Order 624 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Association "Association of Professional Builders" RusStroy. Clarifications of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2010. Published on April 26, 2010.
Effective July 1, 2010.
Registration N 16902 In pursuance of Part 5 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 148-FZ "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 30 (part 1), art. 3604) and in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 864 “On measures to implement the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 g. N 148-FZ "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 48, Art. 5612), I order: 1. Approve the attached List types of work engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities ( further - List).

2. Establish that the List does not include the types of work on the preparation of project documentation, on construction, reconstruction, major repairs in relation to objects for which the issuance of a building permit is not required in accordance with part 17 of article 51 Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, N 1, Art. 16; 2008, N 30 (Part 2), Art. 3616), as well as in respect of objects of individual housing construction(detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for no more than two families); residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, is located on a separate land plot and has access to the common area (residential houses of blocked development); apartment buildings with the number of floors not more than three, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area.

3. Recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry regional development of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2008 N 274 "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia January 16, 2009 N 13086), as well as the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2009 N 480 “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2008 N 274 “On Approval of the List of Types of Engineering Work surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities ”(registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 N 15789) from the date of entry into force of this order.

5. The control of the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation V.A. Tokarev.

Minister V. Basargin

List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities

I. Types of engineering survey work

II. Types of work on the preparation of project documentation

1. Work on the preparation of a planning organization scheme land plot:

1.1. Works on the preparation of the master plan of the land plot

1.2. Works on the preparation of a planning organization scheme for the route of a linear facility

1.3. Works on the preparation of the scheme of planning organization of the right of way of the linear structure

2. Work on the preparation of architectural solutions

3. Preparation work constructive solutions

4. Work on the preparation of information on internal engineering equipment, internal networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:

4.1. Works on preparation of projects of internal engineering systems heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke ventilation, heating and cooling

4.2. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of water supply and sewerage

4.3. Works on the preparation of projects for internal power supply systems * (see note)

4.4. Works on the preparation of projects for internal low-voltage systems* (see note)

4.5. Works on the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems

4.6. Works on the preparation of projects for internal gas supply systems

5. Work on the preparation of information on external networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:

5.1. Works on the preparation of projects for external heat supply networks and their structures

5.2. Works on the preparation of projects for external water supply and sewerage networks and their structures

5.3. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks up to 35 kV inclusive and their structures

5.4. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of not more than 110 kV inclusive and their structures

5.5. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of 110 kV and more and their structures

5.6. Works on the preparation of projects for external networks of low-voltage systems

5.7. Works on the preparation of projects for external gas supply networks and their structures

6. Work on the preparation of technological solutions:

6.1. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for residential buildings and their complexes

6.2. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for public buildings and structures and their complexes

6.3. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for industrial buildings and structures and their complexes

6.4. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for transport facilities and their complexes

6.5. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for hydraulic structures and their complexes

6.6. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for agricultural facilities and their complexes

6.7. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for special-purpose facilities and their complexes

6.8. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for oil and gas facilities and their complexes

6.9. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for objects of collection, processing, storage, processing and disposal of waste and their complexes

6.10. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for nuclear power and industry facilities and their complexes

6.11. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for military infrastructure facilities and their complexes

6.12. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for treatment facilities and their complexes

7. Work on the development of special sections of project documentation:

7.1. Engineering and technical measures for civil defense

7.2. Engineering and technical measures for the prevention emergencies natural and man-made nature

7.3. Development of a declaration on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

7.4. Development of a declaration of safety of hydraulic structures

7.5. Development of justification for radiation and nuclear protection

8. Works on the preparation of projects for the organization of construction, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of the service life and conservation * (see note)

9. Work on the preparation of projects for protection measures environment

10. Works on the preparation of draft measures to ensure fire safety

11. Work on the preparation of draft measures to ensure access disabled groups population

12. Work on the inspection of building structures of buildings and structures

13. Works on organizing the preparation of project documentation, attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of a contract legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general designer)

III. Types of construction, reconstruction and overhaul works

<*>These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to the types of work that affect the safety of the capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

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(As amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 06/23/2010 N 294,
dated 05/26/2011 N 238, dated 11/14/2011 N 536)

In pursuance of Part 5 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 148-FZ "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 30 (Part I), 3604) and in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 864 "On measures to implement the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 148-FZ" On amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 48, art. 5612) I order:

1. Approve the attached List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities (hereinafter - the List).

2. Establish that the List does not include the types of work on the preparation of project documentation, on construction, reconstruction, major repairs in relation to objects for which the issuance of a building permit is not required in accordance with paragraphs 1 - 4, 5 of part 17 of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in relation to objects of individual housing construction (detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for no more than two families); residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, is located on a separate land plot and has access to the common area (residential houses of blocked development); apartment buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area.
The types of work on the preparation of project documentation contained in the List can be performed by an individual entrepreneur independently (personally), and the types of work on engineering surveys, construction, reconstruction, overhaul - only with the involvement of employees in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Recognize invalid the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2008 N 274 "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects that affect safety Capital Construction Objects" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 16, 2009 N 13086), as well as the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2009 N 480 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2008 . N 274 "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities" from the date of entry into force of this Order.

5. The control of the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation V.A. Tokarev.



List of changing documents
(As amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 06/23/2010 N 294,
dated 26.05.2011 N 238)

I. Types of engineering survey work

1. Works as part of engineering and geodetic surveys
1.1. Creation of reference geodetic networks
1.2. Geodetic observations of deformations and settlements of buildings and structures, movements of the earth's surface and dangerous natural processes
1.3. Creation and updating of engineering and topographic plans on a scale of 1:200 - 1:5000, including in digital form, survey of underground utilities and structures
1.4. Line feature tracing
1.5. Engineering and hydrographic works
1.6. Special geodetic and topographic works during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures

2. Works as part of engineering and geological surveys
2.1. Engineering and geological survey on a scale of 1:500 - 1:25000
2.2. Sinking of mine workings with their testing, laboratory studies of the physical and mechanical properties of soils and chemical properties of groundwater samples
2.3. The study of dangerous geological and engineering-geological processes with the development of recommendations for the engineering protection of the territory
2.4. Hydrogeological research
2.5. Geophysical surveys
2.6. Engineering geocryological research
2.7. Seismological and seismotectonic studies of the territory, seismic microzoning

3. Works as part of engineering and hydrometeorological surveys
3.1. Meteorological observations and study of the hydrological regime of water bodies
3.2. Study of dangerous hydrometeorological processes and phenomena with calculations of their characteristics
3.3. Study of channel processes of water bodies, deformations and processing of banks
3.4. Studies of the ice regime of water bodies

4. Works as part of engineering and environmental surveys
4.1. Engineering and environmental survey of the territory
4.2. Studies of chemical pollution of soils, surface and ground waters, atmospheric air, sources of pollution
4.3. Laboratory chemical-analytical and gas-chemical studies of samples and samples of soil and water
4.4. Research and assessment of physical impacts and radiation situation on the territory
4.5. Study of vegetation, wildlife, sanitary-epidemiological and medical-biological studies of the territory<*>

5. Works as part of engineering and geotechnical surveys
(Performed as part of engineering-geological surveys or separately on the territory studied in engineering-geological terms for separate buildings and structures)
5.1. Sinking of mine workings with their testing and laboratory studies of the mechanical properties of soils with the determination of characteristics for specific schemes for calculating the bases of foundations
5.2. Field tests of soils with the determination of their standard strength and deformation characteristics (stamp, shear, pressuremeter, shear). Tests of reference and full-scale piles
5.3. Determination of standard mechanical characteristics of soils by methods of static, dynamic and drilling sounding
5.4. Physical and mathematical modeling of the interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment
5.5. Special studies of soil characteristics according to individual programs for non-standard, including non-linear methods for calculating the bases of foundations and structures of buildings and structures
5.6. Geotechnical control of construction of buildings, structures and adjacent territories

6. Inspection of the state of soils of the foundation of buildings and structures

7. Excluded.

II. Types of work on the preparation of project documentation

1. Work on the preparation of a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot:
1.1. Works on the preparation of the master plan of the land plot
1.2. Works on the preparation of a planning organization scheme for the route of a linear facility
1.3. Works on the preparation of the scheme of planning organization of the right of way of the linear structure

2. Work on the preparation of architectural solutions

3. Work on the preparation of constructive solutions

4. Work on the preparation of information on internal engineering equipment, internal networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:
4.1. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke ventilation, heat supply and refrigeration
4.2. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of water supply and sewerage
4.3. Works on the preparation of projects for internal power supply systems<*>
4.4. Works on the preparation of projects for internal low-voltage systems<*>
4.5. Works on the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems
4.6. Works on the preparation of projects for internal gas supply systems

5. Work on the preparation of information on external networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:
5.1. Works on the preparation of projects for external heat supply networks and their structures
5.2. Works on the preparation of projects for external water supply and sewerage networks and their structures
5.3. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks up to 35 kV inclusive and their structures
5.4. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of not more than 110 kV inclusive and their structures
5.5. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of 110 kV and more and their structures
5.6. Works on the preparation of projects for external networks of low-voltage systems
5.7. Works on the preparation of projects for external gas supply networks and their structures

6. Work on the preparation of technological solutions:
6.1. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for residential buildings and their complexes
6.2. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for public buildings and structures and their complexes
6.3. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for industrial buildings and structures and their complexes
6.4. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for transport facilities and their complexes
6.5. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for hydraulic structures and their complexes
6.6. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for agricultural facilities and their complexes
6.7. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for special-purpose facilities and their complexes
6.8. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for oil and gas facilities and their complexes
6.9. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for objects of collection, processing, storage, processing and disposal of waste and their complexes
6.10. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for nuclear power and industry facilities and their complexes
6.11. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for military infrastructure facilities and their complexes
6.12. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for treatment facilities and their complexes
6.13. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for metro facilities and their complexes
(clause 6.13 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2010 N 294)

7. Work on the development of special sections of project documentation:
7.1. Engineering and technical measures for civil defense
7.2. Engineering and technical measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies
7.3. Development of a declaration on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
7.4. Development of a declaration of safety of hydraulic structures
7.5. Development of justification for radiation and nuclear protection

8. Works on the preparation of projects for the organization of construction, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of the service life and conservation<*>

9. Work on the preparation of draft measures for environmental protection

10. Works on the preparation of draft measures to ensure fire safety

11. Work on the preparation of draft measures to ensure access for people with limited mobility

12. Work on the inspection of building structures of buildings and structures

13. Works on organizing the preparation of project documentation, attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general designer)

III. Types of construction, reconstruction works
and overhaul

1. Geodetic works performed on construction sites
1.1. Marking work in the process of construction<*>
1.2. Geodetic control of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings and structures<*>

2. Preparatory work
2.1. Dismantling (dismantling) of buildings and structures, walls, ceilings, flights of stairs and other structural and related elements or parts thereof<*>
2.2. Construction of temporary: roads; sites; engineering networks and structures<*>
2.3. Installation of rail crane tracks and foundations (supports) of stationary cranes
2.4. Installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes<*>

3. Earthworks
3.1. Mechanized excavation<*>
3.2. Soil excavation and drainage arrangement in water management construction
3.3. Soil development by hydromechanization
3.4. Works on artificial freezing of soils
3.5. Soil compaction with rollers, compactors or heavy rammers<*>
3.6. Mechanized loosening and development of permafrost soils
3.7. Works on dewatering, organization of surface runoff and drainage

4. Construction of wells
4.1. Drilling, construction and installation of oil and gas wells
4.2. Drilling and construction of wells (except for oil and gas wells)
4.3. Fixing wells with pipes, extracting pipes, free lowering or lifting pipes from wells
4.4. Plugging works
4.5. Construction of mine wells

5. Pile work. Soil stabilization
5.1. Pile work performed from the ground, including in sea and river conditions
5.2. Pile work performed in frozen and permafrost soils
5.3. Grillage device
5.4. Installation of driven and bored piles
5.5. Thermal strengthening of soils
5.6. Cementation of soil bases with driving injectors
5.7. Silicization and resinization of soils
5.8. Works on the construction of structures using the "wall in the ground" method
5.9. Driving and lifting steel and sheet piles

6. Installation of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures
6.1. Formwork
6.2. Reinforcing works
6.3. The device of monolithic concrete and iron concrete structures

7. Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures
7.1. Installation of foundations and structures of the underground part of buildings and structures
7.2. Installation of structural elements of the above-ground part of buildings and structures, including columns, frames, crossbars, trusses, beams, slabs, belts, wall panels and partitions
7.3. Installation of volumetric units, including ventilation units, elevator shafts and garbage chutes, sanitary cabins

8. Drilling and blasting during construction

9. Work on the device stone structures
9.1. Arrangement of structures of buildings and structures made of natural and artificial stones, including those with cladding<*>
9.2. Installation of brick structures, including those with cladding<*>
9.3. The device of heating furnaces and hearths<*>

10. Installation of metal structures
10.1. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures
10.2. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structures of transport galleries
10.3. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of tank structures
10.4. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of mast structures, towers, exhaust pipes
10.5. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of technological structures
10.6. Installation and dismantling of cable supporting structures (stretch marks, cable-stayed structures, etc.)

