Who owns bank yugra


The bank "Ugra" may change its shareholder, follows from the message of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS): instead of the Swiss company Radamant Financial AG, through which the bank is owned by Alexei Khotin, the Russian JSC "Direct Investments" may enter the capital. The department considered and granted the petition of Radamant Financial AG (Radamant Financial AG, Switzerland - the main shareholder of the bank, which now owns 52.42% of its shares) to establish the company Direct Investments JSC by paying for its authorized capital with shares of Yugra Bank, the message says. As a result, Direct Investments will receive 86.83% of Yugra's shares. Deputy Head of Control Department financial markets FAS Lilia Belyaeva confirmed to Vedomosti that the service had granted the petition, and explained that the bank was actually changing its shareholder - its shares would be owned by Direct Investments instead of Radamanta Financial AG. It follows from the SPARK data that the Direct Investments company was registered on April 5, 2017, more than 60% in its authorized capital belongs to Radamant Financial AG, the rest - to individuals. The representative of Yugra, in response to questions from Vedomosti, said that it was planned to completely exclude control over the bank of a company with the jurisdiction of a foreign state - as part of the implementation of the state line of deoffshorization. This will allow establishing transparent and understandable control over the credit institution, he says. A petition has been submitted to the Central Bank for the issuance of the preliminary consent of the regulator for the acquisition of Yugra shares by Direct Investments. The Central Bank recommended that the joint-stock company obtain a preliminary consent from the FAS, says a representative of the bank. A transparent bank ownership structure is a long-standing wish of the regulator, says the financier, who knows this from the Central Bank staff. He recalls that the regulator has been pushing for a transparent structure for several years. Until 2015, the bank was owned by 12 individuals, although participants banking market were sure that de facto the bank was controlled by Moscow developers Yuri and Alexei Khotin - persons related to them in 2012 acquired a small bank "Ugra", which then occupied the 272nd place in terms of assets in the Interfax-CEA ranking. In 2015, Vedomosti sources, including those close to the Central Bank, said that the regulator insisted on disclosing the real owners. At the end of 2015, the bank carried out an additional issue in favor of Radamant Financial for 6.8 billion rubles, as a result of which Alexey Khotin began to appear as the owner of the bank for the first time. “Perhaps this is the desire of the Central Bank - the regulator evaluates the ownership structure, and non-residents may become a reason for assessing this structure as not very transparent,” says RAEX methodologist Yuri Belikov. Perhaps now we are talking about some kind of injection into the capital of the bank, and in the case of a Russian legal entity, it is much easier for the Central Bank to control the origin of the funds used to replenish capital, he believes: “It seems that the regulator wants to make sure that Yugra does not capitalize itself , that is, the shareholders do not use the bank's funds to replenish its capital. For the regulator, the Russian shareholder is indeed more understandable - it is better to see where the funds come from in the capital, and in fact this limits the possibilities of scheme replenishment of own funds, the owner of one of the banks agrees. In May, Yugra received an order from the Central Bank to complete the formation of reserves for more than 40 billion rubles, several people told Vedomosti about this: a banker who learned about the contents of the document from employees of the Central Bank, a counterparty of Yugra and a state banker who received information about the order from one of the senior leaders of the Central Bank, as well as a businessman who knows this from law enforcement agencies. Two of the interlocutors of Vedomosti said that the reserves needed to be added by about 46 billion rubles. The third pointed out that the amount of under-created reserves was about 50 billion rubles. The capital of Yugra by May 1 amounted to 51.7 billion rubles, as of June 1 - 50.2 billion rubles. The bank will not be able to create such reserves one-time without additional capitalization. “This may reflect a general trend towards deoffshorization: large and medium business among the holdings is gradually starting to work without the use of offshore companies. this is also typical for the banking market. This is stimulated by the regulator: there are also conversations with shareholders and with representatives of holdings. In the case of Ugra, I think this is also related to the trend and reflects the requirement of the Central Bank to show the structure of beneficiaries more transparently. Apparently, this is what will happen,” says Pavel Samiev, Managing Director of the National Rating Agency. The representative of Yugra, in response to Vedomosti's questions about whether the Central Bank had asked the bank to straighten the ownership structure, said that the regulator had not made this requirement to the bank.

Invisible Shareholder

PJSC Bank Yugra was established in November 1990. In 1992 it was transformed into a joint-stock commercial Bank. In 1994, the bank opened a branch in Moscow. Since December 2004, the bank has been a member of the system compulsory insurance deposits.

In 2012, managers of companies associated with Alexei Khotin bought Yugra Bank. Khotin owns 0.4757% of Yugra Bank directly, as well as 52.42868% through a series of legal entities led by Radamant Financial AG. A 29.99% stake in Exillon Energy belongs to Seneal International Agency Ltd, whose beneficiary is Alexey Khotin. According to Forbes, Khotin needed the bank to develop the oil business.

Aleksey and Yuri Khotin (in recent years, according to Forbes, Aleksey, the son, has been doing all the business) are Belarusian businessmen who have been doing business in Russia for 20 years, but journalists still don’t know what they look like.

Forbes, citing the businessman's acquaintances, wrote that one of his "patrons" was former Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov. According to the magazine, he could personally take part in making bankers more willing to issue loans to the Khotins' companies.

During the period from January 1, 2013 to January 1, 2016, the bank's assets grew by almost 35 times (from 9.4 billion to 330.6 billion rubles), the bank moved from 272nd to 29th place among Russian banks in terms of the amount of assets.

