Separate divisions in 1C accounting department. Creation of a separate division. Payroll



To create a separate division, the taxpayer must fulfill a number of obligations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. These include the need to register with tax authorities, calculation and payment of taxes/fees both at the location of the enterprise and at the location of separate divisions / Art. 19 Tax Code of the Russian Federation/.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer is obliged to notify the tax authority about the creation separate division, paragraphs 1 and 4 of Art. 83 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulate the need for registration with the tax authorities at the location of a separate division. Please note that if the taxpayer is already registered with one of the tax authorities, there is no need to register with the same tax authority, but on a different basis / paragraph 39 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia dated 02.28.2001 No. 5 “On some issues of application of part first Tax Code Russian Federation»/.

In Articles 23 and 83 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation you can find information about the deadlines for filing an application for tax registration at the location of a separate division:

Taking into account the information that when registering a taxpayer for tax purposes when creating a separate division, it is necessary to focus on the location of the division. Thus, a corresponding application is submitted to the tax authority, taking into account the territorial jurisdiction, while the specifics of accounting for private groups in specialized tax authorities are not taken into account. Specialized groups include tax authorities of an industry or subject area (construction, motor transport, etc.). This conclusion is confirmed by the special provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which provide for the distribution of tax obligations, including the location of the designated separate divisions. Because part of tax liabilities is usually distributed to the budgets of additional territories, we can conclude that there is territorial bodies occupied with monitoring the payment of taxes in the specified territory.

However, it is impossible to make an unambiguous interpretation of the term “separate division”, which, within the framework of tax legal relations, should lead to the mandatory payment of taxes by the taxpayer in different budgets subjects of the Russian Federation or municipalities. Otherwise, the peculiarity of a separate division will consist only in territorial isolation, and therefore the amount of the taxpayer’s tax obligations will remain unchanged. The courts did not recognize this argument as fair, despite its apparent logic.

When making a transaction with a separate division, you must enter both values ​​in the directory of counterparties: legal entity - head division and separate division.

To add a separate division to the directory, you must select the “Separate division” type, then select an element in the directory of counterparties that corresponds to the legal entity (head division), and also enter the checkpoint and address of the separate division.

Then, in order to formalize a transaction with a counterparty - a separate division - in the sales/receipt document, in the “Counterparty” field, you must indicate the element of the directory of counterparties corresponding to the legal entity - the head division, in the “Consignee” field - a separate division.

First, let's figure out where counterparties are located in 1C 8.3. The Counterparties directory can be called from the Directories section:

Or through the All functions command in the Main menu:

Step 1. Filling out the fields of the counterparty card

How to create a counterparty

When filling out the Counterparty Type field, 4 values ​​are available for selection: Legal entity, Individual, Separate division, State institution:

If the counterparty is a legal entity

The name, full name is indicated (reflected in printed forms), INN (10 digits), checkpoint (9 digits), OKPO code.

For this type of counterparty, after filling out the short name, the Fill in by name button is available. When you click on it, a window of the contractors found by the current name appears:

After the user selects the desired counterparty, the 1C 8.3 program compares its details with the details filled in by the user and:

  • or fills in empty details;
  • or, if there are discrepancies, offers to refill such details.

Thus, in 1C 8.3 the details are automatically filled in: name, abbreviated legal name, checkpoint, telephone, legal address.

To use the autofill service by name, you must connect the Internet user support service through the Administration – Service – Internet support section.

If the counterparty is an individual

Indicate your full name, INN (12 digits), OKPO code, series and number of the certificate, identification document:

If the counterparty is a separate division

The composition of the fields is similar to filling out the Legal Entity type, but an additional field, Head Counterparty, is added. The selection of the value to fill in this field also comes from the Counterparties directory, therefore the Head Counterparty must first be entered in this directory.

