Transfer of funds according to details using the Sberbank online service. Interbank transfer: online transfer of money from one account to another - how to do it? How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a current account of another bank


Remote control has become a familiar attribute in the presence of an account and a card. A variety of transactions are carried out, taking a minimum of time and effort. If you want to make a transfer of the organization by details through Sberbank online, study detailed instructions which helps to carry out the necessary operation without errors.

How to transfer organizations in your personal account?

Implementation innovative technologies led to changes in the work of the financial institution. Ignoring new opportunities is considered rather unwise.

Sberbank is actively working in two directions. The focus is traditionally on ordinary citizens. Older people prefer to receive a pension and accrue interest on the balance. Youth operates with a scholarship and great deals. Salary customers can count on a loan with minimum rates.

Business development is impossible without infusion of funds. Especially for individual entrepreneurs and business people, excellent lending programs have been developed, including overdraft and the possibility of restructuring when circumstances change.

Making a transfer to an individual or organization is easy. A simple algorithm of actions has been developed, and it remains to follow it, taking into account some nuances.

Online mode allows the use of a smartphone after installing the application. Don't forget about commissions and taxes. The amount will be deducted from the account. It is more profitable to transfer regular payments to automatic mode, which makes it even easier to transfer within a specified period.

What do you need?

The first step is to open an account and receive plastic in your hands. Now the procedure will not take much time:

  • you should go to the page and proceed to registration;
  • a questionnaire is filled out and the number of the smartphone linked to the card is indicated;
  • a one-time code and login will be sent as an SMS message;
  • it is entered into the window and the data is verified;
  • getting on the account will allow you to change the two components for entering a more complex combination;
  • taking into account the platform, an application is installed on a smartphone;
  • a monthly cost is paid if the plastic does not belong to the premium segment.

Now it will be possible to conduct a transaction in any convenient way. You can also access your office through your smartphone. Using a computer benefits from a larger screen and the ability to check more thoroughly.

Step-by-step actions in Sberbank Online

Actions in the account begin with specifying the code and login, otherwise it is impossible to get to the page. Further to come:

  • find the section of payments and transfers on the left side;
  • go a little lower to translate the organization;
  • enter the available details (TIN, BIC) with the account number;
  • choose a card that allows you to write off money;
  • indicate the details of the payment with the purpose (contract number), address, surname and patronymic of the sender;
  • specify the amount, not forgetting the commission;
  • check and receive SMS for confirmation.

Entering a code designation will allow you to send an application for processing. The specified amount will arrive a little later, and there is a chance to withdraw it due to objective reasons.

Transfer via smartphone after installing the android application

Entering the menu indicates the transition to the payments section. Approximately in the middle is the item "Other !. The beneficiary's account number is reported along with the TIN and bank identification code. Reconciliation will help to click on "Pay" and make a transfer.

Translation instruction for ios application

The popular ios app is used in a similar way. Entering the code facilitates entering Sberbank Online. Again, the section payments and transfers will be of interest.

You need to go to the "Other" item. Search by name, account or identification number. The upcoming transfer is made according to the details. They are included in the payment, and you can always check.

Replenishment to the account of the organization in the office

Fulfillment of partnership obligations, payment for goods received or work performed indicates the need to replenish the account. The cabinet is perfect for this:

  • again, the main steps are taken through the transfer column;
  • the issued invoice is paid upon transition to the point of payments to the counterparty;
  • it is easy to find out the beneficiary's bank code from the directory by clicking on the button below;
  • the details include the exact account number (up to 25 characters) and TIN;
  • the amount is sent including VAT;
  • an interbank transfer will require you to indicate the service, the region of payment, the name of the company and the sender's account.

The proven algorithm has several distinctive features. The transfer usually means a large amount and requires special attention.

Confirm transfer

Clicking on the translation click leads to the completion of the questionnaire. Enrollment happens in parts. Careful reconciliation takes place several times, especially at the final stage.

Incorrect details will result in a refund or funds being transferred to a completely different account. It is difficult to get them back and most likely you will have to go through the courts.

Full confidence in the absence of errors will make it possible to request an SMS and then enter the numbers in the field. The payment will be considered successful and there will be time for verification.