At the end of 2015, the bank carried out an additional capitalization for 6.8 billion rubles, the additional issue was bought by a closed subscription by Radamant Financial AG. Prior to this, the bank was owned by 12 individuals, but, according to participants in the banking market, Yugra Bank was controlled by Yuri and Alexei Khotin. To reveal the main owners in the ownership structure of Ugra was one of the conditions of the Central Bank for the additional capitalization of the bank.

The main shareholders of the bank as of December 31, 2016 are: Radamant Financial AG (owned by Alexei Khotin) - 52.43%, Maya Alanjiy - 9.41%, Elena Laikova - 7.39%, Vera Esionova - 7.10%, Natalia Ivanova - 6.37%, minority shareholders - 17.3%.

According to Interfax-CEA for the first quarter of 2017, Yugra Bank ranks 33rd in terms of assets (247.3 billion rubles) and 36th in terms of equity(22 billion rubles). The loss in the first quarter amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. (542nd place). Funds of individuals at the end of the first quarter of 2017 amounted to 170.4 billion rubles. (12th place among Russian banks). Financial indicators for 2016 according to IFRS: assets - 259.5 billion rubles, capital - 25.2 billion rubles, total income - 1.9 billion rubles.

What else does Alexey Khotin own?

Publicly, Alexei Khotin owns only a controlling stake in Yugra Bank and a stake in the oil company Exillon Energy. Often, the media attribute other assets to Khotin.

Real estate

In the 2017 rentier rating, Forbes put Alexei Khotin and his father Yuri with the Complex Investments group in 8th place with a rental income of $295 million. The leased retail space was estimated at 176 thousand square meters. m, office - 1.1 million sq. m. In October 2015, the RBC newspaper wrote that the building of the former hotel "Moscow" on the street. Okhotny Ryad, 2 (today it operates under the Four Seasons brand) from Suleiman Kerimov was bought by Yuri and Alexei Khotin. The minimum amount of the transaction was, according to experts, $160 million. In August of the same year, the Khotins bought the Fashion Season gallery located there from Kerimov, Forbes wrote. The amount of the transaction was not named, but Kerimov himself estimated this asset at $350 million.

In September 2016, Kommersant reported that business centers in Moscow and the region with a total area of ​​about 1.5 million square meters were under the management of New Life Group and Sky Property companies. m, most of which belonged to structures close to Alexei and Yuri Khotin.

"Gorbushkin yard"

Back in June 2011, Kommersant wrote that Gorbushkin Dvor became the property of the Khotins when MTZ Rubin sold it along with the nearby Filion shopping center for an amount that, according to experts, could be up to $500 million. In April 2017, the head of the Rus Oil oil company, Sergey Podlysetsky, announced that he was the owner of the shopping center, and in June 2017, in the media that Podlysetsky was selling the Gorbushkin Dvor shopping center to a shareholder of Russia's largest drug manufacturer Pharmstandard » Viktor Kharitonin for $500 million.

Oil business

In 2016, Forbes wrote that Alexey and Yuri Khotin owned NK Dulisma, a 29.9% stake in Exillon Energy, Irelyakhneft, Negusneft and the Polar Lights company, which they bought from ConocoPhillips and Rosneft. The publication reported that since 2010, entrepreneurs have bought about ten oil companies and sites, including Kuwait Energy (owned the Luzhskoye and Chikshina fields, VIK and Pechora Energy Company, estimated at the time of purchase - $ 5-10 million), Krivoluksky license area (reserves - 37.4 million tons of oil, estimated at $ 30 million), Sokolovskoye and Mayorskoye fields in the Orenburg region. The Khotins' investments in oil assets, taking into account infrastructure costs, were estimated at $1 billion. Despite the denials of Alexei Khotin's partners, the publication insisted on his participation in the oil business.

Full name of PJSC “Bank Yugra” City of Moscow License number 880 | Information on the website of the Central Bank Reason for license revocation Date 07/28/2017 Reason for license revocation Money population and their placement in assets of unsatisfactory quality. Wherein credit organisation did not independently create reserves for possible losses adequate to the accepted risks. The State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency", which, by order of the Bank of Russia, was entrusted with the functions of an interim administration for managing a credit institution, conducted a survey of the bank's financial position. The result of the survey was an objective reflection of the value of assets in the financial statements of the credit institution, which led to the complete loss of its own funds (capital).

The business model of PJSC "Bank Yugra" was based on financing business projects related to the beneficiaries of a credit institution at the expense of attracted funds from individuals by issuing loans to companies whose scale of activity did not correspond to the volume of loans received. The credit institution actually did not provide any significant volumes of lending to individuals, as well as legal entities not related to the bank's owners. At the same time, the supervisory authority in the activities of the credit institution has repeatedly identified transactions that have signs of the withdrawal of assets and high-quality collateral, dubious transit operations, the facts of submission of materially unreliable reporting data, the scheme implementation of the requirements of the Bank of Russia’s instructions and violation of the imposed restrictions. In 2017, the Bank of Russia informed the Prosecutor General's Office six times Russian Federation about the facts of the withdrawal of assets by the credit institution and twice - Rosfinmonitoring about the bank's dubious transit operations.