For a separate division in 1C 8.3, the TIN is filled in automatically according to the TIN of the head counterparty, and the checkpoint depends on the location of the division, the name of the division:

If the counterparty is a government agency

Used to enter information about government agencies into the 1C 8.3 database: for example, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund. In this case the following are indicated:

  • Name – the name of the recipient, understandable to the user;
  • Full name – name of the payee in payment order for transfer to the budget;
  • Government body:
    • Tax authority - if the recipient is the Federal Tax Service;
    • FSS body - if the recipient is the FSS;
    • Pension Fund body - if the recipient is the Pension Fund;
    • Other – if the recipient is another body.
  • TIN – TIN of the payment recipient;
  • Checkpoint – payee checkpoint:

Filling out the remaining fields of the Counterparty card

  • Full name– full name of the counterparty (to be inserted into printed forms). Able to store a history of name changes.
  • Country of registration– it is important to indicate, since if the counterparty is registered abroad, it becomes possible to enter the tax and registration number in the format of the country of registration.
  • Completed details main bank account, addresses And phones, contact faces from the card are automatically inserted into documents when selecting a counterparty.
  • TIN and checkpoint counterparty - when filling out these details, their correctness is checked, as well as their absence in the database to avoid duplication.

For all types of counterparties, with the exception of a separate division, in 1C 8.3 it is possible to automatically fill in the details according to the TIN. Wherein:

  • Filling out the TIN also works when connecting to Internet support.
  • If information about the counterparty is available in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the following details will be filled in: checkpoint, short and full name, legal address, manager as the main contact person, telephone.
  • The checkpoint attribute has the ability to store the history of its changes (starting from version 3.0.39). If the checkpoint has changed, then you need to click on the History link and add a new line, indicating the start date of the new value:

The counterparty card at the top provides access to details and documents associated with this counterparty:

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

A list of bank accounts for this counterparty opens:

New bank accounts must be entered through the counterparty card. You can also add new bank and through the current account entry form:

To correctly fill out a bank in 1C 8.3, it is better to use the Bank Classifier, which is filled out by downloading the bank classifier from the RBC agency website or from the ITS disk (read in our article).

After the classifier is loaded into 1C 8.3, you need to find desired bank in the folder with the name of the required region and click the Select button. After this, the bank will be added to the Banks directory and from there you can add it to the Bank field of the Current Account creation window:

The checkbox for the “Payments are made through a correspondent account opened in another bank (settlement bank)” checkbox is selected if settlements are made through a bank’s correspondent account in another bank. Valid only for Russian bank accounts.

A list of contact persons for this counterparty opens. The contact person selected as the main one is inserted into documents and printed forms. For example, the contact person is inserted into the Signatures section of the contract of this counterparty:

When creating a contact person, fill in the following fields:

  • Main tab- FULL NAME;
  • Addresses tab– address, telephone, E-mail, other contact information;
  • Bookmark Additional details – position, role, date of birth, other additional information.
  • The Role field is filled in to clarify the value specified in the Position field. For example, Position = Accountant, and the clarifying role can be = Accountant, Materials Accountant, Fixed Asset Accountant, etc.

When you start filling out, the contact person is filled in with the form Counterparty contact person:

But after recording the element on the Home tab, 2 more types of contacts are added for selection: personal contact and other contact person, so that if the contact is no longer a contact person for this counterparty, then in the future it will be possible to assign another type to it and the contact will appear in the Contact persons directory, but will no longer be listed as a contact of this counterparty and will not appear in the list of its contact persons:

A list of settings for settlement accounts for this counterparty opens:

This window has only informative value, since it is better to set up accounts with counterparties through the information register of the same name, so that the settings are correct and the picture of the settings is complete. To do this, go to the section Directories – Purchases and sales – Accounts for settlements with counterparties:

The figure shows that two lines with account settings have been entered:

  • The settings of the first line are valid for all organizations, all counterparties and for all contracts and for settlements in the registry currency. accounting, since none of the values ​​in the columns are selected.
  • The second line already specifically applies to the organization Confetprom for settlements with the counterparty Cafe Skazka under a specific agreement and for settlements in registry currency. accounting.

Thus, the substitution of accounts in the first line will be valid in all cases except those specified in the second line. At the same time, in new setup No fewer fields must be filled in than in the previous settings.

