All about the currency of Thailand: the history of monetary units, housing prices, food, transport. Exchangers in Thailand: the current exchange rate of the dollar and the ruble, where it is profitable and unprofitable to change Thai money against the ruble


The name of the country comes from a Germanized combination of the words "Thai" and "land".

The territory of the country is located in the western part of the Indochina Peninsula and also occupies the northern part of the Malay Peninsula, washed in the west by the waters of the Andaman Sea, and in the east by the Gulf of Thailand, which is part of the South China Sea. Almost the entire country is covered with tropical jungles. The territory of the state exceeds 514 thousand square kilometers.

The population of Thailand exceeds 67 million people. Despite the fact that the vast majority of the country's population is Thai, there are also many Laotians, Chinese, Khmers, Vietnamese, Malays and Hmong. The official language in the country is Thai.

The capital of the Kingdom of Thailand at this time is the city of Bangkok, located in the northwest of the Indochina peninsula. In addition to the capital, a number of other large cities of the country should be noted, such as Nakhon Ratchusima, Khon Kaen, Nakhon Sawan, Chiang Mai and others.

The history of the country begins in the 13th century, when the kingdom of Sukhothai arose on the territory of modern Thailand, which was replaced by the state of Ayutthaya in the 14th century. For centuries, the people of Thailand have been influenced by the culture of India and China, forming on the basis of this their original culture. The emerging state of the Thais constantly fought with its neighbors - the Burmese, who carried out predatory campaigns here, and, starting from the 18th century, with European colonialists, in particular Britain. Finally ceding its southern provinces to Britain, Thailand, then called Siam, remained the only independent country in the region. In 1939, Siam became a constitutional monarchy and was renamed Thailand, supporting Japan at the time. During the Second World War, Thailand was formally neutral, which ultimately saved its sovereignty and territorial integrity. In 2006, a military coup took place in the country, which culminated in a change of government, which changed the strategic course of the country's development.

At present, the Kingdom of Thailand is a fairly developed state of its region with a constitutional-monarchical form of government, which has a significant impact on the political processes taking place in the region. The main branches of the national economy of the country are still Agriculture, tourism, mining, processing and electronic industries.

The monetary unit of the Kingdom of Thailand is currently Thai baht(THB code 764). The term "bat" was in use in Indochina as early as the 14th century and denoted the common name of the currencies of the countries of the region.

Since the 14th century, the national currency called Tikal has been in circulation in Siam. The country minted large convex coins of gold and silver tikals, which were universally accepted as a single means of payment in the kingdom. Since 1861, coins were introduced into circulation, which were minted in Birmingham and had a traditional round shape. They received the local name "ryen" and were made of copper, zinc, silver and even gold, depending on the denomination. In 1898, Siam switched to the decimal division of the main monetary unit, abandoning the British system. Now one tikal was divided into 100 satangs. Since 1928, the government of Siam decided to introduce a new monetary unit, which was called baht. This currency is also in circulation in modern Thailand.

The national currency of Thailand in its history has experienced quite a lot of upheavals associated with crises and upheavals in the country. At the moment, its rate is such that when exchanging for 1 Thai baht, you can get about 1 Russian ruble. For 1 US dollar they get about 30.5 baht, for 1 euro - 40.6 baht, for 1 Ukrainian hryvnia - about 4 baht, for 1 pound sterling - about 48 baht.

1 Thai baht is divided into 100 satang. The name of the monetary unit comes from the Pali language and literally means "sata" - "hundredth" and "anga" - "part".

Currently, the Bank of Thailand, which forms the issue policy in the country, has issued banknotes in denominations of 20 (twenty), 50 (fifty), 100 (one hundred), 500 (five hundred) and 1000 (one thousand) Thai baht. Coins with a nominal denomination of 25 (twenty-five) and 50 (fifty) satangs, as well as coins with a denomination of 1 (one), 2 (two), 5 (five) and 10 ( ten) baht.

