All about new transport cards. I work for a big company! Old walk-through NLMK


1. Cards were purchased at the expense of the budget. More than 6 million rubles were spent on them, then why should city residents buy them for 80 rubles?
Transport cards of the automated system for paying for passengers' fares and transportation of luggage in the transport of the Lipetsk Region (ASOP), including Lipetsk, were purchased at the expense of the regional budget. No funds were allocated from the city budget for them. If you are already using a public transport card, then there is no need to buy a new card - the old cards will be valid when traveling. If a resident acquires a general civil (blue) card for the first time, its cost will be 80 rubles. This amount includes the cost of card production, including an electronic chip, as well as the cost of servicing terminals, collection services, security, and communications. For beneficiaries, the initial issuance of the card is free of charge.

2. Where can I buy and top up a new card?
Interruptions in the operation of the terminals were due to software updates for issuing and replenishing new transport cards. At the moment, the following terminals have been upgraded to work with new cards:

  1. Hypermarket "Line", pr. 60 years of the USSR, 34
  2. Etc. Victory, 85
  3. Central market
  4. stop "Polygraphic complex"
  5. stop "Ploshad Mira"
  6. October market
  7. Miratorg store, st. Cosmonauts, 110
  8. Shopping center "Crossroads", st. Moscow, 103
  9. 28 microdistrict, shop "Pokupayka", st. Krivenkova, 19
  10. Syrsky Rudnik, shop "Purchase", st. Angarskaya, 3
  11. LTZ, shop "Purchase, st. Anniversary, 3
  12. New NLMK checkpoints
  13. Old NLMK checkpoints
  14. store "Stalevar", LLC "Leader", st. Cosmonauts, 10
  15. Shopping center "Buninsky", st. Bunina, 3
  16. SEC "Rainbow", pl. Factory, 1
  17. Pharmacy "SAMED", st. Gagarina, 103/1
  18. shop "Purchase", st. Vodopyanova, 12
  19. Mall "Malibu", st. Tereshkova, 35
  20. Shop "Purchase", Mira Ave., 27
  21. Stop pavilion "St. Zegel"

It is important to note that since June 28, consultants have been working at the terminals throughout the day, who can answer any questions about the procedure for purchasing and replenishing transport cards.

3. If the terminal does not work in the minibus, will I have to pay the full fare in cash?
From July 1, 2017, according to agreements concluded with carriers, vehicles with faulty terminals should not enter the line. If a breakdown occurs while driving, the bus operates only for the exit and does not put passengers on board.

4. Will there be only one terminal in minibuses?
Yes, today most buses and minibuses are equipped with one terminal. The issue of installing a second terminal for all transport units in 2018 is being worked out.

5. Trolleybuses will soon be eliminated, what will be in their place? So the tram was canceled and there is no way to get to the Ring of the Pipe Plant from Theater Square without a change, although they promised that there would be buses. Another problem is that private traders stop working after 20:00 and it is unrealistic to get somewhere without transfers.
Starting July 1, trolleybuses on the regular municipal routes of the city of Lipetsk will be gradually replaced by new modern diesel buses of the LiAZ 429260 model of the EURO-5 environmental class. That is, new buses will also appear on the trolleybus routes familiar to the residents of Lipa. One of the priorities for us in terms of improving the quality of passenger transportation is to increase the share of electric transport. To do this, we are considering the option of a public-private partnership to attract investment in the development of the tram infrastructure. Also, on the regular municipal routes of the city of Lipetsk, the Department of Transport is currently developing a new bus schedule, which will fully meet the needs of passengers. In addition, we are working to increase the duration of the routes served by non-municipal carriers.

6. Tell me, will there be benefits for the low-income? A family of 4 people will pay 5,000 rubles for one trip.
For students from low-income families, travel with a preferential transport card (yellow) is free during the school year. To apply for a transport card, you must contact the social security department at your place of residence.