The information register of the same name opens with the selection of licenses for this counterparty. This information is used to draw up a declaration on retail volumes:

A list of electronic document management settings for this counterparty opens. can be found in the Administration section – Setting up the exchange of electronic documents:

Step 2. Working with counterparty documents in 1C 8.3

On the tab Documentation The Journal of Operations with selection for this counterparty opens, in which you can additionally set selections by agreement and organization, as well as by other details through the More – Set up list button:

Step 3. Working with counterparty agreements in 1C 8.3

How to choose a counterparty agreement

The availability of accounting under contracts in 1C 8.3 is included in the Main section - Functionality - Calculations tab - Accounting under contracts checkbox.

On the tab Treaties a list of all contracts that have ever been entered into the 1C 8.3 database for this counterparty opens. In the list, you can select by organization and select existing contracts for a specific date.

The 1C Accounting 3.0 configuration allows you to designate several contracts for a counterparty as the main ones, depending on the organization with which the contract was concluded and the type of contract. That is, 2 main contracts with the type Other and With the buyer can be assigned to one organization, but one organization cannot have 2 main contracts with the type With the buyer:

Incorrect indication of a contract in 1C can lead to duplication of contracts. What errors this can lead to, how to find and correct such errors, see our video:

How to create an agreement with a counterparty in 1C 8.3

Filling out the general details of the contract:

  • The following details are always filled in: name, number and date of the contract;
  • Settlement currency – contract currency;
  • Type of calculations – additional analytics for calculations. Allows the user to combine contracts of different counterparties. For example, into groups according to some criterion;
  • Price type – used for substitution when selecting a contract in a document.

When creating a new contract, the key field is Contract Type. Expansion of the list for selecting types of contracts in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 is determined by enabling the settings in the Main section - Functionality - Trade tab:

The type of contract determines, for example, the availability of the contract for selection from a list of contracts when entering documents (receipts, sales, etc.) into the 1C 8.3 database:

What errors can result from incorrectly specifying the type of contract, see our video lesson:

Filling out the details of the contract with the supplier in 1C 8.3

If in the field Currency If a non-regulated accounting currency is selected, the field becomes available Payment in and choice of payment currency.

Checkbox The payment deadline has been established under the contract– is established if the contract provides for a payment period that is different from the payment period specified in the organization’s accounting policies. If the checkbox is checked, the Contract payment due date field becomes visible.

Checkbox The organization acts as tax agent for payment of VAT– established if the organization acts as a tax agent for the payment of VAT. The ability to set this checkbox is enabled in the Main section - Functionality - Calculations tab - VAT tax agent.

In this case you need to indicate:

  • View agency agreement(rent, sale of property, non-resident);
  • Generalized name of goods for the tax agent invoice - it will be substituted in the invoice during automatic registration of tax agent invoices.

If in the field Currency If a non-regulated accounting currency is selected and the organization does not act as a tax agent for VAT, then the checkbox becomes available Calculations in conventional units. This checkbox must be selected if the contract is entered in conventional units. Possibility to make payments in USD is included in the Main section - Functionality - Calculations tab - Calculations in currency and monetary units.

Filling out the details of the contract with the buyer in 1C 8.3

In the Procedure for registering invoices field, you need to select from the list the order for registering invoices for advance payments under the contract.

Generalized name of goods for advance invoices - it will be substituted in the invoice when automatically registering advance invoices.

Filling out the details of the agreement with the principal (principal) in 1C 8.3

To automatically calculate commission (agency) remuneration in 1C 8.3, you need to specify the calculation method that will be entered during registration.

The Organization acts as a tax agent for the payment of VAT checkbox – is selected if the organization acts as a tax agent for the payment of VAT. Then, by default, the Type of agency agreement is set to Non-Resident (clause 2 of Article 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Filling out the details of the agreement with the commission agent (agent) in 1C 8.3

To automatically calculate commission (agency) remuneration, you need to specify Calculation method, which will be substituted during registration.

The following calculation methods are available: Not calculated, Percentage of the difference between the sales and receipt amounts, Percentage of the sale amount.

Filling out details of other contracts in 1C 8.3

For such contracts, only general details and the Validity period details must be filled in.

Validity– depending on the validity period, the agreement is considered short-term (less than a year) or long-term and entails the establishment of accounting accounts for credit and loan transactions: 66.01 “ Short-term loans” and 67.01 “Long-term loans”.

