Who transferred the rights to the Western Bank. How to pay off a loan from Western Bank? Don't know what to do? How to get your full deposit back


The bank was registered in December 1993 in Moscow. In 2005, he became a member of the deposit insurance system. In 2011 it was corporatized. Until the fall of 2013, the bank was controlled by Dmitry Leus, who at various times owned up to 70% of the shares of the credit institution. Media referring to the new owners credit institution, which entered the capital in October 2013, reported that Zapadny plans to shift its focus from retail business to development as a universal bank.

At the moment, the main owners of the credit institution are Mark Temkin (22.4%), Alexander Grigoriev (19.98%), Anton Tarasov (19.97%), Grigory Kulesha (9.95% through OOO NPKK Tekton-Ch ”), Sergey Khavkunov (9.93%), Grigory Mironenko (7.38%), Chairman of the Board Viktor Khrebet (9.25%).

Chairman of the Board of Zapadny Viktor Khrebet previously worked at Raiffeisenbank, the Russian Development Bank (now Otkritie Bank) and Moskommertsbank. Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev, well-known in the financial world, became the chairman of the board of directors of Zapadny after the departure of Dmitry Leusa. He headed the Expert Directorate of the President of Russia, and earlier - Rosstrakhnadzor (this department was abolished). On April 2, 2014, Lomakin-Rumyantsev left the position of chairman of the board of directors; the board of directors was headed by the co-owner of the bank Anton Tarasov. Security issues in the new board of directors of Zapadnoye will be supervised by Yuri Anisimov, a native of the FSB.

In 2011, the bank bought out part of the network of divisions from KIT Finance. Today, Zapadny has more than 50 sales offices in various regions of Russia (including in Moscow and the Moscow Region, the bank has nine offices in addition to the head office). At the beginning of 2014, the bank received seven Moscow and three regional offices of the Project Finance Bank, which lost its license on December 13, 2013. The bank employs over 800 employees.

The new owners of the bank intend to diversify in 2014 loan portfolio by increasing the share of legal entities (up to 50%). A similar diversification is planned for the passive base. Note that the implementation of this plan has already begun. If on October 1 last year the share of corporate loans in the loan portfolio was about 10.3%, then on March 1 this year it was already 46.2%. The corporate loan portfolio itself increased more than 7 times over these five months: from 1.1 to 8.7 billion rubles. The volume of funds of enterprises and organizations, however, during this time decreased by 23%: from 2.9 to 2.2 billion rubles. The share of these borrowings in the bank's liabilities decreased from 10.3% to 7.1%.

The most important source of funding for the bank is the deposits of the population. Their share in liabilities as of March 1, 2014 exceeded 76%. And over the past 2013, the volume of retail deposits more than doubled: from 11.3 to 23.4 billion rubles. Mainly due to this inflow of funds from the population, the bank's assets also more than doubled from 14.8 to 29.8 billion rubles. In the assets of the bank, 54% is occupied by the loan portfolio, the delay on which the bank shows low: only 0.8%. Over the past year, the loan portfolio grew by 2.7 times, and as of January 1 of this year it reached 16.2 billion rubles. Moreover, both retail and corporate portfolios showed comparable growth in absolute terms: by 4.5 and 5.7 billion rubles, respectively.

Also, a fairly significant share of assets is invested in securities. About 10.5% of the assets are shares of mutual funds, another 10% is occupied by investments in bonds, some of which were transferred by repo. In March last year, the bank increased authorized capital by almost 1 billion rubles through an additional issue of shares. The bank services 2,000 corporate and 367,000 private clients. Legal entities are offered a standard set of basic banking services: deposits, settlement and cash services, lending, conversion operations etc. The list of services for private clients covers lending, several types of deposit products, issue and maintenance plastic cards Visa and MasterCard, etc.

At the end of 2013, the bank received 643.1 million rubles net profit according to RAS (in 2012, the same figure was 96.5 million).

Board of Directors: Vladimir Semago (Chairman), Viktor Khrebet, Grigory Kulesha, Dmitry Shestakov, Yuri Ansimov.

Governing body: Viktor Khrebet (Chairman), Larisa Popova, Ekaterina Laschenova.

    After the bank's license is revoked in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia appoints interim administration, which is the governing body of the bank until decision by the arbitration court to open bankruptcy proceedings or commence the liquidation procedure. The provisional administration is appointed for a period of no more than six months and acts within the framework of the bankruptcy legislation of the Russian Federation on behalf of the Bank of Russia.

    The Arbitration Court decides on the commencement of the procedure forced liquidation in the event that the value of the property of the bank in liquidation, according to a preliminary assessment sufficient to pay off all its obligations to creditors. In case of bankruptcy (bankruptcy proceedings) bank property not enough to pay off all liabilities to creditors. These procedures open for one year and may be extended by decision arbitration court for a period not exceeding six months. If during forced liquidation it will be revealed that the bank's property is not enough to pay off all obligations to creditors, then the arbitration court, at the request of the liquidator, decides on declaring the liquidated bank bankrupt and opening in respect of it bankruptcy proceedings.

    These procedures are governed federal law "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002, Federal Law about banks and banking» No. 395-1 dated 02.12.1990, as well as other regulatory acts.

    A person approved by the arbitration court for conducting bankruptcy (forced liquidation) procedures and exercising other powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If the bank had a license from the Bank of Russia to attract Money individuals into deposits, as well as in case of release or removal by the arbitration court of the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) of an individual from the performance of duties, the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) is the Deposit Insurance Agency.

    Bankruptcy manager (liquidator) acting in good faith and reasonably, taking into account the rights and legitimate interests of creditors, a credit institution, society and the state, during the liquidation of a bank:

    Accepts, considers and establishescreditors' claims, maintains register of creditors' claims and makes payments creditors of funds due to them;

    Takes care of and searches property of a credit institution, takes measures to preserve it, evaluates it with an independent appraiser and sells it with the aim of subsequently directing the funds received to satisfaction of creditors' claims;

    Reveals signs intentional and fictitious bankruptcy, as well as circumstances providing for the involvement of former founders (participants) and bank managers in administrative and criminal responsibility(during bankruptcy proceedings);

    Exercises other powers granted by the federal legislation.

