The best banks where you can get a loan using your passport. Which bank can I get a loan from with a passport? Renaissance Credit Bank


Currently, there are not many banks left that issue loans using a passport. Such programs, as a rule, have a number of features: issuance occurs in a short time - from half an hour to one day, the potential borrower only needs a passport, the amount and period are small, the interest rate is high.

Where can I get a loan with just a passport?

Analyze the entire market yourself banking products very difficult, it will take a lot of time. You can look for information about where you can get it only with a passport, on forums on the Internet or ask your friends. But the easiest way to find out which bank you can receive money from is by looking at this page.

Here we have collected all the most interesting offers for you. You can not only familiarize yourself with their terms in detail, but also apply for a loan if you wish. To do this, you just need to submit an online application.

Who can take it?

Before you start filling out the application, carefully read the bank's requirements for the borrower to understand whether you can get it. Banks usually impose requirements on the borrower’s age, place of permanent or temporary registration, length of service in the last place, as well as overall work experience. In addition, some banks require a positive credit history from a borrower who wants to borrow funds using a passport.

A passport loan is available to adult borrowers with a good credit history and a stable level of earnings. To count on receiving a loan only with a passport without certificates and guarantors with a low interest rate, try to apply for a loan in that financial organization, through which wages are calculated.

Requirements for the borrower

To receive a loan without a passport income certificate, the borrower must meet the following requirements:

  • Availability of Russian citizenship;
  • Be registered in the region where the bank operates;
  • Have a positive credit history.
  • The length of service at the last job was at least 6 months, and the total length of service was at least one year;
  • Have a stable income sufficient to fulfill loan obligations.

One of the advantages of obtaining a loan using a passport is the fact that you can submit an application online and find out the bank’s preliminary decision within a few minutes after filling out the application form on the credit institution’s website. For this:

If you are already a client of the bank, you do not even have to visit its office - the borrowed money can be transferred to your debit card or delivered by courier at any time convenient for you.

How is the loan repaid?

A passport loan without income certificates is repaid with monthly annuity payments by replenishing the borrower’s credit account. Account replenishment methods:

  • In cash through ATMs or cash desks of a credit institution;
  • By bank transfer from the accounts of another bank;
  • By transfer from your debit account at the creditor bank;
  • Automatic debiting of funds from wages;
  • In terminals, communication shops, in Russian post offices using the loan agreement number.

In what cases should you not take out a loan using only your passport?

  • If you can verify your income. Having a certificate of income will significantly reduce the interest rate on the loan and will allow you to obtain a loan on more favorable terms.
  • If you need a loan for a large amount. In this case, the bank, firstly, may refuse the borrower a loan, and, secondly, even if the application is approved, it will offer a loan with a higher interest rate. To obtain a large loan from a bank, it is recommended to apply for a loan with a guarantee or collateral.

The Internet portal “Loan on Card” will become a reliable assistant and guide to microfinance organizations (MFOs). Currently, there are many of them, not all of them can boast of an impeccable reputation.

When receiving a loan, you will have to cooperate with the organization for several months. To avoid unexpected problems and hidden conditions and interest rates, you must make your choice responsibly.

Advantages of the Internet portal "Loan on card"

1. On the website you will find and select profitable loans on a card urgently using your passport. You will only need identification to complete your application. You need passport data: series, number, registration address.

If, due to circumstances, you do not have a passport on hand, but its details are known, this is enough to obtain a loan.

Loan on a card only with a passport

2. We work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without lunches, weekends, or holidays. We understand that you may need money at the most unexpected moment. The site is always available. Convenient system search, the clarity of offers greatly facilitates and speeds up the choice.

3. Getloan on card You can use your passport as quickly as possible. The portal presents microfinance organizations that issue loans without guarantors, income certificates, or other documents. The absence of bureaucratic red tape allows you to provide loans instantly, a few minutes after submitting an application.

4. By choosing an organization on the website to quickly receive a loan on a card using your passport, you will not receive a refusal, because credit history and the presence of credit obligations do not matter.

5. Microfinance organizations on the site are reliable. Risks, problems with the law, troubles are completely excluded. The Internet portal provides information about time-tested organizations.

ATTENTION! When applying for a loan on a card urgently using your passport, familiarize yourself with the terms and methods of repayment Money. This will help you avoid paying off your debt. additional interest, penalties, penalties.