Filling out an agreement card with a counterparty in 1C 8.3

In the agreement card at the top there are sections: documents, attached files, accounts of settlements with counterparties.

  • Documentation– a list of all documents (including those not posted) opens, when creating which this agreement was specified:

  • Attached files– a list of files loaded for this agreement opens. For example, a scan of a printed copy of the contract itself or an additional conditions for it:

How to load an agreement with a counterparty in 1C 8.3

When you press the button Add You can upload either a file or an image from the scanner. When adding from a scanner, a window for working with the scanner will open. Uploaded files are stored in separate folders that are created for each object.

If you click the More button to select Preview, then when viewing attached images in a special window you can view its contents:

Pictogram Electronic signature and encryption offers a list of commands to choose from:

Working with a contract template in 1C 8.3

By button Agreement– you can print the contract by first selecting a template for forming the contract.

You can choose any ready-made suitable template and form an agreement. can also be called from a document Buyer invoice:

Important: before creating a contract in 1C 8.3, you must check that all data on the organization is filled in: name, list of responsible persons, payment details; by counterparty: name, contact person, payment details; and the agreement – ​​signature section:

After this, a correct contract will be formed in which all the necessary data is filled in:

If the printed form of the contract contains yellow fields, this means that there is incomplete data in the 1C 8.3 database:

How to create your own contract template in 1C 8.3

Section Directories – Purchases and sales – Contract templates – Create – New template:

A form for creating a template will open. It is a text editor with clear icons for editing. Let's add manual text and insert details that should be filled out according to the information base. This is the contract number and contract date. Let's save:

A new template has appeared in the list of templates:

After this, we will create a ready-made agreement using this template:

The 1C 8.3 program produced a printed form using a new template. That is, when creating a template, you can insert any text and set the filling of changing data using values ​​from the database.

You can also send by e-mail by pressing the button Send.

Step 4. Set up sending documents by email to counterparties in 1C 8.3

To send emails, you must first make the settings described. More details on how to set up mail in 1C 8.3 can be seen in our video tutorial:

After successful setup, you will be able to send attached files by email.

Step 5. Delete duplicate counterparties in 1C 8.3

In some cases, in 1C 8.3 it is necessary to search for duplicate elements of the Counterparties directory. For example, in the Counterparties directory there was a selection based on some criterion and the user did not notice that the counterparty had already been entered (since it was hidden) and entered it again.

To eliminate this situation, Search and remove duplicates processing is used. (in BP 2.0, ZUP 2.5, ZiK 1.0 similar processing Search and replace values). Section Administration – Support and Maintenance.

You can read more about searching and deleting duplicates in 1C 8.3.

How duplication of counterparties occurs in the Counterparties directory and what errors this duplication causes, see our video:

Step 6. Checking the counterparty in 1C 8.3

This feature appeared in the 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration, starting with release and allows the user to obtain information about the counterparty to assess the reliability, scale financial activities etc.

The dossier can be called up using the button of the same name in the counterparty’s card:

A window opens with a report for this counterparty:

Switching between sections (Main, Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Program data, Financial statements, Reporting analysis, The financial analysis, Checks), you can obtain comprehensive information about the counterparty of interest.

Important: after a report on a counterparty is generated in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, each of its sections can be saved in mxl, pdf, xls formats.

  • Chapter Main– information collected and summarized from data from other sections is displayed.
  • Chapter Unified State Register of Legal Entities– information is displayed in the context of legal addresses, managers, authorized capital, founders.
  • Chapter Program data– the data specified in the program from the counterparty’s card is displayed.
  • Chapter Financial statements– reporting for 2012-2013 is displayed according to Rosstat.

Legal entities have the right to create separate divisions for various purposes. The legislation regulates in detail the conditions and procedure for their creation. Separate divisions simultaneously have two main characteristics:

  • The address of a separate division differs from the address of the organization indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • At the location of the separate unit, at least one stationary station is equipped for a period of more than a month workplace.

In the 1C:Accounting 3.0 program, created on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, registration of a separate division is carried out in the menu “Directories - Enterprises - Divisions”.


You need to create a new division in 1C: check the “Separate division” box, fill in all the details, indicate the head division. The division will have its own checkpoint, and the TIN will be common for all divisions and the parent company.


