Automation of the financial function. Automation of finance at enterprises Automation of financial processes at a processing plant


Historically, we at Audiomania have always paid considerable attention to the automation of business processes (a story about our warehouse has already been published on Habré: one, two).

As you know, once you start automating something, it’s very difficult to stop, so the changes have also affected other areas of the company’s activities.

Today we will talk about how and why we created our own accounting automation system.

Reasons for switching to your accounting system

Why did we think about creating our own software? Firstly, accounting in many companies is just a “closed box” where documents are “poured” - it is weakly connected with the business in terms of providing it with information useful for making further decisions.

Standard systems used to automate accounting do not have the required flexibility and are inconvenient for those who manage the business. For example, before creating their own software, Audiomania created a large number of reports: on sales, shipments, receipt of money, spending on marketing, interaction with suppliers, while there was no possibility to build complex reports. For example, we were not able to give ourselves the fastest and most accurate answer to questions about how much we spend on the salary of storekeepers, how profitable a particular store is: it’s easy to calculate revenue, but it’s impossible to calculate profitability based on expenses and income.

In addition, in real life, payments do not have the same attributes that are "crammed" into the existing accounting software - because of this, accounting data is not always convenient for further use in making management decisions. All this prompted us to start creating our own financial accounting system that would solve all the problems of Audiomania and could be deployed without any extra effort and serious additional costs: it is no secret that many companies spend a lot of money on the introduction of new products, the benefits of which are not always covers their cost.

Preparatory stage

We decided to build on international reporting systems (they are more in line with business needs than Russian accounting rules) - large companies' reporting created under such systems can be found (portal of the US Securities and Exchange Commission). The portal allows you to get ready-made financial statements of public companies, in addition, companies can be filtered by activity profile, which is especially useful when selecting references.

So, we started our work by selecting a number of firms that were similar to us in terms of business and analyzed the structure of their reporting: this structure was of interest, among other things, because in international practice reporting requirements are less stringent: there are a number of mandatory requirements and a number of areas in which companies can take the initiative - for example, add a number of articles as they see fit. The experience of companies that have been working on such systems for many years turned out to be very useful: we got some of the insights from there, although something still had to be finalized based on our own needs.

The main task that we set ourselves when designing a new system was the need to build a variety of reports on income and expenses - for example, reports on the costs of a particular department for logistics / communications / purchase of equipment, furniture, or summary reports on specific types of costs for the entire company etc. with the ability to analyze the state of the company for individual articles and group the results according to a variety of indicators. We needed to be able to quickly show an accurate picture of the current state of affairs in the right plane. In essence, we needed a system that would facilitate management decisions, be as automated as possible (without additional staff and support costs), and include data from previous reporting periods, so that immediately after its deployment, we could use its decision-making capabilities .


Accordingly, we went our own way and during the course of the project implemented a number of solutions that are not usually found in systems sold on the market.

A “template engine” was created, with the help of which a significant part of the manual work carried out to enter information on payments and expenses into the system was automated. Now the new system "associates" expenses with payments to contractors for automatic control over expenses.

At the same time, expenses are recorded by months, and payment for goods can be partial, advance, “smeared” over several periods. It is far from always that a company pays money synchronously with the receipt of goods or services - in such a situation, “Audiomania” happens, for example, when working with the same Yandex.Market (Market expenses are fixed monthly, but we make periodic payments, replenishing the personal account by as necessary, in addition, in this case there is also a deferred payment): in such a situation, such an association avoids confusion and links actual costs and services rendered.

Accordingly, keeping track of which incoming money belongs to which transaction is a non-trivial task, which is usually performed by accountants almost entirely manually (sometimes on a regular basis) - thanks to our system of "linking" income and expenses, these operations have become possible to perform for the most part automatically. For example, after loading a fresh bank statement into our software, he (the software) will be able, based on the purpose of payment and the counterparty indicated in the statement, to determine the type of expenses and enter them in the appropriate section (taking into account the period specified in the contract with a specific counterparty - previous / current / future ).

Such docking of payments and documents as a whole allows avoiding the appearance of unpaid expenses, or payments that are not tied to any expenses. The responsible employee is notified of “strange” situations towards the end of the period (month), in order to restore order before closing it or to make sure that everything is correct.

The system can link the payment and the corresponding expense (some of the information in the screenshot is hidden)

In addition, such a system allows you to take into account various “non-standard” situations: for example, cases when one employee is responsible for related tasks related to two departments - his salary can be reflected as an expense divided in the appropriate proportion between different departments (this subsequently allows form a clearer picture of the costs of each of the departments of the company.). We also take into account freelancers for each division separately, which is also useful, since they are de facto not included in the staff - these are, for example, temporary couriers belonging to the logistics department, or copywriters working for the marketing department.