    Lenders liquidated bank are persons who have the right to claim against the bank for monetary and other obligations (including depositors), for the payment of mandatory payments, for the payment of severance benefits and for remuneration of persons working on employment contract.

    in the newspaper "Kommersant" information is published on the opening of bankruptcy proceedings or compulsory liquidation, on the holding of auctions in the property of the bank being liquidated, on the holding of a meeting of creditors, in "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" also on the opening of bankruptcy proceedings or forced liquidation, on the start of payments by the Bank of Russia , in the print media at the place of registration of the liquidated bank - information on the course of the bankruptcy proceedings or forced liquidation (for liquidated banks registered in Moscow "Moscow truth"). In addition, information for creditors is posted on the Agency's website, in the premises of the liquidated bank, and also reported by phone " hotline Agencies» 8 800 200 08 05 (the call is free).


    A moratorium (prohibition) on satisfying the claims of the bank's creditors may be introduced by the Bank of Russia in the event that the bank, due to the insufficiency of funds in its correspondent accounts, allows a delay in the fulfillment of the monetary claims of creditors and (or) the payment of mandatory payments. This enforcement measure, enshrined in Article 189.38 of Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”, can be applied by the Bank of Russia when appointing a temporary administration to a bank and suspending its powers. executive bodies. The moratorium is recognized as an insured event in accordance with Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits in banks Russian Federation».

    A moratorium may be introduced by the Bank of Russia for a period not exceeding three months.

    Not necessary. The main purpose of the moratorium is to search for options to restore the bank's solvency or alternative (outside bankruptcy procedures) settlement of the claims of its creditors, which requires a temporary "freeze" of all settlements on the bank's main obligations (except for current ones). Accordingly, the moratorium may end "successfully": for example, the introduction of bank resolution procedures ( financial recovery) or transfer of a part of the liabilities and property of the bank to another bank (acquirer). In case of "failure", the moratorium ends with the revocation of the credit institution's license to carry out banking operations with the subsequent introduction of bankruptcy proceedings (forced liquidation) in relation to it.

    During the period of the moratorium, the bank's clients - legal entities and individuals cannot use the funds that are placed in the bank on their accounts (fixed as of the morning of the day the moratorium is introduced). At the same time, for individuals (including individual entrepreneurs), the introduction of a moratorium means an insured event, and they can apply for insurance compensation on deposit account balances formed before the start of the moratorium.

    As for the funds credited to the accounts of the bank's customers during the moratorium (the so-called "current" receipts), customers can freely dispose of them - withdraw, transfer to another account, etc. In the event that the bank has the license is revoked and the client does not have time to dispose of the current proceeds, he will have the right to submit a request to the bank for their inclusion in the register of creditors' claims. Claims on current receipts in deposits of individuals in this case are subject to inclusion in the first place, claims of other creditors - in the third place of the register.

    The Law "On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation" provides for only one of the options listed in it insured event regarding the bank. At the same time, upon termination of the moratorium in connection with the revocation of the banking license from the bank, the legal implications insured event that occurred in connection with the introduction of the moratorium, including the amount of compensation for deposits continues to be calculated based on the balances on accounts (deposits) and exchange rates foreign currencies in the currency of the Russian Federation on the day the moratorium is introduced.

    The introduction of a moratorium on satisfaction of creditors' claims is an insured event and entitles the Bank's depositors to receive insurance compensation for funds placed in deposits and accounts in the amount of no more than 1.4 million rubles. Funds that fall under the moratorium and exceed the amount of insurance compensation can be paid to the depositor only after the termination of the moratorium, while the payment procedure will depend on what decision the Bank of Russia makes regarding the bank.

    During the term of the moratorium, interest on the deposit (account) stipulated by the agreement is not accrued. Instead, moratorium interest is provided, which, in the event that liquidation procedures are initiated against the bank, will not be reflected in the register of creditors' claims and will be paid after the claims of creditors of the corresponding priority are satisfied in full, provided there is a sufficient amount of funds in bankruptcy estate. The procedure for calculating moratorium interest is established by Article 189.38 of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)".

    There is no need to present creditors' claims for moratorium interest - the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) will make the corresponding accruals. If the bank's license is not revoked, the bank will independently charge its customers the moratorium interest due to them.

What should a creditor do if the bank goes bankrupt?

    The creditor of the bank has the right to present his claims to the temporary administration during the period of its activity or to the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) during the entire period of bankruptcy proceedings for compulsory (liquidation). It is in the interests of the creditor to declare his claims to the bank as soon as possible.

    A depositor's claim under a bank deposit agreement and (or) a bank account agreement may be included in the register of creditors' claims only in the amount of the balance of funds on the account exceeding the amount of insurance compensation due to the creditor.

    The validity of the creditor's claim can be confirmed by the following documents: a bank deposit (account) agreement, an agreement for settlement and cash services; final court decision performance list); originals of securities (bills, certificates of deposit, bonds, etc.); documents confirming the receipt of funds to a bank account (income cash warrant, payment order, announcement for the contribution of cash); statement of the creditor's account indicating the balance on the date of revocation of the license or on the date of the last receipt (only for bank account agreements); other original documents or their copies confirming the validity of the claim.

    If the bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated in a bank in respect of which the Deposit Insurance Agency has previously carried out a forced liquidation procedure, then creditors' claims should not be presented again: claims made against the bank during liquidation and included by the liquidator in the register of creditors' claims are considered established in the amount the composition and sequence of satisfaction, which are determined by the liquidator, and are automatically included in the specified register (Article 189.104 of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)").

    Upon receipt of the insurance indemnity, the depositor (individual entrepreneur) signs a document called "Application for the payment of compensation on deposits and for the inclusion of the bank's obligations in the register of creditors' claims." In section No. 3 of this document, a note should be made that the depositor (who is also the creditor of the bank) asks to include his claim in an amount exceeding the maximum amount of insurance compensation in the specified register. ( If the claim is submitted on behalf of the creditor by its representative by proxy, the claim is signed by the representative of the creditor, attaching to the claim the original power of attorney or its notarized copy).

    Such a claim, based on a bank deposit (account) agreement, submitted simultaneously with the filing of an application for the payment of insurance compensation during the period of the temporary administration for managing the bank, must be considered by the bankruptcy trustee of the bank within 30 working days from the date of the first publication of information on declaring the bank bankrupt and opening bankruptcy proceedings against him. Based on the results of the review, an official notification of the results of this review is sent to each creditor by registered mail.

    At the same time, no other statements or appeals to the Deposit Insurance Agency (including statements of disagreement) should be sent.

    It should be noted that the procedure described above does not provide for the transfer from the agent bank to the Agency of any documents on paper media(with the exception of notarized powers of attorney) and their registration. Such requirements are established on the basis of the report of the agent bank submitted to in electronic format, as well as information available in the bank's accounting system. In the event that the Agency acting as a bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) needs any information or documents from the creditor, they will be requested additionally.