11. Installation of wooden structures
11.1. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, including those made of glued structures<*>
11.2. Assembly of residential and public buildings from prefabricated parts of a complete delivery<*>

12. Protection of building structures, pipelines and equipment (except for main and field pipelines)
12.1. Lining works
12.2. Masonry made of acid-resistant bricks and shaped acid-resistant ceramic products
12.3. Protective paint coating<*>
12.4. Gumming (lining with sheet rubber and liquid rubber compounds)
12.5. Glue insulation device
12.6. The device of metallization coatings
12.7. Application of a front coating when installing a monolithic floor in rooms with aggressive environments
12.8. Antiseptic treatment of wooden structures
12.9. Waterproofing of building structures
12.10. Works on thermal insulation of buildings, building structures and equipment
12.11. Works on thermal insulation of pipelines<*>
12.12. Works on fire protection of building structures and equipment

13. Roofing
13.1. Installation of roofs from piece and sheet materials<*>
13.2. Roofing from rolled materials<*>
13.3. The device of self-leveling roofs<*>

14. Facade works
14.1. Surface cladding with natural and artificial stones and linear shaped stones<*>
14.2. Installation of ventilated facades<*>

15. Arrangement of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures
15.1. Installation and dismantling of the water supply and sewerage system<*>
15.2. Installation and dismantling of the heating system<*>
15.3. Installation and dismantling of the gas supply system
15.4. Installation and dismantling of the ventilation and air conditioning system<*>
15.5. The device of the power supply system<*>
15.6. Arrangement of electrical and other control networks for life support systems of buildings and structures<*>

16. Installation of external water supply networks
16.1. Laying of water pipelines
16.2. Installation and dismantling of valves and equipment water networks
16.3. Installation of water wells, caps, catchment dampers
16.4. Cavity cleaning and testing of water pipelines

17. Construction of external sewer networks
17.1. Laying of non-pressure sewer pipelines
17.2. Laying sewer pressure pipelines
17.3. Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and equipment of sewer networks
17.4. Installation of sewer and drain wells
17.5. Arrangement of a filtering base for silt pads and filtration fields
17.6. Laying drainage pipes on sludge beds
17.7. Cavity cleaning and testing of sewer pipelines

18. Construction of external heat supply networks
18.1. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of up to 115 degrees Celsius
18.2. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of 115 degrees Celsius and above
18.3. Installation and dismantling of shutoff valves and equipment of heat supply networks
18.4. Arrangement of wells and chambers of heat supply networks
18.5. Cavity cleaning and testing of heating pipelines

19. The device of external gas supply networks, except for the main
19.1. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure up to 0.005 MPa inclusive
19.2. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.005 MPa to 0.3 MPa inclusive
19.3. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.3 MPa to 1.2 MPa inclusive (for natural gas), up to 1.6 MPa inclusive (for liquefied petroleum gas)
19.4. Installation of condensate collectors for hydraulic seals and compensators on gas pipelines
19.5. Installation and dismantling of gas control points and installations
19.6. Installation and dismantling of tank and group cylinder installations of liquefied gas
19.7. Entering the gas pipeline into buildings and structures
19.8. Installation and dismantling of gas equipment for consumers using natural and liquefied gas
19.9. Tapping under pressure into existing gas pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing gas pipelines
19.10. Cavity cleaning and testing of gas pipelines

20. The device of external electrical networks and communication lines
20.1. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 1 kV inclusive<*>
20.2. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive
20.3. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 330 kV inclusive
20.4. Construction of power supply networks with voltage over 330 kV
20.5. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV
20.6. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 500 kV
20.7. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with a voltage of more than 500 kV
20.8. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive
20.9. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage over 35 kV
20.10. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive
20.11. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage over 35 kV
20.12. Installation of distribution devices, switching equipment, protection devices
20.13. Arrangement of external communication lines, including telephone, radio and television<*>

21. Arrangement of nuclear facilities
(clause 21 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 06/23/2010 N 294)
21.1. Works on the construction of facilities with nuclear installations
(clause 21.1 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2010 N 294)
21.2. Works on the construction of nuclear weapons complex facilities
(clause 21.2 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2010 N 294)
21.3. Works on the construction of elementary particle accelerators and hot chambers
(Clause 21.3 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2010 N 294)
21.4. Works on the construction of storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances, storage facilities for radioactive waste
(clause 21.4 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2010 N 294)
21.5. Works on the construction of nuclear fuel cycle facilities
(clause 21.5 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2010 N 294)
21.6. Works on the construction of facilities for the extraction and processing of uranium
(clause 21.6 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 06/23/2010 N 294)
21.7. Works on decommissioning of nuclear facilities

22. Arrangement of oil and gas industry facilities
22.1. Installation of main and field pipelines
22.2. Works on the arrangement of facilities for preparing oil and gas for transport
22.3. Arrangement of oil depots and gas storage facilities
22.4. Arrangement of structures for crossings under linear objects(roads and railways) and other obstacles of natural and artificial origin
22.5. Works on the construction of crossings by the method of directional drilling
22.6. Device for electrochemical protection of pipelines
22.7. Tapping under pressure into existing main and field pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing main and field pipelines
22.8. Performance of anti-corrosion protection and insulation works in relation to main and field pipelines
22.9. Works on the development of oil and gas fields offshore
22.10. Works on the construction of gas filling compressor stations
22.11. Quality control of welded joints and their isolation
22.12. Cavity cleaning and testing of main and field pipelines

23. Installation work
23.1. Installation of handling equipment
23.2. Elevator installation
23.3. Installation of equipment for thermal power plants
23.4. Installation of boiler room equipment
23.5. Installation of compressor units, pumps and fans<*>
23.6. Installation of electrical installations, equipment, automation and alarm systems<*>
23.7. Installation of equipment for nuclear facilities
(clause 23.7 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 06/23/2010 N 294)
23.8. Installation of equipment for cleaning and preparation for the transportation of gas and oil
23.9. Installation of equipment for oil and gas pumping stations and for other product pipelines
23.10. Installation of natural gas liquefaction equipment
23.11. Installation of equipment petrol stations
23.12. Installation of equipment for ferrous metallurgy enterprises
23.13. Installation of equipment for non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises
23.14. Installation of equipment for the chemical and oil refining industries
23.15. Installation of mining and ore-dressing equipment
23.16. Installation of equipment for railway infrastructure facilities
23.17. Installation of subway and tunnel equipment
23.18. Installation of hydro equipment power stations and other hydraulic structures
23.19. Installation of equipment for electrical industry enterprises
23.20. Installation of equipment for industrial enterprises building materials
23.21. Installation of equipment for the pulp and paper industry
23.22. Installation of equipment for textile industry enterprises
23.23. Installation of equipment for printing industry enterprises
23.24. Installation of equipment for food industry enterprises<*>
23.25. Installation of equipment for theater and entertainment enterprises
23.26. Installation of equipment for granaries and grain processing enterprises
23.27. Installation of equipment for cinematography enterprises<*>
23.28. Installation of equipment for electronics and communications industries<*>
23.29. Installation of equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprises<*>
23.30. Installation of equipment for agricultural production, including fish processing and fish storage<*>
23.31. Installation of equipment for consumer services and public utilities<*>
23.32. Installation of water intake equipment, sewerage and treatment facilities
23.33. Installation of equipment for communication facilities<*>
23.34. Installation of equipment for space infrastructure facilities
23.35. Installation of airport equipment and other aviation infrastructure facilities
23.36. Installation of equipment for sea and river ports

24. Commissioning works
24.1. Commissioning of lifting and transport equipment
24.2. Commissioning of elevators
24.3. Commissioning of synchronous generators and excitation systems
24.4. Commissioning of power and instrument transformers
24.5. Commissioning of switching devices
24.6. Commissioning of relay protection devices
24.7. Commissioning of automation in power supply<*>
24.8. Commissioning of voltage and control current systems
24.9. Commissioning of electrical machines and electric drives
24.10. Commissioning of automation systems, alarm systems and related devices<*>
24.11. Start-up and commissioning of offline system commissioning<*>
24.12. Commissioning works of complex adjustment of systems<*>
24.13. Commissioning of telemechanics<*>
24.14. Adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems<*>
24.15. Commissioning of automatic machine lines
24.16. Commissioning of multi-purpose metal-cutting machines with CNC
24.17. Commissioning of unique metal-cutting machines weighing over 100 tons
24.18. Commissioning of refrigeration units<*>
24.19. Commissioning of compressor units
24.20. Commissioning of steam boilers
24.21. Commissioning of hot water boilers<*>
24.22. Commissioning of boiler auxiliary equipment<*>
24.23. Commissioning of water treatment equipment and chemical water treatment equipment
24.24. Start-up and adjustment works of technological installations of the fuel economy
24.25. Commissioning of the gas-air path
24.26. Commissioning of general boiler systems and engineering communications
24.27. Commissioning of equipment for processing and finishing wood
24.28. Commissioning of drying plants
24.29. Commissioning works of water supply facilities
24.30. Commissioning works of sewerage facilities
24.31. Commissioning works at the facilities of the oil and gas complex
24.32. Commissioning works at nuclear facilities

25. Device highways and airfields
25.1. Device work subgrade for highways, airport platforms, runways, taxiways
25.2. The device of the bases of highways
25.3. Arrangement of foundations for airport aprons, runways, taxiways
25.4. Road pavement devices, including those reinforced with binders
25.5. Devices for covering airport aprons, runways, taxiways
25.6. Installation of drainage, catchment, culvert, spillway devices
25.7. Installation of protective fences and elements of arrangement of highways
25.8. Road marking device

26. Arrangement of railway and tram tracks
26.1. Works on the construction of subgrade for railway tracks
26.2. Works on the construction of subgrade for tram tracks
26.3. The device of the upper structure of the railway track
26.4. Arrangement of drainage and protective structures of the subgrade of the railway track
26.5. Installation of signaling, centralization and blocking of railways
26.6. Railway electrification
26.7. Fixation of soils in the right of way railway
26.8. Construction of railway crossings

27. Construction of tunnels, subways
27.1. Sinking of tunnels and subways without the use of special methods of tunneling
27.2. Excavation of tunnels and subways using artificial freezing
27.3. Sinking of tunnels and subways using grouting
27.4. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of electrochemical fastening
27.5. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of lowering support
27.6. Arrangement of internal structures of tunnels and subways
27.7. Subway track arrangement

28. Installation of mine structures
28.1. Sinking of the development of mine structures without the use of special methods of sinking
28.2. Sinking of the development of mine structures using artificial freezing
28.3. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of grouting
28.4. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of electrochemical fastening
28.5. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of lowering lining

29. Arrangement of bridges, overpasses and overpasses
29.1. Arrangement of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses
29.2. Arrangement of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses
29.3. Construction of pedestrian bridges
29.4. Installation of steel superstructures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses
29.5. Installation of wooden bridges, flyovers and overpasses
29.6. Installation of stone bridges, flyovers and overpasses
29.7. Laying culvert pipes on finished foundations (bases) and drainage trays

30. Hydraulic works, diving works
30.1. Development and movement of soil by jet and floating dredgers
30.2. Loosening and development of soils under water mechanized way and issuance to the dump or floating facilities
30.3. Drilling and construction of wells under water
30.4. Piling work carried out in marine conditions from floating facilities, including the installation of shell piles
30.5. Pile work performed in river conditions from floating facilities, including the installation of shell piles
30.6. Construction of structures in sea and river conditions from natural and artificial massifs
30.7. Construction of dams
30.8. Installation, dismantling of building structures in underwater conditions
30.9. Laying pipelines in underwater conditions
30.10. Laying cables in underwater conditions, including electrical and communication
30.11. Diving (underwater construction) works, including quality control of hydrotechnical works under water

31. Industrial furnaces and chimneys
31.1. Blast furnace masonry
31.2. Masonry of the upper structure of glass melting furnaces
31.3. Installation of furnaces from prefabricated elements of increased factory readiness
31.4. Electrolyzers for the aluminum industry
31.5. Lining of industrial flue and ventilation furnaces and pipes

32. Implementation work building control attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur
32.1. Construction control over general construction works (groups of types of work N 1 - 3, 5 - 7, 9 - 14)
32.2. Construction control over well construction works (group of types of work N 4)
32.3. Construction control over drilling and blasting (group of types of work N 8)
32.4. Construction control over work in the field of water supply and sewerage (type of work N 15.1, 23.32, 24.29, 24.30, groups of types of work N 16, 17)
32.5. Construction control over work in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation (types of work N 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 23.4, 23.5, 24.14, 24.19, 24.20, 24.21, 24.22, 24.24, 24.25, 24.26, groups of types of work N 18, 19)
32.6. Construction control over work in the field of fire safety (type of work N 12.3, 12.12, 23.6, 24.10 - 24.12)
32.7. Construction control over work in the field of power supply (type of work N 15.5, 15.6, 23.6, 24.3 - 24.10, group of types of work N 20)
32.8. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of communication facilities (types of work N 20.13, 23.6, 23.28, 23.33, 24.7, 24.10, 24.11, 24.12)
32.9. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of oil and gas industry facilities (type of work N 23.9, 23.10, group of types of work N 22)
32.10. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of roads and airfields, bridges, overpasses and overpasses (type of work N 23.35, groups of types of work N 25, 29)
32.11. Construction control during the construction of railway and tram tracks (types of work N 23.16, group of types of work N 26)
32.12. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul in underground conditions (types of work N 23.17, groups of types of work N 27, 28)
32.13. Construction control over hydraulic engineering and diving works (group of types of work N 30)
32.14. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul of industrial furnaces and chimneys (group of types of work N 31)
32.15. Excluded.