The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied supervisory response measures against Bank Yugra PJSC, including restrictions imposed three times on attracting household deposits. Under these conditions, PJSC Bank Yugra continued to pursue an aggressive policy of attracting funds from the population, including using a scheme aimed at circumventing the requirements of the regulator (giving depositors shares in the bank). The measures taken by the credit institution did not lead to an increase in its financial stability, improve the quality of assets and were of a formal nature, aimed at camouflaging low-quality assets.

In the first days of the work of the temporary administration for the management of PJSC Bank Yugra, operations carried out by the bank with reporting in order to hide the real financial situation were revealed.

According to the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency", the implementation of the procedure financial recovery with the involvement of the Agency and the bank's creditors, it was recognized as economically inexpedient due to the extremely low quality of assets and the size of the identified imbalance between the value of assets and liabilities, taking into account that PJSC Bank Yugra is not a systemically important credit institution.

The financial recovery plan presented by the owner of the bank was recognized by the Bank of Russia as unrealistic in terms of the terms, volumes and sources of additional capitalization proposed by the owner, and some of its provisions do not comply with current legislation.

Under the circumstances, the Bank of Russia, on the basis of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Banks and banking» fulfilled the obligation to revoke the banking license from the credit institution.

The decision of the Bank of Russia was made due to non-compliance with federal laws governing banking activities, as well as Bank of Russia regulations, the value of all equity (capital) adequacy ratios below two percent, a decrease in the amount of equity (capital) below the minimum value of the authorized capital established at the date of state registration of the credit institution, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law "On central bank Russian Federation (Bank of Russia).

In connection with the revocation of the license for banking operations, the activities of the provisional administration for the management of PJSC Bank Yugra, whose functions were assigned to the state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency from July 10, 2017 by order of the Bank of Russia dated July 7, 2017 N OD-1901, terminated by order of the Bank of Russia dated July 28, 2017 N OD-2139.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated July 28, 2017 N OD-2140, a temporary administration was appointed in PJSC Bank Yugra for a period of validity until the appointment in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of a bankruptcy trustee or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activity" of the liquidator. Powers executive bodies credit institution in accordance with federal laws suspended.

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The bank was established on a share basis in November 1990 on the basis of a branch of the USSR Promstroybank in the city of Megion Tyumen region. The credit institution was founded by three families associated with the Slavneft company. One of the founders of Yugra was the ex-head of Slavneft, former First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation Anatoly Fomin, who for a long time headed the bank's board. The credit institution provided such large enterprises as Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, Megionneftegazgeologiya, Megion construction enterprises (Megiontruboprovodstroy, Megionneftestroy, Su-920) and others with cash for paying salaries and settlements with counterparties.

The founders of the bank were large enterprises of the oil and gas industry represented in the region. The financial institution was corporatized in 1992, since April 1996 it has functioned as an open joint stock company. In November 2012, the bank decided to issue additional shares (completed in August 2013) and increase the authorized capital from 170 million to 6.17 billion rubles, after which the composition of its owners was completely changed.

In 2013, the composition of shareholders was again changed. In September 2013, the credit institution received from new shareholders property in the amount of 4 billion rubles, which affected profits (4.7 billion in September against 672.5 million in January-August). And in November 2013, the bank decided on a new increase in the authorized capital through an additional issue of shares - this time from 6.17 billion to 20.17 billion rubles. In the same period, the bank was rebranded, an aggressive advertising campaign was launched to attract funds from the population in the Urals and in Western Siberia. These decisions made it possible to increase the bank's net assets by 5.7 times (or by RUB 45.6 billion) in 2013.

At the end of 2015, the Federal Antimonopoly Service granted the application of the Swiss company Radamant Financial AG to acquire 52.5299% of the voting shares of Yugra Bank. Thus, in 2015, the bank increased its authorized capital by 2.1 times, to 12.95 billion rubles, by placing an additional issue of shares for 6.8 billion rubles in favor of Radamant Financial AG.

Separately, we note the fact that, until recently, the bank did not disclose its ultimate beneficiaries, whom market participants tacitly considered Yuri and Alexei Khotin, who never appeared on the list of beneficiaries, however, did not appear. The press has repeatedly written that the non-transparent ownership structure of the credit institution has become the very stumbling block that the bank faced, wanting to receive OFZs as part of the state capitalization program. The only claim against the bank by the supervisory bloc was the absence of the names of the actual (rather than nominal) owners of the bank in official documents.

Recall that as of February 15, 2016, out of 27 banks that were among OFZ recipients in January 2015, 25 received bonds from the DIA (Globex Bank, which refused to participate in the program, was an exception). Yugra Bank submitted an application back in April 2015 (the estimated amount of state support could be 9.9 billion rubles), carried out a number of necessary corporate procedures, but did not receive confirmation of its participation from the Central Bank. And so, in January 2016, the bank published an up-to-date list of shareholders, which included Alexei Khotin, co-owner of the Gorbushkin Dvor hypermall. According to available information, the issue of additional capitalization should have been resolved before April 1, 2016. However, the bank did not receive state support in the end. The Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance were not satisfied with the share of loans issued to related parties: according to Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev, the bank had to reduce the share of these loans.

According to the list of persons under whose control or significant influence the bank is, dated December 12, 2016, the beneficiaries of the credit institution are Mikhail Grebeshev, according to some reports, the head of the Khotins’ security service (2.57%), Vera Esionova (7.10%), Maya Alanjiy (9.41%; according to SPARK, it is also affiliated with a number of companies specializing in renting premises, including Filion Group, Techmethod LLC, Valls LLC, etc.), Elena Laykova (7.39 %), Natalia Ivanova (6.37%), Alexey Nefedov and Yuri Gusev (4.41% each), Elena Belousova (3.72%), Anastasia Solotenkova (3.31%).

