Insurance policy consent sample. What does the insurance coverage of different companies look like? Has a single form been introduced, as is done in compulsory motor insurance?


There are no strict requirements for what CASCO looks like, as there are for compulsory motor liability insurance. Insurers themselves determine the appearance of the policy. But there are mandatory points that are common to insurance companies. So, the barcode and individual number are always present.

To avoid falling for scammers, read the policy rules. We deal with auto insurance every day. We'll tell you what CASCO insurance for the largest insurance companies looks like. And what you should pay attention to.

Insurers themselves determine the appearance of the policy. But there are mandatory points that are common to insurance companies.

What CASCO looks like from different insurance companies

Look at the photo of what CASCO looks like, using the policies of several well-known insurance companies as an example.

The visual design of all forms is different. Reso uses a branded yellow form, a bar code and a facsimile stamp, and the policy number is indicated. And Ingosstrakh has two barcodes. One long barcode without numbers containing general information about the policy. Another classic one with numbers, it contains all the data about the policyholder. They are united by the presence of a bar code, contract number, details of the car, insurer, policyholder and drivers, and the amount of the insured amount.

The CASCO policy must always have the form number and barcode

What does a CASCO policy receipt and other documents look like?

Together with the CASCO policy, a payment receipt, insurance rules and an additional agreement are issued. If necessary, a vehicle inspection report. An inspection report may not be required for a new car purchased from a dealership. Or when renewing a break-even policy. For convenience, some insurance companies issue plastic cards with a CASCO number; this is an optional condition.

How to distinguish the original CASCO

First, check the insurer on the Central Bank website. The organization's TIN is required. The Central Bank stores information about licenses and permitted types of insurance in the public domain. Then visually compare what the policy looks like with a sample of this insurance company. All details, logo, address and telephone number must correspond to real ones. Original seal and signature required. In accordance with the standard of the insurance organization, QR (not for everyone) and barcode (always). Also other unique security elements. For example, special paper or watermarks.

Check that you have filled it in correctly:

  • Full name and personal data of the policyholder, beneficiary and drivers included in the insurance;
  • vehicle information;
  • the amount of the insured amount;
  • list of insurance risks.

There are also errors in filling out legal forms.

Knowing the policy number and receipt, you can call the insurance company's hotline. And find out who owns this policy. The most reliable way to verify legality. This is relevant if you buy insurance from an agent or broker.

The best way to verify the legality of the policy is to call the insurance company's hotline

After the purchase, you can make the call again. Your data should already be attached to the policy. If this does not happen, contact the slow employee who completed the transaction. If an insured event occurs before the data is loaded into the system, additional complications are possible.

General rules

There is no uniform rule for issuing a CASCO policy in Russia. A common base similar to the RSA base for compulsory motor liability insurance, too. Each insurer maintains its own. You can check the legality of the policy by checking it with a sample of this insurance company. It would be a good idea to call the hotline and dictate the policy number and payment form. You will be told which branch or which insurance broker/agent should sell the policy. And most importantly, don’t run headlong when you see a very tempting offer. There are really good deals. But if the policy costs twice as much, this is a reason to double check everything.

Insurance is a fairly broad topic and there are a huge number of pitfalls. In order not to fall into the tricks of scammers and not to become a victim of underground insurance companies, every driver should know what a CASCO policy looks like and how to conclude the most profitable car insurance agreement. This will be an additional guarantee for you that you have enough money to repair your car. Even if you have one, you will receive enough money to replace it.

What does a CASCO policy look like - paper tricks

CASCO is a type of voluntary motor insurance. The policy is purchased by the driver himself from a company that has the right to sell such insurance services. So fake policies have become commonplace, but the number of deceived motorists is growing every year. While a compulsory insurance policy can be checked in a unified register, such a service does not exist for CASCO. Therefore, there are many more people deceived in this matter. This article will tell you how to choose the right insurance company and what you need to pay attention to when purchasing a policy.

Choosing an insurer

The insurance company is responsible for paying money to the policy holder in the event of an accident or accident. So, if you have not yet learned how to do it correctly, then it would be better to purchase just such a policy, which includes mandatory insurance payments. But the most important thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a company.

Before you sign the form, make sure you have the following information:

  • Insurer registration details
  • Legal address of the company
  • License number
  • Bank details

If you have this data on hand, you can check whether the company actually exists and whether they are trying to sell you a pig in a poke. To do this, go to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and look for a company using its bank details. If the information found differs from what was provided to you by the company, then it is best to bypass this insurer.

Remember, modern scammers are so skilled at forging documents that you may not immediately notice any tricks. But it is always better to check information on official websites.