33. Works on the organization of construction, reconstruction and overhaul by an engaged developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur ( general contractor):
33.1. Industrial engineering
33.1.1. Enterprises and facilities of the fuel industry
33.1.2. Enterprises and facilities coal industry
33.1.3. Enterprises and objects of ferrous metallurgy
33.1.4. Enterprises and objects of non-ferrous metallurgy
33.1.5. Enterprises and objects of chemical and petrochemical industry
33.1.6. Enterprises and objects of mechanical engineering and metalworking
33.1.7. Enterprises and facilities of the forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper industries
33.1.8. Enterprises and objects of light industry<*>
33.1.9. Enterprises and objects of the food industry<*>
33.1.10. Enterprises and objects of agriculture and forestry<*>
33.1.11. Thermal power plants
33.1.12. Nuclear facilities
33.1.13. Power supply facilities over 110 kV
33.1.14. Oil and gas facilities
33.2. Transport construction
33.2.1. Roads and road transport infrastructure
33.2.2. Railways and rail transport infrastructure
33.2.3. Airports and other aviation infrastructure facilities
33.2.4. Road and rail tunnels
33.2.5. Subways
33.2.6. Bridges (large and medium)
33.2.7. Enterprises and public transport facilities<*>
33.3. Housing and civil construction
33.4. Power supply facilities up to 110 kV inclusive
33.5. Heat supply facilities
33.6. Gas supply facilities
33.7. Water supply and sewerage facilities
33.8. Buildings and facilities of communication facilities
33.9. Maritime transport facilities
33.10. River transport facilities
33.11. Hydropower facilities
33.12. Dams, dams, canals, bank protection structures, reservoirs (with the exception of hydropower facilities)
33.13. Irrigation facilities

34. Works for the implementation of construction control by the developer, or by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur engaged by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of nuclear facilities (types of work N 23.7, 24.32, group of types of work N 21)

<*>These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to the types of work that affect the safety of the capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Document's name:
Document Number: 624
Type of document: Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia
Host body: Ministry of Regional Development of Russia
Status: current
Acceptance date: December 30, 2009
Effective start date: 01 July 2010
Revision date: November 14, 2011

On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of facilities ...


On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities

Document as amended by:
(Russian newspaper, N 180, 08/13/2010) (changes in the list of types of work come into force no earlier than six months from the date of their introduction) - see paragraph 4_1 of article 55_8 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation).
(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 150, 07/13/2011);
(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 55, 03/14/2012).

This order was amended on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 9, 2010 N 275.
Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 9, 2010 N 275 in accordance with clauses 18 and 19 of the Rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 1997 N 1009, is subject to registration with the Ministry of Justice of Russia and can be applied only after state registration and official publication.
- Database manufacturer's note.

In pursuance of Part 5 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 148-FZ "On Amending the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 30 (part 1), Art. .3604) and in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 864 "On measures to implement the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 148-FZ" On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation " (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 48, art. 5612),

I order:

1. Approve the attached List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities (hereinafter - the List).

2. Establish that the List does not include the types of work on the preparation of project documentation, on construction, reconstruction, major repairs in relation to objects for which the issuance of a building permit is not required in accordance with paragraphs 1-4, 5 of part 17 of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Art. 16; 2006, N 1, Art. 21; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 48, Art. 5711; 2010, N 48, 6246; 2011, N 13, art. 1688; N 27, art. 3880; N 30, art. 4563, art. 4572, art. the number of floors is no more than three, intended for the residence of no more than two families); residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, is located on a separate land plot and has access to the common area (residential houses of blocked development); apartment buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 25, 2012 by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated November 14, 2011 N 536.

The types of work on the preparation of project documentation contained in the List can be performed by an individual entrepreneur independently (personally), and the types of work on engineering surveys, construction, reconstruction, overhaul - only with the involvement of employees in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation (the paragraph is additionally included from December 23, 2010 by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 23, 2010 N 294).

3. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2008 N 274 "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of facilities capital construction" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 16, 2009 N 13086), as well as the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2009 N 480 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2008 N 274" On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities "(registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 N 15789) from the date of entry into force of this order.

5. The control of the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation V.A. Tokarev.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
April 15, 2010
registration N 16902

List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities

I. Types of engineering survey work

1. Works as part of engineering and geodetic surveys

1.1. Creation of reference geodetic networks

1.2. Geodetic observations of deformations and settlements of buildings and structures, movements of the earth's surface and dangerous natural processes

1.3. Creation and updating of engineering and topographic plans on a scale of 1:200-1:5000, including in digital form, survey of underground utilities and structures

1.4. Line feature tracing

1.5. Engineering and hydrographic works

1.6. Special geodetic and topographic works during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures

2. Works as part of engineering and geological surveys

2.1. Engineering-geological survey on a scale of 1:500-1:25000

2.2. Sinking of mine workings with their testing, laboratory studies of the physical and mechanical properties of soils and chemical properties of groundwater samples

2.3. The study of dangerous geological and engineering-geological processes with the development of recommendations for the engineering protection of the territory

2.4. Hydrogeological research

2.5. Geophysical surveys

2.6. Engineering geocryological research

2.7. Seismological and seismotectonic studies of the territory, seismic microzoning

3. Works as part of engineering and hydrometeorological surveys

3.1. Meteorological observations and study of the hydrological regime of water bodies

3.2. Study of dangerous hydrometeorological processes and phenomena with calculations of their characteristics

3.3. Study of channel processes of water bodies, deformations and processing of banks

3.4. Studies of the ice regime of water bodies

4. Works as part of engineering and environmental surveys

4.1. Engineering and environmental survey of the territory

4.2. Studies of chemical pollution of soils, surface and ground waters, atmospheric air, sources of pollution

4.3. Laboratory chemical-analytical and gas-chemical studies of samples and samples of soil and water

4.4. Research and assessment of physical impacts and radiation situation on the territory

4.5. Study of vegetation, wildlife, sanitary-epidemiological and medical-biological studies of the territory*

5. Works as part of engineering and geotechnical surveys

(Performed as part of engineering-geological surveys or separately on the territory studied in engineering-geological terms for separate buildings and structures)

5.1. Sinking of mine workings with their testing and laboratory studies of the mechanical properties of soils with the determination of characteristics for specific schemes for calculating the bases of foundations

5.2. Field tests of soils with the determination of their standard strength and deformation characteristics (stamp, shear, pressuremeter, shear). Tests of reference and full-scale piles

5.3. Determination of standard mechanical characteristics of soils by methods of static, dynamic and drilling sounding

5.4. Physical and mathematical modeling of the interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment

5.5. Special studies of soil characteristics according to individual programs for non-standard, including non-linear methods for calculating the bases of foundations and structures of buildings and structures

5.6. Geotechnical control of construction of buildings, structures and adjacent territories

6. Inspection of the state of soils of the foundation of buildings and structures

7. The item was excluded from January 14, 2012 by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated May 26, 2011 N 238 ..

II. Types of work on the preparation of project documentation

1. Work on the preparation of a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot:

1.1. Works on the preparation of the master plan of the land plot

1.2. Works on the preparation of a planning organization scheme for the route of a linear facility

1.3. Works on the preparation of the scheme of planning organization of the right of way of the linear structure

2. Work on the preparation of architectural solutions

3. Work on the preparation of constructive solutions

4. Work on the preparation of information on internal engineering equipment, internal networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:

4.1. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke ventilation, heat supply and refrigeration

4.2. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of water supply and sewerage

4.3. Works on the preparation of projects for internal power supply systems *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

4.4. Works on the preparation of projects for internal low-voltage systems*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

4.5. Works on the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems

4.6. Works on the preparation of projects for internal gas supply systems

5. Work on the preparation of information on external networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:

5.1. Works on the preparation of projects for external heat supply networks and their structures

5.2. Works on the preparation of projects for external water supply and sewerage networks and their structures

5.3. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks up to 35 kV inclusive and their structures

5.4. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of not more than 110 kV inclusive and their structures

5.5. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of 110 kV and more and their structures

5.6. Works on the preparation of projects for external networks of low-voltage systems

5.7. Works on the preparation of projects for external gas supply networks and their structures

6. Work on the preparation of technological solutions:

6.1. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for residential buildings and their complexes

6.2. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for public buildings and structures and their complexes

6.3. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for industrial buildings and structures and their complexes

6.4. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for transport facilities and their complexes

6.5. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for hydraulic structures and their complexes

6.6. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for agricultural facilities and their complexes

6.7. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for special-purpose facilities and their complexes

6.8. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for oil and gas facilities and their complexes

6.9. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for objects of collection, processing, storage, processing and disposal of waste and their complexes

6.10. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for nuclear power and industry facilities and their complexes

6.11. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for military infrastructure facilities and their complexes

6.12. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for treatment facilities and their complexes

6.13. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for metro facilities and their complexes

7. Work on the development of special sections of project documentation:

7.1. Engineering and technical measures for civil defense

7.2. Engineering and technical measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies

7.3. Development of a declaration on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

7.4. Development of a declaration of safety of hydraulic structures

7.5. Development of justification for radiation and nuclear protection

8. Works on the preparation of projects for the organization of construction, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of the service life and conservation*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

9. Work on the preparation of draft measures for environmental protection

10. Works on the preparation of draft measures to ensure fire safety

11. Work on the preparation of draft measures to ensure access for people with limited mobility

12. Work on the inspection of building structures of buildings and structures

13. Works on organizing the preparation of project documentation by an engaged developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general designer)

III. Types of construction, reconstruction and overhaul works

1. Geodetic work performed on construction sites

1.1. Layout work in the process of construction*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

1.2. Geodetic control of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings and structures*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Preparatory work

2.1. Dismantling (dismantling) of buildings and structures, walls, ceilings, flights of stairs and other structural and related elements or parts thereof*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Construction of temporary: roads; sites; engineering networks and structures*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

2.3. Installation of rail crane tracks and foundations (supports) of stationary cranes

2.4. Installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Earthworks

3.1. Mechanized excavation*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Soil excavation and drainage arrangement in water management construction

3.3. Soil development by hydromechanization

3.4. Works on artificial freezing of soils

3.5. Soil compaction with rollers, compactors or heavy rammers*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

3.6. Mechanized loosening and development of permafrost soils

3.7. Works on dewatering, organization of surface runoff and drainage

4. Construction of wells

4.1. Drilling, construction and installation of oil and gas wells

4.2. Drilling and construction of wells (except for oil and gas wells)

4.3. Fixing wells with pipes, extracting pipes, free lowering or lifting pipes from wells

4.4. Plugging works

4.5. Construction of mine wells

5. Pile work. Soil stabilization

5.1. Pile work performed from the ground, including in sea and river conditions

5.2. Pile work performed in frozen and permafrost soils

5.3. Grillage device

5.4. Installation of driven and bored piles

5.5. Thermal strengthening of soils

5.6. Cementation of soil bases with driving injectors

5.7. Silicization and resinization of soils

5.8. Works on the construction of structures using the "wall in the ground" method

5.9. Driving and lifting steel and sheet piles

6. Installation of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures

6.1. Formwork

6.2. Reinforcing works

6.3. Installation of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures

7. Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures

7.1. Installation of foundations and structures of the underground part of buildings and structures

7.2. Installation of structural elements of the above-ground part of buildings and structures, including columns, frames, crossbars, trusses, beams, slabs, belts, wall panels and partitions

