How do private investors issue loans work? Take a private loan without checking your credit history Private lending conditions


A loan from a private person against receipt in Moscow is a source of financing for those who are unable to access other types of cash loans for various reasons. Some people don't have enough time, others can't boast of a good credit history. In any case, a compromise can be found with a private investor.

Using our financial service, each of you will be able to borrow money against a receipt from a private person in Moscow, even if you came here to work or study and have not yet registered locally.

Where in Moscow can you borrow money against a receipt from a private person?

Of course, private investors do not stand on Red Square with huge banners and do not put up advertisements in the metro. This is of no use when there are specialized message boards where you can post an offer for free: “I’ll give you a loan against receipt, Moscow” and find a dozen clients at once.

Our credit board is chosen best investors capitals, providing loans to everyone against receipt in Moscow and Moscow Region. The offers published in this section are suitable only for those who are ready for a personal meeting - since this is the only the right way apply for a loan from a private person against receipt.

On the day of application in Moscow, you will receive the required amount, if its amount does not require notarization of the debt document.

Private lending terms

Investors have no tariffs, limited terms or strict requirements. Anyone can borrow urgently from a private person in Moscow against a receipt, provided:

  • At least 18 years of age (some lenders prefer to work with clients over 20 years old);
  • Having a source of income sufficient to repay the loan;
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.

These are all the requirements. You are not required to have official employment, high white salary, good financial reputation, no other loans or arrears. Investors are ready to work with borrowers from “black lists” and “stop lists”.

How much money you will be given depends on your needs and the capabilities of the lender. If you urgently need money borrowed up to 100,000 today against receipt, you will receive it quickly - without a notary. Well, a loan in Moscow with a passport against a receipt of 100,000 rubles will only be provided to you with the official registration of the transaction in a notary office - these rules for private borrowing are prescribed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and it makes no sense for an investor to violate them.

The percentage at which you can borrow money against a notarized receipt from a private person in Moscow depends on the preferences of the investor - on average, loans are provided at 10% per month for small amounts and at 5-7% per month for large transactions.

We apply for a private loan in Moscow: personal meeting

A transaction can only be completed in person against a receipt. Otherwise, the loan agreement is lost legal force due to incorrect formatting. Avoid remote lending offers if you are not interested in working with scammers.

Another, most important rule that must be strictly adhered to is No Advance Payments! Advance payments are excluded in real transactions.

There are enough offers on our credit board so that you can choose where it will be more convenient for you to take a loan from a private person against a receipt. Urgently in Moscow, without prepayment, you will be given money in cash or, if desired, sent by transfer to a bank card.

Hello, my name is Mikhail. Question: how to find and select a private investor who is willing to lend his own cash for development, business creation and other personal purposes?

Many people know about the existence of such banking product, How . But recently, the so-called private lending . Advertisements and offers of such services can increasingly be found on the Internet and on the streets. Everyone knows that most of these advertisements are nothing more than deception.

However, among such borrowers there are also real ones who are ready to provide favorable terms of cooperation, so it is very important to learn how to identify them among scammers.

To understand the essence of private lending, you need to understand who is doing it and why they need it.

1. Private investor– who is he and what is his activity?

Private lender- this is an individual who is ready to issue a loan to another individual from his own funds, under certain conditions that are stipulated in the loan agreement.

Such an agreement establishes debt repayment deadlines, loan amount, interest And penalties. The agreement must be accompanied by a receipt, which is written by the borrower at the time of receipt of the amount of money. It is possible to register the transaction with a notary, but it is not necessary.

The undoubted advantage of such cooperation for the borrower is that the private investor does not have access to credit history , and accordingly, it cannot influence the decision.

Sum The amount that can be borrowed in this way has no clear restrictions and depends on many factors, including the financial capabilities of the lender himself. Basically it's in the range 1 000 – 30 000 rubles and for a short period, on average 2 months.

Interest rate, as a rule, is charged for each day of use of the loan, in the amount from 0.3% to 4% per day. The debt, in this case, is returned at the end of the term, in full, along with interest. Typically, no collateral or collateral is required. There are also lenders who are ready to lend a large amount, up to several millions, however, these will require appropriate security.

Must own property, capable of covering the loan amount, the agreement will indicate that in the event of non-repayment of the debt, the borrower's property will be transferred to the lender. As a rule, market value the collateral must be on 30-40% higher than the loan amount. The interest rate and terms for such agreements are, of course, different - 15-30% per annum, on average, for 2-3 years.

The payment system for a private loan is established individually, according to an agreement reached by the parties.

There are also premium category lenders who are ready to issue amounts in excess of 5 million rubles, taking the appropriate property as collateral: expensive real estate, profitable business, etc.

2. How to choose a private investor?

Finding a conscientious person who can lend own funds, the process is very complicated and takes a lot of time. Most try to find such people in local media or in street advertisements, which is not worth doing.

