Features of national public procurement. The ONF project "For Fair Purchases" presented five new areas of work Public Front for Fair Purchases of the Russian Federation


1170 people took part in the work of the anti-corruption forum of the All-Russian Popular Front.

The participants discussed the most pressing issues and shared the best practices of civilian control over budget spending in the areas of housing and communal services, procurement of goods and services for government agencies and state-owned companies. The main topic of the forum was the purchase of food in social institutions - kindergartens, schools and hospitals. It is interesting to note that the forum was attended not only by civil activists, but also by representatives of law enforcement agencies, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Accounts Chamber, as well as members of parent committees, school directors, head doctors of hospitals, food suppliers and representatives of business associations.

Activists of the ONF project also presented a map of cartels in the field of food procurement in social institutions - information was sent to the Federal Antimonopoly Service about violations of almost 30 billion rubles. The expert of the advisory council of the United Russia faction on improving anti-corruption legislation in the State Duma told the Business Community about this. The expert also noted that a new stage in the development of the project will be the involvement of external organizations to conduct profile examinations.

“Public control today is the most effective tool in the fight against corruption. At the same time, it is obvious that only experts with specialized education can evaluate the quality and honesty of procurement in highly specialized areas, for example, in construction. Now such checks have become possible thanks to the cooperation of the project with third-party expert organizations. The mechanics are very simple - an activist detects a signal, sends a request to the central headquarters, and then external experts are connected to the work. I am sure that such a scheme of work will make it possible to deal with dubious purchases even more effectively,” he told the Business Community. Nikolay Kandikudryakov-Tigrand.

The forum participant also said that a public reception was working at the event, where participants could get expert advice, leave their signal about violations in the field of housing and communal services, food, etc. Experts were approached by people not only from the Rostov Region, but also from Kalmykia, Dagestan, the Krasnodar Territory, and the Astrakhan Region. Citizens asked about how to help young people who want to go to work in rural schools, many talked about their proposals for improving local work - for example, organizing training for HOA chairmen on changes in legislation. The organizers of the forum promised that all submitted proposals would be studied.

“Holding the Anti-Corruption Forum once again proved how relevant the problems discussed are and how important it is to discuss ways to solve them at such open venues. Systematic solutions to problems developed at the forum in Rostov-on-Don will be offered at the XIV All-Russian forum-exhibition “GOSZAKAZ”, which will be held in mid-February in Moscow with the support of the All-Russian Popular Front,” Anton Getta, project coordinator, told reporters.

ONF reduced the appetites of officials and businessmen when spending budget funds.

Anton Getta, project coordinator of the ONF "For Fair Procurement"

ONF project coordinator "For Fair Purchases" Anton Guetta spoke about the peculiarities of working with officials, attempts to jail activists of the "People's Front", dishonest businessmen and a leaky lake.


What real achievements in the framework of the work of the "People's Front" can you name?

It is important that they changed the attitude of officials to the expenditure of budgetary funds, the very culture of spending. In 2013, when the ONF project “For Fair Procurement” was just starting to work, all officials, top managers of state-owned companies had the idea that they were instructed to spend not budgetary, but their own money on state tasks. And when we began to point out to them the inadmissibility of wastefulness and the use of various gray auction schemes, we were met with incomprehension. And now everyone has clearly realized the purpose for which the ONF project “For Fair Purchases” was created, and they understand that wasteful purchases will immediately attract attention. We have created a system under which an ordinary citizen, not possessing the necessary knowledge and competence, can influence the competition and protect their interests by contacting us.

Based on the complaints and the results of the inspections, we have created the Waste Index. Not only the work of state institutions is evaluated, but also companies that interact with the state, companies with state participation, and those that are not partners of the state, but work with people's money, tariffs. For example, the quality of a service for the supply of water or electricity is checked. With the Waste Index, we made sure that all these guys thought about their actions.

Another “Waste Index”… focuses on luxury car purchases by state-owned and monopoly companies


Who entered the TOP of the Waste Index? Does it include federal officials, heads of ministries and departments, or only representatives of regional authorities?

Another "Waste Index", which we released a couple of weeks ago (October 10, 2017 - Ed.), focuses on the purchase of luxury cars by state-owned companies and monopoly companies (those who provide services to the population). The index, like all our work, is a response to the signals of activists and only then - analysis. The most expensive purchase was Mercedes-Benz for 11.2 million rubles, which was ordered by VTB Insurance. Among the requirements there were seats with massage, and walnut root trim - a lot of things. But after the company learned about the prospect of getting into the rating, that this purchase aroused interest among the activists of the front, they canceled the purchase of this car. Of the 25 companies included in the index, five have canceled their purchases.