Previously, department heads kept records of the expenses of their departments in Excel files, but now they simply control the correctness of attribution of expenses based on payments. They also plan for future non-recurring expenses, giving finance staff new tools for cash flow planning.

Difficulties of implementation

We try to automate all routine tasks, while designing interfaces that do not require a long learning curve - all the processes that an employee performed in the "pre-computer" era should be the same when working with software. We rarely fundamentally change business processes, rather we try to adapt the system for people. In the case of accounting, the solution of such a problem becomes more complicated, because, objectively, special people work there who are not so close to information technology. Because of this, situations arose when employees had a desire to double-check the documents generated by the system so that they “definitely did not have errors” (which eliminates the whole point of process automation). There was even a situation when an accountant used our system to check the sum of several operations on a calculator. However, we passed this stage relatively painlessly.

Perhaps the biggest problem was the need to load historical data into the new system. Previously, many of our operations had an additional "arbitrary" text comment, which conditionally described an internal expense item - now it was necessary to distribute them to the "correct" expense items in the new system.

Thanks to the new system, you no longer need to write comments to the operation manually

It took the longest time to link the context of past transaction payments to a specific line item and period of expenditure, but the result was worth the effort nonetheless. “Everything about everything” from idea to implementation took 5 months, of which most of the time was spent on studying and processing information. The code was written by a single programmer who took less than 30 days to complete.

No, this is not black bookkeeping.

It is important to emphasize that we are not trying to "hide" income or expenses. Although our system does not meet the requirements for accounting, it is not. We optimize the capabilities of analytics so that the information recorded in the course of doing business can be used for management decisions. Basic accounting is kept in accordance with the law. Our system functions in parallel with it, periodically exchanging data with it. Now we can build a real three-year IFRS P&L in just 10 seconds using real-time data.

Next time we will talk about how we have automated our own service for collecting and analyzing statistics on online store customers - stay tuned to our blog!

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Automation of finance in enterprises

The main features of the program:

    Supports working with money in any currency

    All departments of the organization can work in a single information system via the Internet

    The program shows the current balances in real time on any cash desk or bank account

    You will be able to maintain full-fledged financial accounting: keep income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

    You will form a single database of customers and suppliers with all the necessary contact information

    You will be able to plan cases for any client

    The program will allow you to plan expenses for a certain period

    You will always have all detailed reporting for each cash register or account in any currency "at hand"

    All financial movements will be under your complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

    The program will show you the statistics of savings or overspending for your items

    Visualization of profit dynamics will help you easily analyze the company's profitability

    Separation by access rights is supported. Each employee will see only what he is supposed to see

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your customers and earn a well-deserved reputation as the most modern company.

    A special program will save a copy of all your data in the program on a schedule without the need to stop working in the system, automatically archive and notify you of readiness


    Communication with payment terminals so that customers can pay at the nearest terminal. Such payments will automatically be displayed in the program.


    The scheduling system allows you to set up a backup schedule, receive important reports strictly at a specific time, and set any other program actions

    Reliable control will be ensured by integration with cameras: the program will indicate in the captions of the video stream data on payments made, payments received and other important information

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. For this, convenient manual entry or data import is used.

    The interface of the program is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

We have completed business automation for many organizations:

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order the international version of the program, in which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. Even the interface can be easily translated by yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

Doing more work while reducing labor costs is one of the most important goals of any company, which can be achieved with the help of complex automation of the organization's accounting. To simplify management, primarily the finances of an enterprise, it is necessary to have an effective system for managing the activities of an enterprise, including automation of finances at enterprises.

The finances of an enterprise are profits, income and expenses, net cash flow circulating both inside and outside the enterprise. For the further development and growth of your business, you need to use cash flows as efficiently as possible. Competent financial management, in other words, competent financial management can increase the profit of an enterprise, therefore, the issue of automating work with finances must be approached very responsibly.

To optimize the work with the finances of the company, a competent tool is needed - automation of the financial activities of the enterprise. Automation of the enterprise as a whole speeds up its work, and increases the efficiency of activities, especially with regard to the financial component. Automation of financial management of an enterprise includes automation of financial accounting, automation of financial analysis and automation of financial planning of an enterprise, i.e. a full range of measures based on economic and mathematical methods and performance indicators.

Such a program for automating the financial activities of a company is offered by the Universal Accounting System, which has a huge range of opportunities for systematizing, processing, collecting, processing and analyzing financial information. In this program, you can automatically take into account all financial inflows from the company's activities, which will later form into the company's income. After your automation settings, the program can distribute a part of the income from the enterprise's activities to the necessary planned expenses, and display the profit of the enterprise. Automation of financial activities will help save your employees from routine work, thereby reducing various administrative costs, increasing the efficiency of each employee and the possibility of making various management decisions. Such actions as the calculation of payments with suppliers and contractors, the calculation of taxes on profits and all other mandatory payments to the budget, payroll, payment of dividends and many other financial actions can become automatic with the right program and individual USU settings.

