Gasn 26 thermal insulation work. Construction norms and rules of the Russian Federation. Construction norms and rules of the Russian Federation


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GESN 81-02-2001

Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated March 9, 2004 No. 41



to the State
elemental estimated norms
on the construction works


Release 2

Part 1

State Committee of the Russian Federation
for construction and housing and communal complex
(Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2004

Changes and additions include the State elemental estimated norms for new building structures and works, which have recently been widely used in construction, as well as changes to the previously issued State elemental estimated norms GESN-2001.

GESN-2001 are the initial standards for the development unit rates for construction work of the federal (FER), territorial (TER) and sectoral (OER) levels, individual and consolidated norms (prices) and others normative documents used to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of construction work.

DEVELOPEDInterregional Center for Pricing in Construction and Industry building materials(MTsTSS) Gosstroy of Russia (N. V. Malyutina), CJSC« Ini K" (Yu. V. Zhabenko, A. G. Tiriakidi, E. I. Shilova, T. AND I rmak), with the participation of F SUE" Scientific and Technical Center for Construction Quality and Labor Cost Regulation» Gosstroy of Russia (O. V. Tesalina).

CONSIDEREDPricing Department andwith standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (Editorial committee: V. A. Stepanov - head, E. E. Ermolaev,.e. n . I. Yu. Nosenko, O. V. Kuzmin, V. V. Sutyagin).

INTRODUCED management pricing and estimated rationing Gosstroy of Russia.

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED from March 9, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated March 9, 2004 No. 4 1.

GESN 81-02-26-2001



Collection #26


State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2001

These State Elemental Estimated Norms (GESN) are designed to determine the need for resources (labor costs of workers, construction machines, materials) when performing work on thermal insulation work and preparing estimates (estimates) using the resource method.

GESN-2001 are the initial standards for the development of State unit prices for construction work at the federal (FER), territorial (TER) industry levels, individual and aggregated norms (prices) and other regulatory documents used to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of construction work.

DEVELOPED Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and Building Materials Industry (MCCS) of Gosstroy of Russia (I.I. Dmitrenko), STEPS Concern Union (G.A. Voropaeva, R.I. Berezina), Krilak Association LLC (N. I. Loginova), 31 GPI SS MO RF (V.G. Guryev, A.N. Zhukov) and the St. Petersburg Regional Center for Pricing in Construction LLC “RCES” (P.V. Goryachkin, E.E. A.P. Ivanov).

CONSIDERED Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Gosstroy of Russia (Editorial Committee: V.A. Stepanov - Head, V.V. Safonov, V.N. Maklakov, G.A. Shanin, T.L. Gritsenkova) .

INTRODUCED Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Gosstroy of Russia.

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED from July 15, 2001 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated July 23, 2001 No. 82.

The system of regulatory documents in construction

Construction norms and rules of the Russian Federation

GESN 81-02-26-2001




State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2001


Collection #26

Thermal insulation works



1. General instructions

1.1. These State Elemental Estimated Standards (GESN) are intended to determine the need for resources (labor costs of workers, construction machines, materials) when performing heat-insulating and fire-retardant work and drawing up estimates (estimates) using the resource method.

GESN are the initial standards for the development of unit rates, individual and aggregated rates (prices).

1.2. HPES reflect the industry average costs for the operation of construction machines and mechanisms, technology and organization by type of construction work. GESN are mandatory for use by all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their affiliation and form of ownership, carrying out capital construction with the involvement of funds from the state budget of all levels and targeted off-budget funds.

For construction projects funded by own funds enterprises organizations and individuals, GESN are advisory in nature.

1.3. Norms sectionI of this Collection are intended to determine the need for resources when performing work on the insulation of hot surfaces of pipelines, fittings and flange connections; equipment, apparatus, reservoirs (containers), turbines; ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as cold surfaces of building structures.

1.4. Norms sectionII The collection is intended to determine the need for resources in the performance of fire protection of all types of building structures, fabrics and carpets, glass surfaces, cables and cable penetrations.

1.5. Norms tab. 01-037¸ 01-041 designed to isolate cold surfaces. Norms tab. 01-42 provide for the installation of doors with thermal insulation.

Norms tab. 01-037 provide for the use of products made of cellular materials (foam concrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete), tab. 01-038¸ 01-040 products made of fibrous and granular materials (rigid mineral wool, perlite-bitumen, asbestos-vermiculite and perlite-helium plates), tab. 01-41 foam products.

Norms tab. 01-037 designed taking into account the use of foam concrete slabs, in the case of using aerated concrete or expanded clay concrete slabs, a coefficient of 1.03 should be applied to labor costs.

The insulation of cold surfaces of pipelines and equipment should be adopted in accordance with the relevant standards for the insulation of hot surfaces of pipelines and equipment.

The norms for the insulation of cold surfaces with heat-insulating products do not take into account the cost of installing a vapor barrier layer.

The device of the vapor barrier layer should be taken:

a) when insulating walls and columns - according to the norms of the collection GESN-2001-08"Constructions made of bricks and blocks";

b) when insulating floors - according to the norms of the collection GESN-2001-11"Floors";

c) when insulating coatings - according to the norms of the collection GESN-2001-12"Roofs";

d) when insulating pipelines and equipment - according to the norms of the tables: 01-054 - roll materials (roofing material, glassine), 01-055 - polyethylene film.

Norms 1,3,4 tab. 01-038; norms 1,3,4 tab. 01-41 the costs of installing a wooden frame to strengthen the thermal insulation are taken into account.