Important points when choosing a loan

Each microcredit organization offers different lending conditions. What you should pay close attention to:

    Minimum and maximum loan amount. Perhaps you need more money than the MFO provides. Some do not have a minimum loan amount, others do;

    Loan disbursement period. The maximum loan term ranges from several days to several months. Typically, MFOs do not offer long terms for repaying loans, but some provide them for a long period on individual terms;

    Interest rate. Interest is charged on the loan; the rate varies among credit institutions. Familiarize yourself with it, evaluate how satisfied you are with it;

    Methods for returning money: in cash at the office, by transfer to an account, by transfer and others;

    Methods of issuing a loan. The most convenient thing is to get a loan on a card only using your passport. There are other ways. MFOs issue money in cash, by transfer, and credit it to mobile phone, transferred to payment systems;

    Measures for late payments. If you cannot pay the required amount of money within the specified period, it is important to know what the penalty is. It's better not to let this happen. Fines, penalties, and interest for late payments are significant;

    Other conditions. MFOs are ready to offer new and regular clients special conditions, bonuses, and loyalty programs. Careful preliminary reading of the terms of the loan will help avoid misunderstandings.

The increase in customer flow is linked to the availability of the product. Banks are interested in the constant growth of borrowers, so they are reviewing loan programs in the direction of simplifying registration conditions. The so-called “fast by passport” is present in the line of almost every bank.

The demand for such products is stable - the majority of applicants do not have the opportunity to collect a package of documents and wait several days for the bank’s decision. It is much more convenient to apply for loans with instant decision, which is announced upon request.

5 ways to get a loan using your passport

Previously, banks used a program for dividing clients into appropriate categories. If the applicant provided all the documents required by the bank, he was offered a more profitable loan program. For such clients were available maximum amounts in relation to minimum interest rates. The credit institution received the necessary information on the client, thereby reducing risks.

For those who applied to receive funds without proof of income, a separate, less profitable program with higher interest rates and limits on amounts was provided. Due to this, the credit institution covered the risks of not returning its assets.

For such offers, the rate could reach 40% or more, which is not entirely acceptable for the average borrower. In this regard, credit programs without proof of income were not popular with consumers, which became the reason for the need to revise the terms of application. Now a loan using a passport without certificates is as close in terms of terms and conditions as possible to products that require documentary evidence.

Advantageous offers with receiving money on the day of application

Simultaneously with the revision of lending conditions, the terms for consideration of applications also changed. Most applicants are interested in a quick review of their submitted application. Consequently, requests for large sums are processed as quickly as possible, and you can receive the required funds the same day.

List of Russian banks where you can get a loan using one document:

Bank Bid Sum
solution in 1 minute 12-24,9% Up to 1,000,000 rub.
500 t.r. for new clients From 12.5% 30000-1 million rubles.
11,5-20,5% 15,000-1,000,000 rub.
95% approval From 11.99% Up to 1,000,000 rub.
From 12% Up to 1,000,000 rub.
without refusal 11,3-24,7% 30,000-700,000 rub.
From 11.9% Up to RUB 1,300,000
From 11.9% 5000-40,000 rub.
From 11% Up to 200,000 rub.

You can attract borrowed funds not only by contacting a bank. Despite the increase in customer loyalty, banks that operate without failures do not yet exist. Therefore, all options must be considered. Among them:

  • contacting microfinance/microcredit organizations - if necessary, for a relatively small amount;
  • registration is a more affordable option in relation to a consumer loan;
  • using offers from online debt platforms - instant crediting of funds after filling out an application indicating passport data;
  • contacting private lenders.

Each of these options is used depending on the needs of the applicant. To receive large sums, you should contact the programs of credit institutions. If you want to small amount on relatively short term, you can try at one of the microfinance organizations.

Some of these organizations work in online mode, crediting borrowed funds in several ways, without visiting the office and filling out documents. has long become a significant alternative to consumer credit, since some offers provide for cash withdrawal.

Private individuals providing loans to the public can offer more profitable terms than any bank, so this option is not discounted.

Which banks can you get a loan using a passport?

A larger number of requests are addressed to credit institutions. This is due to the number of programs, which can be several at once, and the possibility of receiving a large amount for a long period of time. General terms lending is more profitable here in any case: small percentage, moderate penalties, additional bonuses in the form of credit holidays or restructuring.

1. Tinkoff Bank

The most “card” bank has recently started issuing cash loans. If the application is approved, the funds are credited to a non-registered account, which is delivered throughout Russia within 1-2 days. Registration is available from anywhere in the Russian Federation. Incoming applications are reviewed within 1 minute.

Possible amount to receive - up to 1,000,000 rubles. The rate is set individually within the range - 12-24,9% . Funds can be withdrawn for free at one of the partner locations. The bonus provides cashback of up to 30% and the possibility of lowering the initial interest rate.