7. Is it necessary to have a bank card to transfer money to a new transport card? After all, many pensioners do not have them. And if you start, you have to pay for maintenance.
In order to replenish the transport card, it is not necessary to have a bank card. The terminals of the LipetskTransport system, as well as the terminals that are planned to be installed in Sberbank branches, accept banknotes.

8. How much will school fares cost?
The fare for schoolchildren on a transport card is 10 rubles on municipal transport.

1. Schoolchildren from large families (from 01.09 of the current year to 30.06 of the next year during the period of validity of the certificate of a large family) - from August 1, 2017, they can apply to the social security departments at the place of residence and provide the following documents for issuing a preferential card:

  • birth certificate of the child or a document proving the identity of the child;
  • identity document of the legal representative of the child;
  • a document confirming the establishment of guardianship (guardianship) - when issuing a card for a child under guardianship (guardianship);
  • a document confirming the right to free travel (certificate of a large family);
  • information about the insurance number of an individual personal account in the system of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family;
  • certificate from the place of study in a general educational organization.

2. Citizens awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the Lipetsk Region". You also need to contact the Social Security Office.

11. Tell me, please, do I need to purchase a new card if I have an old one?
No, there is no need to change the map. Old-style cards of the LipetskTransport system will continue to work. Their transition to the new system will occur automatically at the first replenishment in the terminals, many of which have already been re-equipped for the new software.

12. Do you plan to make a system for replenishing transport cards via phone / bank card?
Yes. This option is being considered.

13. Tell me, is it planned to connect the Syrsky mine and the 19th microdistrict by bus route? The districts are nearby, but you have to get with a transfer.
Currently, the department of transport of the Lipetsk city administration is carrying out a set of preparatory measures in order to extend municipal regular routes No. 24, 24A to the stopping point "settlement of Syrsky". This will provide transport links for the residents of the village of Syrsky mine from the street. Moscow, shopping center "Riviera" and the railway station.

Important. From July 1, the innovations will affect only beneficiaries: they will travel with a transport card at a 50% discount or 7 rubles in municipal transport and 8 rubles 50 kopecks in private transport. For everyone else, in July, travel by minibuses will cost 17 rubles both by card and in cash. In municipal transport, tariffs also do not change - 14 rubles for a card, 17 for cash and 20 after eight in the evening.

They decided to postpone the innovations in order to better prepare for them, in order to eliminate failures and allow the passengers themselves to adapt.

In the Lipetsk region began to print new transport cards. The automated fare collection system (ASOP) in the region will start operating from July 1 in municipal and commercial transport. Now buses are equipped with payment terminals.

How to top up an account?

The card balance can be topped up at bus stations and stations, at Lipetsktransport terminals, on the website of the Road Transport Agency (AAT)
in your personal account using a bank card. The issue of making it possible to replenish the transport card through ATMs is also being considered.

Will the fare go up?

In suburban and intercity buses, the fare will depend on the distance - when paying in cash on suburban routes - 2.34 rubles per kilometer, by card - 1.8 rubles, on intercity - 2.4 and 1.85, respectively Municipalities will set the cost themselves travel. So, from July 1, in Zadonsk, travel by card will cost 13 rubles, in cash - 17, in Yelets - 15 and 19, in Dankov and Lebedyan - 13 and 17, in Usman and Gryazy - 14 and 18.

In Lipetsk, the fare is also getting more expensive: instead of the current 14, which are paid by Lipetsktransport cardholders, we will pay 17 rubles by card, and 22 in cash. The rise in price amounted to almost 30%. Order No. 89-ts is published on the website of the regional consumer market administration.

- Where is the price increase? I didn’t see a rise in price, - the head of the consumer market and pricing policy department of the Lipetsk region, Nikolai Kireev, is surprised at the indignation of the townspeople. - Travel by card will cost 17 rubles. When paying in cash - 22 rubles at any time of the day or night.

The logic is as follows: people now pay 17 in cash, and will pay 17 by card. The moment that those who already pay 14 rubles by card - and there are more than 54 thousand of them, will pay 17 - does not touch the official, as well as the rise in the price of travel for cash to 22 rubles. We also recall that the card also costs money, and it turns out that people are simply forced to use this service.

