The most reliable bank in Russia. List of the most reliable banks in Russia. Which bank to entrust your savings in Russia What is the secret of the success of FC "Opening"


The list includes the most reliable and largest credit structures of the Russian Federation. The top ten includes banks that hold more than 60% of the capital of the Russian credit market. At the same time, the height of their rating was not set according to the size of their business, since this indicator does not indicate the quality of the bank's work. What characteristics were subjected to a thorough assessment by the Central Bank?

Criteria by which the reliability rating of Russian banks is determined!

The main indicators that are considered to assess the performance of any financial and credit structure are:

  1. real assets of banking institutions (debt obligations are not taken into account);
  2. the total amount of deposits received from individuals;
  3. the number of agreements concluded on the interbank market (direct and disbursed funds from various financial institutions).

Having the indicators described above, the Central Bank can see the real picture of the state of banks, their problems, and therefore assess what critical impact a bank can have on the country.

The banks that got into the TOP-10 are of priority importance, therefore, in an economically difficult situations they can count on financial assistance from the state.

  1. You should know the financial stability of banks.
  2. It should be understood which of the banks can be trusted with money for a long time.
  3. It is easier to choose an organization to make a deposit.

Being in the TOP-10 is a high indicator for a bank. And the presence of a large volume of deposits in the bank is the bank's insurance against the financial crisis. Such banks are more protected from bankruptcy, and in critical cases, their depositors do not bear great risks: deposits of up to 1.4 million rubles will be returned.

But, it is worth noting one positive feature of banks that lead the rating of Russian banks, and for its clients it is more likely to become a negative side.

The higher the structure's reliability index, the lower its deposit rates. And the reason for this is that a large financial company does not need to raise additional funds for turnover. After all, as you know, the purpose of inflated rates on deposits is to create a stir among the population.

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What does the TOP of the best banks in 2016 look like?

The list of the most reliable banking institutions in 2016 predictably included well-known banks. So, the list of the first key ten, i.e. TOP-10 consists of the following banks:

  1. "Sberbank";
  2. "VTB";
  3. "Gazprombank";
  4. "FC Opening";
  5. "VTB 24";
  6. "Rosselkhozbank";
  7. "Alfa Bank";
  8. "Bank of Moscow";
  9. "NCC";
  10. "UniCredit Bank".

To understand how it was built this rating and why the list of Russian banks by rating looks exactly like this, we will analyze the short history of each bank, find out the size of its profit and make the financial analysis its actual performance.

Why is Sberbank of Russia considered the leader among the most reliable banks?

Sberbank of Russia is the largest banking structure of the Russian Federation, which is controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Its full name sounds like this: public joint-stock company Sberbank of Russia. Such an abbreviation as "SB RF", which is sometimes used in business practice, was recognized as erroneous.

Sberbank is a universal banking structure that provides a wide range of diverse services.

The share of Sberbank in the context of the total assets of the state banking sector on 01.01. 2016 was 28.7%. At the same time, deposits of individuals in Sberbank as of the indicated date amounted to 46%, loans to citizens amounted to 38.7% as of the mentioned date.

Its central office is located in the capital. The branch network of the structure described above, according to last year's data, includes 16 banks. There are 17493 subdivisions operating on the territory of Russia. "Daughters" of the structure described above are in Kazakhstan, within Belarus, Germany, they are also located in Ukraine.

"Subsidiary" of Sberbank is LLC "Sberbank Capital", which is engaged in the professional management of assets available in the organization.

Starting from February 3, 2012, Sberbank created venture fund based on the venture arm of Troika Dialog.

Today, despite the crisis economic trends, Sberbank's profitability indicators are growing. This is evidenced by the profit indicator of 117.7 billion rubles, which was recorded in the first three months of this year 2016. If we make a detailed comparison with the same period last year, this figure exceeded last year by 3.8 times. That is why the rating of the best banks in Russia awarded Sberbank an honorable 1st place.

What made VTB Bank an honorable second place in the TOP-10 rating?

VTB Bank is a commercial financial and credit organization, 60.9% of whose shares are owned by the state apparatus. The rating by assets indicates that VTB occupies an honorable second place in this indicator. The rating by the size of the authorized capital indicates that VTB Bank holds the first place in terms of the size of the authorized capital. Though given bank registered in St. Petersburg, its head office can be found within the capital.