View operation

The sent application cannot reach the recipient instantly. It is required to process the request, especially when the account is opened in another institution. Sending time is important. The office does not work at night, and you should wait until the morning until the employees start working.

It is important to find out the true state of affairs. Perhaps the specified counterparty number simply does not exist or erroneous details are entered. The reason for the refusal is the lack of funds in your own account. They do not always take into account VAT or the exchange rate that led to the inclusion of the fee.

It will be possible to find out the reason for the delay in personal account. The transaction history section clearly marks the application statuses. It is considered, rejected, or a transfer of funds occurs with the appearance of the stamp “Completed”.

Setting up auto payment

Long-term cooperation leads to regular payment. You can reduce the risks by setting up an auto payment service. The first payment and the successful replenishment of the account can serve as a model.

  • The transfer can be sent both from the account (i.e. with a write-off Money from the account), and without opening an account (i.e. with cash deposited at the cash desk).
  • Transfer from the account can be made in any foreign currency, regardless of the currency in which the account is opened.

To send a transfer:

  1. Contact the branch of Zapsibkombank in your locality with an identity document (if you are a foreign citizen or a stateless person, you will additionally need a document confirming the right to stay (residence) on the territory of the Russian Federation).
  2. Tell the operator the following information or show the contract in which it is:
  3. for transfers within Russia

  • FULL NAME. / name of the recipient,
  • the name of the bank that will pay the transfer, and its details (BIC and correspondent account),
  • account number of the recipient of the transfer (if any);

for transfers outside Russia

  • exact full name / name of the recipient (Latin spelling),
  • recipient's address (for transfers that will be received without opening an account),
  • details of the identity document of the recipient (for transfers that will be received without opening an account and when transferring an amount over the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars*),
  • the name and address of the bank that will pay the transfer, its details and the SWIFT code or the Bank's clearing system code - ABA, FW, BLZ, etc. (if any),
  • account number of the recipient of the transfer (if any), and for transfers to the countries of the European Union and the Common economic zone the IBAN code must be indicated,
  • details of the intermediary bank.
  • Enter the transfer amount to the Bank's cash desk or indicate the number of the account from which this amount should be debited.
  • Pay the transfer fee. It can be paid both in cash and by debiting funds from the account.
  • Restrictions:

    • On Russian territory Money transfers between citizens of Russia are carried out only in rubles of the Russian Federation.
    • Russian citizens can transfer money outside Russia foreign currency and rubles in favor of a Russian citizen in the amount of not more than the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars * per day, and in favor of a foreign citizen without limits on the amount.

    *at the official exchange rate set Central Bank Russian Federation on the date the funds are debited from the account.

    According to translations international system SWIFT connection for each payment individually selects the optimal route, which allows you to minimize the delivery time of the transfer and your costs. There are also several options for charging fees. You can send a payment from at your own expense for guaranteed delivery of funds in full, or at the expense of the recipient.

    How to cancel a transfer?

    If the transfer has already been sent, unfortunately, it is impossible to cancel it: the law prohibits the bank from debiting money from the recipient's account without his consent. You can ask the recipient to return the money.
    Please carefully check the details of the recipient when sending the transfer.

    How to return the money if I made a mistake in the details when transferring?

    In case of an error in the full name or account number, the transfer will be returned to the sender's account.

    If you provided the correct details, but transferred to the wrong person, try contacting the transfer recipient for a refund.
    If necessary, you can get a copy of the payment order with confirmation of the transfer at any office of the Bank.

    Very often there is a need to transfer funds through a bank to the recipient's account. This is easier to do than it seems at first glance. It is enough that all the details are known.

    For financial statements, when making some kind of purchase or because the recipient is far away, sometimes there is a need for a cashless transfer of money through a bank.

    The sender has two options: to make a transfer on his own, or to contact the nearest branch of any bank (more often, of course, they go to the bank where they have already been served).

    Transfer via internet bank

    The client of almost any bank today has the opportunity to be served (to manage their funds and accounts) through their personal Internet banking account. Logins/passwords are provided upon request.

    The operation can be performed by specifying only the recipient's personal account: if the recipient is served in the same bank. As a rule, such payments are made without a commission (or with a symbolic one), and take a short time (approved instantly or completed within a day).

