MarineTraffic (Marine traffic) - AIS real-time ship tracking map in Russian. Vessel traffic on-line in real time (AIS) Khmtp Kherson commercial seaport


Would you like to know where this or that sea vessel is now, which ships are located next to you, and which are moored in Buenos Aires, Sumatra or Singapore? The network service gives you a unique opportunity to get a lot of useful information according to the location and movement of the ship you need on the map, its route, speed, cargo, weather in the region, and so on. In this article, I will talk about the real-time vessel traffic map on the Marina Traffic website, and also explain in detail how to use the capabilities of this service.

AIS navigation

As you know, AIS (automated identification system) has been involved in navigation since the early 90s, the main purpose of which is to increase the monitoring and safety of maritime transport. Its capabilities make it possible to identify the ship, its course, dimensions and other parameters using VHF radio waves. The system covers an area of ​​about 9 million square kilometers of coastal zones around the globe, including about 2,500 ports in the areas of the most active maritime traffic.

In 2004, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) required ships with a gross tonnage of more than 300 tons to be required to install a special AIS transmitter on board the ship. The duties of the latter include transmitting in real time to a special receiving station all the necessary information about the vessel, including its speed, course, position, name, dimensions, and other relevant data.

The site I'm reviewing receives data from over 1200 AIS receiving stations around the world. After collecting the data, they are transferred to the processing center, where they are processed, and applied to the map placed on the service. At the same time, the specified map of the movement of ships online is available both through the browser of a stationary PC and through the corresponding application for mobile devices.

So what is Marina Traffic?

"MarineTraffic" - a popular network service for tracking location in the world sea ​​vessels. The resource collects real-time data about the location of the vessel (as well as information about its course, speed, tonnage, and so on). And displays it on the corresponding map, thereby greatly facilitating the work of people directly related to the sea.

The purpose of the vessel traffic map service is to increase the transparency and efficiency of maritime transport. The site allows you to track the location of many ships, making data on them available to ordinary users. At the same time, the resource is actively developing, inviting interested parties to take a direct part in its formation and further progress.

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How to use the Marine Traffic real-time ship chart

After going to the website, you will immediately be taken to work card service.

I recommend scrolling down the working screen and using the Russian interface instead of the default English. At the same time, I will warn the reader that most of the interface will remain in English one way or another.

You will then need to go through the registration process (after which a number of special options of the My Fleets level will become available to you, allowing you to track the vessels of your choice). To do this, click on "Login" at the top, then on "Register", and go through the registration procedure via e-mail.

The map shows various types of vessels schematically in different colors (transport, tankers, passenger, high-speed, special, fishing, etc.)

By hovering over the ship you need, you can get information about its name and destination. More detailed information is available only after paying the appropriate fee for using the site (annual subscription, subscription depending on the number of ships you have chosen, and so on).

Service control panel in Russian

The Marina Traffic control panel is divided into two main parts - the left panel and the top panel.

The left panel contains the following options:

The top panel has the following options:


With all the richness of the capabilities of the Marina Traffic website, its free functionality is rather limited, being of interest only in terms of getting acquainted with the capabilities of the service. All the completeness of information on the ship traffic map that the user needs can only be obtained by paying for the paid functionality of the site, which is really quite impressive and will be fully useful to people associated with the sea and shipping.

The port is located on the right bank of the Dnieper, 15 km. from its mouth. The approach to the port is carried out along the fairway passing along the Rvach River, the branch of the Olkhoviy Dnieper and the Dnieper itself.

Navigation in the port lasts all year round.

The prevailing winds are from the north and northeast.

Days with winds over 15 m/s account for 10% per year and are most often observed from November to March. Fogs are observed on average 19-60 days a year and last 5-6 hours a day.

The Dnieper Delta has been declared a nature reserve. Walking is allowed only on the sleeves.

The passage along the fairway, which leads to the port, is not particularly difficult.