Aleksey Khotin is a person under whose control and significant influence the bank is located in accordance with the criteria of IAS 28, IFRS 10, and owns a share of 43.6%. (Note: A.Yu. Khotin, the sole shareholder of Komin JSC, and M.E. Grebeshev, the sole shareholder of Elta Rent JSC, signed an agreement on the transfer to A.Yu. Khotin of the rights belonging to Elta Rent JSC in relation to Linaro Enterprises Ltd (Linaro Enterprises Ltd), management and control of the significant activities of Linaro Enterprises Ltd (Linaro Enterprises Ltd)). Thus, on the basis of this agreement, the block of shares of Mikhail Grebeshev passes to Alexei Khotin.) The shares of the other owners do not exceed 3%.

Father and son Yuri and Alexey Khotin are the owners of the Moscow shopping centers Gorbushkin Dvor, Filion, Cherry Tower, Krasny Bogatyr, Nizhegorodsky, etc., well-known capital rentiers, who also own more than 150 capital objects commercial real estate with an area of ​​more than 1.8 million square meters. Khotins have a reputation for being very closed and non-public businessmen. The closeness of the Khotins can also be seen in their management style: they control most of their assets through other individuals.

The credit institution's network includes seven branches and more than a hundred offices located in all federal districts Russia. Bank branches are represented in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Vladivostok, Lipetsk, Orenburg, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Kazan, Cheboksary, Syktyvkar, Lipetsk, Pskov, Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk , Murmansk, Kaliningrad and other cities of Russia. The average headcount in 2016 was 1,680 people. For comparison: the number in 2015 was 1,358 people, at the beginning of 2014 - 871 people, at the beginning of 2013 - 410 people.

The bank offers corporate clients settlement and cash services, deposits and lending, remote banking services, express guarantees, trust management, acquiring, currency control, brokerage and depositary services, documentary operations. Individuals are offered a wide range of deposits, consumer and mortgage lending, cash settlement services, Internet banking (HandyBank), bank cards(Visa, MasterCard), Money transfers(by systems Western Union, "Zolotaya Korona", UNIStream, "Leader"), brokerage and depository services, transfer agent services, safe deposit, savings certificates. The Bank provides its clients with the opportunity to make transactions with securities on the Moscow Exchange, however, for the purposes of margin trading, only shares of five domestic issuers are available to clients.

Among the main major clients of the bank are OJSC Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, LLC Megionzhilstroy, LLC Electron, Rus-Med, Rosinkas, Rekonenergo, Rostelecom, Rostov Optical and Mechanical Plant, Krasnoyarsgorsvet, Krasnoyarsk Prostroyniiproekt, CJSC Ecostroy, RSU-19 LLC, Phoenix Automobile House LLC, Itmara TK LLC, Textile Holding LLC. The bank also lists among its clients OAO Lytkarinsky Optical Glass Plant, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, OAO NK Rosneft, OAO Federal Passenger Company, OAO Electromechanika, AO NPK Uralvagonzavod, etc. .

In January 2016 - February 2017, the volume of net assets of the credit institution decreased by 12.1% (or by 44.6 billion rubles), amounting to 324 billion rubles as of February 2017. In the passive part of the balance sheet, the main reason for the decrease in the balance sheet currency was a noticeable reduction in wholesale sources of funding (interbank loans and debt securities), coupled with the outflow of part of the funds raised from legal entities. The bank's capital also showed negative dynamics, having decreased by almost 30% - from 62.5 billion rubles to the current 43.9 billion rubles. In terms of assets, the bank almost completely got rid of investments in securities (-97.5%, the portfolio decreased from 47.2 billion to 1.2 billion rubles), the loan portfolio of legal entities decreased by 6.7%, the volume of highly liquid assets decreased by a third. At the same time, the item of other assets showed growth (+97%, or 26.1 billion rubles). The Bank is characterized by weak diversification of its resource base (both assets and liabilities), distinctive feature is also an increased level of concentration of the loan portfolio on large borrowers, as well as a weak diversification of the portfolio by industry.

As of February 2017, the bank's liabilities are concentrated in household deposits (the bulk of deposits are represented by maturity from one to three years) - 55% of net liabilities (as of January 2016 - 43%, as of January 2015 - 40%), funds of organizations form a share of 12.3% (a year earlier, the share was 15%, two years earlier - 39.4%). The share of equity is 13.5%, the equity capital adequacy ratio (N1) as of February 2017 was 14.8%. Share of issued debt valuable papers(bills) and interbank attraction in the aggregate does not exceed 1%. The bank's client base is active, turnover on client accounts is at the level of 120-250 billion rubles (with an increase in activity on quarterly dates).

The bank's capital - 43.9 billion rubles (13.5% of net liabilities), for the reporting period decreased by 29.8% (or 18.6 billion rubles). The authorized capital of the bank is about 13 billion rubles. It should be noted that the structure of additional capital includes subordinated loans in the amount of 15.1 billion rubles, which, according to available information, the bank's management plans to fully convert into shares. This operation would be very timely and would allow the bank to increase its capitalization: after all, as of February 1, the capital adequacy ratio (H1) was 14.78% (with a minimum of 8%), the basic capital adequacy ratio (N1.1) was 5.61% (with a minimum of 4.5%), fixed capital (H1.2) - 10.67% (with a minimum of 6%). The conversion of subordinated loans into shares, and, accordingly, into Tier 1 capital would make it possible to correct the still not critical, but still not entirely comfortable value of the basic capital adequacy ratio, the level of which is falling lower every month. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the bank's current liquidity indicator (H3), the value of which as of the last reporting date was 54.7% (with a minimum allowable level of 50%), which is one of the lowest indicators in the sector.

