Medvedev about plastic cards. Ban on withdrawing funds from anonymous cards: what awaits Skrill and NETELLER users. Gift and bonus cards


According to the publication's sources, the issue was discussed in early December 2017 at a meeting at the Ministry of Finance. During the meeting, it became clear that the Central Bank, in addition to a ban on depositing funds, also wants to introduce a ban on withdrawing cash from prepaid cards and wallets. At the same time, Rosfinmonitoring proposes to completely ban such anonymous wallets and cards. To open means of payment, the financial monitoring service believes, our fellow citizens need to undergo full personal identification.

Rosfinmonitoring press secretary Pavel Livadny explained that the rejection of anonymous wallets and cards is a measure to counter terrorist and other criminal activities.

On the other side, central bank believes that this is too harsh a position and that mandatory identification in the NESP may force people to switch to cash.

It should be noted that in the event of a strict ban, many citizens may prefer to use digital currencies, which are now becoming widespread throughout the world. Let us remember that on this moment for NESP there is a limit of up to 15,000 rubles per day, and the movement of funds through them is not controlled.

Last October, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that anonymous wallets and cards should be banned, as this is not the most civilized way of transaction Money.

The measures planned by regulators caused a negative reaction from the expert community. Yes, head ONF project“For the rights of borrowers” ​​Viktor Klimov said:

“NESP is widely used by ordinary citizens. For example, electronic wallets are used to pay for parking, the Troika card for travel to public transport is also NESP. If you try to force citizens to transfer funds only through a bank account, for many the very purpose of using such a product will be lost.”

Qiwi CEO Boris Kim also spoke out against strict bans:

“NESPs are used to pay for goods and services, parking lots, housing and communal services, and transfers between citizens through them are prohibited; the risk of money laundering is minimal. The abolition of payments through NESP seems to be an excessive measure that will cause a lot of inconvenience to conscientious citizens, of whom the vast majority, and a small number of unscrupulous ones will definitely find a loophole. After all, no one can cancel cash payments, and cash ensures complete anonymity of the payer, unlike NESP, where the identifier, as a rule, is a mobile phone number.”

According to Kommersant, officials from Rosfinmonitoring and the Central Bank will soon meet to develop a common position, after which the ban will come into force.

Anonymous people will not be able to withdraw money from them

It seems that the federal authorities are slowly but surely driving Russian crooks into a corner. And all that remains is to finish off our economic enemy in his very lair. One of the last straws (but far from the last!) in the fight against bribe-takers and those who launder criminally acquired money will be the government’s intention to ban Money transfers from anonymous bank cards and electronic wallets.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced this on October 12 at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. In his opinion, with the help of anonymous transfers, capital is laundered and bribes are given. According to the prime minister, the practice of withdrawing cash from such bank cards and anonymous electronic wallets “does not correspond to civilized approaches.” And “it is practically impossible to trace the final recipient.”

The movement of money must be absolutely transparent and meet the requirements Russian legislation and conventions on combating capital laundering,” the head of the Cabinet noted. - Therefore, cash withdrawals using anonymous cards or wallets will be prohibited.

The proposed changes will soon be introduced into the federal law“On the national payment system.”

October 9 government commission for Legislative Activities approved this bill. It provides that the remaining funds individual on an anonymous card can be transferred to the account legal entity, individual entrepreneur, as well as to the personal account of this individual.

Now it is allowed to withdraw up to five thousand rubles per day and up to 40 thousand per month from anonymous cards that do not require client identification. You can also withdraw money through simplified personal identification from the personal accounts of telephone subscribers at ATMs.

As a matter of fact, the cash turnover of such means of payment is not very large, as we have already said, up to 40 thousand rubles per month. Therefore, one cannot assume that such a ban will in any serious way affect the tycoons of shadow business. We already know what scandals periodically break out in the financial field.

“I don’t think that this measure will significantly reduce the level of corruption in our country,” he said. Vasily SOLODKOV, professor, director of the Banking Institute of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. - Rather, it is from the series “and so that we can still be banned.” After all, anyone who wants to give or take a bribe will find a way to do it. As Ostap Bender said, there are 400 relatively honest ways. As you know, we still have not investigated the case of the transfer of billions of dollars to mysterious accounts in Panama. So, by and large, the front of the fight against corruption lies on a different plane.

We can only hope that following this, albeit not so significant, measure, the authorities will take other steps. To already hunt the larger sharks of the criminal business.

The Russian government instructed the Central Bank, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry economic development And Federal service on financial monitoring, to study the possibility of banning the transfer of funds to non-personalized electronic means of payment (NESP), which include anonymous electronic wallets and non-personalized bank cards. Kommersant writes about this.

According to the publication's sources, the issue was discussed in early December 2017 at a meeting at the Ministry of Finance. During the meeting, it turned out that the Central Bank, in addition to a ban on depositing funds, also wants to introduce a ban on withdrawing cash from prepaid cards and wallets. At the same time, Rosfinmonitoring proposes to completely ban such anonymous wallets and cards. To open means of payment, the financial monitoring service believes, our fellow citizens need to undergo full personal identification.

