Trust limits and the WebMoney credit exchange, my opinion and reviews. How to borrow or get a loan in WebMoney? Who can benefit from the WebMoney credit exchange?


Webmoney Debt - official online service to manage debt relationships between electronic users payment system Webmoney. To use the exchange services, a separate account is not required. Access to the service is provided only through a browser or to owners of the Pro Light and Pro Classic keeper versions; the rest are not supported.

Only account holders with a formal certificate or higher have access to WebMoney Debt. Depending on what operations you plan to carry out in order to borrow money from another participant in the system, you will need a personal passport. To act as a borrower, a formal one is enough.

How to get a loan?

Through WebMoney Debt, you can take out a loan from a familiar user or any other participant in the system. If you plan to cooperate with a person you know, then ask him in advance to open a trust limit for you. Otherwise:

To increase your chances of receiving a loan, fill out the borrower's application form and provide your mailing address. If possible, ask correspondents from your contact list in the WebMoney system to vouch for the correctness of the information provided.

How to lend?

The WebMoney loan exchange is a convenient platform for earning money. To do this, you need to act as a lender, giving other users of the system money at interest. The service is available only to account holders with a formal certificate or higher. To lend, you must:

The created offer will appear in the list of available ones on the Webmoney Debt exchange. All users who meet the requirements you specify will be able to respond to it. After this, you can choose who to give money to and who to refuse.

Along with the large number of functions that the WebMoney Transfer payment system has collected, users also have the opportunity to borrow from other service participants. These financial processes is controlled by the WebMoney credit exchange, a service that functions as a kind of bank.

The exchange also has the opportunity to carry out collective credit process. This is when everyone gives their part Money.

general information

WebMoney credit exchange is part credit system WM Transfer. This works in automatic online mode.

The payment scheme allows participants to purchase goods in installments, that is, pay later or, conversely, give a deferment. The size and term of the installment plan are calculated automatically based on the history of the parties. This can fundamentally remove the inconsistency between partners.

Issuance of loans

In order for the user to be able to issue loans, it is necessary to have a WMD wallet in WM-Keeper and at least an initial certificate.

Credit exchange WebMoney: Video

Percentage in service

When taking out and issuing loans, the interest rate is formed on the stock exchange according to a special formula.

Two concepts need to be taken into account:

  • The difference between the amount provided and the amount returned.
  • Monthly loan term.

Let's take as an example that $100 is the loan amount provided (Psk). And $150 is the refund amount (Sun). And, let’s say, you need to return the amount within 60 days (SKD).

We calculate the difference between Vsk and Psk. (Sun - Psk). In this case, it will be 150-100=50.

Loan term in months SKM = SKD:30, that is, 60:30 = 2 months.

Monthly percentage (Mp) = (Difference Vsk Psk * 100: Psk) : Skm = (50*100:100) : 2 = 25%.

Accordingly, the monthly interest is 25%. This is how the interest rate is calculated on the WebMoney exchange.


The WebMoney loan exchange has huge advantages.

  • Companies and online stores that provide deferment can significantly expand their base while making safe transactions.
  • Products that previously could not be brought to market due to consumers not being able to pay the full amount can now be easily brought to market thanks to this service.
  • Because of the security and arbitration system, there will be trust between the parties.
  • Selling goods using credit can be of great interest to the client.
  • This can be a good PR move for a company that sells goods or services on credit, thereby expressing closeness and trust to its customers.

How to get a loan in the WebMoney system: Video

Credit exchanges operate within the framework of the most popular payment systems in RuNet. With the help of the exchange, system participants have the opportunity to borrow cryptocurrency at interest. One of the users acts as a borrower, and the other as a lender. There are no refund guarantees as such in the event of non-fulfillment of obligations. The only measure that is taken against unscrupulous participants is account blocking. Despite the peculiar rules of the game, credit exchange It is considered one of the most promising places to make money online.

Online credit exchange

The most popular credit exchanges on the RuNet are considered to be WebMoney and Perfect Money. The operating principles at both sites are approximately the same. But it’s still worth paying attention to some differences. Perfect Money operates on conditions of anonymity, so it is recommended to select borrowers more carefully. The risk of parting with the borrowed funds forever, even for very favorable conditions, too big. The key to future success and prosperity in PM is considered to be knowledge of the maximum number of wallets of decent people who are accustomed to fulfilling existing obligations on time.