In the structure of assets, 80% is accounted for by the loan portfolio, which is almost completely formed by loans to corporate persons. The bank's investments in securities over the period under review decreased almost completely and, as of February 2017, form less than 1% (a year earlier, the bank had an impressive OFZ portfolio, which amounted to 47 billion rubles and formed 13% of the bank's assets). As of the reporting date, almost the entire remaining portfolio of securities was pledged by the bank to raise funds from the regulator as part of direct REPO transactions. Highly liquid assets - 3.5% (mainly funds on a correspondent account with the Central Bank, there are also nostro accounts with non-resident banks in the amount of 1.4 billion rubles). The item of other assets, which showed a noticeable growth in the reporting period, forms 16.4% (represented by forwards, settlements with debtors and FOR).

The bank's loan portfolio as of February 2017 is 256.8 billion rubles (79% of net assets), for the period under review it decreased by 6.8%, or by 18.8 billion rubles in absolute terms. The bank's credit policy is aimed at lending to legal entities in amounts from 1 million rubles for terms of one year. As of February 2017, the share of retail loans in the loan portfolio does not exceed 1%. According to the bank's financial statements (RAS), the level of delinquency on loans is consistently low (0.4% as of February 2017), however, the provisioning ratio for loans issued over the period under review has already doubled and is at a very high level (as of February 2017 it is 23.4%, a year earlier - 12%), which may indirectly indicate the low quality of the loan portfolio and a possible burden on capital (in the event of an increase in the share of overdue loans on the balance sheet). The loan portfolio is predominantly long-term: the share of loans issued for a period of more than one year is 90%. During the period under review, the bank actively increased the collateral of the portfolio; as of the reporting date, the portfolio was secured by collateral in the amount of 161.4 billion rubles (63% of the total loan portfolio), which is a moderate level of collateral.

TASS-DOSIER. On July 10, 2017, the Bank of Russia imposed a moratorium on satisfying the claims of Yugra Bank creditors for a period of three months.

The regulator also entrusted the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) with the functions of temporary administration to manage the bank for six months.

In a press release from the regulator, it was noted that the Central Bank took such measures in connection with the unstable financial situation of Yugra. The DIA reported that the payment of insurance compensation to depositors would begin no later than July 24, 2017. The revocation of the license from Yugra Bank was not reported.

Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) "Bank" Yugra "is a Russian credit institution of a federal scale, one of the oldest banks in the Russian Federation. It is mainly engaged in lending and servicing accounts corporate persons, as well as attracting funds from the population in deposits. As of June 2017, Yugra Bank ranked 30th among Russian credit institutions in terms of assets. The banking network includes seven branches and more than 100 offices in all federal districts of the Russian Federation. Yugra has been a member of the deposit insurance system since 2004.


Bank Yugra was founded on November 22, 1990 in the city of Megion (Tyumen region) on the basis of a branch of the USSR Promstroybank. The founders were large enterprises of the oil and gas industry in the region. The organization provided cash for the payment of salaries and settlements with counterparties of the enterprises Megionneftegaz, Megionneftegazgeologiya, Megiontruboprovodstroy, Megionneftestroy, SU-920, etc. One of the founders of the bank was the general director of Megionneftegaz Anatoly Fomin (in 1993-1995 . - First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, in 1995-1998 - President of the Slavneft oil and gas company), who headed the board of Ugra in 1995-2005.

In January 1992, the credit institution was transformed into CJSC "Joint Stock Commercial Bank" Yugra ".

In August 1994, a branch was opened in Moscow, in 1995 the bank joined the SWIFT Society for International Interbank Financial Settlements and received the status of an official dealer of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the GKO and OFZ market. In April 1996, AOZT was transformed into OJSC.

In June 1999, the bank began issuing its own plastic cards Eurocard/Mastercard and Cirrus/Maestro systems.

In December 2011, the bank became the official sponsor of the Russian amateur sports organization Night Hockey League.

In November 2012 - August 2013, the bank carried out an additional issue of shares, increasing the authorized capital from 170 million to 6.17 billion rubles, after which the composition of the owners of the organization was completely changed. In particular, in January 2016, businessman Alexei Khotin (according to media reports, co-owner of the Moscow shopping centers Gorbushkin Dvor, Filion, Krasny Bogatyr, etc.) became a shareholder. this was unofficially called the actual owner of Yugra. In 2012, the bank ranked 272nd in terms of assets, in 2016 it entered the top 35 lines of the rating.

In October 2016, the Yugra headquarters was moved from the Tyumen region to Moscow.

On April 25, 2017, there was a failure in the operation of the bank's information systems, as a result of which, until April 27, some depositors had difficulties in receiving funds. Representatives of "Yugra" explained the problems with "violations in the system of external energy supply." After the failure, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation began an unscheduled check at the bank.

According to media reports, in May 2017, the Central Bank ordered Ugra to create additional reserves in the amount of more than 40 billion rubles. The bank did not officially comment on this information, however, an additional capitalization in the amount of $500 million was soon announced. Since the beginning of 2017, the volume of additional capitalization of Yugra amounted to 25 billion rubles. (in 2016 - 28.6 billion rubles).


