Profitable trading on binary options. Eight easy steps to profitable binary options trading. How did this trading strategy come about?


The goal of a trader is to earn income. However, not every speculator manages to increase capital, most beginners drain deposits, coming to the conclusion that trading in digital contracts is another way to swindle money. But this is not so, because there are stock speculators who regularly withdraw money to the card. To join them, you should learn how to profitably trade on binary options. An article will be devoted to this topic.

How to trade option contracts profitably?

To stay in the black, you will need to make an effort and take a number of steps. Without this, it is impossible to succeed in trading. Below will be described ways that will help you master the art of trading.

Training is the key to success!

There is an inscription on the websites of brokers saying that binary options are simple and profitable, everyone can try their hand. However, in reality the situation is more complicated. Napoleon's principle: "I came, I saw, I conquered (won)", does not work here. It is impossible to receive income regularly without knowing how the market functions.

Before trading, you need to study the financial sector. It is not necessary to pay for courses, there are free materials on the network:

  • video lessons;
  • webinars;
  • articles;
  • descriptions of strategies;
  • electronic books;
  • glossary.

The brokers included in the TOP site have a "Training" section, which contains materials that will help in the development of trading. They become available after registration, there is no need to pay a fee for watching lectures or reading articles.

Training on a demo account

Profitable binary options trading begins with the development of strategies on a test terminal. This option is offered by most of the brokers included in the TOP of the site. allows:

  • test indicators;
  • develop strategies;
  • make sure the tactics are effective, understand the entry conditions;
  • develop your own trading system;
  • learn to recognize candle patterns and patterns;
  • to understand how attractive trading is, how difficult it is, and whether it is worth continuing to study the field.

The advantage of the test terminal is that the user does not spend money on mastering strategies and training, but works with real quotes and gets used to the terminal. Open trades on a demo account remain in history. Bidding results can be analyzed, errors, gaps in ranks can be identified and factors that prevent you from receiving income from digital contracts can be eliminated.

Partner selection

AT financial sector there are many scammers, so it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a broker, otherwise it will be impossible to withdraw even your own money. It is recommended to pay attention to:

  • Having a license. If the company does not have a license to operate, it is better not to register on the site. In case of theft of funds from the balance or card, there will be nowhere for fraud to turn. It is also important to pay attention to the regulator that issued the certificate. CySEC, FCA, FSC, CROFR, FinaCom are serious organizations that put forward a number of requirements for companies, including a compensation deposit. The certificate is issued for a period of 1 year.
  • Work period. It is dangerous to register with a broker that has been operating for less than 2 years. It is recommended to choose companies that have already proven themselves in the market.
  • Reputation. Before creating an account, you should read customer reviews about your future partner. If 50% of the comments are negative, users will write in messages about the impossibility of receiving money, you need to look for another partner.
  • Deposit amount. Fraudsters do not exchange for small amounts, so the initial deposit on the platform is from $200. Reliable brokers allow you to start trading with $5-10. The amount will not hit the budget, it will allow you to verify the honesty of the partner and test the site.

Yield Percentage

Beginners are looking for binary options with a big profit, so when choosing a broker, they pay attention to the percentage of income from transactions. For the classic type of contracts, individual companies give up to 100% profit. The average yield fluctuates around 80%.

However, it is important to understand that brokers indicate the maximum percentage for orders. It rarely occurs in real trading conditions. A good indicator is a yield of 75%. For individual assets, the indicator is 30-40%, there are lots where the profitability is only 10-20%.

The percentage depends on the volatility of the asset. The easier it is to predict the price of the lot, the lower the profitability of the transaction will be. However, in this case, the risks will be lower, so the chances of closing the order in plus are higher.

Of course, you want to choose the most profitable binary options in order to quickly increase your deposit. However, it is better to pay attention to reliability when choosing a broker, then you will be able to withdraw money to the card. But this does not mean that companies from the TOP of the site do not offer a high percentage of profit on options. The yield on the contracts is as follows:

  • Olymp Trade - up to 92%;
  • Binomo - up to 94%;
  • Verum Option - 87%;
  • - up to 85%;
  • - up to 85%;
  • Grand Capital - up to 86%.

On average, profit on orders is 70-80%. This is a good indicator for High/Low contracts, with successful trading, the percentage is not underestimated.


To improve the efficiency of trading, experienced speculators use an arsenal of tools to help find market entry points and analyze the price curve. The most popular are the following:

  • Indicators. Software solutions that analyze quotes and help find favorable points.
  • Economic calendar. Pivot table, where the release dates of important news that affect asset prices are added.
  • Advisors. Programs that analyze quotes and give a sound signal. The algorithm includes indicators, they work according to the strategy.
  • Robots. They allow you to conduct passive trading, independently conclude deals. It is based on an algorithm based on the use of technical analysis indicators.
  • Metatrader. A terminal that includes graphical elements, indicators, advisors and robots. Helps in predicting asset prices.
  • Analytical forecasts. Available on trading portals, broker websites. Based on the information, a decision is made to conclude a contract.