    If the beneficiary's account belongs to another bank, then in your personal account you can select a free payment template, where you must specify all the requested details (BIC of the beneficiary bank, correspondent account of the beneficiary bank, personal account of the beneficiary, name of the beneficiary). Such payments are subject to a commission from the sending bank (it is likely that a commission will also be charged from the recipient for crediting) and take approximately one hour to three business days.

    Transfer of funds after a personal appeal to the bank

    If the sender finds it difficult to make a transfer on his own, then you can contact the nearest branch of a convenient bank. The manager will ask for all the details of the recipient of the transfer (listed above). If the money to be transferred is kept on an account opened with the same bank, the employee will create an application for wire transfer from the client's account to the beneficiary's account using the details provided. If the client wants to make a transfer in cash, then a preliminary application will be created, and after depositing funds through the cash desk, the transfer will be sent to the specified details. With the deadlines, the situation is similar to the transfer through the Internet bank.

    There are no difficulties in performing such operations. It is enough to clearly understand the principle and sequence of the transfer of funds. And there are not so many options: either this is an operation within one bank, or between two banks. Either a transfer from the client's account (non-cash), or in cash.

    Good day everyone!

    Quite often in everyday life we ​​have to transfer money to various accounts, for example, to pay for something, transfer money to another bank, pay off a loan, etc.

    You can, of course, go to the bank, ask the operator, and she will complete this task, or you can do it yourself in 5-10 minutes sitting at a PC (and save money, because online services are cheaper than through a bank employee). 👌

    And in general, unfortunately, things have not been going very well with banks in our country lately ... First one will be closed, then another, then it’s time to think about how to scatter funds in 2-3 banks, so as not to be left without money at all (until the insurance pays there... ☺). And the interbank. online transfers - allow you to do it very quickly!

    Actually, this article will be about interbank transfer (or, as it is shortly called, "interbank"): i.e. transfer from an account in one bank according to the details (account number, BIC, full name, TIN, etc.) to an account in another bank. I know that many people are frightened by all these details and wording, but in this article I will try to explain everything as simply as possible...


    Not so long ago, in our country (since 01.2020), the FPS (fast payment system) began to operate. This is a fast interbank transfer by phone number.

    Learn more about how to translate You can find out via SBP using the link below.

    How to transfer money from an account in one bank to an account in another

    I will write the article in the order of the most popular questions that are asked on this topic. I think it will be easier to deal with everything ...

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of an interbank transfer?


    1. interbank transfer goes through the Central Bank, but this is still high reliability: nothing will be lost anywhere and will not be stolen (i.e. the bank from which the funds are transferred sends them first to the Central Bank, and he already forwards it to the recipient's bank, and already that one, if everything is in order with details- credits them to a specific account). Those. it is much safer (especially for large amounts) than carrying money to another bank on your own (or using alternative funds transfer options);
    2. If you mix up details when sending, the recipient's bank will simply return the money back to the sender's bank (the returned money will be credited to the account from which it was debited, in this case it may take up to 5 working days for everything about everything). When transferring from card to card - if you mix up the card number, the money will not automatically be returned;
    3. can be sent almost unlimited amounts(several million). When transferring from card to card, there are limits, usually 75,000 rubles. for 1 transfer;
    4. you can transfer from any bank to any bank (in our country). In addition, almost all banks have this function available in the Internet Bank;
    5. this is confidentially, no one will know about the transfer (of course, except for banks and some of our bodies).


    1. it is impossible to accurately predict the speed of the transfer: it can take 1 hour (if the transfer was made on a business day and you successfully got on the bank "flight"), or it can take up to 5 business days! (by the way, the same is true for cards - for some of them, the transfer is also credited for several days. From experience I will say that, usually, on Visa cards transfers reach much faster than on MasterCard)
    2. some banks have high commissions of 1-2% (however, when transferring from card to card, the commission can be even higher - up to 3%). I’ll note right away that usually, the bank’s commissions provide for maximum amount: i.e. 1% for the transfer, but not more than 1000 rubles. Those. if you transfer 100,000 rubles. you will pay a commission of 1,000 rubles if you transfer 500,000 rubles. - still pay a commission of 1000 rubles.