Firstly, there is a high risk of meeting with so-called black investors who may offer to purchase equipment in a store on credit, promising to buy it back. IN best case scenario, they will do it for 60-70% from cost, and in the worst case, they won’t pay the money at all, leaving the unfortunate borrower with a new debt and without goods.

Secondly, scammers can take an advance payment and hide, which is also not uncommon. Typically, ad resources from individuals do not check their honesty.

You can ask your friends, it is quite possible that among them there are those who are ready to give sum of money at interest. Among the resources with advertisements, one can highlight hcpeople, who check lenders and there is a real opportunity to find a suitable one among them.

We wrote in more detail in our previous publication.

However, the most suitable source may be a mutual exchange p2p lending.

There are quite a lot of them in our country, the most popular of them are:

  • Zaymigo;
  • Fingooroo;
  • Cradbury, etc.

This scheme operates on the basis of Internet resources, where anyone can register as a borrower or investor. The site itself is responsible for documentation, as well as for checking participants.

3. How to verify the integrity of the lender?

Despite the fact that check the information about the investor no problem, many people fall for scammers due to the fact that the latter are very competent at making money on the difficult situation of borrowers.

After all, such loans are sought by people who have reasons why they cannot qualify for bank loan, without, for example, a job or a positive credit history, often already frightened by the actions of collectors or bailiffs, which means they are ready to do a lot to get the required amount.

First of all, in checking the lender may help internet. You need to enter information about a potential investor into the search bar and look at the search results. Perhaps they will be found

When you urgently need money, there is no guarantee that you will be able to get a bank loan quickly. Various factors can interfere with this, including a bad credit history. In such situations, a private loan can help. But how safe will such a solution be? In this article we will try to understand this issue.

From this article you will learn:

What is a private loan?

Unplanned expenses may arise in different situations: urgent surgery, unexpected trip, tuition fees, purchase of new household appliances, etc. A private loan becomes a real salvation when unplanned expenses arise, if there are objective factors that do not allow you to contact the bank.

This lending option significantly increases the chances of those who do not have official employment, students, pensioners and other people in difficult financial situations to receive the required amount.

Who provides a private loan? This is an individual who has available funds and is ready to invest them in favorable conditions. At the same time, more detailed information there may be no information about such a person.

Private lending in most cases is carried out by former employees of companies and organizations who have experience working with clients (employees of banks, insurance agencies, brokers, etc.). Past professional activity in many cases helps such people to form an initial client base of people using loans.

Private lenders for the most part protect their reputation. They strive to attract new borrowers through a large number of positive reviews. However, it is worth considering that among those involved in such lending there may also be scammers. The mechanism for issuing private loans does not require collateral official documents Therefore, you need to carefully and carefully study the terms of the loan.

According to legal requirements, when receiving a sum of money that exceeds the established minimum wage by more than ten times, it is necessary to draw up a loan agreement between private individuals. Such a document may be concluded on personal terms. At the time of transfer financial resources The recipient of the loan draws up a handwritten receipt indicating the loan amount and obligations to repay the money within a specified period. To avoid becoming a victim fraudulent activities, such a receipt should not be given to the lender until the loan has been received in full.

A private loan against receipt can be issued in cash. In such a situation, the authenticity of the issued banknotes should be checked (this can be done at the bank cash desk). The loan can be issued in the form of a transfer to a bank card (the borrower must have a valid card and know all its data necessary to make the transfer).

In turn, lenders do not want to become victims of fraudsters, therefore, they are more willing to provide a private loan against collateral. Such conditions help minimize losses in the event of loan default. When applying for a loan under such conditions, the lender, in addition to a passport, requires the provision of documentation confirming ownership of the property. collateral property(real estate, car, land, etc.).

The estimated value of the collateral for a private loan must be greater than the amount of the loan provided. After an agreement has been reached regarding the lending rate, the amount and terms of loan repayment, as well as the collateral, the parties must draw up a loan agreement. The private loan rate is determined individually for each transaction.

Most often, such loans are allocated 30–45% per year. Collateral is a mandatory component of a long-term loan agreement (from two to five years). Lenders are extremely reluctant to provide such loans.

Quite often, a loan from a private person against a receipt is provided without collateral. To compensate for potential risks, lenders set a high loan interest rate (60% and above). The terms for granting a loan without collateral are usually 1 – 6 months. If the borrower fails to repay the loan deadline, a private creditor has the right to go to court and to collectors.

Advantages and disadvantages of a private loan from an investor

The popularity of private loans is due to a number of advantages:

  • A simple and fast way to receive finance. To collect the necessary documentation for consideration of a loan application for a small amount, you need no more than one day. For large loans, it may take 2-3 days to complete/collect documents, and also need to be processed through Companies House collateral property, which may take about one month. Small loans are provided in a shorter period of time. In this case, as a rule, minimum size transaction is about 10,000 - 20,000 rubles.
  • Small failure rate loan applications makes private loans available to many borrowers.
  • Money is issued based on a minimum package of documents. To get a small loan you only need a general passport.
  • The recipient of the loan has the right to offer his own conditions. Banking requirements to borrowers are strictly binding, and private lenders can agree to the conditions put forward by the recipient.
  • Large sums of money can be issued as collateral without registering the transaction or registering collateral. Thus, providing a loan takes much less time than when applying to credit organizations.
  • Even a person with a bad credit history can get a private loan. Such loans are available for those who cannot repay a bank loan on time (this option will help repay a “burning” loan). A private investor has the opportunity to adjust contractual terms and provide a deferment for loan repayment.