The banking institution described above constantly provides various sponsorships. Its activities in this industry affect the sports sector, the field of healthcare. The bank described above is constantly engaged in the provision of targeted social assistance.

VTB Bank is recognized as the key structure of VTB Group. The activities of this structure cover not only the CIS countries, but also different countries Western Europe. There are banking organizations of the group described above both in Africa and in Asia.

The ranking of the 500 largest companies in Europe brought VTB Bank to 210th place in 2014. In the same year, it took 66th place in the ranking of the 1000 largest banks in the world in terms of actual capital (according to The Banker, a popular magazine in Britain).

The net profit indicator for the 11-month period of 2015 amounted to VTB Bank - 3 billion rubles. That is why the rating of the largest banks in Russia took the VTB organization to an honorable second place.

In 2007, Navalny accused organizations affiliated with this banking structure of carrying out transactions for the purchase of 30 drilling rigs. According to Navalny's allegations, the bank paid an exorbitant price ($160 million) for them. Navalny also argued that these drilling rigs are not handed over to the arena, as stated, but simply lie ownerless at the Purpe station. In 2011 court of Arbitration at the meeting held declared the transaction invalid. In the second half of 2012, a trip of minority shareholders to drilling rigs took place. Navalny was also invited, who was under investigation and therefore could not go. Among the delegates were journalists, as well as bloggers. The visit proved that there is no connection between VTB-Leasing and the Cypriot offshore.

Interesting facts about Gazprombank, one of the top three in terms of reliability!

Gazprombank is a commercial financial and credit institution in Russia, which appeared in the middle of 1990. In 1996, Gazprombank of Russia acquired a new organizational and legal form, which was defined as "OOO". A year later, Gazprombank of Russia received a new form - "JSC".

In 2007, the bank described above acquired 80% of the shares of Areximbank CJSC, known at that time. A year later, he consolidated 100% of the authorized capital of the Bank of Armenia. Today, Gazprombank of Russia provides not only Banking services to the population, it also offers services to enterprises of the nuclear industry, organizations whose activities are related to mechanical engineering and the chemical industry. Gazprombank provides lending services, as well as comprehensive financial services to the two largest interstate projects Yamal-Europe, as well as the well-known Blue Stream project.

Eight years ago, Gazprombank "became famous" for a loud curiosity: in October 2008, employees of Gazprombank erroneously transferred 4 billion rubles to the account of a modest Tomsk policeman. As soon as the employees of the banking structure realized their mistake, the money was immediately debited from the account of an ordinary citizen. But the curiosity was discussed by the citizens of Russia for a long time. The list of Russian banks in the rating awarded Gazprombank an honorable third place.

What is the secret of FC Otkritie's success?

FC Otkritie is one of the largest private banks in the country. This institution has been positioning its activities in Russia since the distant 1993.

The assets of the credit structure described above and a number of its subsidiaries under IFRS at the end of 2015 amounted to 3.3 billion rubles. The main activity of the organization described above is a comprehensive service for large as well as medium-sized corporate clients.

The head office of FC Otkritie is located within the Moscow metropolitan area. Until 2014, the credit institution described above was called Nomos-Bank. Today this organization is present in 60 regions of Russia. FC Otkritie also specializes in investment services and also supports trading in precious metals.

FC Otkritie is constantly working on socially significant projects in the field of science, education, culture and healthcare. The rating of the best banks in Russia determined this banking organization fourth place.

How did VTB 24, a subsidiary of VTB (PJSC), manage to win the 5th place in the rating?

VTB 24 is one of the largest commercial financial and credit structures in Russia. This is evidenced by the above rating. VTB 24 is a subsidiary of VTB Bank. Its core business is retail operations and lending to individuals representing small and medium business. The network of the structure consists of 1062 branches in 72 regions of the state, as well as additional offices.

The official date of the appearance of VTB24 is August 1, 2005. The sole and main shareholder of PJSC "VTB24" is JSC VTB Bank (it owns 100% of the shares).

The rating of banks on deposits of individuals and loans awarded the second place to the structure of VTB in Russia. The bank described above has participated and continues to continue its work in supporting state programs for subsidizing mortgage loans in new buildings. The dynamics of issuing loans by this structure indicates that the Bank issued loans for the six-month period of 2016 for 147 billion rubles. The structure described above has a "daughter", which is called "Post Bank". The latter was created on the basis of Leto Bank OJSC.

