Form 1 enterprise sample filling. Types of activities and separate divisions


statistical form 1-enterprise must be filled in by all companies that sell manufactured goods, works and services. Instructions for filling out the 1-enterprise form can be found in this article.

This form includes a title page and nine sections. The form and sample form 1-enterprise statistics are given below.

Consider how each of these sections is filled out:

Title page

The title page of the report must contain the following information:

  • The name of the reporting company (both full and short);
  • The name of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the company is located, as well as its full legal address, indicating the index;
  • The actual address, if it is different from the legal one;
  • OKPO.

Section 1

This section contains general information about the organization. It is filled in like this:

  • 101 - date of registration or re-registration of the company;
  • 102 - the date when the company began to carry out its activities;
  • 103-108 - the way the company was formed, these fields need to be filled in only when the organization was founded in reporting period.

Second section

This section contains information about the organization's Criminal Code. Completing this section of Form 1-Enterprise Statistics is done as follows:

  • 201 - the size of the authorized capital at the end of the reporting period;
  • 202-210 - distribution of capital among the founders of the organization;
  • 211 - the amount of foreign capital.

Third section

The third section of the reporting is intended to indicate information on the share of foreign capital by partner countries:

  • 301 - the total amount of investments of foreign legal entities. and physical persons in the Criminal Code;
  • 302 - information for each partner country separately.

Section 4

This section is intended to describe the structure of the organization in the current year. Filling in the form 1-enterprise in this section is carried out as follows:

  • 401-1 - the total number of branches that are part of the organization;
  • 402-1 - the number of branches located in other territories other than the territory where the head office is located;
  • 401-2, 402-2 - the number of divisions with the status of a branch;
  • 403 is the number of subsidiaries.

Fifth section

This section includes information about the manufacture and sale of products. It is filled in like this:

  • 501 - total turnover of the company;
  • 502-512 - the number of shipped goods of own production, as well as services rendered on their own;
  • 513-514 - income from construction work;
  • 515-516 - the cost of manufactured products;
  • 517 - the cost of repair and installation work that was performed for personal needs;
  • 518 - the cost of goods shipped free of charge;
  • 519 - the cost of manufactured fertilizers and feeds;
  • 520 - manufactured agricultural products;
  • 521-522 - the cost of materials that were used during construction works;
  • 523-524 - the amount of subsidies;
  • 525 - the number of months during which the company was engaged in commercial activities;
  • 526 - the amount of customs duty.

Sections 6-9

  • The sixth section is used to indicate information about the company's costs for the manufacture and sale of products, and the provision of services. Also, the balances of values ​​​​at the end and beginning of the report period are registered here. In addition, it displays the amount of all taxes and fees paid.
  • The seventh section is a transcript of line 657 from the previous section. It takes into account all the costs of paying for individual works and services.
  • The eighth section is intended to describe economic activity in which the company is engaged in the current year.
  • In the ninth section, it is necessary to register all the codes for the types of activities of the company and decipher the data on its branches (if any).

All legal entities report in accordance with the form, with the exception of micro and small enterprises, commercial banks and insurance companies. Individual entrepreneurs are also exempted from the obligation to submit it.

1-The enterprise is rented to the territorial bodies of Rosstat. The deadline for reporting the results of 2018 is April 1, 2019. Submission form - paper or electronic.

Form structure

In 2019, report on new form. It was approved by the Order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2018 No. 461. For instructions on filling out the 1-Enterprise form, see Rosstat Order No. 39 dated January 30, 2018. The form itself consists of a title page and 9 sections. Sections 1-4, 8 and 9 reveal the main facts about the company's activities in the past year. And reflect the data on income and expenses in sections 5, 6 and 7.

Filling order

To get started, download a sample form 1-Enterprise. Start filling out from the title page - indicate the full name of the company, postal address, OKUD and OKPO code. There will obviously be no problems with the title, so let's take a closer look at filling in the sections.

Section 1. General information about the legal entity

In lines 101 and 102, indicate the appropriate dates - registration and start economic activity. They will not match if you have re-registered. Codes 103-108 are needed for companies formed in the reporting year.

Section 2. Distribution of authorized capital between shareholders (founders)

In line 201, indicate the total amount of the authorized capital. Lines 202-210 disclose the structure of capital by category of its holders. If there is a foreign share in the authorized capital, circle the code 211, otherwise - 212.