Private loans also have their disadvantages:

  • High lending interest rates. The rate on a private loan can be several times higher than at a bank. The amount of overpayment can only be reduced short term repayment.
  • Risk of running into scammers. They often try to make money from gullible borrowers by dishonest means.
  • Strict conditions and methods of repaying an overdue loan. If the loan repayment deadlines are not met, the borrower may lose the pledged property.

What types of personal loans can you count on?

There are several types of private loans:

  1. Without collateral (unsecured loan). A private loan without prepayment and collateral is provided only against receipt. As a rule, the maximum amount of such a loan does not exceed 50,000 rubles. The loan term in this case is no more than 14 days. To obtain a private loan without collateral, the following conditions are required: a passport and permanent registration of place of residence. In this case, the credit history and solvency of the borrower are not checked.
  2. With collateral (collateral loan). The amount of private collateral must be secured by certain property, which acts as collateral. Loans in the amount of 500,000 to 5 million rubles are provided for several years, secured in the form of real estate(housing, cottage, land plot, garage, etc.), as well as a car or other expensive property. Interest on such loans will be lower than the average for other types of loans.

    Please note that to obtain a secured loan, you do not need to have the property used as collateral assessed and registered, as well as life and health insurance of the loan recipient. Lenders independently evaluate the collateral at a value that is much lower than the market value.

    First, the loan recipient and the investor draw up a collateral agreement. If the borrower fails to fulfill the terms of repayment of the secured loan on time, he may lose the pledged property.

  3. Mortgage of property (loan under agreement with repurchase). This type of private loan involves transferring ownership of the collateral to the lender. As a result, the pledge becomes the complete disposal of the lender, and the borrower can restore his rights to the pledged property only after full repayment loans. Such a loan is the safest for the investor, but the recipient of the loan bears very high risks.

    To reduce the likelihood of losing the collateral property, the borrower should consult a professional lawyer to draw up a private loan with repurchase agreement.

Documents for obtaining a private loan

Confirmation of the fact of granting a private loan is usually a receipt and an agreement. It is not at all necessary to have these documents certified by a notary office, but the presence of a third party when applying for a loan will reduce the risks of the transaction (especially if a loan is provided for a large amount).

Information that needs to be included in a private loan agreement:

  • Information about the investor and loan recipient (full name, addresses, series/number of passports).
  • Loan amount (in numbers and words) and date of disbursement of the loan.
  • Interest rate for using credit funds.
  • Conditions and procedure for loan repayment.
  • The date on which the loan was due in full.
  • The amount of funds that the borrower must contribute to the loan.
  • Penalties that will be imposed on a borrower if a borrower defaults on a private loan.

The receipt is drawn up on behalf of the loan recipient. It must contain information about the amount of money transferred and received (in numbers and in words) and the date of the transaction. This document is certified by the signatures of the parties to the transaction.

In some cases, a private loan for small amounts can be issued with only one receipt, which must contain all the data loan agreement. The loan recipient is especially interested in this.

How to find a reliable investor for a private loan

In order to get a loan, you must first find a reliable investor. Of course, finding a lender on the Internet now does not seem difficult. However, the likelihood of falling into the hands of scammers has also increased, so you can lose your property and money by issuing receipts to unverified creditors.

Let's take a closer look at the most common and reliable options for finding an investor:

  1. Ask friends, acquaintances, relatives and “ knowledgeable people» . You can contact good acquaintances or friends who have used similar services and know where to get a private loan against receipt. If there are no such people in your environment, you can find information on the Internet on thematic forums where real users exchange opinions and experiences. In this option, attention is paid to the criterion of the location of the lender: whether a personal meeting is needed to carry out the transaction.
  2. Various notice boards. Advertisements from direct investors offering loans are posted on the Internet, newspapers and other media. This method is suitable for a private individual who can receive funds against a receipt.
  3. WebMoney payment system. International system calculations allows you to issue a loan to a private person. Based on the trust limit, you will be able to receive a certain loan amount. You can get a loan anywhere in the country. Plus this method The point is that the collateral for receiving funds can be, for example, your website, and the investor will approve of this.

    The borrower receives money to his bank card from the WebMoney virtual wallet.

  4. Help from professional financial intermediaries. If you don’t have enough time and don’t have knowledge about getting loans, the best option would be to turn to brokers for help. Intermediary brokers will help you complete the transaction legally and reliably, and will also select suitable option just for you. Brokers provide assistance throughout the entire transaction process (preparation of documents, search for an investor). However, the price for such services increases.
  5. Contact the Investors Association. Professional associations investors can be found in major cities. Such organizations bring together people involved in the investment process. The purpose of the association is to invest in promising projects and startups.

