How to join the antenatal clinic via the Internet. Women's consultation on the spot. How to join the antenatal clinic


You need to go to the selected clinic and write an application addressed to the head physician. Take the following documents with you:

  • passport, (and to attach children to a children's clinic - a birth certificate);
  • SNILS (if any).

The application must indicate:

  1. Your personal data, last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth.
  2. Address of the actual residence.
  3. CHI number and the name of the insurance company in which you issued it.
  4. The address and name of the old clinic, the name of the head doctor, the address and the reason why you want to change the clinic.

After one and a half to two weeks, you will receive a notification by mail or by the left phone number.

If you are registered on the public services portal, then the notification will be sent to your Personal Account or by e-mail.

Note! To detach from the old clinic, you no longer need to go to it.

How to join a women's consultation via

If you need to attach to antenatal clinic, you can do everything in the same way as when attaching to a regular clinic.

You will need to log into your personal account on the portal. When visiting in person, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • passport;
  • SNILS (if any)

Possibility to join two clinics at the same time

In passing, we note that in order to attach to a dental clinic, you must follow the same pattern. To attach to other specialized polyclinics, such as, for example, a tuberculosis dispensary, venereological, oncological, etc., you need a referral from the attending physician indicating the diagnosis. Thus, you can attach to two clinics at once. You can attach yourself to several polyclinics by following the instructions already described.

Is it possible to be treated without registration?

A few years ago, the legislation in matters of registration of citizens was tightened, and today it is necessary to issue a temporary residence permit even with a short stay with relatives. It will allow you to register in any budgetary clinic for a period of 12 months (in the future, the attachment period can be extended).

But which clinic to contact if there is no registration - neither permanent nor temporary? Unfortunately, only in a paid one, that is, where the patient pays for services directly from his own pocket and his insurance company does not pay for them (from contributions coming from working citizens, by the way).

Is it possible to attach to a clinic in Moscow with a policy of another city

If you received compulsory medical insurance not in Moscow, but the territory of insurance is indicated in Moscow, then you can attach yourself to a polyclinic. If you have specified another insurance territory, then you need to go to any insurance company and change the region covered by the insurance.

In Moscow, with a residence permit near Moscow, you can also become a patient of the capital's state clinics.

The rules have been tightened up. And now you will need to apply for compulsory medical insurance in Moscow. Even if you have temporarily arrived for treatment in this city. Or apply for a temporary residence permit to receive registration. Otherwise, the services of private clinics and paid doctors will always be available to you.

Now I am the author as a lawyer, and as a person who has been in a similar situation, I will tell you:
I have a place of residence = place of registration. I am a Muscovite, with a policy. But the fact is that my LCD is not only bad, it is also very far from me (you can’t get there on your own).
I absolutely did not want to register there.

There is an LCD next to my work, which is geographically convenient for me, and reviews about it are good.

According to the current legislation of Russia and the order of the Ministry of Health, every pregnant woman has the inalienable right to be observed free of charge in any antenatal clinic in the country, regardless of the place of registration and citizenship. (by the way, birth certificates were created to stimulate this rule).

But the LCD has its own instructions that contradict the law, and they refer to them. IT IS ILLEGAL!

To register, go with a passport, a compulsory medical insurance policy, a document confirming detachment from the residential complex at the place of registration, an application for attachment to a new residential complex directly to the head of the medical institution.

In case of refusal immediately AT IT call to hotline health department.

All this I had to do. They demanded from me in an ultimatum form to confirm that I live nearby. It is illegal. But: if you don’t want unnecessary swearing (I cursed all day), then you can take and “make” a fake apartment rental agreement, to any address attached to this residential complex. They can't refuse here.
+ I wrote this letter, taken in the wilds of the Internet:

In accordance with the FUNDAMENTALS OF THE LEGISLATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON PROTECTION OF THE HEALTH OF CITIZENS (as amended by the Federal Laws of March 2, 1998 N 30-FZ, of December 20, 1999 N 214-FZ, of December 2, 2000 N 139-FZ, of January 10, 2003 N 15 -FZ, dated 02/27/2003 N 29-FZ, dated 06/30/2003 N 86-FZ, dated 06/29/2004 N 58-FZ, dated 08/22/2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on 12/29/2004), dated 12/01/2004 N 151-FZ, dated 03/07/2005 N 15-FZ, as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12/24/1993 N 2288) I ask you to register me for pregnancy.
I believe that an unreasonable refusal to register can harm me and the fetus due to failure to detect or untimely identification of possible factors and pathologies that have a harmful effect on the body.
I draw your attention to the fact that in cases of harm to the health of citizens, the perpetrators are obliged to compensate the victims for the damage in the amount and in the manner established by law. Russian Federation. The damage subject to compensation is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. I also inform you that liability for failure to provide medical care is regulated by Art. 124 and Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Name, date, signature.

Go to the secretary and register this statement. Obliged to register, give you a copy indicating the number of the incoming document. Take the phone and call to check the reaction. I think they will call you sooner.

To receive planned non-urgent medical care, each citizen must be attached to a polyclinic.

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Otherwise, admission will be denied. The proposed article will consider the main features of the procedure for attaching citizens to the clinics of the capital.

What you need to know

Every citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of other states residing on the territory of our country, have the right to receive qualified medical care.

To be able to visit a doctor, it is necessary to go through the procedure of attachment to the clinic. Otherwise, the registry of the medical institution will refuse to issue a referral to the citizen.

It is worth considering in detail the main features and subtleties of the described procedure in Moscow clinics. A detailed breakdown can be found in the information below.