Section 3. Contributions of foreign legal entities and individuals to the authorized capital by partner countries

Section 3 is completed by those who circled code 211 in section 2. On line 301, enter the share of capital that is owned by foreign legal entities or individuals. In line 302, disclose information about their nationality.

Section 4. Organizational structure of a legal entity in the reporting year

In line 401, indicate the number of separate divisions, including branches. Subdivisions in other constituent entities of Russia are indicated separately in line 402. Subsidiaries are indicated in line 403.

Section 5. Information on the production and shipment of goods, works and services

This is an extensive section. On line 501, indicate the annual turnover of the company without VAT and excises. Lines 502-504 display information about goods and services produced by the firm itself. If you processed tolling raw materials, then indicate the proceeds on line 505. Line 506 records the proceeds from repair work.

For those involved in the resale of goods, lines 507-511 have been developed. If you did not plan to engage in resale, but by coincidence sold part of the inventory, then enter the amount of proceeds in line 512.

For proceeds from construction work, line 513 is provided, from scientific and technical work - 514. If you have released products and credited them to fixed assets, then reflect their cost in lines 515 and 516.

Costs for construction and installation work for own needs are reflected in line 517.

There is a line even for those who donated products to individuals and legal entities free of charge. Reflect the cost of the transferred in line 518.

Lines 519 and 520 are of interest to agricultural organizations.

Price building materials and structures that were used in construction and installation works is reflected in lines 521 and 522.

For recipients of subsidies from the budget, lines 523 and 524 are provided.

Line 525 indicates the number of months you have been in business.

FEA participants are required to indicate the amount of customs duties that they must pay for the reporting year in line 526.

Section 6. Expenses for the production and sale of products

Another large section containing information about your expenses. All costs in the 1-Enterprise form are collected in 6 groups:

  • code 601-609 - expenses for the purchase of goods for resale;
  • code 610-615 - the cost of acquiring inventories;
  • code 616-625 - spending on energy, water, fuel sources;
  • code 626 - expenses for land reclamation;
  • code 633-636 and 646-650 - labor costs;
  • code 639-645 - rent;
  • code 637-638 - depreciation charges;
  • codes 651-655 and 670 - taxes and fees, as well as VAT.

There are other more specific lines as well. The procedure for filling them out is presented in the Order of Rosstat. The resulting line 659 reflects the sum of all expenses.

Section 7 Third Party Charges

A list of services for which you must report charges on the form is provided on lines 701-737.

Section 8. Types of economic activity in the reporting year

In this section, indicate the types of economic activity of your organization, the number of employees employed in this activity, and the payroll for their work. Also, do not forget to indicate the revenue by type of work for the reporting and previous year.

If other companies provided you with workers in accordance with service agreements, then their number is entered in line 803. Line 804 records the number of workers who were already provided by your company.

Section 9. Information about the parent organization and territorially separate subdivisions

As the name implies, this section is filled in by organizations with 2 or more separate divisions. It displays general information about the activities of the parent organization and its specific divisions. Indicate the average number of employees, the wage fund for their work and revenue.

Form 1-Enterprise is not the smallest. It will take a long time to fill it out. And if you submit the form to paper form personally in the statistical authorities, then spend more time waiting in line.

It is much more convenient to generate reports and send them directly to Rosstat through the cloud service Kontur.Accounting. Intuitive interface will speed up the filling of the form. All beginners receive a free trial period of 14 days.

Form 1-enterprise is a federal statistical observation report for 2018, which will have to be submitted by many companies that fall into a special sample of Rosstat. The article shows the procedure for filling out this report, as well as the 1-enterprise form, which can be downloaded.

Statistical reporting form No. 1-enterprise, which is called "Basic information about the activities of the organization", approved by order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2018 N 461. By order of Rosstat dated January 30, 2018 N 39, new instructions for filling out the form were put into effect.

The form of federal statistical observation is annual and contains all the basic information about the activities Russian enterprises all forms of ownership and industries. Sometimes accountants have questions: what kind of form 1 enterprise is it, who rents it? It is easy to deal with these questions. The Rosstat website has a service that allows you to identify the respondents of all statistical reports. Only budget-funded enterprises, banks and financial institutions have been relieved of the need to submit this report to statistics, as well as Insurance companies. Individual entrepreneurs also does not give it away.