Latest news

2019-08-28 12:28:23

The total amount of work amounted to more than 400 thousand m3. This is the fourth port in which USPA has carried out work to restore passport depths since the beginning of the year. “Restoration of passport depths in seaports is one of the main functions of the USPA, in accordance with the Law “On Seaports”. This year we have already carried out dredging in the ports of Odessa, Chernomorsk, Izmail. Now Kherson has been added to them. In addition, work continues in Nikolaev, as well as in two Ukrainian ports on Azov - Mariupol and Berdyansk. Thus, USPA, as we planned, will carry out operational dredging in 7 ports at once in 2019. This will allow private and state stevedoring companies to work more efficiently, as well as reduce the cost of transporting goods through the seaports of Ukraine,” commented Raivis Veckagans, head of USPA SE, commenting on the completion of dredging in Kherson. In accordance with the contract, the contractor, SMD INVEST LLC, which USPA chose at an open tender in the Prozorro e-procurement system, restored the passport depths in the water area of ​​the seaport of Kherson, the operational part at the berths, in the sections of the approach channel to the port and in the approach channel to the quarry s.Rybalche. “Work on operational dredging in the port of Kherson was carried out with the provision of all environmental protection measures, in accordance with the current norms and rules,” said Vladimir Garashchenko, head of the Kherson branch of SE USPA (Kherson MP Administration). Reference: Upon completion of the dredging works, the depth of the approach channel (river part of the KMK) to the seaport of Kherson is 8.25 m, anchor points - 8.25 m, the approach channel to the sand pit with. Rybalche — 4.1 m. Depth indicators in the operational part of the water area are brought into line with the passport ones and have the following values: — at the berths of the Kherson branch of SE “USPA” (Kherson MP Administration) from 2.5 m (No. 7) to 8.5 m (No. 4, 5, 6); - at the cargo berths, where the Branch "Kherson River Port" of the ASC "Ukrrichflot" operates - from 3.3 m to 4.4 m; — at the berths of the port operator Smart Maritime Group LLC −7.0 m; - at the berths of the Kherson representative office of the SE "Enterprise for the supply of petroleum products" - from 4.1 m to 9.6 m; - at the berths of the marine terminal of KhGZ "Pallada" from 4.6 m to 6.0 m. ...

2019-07-26 15:25:40

Kherson branch of SE "USPA" (Administration of Kherson MP) summed up the results of activities in the field of protection environment for the 1st half of 2019. As part of the ongoing monitoring of the water area and territory of the seaport of Kherson, employees of the environmental safety sector of the branch recorded 4 (four) facts of environmental pollution, namely: - in the period from February 1, 2019 to February 20, 2019, 3 ( three) cases of pollution as a result of leakage of oil products from trucks located on the territory of the branch; - 04/05/2019, pollution of the water area of ​​the seaport of Kherson was detected in the area of ​​the berths of the Kherson trade and logistics department of the State Enterprise "Enterprise for the supply of petroleum products" (Neftegovan). All the consequences of the identified cases of environmental pollution were successfully localized and eliminated, thanks to the coordinated and prompt actions of professionally trained personnel. ...

2019-07-09 17:14:51

Kherson branch of SE "USPA" (Administration of Kherson MP) summed up the results of cargo transshipment in seaport Kherson for the first half of 2019. The actual figures of cargo turnover for the reporting period amount to more than 1.76 million tons, which is 420 thousand tons or 31.3% higher than the volumes for same period 2018. “It was possible to achieve positive results by increasing the volume of transshipment of the main types of cargo, as well as attracting some new cargo flows. The leaders in the total volume of transshipment are agricultural cargoes (feed meal, bran, soybean seeds, corn grain), as well as ammonium nitrate and sheet steel. Among the new cargoes attracted by port operators and stevedores are ammophos, diesel engines, raw dolomite, quartz sand, etc.,” Vladimir Garashchenko, head of the branch, commented on the statistics. ...

2019-06-20 12:23:58

Upon completion of the spawning bans that were in effect from early April to mid-June and preparatory work, operational dredging was resumed in the water area of ​​the seaport of Kherson. “Operational dredging has been resumed since June 16. Performance of work is necessary to maintain the passport characteristics of the water area and hydraulic structures of the port (berths). These works provide for cleaning the bottom from sediments of sand, silt and other debris in order to maintain the required passport depth, ensure the normal operation of shipping lanes and hydraulic structures. The implementation of this project will allow 100% use of the passport and design capacities of the seaport, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in cargo turnover,” commented Vladimir Garashchenko, head of the Kherson branch of USPA. He also added that the resumption of dredging was preceded by preliminary soundings of depths in the sections of the approach channel and near the berths, as well as a diving survey of the bottom with the removal of foreign objects. Scooping is carried out simultaneously in two areas: near the berths of the Kherson branch of the State Enterprise "USPA", the work will be carried out by the KPL-99 floating crane, with the Izmailskaya dredger scow, and the Danube multi-bucket dredger, the Kuyalnitskaya dredger scows will operate on the river part of the Kherson sea approach channel ”, “Kievskaya” and an auxiliary vessel for the delivery of anchors “MZ-9”. Prior to the suspension of operational scooping due to spring spawning of fish, the dredging fleet of SMD INVEST LLC completed almost 70% of the planned volume of excavation, which is about 400 thousand cubic meters. m. Then the scooping was carried out at anchorages No. 3, No. 8, No. 5, No. 6, No. 6a, No. 7 and in the section of the approach channel to the quarry in the village of Rybalche. Operational dredging is carried out with the provision of all environmental protection measures in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. ...