    If the claim is submitted on behalf of the creditor - an individual by his representative by proxy, the claim is signed by the representative of the creditor. At the same time, a power of attorney certified by a notary public or its notarized copy must be attached to the request without fail. Lack of a duly certified power of attorney is grounds for refusing to include the claim in the register of creditors' claims.

    The recipient of funds due to the creditor may be a third party only if a notarized power of attorney confirming his right to receive funds due to the creditor is presented.

    An exemplary text of a power of attorney to represent the interests of a creditor - an individual in the course of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) of a bank can be found.

    In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 189.96 of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)", the creditor must present to the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) original documents confirming the validity of his claims to the bank being liquidated.

    In practice, this requirement of the law can be implemented in the following way: send by registered mail or send through the DIA expedition the original contract or its notarized copy.

    The postal address and the address for sending correspondence are indicated in the announcement of declaring the bank bankrupt (liquidation of the bank) on the DIA website in the "Liquidation of banks" section on the page of the respective bank. Documents can be submitted to the DIA expedition at one of the addresses: Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, building 2 or Moscow, Upper Tagansky dead end, 4.

    At the request of the creditor, original documents may be returned to him. To do this, the creditor must, together with the original documents, submit a copy of them, on which the authorized person of the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) - it may be an employee of the expedition - will make a mark on the correspondence of the copy to the original and return the original to the creditor.

    Securities are transferred only in originals.

    If the agreement or other document confirming the validity of the claim against the bank is lost, the creditor must indicate this in his claim or attach a separate written request (application) to the claim with a request to establish a claim against the bank based on the information and documents available to bankruptcy trustee (liquidator).

    Restoration of rights to lost securities is carried out by the court in the manner prescribed by procedural legislation (Article 148 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    When foreign creditors present claims against a bank in liquidation, the following should be kept in mind.
    The bankruptcy commissioner in the event of a bank failure and the liquidator in case of forced liquidation accept for consideration foreign documents legalized in accordance with the established procedure, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the provisions of international treaties canceling or simplifying the legalization procedure, to which the Russian Federation is a party.
    Consular legalization consists in confirming the compliance of documents with the legislation of the state of their origin and, as a rule, is a certification of the authenticity of the signature official and seal, authorized state body on such documents for the purpose of their use in another state.
    The functions of consular legalization abroad are performed by diplomatic or consular institutions of the Russian Federation.
    The legalization procedure may be canceled by the provisions of international treaties (agreements) to which the Russian Federation is a party.
    In accordance with the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Diplomatic or Consular Legalization of Foreign official documents, dated October 5, 1961, which the Russian Federation joined on May 31, 1992, documents intended for submission to the official bodies of the states parties to the Convention are certified in a special manner (Appendix No. 1 - list of states parties to the Convention).
    In accordance with this Convention, the competent authority of the state in which the document was made, affixed an "apostille" - an acknowledgment inscription (Appendix No. 2 - an example of an "apostille").
    Apostille certifies the authenticity of the signature, the quality in which the person who signed the document acts, the authenticity of the seal and stamp with which it is sealed.
    Legalization and affixing of an apostille is not required if agreements between two or more states cancel or simplify this procedure.
    Bilateral treaties on the provision of legal assistance to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as the Convention on Legal Assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases, signed on January 22, 1993 in Minsk by the CIS states (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), determine the procedure in accordance with which documents issued by official by the authorities of one state - party to the agreement (convention), are considered as official and use on the territory of another state - party to the agreement (convention) the probative force of official documents without any certificate (Appendix N 3 - a list of states with which the Russian Federation has agreements on the refusal from the legalization of documents).
    After legalization or certification by means of an "apostille", as well as in cases where legalization is not required, the documents are translated and the accuracy of the translation is certified by notaries engaged in private practice, notaries working in state notary offices, as well as consular institutions of the Russian Federation.

    If the creditor has a court decision that has entered into force on the validity of his claims against the bank being liquidated (a writ of execution), claims against the bank must be presented necessarily. In this case, the document confirming the rights of the creditor's claim against the bank will be a court decision that has entered into legal force (a writ of execution).

    Claims confirmed by a security are established only by its original. Obligations to pay on a security arise only when it is presented for payment (redemption). In accordance with Art. 142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1 of Art. 50.28 of the Federal Law "On the Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Credit Institutions" the provision of copies of securities cannot be recognized as presenting them for payment. In addition, due to the special nature of such a security, such as a bill of exchange, which can be transferred to another person without an endorsement after the copy has been certified. In this regard, notarized copies of bills of exchange cannot be recognized as sufficient proof of the validity of the claims.

    The original of the security confirming the right to claim against the bank, together with the application for a claim against the bank being liquidated, can be sent to the address of the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) by mail with a description of the investment or brought personally to the address that can be found by calling the Agency's Hotline (t 8800-200-08-05 - free call).

    The provisional administration or bankruptcy manager (liquidator) no later than 30 working days from the day their receipt creditor's claims notifies the applicant to include his claim (in whole or in part) in the register of creditors' claims or to refuse such inclusion, indicating the reasons.

    Creditor's claim during the interim administration and entered in the register of creditors' claims, is considered established in the amount, composition and priority of satisfaction, which are determined by the temporary administration, if within 60 working days from the date of publication of the notice on declaring the credit organization bankrupt and on the opening of bankruptcy proceedings (on the beginning of the liquidation procedure) the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) did not send to the creditor notification of the full or partial exclusion of the specified claim from the register of creditors' claims.

    Claims of creditors filed during the period of activity of the provisional administration, but not considered on the day of the expiration of its powers, shall be considered submitted on the day of publication of information on declaring a credit institution bankrupt and on the opening of bankruptcy proceedings (beginning of the procedure for compulsory liquidation) and are considered by the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) within 60 days from the date of publication of the above information.

    Creditors' claims are recorded in the register maintained by the provisional administration during its operation. She transfers this register to the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator).

    Register of creditors' claims, which is conducted by the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator), closes not earlier than through 60 days from the date of the first publication of the notice of bankruptcy (commencement of the forced liquidation procedure) in the newspaper "Kommersant" or Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. The exact date of closing the register of creditors' claims of a particular liquidated bank is reported in the above publication. Claims of creditors submitted after the closing date of the register are taken into account separately.

    Claims submitted after the closing date of the registry are taken into account behind the register of creditors' claims. To classify the claims received by the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) among those presented in set time, notices of receipt or other documents confirming term of receipt by the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) the specified requirements.