Rosselkhozbank and its well-deserved 6th place!

Rosselkhozbank is another major commercial Bank Russia. Its head office is located within the Moscow metropolitan area. The key shareholder of this bank is the state represented by the Federal Property Management Agency. This bank was created in the Russian Federation to serve agricultural producers. In 2008, the Buryatmyasprom OJSC company passed over for unpaid debts of the organization. After a 12-month period, Agrocomplex Rassvet also became the property of the described structure, and after that, the grain processing enterprise Zeronostandart-Kostroma LLC, later in 2009 the Samara branch of the bank described above for debts confiscated all existing assets of the Alikor Group, which is one of the largest agricultural holdings in the Samara region. Thus, Rosselkhozbank annually strengthened its positions and increased its profits. Today, Rosselkhozbank's significant role among Russian banks is evidenced by the rating, in which Rosselkhozbank takes the honorable 6th place.

According to statistics, as of July 1, 2015, 76 regional branches of the Russian Agricultural Bank are concentrated in Russia.

How did Alfabank achieve a large amount of assets and take 7th place in the rating?

Alfabank is a large commercial private organization in the country. The rating of RBC and Forbes, which were carried out in the last months of 2010, testified that this bank is the seventh in terms of assets. Its main office is located in the capital. The bank described above, whose activities are carried out throughout Russia, is a universal banking organization that works with both legal and individuals. Internet banking is widely used today. The banking group of this structure includes representative offices in neighboring countries. Alfa-Bank exists today both in Ukraine, and within Belarus, and in Kazakhstan.

The social activity of Alfa-Bank is quite active. He sponsors performances of foreign stars in Russia. In 2010, he sponsored Bono's performance, in 2007 this banking organization sponsored Elton John's performance in Russia, and in 2006 financed Sting's performance.

In 2011, Rospotrebnadzor of Russia took Alfabank to court due to the fact that Alfabank limited the rights and freedom of its clients, prescribing in an agreement with individuals the only possible place for litigation is the Moscow court. Rospotrebnadzor of Russia, which was then the plaintiff, demanded the disqualification of the higher management of this organization.

Bank of Moscow: when and why did the bank that took 8th place join PJSC VTB?

Bank of Moscow - ranked eighth in the ranking of the most reliable banks in Russia. Now it belongs to PJSC VTB Bank, managed by A. L. Kostin. This structure was merged with VTB Bank (PJSC) on May 10, 2016. The rating of the largest banks in Russia took this banking organization to 8th place in the list, which was headed by reliable banks of our state.

What is the secret of the large counterparty of the financial market - the Bank of the National Clearing Center?

Bank National Clearing Center (abbreviation NCC) acts as a subsidiary of the Moscow Exchange Group. This organization is entrusted with the functions of a clearing organization. In parallel with this, it acts as a central counterparty in the country's financial market. In the last days of December 2007 NCC starts clearing within the MICEX. In 2011, its activities extended to stock market. In the last days of 2012, NCC began to conduct operations on derivatives market. The rating of reliable banks in Russia determined NCC to 9th place in the list of reliable banks of the state.

How did the oldest bank in the country, UniCredit Bank, get 10th place among the leaders?

UniCredit is one of the largest commercial banks in Russia. The rating of reliable banks in Russia for 2016, according to the Central Bank, assigned him 10th place in the list, which is headed by reliable banks in Russia. The head office of this banking organization is located in Moscow. This bank was founded long ago, in 1989. That is why it is considered one of the oldest commercial banks in our country. Unicredit Bank provides services corporate clients He also actively works with individuals.

Most of the Russian banking structures listed in this list are well known to ordinary investors, and some may come as a surprise.

Considering the list of banks, it is clear that the structures financed by the state enjoy the greatest confidence. So, in Sberbank, which occupies the first position of the list, the controlling stake (50 percent plus 1 share) belongs to the state. And only 25% are owned by foreign companies. The size of the bank's capital also occupies an unconditional leadership (10.3% is the bank's own funds).

The banking structure of FC Otkritie is not well known among a simple depositor, however, it has high confidence among corporate clients. Its own assets are distributed among structural divisions and make up 75% of the shares. And in the current 2016, the process of withdrawing the remaining free funds from circulation began, which will allow the company to become a 100% owner of the investment corporation.