How to spot a scammer

Another easy way to understand that it is better not to become a client of this company is how much money they will ask you for the policy. The fact is that the main profit from the sale of CASCO comes from the insurance premiums paid by the car owner. This amount rarely exceeds 20% of the policy value. So, when you are promised a crazy discount of 10 percent or more, most likely you are dealing with a not entirely honest seller. After all, no one will work at full capacity for meager earnings.

Of course, a significant discount does not always mean that this is a scammer. You can cooperate with a proven company that has a long history. But a large discount on the policy means that the company's business is getting worse. And insurance payments are made from profits from the sale of new policies. That is, before you is a classic financial pyramid and one day it may collapse. And you will find yourself in ruins with an invalid policy in your hands.

Another important detail - never sign a blank policy form. Even if you are in a hurry, remember that anything can appear on the form later.

CASCO policy

Since you’ve sorted out the choice of company, it’s time to take a good look at the policy itself. How it should look and what exactly should be written there - all these little things will play a decisive role in payments. So take the time to check everything and make sure that your policy meets all the necessary requirements.

The CASCO policy is an official document, so it has its own degrees of protection.

  • The policy is printed on special paper with protective fibers; it is easy to recognize visually and is very different from ordinary paper to the touch. In addition, there are always watermarks on it, which are easy to see by looking through the policy into the light.
  • At the top of the form all information about the insurance company is given. And it must match the data that you found on the network.
  • A number of security elements - barcodes, icons, colored symbols.
  • The policy must be verified by the management of the insurer. So there are color stamps with signatures on it.

As a rule, the CASCO policy is prepared in two copies, one remains in your hands, and the second is sent to the company itself. Is it worth saying that these two papers should be completely identical?

Now let’s start filling out the policy itself. Here the registration data of the beneficiary in the event of an insured event and the data of the payer, that is, the one who pays for the insurance, are indicated. In addition, the data of the transport itself, the territory in which the policy is valid and, of course, a list of insured events must be indicated. In addition to the policy itself, you will be given the “Insurance Rules”, which it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with at your leisure.

In case of damage to a personal vehicle. When concluding with an insurance company, the car owner is issued a policy confirming that he has insurance and containing basic information about him and his vehicle.

Important! Insurance companies, on the basis of the Federal Law “On the Organization of Insurance Activities,” can independently prescribe insurance, put forward additional requirements for car owners and determine the appearance of insurance documents.

Use our online calculator to calculate CASCO online in 16 insurance companies. Discount up to 50% of the policy cost for careful drivers. Exact price guaranteed!

Form for filling out an insurance document

As stated above, there is no established standard for comprehensive insurance in the Russian Federation, therefore, documents issued by different insurance companies may differ in appearance, color, level of protection and content.

Usually, Almost all policies contain the following form:

Attention! If you discover the absence of several or even one of the items listed above when filling out the documents, the car owner should be alerted - he needs to stop and verify the authenticity of the policy.

What does a fake look like?

In the insurance market, it is possible to fall for the tricks of scammers selling fake insurance. In order not to become a victim of criminals and to avoid receiving a fake policy, before drawing up a contract, you must make sure that the insurance company has a license to conclude auto insurance contracts.

For this you should check the insurer on the website of the Central Bank, where, using the company’s TIN, you can obtain information about the availability of a license and what types of insurance are allowed to sell to this organization. In addition, a sample policy of this insurance company must be presented on the website - it must visually match the form issued for filling out.

All company details: logo, address and contact phone number must match the real data of the insurer.

You should also check the form for original seals, signatures and security elements such as watermarks, QR codes or bar codes.

When filling out the form, you must avoid mistakes, and if they were made, you must ask the insurance agent for a new form to fill out, since a policy with errors or inaccuracies is considered invalid and it is impossible to receive payment under such an agreement.

Important! An IC employee does not have the right to refuse to issue a new form if errors were made when filling out the previous one. The contract should be signed only after it is filled out correctly and without a single mistake.

Before signing the contract, you must read it carefully, especially information written in small print. This will help avoid misunderstandings and possible fraud on the part of the insurer.

We told you all the nuances of how you can check the authenticity of a CASCO policy purchased from an insurer, and you will read how you can check it using the PCA database.

Where can I get this form?

The form can be viewed on the official website of the insurance company, but in some cases you will have to register on the Internet resource to access the information.


This is what the CASCO policy looks like in the photo.

Preparation of insurance documents requires a careful approach. Especially if you have to do this for the first time or with a new insurer. The registration does not exclude various frauds.

Usually, as a result, the car owner receives an unsecured “document.” This means that you need to get an idea in advance of at least the contract or CASCO policy.

What documents are needed to obtain insurance?