After filling out, the document must be recorded, and then it will be reflected in accounting.


In the 1C program, you can create, configure and maintain records of several organizations and departments at the same time. In this case, there is the possibility of separate accrual wages with change tax reporting to different Federal Tax Service Inspectors. Let's look at an example of how to keep records for separate divisions in terms of wages.

In the main menu, select “Administration – Program settings – Accounting parameters”.


In the accounting parameters, select “Salary settings”.


In the “Payroll calculation” section, check the “Payroll calculation by separate divisions” checkbox.


In the department card, you can enter the details of the tax office to which the reports will be submitted.



First we need to hire employees for our division. To do this, go from the main menu to “Salaries and personnel – Personnel records – Hiring”.


Through “Create” we go to the employment document. We fill in the following information:

  • The organization is our organization;
  • Division – a separate subdivision;
  • Position – position of an employee of a separate unit;
  • Employee – an employee of a separate unit;
  • Reception date – fill in the required date;
  • Probation period – fill in if one is provided;
  • Type of employment – ​​in our case it is internal part-time work.


Now let’s calculate the salary of the employee of the main and separate division. Salaries in 1C 8.3 are calculated in the section “Salaries and Personnel - Salaries - All Accruals”.


Using the “Create” button, we calculate wages for employees of the main department. For example, let's take data for one employee. We will fill out and post the “Payroll” document.


Generation of 2-NDFL certificates

So, we have calculated wages for two employees of the main and separate departments. Next, we will generate 2-NDFL certificates for these employees. To do this, from the main menu go to “Salaries and personnel – personal income tax – 2-NDFL for transfer to the Federal Tax Service”.


We create a certificate for an employee of the main department. The 1C 8.3 program offers the opportunity to select a tax office according to OKTMO and KPP. We select the one we need and fill in the remaining data. The employee data should be filled in automatically. The help displays the following information:

  • The tax rate is in our case 13%;
  • Income – accrued salary to an employee;
  • Taxable income - if there were no deductions, then the amounts are the same;
  • Tax – the amount of accrued personal income tax;
  • Held – personal income tax withholding occurs at the time of salary payment, our salary has just been accrued, so in our case the value in this cell is “0”;
  • Listed – this field will be filled in after the tax is paid to the budget, so for now it is also “0”.


Next, fill out a certificate for an employee of a separate unit. We generate the certificate in a similar way, changing the data in the OKTMO/KPP field when paying income. Data from the Federal Tax Service at the address of the separate division. Similar to the previous certificate, the employee’s data, his income, tax rate and tax amount are filled in automatically.


Just like for the previous certificate, you can display a printed form in which we see the Federal Tax Service code different from the first one.


In this article, we looked at how to create a separate division, as well as the possibilities offered by the 1C 8.3 program for payroll calculation, tax calculation, as well as submitting reports for employees of the main and separate divisions to different tax inspectorates. Thanks to them, maintaining a separate unit in the program will not be difficult for users.


How to enable the ability to maintain records for Separate divisions in the standard configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting KOPR"

General information

The standard configuration of 1C: Enterprise Accounting, version 8 of KORP, allows you to organize end-to-end accounting in the context of organizational units, both allocated and not allocated to a separate balance sheet.
The CORP version allows you to set up accounting for separate divisions for the receipt and transfer of fixed assets, finished products, materials, Money, as well as the transfer of employees between the parent organization and separate divisions.
The KORP version of the "1C: Enterprise Accounting" configuration allows you to keep track of income, expenses, and profits for each separate division. When preparing an income tax return, distribution shares according to the Federal Tax Service are calculated, which greatly facilitates the work of an accountant.
For each separate division, you can indicate the addresses, telephone numbers, and names of the responsible persons of the division. This data is displayed in printed forms of all documents issued by a separate division. Separate numbering of documents by separate divisions is supported.

Buy 1C: Accounting CORP for 33,600 rubles. right now!

Also, the KORP version of the 1C: Enterprise Accounting configuration allows you to organize the accounting of payments for government defense orders in accordance with the requirements Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ (taking into account amendments to Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 No. 159-FZ).