Form 1 of the enterprise for 2018 must be sent to territorial body statistics no later than April 1, 2020. If the respondent is late with the report, he will be fined. In this regard, it is better not to postpone sending the form to Rosstat until the last day, but to do it in advance.

Form 1-enterprise: form and its features

Form 1-enterprise is updated annually by the statistics service, however, officials did not actually make any serious changes in comparison with the reporting for 2017. Form 1-enterprise for 2018 approved by Rosstat was supplemented with special instructions (instructions) for filling it out. The instruction was introduced by Order of the Federal State Statistics Service dated January 30, 2018 N 39 and contains all necessary recommendations for completing the report. If you follow her instructions, it will not be difficult to cope with this task.

In addition, Rosstat, by its order of July 29, 2016 N 374, introduced a long list of one-time applications to form N 1-enterprise. They are divided according to the types of activities of organizations.

Form 1 of the enterprise for 2018 has changed slightly compared to the form for 2017. It still consists of 9 sections. They are subdivided as follows:

  • Organization data (sections 1-4, and 8-9);
  • Data on the activities of the organization and its income and expenses (sections 5-7).

Section 1 is the title page of the report. It contains general information about the organization. The most voluminous in the form 1-enterprise for 2018 are sections 5 and 6, because in the first of them it is necessary to provide data on the activities of the respondent organization, in particular, on the production and sale of goods and services. The costs of their acquisition must be written in sections 6 and 7 of the document. A separate section 9 is intended to reflect information about the parent organization and separate divisions, if any.

Form 1 enterprise for 2018: filling out procedure

You can fill out the form either manually or on a computer. Any color of ink is allowed, except for red and green. All indicators, except for the number of employees, are indicated in thousands of rubles with one decimal sign (place after the decimal point). To begin with, section 1 must be completed, in which the name and address of the respondent company are entered. In addition, it must indicate the OKPO code of the company.

The section also has fields 101 and 102, where you must specify two dates:

  1. date of registration (or re-registration) legal entity;
  2. date of actual commencement of business activity.

If the legal entity was not formed in the reporting year, then fields 103-108 do not need to be filled out. Otherwise, they must specify information about the method of formation of the legal entity. It can be both a new enterprise and a company that has resulted from reorganization, merger or spin-off.

Section 2 of form 1-enterprise for 2018 indicates data on the authorized capital of the legal entity. It is necessary to indicate its size, as well as the sources of formation in fields 202-210, in accordance with the existing shares. In order to mark participation or, conversely, non-participation foreign persons in the formation of the authorized capital, you need to circle one of the fields 211 or 212. If foreign entities financed the company, you will have to fill out section 3 of the report. If such a need nevertheless arose, then in field 301 the amount of foreign capital in the legal entity is entered, in field 302 - the affiliation or citizenship of the participants.

Section 4 is intended for information about the organizational structure of the respondent legal entity. In fields 401 and 402, you must specify data on the number of separate divisions, including branches and their territorial location.

One of the most voluminous in the document - section 5 - is filled out on the basis of accounting and tax accounting. In some ways, it duplicates the balance sheet of the enterprise (form 1) for 2018.

In field 501, you need to enter the amount of the organization's total turnover for the reporting period. This value is further decoded:

  • fields 502-505 - volumes of products, services and works produced by the legal entity itself,
  • fields 505-506 - proceeds from the processing of customer-supplied raw materials,
  • fields 507-511 - proceeds from the resale of goods and services of other firms,
  • field 512 - proceeds from the sale of inventory items that were purchased for own production,
  • fields 513-514 - proceeds from construction work performed by third parties under subcontracts,
  • fields 515-516 - the cost of goods produced,
  • field 517 - the cost of construction and installation work performed for own needs,
  • field 518 - the cost of products shipped to third parties free of charge,
  • field 520 - the value of agricultural products transferred to separate subdivisions that are not engaged in agriculture,
  • field 519 - the cost of produced feed and fertilizer used for own production,
  • fields 521-522 - the cost of building materials and structures used in the construction work,
  • fields 523, 524 - the amount of subsidies from the budget, if any,
  • field 525 - the number of months in the reporting year when the company carried out commercial activities.
  • field 526 - the amount of customs duty for the reporting year.