The program for automating the financial activities of the USU analyzes the enterprise after collecting financial accounting data, displays all the reports necessary for both state bodies and founders, directors, financial department, top managers. Thanks to reporting, you can draw up a further development strategy for your company, see all the flaws and weaknesses of the business, and make an operational decision.

The control and management program can be used by:

  • Any public company;
  • Private company;
  • Individual entrepreneur;
  • Self employed;
  • etc.

After watching the following video, you can quickly get acquainted with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you can't see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to email us, we'll find another way to show the demo!

Opportunities to control and manage the automation of finance in enterprises

  • The ability to automate financial processes in various business areas, such as a trading company, processing company, banks, beauty salons and others;
  • Implementation of the tasks of automating the financial activities of enterprises with one USU program;
  • Control of the movement of finances at all stages of work, full transparency of financial operations;
  • Implementation of financial planning, control and regulation of monetary transactions;
  • The ability to regulate the company's finances, cash flows, money turnover for certain periods of time;
  • Analyzing the collected and processed data in the process of automating finance at enterprises, compiling various forms of reports for various groups of people;
  • Grouping of data according to any necessary criterion, extensive database;
  • Automation of the financial activities of the enterprise, routine work to reduce labor hours and reduce costs;
  • USU has the ability to automatically update data at a specified time;
  • The USU program, which performs the tasks of automating the financial activities of enterprises, has the ability to configure different levels of access to the program: from the ability to adjust all internal settings to access limited only by some documents;
  • In the Universal Accounting System for automating financial processes at a processing enterprise, there are methods of internal audit for the convenience of inspections and control by the manager or founder of the activities of employees and their operations;
  • In the program for automating the financial accounting of the USU enterprise, there is a system of alerts and notifications, by which you can easily determine the delay in payments and various other types of debts;
  • The ability to work in a multi-user mode, which makes the Universal Accounting System for automating financial processes in a trading enterprise more suitable for both small companies and large corporations;
  • No subscription fee for using our own unique developments in the form of a Universal Accounting System for controlling financial processes and automation in banks;
  • You can download a demo version to familiarize yourself with our program for the integrated automation of an organization's accounting for free from our website;
  • Work on the program for automating the financial analysis of an enterprise is carried out individually with the client, so the USU adjusts to the specifics of the activity and suits your business.

With the expansion of an organization of any form of ownership, it becomes difficult for owners to effectively track the work of each department. Reports on the work of departments in paper form do not reflect the real state of affairs, and manually compiled generalized data may contain errors and inaccuracies.

When the number of employees reaches several tens or hundreds of people, direct management becomes impossible. To avoid problems with accounting and effectively build the management process, management accounting automation programs are used.

What is automated accounting

Management accounting is a broad concept that includes several areas of control over the activities of the organization.

  • analysis and generalization of accounting information;
  • management of expenses of the organization and the procedure for cooperation with counterparties;
  • control of tax and other payments provided for by the current legislation;
  • financial efficiency of individual projects or departments as a whole for a certain period;
  • forecasting options for expansion and further development of the company;
  • preparation of external reporting documentation.

On a note!

Thus, management comes down not only to competent planning of the current activities of the company, but also to the analysis of accounting information, calculation of efficiency and forecasting of future directions.

When automating management accounting and budgeting, the necessary information is entered into a single working system, which automatically analyzes and combines all data into a single reporting form. This way of organizing management frees the director or manager from manual analysis of indicators, providing ready-made information in a single format. This approach significantly speeds up the process of obtaining the necessary information, and is also an opportunity to eliminate errors and inconsistencies in the data.

The system maintains the general document flow in the company, so if necessary, at any time you can get up-to-date data from your own database to calculate the efficiency and payback of ongoing projects, consolidate and analyze financial indicators and budget reporting.

Principles of management accounting automation

The implementation of an automation system is based on a number of principles that should be built within the framework of the company's management policy, as well as on the product's own features.

  • Analysis for the reporting period. The effectiveness of management accounting is achieved by introducing a policy of periodicity, when detailed analytics of the results is carried out for a specific time period. Otherwise, the implementation of the system will not meet the principles of efficiency due to the impossibility of comparing and analyzing the results achieved with previous data.
  • Complex use of data. During the operation of the automation system, incoming accounting and other documentation is entered into the database at a time. These data are used both to calculate the current situation in all areas of activity, and in the analysis in the following periods. Employees are exempt from constantly adding the same information, all data is taken from a single database.
  • Multilevel management. The enterprise management automation system is effective with a multi-level control policy, when each department head can receive generalized information on work within the assigned direction, while it is possible to restrict access to other information without harming reporting.
  • Reliability and completeness of data. The use of such accounting systems allows you to automate the preparation of reporting documentation, taking into account the requirements established in the company and the norms of the current legislation. Employees are required to enter initial information, which is automatically calculated based on previous indicators. This approach minimizes the appearance of errors due to inattention and discrepancies in reports in different areas.