    The creditor has the right to raise objections based on the results of consideration of his claim to the Arbitration Court, which is conducting a case on bankruptcy (forced liquidation) of a credit institution, no later than 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of notification of the results of consideration of this requirement.

    The will of the creditor to transfer funds to a third party must be notarized. To do this, the creditor, in his demand or in the application for the provision of bank details, indicates the details of the third party's account. In this case, the signature of the creditor on the document must be certified by a notary.

    An exemplary application form for providing bank details is available on the Agency's website in the "Liquidation of banks / Forms of documents" section.

  1. The obligation of a conscientious taxpayer to pay mandatory payments (taxes and insurance premiums) is considered fulfilled by the payer from the moment the bank debits the funds from his account on the basis of an instruction submitted to the bank to transfer funds to budget system Russian Federation to the appropriate account of the Federal Treasury, if there is sufficient cash balance on the payer's account on the date of payment, and if the transfer of funds to pay obligatory payments was carried out by an individual without opening a bank account - from the moment of transfer of such an order to the bank, provided that the funds provided to the bank by the individual are sufficient for the transfer (clause 1, paragraph 1.1 paragraph 3 article 45 tax code Russian Federation).

    In this regard, the proper creditor for such outstanding mandatory payments is tax authority, to which the taxpayer should apply with the provision of documents confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to make mandatory payments.

    If a bank client submits a creditor's claim based on such instructions, then his action will be regarded by the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) as their withdrawal by the creditor from the card file of unfulfilled payment orders, in connection with which the obligation to make mandatory payments will not be considered fulfilled.

  2. According to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Art. 16.1, art. 37 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the obligations of an individual to the seller (executor) to pay for goods (works, services) are considered fulfilled:

    When paying in cash - in the amount of cash funds deposited from the moment they are deposited with a credit institution;

    When paying by transfer of provided cash without opening a bank account - from the moment of depositing cash to a credit institution;

    When paying in non-cash form- in the amount specified in the order for the transfer of funds, from the moment of confirmation of the execution by the credit institution of such order.

    It follows from this that the bank has no monetary obligations to persons who have paid through it for services for personal, family, household and other needs. An appropriate creditor for such obligations is an organization that provided these services to an individual and in favor of which they made payments that remained unfulfilled for reasons beyond the control of the payer.

    In the event that the testator did not have time to present the creditor's claim to the bank, then this must be done by his heir on his own behalf for the amount due to him as the heir, minus the insurance compensation. The claim must be accompanied by a certificate of the right to inheritance (or a duly certified copy thereof), confirming the respective right of the heir. In this regard, the heir (or his representative) should present the creditor's claim independently, and not through the agent bank, by sending it to the address: 127055, Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, building 2.

    Since the issuance of a certificate is carried out after a six-month period, the heir may miss the closing date of the register of creditors set by the bankruptcy trustee and end up “behind the register”. In order to avoid such a situation, we recommend that the heirs apply to a notary with a statement on the adoption of measures to protect the inheritance property in accordance with Art. 1171 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    In the event that the testator has filed a claim and is recorded in the register as a creditor, this is a replacement in the register. Such a replacement is made upon receipt of an application from the heir with the above documents confirming his right to inheritance. The application must indicate the current bank details for the transfer of funds.

    Each creditor retains the right to claim against the bank for the entire amount of funds kept in it, including those that ended up in the account of unfulfilled payments. These funds are returned to the creditor's account either centrally (for example, by decision of the provisional administration), or upon a written application of the creditor, or on the basis of the creditor's claim addressed to the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator).

    The funds returned in this way are paid in the form of insurance compensation within its maximum amount of 1.4 million rubles (individuals or individual entrepreneurs), but for an amount exceeding size limit insurance, - in the course of bankruptcy proceedings (forced liquidation).

    Upon receipt of insurance indemnity, a person authorized to act on behalf of a small enterprise without a power of attorney shall put down in Section 2 "Application for the payment of compensation on accounts (deposits) of a small enterprise and for the inclusion of bank obligations in the register of creditors' claims" (hereinafter referred to as the Application) a note that that a small enterprise depositor requests that its claim be included in the register for an amount exceeding the amount received insurance compensation. If the specified application is submitted by a representative of the investor who has the right to act on behalf of a small enterprise by proxy, the original power of attorney or its notarized copy is attached to it.

    This procedure for filing claims does not apply to successors of small businesses that file claims in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002
    "On insolvency (bankruptcy)".

    At the same time, the transfer of funds of a small enterprise within the framework of settlements with bank creditors will be carried out to the account of this small enterprise (successor of a small enterprise) opened with a bank or other credit institution specified in the Application. Transfer of funds to a third party is allowed only upon submission to the Agency of a notarized application of a small enterprise.

    At the same time, no other statements, including statements of disagreement with the amount of compensation, need to be issued. In the event that the Agency acting as a bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) needs any information or documents, they will be requested additionally.

    The creditor of a bank that is in the process of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) has the right to assign its right of claim to this bank to another person by concluding an assignment agreement. In this regard, the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) replaces the original creditor (assignor) in the register of claims of bank creditors with a new creditor (assignee).

    Guided by the provisions of civil law governing the fulfillment of the debtor's obligation to the creditor, the bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator) makes the indicated replacement when providing him with notification of the assignment of the right to claim. The signature on the notification sent by the assignor must be certified by a notary, and if the assignor is a legal entity, the notary's certification inscription must clearly testify to the verification of the authority of the person who signed the notification.

    If an assignee applies to the bankruptcy trustee with a request to replace a creditor in the register of creditors' claims, he should attach to his application the notification of the assignor drawn up in the above manner, and also indicate the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 189.85 of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" information:

    - name and location of the organization (address for sending correspondence), TIN, contact phone number, bank details for transferring funds in rubles (for a legal entity);

    - Full name and address of residence / registration, details of an identity document, SNILS, contact phone number, bank details for transferring funds in rubles (for an individual).

    The application of the assignee - a legal entity must also be accompanied by documents confirming the fact of making an entry about state registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as of the current date, or information posted in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

    The above documents should be sent to the address: 127055, Moscow, st. Lesnaya, d. 59, p. 2 or at the address indicated for sending creditors' claims in publications on the course of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation).

    It should be taken into account that in the event of the assignment of the third priority creditor's claims to an individual, the new creditor's queue in the register of creditors' claims does not change and the insurance indemnity is not paid to the individual.

Satisfaction of creditors' claims

  1. Fulfillment of obligations to the creditors of the bank in the course of bankruptcy proceedings (forced liquidation) is carried out in established order.