Thai baht banknotes, although not without a small amount of originality in terms of design and decoration, are still for the most part typical of states with a monarchical form of government. So, on the front side of banknotes of all denominations, the king who rules in the country now, Bhumibol Adulyadej, aka Rama IX, is depicted. The denomination of banknotes in digital format is shown in the upper right and lower left corners of the bill. The reverse of the banknotes is also decorated with images of the kings who ruled the country earlier. So, on a banknote of 20 baht there is a full-length portrait of King Mahidol Ananda and a bridge in Bangkok named after him, in 50 baht - a monument to King Rama IV and the world's highest temple stupa Phra Pathom chedi Banknote in the background, in 100 baht - a statue of kings Rama V and VI with servants and children, at 500 baht - a monument to King Rama III and the Buddhist temple of Bangkoke Wat Ratchanadda in the background, at 1000 baht - a full-length portrait of the current king Rama IX and an image of a dam in the background.

Thai banknotes were printed and printed at the Royal Thai Mint in Bangkok.

The coins of Thailand, depending on the denomination, differ in size, the material from which they are made, and the pattern of minting on them. So on the obverse of all coins of Thailand without exception, a profile portrait of the current king Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) is minted. On the reverse of the coins, images of national architectural monuments are minted. So, for example, a 25-satang coin depicts the country residence of the kings of Thailand, 50-satang coins depict a Buddhist temple in the south of the country, 1 baht depicts the royal palace with three pagodas in Bangkok, 2 baht depicts the royal palace of the early period, 5 baht - a Buddhist monastery in the north of the country, at 10 baht - the old coat of arms of the country. Coins in denominations of 25 and 50 satang are made of copper, 1 and 5 baht are made of copper-nickel alloy, and 2 bads are made of brass. The 10 baht coin is made in a bimetallic way: the core of the coin is made of brass, and the rim is made of copper-nickel alloy. All coins of Thailand currently have the correct round radial shape.

All coins of the Kingdom of Thailand were minted at the factories of the Royal Mint in Pathum Thani.

For numerous guests and tourists arriving in the country, exchanging their currency for local is quite easy and simple. Exchange offices are located everywhere in areas of mass congestion of tourists. And these are the airports seaports, recreation centers, hotels, historical and architectural centers. The exchange can also be made in banking institutions, which are located mainly in large cities and the capital of the country. In the resorts of Thailand, as payment for services and goods, local residents are happy to accept US dollars, euros, and pounds sterling, so you should not worry about the exchange. The customs legislation in the country regarding the import of currency is also quite liberal and does not provide for restrictions of this kind.

So, you are going to visit Thailand: Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, etc. You will see approximately such a table of rates in exchangers + the commission of the exchange office will appear in the price. The data presented below will help you objectively evaluate currency exchange offers and calculate your travel budget.

Attention! All courses on this page are exchange rates and are broadcast in real time. The exchange rate is a leading indicator. Therefore, if the exchange office has a different rate, then they will react a little later + do not forget about the commission (spread) of the exchange office, which is included immediately in the sale and purchase price.

baht to ruble exchange rate

or how many rubles is worth 1 baht

Multiply any price tag in Thailand by the current value of THB, and get the price in rubles.

We recommend buying/selling the baht at a price that differs by no more than 1% from the current rate. It is important to remember that in Thailand, at the normal rate, you can only change banknotes of $100, €100 and €500. Exchangers buy banknotes of a smaller denomination at a discount.

The exchange rate of the baht to the ruble - dynamics


This graph reflects the dynamics of changes in the Thai baht against the ruble.
You can also see how profitable it is for Russians to travel to Thailand. For example, in 2020, one baht costs us twice as much as in 2014.

The dollar exchange rate of the baht - dynamics

or how much baht is worth 1 dollar

This chart is for residents of Thailand, as for the Russians the dollar exchange rate. The higher it is, the worse they live, and the cheaper it is for tourists to visit the country of smiles.

Consider all the options for buying baht for dollars, euros and rubles that you will have available, from the most profitable to the less profitable:

  1. Sell ​​euros and dollars at exchange offices ( bank-owned and private traders, in the latter you have the risk of buying counterfeit banknotes or being cheated. The best rate is usually, but not always, in exchangers, with a yellow or blue plate)
  2. Actually pay in dollars, euros anywhere (rarely refused).
  3. Payment bank card(more profitable ruble than currency). By the way, small shops, when paying by card, may be asked to pay plus 3%.
  4. Withdraw baht from an ATM. By the way, ATMs in Thailand do not issue dollars and euros. The limit in all ATMs in the country is usually 10,000 baht per transaction.
  5. Upon arrival in Tai: at the Airport, at the hotel, at the tour. managers. (they all take advantage of your ignorance of the course)
  6. Buy baht in Russia - the Central Bank will cash in on you to the maximum

Another way, out this rating, this is to bring with you rubles, which you can exchange at popular resorts among Russians. Thus, you save quite a bit on conversion compared to the first option. But be prepared to look for such an exchanger and a favorable baht to ruble exchange rate. The risk is big, the savings are small (as with street money changers). Lottery, but we had to touch on this option because it exists. With tenge or hryvnia, this trick will not work.