7.3. Installation of volumetric units, including ventilation units, elevator shafts and garbage chutes, sanitary cabins

8. Drilling and blasting during construction

9. Works on the device of stone structures

9.1. Arrangement of structures of buildings and structures made of natural and artificial stones, including those with cladding*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

9.2. Installation of brick structures, including those with cladding*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

9.3. Arrangement of heating furnaces and hearths*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

10. Installation of metal structures

10.1. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures

10.2. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structures of transport galleries

10.3. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of tank structures

10.4. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of mast structures, towers, exhaust pipes

10.5. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of technological structures

10.6. Installation and dismantling of cable supporting structures (stretch marks, cable-stayed structures, etc.)

11. Installation of wooden structures

11.1. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, including those made of glued structures*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

11.2. Assembly of residential and public buildings from prefabricated parts of a complete delivery*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

12. Protection of building structures, pipelines and equipment (except for main and field pipelines)

12.1. Lining works

12.2. Masonry made of acid-resistant bricks and shaped acid-resistant ceramic products

12.3. Protective coating with paintwork materials*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

12.4. Gumming (lining with sheet rubber and liquid rubber compounds)

12.5. Glue insulation device

12.6. The device of metallization coatings

12.7. Application of a front coating when installing a monolithic floor in rooms with aggressive environments

12.8. Antiseptic treatment of wooden structures

12.9. Waterproofing of building structures

12.10. Works on thermal insulation of buildings, building structures and equipment

12.11. Works on thermal insulation of pipelines*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

12.12. Works on fire protection of building structures and equipment

13. Roofing

13.1. Installation of roofs from piece and sheet materials*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

13.2. Roofing from roll materials*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

13.3. Self-leveling roofing*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

14. Facade works

14.1. Surface cladding with natural and artificial stones and linear shaped stones*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

14.2. Installation of ventilated facades*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

15. Arrangement of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures

15.1. Installation and dismantling of the water supply and sewerage system *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

15.2. Installation and dismantling of the heating system *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

15.3. Installation and dismantling of the gas supply system

15.4. Installation and dismantling of the ventilation and air conditioning system *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

15.5. The device of the power supply system *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

15.6. Arrangement of electrical and other control networks for life support systems of buildings and structures*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

16. Installation of external water supply networks

16.1. Laying of water pipelines

16.2. Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and equipment for water supply networks

16.3. Installation of water wells, caps, catchment dampers

16.4. Cavity cleaning and testing of water pipelines

17. Construction of external sewer networks

17.1. Laying of non-pressure sewer pipelines

17.2. Laying sewer pressure pipelines

17.3. Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and equipment of sewer networks

17.4. Installation of sewer and drain wells

17.5. Arrangement of a filtering base for silt pads and filtration fields

17.6. Laying drainage pipes on sludge beds

17.7. Cavity cleaning and testing of sewer pipelines

18. Construction of external heat supply networks

18.1. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of up to 115 degrees Celsius

18.2. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of 115 degrees Celsius and above

18.3. Installation and dismantling of shutoff valves and equipment of heat supply networks

18.4. Arrangement of wells and chambers of heat supply networks

18.5. Cavity cleaning and testing of heating pipelines

19. The device of external gas supply networks, except for the main

19.1. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure up to 0.005 MPa inclusive

19.2. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.005 MPa to 0.3 MPa inclusive

19.3. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.3 MPa to 1.2 MPa inclusive (for natural gas), up to 1.6 MPa inclusive (for liquefied petroleum gas)

19.4. Installation of condensate collectors for hydraulic seals and compensators on gas pipelines

19.5. Installation and dismantling of gas control points and installations

19.6. Installation and dismantling of tank and group cylinder installations of liquefied gas

19.7. Entering the gas pipeline into buildings and structures

19.8. Installation and dismantling of gas equipment for consumers using natural and liquefied gas

19.9. Tapping under pressure into existing gas pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing gas pipelines

19.10. Cavity cleaning and testing of gas pipelines

20. Arrangement of external electrical networks and communication lines

20.1. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 1 kV inclusive *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

20.2. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive

20.3. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 330 kV inclusive

20.4. Construction of power supply networks with voltage over 330 kV

20.5. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV

20.6. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 500 kV

20.7. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with a voltage of more than 500 kV

20.8. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive

20.9. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage over 35 kV

20.10. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive

20.11. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage over 35 kV

20.12. Installation of distribution devices, switching equipment, protection devices

20.13. Arrangement of external communication lines, including telephone, radio and television*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

21. Arrangement of nuclear facilities

21.1. Works on the construction of facilities with nuclear installations

21.2. Works on the construction of nuclear weapons complex facilities

21.3. Works on the construction of elementary particle accelerators and hot chambers

21.4. Works on the construction of storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances, storage facilities for radioactive waste

21.5. Works on the construction of nuclear fuel cycle facilities

21.6. Works on the construction of facilities for the extraction and processing of uranium

21.7. Works on decommissioning of nuclear facilities
(Clause 21 as amended, put into effect on December 23, 2010 by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 23, 2010 N 294.

22. Arrangement of oil and gas industry facilities

22.1. Installation of main and field pipelines

22.2. Works on the arrangement of facilities for preparing oil and gas for transport

22.3. Arrangement of oil depots and gas storage facilities

22.4. Installation of crossing structures under linear objects (roads and railways) and other obstacles of natural and artificial origin

22.5. Works on the construction of crossings by the method of directional drilling

22.6. Device for electrochemical protection of pipelines

22.7. Tapping under pressure into existing main and field pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing main and field pipelines

22.8. Performance of anti-corrosion protection and insulation works in relation to main and field pipelines

22.9. Works on the development of oil and gas fields offshore

22.10. Works on the construction of gas filling compressor stations

22.11. Quality control of welded joints and their isolation

22.12. Cavity cleaning and testing of main and field pipelines

23. Installation work

23.1. Installation of handling equipment

23.2. Elevator installation

23.3. Installation of equipment for thermal power plants

23.4. Installation of boiler room equipment

23.5. Installation of compressor units, pumps and fans*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.6. Installation of electrical installations, equipment, automation and alarm systems*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.7. Installation of equipment for nuclear facilities

23.8. Installation of equipment for cleaning and preparation for the transportation of gas and oil

23.9. Installation of equipment for oil and gas pumping stations and for other product pipelines

23.10. Installation of natural gas liquefaction equipment

23.11. Installation of gas station equipment

23.12. Installation of equipment for ferrous metallurgy enterprises

23.13. Installation of equipment for non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises

23.14. Installation of equipment for the chemical and oil refining industries

23.15. Installation of mining and ore-dressing equipment

23.16. Installation of equipment for railway infrastructure facilities

23.17. Installation of subway and tunnel equipment

23.18. Installation of equipment for hydroelectric stations and other hydraulic structures

23.19. Installation of equipment for electrical industry enterprises

23.20. Installation of equipment for enterprises in the building materials industry

23.21. Installation of equipment for the pulp and paper industry

23.22. Installation of equipment for textile industry enterprises

23.23. Installation of equipment for printing industry enterprises

23.24. Installation of equipment for food industry enterprises*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.25. Installation of equipment for theater and entertainment enterprises

23.26. Installation of equipment for granaries and grain processing enterprises

23.27. Installation of equipment for cinematography enterprises*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.28. Installation of equipment for enterprises in the electronics industry and the communications industry*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.29. Installation of equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprises*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.30. Installation of equipment for agricultural production, including fish processing and fish storage*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.31. Installation of equipment for consumer services and public utilities *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.32. Installation of water intake equipment, sewerage and treatment facilities

23.33. Installation of equipment for communication facilities*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

23.34. Installation of equipment for space infrastructure facilities

23.35. Installation of airport equipment and other aviation infrastructure facilities

23.36. Installation of equipment for sea and river ports

24. Commissioning

24.1. Commissioning of lifting and transport equipment

24.2. Commissioning of elevators

24.3. Commissioning of synchronous generators and excitation systems

24.4. Commissioning of power and instrument transformers

24.5. Commissioning of switching devices

24.6. Commissioning of relay protection devices

24.7. Commissioning of automation in power supply *
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.8. Commissioning of voltage and control current systems

24.9. Commissioning of electrical machines and electric drives

24.10. Commissioning of automation systems, alarm systems and related devices*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.11. Commissioning works of stand-alone system adjustment*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.12. Commissioning works of complex adjustment of systems*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.13. Commissioning of telemechanics*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.14. Adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.15. Commissioning of automatic machine lines

24.16. Commissioning of multi-purpose metal-cutting machines with CNC

24.17. Commissioning of unique metal-cutting machines weighing over 100 tons

24.18. Commissioning of refrigeration units*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.19. Commissioning of compressor units

24.20. Commissioning of steam boilers

24.21. Commissioning of hot water boilers*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.22. Commissioning works of auxiliary boiler equipment*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

24.23. Commissioning of water treatment equipment and chemical water treatment equipment

24.24. Start-up and adjustment works of technological installations of the fuel economy

24.25. Commissioning of the gas-air path

24.26. Commissioning of general boiler systems and utilities

24.27. Commissioning of equipment for processing and finishing wood

24.28. Commissioning of drying plants

24.29. Commissioning works of water supply facilities

24.30. Commissioning works of sewerage facilities

24.31. Commissioning works at the facilities of the oil and gas complex

24.32. Commissioning work at nuclear facilities (the item was additionally included from December 23, 2010 by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 23, 2010 N 294)

25. Arrangement of roads and airfields *
*Probably an original error. It should read: "aerodromes". - Database manufacturer's note.

25.1. Works on the construction of subgrade for highways, airport platforms, runways, taxiways

25.2. The device of the bases of highways

25.3. Arrangement of foundations for airport aprons, runways, taxiways

25.4. Road pavement devices, including those reinforced with binders

25.5. Devices for covering airport aprons, runways, taxiways

25.6. Installation of drainage, catchment, culvert, spillway devices

25.7. Installation of protective fences and elements of arrangement of highways

25.8. Road marking device

26. Arrangement of railway and tram tracks

26.1. Works on the construction of subgrade for railway tracks

26.2. Works on the construction of subgrade for tram tracks

26.3. The device of the upper structure of the railway track

26.4. Arrangement of drainage and protective structures of the subgrade of the railway track

26.5. Installation of signaling, centralization and blocking of railways

26.6. Railway electrification

26.7. Stabilization of soils in the right of way of the railway

26.8. Construction of railway crossings

27. Construction of tunnels, subways

27.1. Sinking of tunnels and subways without the use of special methods of tunneling

27.2. Excavation of tunnels and subways using artificial freezing

27.3. Sinking of tunnels and subways using grouting

27.4. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of electrochemical fastening

27.5. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of lowering support

27.6. Arrangement of internal structures of tunnels and subways

27.7. Subway track arrangement

28. Installation of mine structures

28.1. Sinking of the development of mine structures without the use of special methods of sinking

28.2. Sinking of the development of mine structures using artificial freezing

28.3. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of grouting

28.4. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of electrochemical fastening

28.5. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of lowering lining

29. Arrangement of bridges, overpasses and overpasses

29.1. Arrangement of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses

29.2. Arrangement of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses

29.3. Construction of pedestrian bridges

29.4. Installation of steel superstructures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses

29.5. Installation of wooden bridges, flyovers and overpasses

29.6. Installation of stone bridges, flyovers and overpasses

29.7. Laying culvert pipes on finished foundations (bases) and drainage trays

30. Hydraulic works, diving works

30.1. Development and movement of soil by jet and floating dredgers

30.2. Loosening and development of soils under water in a mechanized way and issuance to a dump or floating facilities

30.3. Drilling and construction of wells under water

30.4. Piling work carried out in marine conditions from floating facilities, including the installation of shell piles

30.5. Pile work performed in river conditions from floating facilities, including the installation of shell piles

30.6. Construction of structures in sea and river conditions from natural and artificial massifs

30.7. Construction of dams

30.8. Installation, dismantling of building structures in underwater conditions

30.9. Laying pipelines in underwater conditions

30.10. Laying cables in underwater conditions, including electrical and communication

30.11. Diving (underwater construction) works, including quality control of hydrotechnical works under water

31. Industrial furnaces and chimneys

31.1. Blast furnace masonry

31.2. Masonry of the upper structure of glass melting furnaces

31.3. Installation of furnaces from prefabricated elements of increased factory readiness

31.4. Electrolyzers for the aluminum industry

31.5. Lining of industrial flue and ventilation furnaces and pipes

32. Works on the implementation of construction control by the involved developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur

32.1. Construction control over general construction works (groups of types of work N 1-3, 5-7, 9-14)

32.2. Construction control over well construction works (group of types of work N 4)

32.3. Construction control over drilling and blasting (group of types of work N 8)

32.4. Construction control over work in the field of water supply and sewerage (type of work N 15.1, 23.32, 24.29, 24.30, groups of types of work N 16, 17)

32.5. Construction control over work in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation (types of work N 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 23.4, 23.5, 24.14, 24.19, 24.20, 24.21, 24.22, 24.24, 24.25, 24.26, groups of types of work N 18, 19)

32.6. Construction control over work in the field of fire safety (type of work N 12.3, 12.12, 23.6, 24.10-24.12)

32.7. Construction control over work in the field of power supply (type of work N 15.5, 15.6, 23.6, 24.3-24.10, group of types of work N 20)

32.8. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of communication facilities (types of work N 20.13, 23.6, 23.28, 23.33, 24.7, 24.10, 24.11, 24.12) 2010 N 294

32.9. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of oil and gas industry facilities (type of work N 23.9, 23.10, group of types of work N 22)

32.10. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of roads and airfields, bridges, overpasses and overpasses (type of work N 23.35, groups of types of work N 25, 29)

32.11. Construction control during the construction of railway and tram tracks (types of work N 23.16, group of types of work N 26)

32.12. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul in underground conditions (types of work N 23.17, groups of types of work N 27, 28)

32.13. Construction control over hydraulic engineering and diving works (group of types of work N 30)

32.14. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul of industrial furnaces and chimneys (group of types of work N 31)

32.15. The item was excluded from December 23, 2010 by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 23, 2010 N 294 ..