Money management

Beginners think that it is easier to disperse the deposit by investing 50-100% of the deposit in a deal. However, the aggressive way of trading leads to account zeroing in the long run. To trade in profit, it is recommended to follow the rules of money management:

  • 1-5% of the balance is invested in the transaction. In this case, the trader will withstand the trade drawdown (a series of unprofitable orders) and will not replenish the deposit, get into debt.
  • Drawing up a trading plan. Before you start trading, it is recommended to make a plan. It contains the number of unprofitable and profitable contracts, upon reaching which trading stops.
  • Strategy trading. A trader must have effective trading tactics. If orders are opened at random, this will lead to a drain on the deposit.

Psychology of trading

To be successful in digital contracting, you will need to control your emotions. Due to the unstable state, traders make mistakes that negatively affect the balance.

When receiving income, you do not need to open deals on unconfirmed signals. Trading has nothing to do with the casino, so Fortune will not help you make money here. At the same time, you should not try to bounce back from a series of losing orders by increasing the investment amount and ignoring the rules of capital preservation. The ideal solution would be to stop trading for 2-3 hours or not open contracts at all on this day.

Work on mistakes

Once a week or a month it is recommended to analyze the trading results. This habit will help you understand how effective trading is, allow you to identify errors and eliminate gaps in knowledge. It is important to find out what prevents you from earning more, then the income will increase.

If you ignore mistakes and refuse to analyze trades, the chance of becoming successful in trading is low. It is better to spend time and not trade on weekends or holidays than to put up with losses. In the future, the sacrifices will pay off and it will be possible to increase the percentage of profitability of trading.


Everyone can profitably trade binary options. However, you will have to go through a difficult path and spend time. It is recommended to start with training, then you can move on to training on a demo account and gradually look after a reliable broker. When trading for money, it is important to follow the rules of money management, choose an effective strategy and analyze mistakes. It makes sense to try your hand at trading, if you make every effort, then success will not be long in coming.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! If you are tired of constantly making the same mistakes when trading forex and losing money, then this article is for you! We will reveal secrets of experienced traders, and tell you what you need to do in order to trade forex profitably.

We recommend that you carefully study this article, because the tips described in it will save you a lot of money and nerves, and will help to significantly improve your trading efficiency. Every earning trader on the stock exchange has come a long way through mistakes and losses. For some, this path took a little time, and for some, more than one year of hard work. We have acquaintances of traders who started making money on Forex regularly after only 5-6 years of almost daily trading. Such cases are not uncommon, but one pattern is visible in them - perseverance, determination, the desire for financial independence and a qualitative change in one's life.

If earlier these guys had financial problems, now they are absolutely wealthy people with earnings from 1 million rubles per month, which, you see, is very impressive!

Such profitability is the result of hard work and self-confidence. None of them expected the result to come quickly. They sensibly assessed their strengths and capabilities. This fundamentally distinguishes them from most newcomers who come to the exchange for a quick enrichment.

Therefore, the first piece of advice on the way to profitable forex trading is: don't expect to get rich quick. Do your work gradually, and success will not be long in coming. It's perfect not means that you will learn how to earn only in 5-6 years, of course not!

Learn to trade. Pass.

We know traders who started earning after 3 years of trading. There are even those who reached high profitability after one and a half to two years. It depends on the ability and desire of the individual trader. We are all different people, someone learns in a year what the other cannot understand in 5 years.

When a beginner enters Forex with the hope of quickly becoming a millionaire, he immediately falls into the trap of his expectations. Thoughts of getting rich quick make him rush and do rash things. Haste in the market is very expensive! You can’t rush in trading, everything must be done in a balanced and deliberate way. So immediately tune in to work, and drive away thoughts about a beautiful life that will definitely appear in your head :)

Your task - focus on the process of market research and gaining experience. Money will come by itself, as a result of correct actions on the stock exchange. Let's move on to the next tip.

Directly to trade

We are convinced that a demo account is needed only to test the capabilities of the terminal, but not to simulate trading. This is due to the fact that trading on a demo account completely dulls the psychological and emotional component of the trader, which is always present and is a very significant component in real trading.

Therefore, open a real account and trade on it. Moreover, to open an account, a lot of money is not needed. For example, at , you can open an account from $100.

When opening an account, be guided by the following rules:

  • trade only with those funds, the loss of which will not bring you a financial hole in your budget. In other words, you should not trade with your last money.
  • the amount to trade should not be too small, it should be at least a little significant for you. Those. so that the loss causes anxiety, and for the profit you could have dinner in a good restaurant :) This psychological technique is done so that you can emotionally feel the loss and arrival of money. And not that, put $100 into the account, lose them without worrying too much, start new $100 :) It's better to immediately open an account for a normal (by your standards) amount and tune in to serious trading. Such a step will immediately form your responsible approach to business.

Let's move on to trading tips. We will tell you different secrets and tricks that traders use to trade Forex profitably.

Anything can happen in the market

Take it as an axiom that anything can happen in the market! The market is able to remain irrational until you run out of all the money in the account. You must always be on the alert that any trick can happen. A trader constantly deals with probability. There are no 100% situations on the stock exchange. This must be understood very clearly. Do not look for logical explanations for this, just take it for granted, and then save yourself from big losses.

Trading books

The literature on trading on the stock exchange lays pattern thinking in a novice trader. In practice, things are completely different. And precisely because a beginner expects a certain development of situations, for example, after a breakdown of some kind, it is difficult for him to abandon the forecast when the situation is not at all the way it was written in the book. Therefore, treat literature from a critical point of view.