2. Home Credit Bank

Cash collection is carried out at one of the organization’s offices. The main requirement is Russian citizenship and the presence of a general passport. New clients receive 30,000-500,000 rubles, and those who apply again - 10,000-999,000 rubles. Conclusion of an agreement for 12-84 months(for new clients up to 60 months). Starting bid - 12,5% . Consideration of a client request - up to 120 minutes. Submission provided online applications and choosing a repayment schedule for obligations.

3. OTP Bank

By decision of the bank, the rate is set in the range - 11,5-20,5% . Amounts - 15,000-1,000,000 rubles. The agreement is concluded for a period - 12-60 months. Service is provided only in the region where the bank operates. Funds under the program are issued on the day of application. In some cases, the application is considered up to 2 days. The standard review period is 15 minutes.

4. Alfa-Bank

Maximum amount - 1,000,000 rubles in the absence of a minimum threshold. Starting bid - 11,99% . The rate is linked to the loan term and the requested amount. The higher these indicators, the lower the final rate. Maximum value - 23,49% . The application contains only passport information. The use of funds is provided for within 12-60 months. The solution is 15 minutes.

5. Eastern Bank

The decision is made within 1-2 days. Without providing additional certificates it is possible to obtain up to 1,000,000 rubles(with confirmation - up to 30,000,000 rubles). Fixed rate12% . You can use the funds within 13-36 months. The program provides for simplified registration with application consideration within 8 hours.

6. Renaissance Credit Bank

There are several programs available for applicants that provide simplified registration. To use the offer, the client provides a general passport + a document from the bank’s list to choose from. This can be any document confirming the client's identity.

It is allowed to use for these purposes and nominal bank card. Sum - 30,000-700,000 rubles with a possible bet in the range 11,3-24,7% . The final value depends on the selected program. Term - 24-60 months. Review of the application - up to 10 minutes.

7. SKB-Bank

In total there are 10 credit programs. It is without proof of income that it is possible to receive the amount up to 1,300,000 rubles.

Starting bid - 11,9% . The final value is determined individually. Use of funds - up to 5 years. Registration within the territory of the bank's representative office will be required. Review of the application - up to 2 days.

8. Sovcombank

Upon presentation of your general passport, you can receive the amount here 5000-40,000 rubles. Starting bid - 11,9% with the possibility of subsequent reduction. Use of funds - up to 12 months. You can become a member special program, according to which the applicant is offered the most favorable conditions. Review - 15 minutes. Age - up to 85 years at the time of full fulfillment of obligations.

9. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Within special offer applicants with one passport can receive up to 200,000 rubles with a minimum threshold of 50,000 rubles. Starting bid - 11% . Use of funds - 36-84 months. Age restrictions: 21-75 years.

Registration only in the region of presence of any bank branch. The solution is 15 minutes. If it is possible to provide any document of the applicant's choice, improvement of the initial conditions is provided.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. How old do I have to be for the bank to approve my application?

To use bank offers, the borrower by law must not be less than 18 years old at the time of application. Considering that at this age the applicant most often does not have financial independence, some banks increase the age limit to 21 years.

2. Is it possible to get a loan using a copy of your passport?

Registration of any banking products is allowed only upon presentation of the original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Exceptions are programs that do not involve a visit to a bank branch. Eg, Tinkoff Bank issues cash loans by placing the amount on the balance sheet debit card. The card is delivered by mail throughout Russia. Therefore, having the original passport at the time of filling out the application is not important in this case.

3. Where can they get a loan for a passport with a bad credit history?

With simplified registration of banking products, credit history is the only indicator for assessing the reliability of the applicant. If there are long-term delays, it will most likely not be possible to receive the required amount. If the arrears on third-party obligations are closed, you can contact the banks Renaissance Credit, Home Credit, Tinkoff Bank, which are distinguished by the most loyal attitude towards potential clients.

4. Will they give me a loan without registration in my passport?

Some credit institutions require permanent registration (registration) in the region where the agreement is concluded. Another part of the banks allows registration in the region of their presence, regardless of where the agreement is concluded. And finally, fewer banks work with clients who have registration in any region of the Russian Federation. Without permanent registration, it will not be possible to obtain the required amount of credit.

5. How to get the lowest interest rate?

Considering that registration is carried out only using a passport, the bank does not have the opportunity to assess the solvency of the applicant. Therefore, the initial rate for almost all offers is slightly higher than that which is assigned in full documentary evidence. At the same time, if previously assumed obligations are fulfilled in good faith, the rate may gradually decrease. Corresponding programs operate in most banks.