    If you have already found a lender, the main thing now is to make sure of his reliability. A few simple steps to help you do this yourself:

    • Check the investor's phone number in a search engine. This way, you will see the ads that he has submitted on various sites, as well as reviews about him.
    • Look at the lender's email. For example, if the creditor’s name is Oleg Ivanov, and the mail contains the first or last name of another person, you should be wary. Write an email asking a few questions.
    • Check your email in a search engine or through social networks. If the address has been registered for a long time, social accounts will definitely be registered to it. networks.

How to take a loan from a private person: step-by-step instructions

We will analyze in detail what and how to do in order to correctly apply for a loan.

Step 1: Select an investor

We have already discussed in detail where you can find a reliable investor. Pay attention to customer reviews and its rating. You can find all the necessary information on the Internet.

Remember - this is the first and most important step! Take your time and carefully study the information. You can't go wrong with this question!

Step 2: Study the terms of the loan

You have found a suitable lender. Make an appointment in person to discuss the terms of the loan. Pay attention to the interest rate and payment terms. Carefully assess your financial capabilities if you intend to take a large amount of money.

Step 3: Discuss a payment schedule with your lender

If the loan amount does not exceed 30–35 thousand rubles, the lender will most likely provide them for a period of no more than 1 month. Each case is individual and discussed separately, especially if the amount is more than 100 thousand rubles.

Usually the debt is given with a small interest, which is added to the total loan amount. As a result, the entire amount is divided by the number of months. It turns out monthly amount payments.

Step 4: Conclude a loan agreement

The contract will be the most important document that determines the rights and obligations of the parties. Study it carefully!

It is especially worth paying attention to the points written in small print. If something is unclear to you or seems ambiguous, be sure to clarify or refuse to sign. This is better than later becoming a hostage to your own carelessness.

One more important point are the loan repayment terms. You should find out in advance what sanctions are provided for failure to repay the debt within the terms established by the contract.

Step 5: Make a receipt

A receipt is a one-sided document with a signature confirming the transfer of some amount to the borrower.

Step 6: Get Money

When receiving a loan for a small amount, the lender issues cash after completing all the documents and signing the agreement. Larger amounts are transferred to the borrower’s account or, if necessary, to his e-wallet.

Step 7: Pay off your debt on time

Payment of the debt is made to the account of your lender. Keep all receipts. After full repayment of the debt, be sure to ask the investor for a receipt indicating that the entire amount was repaid on time.

How to correctly draw up a receipt when applying for a private loan

The receipt is the main document confirming the rights and obligations of the lender and borrower.

On at the moment There is no specific form for drawing up a receipt. However, this does not mean that it can be written in any way. Let's consider the basic rules and requirements for drawing up a document.

Mandatory information that must be present in the document:

  • The word “Receipt” should be located in the middle of the sheet at the very beginning.
  • The details of the lender and borrower must be recorded. Indicated personal information(full name, address and passport details).
  • Conditions for issuing a loan. Must be specified in mandatory: full loan amount, interest rate, repayment terms, amounts of fines and penalties.
  • At the end is the date of the receipt.
  • Signatures of both parties.

Passport data must be indicated exactly as they are indicated in the document:

  • series and number;
  • issued by whom and when;
  • department code.

The receipt must be drawn up from the person taking the loan. It is important to be sure to indicate the exact amount the lender is lending and the date the loan was issued. The amount must be written down in numbers and deciphered in words.

To legally confirm the transaction, you can involve a notary. It depends on the participants. The law, however, does not prohibit concluding loan transactions without involving a notary. To ensure that the loan is issued safely, in the case of transferring a large amount of money, it is worth engaging an independent third party.

And at the end of this topic, it is worth mentioning: the more detailed the receipt is written, the easier it is to resolve a controversial situation when it arises.

Interest is divided into absolute and annual. It will be clearer and easier to agree and stipulate in the contract the full amount of interest that the debtor is obliged to deposit into the investor’s account - each period of replenishment of the amount or once to the total amount of the debt.

The parties can determine the regularity of payments on debt obligations individually and stipulate the terms in the contract. Depending on the wishes of the lender and the borrower, repayment of the debt with interest can be made weekly or monthly, or you can agree to pay the full amount by a certain period of time.

If the parties have not included specific terms regarding payment terms in the agreement, then, according to Russian law, the borrower has the right to make payments monthly.

The interest rate is not regulated Russian legislation and is determined by the parties themselves when concluding the contract. However, if the interest on the collateral is unreasonably high, the borrower has the right to file a lawsuit and demand that the loan agreement be declared invalid.

If the court agrees with the arguments presented, then in this case only the principal part of the debt will be returned to the lender, that is, he will not be able to claim any interest.

As for the penalties that are charged for late payment of the debt, the conditions for them are also prescribed in the contract. In practice, penalties are much higher than interest; they are determined as the amount that is charged for each day of delay. When creating an agreement for the issuance of funds, you can indicate that penalties must be paid not only on the principal amount of the debt, but also on the interest on it.