Credit exchange Webmoney

The WebMoney credit exchange is available to all system participants who have issued certificates of the initial type and higher. Such users have the opportunity to provide and receive loans in the WMZ cryptocurrency. Owners electronic wallets who still have available funds, can start issuing at a certain percentage and thus create another source of income.

The WebMoney credit exchange allows you not only to issue, but also to issue loans in your name. So, if there is an urgent need for additional funds, system users are given the opportunity to receive the required amount on the terms of return within a period previously agreed upon with the lender.

Credit exchange Perfect Money

Lenders who are just starting to work for Perfect Money are advised to lend small amounts and try to work exclusively with verified accounts. There are a number of factors that it is recommended to pay attention to before proceeding with the registration of the next one:

  1. Find out how long your account has been in existence. From 6 to 12 months is already something. But the more, the better.
  2. A high rating is also an indicative value, but when minimum period existence of an account increases the risk of artificial cheating.
  3. Account statistics will help you make your final decision. Find out how many credits the user has on this moment, look at the ratio of returned and non-refunded loans.
  4. Verifications and user data must also be in order.

Why is a credit exchange needed?

The WebMoney Transfer credit service is a fully automated resource for issuing and receiving loans in real time. Why you need the WebMoney credit exchange can be found out based on its functionality. The advantages of the interface include the simplicity and convenience of placing applications and accepting proposals. The WebMoney credit exchange does not require a commission for its work, which is also quite profitable. If necessary, the borrower can use a service called “collective loan” when required amount issued not by one, but by several creditors. In addition, the WebMoney Transfer credit exchange allows you to make money on your own by issuing loans.

Credit Exchange - technical details

Since the interface of the exchange is completely automated, the risks of error are minimal. In response to the transferred debt obligations, the loan is transferred automatically. However, to successfully work in the system, it is necessary to carefully analyze the data of existing loan applicants. These include guarantees, the borrower's credit history, passport data, purpose of the loan and certification data. This approach allows you to protect the lender and reduce the risk of non-repayment. The credit exchange (technical details) is organized thoughtfully and functionally. To create loan applications and provide loans, different wallets are used (C and D, respectively).

Procedure for obtaining a loan

In order to receive a loan in the WebMoney Transfer system, you need to log into your C-type wallet in the WM Keeper system and create a loan application. The procedure for obtaining a loan is as follows: you need to fill out a form called “Loan Application”, in which two amounts must be indicated - the amount to be received and the amount to be returned. Also in the application form you need to indicate the return period, guarantees, purpose of receiving the loan and the number of the Z-type wallet for crediting credit funds. The completed application is sent to the “List of Loan Applications” and waits there for its lender, who will be completely satisfied with its terms.

WebMoney trust limits

Trust limits in the WebMoney Transfer system are necessary to establish a trusting relationship between the parties to the transaction - the lender and the borrower. The trust limit is always opened by the creditor, using the “Correspondents” tab in his wallet. The trust limit opened by the borrower automatically becomes an offer. The offer is sent to the borrower through the arbitration service, after receiving which the borrower can accept the limit with conditions favorable to him or reject it. The borrower can see the WebMoney trust limits offered by lenders in the tab called “They trust me - Trust limits.”

Definition of a borrower

A detailed assessment of the borrower allows you to protect yourself from non-repayment of loan funds. For this, the WebMoney credit exchange offers a number of reliable and effective tools. The following characteristics help simplify the identification of a borrower and find a bona fide borrower:

  • The certificate level starts from “Personal”. This simplifies the debt collection process;
  • Availability positive feedback about the borrower from well-known lenders;
  • No claims-blocking or claims-warnings WMID;
  • Sufficient age of the certificate (preferably not younger than 1 year);
  • Reliable passport details and email address.
Advice from Working on credit exchanges can really bring profit. Beginners are recommended to start a business in the WebMoney system. A high level of security has never harmed anyone. If on the Perfect Money site a person can simply give up on obligations and sacrifice a blocked account, then on WM this practice is unacceptable. A loss account in the country's leading payment system, is fraught with serious problems in business, which is associated with the work or provision of services on the network. It is almost impossible to register a second WM account if the first WMID is blocked.