Until June 2017, the controlling shareholder of the bank was the Swiss company Radamant Financial AG (52.42% of the shares, the stake was acquired in 2015), controlled by Alexei Khotin. Another 35.42% of the shares belonged to nine shareholders, including Khotin (0.48%).

On June 26, 2017, the Federal Antimonopoly Service approved the petition of Ugra shareholders to transfer 86.83% of the voting shares of the bank to the Russian Direct Investments JSC (registered on April 5, 2017, the head of the company is Alexei Nefedov, President of Yugra Bank). At the same time, the beneficiary of the controlling stake (60.37%) of Direct Investments is Radamant Financial AG, and 39.62% of the shares belong to thirteen individuals- co-owners of bank "Ugra".

Indicators, additional information

The authorized capital as of June 1, 2017 amounted to 12.97 billion rubles. At the end of 2016, the loss of Yugra reached 32.3 billion rubles. (second place after BM-Bank among Russian banks in terms of the amount of loss shown in 2016).

As of June 1, 2017, assets amounted to 322.32 billion rubles, capital - 50.19 billion rubles, loan portfolio - 261.23 billion rubles, liabilities to the population - 181.30 billion rubles.

In February 2017, the share of retail loans in Yugra's loan portfolio did not exceed 1%. According to the bank's IFRS financial statements for the nine months of 2016, the sectoral structure of the loan portfolio was concentrated in the segments of the oil and gas and chemical industries (35%), construction and real estate (30%), enterprises in the financial services(20.6%), trade and services sectors (6.5%). At the same time, the share of the largest borrowers was 62%.

OAO Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, LLC Megionzhilstroy, LLC Elektron, PJSC Rostelecom, LLC Rus-Med, Rosinkas Association, Rostov Optical and Mechanical Plant, etc. were mentioned as major clients of Yugra Bank. In addition, the bank indicated among its clients the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, OAO NK Rosneft, OAO Federal Passenger Company, AO NPK Uralvagonzavod, OAO Lytkarinsky Optical Glass Plant, and others.

The bank's headquarters is located in Moscow (Lubyansky proezd, 27/1, building 1).

The number of personnel in 2016 is 1,680 people.


President of Yugra Bank - Alexey Nefedov (since 2014).

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Alexander Suchkov (since 2016).

Chairman of the Board - Dmitry Shilyaev (since 2016).


"Real Estate Kings"

"Vedomosti" found out where the family of the owners of the bank "Ugra" takes money

Natives of Belarus, father and son Yuri and Alexei Khotin, last year, rose from 10th to 8th place in the Forbes “Kings of Russian Real Estate” rating. According to Vedomosti, income from leasing 2 million sq. meters in Moscow amounted to 325 million dollars against 320 million dollars a year earlier. True, it was not cheap: in 2015, the Khotins added the building of the former Moscow Hotel in Okhotny Ryad, including the Four Seasons Hotel, the Fashion Gallery shopping center and the business center, having bought it, according to experts, from businessman Suleiman Kerimov for 500 million dollars. Nevertheless, Khotin Jr. first got into the Forbes rating with a fortune of $ 0.9 billion. In addition to real estate, businessmen have oil assets - a stake in Exillon Energy and NK Dulisma, as well as Yugra Bank, which, according to Interfax-CEA as of April 1, 2016, ranks 33rd in terms of assets and 30th by capital. At the same time, the Khotins are one of the most closed businessmen in Russia. All attempts by Vedomosti to talk ended the same way. “They are aware of your questions, but they don’t want to communicate,” representatives of the Khotins and their acquaintances reported.

In the past few years, the younger Khotin, Alexei, has been managing all the assets. Since the father, according to their acquaintances and contractors, retired. Khotin is among the few businessmen who continue to actively buy up assets. In 2013, they were interested in acquiring Uralkali from Kerimov, people close to this company said. In the real estate market of Khotin in 2013-2015, "everything was looked at," two large developers assure. For example, they asked the price of the shopping center "Atrium" on "Kurskaya", Novinsky passage, said people close to the owners of these complexes. “True, they offered the Atrium price much lower than the owners wanted, so the deal did not work out. As a result, they chose Moskva from the same Kerimov, ”says one of the interlocutors of Vedomosti. Hotins never pay dearly and pay for the purchase on credit, showed a survey of their partners and contractors. The crisis in the debt financing market also affected them: since 2014, they began to refinance loans in their bank Yugra. As a result, it is difficult for them to find an asset free of collateral, a study by Vedomosti showed.

Sberbank and VTB helped the Khotins to acquire Moskva, developers and bankers believe. A person close to one of the parties to the transaction confirmed that VTB financed the purchase by the Khotins from Kerimov of the premises of the Four Seasons Hotel in the restored building of the Moskva Hotel. This property is owned by OJSC Dekmos, 100% controlled by the Cypriot company Lansgrade Holdings. In 2015, it changed its owner, and at the beginning of 2016, Lansgrade, judging by the data of the Cypriot registry, terminated the pledge agreement for its shares and Dekmos shares with Sberbank (the bank had previously provided loans to Kerimov's structures for 10.9 billion rubles and 130 million dollars ). At the same time, the company entered into a pledge agreement with VTB. True, this time the loan amount was not specified, and the collateral was not the shares of firms owning real estate, but a pledge of rights on the ruble and dollar bank accounts of Dekmos in VTB. Cypriot law allows the use of the future income of the enterprise as collateral for a loan. But in practice, such collateral is usually used when the borrower is under the control of the lender, argues a legal consultant who asked for anonymity. These are high-risk transactions that banks generally do not approve for third parties, agrees another lawyer who asked to remain anonymous. Lansgrade Holdings ltd has nothing to do with the VTB Group, the bank has never owned space in the building of the former Moskva Hotel, the VTB press service reported.