Useful information:

  • The baht has been the currency of Thailand since 1928.
  • The international letter designation for baht is "THB".
  • It is forbidden for one tourist to take out of the kingdom more than 50,000 baht in cash. The limit for exporting cash to countries neighboring Thailand is 2,000,000 baht.
  • The import of baht, on the contrary, without any restrictions.
(24 ratings, average: 4,96 out of 5)

Leaving for vacation or work in Thailand, many people are interested in the exchange rate of the local currency and the possibility of its exchange in the country. The main currency of this state is the Thai baht. Let's talk about the features of this currency, about the exchange rates of the baht to the ruble and options for a profitable exchange in different countries, banks and exchangers. We will tell you how to convert rubles to baht.

RUB to Thai baht exchange rate calculator

Thanks to the system's online calculators, we can quickly convert baht to rubles.

View the currency calculator, which calculates the dynamics of the movement of the baht in exchangers for today or for the past period.

To buy any currency, numerous exchangers operate in the cities and airports of Thailand, offering a stable price, which practically does not differ from the world ratio of currency pairs.

The exchange rate of the ruble to baht in exchangers in Phuket

The difference in baht exchange rates in Phuket is small. But doing the exchange at the airport is not very profitable.
Banking points:

Buying local currency in other places, such as hotels or small exchange offices, is both risky and unprofitable. Experienced tourists recommend the official TMB exchanger as the most profitable in Phuket.

The exchange rate of the ruble to the baht in the exchange offices of Pattaya

Tourists recommend the most profitable exchange office, which is located on the ground floor at the airport. It is located at the City Line exit. Also, the most profitable purchase of local currency is offered by kiosks with a red and yellow design. In descending order, banks can be arranged in the following order:

It is possible to make a purchase directly at ATMs, but the exchange rate is not very favorable and a commission is taken.

The exchange rate of the ruble to the baht on Koh Samui

It is important to know that everything exchange offices Koh Samui is located behind the passport control area. On the island itself, there are enough bank branches and points that exchange Thai baht. For owners plastic card exchange at ATMs is possible. For security, it is better to use terminals located on the territory of banks. Tourists are advised to change currency in green or red exchangers, they give more there.

  • It is not very advisable to buy currency at the Bangkok airport, since its cost there is always much lower than in Phuket or Pattaya exchange offices, and accordingly there will be less money.
  • At home, you can use the 49 currencies exchanger, where you can exchange rubles for baht in Moscow at a good price. But it is more profitable to exchange rubles for euros, and then change them in Thailand.
  • Russian tourists always want to know if it is possible to exchange rubles for baht in Thailand? We advise you to better stock up on dollars or euros in Russian Federation at the rate of the Central Bank of Russia, and then convert them to baht. Yield will be more profitable.
  • As for the ratio of baht thb - Chinese yuan or Kazakhstani tenge, then exchange rate will correspond to the quotes of these denominations at the current moment.

When using local ATMs to buy baht, you need to know that a service fee of 150 Thai baht is taken for one transaction, which is also a lot. Therefore, it is better to change a large amount at once, without breaking it into small parts.

When traveling to Thailand, you need to take care of the financial support of your vacation, making it interesting and unforgettable.

How much we live in Pattaya, tourists ask us so much: “What currency to take to Thailand?” We answered differently, depending on economic situation. But times have changed, and for 2020 we can give clear advice on what currency to take to Thailand - rubles, dollars or euros. Of course, the final decision with which currency to go to Thailand is yours. But we advise you to listen to our opinion. This will help you save, if not money, then nerves. Isn't that the most important thing on vacation?

From bad to worse and back

With what currency to go to Pattaya? What currency to take to Thailand? What is more profitable to take to Thailand: dollars, rubles or euros? Perhaps these are the main questions that confront all tourists who are going on vacation to the land of smiles. Previously, it was not so easy to answer this question - especially if you are going to Pattaya or Phuket, where there are many exchangers with the market rate of the dollar, euro and ruble. But now, thanks to the purposeful and consistent actions of the Russian authorities, there is no more need to think about the answer! And that's why.