    Maybe it's better to use a card-to-card transfer?

    It all depends on the amount of the transfer and the tariffs of your bank. In some cases, transfer from card to card is beneficial, in others - interbank. As for the timing of the translation, it is difficult to say which translation will come faster (therefore, I do not take this into account).

    For example, Sberbank now charges 1% of the amount for an interbank transfer (in the Internet bank), but not more than 1,500 rubles; in Russian Standard for the interbank market - 10 rubles. (regardless of the amount). Face difference?

    As for the transfer from card to card, here the rates reach up to 3% (where you can make a transfer: various services on the network, ATMs, Internet banking). However, some banks, especially recently, have a tempting thing: you can top up a card through their Internet bank without commission!

    For example, I use a card from Binbank, which can be replenished without commission from almost any other bank card. Pay attention to the screenshot below. By the way, many other banks have similar services: VTB, Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, Tinkov, etc. (this is not an advertisement for specific banks, just my view from the outside. Although I would not refuse to thank them, these bankers will never thank you ☺) .

    Important! Some banks that issued your card (they are called issuers) may debit their commission on transfers from her.

    Therefore, when transferring from card to card, in order to make sure how long your transfer will take, and what commission will be written off in the end, try to make a transfer to a small amount at 100-200 rubles.

    An example of a transfer from a Sberbank card to a Binbank card

    As for the amounts, there is usually a limit for transfers from card to card - 75,000 rubles. (and no more than 10-15 transfers per day, or per month. Each bank has its own limits, but on average, something like this).


    In one case, the interbank may be beneficial, in the other - a transfer from card to card. To make it easier to understand, here are two illustrative examples:

    1. you need to transfer 50,000 rubles. from Sberbank to Binbank. If you transfer through an interbank transfer, you will pay a commission in the amount of 500 rubles, when transferring from card to card, the commission will be 0 rubles. (if this is done through the Internet bank of the recipient's card). Obviously, the second method is more advantageous;
    2. you need to transfer 700,000 rubles. to another bank. Obviously, the limits for transferring from card to card will not allow you to transfer the entire amount, and in this case it will be faster and more reliable to use the interbank.

    What is needed for such a transfer, where can I find these details, and what do they mean?

    To make an interbank transfer, you need to know:

    Details can be found:

    👉 Help article!

    How : registration, opening a deposit, transferring money, paying utility bills, mobile phone, connection "Thank you" and piggy bank

    How to send an interbank transfer to Sberbank-online?

    I will show on the example of the same Sberbank (due to its popularity ...). First you need to open the Internet Bank, tab " Transfers and payments" (if you don’t know how to register in it, see the link above. That article tells all the basics of working with Sberbank-online).

    Next, choose either "Transfer to a private person... by details", or "Organization Transfer". In my example below, I will simply transfer money from my Sberbank account to an account in another bank.

    By the way if the person to whom you are transferring is also a client of Sberbank, then the transfer of funds is much easier and faster (in this case, click on the link "Transfer to a client of Sberbank"). You only need to know his card number or phone number.

    A window should appear with a bunch of columns that need to be filled in. If you make a translation for the first time, your eyes widen... ☺

    To begin with, we indicate the full name, and account number. Next, the BIC of the bank (corresponding account and the name of the bank should be substituted automatically (this is done, in my opinion, in all banks)), indicate the amount and debit card/account(from which the transfer amount will be debited).

    And lastly, indicate note to the transfer, and confirm the transfer. About the note a couple of lines below ...

    In a note you must indicate the purpose of your transfer. Any far-fetched fantasies are not allowed here (for example, "thanks for the beer"). Most often, you should specify the following:

    1. "translation own funds, without VAT"- this is if you transfer your money to an account in another bank;
    2. "on account of payment under contract No. XX / X. VAT is not charged"- this is, for example, when paying for some services under an agreement (usually, when transferring an organization or legal entity);
    3. "Private transfer, VAT free"- if you simply transfer money to a private person (return a debt, for example). Can be replaced with "Material aid".