How to recognize a scammer offering private loans and not fall for his bait

Obtaining a loan from a private lender involves high risks. In this area there is now large number unscrupulous investors who do everything possible to obtain maximum profits.

To avoid fraud, you should understand what conditions can be considered acceptable for the borrower:

  1. Making an advance payment. People in dire need of credit funds, most often agree to such conditions. This is the most common scam. Scammers offer the borrower to transfer the required amount to a specific account or mobile phone number.

    Fraudsters may give the following reasons as grounds for making an advance payment:

    • The need to pay for insurance of the transaction (they say that the contract will be provided when a receipt is issued).
    • Commissions for transferring money.
    • The need to pay for a credit history check.
    • Expenses for notary services (supposedly the notary must first prepare the documentation).

    It is necessary to take as a rule: you cannot trust creditors who require payment for their services. The investor must be guided by the interests of the client, and he receives payment for providing a private loan in the form of an interest rate.

  2. Request a passport in color format. Another popular scheme of credit scammers. Most likely, when faced with such “actors”, you will not get a loan, but guaranteed problems. Unscrupulous businessmen make this demand in order to be able to draw up a loan agreement with a credit company on behalf of a defrauded client. For such a scheme, scammers involve employees of a bank or micro-finance company (at the same time, they forge the borrower’s signature).
  3. Data plastic card . Online trading, which is based on settlements with bank card, is developing rapidly. But not all holders of such cards know that if their data gets into the hands of fraudsters, they can lose their money. In this case, the borrower is offered to transfer the loan amount to the card, and to make the transfer they are asked:
    • Payment card number.
    • Its validity period.
    • Full name of the owner as written on the card.
    • CVC (secret code).

    It is clear that after transferring such data, the deceived borrower will not only not receive a loan, but will also lose all the money on the card. In order to make a payment from or withdraw funds from a client’s card, fraudsters need just a few minutes, and it will be impossible to cancel the transaction.

Experts credit companies It is recommended not to contact creditors if there are suspicions of dishonesty. It is better to choose a private investor from among those who have long established themselves in the market and have their own client base, as well as real positive reviews on the Internet.

At the end of our article, we will describe the basic rules for drawing up a private loan agreement, which will allow you to carry out the most profitable and convenient transaction.

  • You should never pay a private lender. Even if an investor asks to pay a small amount, you should refuse his services. Find a lender that offers a private loan with no down payment.
  • If you are offered to transfer a private loan to a card, you should not transmit your personal data and payment details remotely, as this leads to the loss of personal funds.
  • You should carefully study the contractual terms and ask questions on all points that are not entirely clear to the borrower. As they say, those who are informed are protected.
  • Discuss the terms of a private loan exclusively in person. Negotiations cannot be conducted via electronic means of communication.
  • You can’t look for an investor by studying advertisements at bus stops public transport . They often offer “super-loyal” loan conditions, but we all know how the pursuit of “free cheese” ends.
  • Do not trust private lenders who offer to start by purchasing an insurance contract, which is supposedly necessary for drawing up a loan contract. After receiving the insurance money, such investors usually disappear.

In conclusion, here is another very important piece of advice: issues related to private loans should be approached carefully and without haste. It is advisable to make such decisions in consultation with qualified specialists who are well versed in the credit and financial sphere.

Assistance in the selection of financial services/organizations. Not an offer.

Real take out an urgent loan or credit from private investors

I issue a loan at 12% per annum. Amounts from 150,000 to 10,000,000 for a period of up to 10 years.
Age from 18 to 70 years. I work with convicted and unemployed people.

With or without bad credit history, we work for results.
Registration in any region of the Russian Federation or by transfer to a card. The solution in half an hour is quick and convenient!
I work strictly without prepayments, all conditions are transparent without pitfalls.
By submitting your application now, you have the opportunity to solve your financial problems today!
Write to me by email, I will be glad to help you! I answer instantly!

Send an application to a broker ">Submit an application

Name: Natalya Sergeevna

Mail: [email protected]


We work seven days a week, your CI does not matter, proof of income is not necessary!
Over 18 years old, citizens of the Russian Federation, without a criminal record. Online registration under a loan agreement, issuing funds to a card, account, wallet. From 50,000 to 4,000,000 rubles.
Minimum package of documents. Fraudsters are asked not to disturb!
All that is required of you is to write to me at work, I am ready to consider different cases.
Stop wasting your time and nerves! all you have to do is WRITE TO ME Appreciate your and my time. I am considering different cases, non-official income is not a problem. Your CI and the purpose of the loan do not influence my decision; we will agree on a loan repayment schedule. Write to me by email for details, I'm in touch. IN

Name: Igor Alexandrovich

Mail: [email protected]

Favorit LLC

If you have a bad credit history or unofficial employment, don’t despair! I will help with personal funds. Welcome to a personal meeting in my office! As an exception, remotely. I am ready to explain the mechanism of work in more detail and consider your situation by mail or telephone. We don’t work with the Caucasus! To receive a loan you will need a PASSPORT, SNILS, proof of income is not required. Interest rate from 13.5% per annum. Registration under (LOAN AGREEMENT WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT), the offer is relevant for citizens of Russia. Work schedule: Mon to Sat. From 9:30 to 19:00.