Thus, the main principle of complex automation of management accounting is to minimize the performance by employees of simple technical tasks that take a lot of time and to obtain transparent and up-to-date statistics on the activities and internal economic condition of the organization. This solution allows employees to focus on performing complex intellectual and analytical tasks, and management personnel to receive timely reporting data without interrupting their current work.

Problems of implementing automated accounting

To improve the efficiency of automatic controls in the organization, special conditions must be created, without which the normal functioning of the system is difficult.

  • The built organizational structure of the organization and the well-established accounting system allows distributing the directions of the company's activities and fully exercising control over all tasks by managers.
  • Properly distributed job responsibilities of each employee affect the completeness of the information entered. The specialization of an employee in a particular area allows minimizing errors and increasing the efficiency of tasks performed.
  • A fully staffed staff and the availability of technical means are necessary for the timely entry of information into the database.
  • Continuous professional development of employees helps to avoid inefficient distribution of production resources. Despite the possibility of automating most processes, specialists are responsible for the quality of the entered data.

Management VS accounting: which system to trust

There is an opinion that for competent management of an organization it is enough to integrate an automated accounting system, and management can be carried out manually. But such a decision can take place within a company with a small number of employees operating in a single direction. Within the framework of multitasking and simultaneous work on several business projects, direct management of all departments is difficult, which can negatively affect the overall results of work.

Consider why an automated control system is the best option for companies.

Impossibility of project accounting

When conducting accounting, the activities of a particular department are taken as the basis. But within the framework of multitasking, the manager needs detailed information on each project: its effectiveness, the order in which the budget is allocated, and the forecasting of results. In most cases, it is impossible to take such information from financial statements.

Strict regulation

When maintaining financial statements, all information is based on the requirements and rules established by laws. For example, when calculating the depreciation of technical equipment, established forms are used. But the real situation in the organization may differ from the standards, in particular, in the issue of depreciation calculations. Therefore, based on accounting documentation, it is difficult to carry out competent management.

Insufficiency of technical means for holdings

When moving a large number of tangible assets between individual structural divisions and subsidiaries, their general analysis becomes more difficult. As part of the financial statements, the “Intra-economic settlement” element is responsible for this direction, but when the postings exceed the figure of several thousand per month, the account swells so much that it becomes impossible to somehow analyze the data.

Of course, such problems can be avoided by properly integrating accounting automation tools and setting individual parameters for a particular company. But despite the possible software solution to problems, the management accounting system remains the best option for most companies.

Programs for automation of management accounting

The introduction of an automated system must be approached comprehensively: it is important to plan in advance which accounting elements are necessary for the effective management of the company. Early planning helps save the budget for system integration and eliminates the introduction of useless components.

What does the end user get when integrating this system.

  • A great way to reduce the labor costs of financial services by 2-3 times.
  • A product that allows you to avoid cash gaps.
  • Informational financial position of the organization in real time.
  • Reliable reporting on any indicators and sections.
  • Compliance with applicable RAS, NU, IFRS, US/UK GAAP standards.
  • Seamless integration with all accounting systems based on 1C:Enterprise 8.


We do not recommend saving on the implementation of a management system. With the expansion of the organization and the implementation of simultaneous activities in several directions at once, in the future there will be a need to supplement the product with new modules, which will significantly increase the overall cost of automation. In other cases, it may be necessary to integrate a new management solution, since the previous one will not cope with the required volume of tasks.

The method of express analysis of the financial activity of the organization and its financial condition can be implemented in the conditions of both traditional and computer technology. In the latter case, the labor and time costs for this work are significantly reduced.

Software for computer technology for solving problems of economic analysis today is quite diverse. Some of the programs are autonomous in nature, since they are associated with the solution of only analytical problems based on pre-entered reference and accounting information, data from primary documents. The most common programs of this kind include:

  • 1. "Economic analysis and forecast of the enterprise's activity", the methodological basis of which is the "Multi-factor model for measuring productivity", developed by the Virginia Center for Productivity (USA) and adapted by the company "INEK" to Russian conditions;
  • 2. "Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise" version 2.87 B (bankruptcy); created on the basis of a methodology that uses calculation algorithms developed by INEC specialists, accepted in international practice and based on the principles of GAAR, UNIDO, etc.;
  • 3. "Analysis of the financial condition professional" version 1.0, which provides the original "language" for setting algorithms for calculating indicators and analytical tables;
  • 4. "BEST-F" "Financial analysis" developed by "Intellect-service".