    Summing up. What is important and what to remember

    1. need to know to translate: full name (or name of organization), account number, BIC of the bank (in some cases TIN and KPP);
    2. the account number is not the card number!
    3. in some banks interbank is not possible from a card account. To perform it, you must first open a "current account", then, for example, transfer money to it from your card account, and only after that - make a transfer (for example, Trust Bank);
    4. account number is sequence of 20 digits, starts with 408 or 423 (relevant for Russia);
    5. translation time from 1 hour to 5 days! It all depends on the sender's bank and the recipient's bank - they all work differently ... Most often, money arrives on the next business day. For example, you made a transfer on Saturday - the money will probably be credited to your account on Monday (but it may be on Friday!);
    6. if you made a mistake in some details, then within 5 working days the money should be returned to the sender's account;
    7. if you want to cancel interbank- then this can be done only in some cases, when the money has not yet left the sender's bank (if it has, then cancellation is impossible). Therefore, before sending somewhere and to someone, "measure seven times"...;
    8. interbank is safe, fast enough, it is regulated by the Central Bank, allows you to send money anywhere in the country and to any bank branch. Money will not be lost along the way, no one will steal it, and in general, the likelihood of any problems is minimal (compared to all other types of payments).

    With the development of Internet technologies, it has become more convenient for people to carry out financial operations. While at home, you can apply for a bank loan, borrow from loved ones, shop in stores, order services. It is enough to have access to the Internet and a plastic card with a certain amount of money.

    However, there is one small problem. When making a transfer from card to card, you have to pay commission fees. Their size varies in the range of 1-2% of the amount. If you want to save money, we recommend that you transfer money from the card using the account details. How to do this, we will show below, and we will give an example of a bank that provides a service for free.

    Why is it profitable to transfer money by bank details?

    Probably, we will not be mistaken if we say that the vast majority of plastic card holders make transfers by number financial instrument. A huge plus of such an operation is speed. Funds are credited to the card instantly, in rare cases, in a few minutes. However, there are also disadvantages. It is impossible to transfer a large amount (suppose 1 million). If you make a mistake in the number, the money will go to another card. You can return them, but it is problematic.

    But the transfer from the card using the account details allows you to avoid these problems:

    • The amount of the amount has no serious limitation. You can transfer even 10 million.
    • If there are errors in the details, nothing bad will happen. Funds will be returned to your account
    • True, enrollment will be slow. This usually happens on the day the money is sent or the next day. It all depends on the time of the transaction. But customers are always warned that the procedure can take up to 5 working days. This rarely happens

    Transfer by details is beneficial when you need to send a large amount of money when buying, for example, real estate or a car. If there is any problem, money transfer can be proven payment order, which is issued to the client when performing an operation.

    How to send money by details?

    We learned about benefits. Now let's take a look at the sending process. financial resources. When transferring money to an individual You must specify the following details exactly:

    • BIC of the bank to which the funds are transferred
    • Beneficiary's account
    • Name of the recipient

    If the transaction involves sending money legal entity, the first two items are retained. The name of the recipient is replaced by:

    • Company name
    • Enterprise checkpoint
    • Is VAT included in the price

    A little higher we said that not every financial institution offers this service for free.

    Among the largest 50 Russian banks in terms of assets, there are only 5 of them! They allow you to make transfers without commissions:

    • From a debit card
    • Via internet banking
    • With apps downloaded to your smartphone

    Note that a similar operation performed using credit card, even in these banks will require commission costs.

    • Most Better conditions offers Alfa Bank. Having issued an Alpha card, you can not pay for the cost of service.
    • Let's take a look at two cards. This is Tinkoff Black from the bank of the same name and Multicard from VTB. The first / second card has a service cost of 99/249 rubles. monthly. It can be avoided if you apply at the bank Tinkoff deposit, credit or tariff 6.2. At VTB, you need to spend at least 5 thousand rubles on the card every month. (the commission will still be debited, but then returned back to the account).
    • Having issued an Opencard at Otkritie Bank, you will have to pay 500 rubles. for release. But if you pay for purchases from 10 thousand rubles, the amount will be returned in bonuses.
    • Perhaps the worst conditions are for Mastercard Standart from MKB. Service cost - 850 rubles.

    In the end, we note that the data provided were relevant as of mid-late April 2019.