Rosfinmonitoring press secretary Pavel Livadny explained that the rejection of anonymous wallets and cards is a measure to counter terrorist and other criminal activities.

On the other hand, the Central Bank believes that this is too strict a position and that mandatory identification in the NESP may force people to switch to cash.

It should be noted that in the event of a strict ban, many citizens may prefer to use digital currencies, which are now becoming widespread throughout the world. Let us remind you that at the moment there is a limit for NESP of up to 15,000 rubles per day, and the movement of funds through them is not controlled.

Last October, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that anonymous wallets and cards should be banned, as this is not the most civilized way of handling money.

The measures planned by regulators caused a negative reaction from the expert community. Thus, the head of the ONF project “For the Rights of Borrowers” ​​Viktor Klimov said:

NESPs are widely used by ordinary citizens. For example, electronic wallets are used to pay for parking; the Troika card for travel on public transport is also a NESP. If you try to force citizens to transfer funds only through a bank account, for many the very purpose of using such a product will be lost.

Qiwi CEO Boris Kim also spoke out against strict bans:

NESPs are used to pay for goods and services, parking lots, housing and communal services, and transfers between citizens through them are prohibited; the risk of money laundering is minimal. The abolition of payments through NESP seems to be an excessive measure that will cause a lot of inconvenience to conscientious citizens, of whom the vast majority, and a small number of unscrupulous ones will definitely find a loophole. After all, no one can cancel cash payments, and cash ensures complete anonymity of the payer, unlike NESP, where the identifier, as a rule, is a mobile phone number.

According to Kommersant, officials from Rosfinmonitoring and the Central Bank will soon meet to develop a common position, after which the ban will come into force.

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MOSCOW, Oct 12 - PRIME, Natalya Karnova. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an upcoming ban on cash withdrawals using non-registered accounts bank cards and electronic wallets. He emphasized that this practice does not correspond to the approaches adopted in the civilized world, since it promotes corruption and money laundering. “The movement of money here must be absolutely transparent and comply with the requirements of Russian legislation and conventions against capital laundering,” said the head of government.

Currently, non-registered credit cards are issued by many banks, including large ones (Momentum from Sberbank, standard debit card from Alfa-Bank, etc.). The main advantage is the speed of receiving “plastic”: since the holder’s name is not on it, the bank issues it literally in ten minutes, whereas personalized cards do it for several days. Another plus is the low cost of such a card. Often they are serviced completely free of charge.

The disadvantages include the inability to use a noname card when traveling abroad, to pay for online purchases, more high rate on a loan (if we're talking about O credit card). The possibility of withdrawing funds is also limited - up to 5 thousand rubles per day or up to 40 thousand rubles per month.

As for security, banks often warn that unnamed “plastic” has lower security, but in reality this is not entirely true. The only difference is the presence of the owner’s name, which, in fact, does not play a big role. Unless, for example, a man who stole a card with a woman’s name will not be able to pay with it in a store. However, the nameless card, like the registered one, has a PIN code, without which an attacker will not be able to use the funds.

Not everything is clear and with anonymity - the personal data of the owner of any card is entered into banking base, and the card number is assigned to a specific owner. The card also provides space for a sample signature of the owner.


According to experts interviewed by Prime, a complete ban on cash withdrawals from nameless cards is unlikely to affect banking market in general and the card business as its component. “Issuing cards for the population is an important part of the activities of banks, but we are only talking about personalized cards, which are the majority. There are very few nameless cards on the market, and the ban will not greatly affect this segment. Most likely, users will simply be transferred to personalized cards,” - believes Raiffeisenbank analyst Denis Poryvay.

Another thing is the ban on cash withdrawals through electronic wallets, says Otkritie Broker JSC analyst Timur Nigmatullin. "The news is negative from the point of view of the business that companies such as Yandex.Money, Qiwi and others conduct in this area. Recently, the limits on wallets before user identification have already been tightened, which limited the growth rate of the segment. New restrictions will also strike: the advantages of electronic wallets are decreasing due to tightening regulation, which negatively affects the number of their users. Moreover, banks are actively investing in online banking and also improving service in terms of efficiency and mobility,” he noted.


The government expects that the innovations will help bring order to the circulation of money when using anonymous electronic means of payment. According to Medvedev, nameless cards and electronic wallets are used to cash out money of criminal origin. “Capitals are laundered, bribes are given in this way. It is practically impossible to trace the final recipient,” said the prime minister.

In turn, experts believe that the innovation will have only an indirect impact on the safety of movement of funds. According to Nigmatullin, as a rule, such operations are carried out through banks whose licenses were revoked and cash-accepting terminals. “The Central Bank has already put things in order here, laundering through terminals has decreased and no longer poses a big threat,” he believes.

The advantages include increased control over the circulation of money in order to identify those whose expenses significantly exceed declared income, as well as a reduction in the “gray” market for goods on which taxes are not paid. However, such actions would have had a more noticeable effect several years ago, but now, due to the intensification of cryptocurrencies, which are not regulated in any way, their effectiveness is in question.