Anton Guetta: "We are a platform that is open to everyone"


How is the For Fair Procurement project different from other anti-corruption projects?

We are an open platform for the signals of activists from all over the country, regardless of the scale of violations or geographical distance from the federal center. We work with data coming from people, and we check this data by independent experts. In addition, when we take on a particular topic, we bring it to the end, up to changes in legislation. We not only inform people about violations, but also take measures to eliminate these violations. For example, we stop the wastefulness of state officials: there are a lot of canceled purchases, when an official decided to spend budget money on excesses, for example, on a corporate party, but he was not allowed to do so. Why did this happen? Because we are carrying out planned work, writing appeals, sending information to senior leaders and asking them to evaluate the actions of officials. We look at how competitions are held and find out how multibillion-dollar purchases are tailored to a specific supplier. We prove interest in tenders. We point out various tricks of businessmen and officials. For example, in the procurement column “office table stand”, the Latin letter “o” is put in the word, and by searching in the public procurement system, potential suppliers simply cannot find this tender, and the system does not see an error. As a result, "their" companies received orders. We have repeatedly reported this problem to the relevant departments, and it has been resolved with the help of a single information system, which is now configured in such a way that it does not pay attention to such details. There were a lot of other tricks revealed in the process of painstaking work. We report only a small part of this data to the media, and that publicity helps to bring violators to justice. And so they did not disclose and carried out work, revealing violations along the chain - from a particular case to a system. That is, in our case we are talking about systematic work.


Do you have so-called stop lists?

We must understand that we work not by names, but by facts. After all, even a signature in a contract does not automatically mean that the signer is to blame - he could do it under pressure, the signature could be forged, and so on. Surnames are the work of law enforcement agencies, which we will not undertake.

When we asked what the problem was, we were told "we don't steal".


Can you tell us about some curious incident related to an attempt by officials to interfere with the investigation or deceive the inspectors?

We once had big complaints about the work of special economic zones. These are state organizations that are engaged in the development of territories with budget money: they create infrastructure, conditions for investors. But in fact, we have seen that money is simply kept in accounts, top managers receive a salary of more than a million, and the development of territories is not moving forward. When we asked what the problem was, we were told "we don't steal". You do not steal, but you cause damage by your inaction.
Just as part of the work on the topic of special economic zones, there was a case. Officials decided to make an artificial reservoir to attract tourists, but the technology was broken and the water flowed out of this lake. They flooded again several times, but to no avail: the water is running out. At the same time, on the website of the Special Economic Zones for this object, there were coefficients for increasing the tourist flow of 600%.

As a result of our checks, we have ensured that the Special Economic Zones are liquidated in the form in which they were, and these powers are transferred to the regions that are interested in development.


What have you failed to solve since 2013?

Of course, a lot has been done - no more expensive corporate parties are held, no supercars are bought for regional officials, no massively expensive souvenirs are bought for the New Year. But individual complaints from people continue to come. And the problem of limiting purchases from state-owned companies has not yet been resolved. And in matters of wastefulness, and with regard to the supply of food to social institutions, and in cases with the so-called "semi-finished products" - unfinished, but open objects - there are still those who are trying to tell us not to interfere in their affairs. But we are working scrupulously, systematically identifying violations. And most often, when they are convinced of our interest, they begin to actively interact with us.

And I would also like to warn those who do not understand and are trying to put pressure on our activists: this will not lead to good things.


Who do you interact with other than officials?

We are a platform that is open to everyone. We work with the National Anti-Corruption Committee - a public organization that analyzes the legislation in detail - with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Commissioner for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova, Rospotrebnadzor, interested ministries - for example, the Ministry of Education. Young people work with us. For example, "Young Lawyers of the Rostov Region", an organization that united law students, is involved in the work of the ONF with great interest. Together with them, we take part in situations where, for example, people who have lost their homes as a result of a fire need legal assistance, or when the head of a kindergarten no longer knows how to deal with a supplier of poor-quality food for children. By joint efforts, an unscrupulous supplier is included in the register, tenders with corruption signs are cancelled.