Before you is a graph of the change in the exchange rate of the Thai baht to the Russian ruble for 2019-2020. Actually, to be precise, this is how the course changed dollar to the ruble But since the rate of the Thai baht against the dollar has not changed much over the year, the dynamics of the ruble against the baht looks the same. Yes, friends, this is true: I’m already tired of explaining that it’s not the dollar or the baht that has grown - it’s the ruble that has fallen. For those who still believe in the fairy tales of Uncle TV and spend a lot of time on Odnoklassniki, I advise you to read the article with the magical effect of clearing eyes:

As we have the misfortune to observe on the chart, the ruble exchange rate has been changing very strongly lately - from bad to very bad and back. Yes, sometimes it grows, as in late 2019 - early 2020. But it falls with no less constancy. In general, the ruble is very unstable. And if we turn to common sense, as well as the statements of Russian and foreign economists, then all forecasts say: stability in the Russian economy should not be expected in the near future. And all this directly affects our opinion about what currency to take to Thailand in 2020.

What currency to take to Thailand in 2020? Only not rubles!

Until recently, when the ruble exchange rate did not change so rapidly, I answered the question “What currency to take to Thailand”, depending on the situation. They say that there are many exchange offices in the city where you can exchange rubles for baht at the market rate, but keep in mind that this rate may change, etc., etc. But times have changed, and in the current economic situation, my advice is clear : You only need to bring dollars to Thailand. And that's why.

Imagine the situation. You came to Pattaya with rubles. Yes, there are many exchange offices in the city where you can exchange rubles for baht at the market rate. Here are some of them (keep in mind that the heading in the photo is not the same, but the addresses remain the same):

So, you checked into a hotel, changed money - for example, at the rate of 0.55 baht for 1 ruble. In a few days, come to the exchanger - and the rate is already 0.48! And nowhere to go, money is needed, you have to change. Pass the same exchanger every other day - and there is already 0.5 (or 0.6, or 0.4).

American tourists in Pattaya watch in horror as their currency depreciates against the Thai baht.
Joke. Not American.

I'm not even talking about lost money: do you need this hassle on vacation? So that every morning, waking up to the singing of birds and the splashing of the sea wave, you don’t think about which ones to go to or where to go to, but run to the exchange office or open the news to find out what’s going on with the ruble?

Therefore, friends, do not wind your nerves on vacation! What is the best currency to take to Thailand in 2020? My advice is unequivocal - only a dollar! Or another stable currency, but not the ruble. And then you will know exactly how much money you have at the moment. No need to spoil your nerves with worries about exchange rates. You are on vacation!

Don't beat your head! Fill your pockets! dollars

There is one more question that tourists ask no less often than "What currency to take to Thailand." It sounds something like this: “And if I exchange rubles for yuan (tenge, Swedish krona, etc.), and them for Thai baht, will I win?” The answer is no. Because the exchange rate of the ruble fell against all world currencies without exception: the dollar, the yuan, the Swedish krona, and even the Ukrainian hryvnia. Don't try to cheat reality. We have all been deceived for a long time. So relax, buy dollars and have fun. As long as it's not banned.

The official exchange rate in Phuket and Pattaya in banks (Cassicorn, Bangkok, Siam and Ayutthaya Bank). Rate data provided by Yahoo Finance, updated hourly.

Currency rate calculator.

Thai baht to ruble exchange rate today in Pattaya and Phuket

Baht value in currency
in bahtin dollarsin rublesIn Euro
1 0.03 USD 2.42 RUB 0.03 EUR
10 0.31 USD 24.22 RUB 0.28 EUR
50 1.54 USD 121.08 RUB 1.38 EUR
100 3.07 USD 242.15 RUB 2.75 EUR
500 15.37 USD 1,210.75 RUB 13.76 EUR
1000 30.74 USD 2,421.51 RUB 27.53 EUR
5000 153.71 USD 12,107.54 RUB 137.64 EUR
10000 307.41 USD 24,215.07 RUB 275.28 EUR

The exchange rate of the national currency is set by the Central Bank of the country and depends on many different factors. I would like to highlight separately that as a result of the depreciation of the Russian currency and the strengthening of the Thai baht against the ruble, 1 (TNV) has not been equal to 1 (RUB) for a long time.
Tourists who decide to visit the Kingdom of Thailand, whether it be the island of Phuket or Pattaya, are faced with financial matters. In addition to how much money to carry, the important question is in what currency it is more profitable to do it: dollars or rubles.