How to apply for and receive a preferential card?

A green card can be obtained at social security institutions and Sberbank branches. Red and yellow cards - only in social security. The regional department of social protection recommends hurrying up: it takes 20 days to make a card. You must have the following documents with you:

  • passport or identity document of a citizen (legal representative);
  • birth certificate of a child, passport of a child who has reached 14 years of age - when issuing a card for a disabled child or a child from a large family;
  • a document confirming the fact of guardianship (guardianship) - when issuing a card for a citizen under guardianship;
  • a document confirming the right to preferential (free) travel;
  • a pension certificate or a certificate issued by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation confirming the fact of a pension;
  • a certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family - for large families;
  • a certificate from the school - to obtain a card for children from large families;
  • SNILS data.

Will the benefits continue?

Yes, they will remain, but the beneficiary will now pay half of its cost for each trip, and not buy a travel card, as before. Old travel cards will not be valid from July 1. The first card will be issued free of charge. If it is lost, you will have to pay for a new card.

“50% of the fare for beneficiaries will be compensated by the regional budget,” the AAT reported. - The exemption will also apply to commercial vehicles, that is, minibuses.

The discount card will be personalized. It cannot be transferred to another person. On it will be the name of the beneficiary, his photo. No other documents are required to prove eligibility for concessionary travel. Now, together with the pass, the passenger is obliged to present to the driver a document entitling him to the benefit.

Discount cards will vary in color. Red - for disabled people of the 1st group of III degree and disabled children. Disabled people and their companions will be able to drive on them.

Yellow - for children from large families. They will be valid during the academic year - from September 1 of the current year to June 30 of the next. A yellow card will also be issued to honorary citizens of the region.

Other categories of beneficiaries will receive a green card. For the rest of the residents of Lipa, the cards will be purple.

What will happen to the Lipetsktransport cards?

Cards of the Lipetsktransport system will also be valid after the launch of the new system. Cards used by large families will not be valid. They will be given new ones.

On Sovetskaya Street in Lipetsk, after the replacement of curbs, the number of parking pockets will be reduced. This was reported at a meeting with the deputy head of the administration of Lipetsk Andrey Shorstov. Parking lots will be removed from the side of the lane allocated for transport. According to experts, parking behind a continuous lane provokes drivers to violate traffic rules. They also plan to close the through passage along Voroshilov Street, which connects Sovetskaya with Pervomaiskaya. Part of Voroshilov Street will be turned into a boulevard. At the same time, parking next to the shops will remain.

reference "Life"

Where to buy a card?

The cards will be sold at all bus stations and bus stations in the region, in branches of Sberbank and LKB. They can also be purchased through the existing Lipetsktransport system. The cost of the card will not exceed 80 rubles. They will go on sale in mid-June.

Bus station addresses:

  • Lipetsk, Pobedy Ave., 89
  • Lipetsk, st. Bogatyrskaya, 2
  • Volovo, st. Soviet, 35a
  • Mud, st. 30 years of Victory, bus station
  • Dace, Zadonskaya st., 1a
  • Dace, Moscow highway, 3v
  • Zadonsk, st. Stepanishcheva, 5
  • Izmalkovo, st. Oktyabrskaya, 19
  • Dankov, st. Mira, 75/2.
  • Dobrinka, st. Leninskaya, 76
  • Kind, lane Soviet, 6
  • Dolgorukovo, st. Railway, 10
  • Lev Tolstoy, st.L. Tolstoy, 83a
  • Lebedyansky district, Sloboda Pokrovo-Kozatskaya, st. 2nd Pushkari, 1
  • red, st. Privokzalnaya, 21
  • Terbuny, st. October, 39b
  • Usman, Lenin street, 180a
  • Khlevnoe, Svobody street, 18
  • Chaplygin, st. Station, 11

Lipetsktransport terminals:

  • Bus station, stopping pavilion
  • Pharmacy "SAMED", st. Gagarina, 103/1
  • Hypermarket "Line" pr. 60 years of the USSR, 34
  • Shopping center "Buninsky", st. Bunina, 3
  • Shopping center "MIR", settlement Matyrsky, st. Morshansky, 8
  • SEC "MALL"", st. Tereshkova, 35
  • SEC "Rainbow" sq. Factory, 1
  • New NLMK checkpoints, pl. Metallurgists, 2
  • Old NLMK checkpoints, st. May 9th, 15
  • LTD "Leader" st. Cosmonauts, 104
  • october market, pr. 60 years of the USSR, 20b
  • Shop "Crossroads" st. Moscow, 103
  • Miratorg store", st. Cosmonauts, 110
  • Shop "Purchase": st. Angarskaya, 3, st. Vodopyanova, 12, st. Yubileynaya, 3, Pobedy Avenue, 18, Mira Ave., 27, st. Krivenkova, 19
  • Public transport stops: st. Gorky"; "St. Zegel"; "St. Printing"; Pl. Teatralnaya, 1
  • Stop pavilions:"Central market", pl. Victory, 5; Theater, 1; Mira, near house number 4

Every 10 resident of Lipetsk worked at NLMK at least once, and every 20 works at the plant.

As you know, the larger the company, the more bureaucratic delays. At NLMK, I have already encountered this 3 times (when applying for a job, dismissal and re-employment)

Over the year, of course, little has changed, but there is some progress. For example, security at checkpoints has become more or less loyal to the contents of bags.
Colorful booklets began to be printed with such naive photographs:

But we all know how it really looks 🙂

a photo S ancho

But it's not that. And in order to get a job at the plant, you will stand ~15 queues. I did the impossible and signed the contract in 4 days. A year ago, it took me 9 days ...

Now I will tell you how to get a job at NLMK as quickly:

Day one: interview. Personnel department (near the old checkpoints). You should have with you: a passport, a work book (if any), a diploma of education (or a certified copy), a military ID (or a registered one) and a state certificate. pension. insurance.

To get started, take a queue in room 118 (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and go fill out a questionnaire, you can take it in room 116. With the questionnaire and other documents, you are already waiting for your turn. My limit was 4 (!) hours. You should be given a draft employment contract, a labor protection card and explain where your workshop is located and how to proceed, but we will take a slightly different path. After the interview, go home to rest.

Day two: workshop, employment center, honey. commission. Pass office (to the left of the new checkpoints). You should have all the same with you + a draft contract, a labor protection card and 700 rubles for honey. commission (the money will then be returned to you with the first salary).

You get a pass according to your passport and contract and go or ride an internal bus to your workshop. In the workshop, find the head of the BOT. He will tell you what to do next. Calculate the time so that between the workshop and honey. the commission gave you enough time to visit the Inter-District Community Outreach Center. In the center on the second floor there is a reception - you go there.

After receiving a letter of recommendation, you go to the clinic and take a turn in room 3. on prof. inspection ( from 12 o'clock). You run to doctors, take tests, etc. All you need to do is to get a certificate of vaccinations at the clinic in your place of residence. This action can be carried over to the next day.

Day three: own clinic, therapist. Bring with you everything that was given out at the NLMK polyclinic + children's honey. card (just in case). You get a certificate of vaccinations in your clinic from any therapist (you do not need to make an appointment with your doctor). Then you go to the NLMK polyclinic, take all the necessary tests and go to the therapist (you will find out the office at the reception). With a positive verdict of the doctor, you go home with peace of mind.

Day four: personnel department, workshop. In order not to screw up, go in and first make a pass according to the same scheme (this is if you suddenly have a workshop near the old checkpoints). In the personnel department, you should have with you: all the same documents that you brought and received in OK before + 4 b/w photos with the right corner and what was issued at the clinic (including the payment agreement). You are interested in rooms 118-121 (according to your workshop). You will be sent for an occupational safety briefing ( at 12 o'clock), after which you again go to your office and only then go to your workshop.

The fifth day is a working day.

It remains only to stand in line for special clothing, and so ... on the little things 🙂 Good luck to everyone at work.