1.6. The norms for pipeline insulation are drawn up for the insulation of pipes with a diameter of up to 820 mm and apply to the insulation of cylindrical surfaces of equipment, as well as fittings of the same diameter. For large diameters, the norms for the insulation of flat and curved surfaces should be applied.

1.7. The need for resources when insulating flat surfaces with mineral wool slabs of grades 150-200, as well as rigid slabs of other types and grades provided for by the project, should be determined according to the norm tables 26-01-005-4.

1.8. Brands of heat-insulating materials, structures and products should be taken according to design data.

1.9. Additional consumption of heat-insulating materials and products associated with sealing when they are installed on an insulated surface is taken into account by the standards in accordance with SNiP 2.04.14-88"Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines".

When using heat-insulating materials and products with compaction coefficients different from those accepted by the standards, their consumption should be determined by the design data.

1.10. norms tables 01-012, 01-013 isolation of fittings and flange connections on pipelines is provided.

Norms tables 01-014 provide isolation of armature and flange connections on the equipment.

1.11. The scope of work in m 2 per 1 m 3 of insulation when installing a protective coating for pipeline insulation with polyurethane foam by pouring, is determined by design data or calculation ( clause 2.9 technical part).

The weight of 1 m 2 of metal coating with a thickness of 1 mm, taking into account manufacturing, is: for aluminum - 3.48 kg, for galvanized steel - 9.58 kg.

1.12. norms tab. 01-020, 01-021 insulation is provided with polyurethane foam with a density of 60 kg / m 3. The ratio of components A:B is 1:0.96. For other given values ​​of insulation density, the consumption of components is determined by the project.

1.13. in table 01-056 the thickness of the plaster layer is 10 mm. For other thicknesses, change the consumption rates of machines and materials in proportion to the change in layer thickness, increase labor costs by 14% for every 5 mm increase in thickness.

1.14. Coloring of isolated surfaces should be taken according to the norms of collections GESN-2001-15"Finishing work" and GESN-2001-13"Protection of building structures and equipment against corrosion".

1.15. Norms tab. 01-05, 01-024 for the insulation of flat and curved surfaces with lime-silica slabs and asbo-perlite insulation of boiler units and auxiliary equipment by spraying, the manufacture and installation of mounting frames are not taken into account. The arrangement of frames provided for by the project should be taken additionally.

1.16. Pipeline insulation standards do not provide for the installation of unloading devices in vertical and inclined sections and support rings in horizontal sections. The costs for the installation of unloading devices and support rings should be taken according to the norms tables 01-023.

1.17. Norms 1,2,3 tables 02-003 a fire-retardant coating of load-bearing metal structures of floor beams, roofs and trusses is provided for with the OFP-NV "ESCALIBUR" composition at a reduced metal thickness of 3.4 mm and a coating layer thickness corresponding to a given fire resistance limit.

For other values ​​of the reduced thickness of the metal, the thickness of the fire-retardant coating, depending on the required fire resistance limit, should be determined according to tab. 1.1 Technical part.

Table 1.1

Reduced metal thickness, mm

Thickness of flame retardant coating (mm) for fire resistance

1 hour (R60)

2 hours (R120)

2.5 hours (R150)

1.18. In the norm of table 02-030, work on cutting and sealing holes in wooden floors should be additionally rationed.

1.19. The norms of the Collection take into account the following auxiliary works:

Current editing, point and cleaning of tools, maintenance of fixtures and machines, cleaning of the workplace during the shift;

Installation and movement of the simplest previously made scaffolds, ladders, goats, ladders for work at a height of up to 2.5 m;

Movement of materials within the workplace.

1.20. The arrangement of scaffolding in the production of heat-insulating and fire-retardant works at a height of more than 2.5 m from the floor (ground) should be conditioned by the construction organization project (POS) or the project for the production of works (PPR) and normalized according to collections GESN-2001-08“Constructions made of bricks and blocks” (inventory scaffolding), GESN-2001-69“Other repair and construction works) (non-inventory forests).

1.21. The construction of scaffolding in the production of thermal insulation works at a height of more than 16 m, as well as in the insulation of tanks, column-type apparatuses and other surfaces of complex configuration, is carried out according to separate projects, and individual standards for their installation should be drawn up with approval in the prescribed manner.

1.22. The norms provide for work from scaffolding at a height of up to 10 m.

When performing work at a height of more than 10 m, the following coefficients should be applied to the norms of labor costs, depending on the height:

up to 15 m - 1.15

up to 30 m - 1.2

up to 50 m - 1.35

up to 60 m - 1.4

St. 60 m - 1.5

1.23. When performing work in uncomfortable and cramped conditions, the coefficients given in tab. 1.2 Technical part.

When performing work in operated workshops without stopping them, as well as under conditions classified as harmful (at a temperature in the working area above +40 ° C, the presence of fumes, dust, harmful gases and smoke), the coefficients given in Guidelines for the use of HESN for construction and special construction work (MDS 81-28.2001).

1.24. The “to” size listed in this collection includes this size.

Table 1.2

Name of works

The coefficient to the norms of labor costs

When working with cradles

When performing work in conditions requiring the use of safety belts

When the outer surfaces of the insulation are located at a distance of up to 0.35 m from other surfaces (excluding the thickness of the insulation)

When performing work on the insulation of surfaces only from above

When performing work on the insulation of surfaces only from below

When insulating pipelines with one or more bends or bends for every 7 m of straight sections

When insulating surfaces up to 10 m2 (including flanges) located in different rooms or at a distance of more than 50 m from each other

When isolating pipelines with satellites