An identified WebMoney client has the right to receive electronic money in debt directly in the payment system. There are several options to borrow funds: on the loan exchange, through the Debt debt service, and also through WebMoney credit machines. Borrowing from a credit exchange is similar to the process of receiving bank loan, and in the debt service - with a microloan from a microfinance organization. Separate credit services and WebMoney machines provide test loans even with a formal certificate.


Credit Exchange

The payment system from WebMoney has its own exchange for issuing and receiving loans in WMZ (dollars), it is called Credit. WebMoney. The cost of the loan product and the period for which it is issued are determined by the lenders.

The WebMoney credit exchange has an automatic interface that supports the issuance and receipt procedure electronic currency on credit, online. Search Processes credit offers and placing applications on the website are organized very conveniently. In Credit. WebMoney has implemented the ability to issue and receive loans from several people. The exchange itself does not charge for services provided intermediary services commission fee.

The debt service from WebMoney implements the following interfaces:

  • list of applications for receiving WMZ;
  • list of requests for issuing WMZ;
  • creating a request for issuing WMZ;
  • deleting a request for issuing WMZ;
  • borrower status;
  • borrower applications.

An application for a loan accepted by the service does not guarantee that it will be satisfied. The decision to issue money is made by the lender; he has the right to independently analyze the borrower’s data. This will help him minimize possible risks and make a profit from the transaction.

When analyzing a loan application, the following factors are taken into account:

  • availability of a certificate, the status of which must be no lower than initial;
  • certificate data;
  • validity period of the borrower’s account in the service;
  • history of loans taken in WebMoney services;
  • purpose of the loan;
  • guarantees;
  • correspondence of the transaction history with the amount requested for the loan.

Issued credit products must be returned within the specified period. Otherwise, WM Keeper will automatically suspend work for the person who has not repaid the loan. The WebMoney Transfer service has a document detailing the rules of operation of the credit service - “Conditions for issuing debt obligations.”

How to take out and repay a loan?

Sequence of actions of the Credit service client. WebMoney to receive a loan:

  1. Formation of an application for a foreign currency loan.
  2. Review by creditors of an accepted application.
  3. Selection of one or more lenders (if there is the possibility of collective lending).
  4. Receipt of the corresponding amount of currency in WMZ to the balance of the recipient’s “Z” wallet.
  5. Formation of a debt obligation on the creditor’s “D” account.

To create an appeal for borrowing money you will need:

  1. Create a type “C” wallet in WM Keeper, if it has not been created previously.
  2. Open in menu personal account section “Loan applications” and click on the “Add loan application” element.
  3. Enter in the application form: loan amount; amount to be returned; wallet type – “Z”; purpose of the loan; security and other details.
  4. Click on the “Generate application” item.

Section "Loan applications" List of applications (start) List of applications (end)

A WebMoney user cannot submit several online applications at the same time.

Sequence of actions to repay the debt:

  1. Open the transaction history of the “C” wallet.
  2. Select an outstanding WebMoney loan and click on the button to cover it.
  3. In the loaded form, indicate the details of the “Z” wallet (from which the debt will be reimbursed). By default, the account with the maximum amount of money WMZ is determined.
  4. Specify the size of the transfer. The entire loan amount or part of it (what is on the balance sheet) is automatically established if the money for full repayment lacks.
  5. Click on the “Transfer” item. As a result, the debtor’s money is returned to the creditor, and the amounts in the accounts “D” and “C” of the parties to the transaction are reset to zero or reduced.

Operations via "C" wallet Commitment Transfer Window Loan parameters page

How to lend?

