if the refusal is motivated by an incorrectly assembled package of documents. In this case, you can still correct the situation. Another thing is if the vehicle is in the stolen database. Then problems cannot be avoided.

However, in addition to these, there are often other, more far-fetched reasons.

  1. No recycling fee.
  2. Intentional change of identification number.
  3. Inability to identify the vehicle due to the replacement of the body.
  4. Non-compliance with safety requirements for human health and life.

If the refusal is justified by one of these factors, you can try to appeal it to higher authorities.

What to do if denied

First of all, take care to get your hands on physical evidence of the rejection. To avoid paperwork, traffic police officers often communicate their decision orally. However, a verbal denial cannot serve as evidence in court.

After receiving a written ban on registration of a car, you can try to appeal the decision in court. However, even in this case, one cannot count on much: most often the court supports the representatives of the traffic police.

If, after all the bureaucratic delays, you were still not allowed to get a body, the only thing you can do with your car is to dispose of it. Sale, inheritance or gift is considered illegal. Driving such a vehicle, of course, is also prohibited.

Each case in court is considered individually, and only an experienced lawyer can predict the possible outcome in advance.

There is a well-known story of motorists from Kaliningrad who tried to legally achieve the restoration of a permit for a replacement. It all started with a collective complaint about the failure of the traffic police to fulfill their direct duties to register such changes in the design. The drivers complained about the violation of their civil and constitutional rights, pointed to the inconsistency of this norm with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Drivers held pickets and rallies, however, they were unsuccessful. A petition was created, but it was signed by only 277 campaigners, which did not affect the further development of events. The fight against the State traffic inspectorate began in March 2014 and ended in February 2015 with an official response from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. According to him, a body change is not a design change, but the assembly of a new vehicle. In this regard, the refusals of the traffic police must be considered legitimate.

Work mechanism

If you still decide to take a chance and replace the body on your car, take this process seriously. You should study not only prices, but also reviews with recommendations. Not every workshop will take up this.

Be sure to obtain an official document confirming the replacement of the part before starting repairs.

Complete replacement

According to latest changes, carrying out this procedure is possible in any car services technically equipped for this. Previously, only salons with a special license had the right to do this.

Typically, body replacement takes no longer than 3 days. To do this, the following steps are performed:

  1. The coolant is completely drained.
  2. The outlet / inlet heating pipes are disconnected (or removed) from the body.
  3. The hydraulic tube of the brake cylinder is disconnected.
  4. The sealing element of the parking system lever is removed.
  5. The steering wheel is removed.
  6. The levers of the gearshift linkage are disconnected from the bracket.
  7. The spring is carefully removed.
  8. The damper cables (air, throttle) are disconnected from the body.
  9. Hoses of other connecting elements are also disconnected.
  10. The electronics are disconnected.
  11. Body mounts are gradually unscrewed.
  12. The body is lifted using a special mechanism and removed from the car.
  13. The new body is gradually installed in reverse order to replace the old one.
  14. Procedure ends mandatory check the correctness and reliability of the connections made, as well as the overall performance of the vehicle.

To motivate car service employees to take care of your car, ask in advance full list all work performed. Even if you are completely unaware of this, mechanics will have to do their job more diligently.


  • Front upper and lower cross members;
  • front spars;
  • lower cross member for engine location.
  • lower front beam under the windshield;
  • front and rear cross members of the roof;
  • side roof spar;
  • front, side and rear racks;
  • thresholds;
  • bottom;
  • reinforcing structures of the bottom.

In case of damage to a part that does not bear an identification number, its replacement is theoretically possible. However, if you want to be absolutely sure of the legality of your actions, contact the traffic police for prior permission.

Sometimes replacing a body can be more expensive than buying a new car. There are many reasons for this: the cost of services of licensed auto repair shops, the price of a quality body, all state duties, taxes and other expenses when processing documents. Add to this the legal costs that will likely arise if you decide to appeal the denial. As practice shows, court decisions have recently been made not in favor of drivers.

Someone can go illegal and offer the inspector a "small reward" for registering a new body. Even if everything ends well, in the future you will no longer be able to officially sell your car.

Therefore, before deciding on a global repair, think several times: isn't it time to transfer to a new car?