The legislative framework

In accordance with the provisions of the law federal level, under the number 326-ФЗ, “On Compulsory Medical Insurance”, every citizen of the Russian Federation who has compulsory medical insurance policies has the right to choose the state clinic to which he will be attached.

According to the rules set out in the aforementioned legislative act, it is allowed to change the medical institution more often than once a calendar year.

The exception is when a person is attached to another medical institution for the following reasons:

  • change of residence (on the scale of settlements);
  • change of place of residence;
  • reaching the age of majority (children's polyclinic changes to an adult one);
  • change of address of registration or residence within the territory of one locality.

Registration at the clinic does not require renewal. It operates without delay, with the exception of children's medical institutions.

Children, upon reaching the age of majority, are discharged from children's clinics and registered as adults.

Why is it necessary

What justifies the need for mandatory registration in state medical institutions? Firstly, the implementation of the reception of only attached citizens can significantly relieve the polyclinic and its staff.

For the citizens themselves, this translates into a reduction in waiting time in queues, the speed of performing laboratory tests, etc. Secondly, the obligation to register is conditional on the distribution Money between medical institutions.

Photo: actions for attaching to the clinic

State polyclinics are financed by the budget of the Russian Federation. The availability of information on the number of citizens attached to a particular medical institution makes it possible to determine the amount of money needed to allocate to support the work of the polyclinic, modernize equipment, etc.

Of course, there are private medical organizations. However, the budget of not every citizen allows him to use the services of commercial medical centers.

Also, it is in state medical institutions that certificates of incapacity for work, various certificates required for obtaining state social assistance and benefits, etc. are issued.

How to join the clinic

The main condition, the observance of which is necessary for attaching to the clinic, is the presence of a policy of mandatory health insurance.

This document can be issued independently by contacting any insurance company providing such services, or obtained through an employing organization.

The standard set of documents for obtaining an MHI policy is presented below:

  • passport or any other document identifying the identity of the applicant;
  • SNILS card;
  • birth certificate (if the policy is issued for a child under the age of 14);
  • residence permit (for representatives of other states).

The procedure for registering at the clinic is as follows:

Contacting the registry of a medical institution for advice on the hours of accepting applications for attachment This can be done by phone call to the reference clinic or through a personal appeal.
Next, the applicant will need to visit the clinic and provide the required set of documents And it is not necessary to do it personally. The application may be submitted by an authorized person.

However, he must have one of the following documents:

  • for representatives - a power of attorney;
  • for parents of children - a birth certificate;
  • for adoptive parents - a court decision on adoption;
  • for guardians and custodians - an appropriate certificate together with the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities on the appointment
Waiting for a decision on the submitted application In most cases, a verdict on attachment to a medical institution is issued within five working days

List of documents

The application is filled in according to the standard form. The application form is available. To compile it, you must use a specialized form of the form, which can be obtained directly from the clinic itself.

A sample application is provided below:

Photo: sample application for attachment to a medical institution

Can it be done online

It is not necessary to visit the clinic in person to apply for attachments. This can be done through the Internet portal of public services in Moscow

The algorithm of actions is presented below:

Photo: applying for attachment to a polyclinic through the Internet portal of public services in Moscow (step 3)

What to do if you live in another city

How to attach to a polyclinic in Moscow for non-residents? According to the legislation of our state, every citizen of the Russian Federation who has a permanent place of registration and a policy of compulsory medical insurance can receive medical care, regardless of whether he applies to a medical institution at the place of registration or stay.

A one-time visit to the clinic does not require mandatory temporary registration. However, if a citizen plans to stay in Moscow for a long period of time, then he will need to attach his compulsory medical insurance policy to the Moscow territorial fund, and it is impossible to do this without a temporary residence permit.

The need to attach an existing policy is due to differences between regional program a set of medical services with a similar system in Moscow. To receive a set of services that is relevant for the capital, you need to attach a policy to the fund.

Otherwise, the registration procedure at the clinic is no different from the standard algorithm. Accordingly, a citizen with a residence permit near Moscow will be able to attach himself to the capital's clinic without any problems.

The only difference from people with Moscow registration is that such a person will not be able to call a doctor at home at the place of registration.

Where to go if there is no registration

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly regulates the issues of providing medical care. According to the regulated rules, persons who do not have Russian registration will be denied admission to the polyclinic.

For the same citizens who arrived in Moscow for a short period, medical assistance will be provided only if they have a residence permit in any region of Russia.

If the period of stay exceeds the period of ninety days, then in order to receive medical care, temporary registration will be additionally required. In all other cases, you can get medical care without registration only in commercial medical centers.

However, this does not apply to urgent medical care. If a citizen needs emergency or planned assistance, then he has the full right to visit any clinic, regardless of its location.

At the same time, in such a situation, it is enough to have a passport with you. CHI policy not required. Quite often, employees of polyclinics and ambulance workers refuse to provide emergency or planned assistance to a citizen who does not have a CHI policy.

It is important to understand that such a refusal is unlawful, since the employees of the clinic themselves can find out the policy number using the FFOMS database.

In the event of an unlawful refusal, a citizen can file a complaint with one of the following institutions:

  • territorial branch of the compulsory medical insurance fund;
  • the insurance company in which the CHI policy was issued.

Thus, the procedure for attaching to Moscow polyclinics for citizens with and without registration in the capitals differs only in that the latter must have a temporary residence permit.

Attachment to the clinic is carried out on the basis of the submitted application within five working days. Documentation can be downloaded in electronic format online through the Moscow Internet portal Persons without registration can only receive assistance in commercial medical centers.

Video: how to attach to the hospital