How to enable accounting by separate divisions

To enable the ability to create Separate Departments in typical configuration"1C: Enterprise Accounting CORP" edition 3.0, you need to check the "Accounting for several organizations" and "Separate divisions" flags in the functionality settings window on the "Organization" tab (see figure).

We agree with the warning “Enabling functionality may take a long time.”

After this, the “Organizations” item will appear in the “Main” section.

A directory of organizations and separate divisions will open.

Click the "Create" button.

A window will open in which you can select which organization we are adding: individual entrepreneur, new legal entity or separate division.

In the next window, you will be able to specify the details of the Separate Division: Name, KPP, Prefix (if separate continuous numbering of documents in a separate division is required) and Digital code for invoices, OGRN, registration date, address, telephone, Bank details, full name of the responsible persons of the separate division (which must be indicated in documents issued on behalf of the OP), data from the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund and statistics codes.

The TIN of a separate division and the taxation system are the same as those of the Parent organization and cannot be changed.

After specifying all the details of the Separate Unit, click on “Record” or “Record and Close”.

The separate division will appear in the "Organizations" directory. Now you can select a Separate Division in any document.

To increase the convenience and speed of work, each user can be assigned a Separate Department by default, which will be immediately automatically inserted into documents when they are created, and if necessary, you can set up an access restriction system so that users of a separate department can write out and see only documents of their separate department and not saw the documents of the Parent Organization and/or other divisions.

Please note that full support for working with Separate divisions is implemented only in the standard configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting" rev. 3.0 version of CORP. Include data functionality There are no plans for Basic and Professional versions!

Cost of "1C: Accounting 8 KORP"

You can purchase 1C: Accounting KORP from our company, even if you are in another region of the Russian Federation. The price includes remote installation of electronic delivery and sending boxed versions by courier throughout the Russian Federation.

There are several options for delivering the software product "1C: Accounting 8 CORP":

1C:Accounting 8 CORPBoxed delivery of "1C: Accounting" version of CORP with software system protection with a license for 1 workplace
1C: Accounting 8 CORP. Electronic delivery Electronic delivery of "1C:Accounting" version of KORP with a software security system with a license for 1 workplace
1C:Accounting 8 KORP (USB)Boxed delivery of "1C: Accounting" version of CORP with a USB hardware dongle for 1 workstation

Advantages of electronic delivery of "1C:Accounting 8 KORP"

  • Purchasing an electronic delivery allows the user to receive installation distributions and activation codes for 1C software products as quickly as possible.
  • Electronic delivery is generated at the time of purchase, thus the user receives current version programs at the time of purchase.
  • Documentation and accompanying materials are supplied in a convenient electronic format, which allows you to immediately see the contents of the book and quickly move to the desired chapter.
  • The software product is registered in personal account on the official portal technical support"1C" immediately at the time of purchase and the user gets access to all updates to the technology platform and standard configuration immediately, without the need for additional registration.

    Discount when upgrading from 1C:Accounting 8 PROF and previous versions

    You can get a discount when upgrading 1C: Accounting from the PROF version to KORP in our company, even if you purchased 1C: Accounting PROF elsewhere and are in another region of the Russian Federation. The main condition is that the 1C: Accounting PROF set to be handed over must be licensed and officially purchased.

    If you have previously used 1C: Accounting 8 PROF, then this gives you the right to purchase 1C: Accounting 8 CORP at a significant discount. When upgrading, you will only need to pay the difference in price between PROF and KOPR versions of 1C:Accounting 8 according to the current price list + 150 rubles. For example, if you previously purchased 1C: Accounting 8 PROF (at the time of writing, the price list price is 13,000 rubles), then when upgrading to 1C: Accounting 8 CORP, the cost of the additional payment will be 33,600 - 13,000 + 150 = 20,750 rubles.