The debt service from WebMoney involves the following process for selecting potential borrowers:

  1. Open type “D” accounts in WM Keeper, if one has not been opened before.
  2. Select an application from the proposed list by clicking on the “Select” link.
  3. Study the characteristics of the loan application you are interested in. You need to pay attention to the purpose for which money is borrowed, information on credit operations and with a return guarantee.
  4. Add a power of attorney to write off money and view balances on the virtual wallet.
  5. Select the “Z” wallet to lend to the selected borrower. This is where the size is determined. sum of money, which the lender is willing to give as a loan. Click on the “Transfer Funds for Loan” button.
  6. Evaluate the correctness of the entered parameters and read the rules for granting loans. Express your consent by clicking on the “Transfer funds for loan” item.
  7. The indicated amount will be transferred from the “Z” wallet of the person acting as the creditor to the wallet of the credit exchange. At the same time, the protection of the transaction will remain for the period of validity of the application “plus” two more days.
  8. The money will be transferred to the account of the person being credited immediately after the entire required amount has been collected (if there are several lenders on the same application). The protection code is also entered here.

As a result, the borrower's debt obligations will move from his "C" wallet to the balance of the lender "D".

Debt service

Debt. WMTransfer is another official loan service from the WebMoney payment system. It involves opening limits of trust within a service between its users. These limits are a kind of borrowed funds, similar to microloans. They are distinguished from credit Credit. WebMoney is that they are issued for a short period of time, in small volumes and at a higher price.

Loan monitoring for 2017 Monitoring of loan repayments for 2017 Profitability statistics for 2017

The Debt service concentrates offers on issuing money on a loan. A person in need of a loan has the right to contact any WebMoney user from this list. The selected user evaluates the potential borrower and if he is satisfied, a trust limit is opened for him. You can study the borrower’s certificate and application form in the “I will issue a loan” section. An individual trust limit sets the loan amount, price and repayment period.

The video talks about the debt service Debt. Filmed by the channel: “WebMoney”.

The level of trust of participants increases in a situation of successful debt repayment. A high value of the TL parameter means that the user has conscientiously performed several similar operations. Debt repayment is possible exclusively in the WebMoneyDebt service.

The sequence of actions of WebMoney users to open a trust limit:

  1. Open the “Debt service” item in the “Correspondent Properties” section
  2. Fill out the form: select a wallet; set the maximum value of the limit amount; indicate its period of use and cost.
  3. Click on "Open limit".

Next, the service automatically sends a message to the correspondent via internal WebMoney mail. It will contain an invitation to familiarize yourself with and confirm your agreement with the parameters of the trust limit. The conditions of the issued limit can be adjusted by its owner. They will come into force after their approval by the correspondent.

The sequence of actions for WebMoney users to obtain a loan through the Debt service:

  1. Open the “Debt Service” item in the “Correspondent Properties” section.
  2. In the form provided, indicate your wallet, as well as the desired amount and deadline for returning all funds. Be careful that the loan amount and repayment period should not exceed similar parameters set in the trust limit.
  3. Accept the agreement indicating the release of obligations.
  4. Complete a loan repayment commitment on the Paymer website.

Regular WMDebt members can automatically obtain a loan online at plastic card(at trust level (TL) 15 and above).

Form for entering loan conditions Form for receiving funds for a loan

It is allowed to repay the debt within the time established by the trust limit or before this period. If the loan is not repaid or only part of it is covered, the required amount of money will be debited from the debtor’s other electronic accounts.

Alternative ways to repay debt:

  • application of the trust limit of the person receiving the loan;
  • using a Paymer check;
  • placement of the user's debt on the obligation exchange.

To return debts under the trust limit, the Internet user should open a form that contains a list of them. It can be found in the “Information about yourself” section, the “Debt service” tab, and the “Trust limits open to me” item.

The form contains the trust limit parameters:

  • a list of transactions made (including the fact of receipt of funds and their return);
  • the amount of the amount to be returned at a specific point in time;
  • the amount of the entire amount of money to be returned;
  • the amount of balance in the WebMoney account from which the debt should be repaid.

To carry out the operation of transferring funds to pay off the debt, you should use the “Return all” or “Perform another return” option.

List of WebMoney client trust limits Detailed information about use and return virtual money received in the Debt service Lender Refund Page

Credit services and Webmoney machines

Through credit services and WebMoney machines it is possible to obtain a WebMoney loan, quick loan or trust limit.