    First of all requirements are met individuals under the concluded banking agreements deposits (accounts) and for liabilities arising from causing harm to life or health, as well as the claims of the Bank of Russia and the State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency, transferred to them as a result of payments to depositors of amounts guaranteed by the state. Secondturn the claims of creditors for the payment of severance pay and wages under an employment contract are satisfied. In the third turn other claims not related to the first and second order of satisfaction, including claims based on securities presented for redemption.

    The claim of a creditor - an individual, based on a security (including a promissory note), is satisfied in the third place.

    Claims of creditors of each turn are satisfied after the full satisfaction of the claims of the creditors of the previous order, both included in the register and accounted for by the register. Claims of creditors filed after the closing of the register shall be satisfied after the full satisfaction of the claims of the creditors of the corresponding priority included in the register of creditors' claims.

    If the funds of a credit institution are insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors of one priority, the funds shall be distributed among the creditors of the corresponding priority in proportion to the amounts of their claims included in the register of creditors' claims.

    Preliminary payments and payments by the Bank of Russia are made only in bankruptcy proceedings and in relation to banks , which are not members of the deposit insurance system . Payments are provided only for creditors of the first priority. Wherein advance payments - only for creditors of the first priority, who made their demands before the closing date of the register of creditors' claims. Prepayments start no later than 30 days after the closing date of the register of creditors' claims in the presence of cash funds on bank accounts, 70% of which are distributed proportionately between contributors entitled to receive such payments.
    After the preliminary payments are completed, the Bank of Russia makes a decision on the implementation payments from the Bank of Russia.Solutionon the beginning and timing of payments by the Bank of Russiaadopted by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia. If there are no funds on the accounts of a bank in liquidation for making preliminary payments, the Bank of Russia decides to start payments by the Bank of Russia, bypassing the procedure for preliminary payments.
    The amount of payments by the Bank of Russia to depositors of banks whose license was revoked after December 26, 2003 until August 9, 2006 is determined on the basis of 100 percent of the amount of the depositor's justified claims, not exceeding 100,000 rubles. one individual, less the amount of counterclaims of the bankrupt bank against the depositor and the amount of preliminary payments made by the bankruptcy trustee.
    Depositors - individuals of those banks whose license was revoked after August 9, 2006 until March 26, 2007, the Bank of Russia pays compensation based on 100 percent of the amount of the depositor's justified claims, not exceeding 100,000 rubles, plus 90 percent of the amount of justified claims depositor exceeding 100,000 rubles, but in the aggregate not more than 190,000 rubles. to one individual less the amount of counterclaims of the bankrupt bank against the depositor and the amount of preliminary payments made by the bankruptcy trustee.
    The amount of payments by the Bank of Russia for depositors of banks whose license was revoked after March 26, 2007 until October 1, 2008 is determined based on 100% of the amount of the depositor's established claims under bank deposit agreements or bank account agreements, not exceeding 100,000 rubles. , plus 90% of the amount of established requirements exceeding 100,000 rubles, but in total no more 400 000 rub. one individual, less the amount of counterclaims of the bankrupt bank against the depositor and the amount of preliminary payments made by the bankruptcy trustee.
    Depositors of those banks whose license was revoked after October 1, 2008 are paid by the Bank of Russia 100% of the amount of their justified claims against the bank, but not more than 700,000 rubles. to one individual, minus the amount of preliminary payments made by the bankruptcy trustee and the amount of counterclaims of the bank.
    Preliminary payments and payments of the Bank of Russia are not carried out as part of the procedure forced liquidation, as well as depositors of liquidated banks that are members of the deposit insurance system.

    The bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator) makes payments to creditors by transferring from the bank's account to the creditor's account (if he provided the details of this account) opened with another bank. In the absence of details, the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) sends requests to creditors for the provision of bank details. The bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) sends funds unclaimed by the creditor to the notary's deposit.

    Payments by the Bank of Russia are made only in cash through an agent bank and are of a declarative nature, i.e. for their receipt, the creditor must apply personally or through his representative to the agent bank appointed by the Bank of Russia and within the period of time established by it. The bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) is not responsible for the amount of commission charged from creditors in another bank when they receive funds . When choosing a bank recipient of funds, the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) recommends that creditors carefully study the issue of the operating conditions of the account being opened and the amount of the commission charged.

Meetings (committees) of creditors

    Russian legislation on bankruptcy stipulated that only the active participation of creditors can make the process of bankruptcy proceedings (forced liquidation) constructive and open, will help to complete it in as soon as possible and provide fuller debt repayment banks to creditors. Participation in the meeting of creditors is one of the ways protecting the interests of creditors.

    Participants of the meeting with the right to vote are competitive creditors included in the register of creditors' claims. The participants of the meeting without the right to vote are representatives of the debtor's employees, as well as representatives of the founders (participants) of the debtor.

    Participants first meetings of creditors are bankruptcy creditors who have submitted their justified claims within 30 calendar days from the date of publication of information on declaring a credit institution bankrupt and on the opening of bankruptcy proceedings, as well as during the period of activity of the provisional administration of the Bank of Russia.

    The meeting of creditors is convened at the initiative bankruptcy trustee (liquidator) or committee of creditors or bankruptcy creditors and (or) authorized bodies, the rights of claim of which are not less than ten percent the total amount of creditors' claims included in the register of creditors' claims or on the initiative one third from the total number of bankruptcy creditors and authorized bodies.

    The bankruptcy creditor shall have at the meeting of creditors a number of votes equal to the sum (in kopecks) of his claims under monetary obligations included in the register of creditors' claims as of the date of the meeting (at the first meeting of creditors - as of the date of closing the register for the purposes of holding the first meeting of creditors). Penalties (fines, penalties), interest for late payment, losses subject to compensation for non-fulfillment of obligations, as well as other property and (or) financial sanctions, for the purposes of determining the number of votes at a meeting of creditors, are not taken into account.

    Committee of creditors elected by the assembly creditors from among individuals at the proposal of bankruptcy creditors for the entire period of competitive production(forced liquidation) and represents legitimate interests bankruptcy creditors, exercises control over the actions of the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator), and also exercise other powers granted by the meeting of creditors in the manner prescribed by bankruptcy law.