We are not saying that you do not need to read anything. You will have to read a lot, but always criticize what you read and do not take what is written as the only truth. You risk money, not the author who wrote this book.

Trade only currencies you understand

Trade only those currencies whose movements you understand. Each currency pair has its own behavior and characteristics. Choose the one that suits you best. Do not spread yourself, do not trade many currency pairs at once. Otherwise, your attention and concentration will be scattered.

Cases when it is better not to trade

We categorically do not recommend trading in a state of altered consciousness :) Altered consciousness refers to intoxication and illness when it is necessary to take medication. When a person is sick, it is very difficult for him to concentrate, he becomes inattentive and makes many mistakes.

In fact, it turns out a deal "at random". When a trader returns to the terminal, a very unpleasant surprise may await him in the form of a large loss from a failed stop order or a strong market movement against the position if the stop loss was not set in principle.

Place stop orders

Be sure to always place stop orders. Do not listen to anyone who tells you that it is better to trade without stops. There is a popular myth about the fact that large players are hunting for stops, or, as they say, “dolls”. It's all complete nonsense!

People who say this are justifying their lack of understanding of the market and their inability to place stop losses. If the market knocked out the stop, then this means only one thing - the stop is set incorrectly. A correctly set stop order is never just knocked out.

Protect profit

Beginners and losing traders have one big problem - sitting out profits. It is directly related to greed. As a result, a profitable trade may turn out to be unprofitable. Profit must be taken!

Whenever a position goes into profit, protect it by setting a stop loss at least at the point of the move so that the position is at breakeven, and then tighten the order as the price moves.

Proceed according to the algorithm:

  • trade entry,
  • setting the initial stop,
  • in case the position enters the profit zone, move the stop loss to the breakeven point (entry point),
  • trading profits and fixing the position in parts when the market goes in your direction.

What timeframe to trade

Try to trade from the younger time period to the older one. This technique allows you to trade the volume that you put into the trade. This is especially true for when you want to overclock it.

On the higher timeframe, look for the presence, and on the lower timeframe, look for an entry point to get the best risk/reward ratio. Using this scheme, good point an entry can be obtained even on a minute timeframe with a close stop, which means a small risk. It all depends on the accuracy of the entry. Such transactions can be held for a long time, and they bring a lot of money, which often determines the effectiveness of trading for a whole year.

News and economic statistics

If you are actively speculating and not investing, then we recommend that you do not make forecasts based on news and economic data. Usually, the market's expectations of some kind of news or statistics are already priced in. When news comes out, the reaction of the market can very often be completely different from what you expected. It is better to analyze the graph and build forecasts using technical analysis. Earning traders do just that.

News, market statistics and other fundamental analysis data can be useful to you when trading on longer investment horizons.

Do not load the price chart

Never load the terminal chart with unnecessary technical analysis tools. You will be constantly confused!

Signals from different indicators will begin to contradict each other, this will bring uncertainty to trading. Just look at this, there are so many indicators hung here that you can't even see the price.

Remember, the number of indicators does not increase the accuracy of the forecast, but on the contrary, it interferes with the normal analysis of the price chart. There is no need to heavily load the schedule. You can get by with just a couple of indicators: some kind of trend and one oscillator. This is more than enough!

Make a trading plan before the market opens

Before you start trading, be sure to sketch out a trading plan and try to stick to it throughout the trading day. Here are our recommendations.

  1. Look in , if there are any important news and statistics on the market today. You will know when to expect increased volatility in the market. The meaning of the news and data itself is not important, only the time is important to be ready for increased activity in the market.
  2. Look at the main timeframes, from highest to lowest, for reversal and continuation patterns and other patterns. identify figures that are important price levels and the most probable direction of the trend can be automatically using the program.
  3. Look at the oscillator data for divergences, which could be signs of a reversal.
  4. Draw the main ones.
  5. After analyzing this data, decide on the direction in which you will trade, and stick to the strategy all day.

Having a trading plan will save you from rash actions. Based on the analysis, you will know in advance what to do during the day: buy or sell. The lack of a plan will bring turmoil and rash actions to trading, which will certainly end in losses.

What amount of deposit to trade

To determine how much volume from the account to use in a trade, you need to decide where the entry point for the position will be and how far the stop loss will be set. Each trader knows and defines his own risks. When the stop can be set at a distance of several points, then it is foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity and not to use a significant amount of capital in the transaction. Maybe even all!

In the case when stops need to be placed far from the entry point into the transaction, it is better to reduce the volume to enter the position.

Trade restrictions

Be sure to set yourself limits on the number of transactions per day. This will help you avoid unnecessary losses. If the market has not decided on the direction of movement after several of your visits, and knocked out a position on a stop order, then turn off the terminal and wait for the next trading day. The market is not going anywhere, there is an opportunity to trade every day.

Avoid other people's opinions on market situations

Remember that only you are responsible to yourself for your trading. Only you profit or suffer losses from your actions. Don't let other people's opinions intrude into your trading. This applies to all analytics, which is full on and in chats.


We hope that this information will be useful to you. Everything written here is verified by money and experience. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments to this post :)

Successful trading!