The disadvantages of the above programs are: firstly, the lack of an integrated approach to studying the results of the enterprise; secondly, the analysis is limited only by the financial aspect of the enterprise, while the latter is formed under the influence of the results of management; thirdly, the presence of a rather strictly regulated set of indicators, methods of their calculation and execution.

The other part of the programs is a system of integrated control automation, covering specialized software modules, united by a single database and operating on the basis of "client-service" technology. An example of such a full-fledged computer program, including an automated workplace for automating the functions of operational management of production, planning, marketing, accounting, financial and statistical analysis, and a number of others, is Galaktika. The main direction of the "Financial Analysis" module used in it is the information support of the management process in terms of solving the problems of analyzing financial and material resources and the expediency of their use. One of the advantages of this program is that along with the standard coefficients and analytical tables presented in the program, the user can calculate the set of additional indicators necessary only for him for the corresponding period of time, aggregate them and arrange the calculation in analytical tables.

Thus, within the framework of computer programs like Galaktika, it is possible to formalize individual, not strictly regulated, complex, multi-stage methods of financial management, including the method of express analysis of economic and financial activities and the financial condition of the organization proposed in this manual.

The limitations in using these programs in practice are their high cost and the absence of the need in some cases to put into practice a complete set of subsystems, including up to 40 modules. In this regard, it seems appropriate to recommend the Microsoft Excel program for automating a comprehensive analysis of the results of an organization's activities for a small set of key indicators, which gives the user unlimited opportunities for calculating various indicators, constructing tables and graphs. In this case, in the event of a change in the initial data, the effective indicators are automatically recalculated in fractions of a second.

The results of the analysis are presented in the form of a spreadsheet, which is a grid of rows and columns. Each column is numbered with a letter of the Latin alphabet, and each row is numbered. The intersection of a row and a column forms a working cell that has its own address. The active cell is the one in which information is entered, it is highlighted on the screen with a bold frame.

Consider the basic rules for working with an Excel spreadsheet. Moving around the table is carried out using the keyboard and mouse. To enter the initial data into the table, cells are selected, while:

  • a) to select one cell, you need to click on it with the left mouse button;
  • b) to select an interval of cells, you must press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the mouse pointer from the first to the last cell;
  • c) to select a broken block, you need to click on the first cell, then, holding down the "Ctrl" key, click on each desired cell;
  • d) to select the entire column, you need to click on the column header, row - on the row header.

Entering data into a cell is completed by pressing the "Enter" key;

editing the contents of the cell is carried out in the active cell by pressing the F2 key - the cursor appears in the formula bar, the end of editing is "Enter";

deleting the contents of cells is carried out using the "Del" key or the "edit-delete" command;

moving data from one cell to another - using the "edit-cut", "edit-paste" commands;

inserting new rows and columns - using the "insert" command;

changing the width of columns and rows using the mouse pointer;

the cell format is set using the "format-cells" command.

After entering the initial data in the corresponding cells of the tables, formulas are entered for calculating indicators using the keyboard or using the mouse. Moreover, identical formulas do not need to be entered in each cell. For example, formulas for absolute deviation and growth rates are entered into cells for the first indicator, then using the "copy" and "paste" commands, these formulas are automatically transferred to cells for all other indicators. This also applies to formulas for indicators for two periods: a calculation formula for the previous year is formed and then copied to the reporting year.

The advantage of Excel spreadsheets over the manual calculation method is that when any source data changes, the performance indicators in a fraction of a second are automatically recalculated. Students only need to draw the correct economic conclusions from the calculated tables.

The use of the program "Microsoft Excel" reduces the complexity of work in assessing the economic and financial activities of the enterprise and its financial condition.

We will show the procedure for working with spreadsheets using the example of constructing mandatory tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for analyzing economic and financial activities and the financial condition of a commercial organization.

You must do the following in sequence:

enter the Microsoft Excel program, for which follow these steps: Start - Programs - Microsoft Excel.

set page parameters: file - page parameters - margins: top 25, bottom 25, left 35, right 15;

create a table;

fill in the header of the table, the column "Indicators" (set the word wrap in the cells, each indicator should be located in one cell);

enter the formulas in the "last year" column, then copy them into the "reporting year" column, enter the formulas for calculating the deviation and growth rate, then copy (we enter the formulas with the mouse by clicking on the cells referenced in the attached tables 1 - 6);

rename sheet 1 to table 1, for which double-click on the label "sheet 1";

build the following table on the next sheet;

to add a sheet in the created workbook, you must do the following: "insert-sheet".