    In accordance with the bankruptcy legislation, the meeting (committee) of creditors makes decisions on the following issues:

    Making decisions on the formation of a committee of creditors, determining its quantitative and personal composition;

    Establishment of deadlines for the submission by the bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator) of reports to the meeting (committee) of creditors (exclusive competence of the meeting of creditors);

    Approval (change) of the estimate running costs credit institution in terms of expenses incurred after the first meeting of creditors;

    Decision-making on carrying out, without the involvement of an independent appraiser, an assessment of the debtor's movable property, the book value of which at the last reporting date prior to declaring the debtor bankrupt is less than one hundred thousand rubles;

    Establishing the initial sale price of the debtor's property put up for auction and determining the procedure and conditions for conducting them;

    Approval of the bankruptcy commissioner's proposals on the procedure, terms and conditions for the sale of the debtor's property;

    Coordination of the actions of the bankruptcy trustee, proceeding to the assignment of the rights of the debtor's claim by selling them and writing off the property of the debtor that is unrealistic for collection;

    Requiring (no more than once a month) a report from the bankruptcy trustee on the use of the debtor's funds;

    Receipt and consideration of the report of the bankruptcy trustee on his activities, information on financial condition the debtor and his property, as well as other information;

    Appeal to the Bank of Russia with a complaint against the action (inaction) of the bankruptcy trustee;

    Also make decisions on other issues requiring the decision of the meeting (committee) of creditors that may arise in the course of bankruptcy proceedings.

What should a borrower do after revoking a license from a bank

Information for depositors on the procedure for making payments by the Bank of Russia

    Operation of Federal Law No. 96-FZ of July 29, 2004 "On payments by the Bank of Russia on deposits of individuals in bankrupt banks that do not participate in the system compulsory insurance deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation" applies to credit institutions whose banking license was revoked after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 177-FZ of December 23, 2003 "On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation", after 12/26/2003.

    Thus, depositors of bankrupt banks whose banking license was revoked after December 26, 2003 have the right to receive a payment from the Bank of Russia.

    Information about the revocation of a banking license from a bank, about declaring a bank insolvent (bankrupt) can be obtained on this website in the section "Liquidation of credit organizations", in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia", " Russian newspaper", as well as in a periodical printed publication at the location of the credit institution.

    Individuals who have entered into bank account agreements or bank deposit agreements with the bankrupt bank and whose claims against the bankrupt bank under these agreements are established in accordance with bankruptcy law (i.e., on the basis of the relevant ruling of the arbitration court or by the bankruptcy trustee - the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency") and are included in the register of creditors' claims of the first priority or are subject to satisfaction in the order of the first priority.

    Within 10 days after the completion of preliminary payments to creditors of the first stage of a bankrupt bank, the bankruptcy trustee submits to the Bank of Russia the documents necessary to calculate the amount of payments by the Bank of Russia.

    The Bank of Russia makes a decision on payments by the Bank of Russia within 30 days after the submission of these documents by the bankruptcy trustee.

    The amount of the payment by the Bank of Russia is determined in accordance with the Federal Law "On payments by the Bank of Russia on deposits of individuals in bankrupt banks that do not participate in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation."
    For depositors of bankrupt banks whose license was revoked before August 9, 2006, the amount of payment by the Bank of Russia is determined based on 100 percent of the amount of the depositor's established claims under bank deposit agreements or bank account agreements, but not more than 100,000 rubles for one individual, minus the amount of counterclaims of the bankrupt bank against the depositor and the amount of payments made by the bankruptcy trustee under bank deposit agreements or bank account agreements.
    For depositors of bankrupt banks whose license was revoked after August 9, 2006 (the date of entry into force of amendments to the Law on Payments, which increased the amount of the payment of the Bank of Russia to 190,000 rubles), the amount of the payment of the Bank of Russia is determined in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the established requirements on deposits not exceeding 100,000 rubles, plus 90 percent of the amount of established claims exceeding 100,000 rubles, but in the aggregate not more than 190,000 rubles, minus the amount of preliminary payments and the amount of counterclaims of this bank against the depositor, if any.
    On March 26, 2007, amendments to the Law on Payments came into force, which increased the amount of the payment by the Bank of Russia to 400,000 rubles. However, these changes apply to depositors of those bankrupt banks whose license was revoked after their entry into force, i.e. after March 26, 2007.
    In this case, the amount of the payment is determined on the basis of 100 percent of the amount of the depositor's established claims under bank deposit agreements or bank account agreements, not exceeding 100,000 rubles, plus 90 percent of the amount of the depositor's established claims under bank deposit agreements or bank account agreements, exceeding 100,000 rubles, but in the aggregate not more than 400,000 rubles. The amount of the payment of the Bank of Russia determined in this way is also reduced by the amount of counterclaims of the bankrupt bank against the depositor and the amount of payments made by the bankruptcy trustee under bank deposit agreements or bank account agreements.
    Depositors of those banks whose license was revoked after October 1, 2008 are paid by the Bank of Russia 100% of the amount of their justified claims against the bank, but not more than 700,000 rubles. one individual.
    The amount of payment of the Bank of Russia determined in this way is reduced by the amount of counterclaims of the bankrupt bank against the depositor and the amount of preliminary payments made by the bankruptcy trustee, if any.

    Bank of Russia payments are not made:

    Depositors of bankrupt banks whose banking license was revoked before 12/26/2003;

    Depositors of bankrupt banks participating in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation;

    Individuals involved in entrepreneurial activity without formation of a legal entity, having funds in bank accounts opened in connection with the specified activity;

    Individuals who have funds placed in bank deposits to the bearer, including those certified by a savings certificate and (or) a savings book to the bearer;

    Individuals who transferred their funds to trust management;

    Individuals who have funds placed on deposits in branches of banks of the Russian Federation located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

    Persons who acquired from depositors the right to claim a deposit after the bankrupt bank's license to conduct banking operations was revoked;

    Depositors of bankrupt banks who received in the course of preliminary payments made by the bankruptcy trustee amounts more than 100,000 rubles;

    Depositors with obligations to the bankrupt bank that exceed their claims to the bankrupt bank.

    Payments by the Bank of Russia are made through agent banks within the time limits established by a decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.

    After the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia makes a decision to make payments, the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia publishes an announcement on payments by the Bank of Russia, which indicates when and at what addresses the agent bank (with telephone numbers) receives applications from depositors of the bankrupt bank payment by the Bank of Russia.

    Information on the progress of payments made by the Bank of Russia is posted and constantly updated on the Internet on the website of the Bank of Russia in the "Liquidation of credit institutions" section. Investors can also obtain this information from the bankruptcy trustee of a bankrupt bank.