    When upgrading, the price of the purchased 1C: Accounting 8 CORP set includes 3 months of a preferential subscription to information technology support for ITS. Also, when upgrading, it is possible to extend the preferential ITS subscription period from 3 to 12 months at a special price of 19,776 rubles, which makes it possible to make the transition to the CORP version even more profitable. For example, a regular ITS PROF subscription for 1C:Accounting PROF for 12 months at the price list costs 35,992 rubles, and the cost of an upgrade from PROF to CORP version is 20,750 rubles. + extension of the preferential ITS subscription when purchasing the program from 3 to 12 months. - 19776 rub. The total cost of the upgrade + ITS for 12 months will cost 40,529 rubles, i.e. the amount of additional payment for the transition from PROF to CORP version will be 4934 rubles! The rest of the amount will go towards payment for the ITS subscription, which you would already have to pay for the maintenance of 1C: Accounting PROF.

    Online version of "1C:Accounting CORP" in the cloud service 1C:Fresh
    Cost from 495 rub./month. per user*

    Today, “1C: Accounting KORP” can not only be purchased and installed on your computer, but also used remotely via the Internet in cloud service mode. In this case, the 1C: Accounting KORP database is located on secure servers in the 1C data center, and users can work in the program remotely via the Internet using a regular web browser (Chrome, IE, Edge, Mozilla, Safari) or 1C thin client (provided free of charge).
    Access to the online version of "1C: Accounting KORP" is provided on the principles of SaaS (software as a service - program as a service).
    Our company is an official partner of the 1C company with the status "1C: Network Competence Center", which gives us the right to connect users to the cloud service "1C: Fresh" on the same conditions for the entire Russian Federation and at the price established by the 1C company.
    The 1C website has a page for auto-registration, which allows our users to independently register in the cloud service.

    Upon initial registration, our users are provided with free access for the first 30 days of connection, then the cost of access will cost from 495 rubles* per month per user, depending on the number of users, number and size of information databases.

    Cost of access to the online version of 1C:Accounting 8 KORP in the cloud service 1C:Fresh

    Tariff plan1 month3 months6 months12 months
    1C: Accounting CORP
    Access for up to 10 simultaneous users

    594.00 rub. per month
    for 1 user

    535.40 rub. per month
    for 1 user

    516.60 rub. per month
    for 1 user

    494.40 rub. per month
    for 1 user
    Additional workplace (over 10 users)

    The indicated price includes access to up to 10 simultaneous users (sessions) to two 1C: Accounting CORP information databases up to 8GB in size + change connection electronic reporting for 1 legal entity + connection to the 1C:Counterparty service for auto-filling in the details of counterparties by TIN and checking them using the Federal Tax Service database + the ability to use other configurations available in the service (1C: Enterprise Accounting PROF/Basic, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management, 1C: Management by our company) without limiting the number and size of information databases.

    * Cost 495 rub./month. per user is calculated when connecting 10 users and paying for 12 months.