Leading Forex Broker -

I started learning and trading binary options back in 2013. At that time, binary options trading was just in its infancy, and there was no information about what it was and how to trade. There were many one-day brokers who took the deposit and disappeared forever with the money of traders, I also fell for such tricks and lost money.

During this time, several dozen strategies and various variations of strategies were tried, in which it was necessary to take into account many parameters, such as volatility, trading sessions, percentage returns, trends, flats and much more.

And as always, I want to find something universal and very simple, and as it turned out, there is no single strategy for all occasions. The market is always changing, and even if the strategy shows good results for a long time, there comes a moment when the strategy stops working for some reason. The main reason for this is of course a psychological factor, and the second reason is that the market is changing, volatility is changing and trading is already becoming difficult or impossible.

Over time, a certain understanding of the entire field of binary options comes, and all unnecessary is eliminated. And so it happened to me with strategies. I have identified 6 strategies that deserve special attention, all of them have proven their performance, and all of them can make money.

Why is there not one strategy, but as many as 6 pieces.

Well, first of all, traders who are just starting to trade will experience several strategies, as it happens with all traders. There is no such trader who would take one strategy that he was told and trade only on it. Perhaps he will trade successfully, but he will always be tormented by the thought that perhaps another strategy is even more profitable.

Therefore, any trader goes through this hell of choosing his own strategy. And only after testing several strategies, draining a certain amount of money on them, and gaining valuable experience, the trader comes to something in between, to his average. And after several months or years of trading, the trader stops at one of his own strategies, according to which he trades. And no one in the whole world will be able to repeat his successes, since all traders are different and everyone thinks differently.

But, all these own strategies have a common beginning and something in between, and these beginnings are in these five strategies, which I will now talk about and show how to trade them. But you will need to do the end of the strategy yourself, that is, you will need to try out all these strategies on your own account, trade all of them, and come to your own strategy.

You can surf the entire Internet, ask all the traders again, watch thousands of hours of videos, but you will still only return to these strategies. Perhaps there will be other parameters, other indicators, but the essence of the strategies will be reduced to these six strategies.


Many strategies are traded using the Loss Compensation System, abbreviated as LCL. There are different sku, consider the two most popular.

SKU Martingale

The original Martingale SKU involves doubling the next trade until the trade closes with a profit. At the same time, all losses are covered, it turns out minimum income. This approach makes sense when we get a 100% payout when winning.

In binary options, the profitability per transaction is 70% -90%, and already at the fourth doubling, we will begin to lose money, so a simple doubling is not enough here.

For binary options, they take an increase of 2.2, 2.5, 2.7, 3 times. These numbers are called coefficients.

In addition, although it is expected to increase the next transactions by coefficients, but now the number of steps (steps) is strictly limited. These ratios can be customized to your liking. In addition, there are ready-made tables with coefficients, where you can choose both the aggressiveness of the coefficients and the amount of transactions, depending on the size of the deposit.

The advantage of SKU with coefficients is that the higher the step, the higher the income received, while in Martingale the income is fixed and minimal, for example, look at the third step in both tables. With the same risks, in Martingale the income is only 100 rubles, and in the SKU 410, and the higher the steps, the greater the discrepancy in income and risks.

The image shows that having reached the seventh step, if the transaction is successfully closed, the trader compensates for all losses and makes a profit of 29,210 rubles. That's where happiness is, that's why traders, especially beginners, so zealously climb into this strategy and love SKU, although they don't really understand it, and they only think that they will immediately earn a lot of money.

But you also need to look at the other side of this deal. If the transaction closes with a loss, the trader will receive a total loss, together with all previous transactions, in the amount of 109,300 rubles.

Now it seems that this is not profitable, there is no profit in this, but this is not so. The thing is that you need to trade using Martingel's SKU only together with some strategy that you already understand well and that gives more than 60% of profitable trades. And then, even if you get a loss on the seventh step, you will still be in the black for a long period of time.

For example, in a month you earned 400,000 rubles, and there was a “drain” of the seventh step, where you lost 109,300 rubles. We take a calculator and consider: 400,000-109,300 = 290,700 rubles per month, a very good income.

Thus, when trading according to the SKU + strategy, the trader's task is to make as many profitable trades as possible, and as few unprofitable trades as possible.

If the seventh steps are closed with a minus very often, then you need to change either the strategy or refine it to perfection. Here the reason is not in the charts and price, but in your trading skills and abilities.

How to use the odds table, see this video

SKU Oscar Grind

Oscar Grind's SKU is good because it relieves emotional burden. This system has high levels, and money is earned more slowly than Martingale, but if you trade according to the strategy, then you will never lose your account.

I will not describe Oscar Grind here, everything has already been written in this article .


The strategies will be placed in the order in which I tested and traded them. Here I will give a brief description of the strategies, but you can find the full description in the link in the text.


Almost all beginners start with this strategy, and it is clear why. At first glance, you don’t need to think at all here, trade by the color of the candle and use 7 steps to increase the amount of transactions, and you will be happy. But not everything is as simple as it seems, let's see what's what.