Similar characteristics and processes are observed in other members of the TOP list. Investment structures of the top ten have a large percentage of their own funds (Alfa-Bank - 12%, VTB - over 9.5%). The rating of the best banks in Russia includes banks with strong state support and those that belong to the Russian Federation. So, for example, all shares of Rosselkhozbank are the property of the state.

A list of reliable banking structures that few people know about!

Today, the population of Russia is distrustful of many not very well-known credit and financial structures. And this attitude is often not justified. Thus, a negative attitude is observed towards the Russian Standard Bank on the part of Russian citizens. Although it is in the second ten in terms of reliability. In 2016, his accounts amounted to 170 million rubles - and these are deposits of Russian citizens, over 175 million rubles are in credit circulation. More than 75% of the company's shares belong to its owner - Rustam Tariko, and the rest are in the ring circulation of the institution.

Today, the rating of Russian banks includes banking organizations that issue loans at an impressive percentage. Such banks include Home-Credit, which occupies the 38th line of the list, the Tinkoff banking structure (58th in the list).

It should be noted that in connection with economic crisis, the last three banks moved down several positions as they experienced an outflow of funds due to a decrease in the number of expensive consumer loans.

Some other organizations in which deposits from individuals are provided with a high percentage also have a high reliability indicator. These include:

  1. UralSib (ranks 27th);
  2. “MDM (occupies the 28th position);
  3. "Trust" (takes 30th place);
  4. "Ugra" (takes 32nd place);
  5. Orient Express (occupies 41st position);
  6. "Moscow Industrial Bank" (takes 43rd place);
  7. "Renaissance Credit" (takes 54th position);
  8. "Uniastrum" (takes 98th place).

This year, some institutions have shown a sufficient increase in reliability. Thus, Bank "Renaissance-Credit", focused on the provision of credit funds, expanded the list of the number of depositors, the total amount of financial resources of which today is 79 million rubles.

Bank "Ugra" this year has improved its performance in two positions: increased the number of deposits and loans. Although the data on lending is not impressive enough, the amount of loans granted to various enterprises is of great importance here. And it amounts to 212 million rubles.

Rating of reliable banks that are not included in the top 100!

In Russia, there are many credit and financial companies that have gained high popularity among the population, and we can say about them that they are reliable banks, although they are not included in the top hundred. Among such institutions is the Razvitie bank. This financial institution has a widely developed network of branches. Its main office is registered in Cherkessk, while many branches are located in 16 cities of Russia (Moscow, Samara, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Saratov, Sochi and others).

Bank "Razvitie" offers high interest rates on deposits (above 13% per year), which attracts depositors. Today, the amount of the bank's deposits is more than 6 million rubles, of which 53% is accounted for by enterprises. At the same time, the organization described above is in 237th place in terms of reliability.

Many reliable banks in the rating of the Central Bank are in low positions, although among the people their rating may take a place in the top twenty. Looking at indicators financial and credit organizations, clients and experts give high marks to many financial companies. Thus, the national rating of the best banks in Russia gives the leading place to the RosInter bank, which occupies 77th place in the TOP-100 list of the Central Bank. And beloved among many depositors, Sovcombank is in 23rd place. The Setelem bank, created by Sberbank with the participation of the French company BNP Paribas, is very famous among buyers of electronic and household appliances, which at the same time ranks 66th in the TOP-100.

Summing up important results

Thus, studying the rating of Russian banks, a certain conclusion emerges that the reliability parameters, from the point of view of depositor clients, do not always go next to each other. And this is because highly reliable companies do not try to attract customers with new, interesting loan offers or services to improve your ranking. In turn, banks that are not included in the TOP-100 provide many other reasons for trust.

Indeed, many banking structures have been operating in the financial and credit market for many decades, although they are in the second or third hundred. All of them, like the largest banks in Russia, are members of the Deposit Insurance Agency, therefore they give an automatic guarantee of the return of 1.4 million rubles if a bank suddenly goes bankrupt.

At the moment financial market, as well as economic stability, are in a rather precarious position. Most financial institutions cease to be liquid, becoming bankrupt. Therefore, many are beginning to be interested in what is the most reliable bank in Russia. Various economic publications will help answer the legitimate questions that arise about the stability of the banking system and about which organization to give away their accumulated savings without losing them.