And I would also like to warn those who do not understand and are trying to put pressure on our activists: this will not lead to good things. We have a clear position that we do not abandon our own. Those who are trying to start cases against our activists, involve law enforcement agencies, we and the Prosecutor General's Office will not let them offend.


Were there any serious attempts to intimidate or put pressure on you or ONF activists?

Yes. For example, a criminal case was opened against a Rostov activist who was involved in road quality control. We believe that law enforcement agencies paid attention to him after he broke a piece of asphalt with his hands. That is, he showed that hundreds of millions of rubles were wasted, and the quality of the asphalt is such that it does not even need to be submitted for examination. And some people in the region didn't like it. Or the director of the kindergarten "Iskorka" in Krasny Sulin, who was tried to be silenced about the poor nutrition provided by the supplier who won the auction.


Are there activists who use the name of the ONF for personal gain, thereby trying to discredit?

There are such cases. For example, the project "For Fair Purchases" and others - everything that is connected with budget money, causes some citizens to be tempted to blackmail customers. We once analyzed the activities of one such organization, which, for 2% of the contract amount, offered to lag behind the customer, otherwise threatened to appeal the tender and make a fuss, allegedly with the help of the ONF. I will not name this organization, it continues to work, but it is not next to the ONF. Similar cases are clearly monitored at the regional level.


But if the organization works like this, and blackmails like that, then what's the point? Well, they moved a little - now they are blackmailing in another segment ...

We are not law enforcement. We are not bodies of state power, despite the fact that our leader is the President of Russia. We are a public organization that collects information, analyzes and transfers it to the competent authorities, addresses directly the leaders of the regions or, for example, initiates the creation of a working group in the State Duma on a complex issue. But a public organization should not replace judicial and state bodies. Conduct checks, seize documents, start cases, enter in registers - there are special structures for all this.

Anton Guetta: "We have to hit one spot until we get the result"


Aren't you afraid that the ONF will try to compromise or just slander?

There have been many different attempts. You can slander anyone, but here people will figure out for themselves what is true and what is not. and the competent authorities. When you start working systematically, there are many who want to discredit. But all this is not true, and you just need to continue to do your job.


Is there a problem with regional offices - attempts to shield local officials?

It is clear that we are in close contact both with the authorities and with those who are independent, who are not afraid to criticize harshly - but always justifiably. There is an activist Vadim Nuzhdin in the Samara region, no matter how much the local authorities complain about him, he does not respond to attempts to discredit him. Of course, we should not forget that sometimes loyalty does not hide problems, but helps to resolve them without conflict. But anyway, there is such a thing as rotation. Now, for example, until the end of November there will be a large rotation in the regional headquarters.


What are your anti-corruption forums?

This is a continuation of the work, but already at the level of federal districts. In 2015, we held forums in every district. This year the Forum of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts is taking place in Rostov-on-Don. Representatives from all regions came there, the main topic of discussion was nutrition in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, orphanages, and so on. We talked with entrepreneurs, with customers, with representatives of parents' committees who complained about the quality of food. Public organizations that came to us helped to collect a lot of invoices, with which we have already begun to work. There were egregious cases when the condition of patients in hospitals worsened due to nutrition. We are considering the issue of amending the law, which prevents Rospotrebnadzor from checking those businessmen who feed people at the budget expense. This forum turned out to be very useful on other issues - housing and communal services, tenders, and so on. But the main theme was food. I think that the next anti-corruption forum of the ONF project “For Fair Procurement” will be on this topic, because if we talk about everything at once, then we will simply waste our strength, but we need to hit one point until we achieve a result.


And what results can already be called in the direction of nutrition?

The creation of a working group in the State Duma was initiated. At the same time, the group included not only deputies, who know a lot in theory, but they don’t always understand how it happens on earth. We included in the group both the deputy minister and the head of the kindergarten, who already at the first meeting of the group told how laws are enforced in the outback, when the heads cannot cope with dumping and tenders are won by companies that offer to feed children for 83 rubles a day, while while the norm is 150-200 rubles. For tenders of this kind, we want to prioritize the quality of food, and not government spending, when sausages are offered for 100 rubles, while they cost 180 rubles in a store. And within the framework of the working group, discuss the amendment to 44 of the Federal Law on Public Procurement.

In 14 regions, we found signs of a cartel. In 31 regions, the FAS is now conducting inspections.


It turns out that at the same time you started the fight against the cartels?