Must be a microtrend
The deal is opened by the color of the candle,
The expiration is equal to the timeframe,

It seems simple, but it's far from it. Some people call this strategy “color to color”, that is, we buy on a green candle and sell on a red one, but this is an erroneous opinion. If you trade every candle in a row like this, then in half an hour there will be nothing left of your deposit.

Trading according to the 7 steps strategy, although it implies trading by the color of the candle, but not color by color, and even more so not every candle, these are different things that entail different consequences.

In the 7 step strategy, you need to trade when there is a trend, and you cannot trade when the zebra begins. Zebras are alternating candles of different colors.

Please note that in this image there are 7 candles of different colors, and there are also lingering zebras of 20-30 candles. It is clear that seven steps will not be enough for you to wait out such a series of candles.

You can’t trade when uncertainty appears on the market, for example, when Doji (Doji) candles appear, this is a candle with long shadows and a meager body. Based on such a candle, it is impossible to determine what the next candle will be and where the price will go next.

There are many more nuances of trading with this strategy, and they all need to be taken into account. And it’s impossible to study all this in a couple of minutes, it takes time and experience, you need hours of trading, and you need different market situations so that you remember the price behavior patterns and, based on this, open a deal in the right direction.

You will find all the details of trading using the 7 Steps strategy on the pages:

I also highly recommend watching one day of live trading on the 7 Steps strategy. The video is 4 hours long, do not take this time, and after watching you will have a clearer understanding of how to make money on binary options.


This strategy is based on the intersection of two moving averages with a period of 3 and a period of 9. Most traders know about such a strategy, it can be said to be a trading classic, but for some reason not everyone succeeds in trading with it, let's figure out how to trade with the SMA39 strategy .


Must be a trend
SMA3 crosses SMA9,
The last candle must close above the crossover (in an uptrend) and must be in the color of the trend,
Expiration = timeframe*4,
Used by SKU up to the 7th stage.

The image shows that when the blue SMA3 crosses the red SMA9, a trade is made. As a rule, a trade is made with an expiration of 4 times the timeframe. For example, if you are trading on a 1-minute chart, then the expiration should be 4 minutes, and if you are trading on a 15-minute chart, then the expiration will be 60 minutes.

Remember once and for all. This strategy only works when there is a trend, with a sideways movement, the strategy will give false signals and losses will begin, and no SKU will save you.

The trend is easy to determine, the two lines SMA3 and SMA9 should have a slope in one direction and the distance between them should increase.

If you see that SMA3 and SMA9 are practically horizontal, or one SMA is lying and the other has a slope, then there is no trend and it is forbidden to open deals.

Details of the strategy in this video:


This strategy also has a lot of variations, and names, and having tried different variants which I found from various traders and on the Internet, settled on the golden mean, on this option.


4 ascending/descending candles of the same color should appear,
Doji candles don't count
A support/resistance level should be visible,
The deal is opened against the trend,
The expiration is equal to the timeframe,
Used by SKU up to the 5th stage.

The strategy is very clear, the main parameter here is the expectation. As you can see, a series of 4 or more candles of the same color does not come across often and you have to wait. But here you can use either a small timeframe, or sort through currency pairs to search for 4 in a row.

It is highly desirable to pay attention to the fact that in the direction of the series of candles there is a support / resistance level. Such a level will indicate that the price is about to turn around or slow down, closing your trade in plus.

If you see a series of more than 4 candles, then you can just as safely enter a deal. If the deal closed with a loss, we immediately open another deal in the same direction according to the SKU.

Watch the video with the strategy, although there were not many transactions recorded, but there is a lot of related information.


When we discussed the 7 step strategy, it was said to avoid lateral movements called traffic lights. In the same strategy, on the contrary, we will look for such zebras and make money on them.


The obvious presence of a side, price channel (zebra),
When the channel boundary is broken, a trade is opened along the trend in the direction of the breakdown,
The expiration is equal to the timeframe,
Used SKU up to 4-5 steps.

The image shows that you need to wait for the lateral movement, visually determine its boundaries, and after the breakdown of one of the boundaries, open a deal in the direction of the breakdown.

I showed the Channel Breakout strategy in this video in as much detail as possible and with real examples of transactions, be sure to watch it. In the video, he talked about the most important points that you need to consider when trading with a strategy, and in which cases you should not open deals.


All traders come to this strategy, all at different times, but sooner or later everyone starts trading with this strategy, well, or something like this.

Why not start trading with this strategy right away, because you need experience. It is necessary to try other strategies so that the information about the levels of support and resistance is deposited in the memory. You need to read books, you need to train a lot and you need understanding, insight, enlightenment, as it was with me and many others.


Price rollback from the level,
Confirmation of a reversal with candlestick patterns,
Expiration depends on many parameters,
A fixed transaction amount is used.

Don't be afraid of this a large number lines, rectangles and words in this image, it's all depicted to understand the trade, in fact, the trade will use a clean chart, without all this art.

The whole essence of trading comes down to the fact that when the price bounces off the resistance level, we sell, and when it bounces off the support level, we buy. An important point is to wait for a reversal pattern, as this greatly increases the predicted outcome of the transaction.

Trading according to the strategy from support levels is carried out with a fixed amount, and the SKU is absolutely not needed here (although it is not prohibited), since the percentage of profitable trades is very high.