Forbes rating research

In a situation of difficult choice, existing ratings can help determine. One of the most authoritative foreign financial publications is the well-known Forbes magazine. This source divided Russian financial institutions into several categories:

  • foreign;
  • state.

The first category includes various commercial representatives that are subsidiaries of other foreign companies. Then they are followed by state banks, which are limited both by the borders of the country and by the security within its borders. The American edition included sixteen representatives of the financial structure in its list of the most reliable banks in Russia.

This list was formed according to special criteria:

  • by the amount of own capital;
  • on the stability of the loan portfolio;
  • by the amount of funds attracted to the organization;
  • positive feedback from customers;
  • general assessments of specialists.

The top five according to the results of observations of the magazine "Forbes"

Forbes magazine named the best five banking organizations in Russia:

  1. Citibank is the most reliable bank in Russia, which is rated according to the stability rating and received the status "set in stone" - stable.
  2. In second place, according to the publication, is Nordea Bank, which belongs to the Scandinavian group of banking organizations. The main criterion for its stability was the constant financial support of the central company.
  3. The third place was taken by the banking representative of the most powerful financial institution in the world - HSBC.
  4. In the penultimate place among the best was a representative with very small assets - "Credit Agricole Kib". But the possibilities of lending favorably emphasized his abilities in this area, which, of course, allowed the experts to give high marks.
  5. The only representative of domestic banking institutions, Sberbank, entered the top five. The presence of the largest assets in the country allowed him to take a leading position. In addition, he has a good ability to lend, but has high risks of default on borrowed funds.

The most stable banks in Russia

In addition to the rating of foreign publications, there is its own rating, which determines the most reliable bank in Russia. According to Russian experts, there are three largest and most stable banking institutions. This:

  • "Sberbank";
  • "Gazprombank";
  • "VTB 24".

Many people, despite foreign ratings, do not trust the banking organizations included in this list. Because such publications mainly focus on non-state capital, which can leave the country at any moment. Therefore, in the question of which are the most reliable banks in Russia, you can turn to domestic experts.

How is the list of the most reliable financial institutions formed?

Russia has its own list of the best banking representatives, which is compiled by the most reliable experts in the field of economics. Their assessments and criteria are significantly different from foreign ones, since completely different requirements are put forward for the conditions for the stability of institutions.

  • who is the main shareholder of the financial institution;
  • reliability rating in foreign sources;
  • how long a commercial organization has been operating in the domestic market;
  • whether there is a license allowing extended financial activities;
  • whether the bank is a member of deposit insurance funds, whether it is supported by the state;
  • what programs with state support does the financial institution have;
  • government representative.

The best banks in Russia

According to analytics and expert estimates for 2014, a list of the 10 most reliable banks in Russia was formed:

  1. Sberbank.
  2. Rosselkhozbank.
  3. VTB.
  4. "VTB 24".
  5. "Transcreditbank"
  6. "VTB North-West".
  7. Gazprombank.
  8. "Bank of Moscow".
  9. Surgutneftegazbank.
  10. "Absolut Bank".

Category of the most stable financial institutions

The top most reliable banks in Russia include the category of institutions with the status of the most stable financial institutions:

  1. Sberbank.
  2. VTB.
  3. Rosselkhozbank.
  4. "Bank of Moscow".
  5. "VTB 24".
  6. "UniCredit Bank".
  7. Raiffeisenbank.
  8. Bank VTB North-West.
  9. "Societe Generale East".
  10. "Absolut Bank".

Where can you profitably invest your money?

  1. Rosselkhozbank.
  2. Rosbank.
  3. Promsvyazbank.
  4. "Alfa Bank".
  5. Nomos Bank.
  6. "VTB 24".
  7. "Bank of Moscow".
  8. UniCredit.
  9. Gazprombank.
  10. Sberbank.

Which banks are reliable for private entrepreneurs?

The Central Bank sets its own assessments and criteria. It has its own scale, according to which it distributes all commercial structures, assigning them a certain status or rating. This list includes the largest and most reliable financial structures: Sberbank, VTB and its subsidiaries in other countries, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyaz.