Table 1.1 - Analysis of the efficiency of economic activity of a production organization for 200 ... - 200 ... years


Unit meas.

Last year

Reporting year

Deviation (+;-)

Growth rate in %

Marketable output

Material costs for production

material return

Average number of employees, total. including

production workers

The share of production workers in the average number of employees

Average annual output of one worker

Average annual output per production worker

Average annual cost of fixed assets (at historical cost)

return on assets

Consumption funds


per 1 employee of the enterprise

Comprehensive indicator of economic efficiency

Table 1.2 - Analysis of the main indicators of the financial activities of a trade organization for 200 ... - 200 ... years


Unit meas.

Conventional designation

Last year

Reporting year

Deviation (+;-)

Growth rate, %

Revenue (net) from the sale of products, works, services

Costs for the production and sale of products, works, services

Cost level

Profit (loss) from sales

Profitability of sales

Operating income

Operating expenses

Non-operating income

non-operating expenses

Profit (loss) before tax



Income tax and other similar obligatory payments

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities

Balance of extraordinary results

Net income (loss)

Profitability of activities

Table 1.3 - Analysis of the main indicators of the financial activity of a manufacturing organization for 200 ... - 200 ... years

Influence of factors


calculation method

Sales revenue growth

DVR x Rp °: 100

1317.6 x (-13.2) :100

Rising costs

-(DUZ x VRў : 100)

-(4534.0 x 70.4:100)

TOTAL impact on profit from product sales


(-173,9) + (-3191,9)

Growth in operating income

Reduced operating costs

-(OPў - OP°)

-(942,2 - 17232,8)

Growth in non-operating income


Growth in non-operating expenses

-(ВРРў - ВРР°)

-(1750,4 - 1402,2)

TOTAL impact on profit from ordinary activities before tax



16290,6 + 7519,6 +


Table 1.4 - Analysis of the dynamics of costs for the production and sale of finished products for 200 ... - 200 ... years.


Last year

Reporting year

Absolute deviation

Growth rate,

level in %

level in %

by level

to revenue

to revenue

Material costs

Labor costs

Deductions for social needs

Depreciation of fixed assets

Other costs

Table 1.5 - Formation of indicators of the compacted analytical balance for 200... - 200...


For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year

Size, thousand rubles

Size, thousand rubles

Fixed assets

Incl. fixed assets and intangible assets

current assets

Incl. inventories



Most liquid assets

TOTAL property



TOTAL sources of property formation

Table 1.6 - Analysis of business activity for 200 ... - 200 ... years.




Last year

Reporting year

Deviation (+;-)

Revenue (net) from sales



Net profit



Average assets



Speed ​​of circulation of property

Return on assets

Table 1.7 - Analysis of the property position of financial stability and liquidity for 200 ... - 200 ... years.


Unit meas.

Conventional designation

For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year

Changes for the year

Growth rate, %

Balance currency



Fixed assets



The share of non-current assets in the balance sheet currency

From non-current assets, intangible assets and fixed assets



current assets

The share of current assets in the balance sheet currency

From current assets inventories






Cash and short-term financial investments






Long term commitments



Short term liabilities



Share of investment in trade and production potential

The software complex "BEST - 4" is a full-featured, multi-user and multi-currency system of operational and accounting, with the basic principle of replenishing data "from the primary document". The system is aimed at small and medium enterprises. The program is successfully used in trade enterprises, services, construction, manufacturing, audit firms, budgetary organizations. The logic of building a software system is fully consistent with real accounting processes. Advanced parametric settings provide high adaptability to the specifics of a particular enterprise.

"BEST - 4" system allows:

  • - Keep records on behalf of several independent enterprises;
  • - Automate all areas of accounting;
  • - Maintain inventory records;
  • - Manage wholesale and retail sales.

System requirements minimum configuration:

DOS 6.2 and above;

Russified printer;

Functions in local networks of any type.

The Info-Accountant program is designed for small and medium-sized businesses of any legal form of ownership. The main features of the Info-Accountant program are:

Performing postings on accounts when filling out primary documents and when entering business transactions. If desired, you can enter and correct postings "manually".

Automatic compilation of the general ledger, turnover sheets, cards for analytical accounting of accounts, checkerboard, as well as order journals and statements for them for any account for any period.

Calculation of the balance sheet, drawing up a report on financial results, appendices to the balance sheet and other reporting forms.

Automatic calculation of profit and taxes.

Payroll for small businesses with automatic tax calculation, generation and printing of individual pay slips and pay slips.

Parallel maintenance of sum and quantitative sum accounting (materials, goods, etc.) with the formation of turnover sheets and account cards in sum or quantitatively sum form.

Analytical and synthetic accounting of cash flow and material values ​​for all accounts in various aspects.