In 2008, in Thailand, rubles were exchanged for baht through the dollar, therefore, during the exchange you lost interest (about 1.5%). Therefore, there was no point in importing Russian currency until 2012. Since 2012, direct exchange points (ruble for baht) began to operate in Pattaya.

List of Thai banks where you can follow the online exchange rates of the ruble to baht:

The history of the exchange rate of the ruble to baht for the last month

Profitable exchange offices in Pattaya

We will clearly show where it is profitable to change cash in Pattaya:

  2. TMB bank.

There are a large number of currency exchange bank data in the following places:

  1. along the beach streets;
  2. at the Phuket Central Festival shopping center;
  3. at the Shopping Mall in Pattaya;
  4. on Walking Street in Pattaya.

Focus on the sign with the inscription "Corrency Exchange", which translates as currency exchange. When exchanging, ask if there is a commission for the exchange. Some exchangers set an additional fee.

We do not recommend exchanging with black currency traders or with some enterprising guides. In the Kingdom of Thailand, you can get a real term for exchanging currencies from black money changers.

Profitable exchangers in Phuket

Once on the island of Phuket, it is most profitable to exchange rubles for baht, you can:

In the Phuket Central Festival shopping center - located in Phuket Town - the capital of the island;

Near the BaumanCasa Karon Beach Resort - located near Karon Beach;

Two exchangers, to the left and right of the main entrance to the Ocean Plaza Patong shopping center, are located in Patong on Beach Road.

The course is rather unstable and changes often with a minus in our favor. This is done about 2 times a month. Thanks to horse races, exchangers increase their profits thanks to tourists.

Let's clarify a couple of important points:

  1. Most of the exchangers do not work 24 hours a day. Standard schedule: from 8.00 to 22.00.
  2. Exchangers that have a round-the-clock work schedule exchange at a rate much worse.
  3. Pay attention to exchangers at hotels - they often provide a profitable exchange.

The main thing to remember is that you should not rush to exchange money, they will not run away. Look for exchangers based on our advice.

With what money to go to the Kingdom of Thailand: rubles, dollars or euros?

We definitely do not recommend coming to Thailand with the euro currency (EUR) due to the unstable exchange rate. It is better to constantly monitor him before departure, in order to avoid a misinformed situation. With the US dollar, it is much easier in the exchange situation. It is worth noting that you need to buy the US dollar while still at home, and exchange for baht on arrival at the above exchangers.

The most advantageous situation is when you do not acquire a dollar during the purchase from the bank, but earn it or withdraw it from the account on which you had it. But in a situation with denominations of less than 50 dollars, this does not work, since the rate is based on the denomination of the cash you have. For example, for 50 dollars (a bill) in the exchanger you will be given less than 100. 20 dollars or less, they may refuse to exchange at all or still exchange, but at the rate many times even less than 50 dollars. To exchange for good exchange rate Bring only large bills with you.

Problems with the exchange can also arise when trying to change crumpled or marked money.

About fraud in the exchangers of Pattaya and Phuket

The probability of encountering the situations described below is negligible, but it is still worth talking about them. Forewarned - armed. They happen in 99% in private currency exchange offices, so try to avoid private traders.

Consider the most common cases:

1. During transmission Money, an employee performing a currency exchange operation drops a certain amount, imperceptibly to your eye, in the hope that it will go unnoticed. This fraud is hard to prove. Tip: transfer money for exchange one bill at a time, not a whole bundle. Tracking the exact amount of money given to you this way is much easier.

2. “Wringing” banknotes is when several banknotes in a pack are folded 2 times so that their number seems many times larger. This old and favorite way is also often used by scammers. You are charged one amount. But in fact, when recalculated, it turns out to be a different amount and definitely not in your favor.

3. Knowingly incorrectly handed out amount. Everything is simple here, you need not be too lazy and turn on the calculator on your mobile device in order to accurately calculate the amount due to you from the exchange. When issuing, count the money without leaving the cash desk and compare the amount received.