Among this five, you can choose the most reliable bank in Russia for individual entrepreneurs. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. All have a very developed network of branches. All of them have been working in Russia for several years. For business, everyone has certain development programs that are supported by government programs.

These banking structures have good statutory capital and are able to attract favorable rates on deposits, additional working capital. In addition, at the expense of both those and other funds, it is these organizations that make it possible to take more profitable loan with low interest rate. For example: VTB has an excellent customer base, which includes more than four thousand reputable customers, including borrowers.

All banks that are in this list did not leave the rating of the best. Many of them only grew larger and absorbed others, as VTB did with Transcredit Bank. Each of them was on the list of the best according to the fairly authoritative foreign magazine Forbes. In addition, they all fell into the top ten or five leaders of Russian ratings.

For a private entrepreneur, the choice of a bank is very important, since he not only borrows, but keeps his accumulated funds, and makes settlements with customers and suppliers. Therefore, the work of the bank, its responsibility to the client, the speed in conducting transactions with money and reliability are the primary factors that any entrepreneur pays attention to. A well-chosen bank, with which the entrepreneur will work closely, is the first step on the path to success and prosperity, especially in unstable times.

Many people choose a bank based on its rating, as this gives a great chance for a stable future and protection from all sorts of external factors, problems. Some businessmen prefer to deal with banking structures that have start-up foreign capital or investments.

Ordinary people prefer to trust domestic representatives, since foreign capital can leave the country at any moment, and state banks give, though small, but still a guarantee of protection against bankruptcy or force majeure.

Thanks to existing scheme evaluating banking activity, any person, both a simple citizen and a more wealthy entrepreneur, will be able to determine for himself the most reliable bank in Russia. A versatile approach to determining the rating allows different categories of the population to find exactly the structure that is most interesting to them.

Since 2013, the Bank of Russia has been applying the practice of revoking licenses from unscrupulous commercial banks. Absolutely any bank can get under liquidation if its head conducts a risky credit policy.

If the bank does not have enough liquid assets to fulfill its obligations, it falls into the liquidation risk group and is blacklisted by the Central Bank of Russia.

What is a bank blacklist?

The black list of banks is a kind of list of commercial credit organizations that the Bank of Russia has taken under its supervision. Simply put, the black list includes those whose license the Central Bank can revoke.

Officials claim that there is no official black list, but specialists know of some credit institutions that have big problems. Thus, the black list is not a clear list of banks whose licenses will be revoked 100% by the Central Bank, it is more like a rating of unreliable banks, which is compiled by experts based on the announced warnings from the Bank of Russia.

The Central Bank of Russia will never issue official information about the future liquidation of banks or those on the verge of bankruptcy, as this may lead to a sharp outflow of deposits.

List of banks that may soon have their license revoked

In the near future, about 50 banks may lose their licenses. The following credit institutions were included in the unofficial black list:

  • OOO KB "Agrosoyuz";
  • PJSC Asia-Pacific;
  • PJSC AK AktivKapital;
  • PJSC JSCB "Accent";
  • LLC BCC-Moscow;
  • JSC "Bank Voronezh";
  • FPK "Garant-invest";
  • OOO KB "Kansky";
  • LLC "MBA-Moscow";
  • LLC "Bank Orange";
  • JSC CB Tula Settlement Center;
  • JSC "GreenComBank";
  • OOO KB "European Standard";
  • JSCB "Inkarobank";
  • JSC CB Interprombank;
  • JSC "Interprogressbank";
  • JSC "Kemsotsinbank";
  • LLC CB "Creditinvest";
  • LLC CB "Credit Express";
  • JSC AKB "Krylovsky";
  • LLC CB "Lightbank";
  • JSC "Nefteprombank";
  • ZAO NovakhovKapitalBank;
  • LLC CB Neclix-Bank;
  • Pir Bank LLC;
  • PJSC "Plus Bank";
  • LLC "PromTransBank";
  • PJSC CB PFS-Bank;
  • PJSC NKB "Radiotechbank";
  • JSC "RTS-Bank";
  • JSC "Runetbank";
  • LLC CB "Russian Trade Bank";
  • OOO KB "Sinko";
  • JSC "Solid";
  • PJSC CB "Spurt";
  • PJSC KB Sputnik;
  • PJSC ICB "Stavropolpromstroybank";
  • PJSC "Taganrogbank";
  • JSCB "Teksbank";
  • JSCB "Tender-bank";
  • JSC "Tembr-bank";
  • PJSC "Uraltransbank";
  • JSC "Export-Import".