33. Works on the organization of construction, reconstruction and overhaul by the involved developer or customer on the basis of a contract by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general contractor):

33.1. Industrial engineering

33.1.1. Enterprises and facilities of the fuel industry

33.1.2. Enterprises and facilities of the coal industry

33.1.3. Enterprises and objects of ferrous metallurgy

33.1.4. Enterprises and objects of non-ferrous metallurgy

33.1.5. Enterprises and objects of the chemical and petrochemical industry

33.1.6. Enterprises and objects of mechanical engineering and metalworking

33.1.7. Enterprises and facilities of the forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper industries

33.1.8. Enterprises and objects of light industry*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

33.1.9. Enterprises and facilities of the food industry*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

33.1.10. Enterprises and objects of agriculture and forestry*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

33.1.11. Thermal power plants

33.1.12. Nuclear facilities

33.1.13. Power supply facilities over 110 kV

33.1.14. Oil and gas facilities

33.2. Transport construction

33.2.1. Roads and road transport infrastructure

33.2.2. Railways and rail transport infrastructure

33.2.3. Airports and other aviation infrastructure facilities

33.2.4. Road and rail tunnels

33.2.5. Subways

33.2.6. Bridges (large and medium)

33.2.7. Enterprises and public transport facilities*
* These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to types of work that affect the safety of a capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

33.3. Housing and civil construction

33.4. Power supply facilities up to 110 kV inclusive

33.5. Heat supply facilities

33.6. Gas supply facilities

33.7. Water supply and sewerage facilities

33.8. Buildings and facilities of communication facilities

33.9. Maritime transport facilities

33.10. River transport facilities

33.11. Hydropower facilities

33.12. Dams, dams, canals, bank protection structures, reservoirs (with the exception of hydropower facilities)

33.13. hydromeliorative facilities.

34. Works on the implementation of construction control by the developer, or by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur engaged by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of nuclear facilities (types of work N 23.7, 24.32, group of types of work N 21) (additional clause included from December 23, 2010 by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 23, 2010 N 294)

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities (as amended on November 14, 2011)

Document's name: On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities (as amended on November 14, 2011)
Document Number: 624
Type of document: Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia
Host body: Ministry of Regional Development of Russia
Status: current
Published: Russian newspaper, N 88, 04/26/2010
Acceptance date: December 30, 2009
Effective start date: 01 July 2010
Revision date: November 14, 2011

What is contained in Order No. 624?

  • engineering survey;
  • design;
  • construction.
  • in research - 6;
  • in design - 13.

If the company did not find its type of activity in this order, what does this mean?

How to understand all the nuances of this order?

  • nuclear power processing facilities;
  • objects of space infrastructure;
  • subways;
  • seaports;
  • airports;
  • railway stations.


Order no 624 sro

Any company intending to obtain admission and become a member of the SRO must first study the Order of the MPP No. 624, familiarize themselves with the list of activities before submitting an application to the SRO. The problem is that with the shift from licensing to self-regulation, many business leaders have mistakenly assumed that even the simplest fit-outs and private repairs would require a permit.

Thus, this bill is a list of hazardous activities in construction and related areas for which SRO permits must be obtained. However, there is one interesting nuance in the document - some types of works are marked with *. Accordingly, such works are classified as simple, but if they are implemented at hazardous facilities specified in Art. 48.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, then membership in the SRO will be required.

Hazardous objects include the following:

Order 624 SRO latest edition

However, in reality, everything is not so. You will have to join the association only if the company finds the work that it will carry out in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 624 in the latest edition.

This normative act is a list of hazardous activities in the following areas:

Thus, survey engineers will not be able to become members of construction associations, while design specialists will also not be able to get permission to carry out excavation or drilling and blasting.

It is actually easy to understand the points: if in construction under No. 3 there are “Earthworks”, then more detailed information is provided below. 3.1. Works on mechanized excavation of soil; 3.2. Soil excavation and installation of a drainage system; 3.3. Soil development using the hydromechanization method, etc.

Order MRR No. 624 was created specifically for self-regulation, as there was a need to draw up a list of hazardous work for which companies could receive permits in non-profit partnerships. It is noteworthy that MRR Order No. 274 was in force before that, which also regulated the list of hazardous work. It was in force for exactly one year, after which it was replaced by the current bill, expanding the list of activities.

  • in construction there are 33;
  • in research - 6;
  • in design - 13.

    More information about legislative framework self-regulation and, in particular, on the Order of MRR No. 624 in the latest edition, experienced experts from SRO PRAVDA will be able to provide you. We are always ready to provide high-quality and informative advice, support in joining and, if necessary, help to obtain an interest-free target loan for payment to the SRO compensation fund. Call us for a free consultation.

    Depending on the work performed by the construction company, an SRO permit is also issued. Most often from builders you can hear about three options for admission:

  • SRO permit for general construction works
  • SRO permit with hazardous work
  • SRO approval with general contracting.

    3. The SRO permit, which includes work from 33 points, gives the company the right to act as the general contractor of its project. The general contracting function is needed by many companies, but not all of them include this type of work in the permit. By law, such a company must act as a subcontractor. Then you need to find a company whose admission contains the 33rd paragraph, and conclude an agreement with it. Which option is easier - you choose yourself.

    In 2010, it became finally clear what work requires a permit. Then it was accompanied by fuss about urgent replacement and new registration of tolerances.

    What brought Order No. 624 to the SRO

    For the work of SRO 624, the Order has become one of the main documents, which is still used daily to prepare permits throughout the country.

    Your permit will immediately include the planned types of work. If in the future this list is not enough, then you contact the SRO to replace the admission.

    2. When you know in advance that work on especially dangerous objects is included in the customer's plans, you issue an appropriate permit. The procedure is supplemented by two obligatory points:

  • registration of ISO 9001
  • increase in the amount of civil liability insurance by 2 times

    It was in this order that the list of construction, design and survey work was approved. After amendments in 2010, the list has remained unchanged until today.

    1. If you never work on especially dangerous and unique objects and do not even consider such a possibility in the future, then a permit with general construction work is quite enough. Here it is important to carefully study incoming orders - the presence of hazardous work at the facility may not be obvious.

    Of course, you can immediately issue a permit, which will include absolutely all types of work presented in the list. But such tolerances are issued only by the largest construction companies, and small businesses simply do not need it.

    When compiling your list of works for joining the SRO, Order 624 should be used as the main source for verification.

    II. Types of work on the preparation of project documentation

    List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities

    This order was amended on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 9, 2010 N 275.

    2. Establish that the List does not include the types of work on the preparation of project documentation, on construction, reconstruction, major repairs in relation to objects for which the issuance of a construction permit is not required in accordance with part 17 of article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, article 16; 2008, N 30 (part 2), article 3616), as well as in relation to individual housing construction objects (detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for residence of no more than two families); residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, is located on a separate land plot and has access to the common area (residential houses of blocked development); apartment buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area.

    32.1. Construction control over general construction works (groups of types of work No. 1-3, 5-7, 9-14)

    32.9. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul of oil and gas industry facilities (type of work No. 23.9, 23.10, group of types of work No. 22)

    Order no 624 sro

    Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 624

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    On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities

    In pursuance of Part 5 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 148-FZ “On Amending the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, No. 30 (part 1), 3604) and in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
    dated November 19, 2008 No. 864 "On measures to implement the Federal Law
    dated July 22, 2008 No. 148-FZ “On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, No. 48, Art. 5612), I order:
    1. Approve the attached List of types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities (hereinafter - the List).
    2. Establish that the List does not include the types of work on the preparation of project documentation, on construction, reconstruction, major repairs in relation to objects for which the issuance of a construction permit is not required in accordance with Part 17 of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Article 16; 2008, No. 30 (part 2), Article 3616), as well as in relation to individual housing construction objects (detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for living no more than two families); residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, is located on a separate land plot and has access to the common area (residential houses of blocked development); apartment buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area.
    3. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2008 No. 274 "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects that affect safety capital construction projects” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 16, 2009 No. 13086), as well as Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2009 No. 480 “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2008 N 274 "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 No. 15789) Mom date of entry into force of this order.
    4. The control of the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

    Minister V.F. Basargin

    by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
    dated "___" _______ 2009 No. ____

    types of work on engineering surveys, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities

    I. Types of work on engineering surveys

    1. Works as part of engineering and geodetic surveys

    1.1. Creation of basic geodetic networks.
    1.2. Geodetic observations of deformations and settlements of buildings and structures, movements of the earth's surface and dangerous natural processes.
    1.3. Creation and updating of engineering and topographic plans on a scale of 1:200 - 1:5000, including in digital form, survey of underground utilities and structures.
    1.4. Tracing of linear objects.
    1.5. Engineering and hydrographic works.
    1.6. Special geodetic and topographic works in the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

    2. Works as part of engineering and geological surveys

    2.1. Engineering and geological survey on a scale of 1:500 - 1:25000.
    2.2. Sinking of mine workings with their testing, laboratory studies of the physical and mechanical properties of soils and chemical properties of groundwater samples.
    2.3. The study of dangerous geological and engineering-geological processes with the development of recommendations for the engineering protection of the territory.
    2.4. Hydrogeological research.
    2.5. Engineering geophysical research.
    2.6. Engineering geocryological research.
    2.7. Seismological and seismotectonic studies of the territory, seismic microzoning.

    3. Works as part of engineering and hydrometeorological surveys

    3.1. Meteorological observations and study of the hydrological regime of water bodies.
    3.2. Study of dangerous hydrometeorological processes and phenomena with calculations of their characteristics.
    3.3. Study of the channel processes of water bodies, deformations and processing of banks.
    3.4. Studies of the ice regime of water bodies.

    4. Works as part of engineering and environmental surveys

    4.1. Engineering and environmental survey of the territory.
    4.2. Studies of chemical pollution of soils, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, sources of pollution.
    4.3. Laboratory chemical-analytical and gas-chemical studies of samples and samples of soil and water.
    4.4. Research and assessment of physical impacts and radiation situation on the territory.
    4.5. Study of vegetation, wildlife, sanitary-epidemiological and medical-biological studies of the territory*.

    5. Works as part of engineering and geotechnical surveys
    (Performed as part of engineering-geological surveys or separately on the territory studied in engineering-geological terms for separate buildings and structures)

    5.1. Sinking of mine workings with their testing and laboratory studies of the mechanical properties of soils with the determination of characteristics for specific schemes for calculating foundation foundations.
    5.2. Field tests of soils with the determination of their standard strength and deformation characteristics (stamp, shear, pressuremeter, shear). Tests of standard and full-scale piles.
    5.3. Determination of standard mechanical characteristics of soils by methods of static, dynamic and drilling sounding.
    5.4. Physical and mathematical modeling of the interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment.
    5.5. Special studies of soil characteristics according to individual programs for non-standard, including non-linear methods for calculating the bases of foundations and structures of buildings and structures.
    5.6. Geotechnical control of construction of buildings, structures and adjacent territories.