Name: Vladimir Yurievich

Mail: [email protected]


Fast issuance of up to 2 million rubles.
There are no fees for commissions, insurance or other virtual notaries.
No certificates or deposits.
Your credit history and relationship with financial institutions I don't care.
I'll solve yours financial problem. During the working day.
The initial request is to my email, just write to me what amount you are interested in. I will answer quickly!

Name: Private lender

Mail: [email protected]

IP Ilyin A.M.

Do you urgently need an amount from 30,000 to 3,500,000 rubles? I'll help! Large sums on favorable terms! 6 years is the maximum period for providing funds. Terms of provision:
-Age not younger than 18 years, not older than 70 years
-Any region of residence and registration
-Registration using 2 documents: passport and second document
-Credit history is not important -
Assistance to borrowers with current overdue payments. WRITE BY EMAIL, I won’t leave anyone unattended! Reply within 60 minutes!

Name: Ilya Arinushkin

Mail: [email protected]

LLC Credit Analyst

Borrow money notarized. I offer the option of a private loan. I will issue personal funds at interest. I work with any company!. With all regions of the Russian Federation/CIS. More than 100 representatives in large cities. Fast and transparent conclusion of the transaction. Loan repayment according to an individual schedule, for a period of up to 12 years. From 100,000 rubles to 12,000,000 rubles. I cooperate individually, directly with the borrower. Please do not bother intermediaries. Requirements for the borrower: Age from 18 to 65 years old. Citizenship of the Russian Federation/CIS. I do not require money for a notary, acceptance, courier, etc. I am a serious investor, my offer is legal, strictly in accordance with the loan agreement. I am committed to long-term cooperation with the borrower. Call from 8:00-22:30 EMAIL Around the clock, response within 10 minutes.

Send an application to a broker ">Submit an application

Name: Timofey Alexandrovich

Mail: [email protected]


I will provide it personally cash loan to a card (bank account)
At % (interest) on the day of circulation in any region of the Russian Federation.
No deposits or extras. commissions.
It is possible to defer the first payment for up to 3 months.
Applying for a loan will take only 1 hour.
Credit history doesn't matter.
Employment is not important.
Criminal records have no effect.
The presence of debts and arrears in the MFO does not matter.
Loans are issued directly from an individual without the participation of a bank.
All you need is a passport.
Detailed conditions are discussed individually.

Send an application to a broker ">Submit an application

Name: Alexey Andreevich

Mail: [email protected]


I AM A REALIST, I HAVE BEEN IN THE FINANCE MARKET FOR 18 YEARS! Citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus.
If you have or have had small delays, or unofficial employment, do not despair! I will help with personal funds (funds from my private investors) and I work with only one bank! A personal meeting in my office is required in case of a positive decision on our cooperation (before issuing money). I am ready to explain the mechanism of work in more detail and consider your situation over the phone. To obtain a loan or credit, you

Name: Yulia Andreevna

Mail: [email protected]

IP Ilyin A.M.

~ SAVE YOUR TIME - applying for a loan takes no more than 15 minutes
~ The contract is strictly through a lawyer.
~ Loan RATE 9.8% interest per year.
~ Yours Credit Rating doesn't matter.
~ TRANSPARENCY - you can independently adjust the loan size and repayment period, thanks to our optimal options.
~ Individual approach to everyone.
~ CONFIDENTIALITY - You are not required to explain why you need funds, whereas most banks provide loans only for specific purposes.
~ We work with all regions of the Russian Federation, including citizens of the CIS
All you need to do is write an email.

Name: Andrey Alexandrovich

Mail: [email protected]


Our people in the banks, payment for our services only after you receive the money!
-Interest rate up to 10% per annum
-We work throughout Russia and the CIS countries, the main thing is that there is a Sberbank or VTB24 in your city
- Getting approval even if you have existing loans and loans
The main requirement: not to have any delays in payment existing loans more than 3 months
-Up to 300 thousand registration for 2 documents
-Loan term from 6 months to 10 years, we will also help you obtain a car loan or mortgage
-included early repayment with interest recalculation
We have extensive experience and hundreds of satisfied clients. We accept applications by email, you will receive a preliminary decision within an hour

Name: Natalya

Mail: [email protected]


Financial assistance
I provide up to 4,000,000 rubles under a loan agreement for a long period
Issuance to persons from 20 to 65 years old without collateral, prepayments, etc.!
For all citizens of the Russian Federation (issuance in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar) with any CI, we consider all critical situations
The interest rate is much lower than that of banks
Issuance of funds on the day of application, in case of a positive decision on the loan
To apply for receipt and find out detailed conditions, write to me by email or call!