    Payments by the Bank of Russia are made by agent banks in the currency of the Russian Federation in the amount determined by the Bank of Russia in the register of payments of the Bank of Russia, and can be made, at the choice of the depositor, both in cash and by transferring funds to an account in any bank without deducting a commission. or other remuneration.

    Depositors (or their representatives) within the period specified in the announcement of payments by the Bank of Russia, personally apply to any of structural divisions agent bank. Application forms for depositors are provided by the agent bank. Applications are accepted by the agent bank in the presence of an identity document of the applicant, until the end date of payments, inclusive, regardless of the presence (absence) of a bankrupt bank depositor in the register of payments of the Bank of Russia as of the date of application.

    The agent bank has the right to refuse the depositor to make a payment by the Bank of Russia in the event of:

    Failure to submit an application for the payment of the Bank of Russia, as well as documents proving the identity of the applicant or confirming the authority of the depositors' representatives;

    The absence of information about the depositor in the register of payments of the Bank of Russia or the establishment by the agent bank of a discrepancy between the information about the depositor (last name, first name, patronymic, type and details of the identity document) indicated in the depositor's application and the information contained in the register of payments of the Bank of Russia, which do not allow the contributor to be uniquely identified;

    Submission of an application for making a payment by the Bank of Russia after the end of payments by the Bank of Russia.

    In case of refusal to make payments by the Bank of Russia, the agent bank is obliged to send a notification to the applicant, which can be appealed in court within 30 days from the date of its sending.

    If any information (last name, first name, patronymic, type and details of an identity document), on the basis of which the depositor's claims were included by the bankruptcy trustee in the register of creditors' claims, subsequently changed, the depositor must indicate information about this in the application for implementation payments by the Bank of Russia and attach documents (or copies thereof) confirming the change in such information.

    If, despite this, the agent bank refuses to make the payment by the Bank of Russia, it is necessary to obtain an official notification of the refusal from the agent bank.

    To eliminate the disagreements that have arisen, the investor must contact the bankruptcy trustee. The bankruptcy commissioner will make appropriate changes to the register of first priority creditors' claims and send these changes to the Bank of Russia. The Bank of Russia, in turn, will prepare changes to the register of payments of the Bank of Russia and transfer them to the agent bank.

    If the depositor receives from the agent bank a refusal to make a payment by the Bank of Russia due to the lack of information about it in the register of payments of the Bank of Russia, the depositor, having received an official notice of the refusal from the agent bank, must apply to the bankruptcy trustee to establish in accordance with the law on the bankruptcy of his claim against the bankrupt bank and/or sending to the Bank of Russia additions to the register of first priority creditors' claims.

    After the expiration of the period for making payments by the Bank of Russia through an agent bank, a depositor can receive a payment from the Bank of Russia in the following cases:

    A) if the depositor's requirements were properly established before the end of the Bank of Russia payments, and he applied to the agent bank within the prescribed period for receiving the payment, but was refused.

    Payments by the Bank of Russia to this category of depositors are made by the Bank of Russia on the basis of a depositor's application drawn up in the form of Appendix 9 to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 1517-U dated November 17, 2004 "On making payments by the Bank of Russia on deposits of individuals in bankrupt banks that do not participate in the system compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation, and on the procedure for interaction of agent banks with the Bank of Russia. The text of this Ordinance with all its appendices is posted on the website of the Bank of Russia in the "Liquidation of Credit Institutions" section.

    Applications are sent directly to the Department for Licensing Activities and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions of the Bank of Russia at the following address: 119049, Moscow, st. Zhitnaya, 12. Express mail is delivered to the address: Moscow, st. Zhitnaya, 12. Reception of courier correspondence is carried out on weekdays from 9.30 to 17.30, on Friday from 9.30 to 16.30, with a break from 13.00 to 14.00.

    The application must be accompanied by a notification from the agent bank about the refusal to make the payment by the Bank of Russia in the form of Appendix 10 to Instruction No. 1517-U. The notification of the agent bank serves as proof that the depositor applied to the agent bank for the payment of the Bank of Russia within the prescribed period.

    Considering that the agent bank accepts from depositors applications for making payments by the Bank of Russia only within the period specified in the announcement of payments by the Bank of Russia, the depositor, in order to receive such a notice of refusal, must apply to the agent bank with an application for making payments by the Bank of Russia until the expiration date of the Bank of Russia payment period, inclusive;

    B) if the depositor missed the deadline for applying for payment to the agent bank due to circumstances provided for by federal law, namely:

    If the depositor's application for making a payment by the Bank of Russia was hindered by an extraordinary and unavoidable circumstance under the given conditions (force majeure);

    If the contributor passed (passes) military service on conscription or was (is) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (other troops, military formations, bodies), transferred to martial law - for the period of such service (martial law);

    If the reason for missing the specified period is related to the personality of the depositor (including his serious illness, helpless condition).

    In this case, the depositor has the right to send an application for the restoration of the term for making payments by the Bank of Russia, drawn up in the form of Appendix 12 to Ordinance No. 1517-U, directly to the Department for Licensing Activities and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions of the Bank of Russia.

    The application shall indicate the reason for the missed deadline for the submission of the application by the depositor in accordance with the list above. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the presence of one of the circumstances listed above. This circumstance, as well as the list of submitted documents, are indicated in the application in the "Additional Information" column.

    In addition, the depositor must attach to the application an extract from the register of claims of creditors of the first stage of the bankrupt bank and information of the bankruptcy trustee on settlements with the depositor. These documents should be obtained from the bankruptcy trustee of the bankrupt bank.

    The Bank of Russia will check the submitted documents in terms of whether there are sufficient grounds for restoring the missed deadline, as a result of which the Bank of Russia may refuse to restore the deadline (if there are no grounds for that) or restore the deadline and make the payment to the Bank of Russia, of which the depositor will be notified in writing .

    Based on the results of consideration of the application and the documents attached to it, sent directly to the Department for Licensing Activities and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions of the Bank of Russia, a decision will be made to make a payment by the Bank of Russia or to refuse to make a payment to the Bank of Russia.

    If a decision is made to refuse to make a payment by the Bank of Russia, a reasoned notice will be sent to the depositor indicating the reasons for the refusal.

    If a positive decision is made, settlements with the depositor will be carried out by the Bank of Russia in non-cash order by transferring funds to the account specified in the depositor's application.

    In this regard, in order to receive payments directly through the Bank of Russia, depositors will be required to have an account with a bank.

    To exclude cases of incorrect filling in the account details in the application, it is advisable to attach a copy of the relevant document confirming these details, received from the bank where the depositor opened the account.