    6. Inspection of the state of soils of the foundation of buildings and structures.

    7. Works on the organization of engineering surveys by a developer engaged on the basis of a contract or a legal entity authorized by him or an individual entrepreneur (general contractor)

    II. Types of work on the preparation of project documentation

    1. Work on the preparation of a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot:
    1.1. Works on the preparation of the master plan of the land plot
    1.2. Works on the preparation of a planning organization scheme for the route of a linear facility
    1.3. Works on the preparation of the scheme of planning organization of the right of way of the linear structure

    2.Work on the preparation of architectural solutions

    3.Work on the preparation of constructive solutions

    4. Work on the preparation of information on internal engineering equipment, internal networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:
    4.1. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke ventilation, heat supply and refrigeration
    4.2. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of water supply and sewerage
    4.3. Works on the preparation of projects for internal power supply systems *
    4.4. Works on the preparation of projects for internal low-voltage systems*
    4.5. Works on the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems
    4.6. Works on the preparation of projects for internal gas supply systems

    5. Work on the preparation of information on external networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:
    5.1. Works on the preparation of projects for external heat supply networks and their structures
    5.2. Works on the preparation of projects for external water supply and sewerage networks and their structures
    5.3. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks up to 35 kV inclusive and their structures
    5.4. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of not more than 110 kV inclusive and their structures
    5.5. Works on the preparation of projects for external networks Power supply of 110 kV and more and their structures
    5.6. Works on the preparation of projects for external networks of low-voltage systems
    5.7. Works on the preparation of projects for external gas supply networks and their structures

    6. Work on the preparation of technological solutions:
    6.1. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for residential buildings and their complexes
    6.2. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for public buildings and structures and their complexes
    6.3. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for industrial buildings and structures and their complexes
    6.4. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for transport facilities and their complexes
    6.5. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for hydraulic structures and their complexes
    6.6. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for agricultural facilities and their complexes
    6.7. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for special-purpose facilities and their complexes
    6.8. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for oil and gas facilities and their complexes
    6.9. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for objects of collection, processing, storage, processing and disposal of waste and their complexes
    6.10. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for nuclear power and industry facilities and their complexes
    6.11. Work on the preparation of technological solutions for military infrastructure facilities and their complexes
    6.12. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for treatment facilities and their complexes

    7. Work on the development of special sections of project documentation:
    7.1. Engineering and technical measures for civil defense
    7.2. Engineering and technical measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies
    7.3. Development of a declaration on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
    7.4. Development of a declaration of safety of hydraulic structures
    7.5. Development of justification for radiation and nuclear protection.

    8. Works on the preparation of projects for the organization of construction, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of the service life and conservation*

    9. Work on the preparation of draft measures for environmental protection

    10. Works on the preparation of draft measures to ensure fire safety

    11. Work on the preparation of draft measures to ensure access for people with limited mobility

    12. Work on the inspection of building structures of buildings and structures

    13. Works on organizing the preparation of project documentation, attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general designer)

    III. Types of construction, reconstruction and overhaul works

    1. Geodetic work performed on construction sites
    1.1. Layout work in the process of construction*
    1.2. Geodetic control of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings and structures*
    2. Preparatory work
    2.1. Dismantling (dismantling) of buildings and structures, walls, ceilings, flights of stairs and other structural and related elements or parts thereof*
    2.2. Construction of temporary: roads; sites; engineering networks and structures*
    2.3. Installation of rail crane tracks and foundations (supports) of stationary cranes
    2.4. Installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes*
    3. Earthworks
    3.1. Mechanized excavation*
    3.2. Soil excavation and drainage arrangement in water management construction
    3.3. Soil development by hydromechanization
    3.4. Works on artificial freezing of soils
    3.5. Soil compaction with rollers, compactors or heavy rammers*
    3.6. Mechanized loosening and development of permafrost soils
    3.7. Works on dewatering, organization of surface runoff and drainage
    4. Construction of wells
    4.1. Drilling, construction and installation of oil and gas wells
    4.2. Drilling and construction of wells (except for oil and gas wells)
    4.3. Fixing wells with pipes, extracting pipes, free lowering or lifting pipes from wells
    4.4. Plugging works
    4.5. Construction of mine wells
    5. Pile work. Soil stabilization
    5.1. Pile work performed from the ground, including in sea and river conditions
    5.2. Pile work performed in frozen and permafrost soils
    5.3. Grillage device
    5.4. Installation of driven and bored piles
    5.5. Thermal strengthening of soils
    5.6. Cementation of soil bases with driving injectors
    5.7. Silicization and resinization of soils
    5.8. Works on the construction of structures using the "wall in the ground" method.
    5.9. Driving and lifting steel and sheet piles
    6. Installation of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures
    6.1. Formwork
    6.2. Reinforcing works
    6.3. Installation of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures
    7. Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures
    7.1. Installation of foundations and structures of the underground part of buildings and structures
    7.2. Installation of structural elements of the above-ground part of buildings and structures, including columns, frames, crossbars, trusses, beams, slabs, belts, wall panels and partitions
    7.3. Installation of volumetric units, including ventilation units, elevator shafts and garbage chutes, sanitary cabins
    8. Drilling and blasting during construction
    9. Works on the device of stone structures
    9.1. Arrangement of structures of buildings and structures made of natural and artificial stones, including those with cladding*
    9.2. Installation of brick structures, including those with cladding*
    9.3. Arrangement of heating furnaces and hearths*
    10. Installation of metal structures
    10.1. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures
    10.2. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structures of transport galleries
    10.3. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of tank structures
    10.4. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of mast structures, towers, exhaust pipes
    10.5. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of technological structures
    10.6. Installation and dismantling of cable supporting structures (stretch marks, cable-stayed structures, etc.)
    11. Installation of wooden structures
    11.1. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, including those made of glued structures *
    11.2. Assembly of residential and public buildings from prefabricated parts of a complete delivery*
    12. Protection of building structures, pipelines and equipment (except for main and field pipelines)
    12.1. Lining works
    12.2. Masonry made of acid-resistant bricks and shaped acid-resistant ceramic products
    12.3. Protective coating with paintwork materials*
    12.4. Gumming (lining with sheet rubber and liquid rubber compounds)
    12.5. Glue insulation device
    12.6. The device of metallization coatings
    12.7. Application of a front coating when installing a monolithic floor in rooms with aggressive environments
    12.8. Antiseptic treatment of wooden structures
    12.9. Waterproofing of building structures
    12.10. Works on thermal insulation of buildings, building structures and equipment
    12.11. Works on thermal insulation of pipelines*
    12.12. Works on fire protection of building structures and equipment
    13. Roofing
    13.1. Installation of roofs from piece and sheet materials*
    13.2. Roofing from roll materials*
    13.3. Self-leveling roofing*
    14. Facade works
    14.1. Surface cladding with natural and artificial stones and linear shaped stones*
    14.2. Installation of ventilated facades*
    15. Arrangement of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures
    15.1. Installation and dismantling of the water supply and sewerage system *
    15.2. Installation and dismantling of the heating system *
    15.3. Installation and dismantling of the gas supply system
    15.4. Installation and dismantling of the ventilation and air conditioning system *
    15.5. The device of the power supply system *
    15.6. Arrangement of electrical and other control networks for life support systems of buildings and structures*
    16. Installation of external water supply networks
    16.1. Laying of water pipelines
    16.2. Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and equipment for water supply networks
    16.3. Installation of water wells, caps, catchment dampers
    16.4. Cavity cleaning and testing of water pipelines
    17. Construction of external sewer networks
    17.1. Laying of non-pressure sewer pipelines
    17.1. Laying sewer pressure pipelines
    17.3. Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and equipment of sewer networks
    17.4. Installation of sewer and drain wells
    17.5. Arrangement of a filtering base for silt pads and filtration fields
    17.6. Laying drainage pipes on sludge beds
    17.7. Cavity cleaning and testing of sewer pipelines
    18. Construction of external heat supply networks
    18.1. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of up to 115 degrees Celsius
    18.2. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of 115 degrees Celsius and above
    18.3. Installation and dismantling of shutoff valves and equipment of heat supply networks
    18.4. Arrangement of wells and chambers of heat supply networks
    18.5. Cavity cleaning and testing of heating pipelines
    19. The device of external gas supply networks, except for the main
    19.1. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure up to 0.005 MPa inclusive
    19.2. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.005 MPa to 0.3 MPa inclusive
    19.3. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.3 MPa to 1.2 MPa inclusive (for natural gas), up to 1.6 MPa inclusive (for liquefied petroleum gas)
    19.4. Installation of condensate collectors for hydraulic seals and compensators on gas pipelines
    19.5. Installation and dismantling of gas control points and installations
    19.6. Installation and dismantling of tank and group cylinder installations of liquefied gas
    19.7. Entering the gas pipeline into buildings and structures
    19.8. Installation and dismantling of gas equipment for consumers using natural and liquefied gas
    19.9. Tapping under pressure into existing gas pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing gas pipelines
    19.10. Cavity cleaning and testing of gas pipelines
    20. The device of external electrical networks
    20.1. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 1 kV inclusive *
    20.2. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive
    20.3. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 330 kV inclusive
    20.4. Construction of power supply networks with voltage over 330 kV
    20.5. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV
    20.6. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 500 kV
    20.7. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with a voltage of more than 500 kV
    20.8. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive
    20.9. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage over 35 kV
    20.10. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive
    20.11. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage over 35 kV
    20.12. Installation of distribution devices, switching equipment, protection devices
    21. Arrangement of external communication lines, including telephone, radio and television *
    22. Arrangement of oil and gas industry facilities
    22.1. Installation of main and field pipelines
    22.2. Works on the arrangement of facilities for preparing oil and gas for transport
    22.3. Arrangement of oil depots and gas storage facilities
    22.4. Installation of crossing structures under linear objects (roads and railways) and other obstacles of natural and artificial origin
    22.5. Works on the construction of crossings by the method of directional drilling;
    22.6. Device for electrochemical protection of pipelines
    22.7. Tapping under pressure into existing main and field pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing main and field pipelines
    22.8. Performance of anti-corrosion protection and insulation works in relation to main and field pipelines
    22.9. Works on the development of oil and gas fields offshore
    22.10. Works on the construction of gas filling compressor stations
    22.11. Quality control of welded joints and their isolation
    22.10. Cavity cleaning and testing of main and field pipelines
    23. Installation work
    23.1. Installation of handling equipment
    23.2. Elevator installation
    23.3. Installation of equipment for thermal power plants
    23.4. Installation of boiler room equipment
    23.5. Installation of compressor units, pumps and fans*
    23.6. Installation of electrical installations, equipment, automation and alarm systems*
    23.7. Installation of equipment for nuclear power plants
    23.8. Installation of equipment for cleaning and preparation for the transportation of gas and oil
    23.9. Installation of equipment for oil and gas pumping stations and for other product pipelines
    23.10. Installation of natural gas liquefaction equipment
    23.11. Installation of gas station equipment
    23.12. Installation of equipment for ferrous metallurgy enterprises
    23.13. Installation of equipment for non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises
    23.14. Installation of equipment for the chemical and oil refining industries
    23.15. Installation of mining and ore-dressing equipment
    23.16. Installation of equipment for railway infrastructure facilities
    23.17. Installation of subway and tunnel equipment
    23.18. Installation of equipment for hydroelectric stations and other hydraulic structures
    23.19. Installation of equipment for electrical industry enterprises
    23.20. Installation of equipment for enterprises in the building materials industry
    23.21. Installation of equipment for the pulp and paper industry
    23.22. Installation of equipment for textile industry enterprises
    23.23. Installation of equipment for printing industry enterprises
    23.24. Installation of equipment for food industry enterprises*
    23.25. Installation of equipment for theater and entertainment enterprises
    23.26. Installation of equipment for granaries and grain processing enterprises
    23.27. Installation of equipment for cinematography enterprises*
    23.28. Installation of equipment for enterprises in the electronics industry and the communications industry*
    23.29. Installation of equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprises*
    23.30. Installation of equipment for agricultural production, including fish processing and fish storage*
    23.31. Installation of equipment for consumer services and public utilities *
    23.32. Installation of water intake equipment, sewerage and treatment facilities
    23.33. Installation of equipment for communication facilities*
    23.34. Installation of equipment for space infrastructure facilities
    23.35. Installation of airport equipment and other aviation infrastructure facilities
    23.36. Installation of equipment for sea and river ports
    24. Commissioning
    24.1. Commissioning of lifting and transport equipment
    24.2. Commissioning of elevators
    24.3. Commissioning of synchronous generators and excitation systems
    24.4. Commissioning of power and instrument transformers
    24.5. Commissioning of switching devices
    24.6. Commissioning of relay protection devices
    24.7. Commissioning of automation in power supply *
    24.8. Commissioning of voltage and control current systems
    24.9. Commissioning of electrical machines and electric drives
    24.10. Commissioning of automation systems, alarm systems and related devices*
    24.11. Commissioning works of stand-alone system adjustment*
    24.12. Commissioning works of complex adjustment of systems*
    24.13. Commissioning of telemechanics*
    24.14. Adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems*
    24.15. Commissioning of automatic machine lines
    24.16. Commissioning of multi-purpose metal-cutting machines with CNC
    24.17. Commissioning of unique metal-cutting machines weighing over 100 tons
    24.18. Commissioning of refrigeration units*
    24.19. Commissioning of compressor units
    24.20. Commissioning of steam boilers
    24.21. Commissioning of hot water boilers*
    24.22. Commissioning works of auxiliary boiler equipment*
    24.23. Commissioning of water treatment equipment and chemical water treatment equipment
    24.24. Start-up and adjustment works of technological installations of the fuel economy
    24.25. Commissioning of the gas-air path
    24.26. Commissioning of general boiler systems and utilities
    24.27. Commissioning of equipment for processing and finishing wood
    24.28. Commissioning of drying plants
    24.29. Commissioning works of water supply facilities
    24.30. Commissioning works of sewerage facilities
    24.31. Commissioning works at the facilities of the oil and gas complex
    25. Arrangement of roads and airfields
    25.1. Works on the construction of subgrade for highways, airport platforms, runways, taxiways
    25.2. The device of the bases of highways
    25.3. Arrangement of foundations for airport aprons, runways, taxiways
    25.4. Road pavement devices, including those reinforced with binders
    25.5. Devices for covering airport aprons, runways, taxiways
    25.6. Installation of drainage, catchment, culvert, spillway devices
    25.7. Installation of protective fences and elements of arrangement of highways
    25.8. Road marking device
    26. Arrangement of railway and tram tracks
    26.1. Works on the construction of subgrade for railway tracks
    26.2. Works on the construction of subgrade for tram tracks
    26.3. The device of the upper structure of the railway track
    26.4. Arrangement of drainage and protective structures of the subgrade of the railway track
    26.5. Installation of signaling, centralization and blocking of railways
    26.6. Railway electrification
    26.7. Stabilization of soils in the right of way of the railway
    26.8. Construction of railway crossings
    27. Construction of tunnels, subways
    27.1. Sinking of tunnels and subways without the use of special methods of tunneling
    27.2. Excavation of tunnels and subways using artificial freezing
    27.3. Sinking of tunnels and subways using grouting
    27.4. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of electrochemical fastening
    27.5. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of lowering support
    27.6. Arrangement of internal structures of tunnels and subways
    27.7. Subway track arrangement
    28. Installation of mine structures
    28.1. Sinking of the development of mine structures without the use of special methods of sinking
    28.2. Sinking of the development of mine structures using artificial freezing
    28.3. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of grouting
    28.4. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of electrochemical fastening
    28.5. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of lowering lining
    29. Arrangement of bridges, overpasses and overpasses
    29.1. Arrangement of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses
    29.2. Arrangement of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses
    29.3. Construction of pedestrian bridges
    29.4. Installation of steel superstructures of bridges, flyovers and overpasses
    29.5. Installation of wooden bridges, flyovers and overpasses
    29.6. Installation of stone bridges, flyovers and overpasses
    29.7. Laying culvert pipes on finished foundations (bases) and drainage trays
    30. Hydraulic works, diving works
    30.1. Development and movement of soil by jet and floating dredgers
    30.2. Loosening and development of soils under water in a mechanized way and issuance to a dump or floating facilities
    30.3. Drilling and construction of wells under water
    30.4. Piling work carried out in marine conditions from floating facilities, including the installation of shell piles
    30.5. Pile work performed in river conditions from floating facilities, including the installation of shell piles
    30.6. Construction of structures in sea and river conditions from natural and artificial massifs
    30.7. Construction of dams
    30.8. Installation, dismantling of building structures in underwater conditions
    30.9. Laying pipelines in underwater conditions
    30.10. Laying cables in underwater conditions, including electrical and communication
    30.11. Diving (underwater construction) works, including quality control of hydrotechnical works under water
    31. Industrial furnaces and chimneys
    31.1. Blast furnace masonry
    31.2. Masonry of the upper structure of glass melting furnaces
    31.3. Installation of furnaces from prefabricated elements of increased factory readiness
    31.4. Electrolyzers for the aluminum industry
    31.5. Lining of industrial flue and ventilation furnaces and pipes
    32. Works on the implementation of construction control by the involved developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur
    32.1. Construction control over general construction works (groups of types of work No. 1-3, 5-7, 9-14)
    32.2. Construction control over well construction works (group of types of work No. 4)
    32.3. Construction control over drilling and blasting (group of types of work No. 8)
    32.4. Construction control over work in the field of water supply and sewerage (type of work No. 15.1, 23.32, 24.29, 24.30, groups of types of work No. 16, 17)
    32.5. Construction control over work in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation (types of work No. 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 23.4, 23.5, 24.15, 24.19, 24.20, 24.25, 24.26, groups of types of work No. 18, 19)
    32.6. Construction control over works in the field of fire safety (type of work No. 12.12, 23.6, 24.10-24.12)
    32.7. Construction control over work in the field of power supply (type of work No. 15.7, 23.6, 24.3-24.10, group of types of work No. 20)
    32.8. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of communication facilities (types of work No. 23.33, group of types of work No. 21)
    32.9. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of oil and gas industry facilities (type of work No. 23.9, group of types of work No. 22)
    32.10. Construction control during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of roads and airfields, bridges, flyovers and overpasses (type of work No. 23.35, groups of types of work No. 25, 29)
    32.11. Construction control during the arrangement of railway and tram tracks (types of work No. 23.16, group of types of work No. 26)
    32.12. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul in underground conditions (types of work No. 23.17, groups of types of work No. 27, 28)
    32.13. Construction control over hydrotechnical and diving works (group of types of work No. 30)
    32.14. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul of industrial furnaces and chimneys (group of types of work No. 31)
    32.15. Construction control during construction, reconstruction and overhaul of nuclear facilities (23.7)