Below is an indicative list of documents that are usually required to apply for a CASCO policy. However, the insurer may also require other documents; this issue must be clarified before going to the company.

  1. Statement. Usually each company has its own forms.
  2. If the car belongs to an individual, then a passport or similar document, if the owner is a legal entity, then a certificate of registration of the organization.
  3. All documents that confirm the registration of the vehicle. Usually this is a passport, certificate, customs documents, purchase and sale agreement, certificate-invoice and the like.
  4. If the vehicle is leased, then an appropriate agreement is needed.
  5. If the vehicle is being driven by more than one person, not just the owner, driver's licenses of all those admitted will be required. Submitting copies is usually sufficient.
  6. Previous CASCO policy, if available.
  7. It is possible that it is necessary to confirm with documents the presence of an anti-theft system.

You will also need something that is not documents: the vehicle itself. Plus, the insurance company may ask you to show your existing sets of keys.

Let's say all the originals/copies are collected. What next - sign a contract, take out a policy, or do both? In fact, the contract and the CASCO policy are two documents that are equivalent in nature.

Now let's find out what you need to sign up for a CASCO car insurance contract.

CASCO insurance contract

Let's consider what this document is, as well as the main mistakes that are made when signing it by the owner of the vehicle.

Basic information

To begin with, here are the basic information that must certainly be contained in the contract:

  1. Data of the insurer, policyholder and beneficiary (in situations with cars purchased on credit, the last one is often the bank), approved drivers.
  2. Complete information about the vehicle for which insurance is being issued. In the case of a car, it's not just the make, model and license plate number. You will need an identifier, information about the year of manufacture and mileage.
  3. What territory does the insurance cover? It cannot be ruled out that Russia will not be enough for the vehicle owner and will require coverage of all CIS countries.
  4. List of risks.
  5. Indication of the sum insured and liability limits.
  6. The period for which the contract was concluded.

If we are talking about CASCO for special vehicles, or there is a collateral, loan or leasing of a vehicle, you will have to prepare for various additional conditions. It is impossible to list exactly which ones; in terms of CASCO, insurance companies are full of creative ideas.

A sample CASCO insurance contract can be viewed below or downloaded.

CASCO insurance contract (sample)

CASCO insurance contract - 1

CASCO insurance contract - 2

CASCO insurance contract - 3

CASCO insurance contract - 4

CASCO insurance contract - 5

CASCO insurance contract - 6

CASCO insurance contract - 7

CASCO insurance contract - 8

CASCO insurance contract - 9

CASCO insurance contract - 10

CASCO insurance contract - 11

CASCO insurance contract - 12

CASCO insurance contract - 13

CASCO insurance contract - 14

CASCO insurance contract - 15

Common mistakes

And now about the main mistakes. There is no need to think that CASCO agreements are the same everywhere and sign the document without reading it carefully. In such a situation, there is a real chance to sign for documents that were not actually received and agree to very unfavorable conditions.

  • A simple example: theoretically, CASCO insurance insures against any accident on the road, without taking into account the fault of the policyholder. In practice, the insurance company can set a condition: if the driver violated the rules and ended up causing an accident, there will be no payments.
  • Another common option is to not include some risks. For example, from a tree falling on a car or acts of vandalism.
  • It happens that a car is stolen if it was not in a guarded parking lot at the time of the incident. It happened that the owners signed under such “favorable” terms of the CASCO agreement.

In order not to become a participant in such an incident, it is necessary to read all the main documents, as well as those to which there are links (all kinds of rules, standards, and so on). Every issue that arises must be resolved before signing documents and paying fees.

Let us now consider what you need to pay attention to if you are drawing up not a contract, but a policy. Typically, policyholders deal with just such a document.

Even more useful information on the basic data of the CASCO insurance contract is contained in the video below:

CASCO policy

What it is

A CASCO policy is a special form, and each insurance company has its own. This is an important difference when applying for CASCO insurance from compulsory motor liability insurance - in the second case there is a standard form, but in the first there is no.

The policy must contain complete information on the insurance itself and the parties involved (in fact, everything is as in the contract). Sometimes forms are filled out on both sides.

A specialist will tell you more about the CASCO policy itself and the methods for applying for it in the video below:

Registration procedure

Documents have been collected, insurance company rules and tariff lines have been studied. You can start decorating.

  1. Unless we are talking about a completely new vehicle, you will have to present the insurance object in its original form. This is necessary for a pre-insurance examination. The responsible employee will check the numbers, confirm the presence of keys (two sets), and identify existing damage.
  2. Then it’s time to complete all the documentation. What to pay attention to here has already been mentioned above.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the employee issues the client the policy itself, a document confirming payment and all others for which the policyholder signed. Here, too, you need to check everything.