Name: Alexander

Mail: [email protected]

IP Komarova N.N.

Do you want to take out a loan on the most fair and favorable terms? I suggest financial services. The maximum amount available for a loan is 4,000,000 rubles for any purpose without collateral. With the right of early repayment after six months. Official registration against receipt.
I will help citizens from all regions of the Russian Federation with good and negative credit histories, and the unemployed. Clients' age ranges from 18 to 68 years. Positive result! I don’t check the CI and place of registration. From documents passport, snils.
More convenient and more profitable than in a bank! By contacting me you will receive reliable registration, transparent conditions, and quick receipt
To receive funds, please email or call.

Name: Alexander

Mail: [email protected]

IP Komarova N.N.

I will provide financial assistance from a private person on reasonable terms!
No prepayments, acceptances, commissions, etc.
Persons from 18 to 68 years old are allowed to receive
The interest rate is 13% per annum
Your application will be reviewed in a short time; if the decision is positive, you will have the opportunity to receive a loan on the day of application
Your problems with CI, debts to banks and microfinance organizations do not interest me
I consider situations such as (bad credit history, black list, credit load, stop list) because most people take out a loan to pay off existing debts from banks or microfinance organizations and want to pay calmly in one place.
If you are interested in my offer, or need advice, write to me by email!

Name: Vladimir

Mail: [email protected]


I am glad to welcome you, dear borrowers. I will be brief and extremely informative, since I don’t quite know how to describe my services beautifully, and in such a service this is not entirely appropriate. I am ready to conclude a transaction with you to provide money from a private person. The absence of intermediaries allows you to calmly, honestly and openly discuss your situation, analyze it and, of course, find a way out of it in the form of financial support. I am not a bank and I will not force you to provide me with a bunch of papers, certificates and documents. The main thing for me in this business is a dialogue based on decency and understanding of the mutual benefit of this cooperation. Open to working with all categories of citizens: from individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, to those temporarily unemployed, or with arrears. There are no critical situations. I issue loan amounts from 50,000 to 15,000,000 rubles at comfortable interest rates. For other questions and to submit an application, please email. Thank you for your attention

Name: Alexander Vladimirovich

Mail: [email protected]


I provide the opportunity to get a loan
from 50,000 to 2,000,000 million rubles up to 14.6% per annum
A contract is being concluded, so please do not disturb scammers
I work without commissions or prepayments
I issue loans to citizens of the Russian Federation and the CIS from 18 to 72 years old without a criminal record.
I don't do CI testing. If you are interested in my offer, then write to me by email. I WILL PROVIDE FEEDBACK ABOUT MY WORK.
I will provide a loan in one day.

Name: Ekaterina Kazantseva

Mail: [email protected]


Loan from a private person on the day of application, without down payment and advance payment for any services!
- The loan is issued in the amount of up to 4,000,000 rubles!
- Maximum repayment period 10 years!
- Fixed rate 10% per annum!
- Remote receiving available!
- Credit history is not taken into account, employment certificates are not required.
You can receive more similar information, as well as apply for a loan, by mail from our consultant: [email protected].

Name: Dmitry

Mail: [email protected]


Guaranteed loan with any credit history. Strictly no prepayments. You can get it right now without leaving your home. There is no need to pay anything before receiving the loan. I work for results, I will help everyone who applies. Not a bank, not a microfinance organization, money is issued from a private person, against a receipt. Send your application to me by email, decision within 30 minutes. You receive the money immediately after we sign the contract. A personal meeting is possible at your request (there are colleagues in all regions). All regions.

Name: Semyon Sergeevich

Mail: [email protected]


Do you want to borrow money from a private person in Moscow against receipt urgently? Call me: I provide loans daily, on the most convenient terms
Limit – up to 4 million rubles
From 12% to 18.5% per annum.
Valid for up to 84 months.
Official registration against receipt.
All you need is a passport and personal identification number
I work with people at least 22 years old, with a permanent job and a source of income (official or not, it doesn’t matter!)
I give discounts to regular customers!
You can create a line of credit (loans on an ongoing basis)

Name: Alexey

Mail: [email protected]

IP Komarova N.N.

I will lend money, without prepayments, commissions, etc., on the day you apply!

If you are interested in my offer, write to my email, I will analyze your situation and

Name: Oleg

Mail: [email protected]


I will provide urgent financial assistance from a private person!
No prepayments, acceptances, commissions, etc.!
The interest rate is 12% per annum
Persons over 18 years of age are allowed to receive a loan
Your application will be reviewed in a short time; if the decision is positive, you will have the opportunity to receive a loan on the day you apply!
Situations such as (bad credit history, no credit history, blacklist, large credit load, stop list) are considered.
You can independently choose the date of monthly payments, there is also early repayment
If you are interested in my offer, write to my email, I will analyze your situation and help you solve the problem

Name: Vladimir

Mail: [email protected]


I propose to conclude a deal with a private person for lending up to 1,000,000 rubles. I can provide you with my own funds to achieve your goals, subject to timely return of contributions within 1-5 years.
My rate is 15% per year, I use an understandable, the simplest scheme interest accrual. I have low demands on my clients; I only lend to those who can actually repay their loan obligations. I ask you to independently calculate your financial strength in order to avoid delays. Tell me the amount that is convenient for you as a quality monthly payment, and I will draw up a comfortable detailed schedule.
I do not limit the audience of clients by credit history or age. I will give you money if you work steadily and adequately answer my questions. Write, there are no prepayments.