The undoubted advantage of a fixed amount over SKU is that the risks are ten times less.

Here's an example for you, two accounts with 100,000 rubles on the balance sheet will be used.

  1. When trading using the SKU, approximately 80-100 transactions will be made per trading session and the income will be 5000-7000 rubles. At the same time, there is a risk of closing the seventh step in the red, and the loss will be 100,000 rubles.
  2. Trading with a fixed amount, 2-5 transactions will be made, and the income will be 10,000-20,000 rubles. In this case, the risk is only 10,000 rubles.

I won't go into details why this happens, but it is, just believe it and then check.

Trading from levels is very profitable and very interesting, you need to learn this, but I repeat once again, you will not succeed right away. You need experience and a lot of time for training, but it's worth it, and you don't need to keep a lot of money on your account with a broker, you just need to have 200,000 rubles in your account to earn 50-100% of your account per week. Since the amount of your deposit is divided into 10 transactions, and you use 10% (20,000 rubles) in one transaction at once. And due to the fact that the signals are very high quality, you will have a lot of profitable trades.


This is the last strategy I want to talk about, because there is nothing more to invent, everything is already in this strategy, and everything is very simple.


The green candlestick closes above SMA10 – buy.
The red candlestick closes below SMA10 – sell.
The expiration is equal to the timeframe.
We use one asset with the maximum profitability.
We trade 1-1.5 hours, break 2 hours.
We trade with a fixed amount.
We trade only in the presence of a trend and along the trend.

You will find all the details on the page, and here I will leave only a video on the strategy.


6 strategies were listed that are used to trade binary options. You can continue to look for strategies, you can connect various indicators, and you will still return to these strategies.

These strategies are the basis of successful trading, and it is very important to understand that trading is always carried out from levels, even if it is not noticeable at first glance. Pay attention to this, even though the levels were mentioned only in the fifth strategy, but, go back and look at the images, if you look closely and delve into the trade, support and resistance levels are used everywhere.

Do not give up at the first mistakes and failures. Mistakes are experience, failures are steps through which you increase your skill and ability.

I remember an interesting expression: The wall is the same step, you just need to lift your leg higher and climb over.

Set aside time for learning, not ten minutes, not one day, but weeks and months. These months will still pass, and in order not to regret that they were empty, start now!

Hello dear blog visitors! February is coming to an end, winter is coming to an end! I do not like the cold, so I look forward to the arrival of spring! Neither slush nor dirt frightens me, but the warm wind and the feeling of the approaching awakening of nature please me! :-) So, I dreamed a little, I need to tell you about something else. My personal, all the rules of trade, I will not hide a single detail! Just follow my system and you will earn! Read on.

In general, why am I telling a profitable trading strategy, because it is sacred for every trader?! There are several reasons for this. Firstly, I do not consider this to be something overly secret, the value profitable strategies bloated on the forums and the Internet in general. Many people believe that if others find out about your strategy, it will stop working. Maybe it makes sense for major players, but even if all traders in Russia begin to follow my strategy, this will not change the balance of power in the market at all, since the amount of funds does not allow. Secondly, I have several strategies that I follow, and the publication of one of them will not affect me in any way, I am sure that I can create at least 10 profitable trading strategies (I will, I will share with you on this blog). Thirdly, I stopped following it, as I replaced it with an adviser, I save time, I talked about it here:

How did this trading strategy come about?

At the very beginning of his trading path, he deeply studied wave analysis, he said in an article:. This system was created precisely thanks to the wave principle, I remember, I came up with it after reading B. Williams' book "Trading Chaos".

The main reason for the ineffectiveness of the application wave principle Elliot is a set of possible options, each trader sees the further development of the situation in different ways. I meet on the Internet completely opposite scenarios and forecasts. I tried to eliminate confusion and develop clear rules, following which you can earn. This is the main difference between the analysis method and the trading strategy.

I didn’t try to trade every wave, I didn’t try to be in the market all the time and predict every movement of one instrument, so you won’t be able to make money! I was looking for unambiguously clear situations in all the markets that were available: stocks (Russian, American), futures and currencies. Every morning and throughout the day, I looked through all the tools and looked for one situation that recurs from time to time. I was looking for the 3rd wave! For those unfamiliar with wave analysis, the third wave is the sharpest, with the most volume, and is the main move in the trend. Here is an example:

It was impossible to predict the 3rd wave, this is not necessary, I traded after it, the 3rd wave is a noticeable impulse that cannot be confused with another, it made it possible to clearly understand what stage I was in. After that, I waited for the 4th and 5th waves, then opened against the trend and took the corrective movement. I have noticed that this strategy is more effective when combined with strong support/resistance levels. Here are examples of the transaction and markup:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

The background turned out to be long, in fact, it is not difficult to follow this system, the main thing is to find an understandable situation on the market.

How to follow a profitable trading strategy?

I'll tell you the procedure that followed for about 2 years.

Work began in the morning, you need to find the 3rd wave in order to prepare for the deal in advance. I noticed that around 10 o'clock Moscow time is the time to start, before there are no big movements. At first I looked at everything, futures and Russian stocks. Those that had good impulses (3rd waves), I recorded and opened them on a separate desktop. These are the instruments that I have been following more closely all day. Checks for the appearance of new impulses can be carried out every 3-5 hours, and the necessary instruments can be selected.