Selection and filtering of business transactions by various criteria in all possible combinations (content of the transaction, corresponding accounts, the period of the transaction). For example, you can view all transactions with the supplier you are interested in (client, debtor, creditor, accountable person, etc.).

Preparation and printing of all payment and reporting documents (payment orders, statements, balance sheets with attachments, etc.).

The form of all printed documents complies with current standards, which eliminates the need to purchase forms.

Delivery options:

Info-Accountant for DOS. Minimum hardware requirements: x286 processor, 580KB RAM, 2MB disk space

Info Accountant for WINDOWS. Minimum hardware requirements: x386 processor, 4MB RAM, 5MB disk space

Info-Accountant for WINDOWS 95. Minimum hardware requirements: x486 processor, 8MB RAM, 5MB disk memory

Info-Accountant for WINDOWS 95 network.

The family of programs "FRIGATE" is designed to automate the trade and production activities of the enterprise. Each of the programs can function both independently and in a single complex. The original and simple program interface, along with rich functionality and power of client-server technologies, allows the user of any level of training to effectively use them in enterprises from large holdings to small warehouse stores. Fregat-Sklad (PROF version) - the program allows you to control the entire cycle of movement of goods in various warehouses - from the formation of an order to the supplier to the release to the client, supporting all types of document flow for both wholesale and retail trade. The program has both local and network (client-server technology) execution options.

tree structure of directories of goods and analytical features;

serial accounting for "revenues", taking into account the expiration dates of goods;

preservation of the complete history of the movement of goods;

availability of all standard methods of writing off goods: by average, LIFO, FIFO and writing off the price of a particular receipt. Convenient functions of inventory and revaluation of goods;

a powerful mechanism for the formation of price lists, both with fixed prices and with prices calculated by formulas. Saving price history;

accounting for goods in different units of measurement, and cash - in different currencies; the ability to create and edit links between payment documents and warehouse documents. Partial and "per item" payment of invoices, support for barter transactions; convenient mechanism for full synchronization of data with remote warehouses; data exchange with programs Fregat-Accounting, Info-Accountant, 1C, Turbo-Accountant, MS Excel;

advanced mechanisms for building reports on the movement of goods, by counterparties, suppliers, etc. with the possibility of graphical representation;

setting access rights for various user groups, with fixing the time and author of the creation and the last correction of documents.

Frigate-Sklad program

full turnover support;

simplified payment for goods;

full mechanism for the formation of price lists;

write-off methods for goods: by average, LIFO, FIFO;

export-import of data to MS Excel;

there is no connection with accounting programs;

mechanisms for building reports on the movement of goods, by counterparties, suppliers, etc. with graphical representation.


Retail management module with support for bar-coding and connection of cash registers, an original, extremely user-friendly interface.

Works under any of the operating systems Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 or higher. Database server - Interbase 4.2 and above.

Hardware Requirements


Processor Pentium 100 or higher; - RAM 32 Mb; - More than 5 Mb of free disk space;

Currently, four types of tasks are sold under the general name Infin-Accounting, which differ from each other in a set of features and varying degrees of automation of the accountant's work. You can start with the simplest of them, and then, as your business develops, move on to a more advanced one.

Program "Mini-Accounting"

Receipt of all forms of reporting.

Flexible chart of accounts.

Formation of complex wiring.

Adjustment for change.

Quantitative accounting.

Four levels of analytics.

Automatic calculation of depreciation of fixed assets.

Correction of postings in past periods.

Infin-Salary program


Unlimited number of employees.

Extensive guide to payment types.

Calculation of various types of accruals and deductions.

Setting up and reconfiguring payment types.

Maintaining a personal card throughout the year.

Pay slips, pay slips.

Final documents for divisions, groups of divisions and the entire enterprise: by types of payments; according to cost codes; by average salary

Correction of output forms of final documents.

Setting up taxes and deductions.

Specify the validity period for each type of payment.

Formation of postings for payroll, the possibility of their transfer to Infin-Accounting.


Documents for the tax office: - tax card and "information on income" of each employee; - a report on the total amount of income for the entire enterprise; - a simple statement of income.

Collective accrual and accrual according to KTU.

Lists of transfers to the savings bank and for alimony.

Maintaining several tables of income tax cumulatively from the beginning of the year.


Automation of warehouse accounting.

Possibility of formation of new and adjustment of existing documents.

Register of documents.

Analytical and synthetic accounting.

Two levels of analytics.

Up to seven reference fields for each product.

Possibility of sophisticated customization of standard warehouse operations for wholesale and retail trade.

The distribution of additional costs is proportional to the price, quantity or value of the goods.

Re-evaluation of the rest of the goods and adjustment of the price list.

Various options for the formation of the price list.