Section 6 of the report is intended for information about the expenses of a legal entity for the production and sale of goods, services and works, as well as related indicators. In addition, in this section it is necessary to indicate the balance of goods and materials, both at the end and at the beginning of the reporting period. The same section of the form reflects all taxes and fees paid in the reporting period to be included in the cost of goods, works and services. Lines 651-655 are intended for this. Separately, the amount of VAT charged for goods, services and work sold in 2018 is indicated, it should be reflected in line 670 of the form.

Not later than 04/01/2019 organizations (except for small businesses, budget organizations, banks, insurance and other financial and credit organizations) must submit to their territorial office of Rosstat “Basic information about the activities of the organization for 2018” in form 1-enterprise. We will tell you how to fill in 1-enterprise for statistics in our consultation.

Instructions for completing Form 1-Enterprise

Form 1-enterprise for statistics was approved by the Order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2018 No. 461.

You can download form 1-enterprise (statistics) in Excel format.

Form No. 1-enterprise includes information on the whole organization, that is, on all branches and other structural divisions, regardless of their location (paragraph 2 of the Instructions for filling out the form).

Form No. 1-enterprise consists of 9 sections:

Partition number Section name
1 General information about legal entity
2 Distribution of authorized capital (fund) between shareholders (founders)
3 Contributions of foreign legal and individuals in authorized capital(fund) by partner country
4 Organizational structure legal entity in the reporting year
5 Information on the production and shipment of goods, works and services
6 Expenses for the production and sale of products (goods, works and services)
7 Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services of third parties
8 Types of economic activity in the reporting year
9 Information about the parent organization and territorially separate subdivisions

For form 1-enterprise, the instructions for filling out in a more detailed form are approved

  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Agriculture, hunting and the provision of services in these areas" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-A01 (one-time) )
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Forestry and the provision of services in this area" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-A02 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Fishing, fish farming and the provision of services in these areas" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-B05 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Extraction of hard coal, brown coal and peat" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-C10 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of crude oil and natural gas; provision of services in these areas" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-C11 ( lump sum))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Mining of metal, uranium and thorium ores" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-C1213 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Extraction of other minerals" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-C14 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of food products, including drinks" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D15 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of tobacco products" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D16 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Textile production" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D17 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of clothing; dressing and dyeing of fur" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D18 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Manufacture of leather, leather products and footwear" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D19 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D20 ( lump sum))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of cellulose, wood pulp, paper, cardboard and products from them" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D21 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Publishing and printing activities, replication of recorded media" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D22 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of coke, petroleum products and nuclear materials" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D23 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Chemical production" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D24 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Manufacture of rubber and plastic products" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D25 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third-party organizations (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of other non-metallic mineral products" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D26 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Metallurgical production" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D27 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of finished metal products" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D28 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of machinery and equipment" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D29 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Manufacture of office equipment and computer equipment" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D30 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of electrical machines and electrical equipment" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D31 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production of equipment for radio, television and communications" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D32 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Manufacture of medical equipment, measuring instruments, optical instruments and equipment, watches" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV- D33 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Manufacture of cars, trailers and semi-trailers" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D34 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Manufacture of ships, aircraft and spacecraft and other vehicles" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D35 (one-time ))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Manufacture of furniture and other products not included in other groups" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D36 (one-time ))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Processing of secondary raw materials" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-D37 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-E40 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Collection, purification and distribution of water" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-E41 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Construction" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-F45 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles, their maintenance and repair" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-G50 (one-time ))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Wholesale fuel trade" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-G5101 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Wholesale trade, including trade through agents, except for trade in vehicles and motorcycles and wholesale trade in fuel" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1- enterprise N TZV-G5102 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on expenses for the production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Retail trade, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of household products and items personal use"for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-G52 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Activities of hotels and restaurants" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-H55 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Land transport activities" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-I60 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Activities of water transport" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-I61 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Air transport activities" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-I62 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types
    • Section 2. Expenses for payment for certain types of work and services performed by third parties (addition to section 7 of form N 1-enterprise)
    • Instructions for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form
  • Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works and services) of an organization with the main activity "Auxiliary and additional transport activities" for 2016 (Appendix to form N 1-enterprise N TZV-I63 (one-time))
    • Section 1. Costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by their types