Yes. It's like a ball. When we saw how many complaints from parents and what kind of complaints they are, we identified five priorities in terms of spending budget funds. We saw photos of moldy casseroles, comments from parents who forbid children to eat anything in kindergartens. Then they began to turn on all their channels - we have eight thousand activists throughout the country. As a result, we faced with the existence of such agreements: they divide either territories, or schools and kindergartens for one, hospitals for another ... They enter competitions, having agreed in advance that they will not lower prices below 0.5%. And when it comes to 4.5 billion rubles from the budget, as in the Ulyanovsk region, even a 10% reduction is already a lot of money. In 14 regions, we found signs of a cartel. In 31 regions, the FAS is now conducting inspections. In 8 regions, we announced the details. Data for other regions has not yet been made public so that local figures do not have time to cover their tracks. After all, there are simply outrageous cases when five companies or entrepreneurs - food suppliers to budget organizations post the same contact phone number on their websites. This refers to “healthy competition”. We refer such cases to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and they initiate antimonopoly cases. But it all started with people complaining about the quality of food.


And who is involved in cartels with you?

We have a very small team, but we work closely with experts and public organizations. Find out from open sources whether there are signs of corruption or violations of antitrust laws or not. And then there is communication with the FAS, we transfer the data to the head of the anti-cartel department Andrei Tenishev, we literally sit down with him at a table littered with papers, and he begins to give us recommendations on what documents we should work with, as with the main ones, which ones to postpone and continue to work on .


What other pressing issues, besides nutrition, are you currently studying?

This year we have identified five priority areas for ourselves. Housing and communal services - payments with non-existent works. For example, repairing the basement in a house where there is no basement. There are also so-called "semi-finished products" - unfinished facilities where local authorities "cut off" the ribbon for reporting, but nothing was put into operation. So it was with the maternity hospital in the Urals, which was opened according to official papers five years ago, but all these five years it stood with the equipment turned off and completely empty only because somewhere someone accidentally interrupted the cable. Just got it working six months ago. Another direction is subsidizing and state assistance to people in emergency situations. When floods or fires occur, money is transferred, they are not even stolen, but simply these amounts hang for several months in the accounts of state institutions, while people affected by the elements or other emergencies live without a roof over their heads. We have to intervene to find out the reason for the delay in payments. And, of course, social justice - luxury purchases of officials and employees of state companies, which I have already spoken about.


Who is the best effective statesman for you?

The President, of course.

In the fall of 2013, the ONF was launched for honest purchases, the official website of which is zachestnyezakupki.onf.ru. This is a platform on which public control over the state order is carried out. Anyone can become a member, the current number is 8,000 people.

The leader of the movement is Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was on his initiative that the Popular Front was created.

On the official website of the ONF, you can find news about the activity of the movement, information about forums, and useful and simple documentation.

What tasks does

Platform participants act on the basis of their main goal - the fight against corruption. Therefore, their tasks are corresponding:

  1. Nutrition control in children's and medical institutions.
  2. Identification of violations during construction (medical, sports facilities, etc.).
  3. Identification of unscrupulous management companies.
  4. Control over the receipt of federal subsidies by people in emergency situations.
  5. Support for social justice and ethics of officials.

Movement activists visit facilities where they carry out work or provide services under government contracts, identify collusions and cartels, check special economic zones, and introduce legislative initiatives. They introduced the concept of "Wastefulness Index", which characterizes purchases with budget money.

The goal of the ONF is not only to detect dubious procedures and cancel them. Activists are striving to change the legislation so that unscrupulous players in the sphere of state orders have no chance of corrupt practices.

How they work

The work of the platform is built according to the following algorithm:

  1. Signaling from an activist about a suspicious purchase.
  2. Checking the signal by the moderator and transfer to an independent examination.
  3. Evaluation by experts of the legality of the procedure.
  4. If violations are detected, the information is included in the register of doubtful purchases, which is notified to the customer.
  5. If there are no violations, the customer is also notified. The activist can amend the request and resubmit it.
  6. The customer can send a letter to the platform with comments on the procedure in question.

44-FZ allows citizens to independently complain about the actions of customers to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, arbitration and the prosecutor's office.

How to complain

The complaint process consists of 4 steps:

The last point works for everyone if the application is not completed. When the auction is held, only the bidder has the right to complain.