    Information for contributors on the procedure for making payments by the Bank of Russiapublished according to the official website of the Bank of Russia:

The bank was registered in December 1993 in Moscow. In 2005, he became a member of the deposit insurance system. In 2011 it was corporatized. Until the fall of 2013, the bank was controlled by Dmitry Leus, who at various times owned up to 70% of the shares of the credit institution. The media, citing the new owners of the credit institution, who entered the capital in October 2013, reported that Zapadny plans to shift its focus from retail business to development as a universal bank.

At the moment, the main owners of the credit institution are Mark Temkin (22.4%), Alexander Grigoriev (19.98%), Anton Tarasov (19.97%), Grigory Kulesha (9.95% through OOO NPKK Tekton-Ch ”), Sergey Khavkunov (9.93%), Grigory Mironenko (7.38%), Chairman of the Board Viktor Khrebet (9.25%).

Chairman of the Board of Zapadny Viktor Khrebet previously worked at Raiffeisenbank, the Russian Development Bank (now Otkritie Bank) and Moskommertsbank. Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev, well-known in the financial world, became the chairman of the board of directors of Zapadny after the departure of Dmitry Leusa. He headed the Expert Directorate of the President of Russia, and earlier - Rosstrakhnadzor (this department was abolished). On April 2, 2014, Lomakin-Rumyantsev left the position of chairman of the board of directors; the board of directors was headed by the co-owner of the bank Anton Tarasov. Security issues in the new board of directors of Zapadnoye will be supervised by Yuri Anisimov, a native of the FSB.

In 2011, the bank bought out part of the network of divisions from KIT Finance. Today, Zapadny has more than 50 sales offices in various regions of Russia (including in Moscow and the Moscow Region, the bank has nine offices in addition to the head office). At the beginning of 2014, the bank received seven Moscow and three regional offices of the Project Finance Bank, which lost its license on December 13, 2013. The bank employs over 800 employees.

The new owners of the bank intend to diversify the loan portfolio in 2014 by increasing the share of corporate clients (up to 50%). A similar diversification is planned for the passive base. Note that the implementation of this plan has already begun. If on October 1 last year the share of corporate loans in the loan portfolio was about 10.3%, then on March 1 this year it was already 46.2%. The corporate loan portfolio itself increased more than 7 times over these five months: from 1.1 to 8.7 billion rubles. The volume of funds of enterprises and organizations, however, during this time decreased by 23%: from 2.9 to 2.2 billion rubles. The share of these borrowings in the bank's liabilities decreased from 10.3% to 7.1%.

The most important source of funding for the bank is the deposits of the population. Their share in liabilities as of March 1, 2014 exceeded 76%. And over the past 2013, the volume of retail deposits more than doubled: from 11.3 to 23.4 billion rubles. Mainly due to this inflow of funds from the population, the bank's assets also more than doubled from 14.8 to 29.8 billion rubles. In the assets of the bank, 54% is occupied by the loan portfolio, the delay on which the bank shows low: only 0.8%. Over the past year, the loan portfolio grew by 2.7 times, and as of January 1 of this year it reached 16.2 billion rubles. Moreover, both retail and corporate portfolios showed comparable growth in absolute terms: by 4.5 and 5.7 billion rubles, respectively.

Also, a fairly significant share of assets is invested in securities. About 10.5% of the assets are shares of mutual funds, another 10% is occupied by investments in bonds, some of which were transferred by repo. In March last year, the bank increased its authorized capital by almost 1 billion rubles through an additional issue of shares. The bank services 2,000 corporate and 367,000 private clients. Legal entities are offered a standard set of basic banking services: deposits, settlement and cash services, lending, conversion operations, etc. The list of services for private clients includes lending, several types of deposit products, the issuance and maintenance of Visa and MasterCard plastic cards, etc. .

At the end of 2013, the bank received 643.1 million rubles of net profit under RAS (in 2012, the same figure was 96.5 million).

Board of Directors: Vladimir Semago (Chairman), Viktor Khrebet, Grigory Kulesha, Dmitry Shestakov, Yuri Ansimov.

Governing body: Viktor Khrebet (Chairman), Larisa Popova, Ekaterina Laschenova.

As you know, 2015-2016 became for banking sector not the easiest, several dozen organizations lost their license to carry out core activities. This fate has not bypassed Zapadny Bank, which customers are now at a loss - how to pay on a loan, and is it necessary to do this in principle?

We answer the question: the revocation of a license from a bank does not give borrowers the right to stop paying on existing debts. Those. even if the bank with which you signed the agreement no longer works, you still have to pay, just according to other details.

The fact is that during the bankruptcy procedure or revocation of a license, all assets banking company are transferred to another organization, which is determined by the Central Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency. It is the selected third-party organization that will subsequently accept loan payments, as well as pay money to depositors.

To date, complete information about the details for which contributions must be made is presented on the official website of the DIA in the section "Insured events".

Regarding the bank described above, there is a separate section, which can be found at this link.

To transfer funds, you must use the following details:

  • BIC: 044525534
  • Correspondent account: 30101810900000000534 OPERU Moscow
  • Beneficiary's bank: OAO Bank Zapadny
  • Beneficiary: OAO Bank Zapadny
  • Beneficiary account: 47422810100000092338
  • TIN: 7750005637
  • Gearbox: 775001001

In the appointment, you must specify the number loan agreement, the date of its compilation, as well as the full name of the borrower. If it's about legal entity or individual entrepreneur, you must specify its full name. Such payments are not subject to VAT.

Please note that the line "Type of payment" should not be filled. You can deposit through the cash desk of any banking institution, while it should be borne in mind that a commission may be charged for making an interbank transfer.

There is another way - depositing cash through the working cash desks of the bank. Their schedule is from Monday to Thursday from 09.00 to 17.45, on Friday from 09.00 to 16.30, Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Below we provide you with a list of offices where they accept cash to pay off debt:

  • Moscow, st. Trade union. e.8. building 1.
  • 426057, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, st. Lenina, d. 8.
  • 394030, Voronezh region, Voronezh, st. Plekhanovskaya, 45
  • 656002, Altai region, Barnaul, Kalinina Ave., 18
  • 644024, Omsk, Karl Marx Avenue, 4
  • 630099, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, st. Deputatskaya, 48
  • 420080, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), Kazan, st. Dekabristov, d. 158, room. 1002.

In addition to the options presented above, you can also pay the debt on your loan at Zapadny Bank through the post office, using the new DIA details.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link. If you have a bad credit history and banks refuse you, then you should definitely read this