Advantages of using WebMoney credit services and machines:

  • the loan is issued in the required currency: WMZ, WMR, WME, WMU;
  • the right to improve lending parameters with good credit history in WebMoney;
  • A test loan at zero interest is available;
  • the right to receive a loan if there is debt on the “C” wallet in WebMoney;
  • It is possible to receive a loan product with a claim in the certificate;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan with a zero BL level (an indicator of the level of business activity of the owner of the WebMoney wallet);
  • the right to compensation in case of early repayment of the debt.

Credit machines from WebMoney:

  1. WMKredit is distinguished by low prices for loan products, speed of receipt and a well-thought-out interface. An individual approach is applied to each user. You can find the most positive reviews about the work of this service on the Internet.
  2. Superlend – the service features a user-friendly interface. Compensation possible interest rate when repaying the debt earlier deadline, as well as on-lending. A free test loan is available.
  3. WMCasher - here it is easy to open a trust limit, as well as get a test loan (in WMZ currency) and a quick loan.
  4. RentaMoney provides instant loan products. The functionality of the service includes a loan calculator.
  5. In time. Ru is a service that provides loans in the required amount and for any purpose. The rates are low and it’s easy to get a loan.
  6. Credit4Me offers flexible rates on loan products. The first loan is issued at a 50 percent discount.
  7. DemonCredit provides fast online loans in WMR, WMZ, WME, WMU. This is a completely automatic resource.
  8. Debtum has an automated service and a P2P exchange. The machine provides various lines of credit, and also issues money against the security of a domain or website.
  9. WMDolg lends money on favorable terms and quickly. Here you can get both a mini-loan and a regular one, for example, secured by a website.
  10. MonsterCredit provides the loan automatically, and the conditions for receiving it are determined after analyzing the WMID.
WebMoney services and machinesB.L.Loan period, daysLoan amount, $
CREDIT4MEfrom 02 – 60 up to 1200
SUPERLENDfrom 01 – 100 up to 6000
RENTAMONEYfrom 010 – 60 up to 1500
WMKREDITfrom 01 – 30 up to 1000
TRANHERfrom 01 – 30 up to 5000
DEPTUMfrom 01 – 30 up to 100
EROBANKfrom 51 – 60 up to 500
WMKREDITfrom 1010 – 60 up to 5000
DEPTCASHfrom 1015 up to 500
WMCOINfrom 1030 up to 500
WMCASHERfrom 101 – 90 up to 1500
VRAZfrom 501 – 90 up to 700

Webmoney loan conditions

The conditions under which borrowed funds are provided in WebMoney depend on indicators characterizing the financial stability and responsibility of the borrower.

Key parameters that determine the reliability of the borrower:

  1. The degree of business activity of the WebMoney user (BL). It is determined automatically. On business activity frequency affects financial transactions, transaction amounts, type of certificate and parameters characterizing the user’s activity in the system.
  2. Level of trust of participants (TL).
  3. Type of certificate. The loan is issued to WebMoney clients who have received at least a personal or higher certificate. This is necessary to ensure that the person applying for the loan really exists. Certificate data confirmed by electronic copies of original documents significantly increases the level of confidence in the user.
  4. Credit history is assessed by changes in BL and TL indicators, as well as by the history of transactions on the “C” wallet and the presence of claims.

On the WebMoney loan exchange, on average, loans are issued at 3–5 percent per month. The period for which they are issued is from one month to a year (usually three to six months). The WebMoney debt service lends money for a period from one day to a month. The price of such a loan is from one to five percent per day. WebMoney machines and services charge borrowers from 0.12 to 1.7 percent per day.

If the loan was overdue, the loan exchange will issue a claim to the borrower. You can get rid of it only after full payment of the loan and the imposed fine. The fine will be 2 percent of the full loan amount for each day (even partial) of non-repayment. Its size cannot be less than 10 WMZ. After paying off the debt, it is recommended to contact the service administrator.

If the loan is not repaid on time, the user’s business level will be automatically reset and the WMID will be blocked. After full payment of the debt within 24 hours, the WMID will be unlocked and the business level will be returned. In such a situation, the user does not lose the right to receive the next WebMoney loan.