On most of them, nothing necessary will happen, somewhere there is no support / resistance, somewhere the picture becomes incomprehensible, etc. But if after the 3rd wave a 4th correction appears, followed by a 5th along the trend, then this is the case that is needed! So there will be a deal. I followed the development of the situation inseparably, it is important not to miss the moment, there is often a sharp rebound of the price from the support/resistance level. In wave 5, you need to wait for completion, that is, a small flat, which ends the waves. In this flat, I opened a deal. The profit order was placed at the top of the 3rd wave (often the correction reaches it and continues to move along the trend), and the stop was set at the profit value, but in the other direction. It is important to place orders immediately, you may not have time to do it manually.

The risk in the transaction did not exceed 2.5%. How to correctly calculate the risk in a transaction, knowing the opening price and the stop level, was described in the article:. Since in this strategy it is impossible to know the exact stop level in advance, I calculated approximately so as not to risk too much.

Here is an example showing the calculation of the required levels:

For the convenience of following my anti-trend strategy, I wrote a list of rules that I looked into before opening a deal, this helped to avoid unnecessary mistakes (I tell you all the secrets today). I present it below.

A list of rules for following a profitable countertrend trading strategy.

    1. The level of support / resistance should be significant, do not make deals at weak levels.
    2. MACD in the third wave should be more/less than neighboring highs/lows.
    3. Wave 5 crossing the support/resistance line should be an impulse (check on smaller timeframes), end with wave 5 in wave 5 or flat.
    4. Between the 3rd and 5th waves there should be a divergence on different ones.
    5. The distance of the 5th wave must be at least 0.618 of the distance of the 3rd wave.
    6. Stop must be equal to the distance of the profit pending in the other direction from the opening price of the transaction.
    7. Place profit at the top of the 3rd wave.
    8. The 4th wave should not reach the middle of the 3rd wave.
    9. If the length of the 1st wave is approximately equal to the length of the 3rd, then the 5th wave should be extended, more than the 1st and 3rd.
    10. The 4th wave should be clearly visible and have no alternatives.
    11. In the case of a prolonged lateral movement after the entry, you need to exit the market. Most likely, the correction will not reach the top of the 3rd wave.
    12. When dealing with stocks before opening a position, find out the release of important news in the near future. Do not open a trade if any are expected, large gaps are possible.

It seems to have written everything, if I missed something, ask in the comments, I will tell you in more detail. It is possible that these are not the best parameters, the trading strategy can be made more profitable by changing stops or profits. This variation suited me, everyone can modify the system for themselves.

This concludes the story of my profitable trading strategy. Probably, it’s worth coming up with a name for it, in English letters and memorable, I’ll do it in my free time! :-)

Also pay attention to other strategies, including automated ones. For example, advisor. Profitability is about 7% per month, while it does not contain unprofitable algorithms like martingale or sitting out.

I invite you to subscribe to blog updates by mail in the form below, so you will be the first to know about new articles. Or add me on social networks, where I announce posts. Wish you profitable trading, bye!

P.S. And this is the second part of the film about novice traders, the first one was published earlier.

Do you have any questions? Ask in the comments, I'll try to help.

Now on the Internet you can find a lot useful information about binary trading. But in fact, not everything will be really useful in the work. There are a lot of thoughts, arguments, stories of my success, but there is not enough information that will improve the efficiency of trading. Today we decided to bring together best advice and advice from experienced pros on how to profitably trade binary options.

The right attitude to risk

Remember that any activity on financial markets associated with high risks. And if you do not learn how to correctly perceive it, you will never succeed. Previously, we have already talked about the basic rules of risk management. They will help to cope with the emotional and psychological stress that always arises from losses.

Even experienced pros who have been trading for far from the first year experience losses and drawdowns of the deposit. But their only difference from novice traders is that they know how to let them through themselves and stubbornly move on to success. Losses and losses can hit hard on the psychological state of any person.

But the main task for profitable trading in binary options is to create such a strategy and mechanism of work in which the number of profitable transactions will significantly prevail over loss-making ones at the end of the reporting period (for example, a month).

Ability to distinguish timeframe from expiration

Many beginners often confuse such concepts as expiration dates and timeframes. The first is the trade expiration time, and the second is the time interval on which the chart is analyzed. Depending on the chosen timeframe, this or that term is set. As a rule, it can be equal to the terms of the candle itself immediately after the signal closes, or 3-5 candles.

Big profit binary options are mostly found at shorter expiration times of 60 seconds. But they are among the most risky.

Always choose a timeframe based on your trading style. Gambling speculators who can handle their emotions can enter into trades with expiration times of 60 seconds.

Well, if you are a calmer person who does not like to make quick and rash decisions, then the most profitable binary options for you will be 30-minute. Such timeframes lend themselves better to technical analysis, market noise does not knock down the indicators, and the risks are reduced accordingly. Experienced pros advise to comprehend market analysis precisely from such intervals, and preferably from 1 hour at all.

Of great importance is the correct ratio of timeframe and expiration. If you are analyzing a 1-minute timeframe, then it is best to conclude a deal for 5-15 minutes. When analyzing 15-30 minute timeframes the best option will be the conclusion of transactions for 1-4 hours, respectively.