AIS (eng. AIS Automatic Identification System) - a system that allows you to identify and track vessel movement online with an accuracy of 10 meters. Apart from deployment of AIS ships provides information about their type, dimensions, destination, speed, expected time of arrival, makes it possible to get acquainted with the history of routes and the intended course. The specified information is presented in the card, to open which you need to click on the object of interest. Online access to AIS ships provided directly by ships using a radio frequency transmitter. Individual vessels or ports may not be viewable due to range limitations, interference, or weather conditions affecting radio communications. If " marine traffic” does not display the item you want, please try again later.

Real-time vessel movement map covers the whole world and provides the user with the opportunity to see their arrangement in various ports and regions of the world. To find ships in other regions and ports, you need to zoom out on the map and select the desired sector.

The Answer-Logistic portal focuses on the current movement and positions of vessels according to AIS in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and the port of St. Petersburg. Note that deployment of ships displayed with a slight delay. You can find out the time elapsed since the last update of the coordinates by hovering over the object.


Marine Traffic - what is it?

Marine traffic is a shareware service to track the location of a vessel online. On the world map you can find any ships that are in port or sailing. In the service options, you can also track the location of the vessel by its name in real time.
When you select a vessel on the map, a window pops up with information about the vessel online:

  • vessel name
  • vessel type (container, tanker, passenger ship, etc.)
  • ship status
  • vessel speed
  • ship's course
  • ship's draft

How Marine traffic and AIS systems work

At the present time, almost all ships are equipped with an automatic identification system AIS, which allows you to track the ship and avoid ship collisions. At what maximum distance can a ship be tracked on a map? It all depends on the height of the antenna located on the ship itself and at the nearest station on land. Regular AIS stations cover a range of about 40 nautical miles (about 75 km). In some cases, the location of the ship can be tracked at a distance of 200 miles, and this is no less than 370 km. But this is the case if the AIS station is located high above sea level, for example, on a mountain, and the ship itself is equipped with a good antenna. Thus, anyone can track the ship online using the Marinetraffic service.

How to track the ship on the map?

If you have the ship's name, the easiest way to find out the ship's location is to enter it in the map search and the system will immediately show the ship's position and information about it. If you know that the ship has not yet left any port or it could not go far from it, you can try to find the desired port in the same search form. And then all the familiar actions of the mouse point at all the ships and see information about them. Also, to make your search easier, you can filter ships by type. For example, select only passenger, fishing or cargo ships. The service is intuitive and if you have the skills to use the map, then it will not be difficult for you to find out the location of the vessel in real time.

Search and determination of the position of the vessel

based on data from AIS. All positions of ships, departure from the port and arrival at the port of destination in real time.

Attention! Vessel positions sometimes they may not correspond to the real ones and lag behind by an hour or more. All vessel position coordinates are provided for informational purposes only. Search data from AIS (AIS) cannot be used for route planning

When searching, you will find accurate information about the movement of ships on the map according to the data AIS and you can see their photos. In order to find a ship, select a sector on the map, where the number of ships currently located there is indicated. We click with the mouse, for example, on the region of Europe and get the picture that you see above.

If you zoom in, you will see specific vessels. The map receives updates every few seconds. When you hover over the ship, you can see its name, on the site you can get other information you are interested in searching for.

To find the ship you are interested in, you should enter the name of the ship and, if possible, its localization in the search bar and press the search key. The AIS map will show the position of the vessel in real time.

This map informs not only about the ships, but also about the cargo carried on them, which can be useful for ship charterers. Be with us and not one ship will be lost.