6. Why were you denied a loan with a good credit history?

The reason for the refusal is never announced by any bank. In case of quick loans In addition to credit history, the ratio of the requested amount and the term of the proposed loan is important. No one will give a 100% accurate answer - each bank makes decisions using an independently developed algorithm, so the reason for the refusal remains unknown.

7. Can a bank approve an online application and then refuse a loan?

This is possible if a bank employee has doubts about the authenticity of documents or the relevance of the information provided by the applicant. Any discrepancies between the data in the online application and the information provided during final registration will be interpreted unfavorably potential client. Approval of an online application – 85% probability of receiving loan funds.

A few more ways to get money using only your passport

If cooperation with the bank turns out to be impossible even with minimum requirements to clients, loans are a good alternative to consumer credit. The most popular microfinance organizations operate on the principle of an online platform, which provides for receiving funds remotely - without meeting a courier or visiting the organization’s office. In order to receive the required amount, you can use the following offers:

1. Timer

The robot makes the decision. Review time is 2-5 minutes. Several options for receiving funds, including plastic cards and electronic wallets. Starting bid - 0,63% . Available amounts - up to 30,000 rubles. Age threshold - 18-75 years. Registration in the Russian Federation. High probability of approval.

2. Ekapusta

Review period is 1 minute. Starting bid - 1% in a day. Duration: 7-21 days. Available amounts - up to 30,000 rubles. Age - 18-75 years. Registration in the Russian Federation. No credit history requirements. The likelihood of approval is high. At the first application, a free (no interest) loan is issued. FIRST LOAN – FREE FOR EVERYONE!

3. Moneyman

Possibility of obtaining up to 70,000 rubles from repeated application. Long terms— 7-126 days. Starting bid - 0.76% per day. Requirements for credit history – there should be no existing long-term arrears. Prolongation is provided. Average probability of approval.

4. LIME Loan

The range for amounts is 1000-100,000 rubles. With each subsequent request, the limit increases. Rate – from 0.83% per day. Terms – up to 168 days. Age restrictions: 21-70 years. Review – 1 minute, no requirements for the borrower’s history. The likelihood of approval is high.

5. MigCredit

Among the microfinance organizations that do not operate online, Mig Credit is the most loyal to clients. Starting bid – 0.16% per day with a maximum loan term of 48 weeks. Cooperation is possible with clients over 21 years of age. Review of the application takes 15-20 minutes at the company’s office. It is possible to submit an online application followed by a visit to a separate office of the company.

Credit cards

In order to receive cash, you can issue credit card with withdrawal option. The corresponding opportunity is provided within the grace period, which can reach more than 100 days. It works as follows: the client issues a card with a cash withdrawal function with a certain credit limit. Next, he withdraws the required amount from the balance and uses it at his own discretion. The funds must be returned without interest within the grace period.

Thus, if the user meets the deadlines of the grace period and does not allow delays, use credit funds it can be completely free. Repayment of the amount is allowed in parts in accordance with the current financial capabilities of the borrower. A similar option is provided for the following cards:

  • – free use within 15 days after registration;
  • – within 100 days.

If you can’t get any of the indicated cards, you can turn to offers that provide minimum percentage for withdrawal. Moreover, today there are several ways to cash out borrowed funds, so this does not pose a big problem for users.

: Therefore, ways to obtain borrowed money several, and each of them must be used if necessary. Some borrowers make a mistake when they stop considering other options after receiving several refusals from banks. There are alternative options, and all of them are quite effective.

Today, many banks offer to get a loan without confirming your income. The editors of our online magazine have selected a list of financial institutions where you can get a cash loan only with your passport, as quickly as possible and with the most favorable interest rate conditions. It is for those who do not want to waste time collecting all kinds of information that the information presented will be useful.

Banks where you need one passport to get a loan

You can find a financial institution that agrees to issue cash on credit without requesting a 2NDFL certificate and other additional documents in almost any region of the country. The table shows only a few of the most attractive offers.

Bank's name Loan amount, rub. Interest rate, % Online application
Oriental 200 000 22.7 Design
UBRD 300 000 17.0 Design
PochtaBank 500 000 19,9/23,9 Design
Tinkoff 1 000 000 from 12.0 to 24.9 Design
Sovcombank 40 000 21,5/31,5 Design
  • The information presented in the table is for informational purposes only and is current for 2019. Listed here interest rates are not guaranteed, since they are represented by the minimum values ​​​​offered by banks. In reality, the terms of a loan without proof of income may be offered differently.