This list is not a list of banks subject to liquidation, however, the Central Bank conducts special monitoring of these organizations.

Main reasons for license revocation

Only the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can revoke a license from a credit institution. The main organization that manages the entire banking of our country, analyzes the suspicious activity of an unreliable bank and makes a decision based on the facts obtained during the inspection.

If the decision to revoke the license is based on sufficiently strong evidence, then the situation cannot be corrected - the bank will be liquidated.

The main reasons for license revocation are as follows:

  • Breaking laws Russian Federation and requirements of the Central Bank;
    Money fraud: fraud, money laundering, financing of terrorism or crime;
  • Gross errors in reporting, providing false information, hiding existing sources of income;
  • Failure to fulfill the required obligations to the bank's customers: both individuals and legal entities (refusal to pay a deposit or repay a loan);
  • Investing in risky assets: shares or bonds of unreliable dubious organizations;
  • Reducing the authorized capital below the level established by the Central Bank;
  • Decline of own funds of a banking organization due to any reasons.

If at least one of the reasons is revealed during the audit of the Central Bank, the financial institution may lose its license to carry out activities.

Find out also the latest data on inflation in Russia. This is extremely important for those who are planning long-term cooperation with the bank (opening a deposit, obtaining a mortgage).

In the last year alone, several banks in Russia have been deprived of their licenses at once. Of course, for many investors this was a real shock - how to get their money, when can it be done, will the deposits and, most importantly, interest on deposits be lost? In this regard, many depositors have a question: which bank is the most reliable in Russia? And is it possible to rely on it if it is decided to make a deposit for a large amount?

When making a deposit, you should remember only one thing - the depositor will definitely get back his legal amount of money, but only if the deposit did not exceed 1,400 thousand rubles (previously this amount was half as much - 700 thousand rubles).

Therefore, if you decide to make a deposit for a large amount of money, then you should approach this issue wisely and choose the most reliable bank in Russia correctly.

Which bank can you trust with your savings?

So, you have decided to open a new deposit and invest your savings profitably. And then the question arises: who to trust? Here is a list of 10 banks that inspire confidence:

How to choose the most reliable bank

So, as practice shows, despite the huge amount of information on this issue, the country's population is still financially illiterate and does not know how to choose a reliable "storage" for their savings. As a result, the license is taken away from the bank, and the ordinary depositor loses a considerable amount of money.

So how to choose a reliable bank that will help not only save, but also accumulate savings? Use a few tips:

  1. Make sure that the bank is really part of the insurance system. To do this, check that the organization involved in the storage of money and the issuance of loans is indeed a bank, and not an ordinary one. financial institution, luring you with high interest on deposits. Whether a particular branch is a member of the insurance system can be found by contacting hotline insurance agencies. As already mentioned above, at present the insurance amount is 1400 thousand rubles.
  2. Do not invest more than the maximum insurance amount in one bank. In the event that you have more than 1,400 thousand rubles on hand, this money can be divided and invested in several banks or open another deposit in the same bank, but for a relative. By the way, in the event that the bank's license is revoked, then not only the amount of the deposit is insured, but also the interest that fell under this deposit. Therefore, you can count not only on the amount that you invested in the bank, but also on material compensation.
  3. Pay close attention to paperwork. Including re-read the contract and keep it and the cash receipt order intact and safe.

However, despite all the warnings, it also happens that the bank's license is still revoked. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Do not be nervous and panic. Two weeks after the bank's license was taken away, the DIA (insurance deposit agency) posts on its website a list of places where you can get insurance payments. In addition, lists are often posted on the doors of former bank branches.
  2. Don't rush! As a rule, customers, in a panic from the fact that their cash they can burn out or disappear somewhere, they want to immediately receive their money. In fact, everyone without exception receives the money, but it’s one thing if you receive it in the first week, having stood in a long queue, and it’s quite another thing if you collect the payments a little later, at a time convenient for you and without too much panic and long queues. By the way, you will be able to receive your deposit within 1.5-2 years after the license was revoked from the bank. If at the moment you do not have the opportunity to withdraw your deposit, then you can send an application certified by a notary to the DIA by mail, then your funds will be transferred to the specified account or sent by money transfer.