Loan offer for individuals. If you're tired of bank refusals, don't go through the strict requirements credit institutions– the best offer for you. I issue personal money, without intermediaries and advances, with the assistance of a notary. A legal contract awaits you for a limit of up to 1,000,000 rubles.
My decision will not be affected by CI, workload or other banking factors. It doesn’t matter to me whether you officially work or not. I approve without certificates.
I cooperate: with Russian citizens over 28 years old, with no criminal record, working.
Registration is standard, with delivery in cash or to the account. Please send your applications by email. I will personally calculate the terms for a repayment period of up to seven years.

Receive an amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles. from a private person. I issue loans honestly and legally, on the market for more than five years.
I set the percentage for each person personally, after considering your characteristics. My rate is no more than 20% per annum. I accept applications for consideration at email, after consideration, I invite you to see a notary. There is no need to pay anything in advance; I will ask you to bring your passport with you for the transaction. No other documents are needed.
Call if you need money urgently, but cannot turn to banks for help. I am an opponent of banking organizations, so I offer my borrowers more reliable and loyal conditions.

I lend to citizens throughout Russia. Private investor. I work with physical and legal entities based on the contract. The registration is legally correct, through a notary.
All conditions are negotiated individually, the annual overpayment will be 12-14%. I only work with large sums from 1 million, throughout Russia. You will receive a loan even if you have an open debt to the bank, a negative history, or a low scoring and rating score.
I don't use prepayments or hidden payments.
For all questions - there is mine personal phone and mail.

Apply for private loans up to 600 rubles. for a period of up to three years. My interest rate is 24% per annum. I am ready to consider clients with any credit history. I give preference to citizens over 25 years old, pensioners up to 65 years old. I do not take advance payment for verification of the CI, notary, etc. You only need to send document data by email, no photographs or scans.
I personally invite you to apply for a loan. Therefore, my offer applies only to residents of Moscow and the region. I don’t give money to regions.
To undergo an individual interview and find out the result of your application, write to us by email.

I can really help you get a profitable private loan, with issuance in any city! A large base of private lenders throughout Russia, who issue loans on favorable terms, are checked only according to the FSSP.
From you - passport data, and based on the result of the work, my commission is 1,500 rubles.
CI is not checked. Registration through a notary. I will provide the agreement for preliminary review; this is a standard version of the receipt without pitfalls.
From private investors you will receive from 100 thousand to 25 million rubles, interest from 6% per annum.
I don't just pick for you real investor no prepayment, I agree with the lender preferential terms for my clients and control the transaction completely.
All information by mail.

Often, when a worthwhile idea for a business appears, its author does not have enough funds to implement the idea. You can obtain initial capital using various methods, the most common of which is to take out a loan. Lenders in Moscow and other large cities offer many loan options. The portal site will help you find reliable partners, cooperation with whom will be mutually beneficial. This page contains a variety of credit offers. We warn you that we do not control the advertisements posted and do not check the honesty of their authors. Therefore, be careful and prudent, do not become a victim of scammers. You can not only take advantage of one of the lending offers, but also become a lender yourself. To add your offer, just register on our website.

Ease of search
We have developed a convenient form for finding a suitable offer. Each visitor can easily filter out unnecessary ones and find the required options. To do this, just indicate a number of parameters you are interested in: the amount of funds required and the loan currency, you will also need to enter a range interest rates, loan term in months, type credit product, loan collateral and regions. After clicking the “Search” button, lenders that fully meet the user’s requirements will be displayed on the screen. Using the search form will significantly reduce your time and discard those options that do not meet your conditions. It will be useful not only to those who plan to take out borrowed funds, but also to authors of loan proposals. You can review the terms and conditions of other lenders and create a competitive offer on the most favorable terms. When working with a filter, you can leave some of the fields “by default”.

Why a business might need a loan
Most entrepreneurs are familiar with the problem of shortage financial resources. They may be required at the beginning life path firms, and during the expansion of existing business. Someone decides to take advantage bank loan for small businesses, in order to increase their market share. Others seek to modernize equipment and increase its productivity. Be that as it may, it is not always possible to involve in production borrowed funds ends with making a profit. Sometimes hopes are not met, as a result financial situation the company is being undermined. The website portal presents various loan offers from Moscow and other cities and regions of Russia. A detailed description of the main terms of cooperation will allow us to determine the most great deals and save time on discussing details. We constantly monitor the relevance of the offers provided in this section, so you will always have access to the latest publications from lenders. We hope that with the help of the website portal you will find reliable partners who will help your business achieve prosperity and new heights.