Trading days and sessions

Not every strategy is suitable for a particular time of day. And with the choice of a currency pair, you also need to be careful. There are such trading assets that are in high volatility in the morning, and in a narrow flat in the evening. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate strategy for profitable trading in binary options.

In the course of observation by experienced pros, binary options with high profits are obtained during high volatility hours. It is at this time that a clear and obvious trend emerges, within which the best deals are concluded.

Always take into account the opening and closing times of trading sessions when choosing an asset for making deals. There are four main sessions:

  • Pacific
  • Asian,
  • European,
  • American.

In addition, always check the Economic Calendar for important macroeconomic news. Sometimes events such as a report on American market from non-farm can break even the strongest trend. And this cannot be predicted by any technical analysis.

Trading strategy

Every day new trading methods appear, which consist of both classic technical indicators, as well as new author's instruments, which are created by more experienced traders and programmers.

Millions of traders around the world every day are wondering how to trade binary options profitably? They spend their precious time looking for that win-win trading technique.

But the harsh reality is that there is none.

There are many sites on the Internet that teach how to trade binary options profitably using these 100% effective indicators and strategies. But this is just pure water. There are also such naive beginners who pay real money for such tricks from scammers.

Even if two different traders are given the same trading technique, with more probability, the first one will be able to succeed on it, and the second one will lose his deposit. The reason lies in the characteristics of character and psychology.

Thus, you need to choose or create from scratch your own strategy, which would consist of indicators that are accessible and understandable to you, and would be convenient for trading and working in terms of trading style and time of day.

Take a ready-made template and test it on a demo account for at least a month. If the results do not suit you, then change it or supplement it with other indicators. This continues exactly until it starts to show profit.

Since it is difficult for beginners to conduct a complete and correct technical analysis, we recommend that you pay attention to the Investing portal. In addition to high-quality analytics and regularly updated economic and financial news, here you can find signals as part of an extensive technical analysis. They can be used as additional confirmation of your own forecast as part of a trading strategy.

Trader's diary

In order to learn how to profitably make money on binary trading, we recommend that you start a trader's diary. This is a very important step towards future success.

It can be created completely individually for yourself, but the main template with the necessary items is presented as an example in the screenshot above.

You must keep a mandatory record of all your transactions, regardless of the result. Yes, we admit, it is unpleasant to write down your defeats. But it is they who will help you understand what you are doing wrong, what is the mistake in your trading strategy or plan.

The trader's diary will allow you to understand how to trade with great profit, abandoning an inefficient and unnecessary strategy.

Don't neglect hedging

In addition to classical trading strategies, there are also those that allow, although they make a significantly smaller profit, but almost 100% eliminate the likelihood of risk.

At first glance, this may seem like a fairy tale and thus a non-existent Grail, which experienced pros recommend avoiding.

Study these, and it is quite possible that they will really help you reduce risks and start making steady profits.

Listen to other analysts and expert forecasts

It is difficult from the first days of your career to become a professional in market analysis. For this reason, do not disdain and do not neglect the forecasts from experienced analysts and traders.

Of course, you should not blindly trust them. Such trading recommendations should be used solely as an additional recommendation to your own forecast.

But sometimes such signals will help to form a general opinion about the market, about its main trends and tendencies, in order to make deals in its direction.

An excellent analytical section can be found on the official websites of such giants as or Forex Club.

We love Portal Investing, which we often mention in our reviews. Here, in addition to published economic and financial news, you get trade signals based on technical analysis for free.

In our "Strategies" section, we often published reviews of author's trading methods, which are in the public section on the official TradingView Live Chart website. In addition, forecasts and opinions of experienced pros are published here, which are available to all site visitors for free and without any restrictions.

Don't believe the ads

Modern advertising is deliberately created by unscrupulous brokers to attract naive beginners and turn them into moths flying to the fire. All such banners assure that binary options are simple and profitable. The fact that it is profitable, we ourselves will not argue. But here about the simplicity is already far from the truth.

Such advertising encourages excitement and greed in traders. They start believing that binary trading is easy and simple. It is enough to make a minimum deposit of 300 rubles, and tomorrow you will be the owner of a luxurious yacht and villa in the tropics.

The most annoying thing is that those who have not learned how to profitably make money in the financial markets do not understand their lesson. They begin to accuse everyone and everything of fraud and are in no way ready to admit their guilt. Understand that you make deals yourself, no one forces you to click on Call or Put. Only you decide whether to open a trade or not. So stop blaming others for your failures!

Only theory and practice can make you successful trader. But learning is best done in stages. No need to try to shove all sections of the technical and fundamental analysis. Start small, then add a new indicator to your knowledge, learn new reversal candlestick patterns and so on.

Yes, it may take longer. But all the information received will fit in your head, and not turn into mess and confusion.

Well, as for practice, your most faithful friend is a demo account. Now many brokers provide it free of charge and unlimited in time.


We recommend that you use all of the above recommendations for profitable binary options trading. They were compiled by experienced pros who, over the course of their careers, thought of them themselves. Following them will allow you not to step on their own rake, but to quickly go to success in the financial markets! Well, you can choose an effective trading strategy in the section of our website