    33. Works on the organization of construction, reconstruction and overhaul by the involved developer or customer on the basis of a contract by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general contractor):
    33.1. Industrial engineering
    33.1.1. Enterprises and facilities of the fuel industry
    33.1.2. Enterprises and facilities of the coal industry
    33.1.3. Enterprises and objects of ferrous metallurgy
    33.1.4. Enterprises and objects of non-ferrous metallurgy
    33.1.5 Enterprises and facilities of the chemical and petrochemical industry
    33.1.6 Enterprises and objects of mechanical engineering and metalworking
    33.1.7. Enterprises and facilities of the forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper industries
    33.1.8. Enterprises and objects of light industry*
    33.1.9. Enterprises and facilities of the food industry*
    33.1.10. Enterprises and objects of agriculture and forestry*
    33.1.11. Thermal power plants
    33.1.12. Nuclear facilities
    33.1.13. Power supply facilities over 110 kV
    33.1.14. Oil and gas facilities
    33.2. Transport construction
    33.2.1. Roads and road transport infrastructure
    33.2.2. Railways and rail transport infrastructure
    33.2.3. Airports and other aviation infrastructure facilities
    33.2.4. Road and rail tunnels
    33.2.5. Subways
    33.2.6. Bridges (large and medium)
    33.2.7. Enterprises and public transport facilities*
    33.3. Housing and civil construction
    33.4. Power supply facilities up to 110 kV inclusive
    33.5. Heat supply facilities
    33.6. Gas supply facilities
    33.7. Water supply and sewerage facilities
    33.8. Buildings and facilities of communication facilities
    33.9. Maritime transport facilities
    33.10. River transport facilities
    33.11. Hydropower facilities
    33.12. Dams, dams, canals, bank protection structures, reservoirs (with the exception of hydropower facilities)
    33.13. Irrigation facilities

    * These types and groups of types of work require obtaining a certificate of admission to the types of work that affect the safety of the capital construction object, if such work is performed at the facilities specified in Article 48.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

    SRO Order No. 624

    A specific list of types of work in construction, design, engineering surveys, which can only be carried out by a member of the SRO - order 624 of December 30, 2009 defines. The normative act was developed by the Ministry of Regional Development in order to determine the standards that must be met by design, construction and repair work that affects the safety of capital construction projects. Order 624 SRO last edition also defines the list of works that can be performed without obtaining a permit.

    What works require a permit?

    In accordance with normative act, to work requiring permission from the SRO - order 624 dated December 30, 2009 includes:

    1. Engineering survey works:
    • work as part of engineering and geodetic surveys;
    • work as part of engineering and geological surveys;
    • work as part of engineering and hydrometeorological surveys;
    • work as part of engineering and environmental surveys;
    • work as part of engineering and geotechnical surveys;
    • examination of the state of soils of the foundation of buildings and structures.
  • SRO Decree 624 refers to safety-affecting work related to project documentation:
    • on preparation of the scheme of the planning organization of the land plot;
    • preparation of architectural solutions; on the preparation of constructive solutions;
    • on the preparation of information on external networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures;
    • preparation of technological solutions;
    • on the development of special sections of project documentation;
    • on preparation of projects for the organization of construction, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of the service life and conservation;
    • on preparation of draft measures for environmental protection;
    • preparation of draft measures to ensure fire safety;
    • on the preparation of draft measures to ensure access for people with limited mobility;
    • on inspection of building structures of buildings and structures;
    • on the organization of the preparation of project documentation, attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general designer).
  • Order 624 of the SRO, the latest edition, recognizes the following construction, reconstruction and overhaul works affecting safety:
    • geodetic work performed on construction sites;
    • preparatory work;
    • excavation;
    • well arrangement;
    • pile work;
    • soil stabilization;
    • arrangement of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures;
    • installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
    • drilling and blasting during construction;
    • on the device of stone structures;
    • installation of metal structures;
    • installation of wooden structures;
    • protection of building structures, pipelines and equipment (except for main and field pipelines);
    • roofing installation;
    • facade work;
    • arrangement of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures;
    • arrangement of external water supply networks;
    • arrangement of external sewerage networks;
    • arrangement of external heat supply networks;
    • arrangement of external gas supply networks, except for main ones;
    • arrangement of external electrical networks and communication lines;
    • arrangement of nuclear facilities;
    • arrangement of oil and gas industry facilities;
    • installation work;
    • commissioning works;
    • arrangement of roads and airfields;
    • arrangement of railway and tram tracks;
    • arrangement of tunnels, subways;
    • installation of mine structures;
    • arrangement of bridges, overpasses and overpasses;
    • hydrotechnical works, diving works;
    • work related to industrial furnaces and chimneys;
    • on the implementation of construction control by the attracted developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.
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    5. Works as part of engineering and geotechnical surveys

    (Performed as part of engineering-geological surveys or separately on the territory studied in engineering-geological terms for separate buildings and structures)

    5.1. Sinking of mine workings with their testing and laboratory studies of the mechanical properties of soils with the determination of characteristics for specific schemes for calculating the bases of foundations

    5.2. Field tests of soils with the determination of their standard strength and deformation characteristics (stamp, shear, pressuremeter, shear). Tests of reference and full-scale piles

    5.3. Determination of standard mechanical characteristics of soils by methods of static, dynamic and drilling sounding

    5.4. Physical and mathematical modeling of the interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment

    5.5. Special studies of soil characteristics according to individual programs for non-standard, including non-linear methods for calculating the bases of foundations and structures of buildings and structures

    5.6. Geotechnical control of construction of buildings, structures and adjacent territories

    6. Inspection of the state of soils of the foundation of buildings and structures

    II. Types of work on the preparation of project documentation

    1. Work on the preparation of a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot:

    1.1. Works on the preparation of the master plan of the land plot

    1.2. Works on the preparation of a planning organization scheme for the route of a linear facility

    1.3. Works on the preparation of the scheme of planning organization of the right of way of the linear structure

    2. Work on the preparation of architectural solutions

    3. Work on the preparation of constructive solutions

    4. Work on the preparation of information on internal engineering equipment, internal networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:

    4.1. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke ventilation, heat supply and refrigeration

    4.2. Works on the preparation of projects for internal engineering systems of water supply and sewerage

    4.3. Works on the preparation of projects for internal power supply systems

    4.4. Works on the preparation of projects for internal low-voltage systems

    4.5. Works on the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems

    4.6. Works on the preparation of projects for internal gas supply systems

    5. Work on the preparation of information on external networks of engineering and technical support, on the list of engineering and technical measures:

    5.1. Works on the preparation of projects for external heat supply networks and their structures

    5.2. Works on the preparation of projects for external water supply and sewerage networks and their structures

    5.3. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks up to 35 kV inclusive and their structures

    5.4. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of not more than 110 kV inclusive and their structures

    5.5. Works on the preparation of projects for external power supply networks of 110 kV and more and their structures

    5.6. Works on the preparation of projects for external networks of low-voltage systems

    5.7. Works on the preparation of projects for external gas supply networks and their structures

    6. Work on the preparation of technological solutions:

    6.1. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for residential buildings and their complexes

    6.2. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for public buildings and structures and their complexes

    6.3. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for industrial buildings and structures and their complexes

    6.4. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for transport facilities and their complexes

    6.5. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for hydraulic structures and their complexes

    6.6. Works on the preparation of technological solutions for agricultural facilities and their complexes

    9. Work on the preparation of draft measures for environmental protection

    10. Works on the preparation of draft measures to ensure fire safety

    11. Work on the preparation of draft measures to ensure access for people with limited mobility

    12. Work on the inspection of building structures of buildings and structures

    13. Works on organizing the preparation of project documentation, attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general designer)

    III. Types of construction, reconstruction and overhaul works

    1. Geodetic work performed on construction sites

    1.1. Marking work in the process of construction

    1.2. Geodetic control of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings and structures

    2. Preparatory work

    2.1. Dismantling (dismantling) of buildings and structures, walls, ceilings, flights of stairs and other structural and related elements or parts thereof

    2.2. Construction of temporary: roads; sites; engineering networks and structures

    2.3. Installation of rail crane tracks and foundations (supports) of stationary cranes

    2.4. Installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes

    3.2. Soil excavation and drainage arrangement in water management construction

    3.3. Soil development by hydromechanization

    3.4. Works on artificial freezing of soils

    3.5. Soil compaction with rollers, compactors or heavy rammers

    3.6. Mechanized loosening and development of permafrost soils

    3.7. Works on dewatering, organization of surface runoff and drainage

    9.2. Installation of brick structures, including those with cladding

    9.3. The device of heating furnaces and hearths

    10. Installation of metal structures

    10.1. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures

    10.2. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structures of transport galleries

    10.3. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of tank structures

    10.4. Installation, strengthening and dismantling of mast structures, towers, exhaust pipes

    10.5. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of technological structures

    10.6. Installation and dismantling of cable supporting structures (stretch marks, cable-stayed structures, etc.)

    11. Installation of wooden structures

    11.1. Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structural elements and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, including those made of glued structures

    11.2. Assembly of residential and public buildings from prefabricated parts of a complete delivery

    12. Protection of building structures, pipelines and equipment (except for main and field pipelines)

    12.4. Gumming (lining with sheet rubber and liquid rubber compounds)

    12.5. Glue insulation device

    12.6. The device of metallization coatings

    12.7. Application of a front coating when installing a monolithic floor in rooms with aggressive environments

    12.8. Antiseptic treatment of wooden structures

    12.9. Waterproofing of building structures

    12.10. Works on thermal insulation of buildings, building structures and equipment

    12.11. Works on thermal insulation of pipelines

    12.12. Works on fire protection of building structures and equipment

    13.2. Roofing from rolled materials

    13.3. The device of self-leveling roofs

    14.2. Installation of ventilated facades

    15. Arrangement of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures

    15.1. Installation and dismantling of the water supply and sewerage system

    15.2. Installation and dismantling of the heating system

    15.3. Installation and dismantling of the gas supply system

    15.4. Installation and dismantling of the ventilation and air conditioning system

    15.5. The device of the power supply system

    15.6. Arrangement of electrical and other control networks for life support systems of buildings and structures

    16. Installation of external water supply networks

    16.1. Laying of water pipelines

    16.2. Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and equipment for water supply networks

    16.3. Installation of water wells, caps, catchment dampers

    16.4. Cavity cleaning and testing of water pipelines

    17. Construction of external sewer networks

    17.1. Laying of non-pressure sewer pipelines

    17.2. Laying sewer pressure pipelines

    17.3. Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and equipment of sewer networks

    17.4. Installation of sewer and drain wells

    17.5. Arrangement of a filtering base for silt pads and filtration fields

    17.6. Laying drainage pipes on sludge beds

    17.7. Cavity cleaning and testing of sewer pipelines

    18. Construction of external heat supply networks

    18.1. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of up to 115 degrees Celsius

    18.2. Laying of heat supply pipelines with a coolant temperature of 115 degrees Celsius and above

    18.3. Installation and dismantling of shutoff valves and equipment of heat supply networks

    18.4. Arrangement of wells and chambers of heat supply networks

    18.5. Cavity cleaning and testing of heating pipelines

    19. The device of external gas supply networks, except for the main

    19.1. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure up to 0.005 MPa inclusive

    19.2. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.005 MPa to 0.3 MPa inclusive

    19.3. Laying of gas pipelines with working pressure from 0.3 MPa to 1.2 MPa inclusive (for natural gas), up to 1.6 MPa inclusive (for liquefied petroleum gas)

    19.4. Installation of condensate collectors for hydraulic seals and compensators on gas pipelines

    19.5. Installation and dismantling of gas control points and installations

    19.6. Installation and dismantling of tank and group cylinder installations of liquefied gas

    19.7. Entering the gas pipeline into buildings and structures

    19.8. Installation and dismantling of gas equipment for consumers using natural and liquefied gas

    19.9. Tapping under pressure into existing gas pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing gas pipelines

    19.10. Cavity cleaning and testing of gas pipelines

    20. The device of external electrical networks and communication lines

    20.1. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 1 kV inclusive

    20.2. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive

    20.3. Arrangement of power supply networks with voltage up to 330 kV inclusive

    20.4. Construction of power supply networks with voltage over 330 kV

    20.5. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV

    20.6. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 500 kV

    20.7. Installation and dismantling of supports for overhead power lines with a voltage of more than 500 kV

    20.8. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive

    20.9. Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables of overhead power lines with voltage over 35 kV

    20.10. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive

    20.11. Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and linear electrical equipment with voltage over 35 kV

    20.12. Installation of distribution devices, switching equipment, protection devices

    Information about changes:

    21. Arrangement of nuclear facilities

    21.1. Works on the construction of facilities with nuclear installations

    21.2. Works on the construction of nuclear weapons complex facilities

    21.3. Works on the construction of elementary particle accelerators and hot chambers

    21.4. Works on the construction of storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances, storage facilities for radioactive waste

    21.5. Works on the construction of nuclear fuel cycle facilities

    21.6. Works on the construction of facilities for the extraction and processing of uranium

    21.7. Works on decommissioning of nuclear facilities

    22. Arrangement of oil and gas industry facilities

    22.1. Installation of main and field pipelines

    22.2. Works on the arrangement of facilities for preparing oil and gas for transport

    22.3. Arrangement of oil depots and gas storage facilities

    22.4. Installation of crossing structures under linear objects (roads and railways) and other obstacles of natural and artificial origin

    22.5. Works on the construction of crossings by the method of directional drilling

    22.6. Device for electrochemical protection of pipelines

    22.7. Tapping under pressure into existing main and field pipelines, disconnection and plugging under pressure of existing main and field pipelines

    22.8. Performance of anti-corrosion protection and insulation works in relation to main and field pipelines

    22.9. Works on the development of oil and gas fields offshore

    22.10. Works on the construction of gas filling compressor stations

    22.11. Quality control of welded joints and their isolation

    22.12. Cavity cleaning and testing of main and field pipelines

    23.6. Installation of electrical installations, equipment, automation and alarm systems

    23.7. Installation of equipment for nuclear facilities

    23.8. Installation of equipment for cleaning and preparation for the transportation of gas and oil

    23.9. Installation of equipment for oil and gas pumping stations and for other product pipelines

    23.10. Installation of natural gas liquefaction equipment

    23.11. Installation of gas station equipment

    23.12. Installation of equipment for ferrous metallurgy enterprises

    23.13. Installation of equipment for non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises

    23.14. Installation of equipment for the chemical and oil refining industries

    23.15. Installation of mining and ore-dressing equipment

    23.16. Installation of equipment for railway infrastructure facilities

    23.17. Installation of subway and tunnel equipment

    23.18. Installation of equipment for hydroelectric stations and other hydraulic structures

    23.19. Installation of equipment for electrical industry enterprises

    23.20. Installation of equipment for enterprises in the building materials industry

    23.21. Installation of equipment for the pulp and paper industry

    23.22. Installation of equipment for textile industry enterprises

    23.23. Installation of equipment for printing industry enterprises

    23.24. Installation of equipment for food industry enterprises

    23.25. Installation of equipment for theater and entertainment enterprises

    23.26. Installation of equipment for granaries and grain processing enterprises

    23.27. Installation of equipment for cinematography enterprises

    23.28. Installation of equipment for electronics and communications industries

    23.29. Installation of equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprises

    23.30. Installation of equipment for agricultural production, including fish processing and fish storage

    23.31. Installation of equipment for consumer services and public utilities

    23.32. Installation of water intake equipment, sewerage and treatment facilities

    23.33. Installation of equipment for communication facilities

    23.34. Installation of equipment for space infrastructure facilities

    23.35. Installation of airport equipment and other aviation infrastructure facilities

    23.36. Installation of equipment for sea and river ports

    24. Commissioning

    24.1. Commissioning of lifting and transport equipment

    24.2. Commissioning of elevators

    24.3. Commissioning of synchronous generators and excitation systems

    24.4. Commissioning of power and instrument transformers

    24.5. Commissioning of switching devices

    24.6. Commissioning of relay protection devices

    24.7. Commissioning of automation in power supply

    24.8. Commissioning of voltage and control current systems

    24.9. Commissioning of electrical machines and electric drives

    24.10. Commissioning of automation systems, alarm systems and related devices

    24.11. Start-up and commissioning of offline system commissioning

    24.12. Commissioning works of complex adjustment of systems

    24.13. Commissioning of telemechanics

    24.14. Adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems

    24.15. Commissioning of automatic machine lines

    24.16. Commissioning of multi-purpose metal-cutting machines with CNC

    24.17. Commissioning of unique metal-cutting machines weighing over 100 tons

    24.18. Commissioning of refrigeration units

    24.19. Commissioning of compressor units

    24.20. Commissioning of steam boilers

    24.21. Commissioning of hot water boilers

    24.22. Commissioning of boiler auxiliary equipment

    24.23. Commissioning of water treatment equipment and chemical water treatment equipment

    24.24. Start-up and adjustment works of technological installations of the fuel economy

    24.25. Commissioning of the gas-air path

    24.26. Commissioning of general boiler systems and utilities

    24.27. Commissioning of equipment for processing and finishing wood

    24.28. Commissioning of drying plants

    24.29. Commissioning works of water supply facilities

    24.30. Commissioning works of sewerage facilities

    24.31. Commissioning works at the facilities of the oil and gas complex

    Information about changes:

    25.1. Works on the construction of subgrade for highways, airport platforms, runways, taxiways

    25.2. The device of the bases of highways

    25.3. Arrangement of foundations for airport aprons, runways, taxiways

    25.4. Road pavement devices, including those reinforced with binders

    25.5. Devices for covering airport aprons, runways, taxiways

    25.6. Installation of drainage, catchment, culvert, spillway devices

    25.7. Installation of protective fences and elements of arrangement of highways

    25.8. Road marking device

    26. Arrangement of railway and tram tracks

    26.1. Works on the construction of subgrade for railway tracks

    26.2. Works on the construction of subgrade for tram tracks

    26.3. The device of the upper structure of the railway track

    26.4. Arrangement of drainage and protective structures of the subgrade of the railway track

    26.5. Installation of signaling, centralization and blocking of railways

    26.6. Railway electrification

    26.7. Stabilization of soils in the right of way of the railway

    26.8. Construction of railway crossings

    27. Construction of tunnels, subways

    27.1. Sinking of tunnels and subways without the use of special methods of tunneling

    27.2. Excavation of tunnels and subways using artificial freezing

    27.3. Sinking of tunnels and subways using grouting

    27.4. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of electrochemical fastening

    27.5. Sinking of tunnels and subways with the use of lowering support

    27.6. Arrangement of internal structures of tunnels and subways

    27.7. Subway track arrangement

    28. Installation of mine structures

    28.1. Sinking of the development of mine structures without the use of special methods of sinking

    28.2. Sinking of the development of mine structures using artificial freezing

    28.3. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of grouting

    28.4. Sinking of the development of mine structures with the use of electrochemical fastening