Orient Express – loan same day

  • Amount: 50000-200000 ₽;
  • Percentage: from 22.7%;
  • Duration: 12-36 months;
  • Borrower age: 21-76 years.

The advantages of this proposal include a quick decision on approving the application and a high probability of a favorable outcome. Positive point- availability of service “ credit holidays”, when the borrower can only pay interest on the loan for 1-3 months.

The disadvantages include:

  • For a positive decision, a certificate of income may be required;
  • Free repayment is possible exclusively through the cash desk or terminal of the Eastern Bank.

UBRD – favorable conditions for responsible people

Loan without certificates Ural Bank reconstruction and development has the following conditions:

  • Amount: 30000-300000 ₽;
  • Application review time: 15 minutes;
  • Percentage: from 23.0% (with the possibility of reduction to 17%);
  • Duration: 3,5,7 years;
  • Borrower age: 21-75 years.

The main advantage of this product It is possible to lower the rate to 17% if there are no late payments. As a minus, we will write down the requirement for at least 3 months of experience at the current place of work.

PochtaBank - loan without 2NDFL certificate

  • Amount: 50000-500000 ₽;
  • Percentage: from 19.9/23.9%;
  • Duration: 12-60 months;
  • Borrower age: from 18 years old.

The advantage of First Postal is the ability to reduce the rate to 12.9% if you have used the loan for at least a year and have no arrears in payments. As a minus, we will write down the need to provide SNILS and TIN of the employer. Although a 2NDFL certificate is still not required.

Tinkoff Bank - online loan without leaving home

  • Amount: up to 1,000,000 ₽;
  • Percentage: from 12.0% to 24.9% (with the possibility of reduction by 10%);
  • Duration: up to 3 years;
  • Borrower age: 18-70 years.

Sovcombank - loan without certificates and guarantors

If you do not have documents confirming your income, you can get an "Express Plus" loan from Sovcombank:

  • Amount: up to 40,000 ₽;
  • Application review time: up to 1 hour;
  • Percentage: from 21.5/31.5%;
  • Duration: 6, 12, 18 months.

Additional requirements that the bank imposes on the borrower. Permanent registration and residence in the city where there are bank branches. As well as having a landline home or work telephone.

Credit card - an alternative to a loan without documents

Sometimes taking out a consumer loan using the main document without refusal is more difficult than becoming the owner of a credit card. This happens for several reasons, but most often because issuing a credit card to bankers is more profitable and much easier than a non-targeted loan. Many financial institutions They even practice remote provision of credit cards: a person fills out an online application on the website, and after a couple of days receives it via courier. The interest rates on cards are almost the same as on cash loans. But there is one “but” - do not forget that the card represents non-cash money, but for withdrawing “cash” from an ATM you will have to pay a commission, the size of which can reach 4-5%. But the cards also have a significant advantage - Grace period lending period of 50-55 days. At this time, you can use borrowed funds and not pay interest, which is very convenient.

Is it possible to borrow one document at a time?

What requirements must be met?

To potential borrowers planning to apply for a loan using one document, banking organizations present standard requirements regarding citizenship Russian Federation, age at least 21 years old, employed in the last place of work for at least 3-6 months. Attention is paid to the quality of a credit history, if a person has one. In individual cases, these requirements may change. For example, some banks where you can take out a loan under the main document only issue loans to borrowers over 26 years of age.

Is it possible to improve lending conditions?

Seeing high stakes, some potential borrowers are beginning to wonder whether it is possible to improve lending conditions without proof of income. In principle, it is possible, but this will to some extent complicate and increase the period of analysis of the loan application. What can be done:

  1. Provide liquid collateral;
  2. Conclude an additional guarantee agreement;
  3. Confirm your solvency (it is not necessary to provide 2NDFL from your last place of work, you can prepare a certificate in the form of a bank).

For most of those who need to take out a cash loan as soon as possible, all these options are not suitable. There is one more, but it is applicable only to those who have previously had successful and productive experience of cooperation with banks. It's about about contacting that credit institution, which previously had to be serviced. Banks treat their former and current clients much more loyally, including offering them to take out a loan at a more favorable interest rate.


It is possible to get a loan using your passport or quickly apply for a credit card, but you should only do this in emergency cases or when there is no way to confirm your income. In all other cases, it is better to approach the loan application more thoughtfully and, before borrowing money, collect required by the bank package of documents, think about the possibility of providing collateral. This will allow you to save a lot by taking out a loan at a lower interest rate, and it will take only a little more time. And in this case it is more realistic to count on the loan amount of the required size. With a minimum of documents, banks usually offer relatively small loans and borrowings.