Receipt of all output documents.


Control of settlements with buyers and suppliers.


Five levels of analytical accounting.

Possibility of incoming and outgoing in packages.

Entering and updating information in past and future periods.

Formation of accounting entries, the possibility of their transfer to


Accounting for cumulative discounts.

Accounting in two currencies (rubles + one currency).


Multicurrency accounting.

Accounting for maximum and minimum inventory.

Control of expired certificates.

Transfer of the price list to cash registers.

Infin-Kadry program

Accounting for the reception and movement of any number of employees with the ability to view and adjust.

Formation of a personal card.

Formation of lists of employees by departments, groups of departments and the entire enterprise.

Sorting, selection and formation of a list of employees by any parameter of a personal card.

Accounting for all types of vacations.

Password protection against unauthorized access Built-in calendar.

Staff schedule.

Assistance in the selection of personnel with the help of folk signs.

Formation of individual and collective documents, using any parameter of a personal card, with the possibility of adjustment.

Personnel training.

Dossier for each employee.

There are different program options depending on the size of the enterprise and the number of employees.


Collective and individual calculation of rent.

Maintenance of personal accounts of tenants.

Setting up any types of calculations.

Possibility to change tariffs for living space, cold and hot water, central heating, etc.

Formation of the tenant's personal card with the ability to view and adjust all accrual and payment transactions.

Obtaining a turnover sheet for all houses and each house separately.

Obtaining various final documents, certificates-notices.

Obtaining a financial account.

BALANCE 1+ is a universal accounting automation program for enterprises of any profile. The program "BALANCE 1+" is designed to automate accounting and obtain interim and annual financial statements and tax calculations (declarations).

"Balance 1+" is an accounting program that can be configured in accordance with the specifics of the company's accounting. It is possible to self-configure reporting forms for changes in legislation and requirements of accounting users.

The system provides for manual entry of individual transactions (postings), copying the required blocks of postings and automatic generation of postings. In the latter case, a flexible algorithm for describing postings is used, which allows the user to write down the conditions for the formation of certain postings and formulas that determine their parameters for an arbitrary document (typical operation). Formulas are written using a number of mathematical operations and functions.

Program "BALANCE 1+"

allows you to keep records for several organizations and receive consolidated reports;

creates accounting entries when filling in primary documents (payment orders, warrants, invoices, etc.), copies blocks of standard entries, allows entry and editing of entries for any period;

generates reports for an arbitrary period from one day to a year at any time: account card, turnover balance sheet, credit journal-order, debit statement, general ledger, checkerboard, selections of transactions (filters) by any signs, convolutions on correspondence accounts;

reports on primary documents: cash book, purchase book, sales book;

calculates the depreciation of fixed assets, the amount of write-off VAT exchange rate difference;

conducts mutual settlements with debtors and creditors;

easily adjusted to the features of your accounting and changes in legislation: chart of accounts, primary documents, reports;

conducts analytical and synthetic accounting of cash and material assets. Allows both total and quantitative accounting for each object;

fills in accounting and tax reporting documents for submission to the Inspectorate of Taxation with the possibility of transferring data to BALANCE-2.

"BALANS 1+" allows you to work in network mode from several workstations. In the BALANCE 1+ program, you can display and print on the printer the following reporting forms for an arbitrary period of time in the context of analytical accounting objects:

account card;

turnover balance sheet;

journal-order for credit accounts;

debit statement;

main book;

final postings;


selection of transactions from the journal of business transactions according to specified criteria (in this case, the generated criterion is remembered for its reuse).

The accounting complex "Inotek-Accountant" allows you to fully automate the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in all areas - bank, cash desk, inventory accounting, settlements with accountable persons, wages, and so on. The program has a modern user-friendly interface. There are different versions of the program. The program provides the following features:

maintaining multi-level analytical accounting (up to 7 levels of nesting of sub-accounts, up to three independent analysts on each account and sub-account);

printing of primary accounting documents of any kind. A set of primary documents is included in the standard delivery, but users can create their own forms using the built-in generator;

formation of postings based on primary documents and construction of documents based on business transactions made;

keeping a journal of transactions, both in rubles and in the revaluation currency. You can enter transactions in any currency;

maintaining multi-currency accounting with automatic calculation of exchange rate differences;

maintaining a cash book;

accounting of agreements and contracts;

accounting for goods and materials by any method (LIFO, FIFO, at average or at discount prices);

accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets with the possibility of choosing different depreciation methods;

calculation of wages in various currencies, according to various methods, there is the possibility of "reverse calculation". The "Salary" module is included in the standard delivery of the program;

export and import of data from external sources (for example, from Excel, Access, etc.);

strict delimitation of user rights;

keeping records of several enterprises on one computer at no additional charge.