When contacting an agent bank, do not forget to bring your passport with you. If you are an ordinary depositor, then you can be given money both to a bank account and in cash. As for entrepreneurs, they will be able to receive their money only in a non-cash way and to the account of another bank. And remember: no matter what amount you have on hand, the main thing is that your deposit in the bank does not exceed 1400 thousand rubles.

Cashback - a return to the card of part of the money spent (live or in the form of bonuses, points, air miles) for the purchase of goods or payment for services - some time ago it was a rarity in Russia. Now many credit organizations offer it to their customers.

Basically, banks pay out cashback to promote their products and encourage their active use, as well as to give customers an incentive to make more purchases in partner stores, as part of joint loyalty programs. “Among banks, there is a fierce struggle for each client. To attract attention and interest in their services, they offer various additional bonuses, including cashback,” says Andrey Lyushin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Loko-Bank.

Cashback cards can be either credit or debit. It should be taken into account that according to debit cards return is almost always less profitable than credit. Although in the case of the latter, cashback is not always real money. Sometimes, instead of them, points are awarded or, for example, air miles, which can be partially paid off when buying a plane ticket. When choosing a card with cashback, you should look not only at the return percentage, but also at what it is given for.

The card may have high percent deductions for purchases in certain categories (usually not particularly popular) and low for all other purchases, or average, but in almost all categories. So before choosing, you need to at least in general terms understand the nature of your own spending: what the money is spent on and in what proportions. In this case, it will be easier to get the maximum benefit from the cashback. “Now you can find more than a hundred offers for credit cards with cashback with a lower limit of 0.3 and an upper limit of 40 percent,” says Sergey Leonidov, CEO of the financial aggregator Large refunds are available in certain banks or categories (for example, payment in cafes and restaurants, gas stations, online stores) and in a certain period (special bank promotions). There is also an increased cashback for all purchases during the initial period of using the card, usually 1-3 months. In all other cases, cardholders can count on a refund of no more than one percent of the purchase price. Banks offer approximately the same conditions for debit cards with cashback.

When choosing a card with cashback, it is worth evaluating not only the return percentage, but also the terms of service

Cashback can be credited to the card balance, but does not work for cash withdrawals and card-to-card transfers. There are other operations for which money is not returned to the client. Each bank has its own list of such categories. Among the most common: payment of housing and communal services and replenishment of the phone balance.

The same gas station employees can fully earn on cashback (they, having a card with a 10-15% return when buying gasoline, can take payment from customers in cash, and instead pay with "plastic"), the limit on the amount that can be received back prevents. It can be 5 thousand rubles, and not more than a thousand - it depends on the particular bank. Although, in order to get around this barrier, it is quite possible to get a second card for one of the relatives, so that cashback also "drips" there.

The cards themselves are paid and free. In some cases, a service fee (annual or monthly) is charged without any reservations. On average, it varies from 800 to 1400 rubles, if we take the whole year. It also happens that the payment is included only in case of violation established by the bank conditions. Usually we are talking about the need to maintain a minimum account balance (15-30 thousand rubles) or spend a certain amount per month (3-30 thousand rubles). There are also completely free cards, for informing transactions with which the bank also does not take money. But it doesn't have to be the most profitable. As a rule, you can get a very small cashback on it, and often not in the form real money, but in the form of "candy wrappers". If the cashback card is paid, but the refund covers the cost of maintenance, this may be a perfectly acceptable option.

Where do banks get funds for cashback? The budget for such payments is formed from various sources. So, for example, a credit institution can enter into an agreement with stores, being their acquiring bank, and partly pays cashback a store Andrey Lyushin explains. In other cases, when an increased cashback is consistently paid on a card in a certain category without being tied to specific partner stores, the bank, losing on cashback payments to its customers, earns on the annual maintenance of the card (many cards with increased cashback really have a rather large cost annual service). Banks also earn on the paid options required to participate in the loyalty program, on the requirement to spend certain amounts in non-rewarded or weakly bonused (1 percent cashback) categories, on the requirement to maintain a certain minimum account balance (under low interest or no interest on the balance at all). In case of accrual of increased cashback for salary card the bank may not put forward special requirements for the holder, but fully recoup the paid cashback, earning on the payroll project itself.