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    Online Company, 2018

    Separate division in 1C, How to set up a separate division in 1C: Accounting KORP, 1C 8.3 separate division, 1C Accounting separate division, How to create a separate division in 1C 8.3 accounting, How to create a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP rev.3.0, Accounting for separate divisions in 1C: Accounting KORP, changing the address of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Opening a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, Where to indicate tax data for a separate division of 1C Accounting KORP, How to add a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, 1C Accounting Personal Income Tax separate division, How to create a separate division in 1C separate division, 1C 8 separate division, changing the head of a separate division in 1C Accounting, how to open a separate division of LLC in 1C Accounting, paying taxes by separate divisions, how to register a separate division in 1C Accounting, How to create a separate division in 1C Accounting CORP, Separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, Separate division in a standard configuration Enterprise Accounting 1s 8.3, Accounting for separate divisions in 1s 8.3, 1s corp separate divisions, How to create a separate division in 1C Accounting 8.3 version KORP, How to maintain a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, Separate division 1s 8.3 in the directory of organizations, Create a separate division in 1C 8.3, FSS separate division in 1C Accounting, separate division profit calculation in 1C Accounting, Dedicated balance sheet of a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, How to create separate divisions in 1C, separate division allocated to a separate balance sheet in 1C Accounting Department CORP, Separate accounting of a separate division in 1C Accounting, How to enter a separate division in 1C, Order on the creation of a separate division in 1C Accounting, 1C 8.2 separate division, cash book separate division, parent organization and separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, personal income tax for separate divisions in 1C Accounting, How to set up accounting for separate divisions in 1C Accounting KORP 8.3, How to add a separate division in 1C, How to add a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, Separate divisions in 1C 8 3, How to create a separate division in another region in 1C Accounting, Property tax of separate divisions in 1C Accounting, Documents for a separate division in 1C Accounting, Separate division step-by-step instruction, taxation of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Create a separate division in 1C Accounting 8.3 version KORP, How to add a checkpoint of a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, 1C KPP of a separate division, How to create a balance sheet for a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, 6-NDFL separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, 1C Accounting KORP NDFL separate division, accountant of a separate division, Calculation of contributions to funds for a separate division in 1C Accounting, How to create a separate division in 1C Accounting in another city, How to maintain a separate division in 1C, How to create a separate division in 1C 8.3 division, Tax accounting for a separate division in 1C Accounting, cash desk of a separate division 1C, organization of activities of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Separate division legal entity in 1C Accounting, Separate account of a separate division in 1C: Accounting, How to enter a separate division in 1C, How to indicate information about a separate division in 1C Accounting, Calculation of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for a separate division in 1C Accounting, Separate accounting of the profit of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Balance sheet of a separate division in 1C Accounting, 1C Accounting how to create a separate division, Income tax of a separate division in 1C Accounting, How to add a separate division in 1C 8.3, Location of a separate division in 1C Accounting documents, 1C 8.3 corp separate division, Accounting of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Reporting of a separate division in 1C Accounting, How to make a separate division in 1C, checkpoint of a separate division invoice of 1C Accounting, Calculation of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a separate division in 1C Accounting, Declaration of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Head of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Create a separate division in another city in 1C Accounting, invoices of separate divisions 1C, Work of separate divisions in 1C Accounting, How to fill out a separate division in 1C, legal address of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Where to indicate the current account of a separate division in 1C Accounting, 1c profit tax separate division, Calculation of contributions for a separate division in 1C Accounting, Representative office (separate division) in 1C Accounting, create a separate division in 1C 8.3 accounting, Director of a separate division in 1C Accounting, accounting for a separate division + in 1C 8.3 accounting, Separate division reports in 1C Accounting, How to create a separate division of your organization in 1C, 1C accounting, accounting for separate divisions, a separate division of a company in 1C Accounting, sales to a separate division in 1C, Calculation of taxes for a separate division in 1C Accounting, accounting for separate divisions, 2- Personal income tax of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Contributions for a separate division in 1C Accounting, 1C Accounting 3.0 separate division, 1s 8.3 separate division, Tax accounting of a separate division in 1C Accounting, Profit for separate divisions in 1C, insurance premiums of a separate division in 1C Accounting, 1C cash book of a separate division, Income tax for separate divisions in 1C, How to enter a separate division in 1C 8.3, a separate division located outside the location of the parent organization in 1C Accounting, Invoice of a separate division in 1C Accounting, separate division in 1C 8.3 accounting corp, Numbering of invoices of a separate division in 1C Accounting, 1C accounting 3.0 separate divisions, Profit declaration of a separate division in 1C, Separate accounting of property of a separate division in 1C Accounting, setting up a separate division in 1C 8.3, Head and separate division in 1C Accounting, 1C reporting of separate divisions, Calculation for a separate division in 1C Accounting, 1C 8.3 checkpoint of a separate division, organization of accounting for a separate division in 1C Accounting, Cash desk of a separate division in 1C 8.3, Income tax declaration of a separate division in 1C Accounting, A separate division of a branch of an organization in 1C Accounting, VAT of a separate division in 1C Accounting, branches and other separate divisions in 1C Accounting, How to create a branch in another city in 1C Accounting, accounting policy a separate division in 1C Accounting, Registration with the tax authorities of a separate division, details of a separate division in 1C Accounting, how to reflect the formation of a separate division in 1C Accounting, a separate division taxes and reporting in 1C Accounting, a separate division of a limited liability company in 1C Accounting, Income Accounting and expenses, as well as actual profit for each separate division in 1C Accounting KORP

    Tags: How to add a separate division in 1C Accounting KORP, 1C Accounting Personal Income Tax separate division, How to create a separate division in 1C, 1C 8 separate division, changing the head of a separate division in 1C Accounting