The Khotins control retail and office space in Moskva through Torgovaya Galerie LLC, owned by Cypriot Iolernico Investments. The company also changed owners in 2015, but they renegotiated the pledge agreement for the company's shares with Sberbank, assuming obligations to it under a $160 million loan.

This is a common strategy for the Khotins, says one of the counterparties. In the real estate and oil markets, there is talk of the power of the Khotins, who allegedly have unlimited monetary and administrative resources behind them, he adds. In fact, Alexei Khotin does not have much money, continues the source of Vedomosti. Khotin conducts all negotiations as follows: I am now ready to pay you 10 or 5% of the cost, then in installments and with credit money, and then, when it starts cash flow, everything else, says another person who worked with this businessman.

Khotin, like many others, conducts transactions with credit funds. He works with about 30 banks, but his largest creditors are state-owned banks. Of course, successful cooperation with state banks, as well as the fact that his oil companies, despite the resistance of the Ministry of Finance, easily receive tax breaks, give rise to such conversations, admits one of Vedomosti's interlocutors. But to consider that there is one person behind the Khotins, who provides them with the most favored nation treatment, would be an exaggeration, he believes.

The Khotins are completely independent businessmen who have proved that the expression “don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends” is not just a proverb, but a line from a business plan, one of their creditors assures: “You can say this is a real Russian success story, in which people had connections with the security forces as start-up capital and skillfully used them.

The Khotin family is on good terms with the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Belarus Vladimir Naumov, who introduced them to the former head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and ex-Speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov, who now provides them with his support, Kommersant and Forbes wrote.

The interests of the Khotins in the government are lobbied by Gryzlov or, at his request, ex-head of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev, a high-ranking official confirms. For example, Gryzlov personally sought the extension of tax benefits for Dulisma Oil Company, assured a large businessman who was also interested in benefits. The relevant departments do not comment on this.

Yuri Khotin never hid the fact that Gryzlov solves problems for them, and in general he always behaved like a person who is not afraid of anything and is very confident in himself, says a former high-ranking official who is now engaged in business. “But I don’t have the feeling that this is a one man show, I definitely feel the support of the security forces different levels”, - adds the interlocutor of Vedomosti.

A few years ago, before one of the first major transactions with Moscow real estate - the purchase of MTZ Rubin, which owns Gorbushkin Dvor - Ural Latypov entered the board of directors of Rubin in the interests of buyers. The latter from 1998 to 2000 headed the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, and later became a member of the Security Council of the republic. The Belarusian media include Latypov in the inner circle of the country's President Alexander Lukashenko. It is also known that Latypov was the head of the department at the higher courses of the KGB in Minsk, which at one time was graduated by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov and Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.

High-ranking officials and various security officials help Khotin to resolve issues, agrees a man who lost his property several years ago as a result of a conflict with business structures: “They have excellent connections. My lawyer turned out to be a classmate of a man who at that moment held the post of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So, they told me that the deputy minister called about the fact that his classmate was helping the wrong person, ”he recalled. But, for example, the Khotins are not familiar with the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, an employee of the mayor's office assures. They do not need it: they successfully solve all the necessary issues at the level of prefects, the official adds. And he recalls that there were many complaints about the Khotin structures from former owners real estate that passed to the Khotins. “But, as far as I know, it was not possible to prove that the Khotins acquired something illegally, the criminal cases fell apart,” he adds.

In the companies of the Khotins, army discipline and a habit of secrecy are felt, their counterparties agree. For the most part, former employees of the authorities work for businessmen, their offices are like bunkers, the divisions are closed on themselves, people do not know what their neighbor is doing, and in general they have everything captive - up to Internet providers in the shopping center, one of the partners argues Khotin.

Now all the assets of the Khotins are pledged to banks, the interlocutors of Vedomosti agree.

Judging by the history of collateral, in the 2000s, the Khotins' structures acquired real estate with loans from Sberbank, VTB and Globex Bank, which have hundreds of thousands of square meters of space owned by businessmen as collateral.

“Already in 2008, an acquaintance from VTB introduced the Khotins to me as classy, ​​wealthy clients, although they did something with a loan agreement in this bank,” says a former top manager of one of the state banks. Behind the word "nakhimichili" lies a story in which VTB tried to return a loan of 6 billion rubles through the courts. In 2008, the bank issued 6.25 billion rubles to Oborudovanie i mashiny on the security of a business center and a land plot on Dmitrovskoye Highway. The loan guarantor was Management Company"Mega-group", which had this building on a long-term lease. She pledged the lease to the bank. In 2009, the loan was no longer serviced, and both companies went bankrupt. The bankruptcy manager of Mega-Group terminated the lease agreement and returned the building to Equipment and Machines. And the manager of "Equipment and Machinery" leased the building to a new company - "Edelweiss". VTB tried to challenge these decisions, but failed. Nevertheless, in the end, the parties agreed on a world settlement, the details of which they did not disclose. "Oborudovanie i mashiny LLC's debt to VTB was settled amicably at the end of 2013, and VTB currently has no claims in connection with this debt," the bank's press service said.