As part of the meeting of the Central Headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF), activists of the ONF project “For Fair Purchases” spoke about the start of work in five new areas. Among them: problems of food quality in educational institutions, "construction semi-finished products", monitoring of illegal actions of management companies, control over bringing federal subsidies to people, social justice and ethics of civil servants.

“In all these five stated areas, we will identify facts of injustice and help people solve problems. Citizens, in turn, we urge to report all the facts known to them. We will monitor and track how the situation is changing. At one time, we achieved a restriction on the purchase of luxury by officials, conducted a number of high-profile investigations, including on the inefficient operation of the Special Economic Zones, which led to the closure of several of them and savings in budgetary funds. And we hope that we will be able to qualitatively influence the current situation and in new directions in the struggle for justice, respect and trust,” said Anton Getta, coordinator of the ONF project “For Fair Procurement”, State Duma deputy.

He also said that over the 3.5 years of the project, activists have canceled and eliminated violations in more than 850 purchases totaling 244 billion rubles. Over the entire time, more than 8 thousand activists from all over the country.

“This is serious work, tens of billions of saved budget rubles, but now we will talk more not about numbers, but about people. We will start from unfair situations and understand why the allocated funds do not meet the needs of people. This is the main concept of the new directions of the project,” Anton Guetta emphasized.

He noted that drawing attention to the problem of nutrition is due to the fact that the project receives numerous signals about poor-quality lunches and breakfasts in educational institutions. For example, parents from Ulyanovsk complained that since the beginning of 2017, the quality of food has dropped sharply in kindergartens and schools in the city. At the same time, this year alone, the contractor signed 80 contracts for the provision of food in children's institutions in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles. In the Rostov region, parents also complained that with the arrival of a new food supplier in the Iskorka kindergarten, children did not receive a balanced diet, and portions decreased by an average of one and a half to two times.

The second direction of the ONF project "For Fair Procurement" - control over the commissioning of "construction semi-finished products". One of these facilities is a sports and recreation complex (FOC) in Privolzhsk, which was supposed to start work at the end of 2013. The grand opening of the sports complex, the construction of which cost 217.6 million rubles, took place only on September 8, 2016, but already in October 2016 the sports complex was closed again for technical reasons, the shortcomings were promised to be eliminated within a month, but so far the sports complex has not started work.

Another area of ​​activity of the ONF project "For Fair Procurement" will be monitoring of illegal actions of management companies. Popular Front activists drew attention to the fact that in the Komi Republic, the management company EMUP Zhilkomkhoz issued invoices to residents of 183 apartment buildings for diagnosing gas equipment. The average size of the receipt for payment was 500-600 rubles. Meanwhile, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the diagnosis of gas equipment is initially the responsibility of management companies.

ONF activists plan to control how people providing cash subsidies sent to the regions by decision of the President of Russia, the leader of the All-Russian Popular Front. As part of the project, experts will consider the appeal received by the ONF from residents of the village of Mokok in the Tsuntinsky district of Dagestan, which burned down a year ago. At that time, 480 people were left without a roof over their heads, including about two hundred children. According to residents, of all the subsidies they received, they received only a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles per person. After the fire, the leadership of the Republic of Dagestan assured the citizens that all compensation would be transferred to them in a short time, but the village has not yet been restored and compensation for the lost housing has not been paid to people.

Popular Front experts will also study the situation in the city of Kansk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where on May 24 this year, fires destroyed more than 70 houses and left more than 250 people homeless. According to activists, the authorities promised to provide new apartments by September 15. However, housing is not promised to everyone, as some of the victims own other living quarters.

In addition, ONF activists will deal with the topic social justice and ethics of civil servants. As an example, Anton Guetta cited the scandalous wedding of the daughter of the chairman of the administrative board of the Krasnodar Regional Court. “The indignation of society became the basis for sending a request to the Higher College of Judges of Russia and the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation with a request to conduct a comprehensive audit of the judge’s income and expenses, their compliance with the income declaration, and also to assess the moral and ethical behavior of the judge,” Guetta explained.

The All-Russian Popular Front is a public movement created in May 2011 at the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, which unites active and caring residents of the country. The leader of the movement is Vladimir Putin, with whom the Popular Front has the possibility of direct communication. The main tasks of the ONF are to control the implementation of the "May Decrees" and instructions of the head of state, the fight against corruption and waste, inefficient spending of public funds, and issues of improving the quality of life of citizens.