Sberbank President German Gref is well acquainted with Alexei Khotin, a person from the businessman's entourage assures. In Sberbank, Khotin has been credited since the 2000s. But their story was flawed, the bank had claims against some legal entities, they did not want to renew credit lines - and then Sergey Mironov, who then held the post of speaker of the Federation Council, called Gref and asked for the Khotins, an acquaintance of the businessmen assures. Mironov himself categorically denied this. Gref, in an interview with Vedomosti, only confirmed that he was familiar with "one of" the Khotins. In 2010, their structures acquired the assets of Urals Energy from Sberbank for $95 million, on the basis of which NK Dulisma was created. In June 2014, the owner of Dulisma, Crowncity, pawned the Dulisma promissory note with Sberbank until 2017.

And now strange things are happening to the asset

Under the credit lines of Sberbank from 2010, 2011 and 2014, part of the premises of the Gorbushkin Dvor shopping center in Bagrationovsky proezd, office and warehouse centers in Electrolitny proezd, on Nizhegorodskaya street and the Krasny Bogatyr complex - a total of about 200,000 sq. meters.

Sberbank does not comment on cooperation with the Khotins, as it adheres to a confidentiality policy in relations with clients, a bank representative said.

Now the Khotins' largest creditor is the Russian Agricultural Bank (RSHB), several bankers and one of Khotin's counterparties assure.

In 2010, Dmitry Patrushev, the son of Nikolai Patrushev, became the chairman of the board of the bank. In 2013, NK Dulisma Khotinykh received a credit line from the RSHB, including for refinancing loans from Sberbank, under which businessmen pledged the property of MTZ Rubin in Bagrationovsky Proyezd - the main part of the premises of the Gorbushkin Dvor shopping center, as well as areas in several business centers. Since 2014, the equipment of Dulisma has also been pledged in this bank. The representative of the RSHB did not answer questions about cooperation with the Khotins.

Bank "Saint Petersburg", from which the Khotins bought the oil company "Development of St. Petersburg", the Khotins pledged property since 2014, and in 2016 they pledged 33 thousand square meters. meters in the business center on Paveletskaya embankment.

The Khotins also have a good business relationship with Alfa Bank, one of their creditors says. According to him, at the end of 2014 they had a limit of $1 billion there, all issues with the bank were resolved at the level of shareholders. The co-owner of the bank, Mikhail Fridman, confirmed to Vedomosti the information about the credit line, but did not answer other questions about the Khotins. It was with the money of Alfa-Bank, apparently, that the Khotins bought the Filion shopping center in Bagrationovsky Proezd. The bank just in the year of the transaction - in 2011 - opened a credit line in the currency for the current owners of Filion, according to which they had to pledge in January 2014 land plot under the shopping center and its premises and more than 100 thousand square meters. meters in other objects.

Under a loan to Credit Suisse for $100 million, 100% of the shares of all mining subsidiaries of Exillon Energy (Yukateks oil, Kayum Neft, Nam oil, Komi resources, Yukatex-Yugra) and Cypriot companies are pledged - owners of these enterprises, except for Aslador Oil.

Bank Yugra came under the control of the Khotin structures in 2014, and at the end of 2015, Alexei Khotin began to directly control 52.5% of it.

The new shareholders supported the bank: Yugra indicated in its financial statements that in 2014 it received 7.2 billion rubles from them under donation agreements. But the bank itself began to actively lend to them: in 2015-2016, businessmen pledged two large business centers for loans issued - East Gate on Schelkovskoye Highway and Technosintez on Ugreshskaya. And at the end of 2015, Exillon Energy purchased promissory notes from Yugra Bank for a total of $26.32 million at a rate of 2.5% per annum.

The growth in lending by Yugra to business related to shareholders may be due to industry-wide difficulties associated with finding new borrowers who have massively switched to state-owned banks against the backdrop of cleaning up the sector by the new leadership of the Central Bank, suggests Alexei Buzdalin, chief expert at Interfax-CEA. This may be due to the problems of the owners' real estate development business, which has become a riskier borrower in the eyes of other banks due to the economic recession, which led to a drop in rental income, the expert continues. According to Buzdalin, now not a single private bank can do without the help of shareholders.

Lending to related companies is one of the main claims of the Central Bank to the bank. Since April 1, the regulator has limited "Ugra" attraction of deposits from the population - for last year they grew by 136%. In March, the bank formed record reserves for 22 billion rubles. In addition, the bank's loan portfolio decreased by 23 billion rubles. These loans could be associated with the owners of the bank and could be repaid at the request of the Central Bank, the bank's counterparty told Vedomosti. The regulator, according to him, sought from Ugra to reduce lending to related companies. The Central Bank has such a requirement for the bank, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev said earlier.

The bank claimed 9.9 billion rubles of OFZ under the state program for capitalization of banks. But on the last day when it was possible to join it, on March 31, he announced his refusal to participate in the program, considering it inappropriate. The source of Vedomosti said then that the participation of the bank was not approved by the Central Bank. In early April, the bank received an inspection from the Central Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency. The last check has already been completed. But the auditors of the Central Bank remained in Yugra, one of his counterparties points out.

In April, people close to the Central Bank and Yugra's counterparties said that Gryzlov could join the bank's board of directors. Representatives of the bank did not comment on this; Gryzlov could not be reached for comments.

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