Arrangement of niches in separate rooms, or how to effectively use a bay window for your needs. Bay window in the house - free lighting and many other benefits What is a bay window in the house


Beauty and functionality of the house in details and trifles

A private house is a practical solution. It has more living space, and the comfort is not inferior to apartments. You can, of course, huddle all your life in a small apartment, consoling yourself with the words: “in cramped quarters, but not offended,” or you can take it and change your life. Building a house is not an easy task, but interesting and exciting. After all, there is nothing better than planning and equipping your own house. And it is with the plan, or rather with the project, that everything begins. The project helps to correctly calculate your strength and budget. In many families, the budget is limited, so initially you should not design a large house with several floors. Houses with an attic and a perimeter of 10 by 10, plus or minus, will be quite enough for a full and comfortable life of a modern family. The house does not have to be large, but it must be beautiful and original. Therefore, we present to your attention projects of houses with a bay window, which have successfully taken root in Russia.

What is a bay window?

A bay window is a very convenient architectural solution. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary balcony, but the significant difference between the bay window is that there is no partition between the room and the space of the bay window itself. It is a continuation of the room and increases its area. Bay windows are rectangular in shape, but those with more than three faces look much more interesting. Previously, bay windows were mainly used in multi-storey buildings in order to increase rooms, but today they have also successfully taken root in private homes. A bay window can be either on one floor or several at once. Another important function of the bay window is that it improves the natural lighting of the room. This effect is achieved by a large number of glasses. As a rule, all sides of the bay window are glazed without exception. The project of a house with a bay window is the best option for a small house in which every corner matters.

Why is a project needed?

The project is an integral attribute in construction. Without it, neither a building permit can be obtained, nor a contractor can be hired. He, like an instruction, gives information about what, how, and from what to build. In the project, calculations are carried out for permissible loads on walls and foundations, diagrams of beam attachment points are made, roofing and ceilings are drawn in a section. Since a bay window is a structure that is supported by beams in a wall, home designs with a bay window are of particular importance. In order for the bay window to be not only beautiful, but also safe, calculations must be made. Yes and expense building materials the project is easier to control. But if builders take up work without a project, then you should think about their competence. It is better not to mess with such would-be masters.

Project of a house with a bay window: how to make a purchase?

Today, finished project at home with a bay window is not a problem. Our company offers its customers a wide range of projects, including those with bay windows. The purchase can be made without leaving home, on the company's website. Dom4M means quality work and a professional approach to business. Our staff will advise and help you make the right choice. In addition to the main sections, the project can be expanded with additional packages, such as interior design or landscape design. The price, of course, will be higher, but the point is that the customer can control the cost of the project himself, choosing only what he needs. If necessary, an individual approach to the order is also possible. If standard projects If you didn’t like houses with a bay window, you can order an individual one. In this case, the house is designed based on the wishes and capabilities of the customer, and the design is preceded by an analysis of the site, the soil on it, and the landscape.

Recently, builders have been decorating almost every modern residential building and even office buildings with such an architectural element as a bay window. This German word refers to the part of the structure of the house, protruding from the planes of the facades. The original detail gives the building not only an aristocratic look, but also gives room for imagination. In addition, bay windows are usually glazed along the entire perimeter, which improves the parameters of illumination and insolation. The article will focus on the design of houses with a bay window.

The origin of the bay window

  • His ancestors are the sites of ancient castles. Initially, architectural ledges were intended for viewing and shooting from the walls of the fortress. Thanks to them, the enemy that appeared on the adjacent territory was visible from afar. It was time to get ready to fight back.
  • Later, the bay window was used only for peaceful purposes. The height of the towers became smaller, and the narrow openings for loopholes turned into beautiful panoramic windows. The protruding figured part of the facade began to be used by architects to give appearance residential buildings of elegance and aristocracy. History has not preserved the name of the first architect who first came up with this idea.

  • Quite different reasons were for the construction of bay windows in high-rise buildings of Stalin's times. Then the architectural ledges were included in the designs of houses not for decoration. In the era of industrialization of Russia in the 1930s and 1950s, this was not the main thing. It’s just that houses with bay windows were more profitable in terms of performance compared to buildings without protruding structures.
  • In them, thanks to the bay window, the living area of ​​​​the premises increased with the same type of layout and building area, the time of using natural light was extended, which means that electricity was saved. In addition, there was an opportunity to give individuality to the interior of housing.
  • The bay windows did not fit into the budget options of small-sized "Khrushchev" and later standard five-story buildings. But other times have come. Today at housing construction bay window as an architectural decoration at the peak of popularity. It allows you to get away from the patterns of mass construction, emphasize individuality and excellent design taste.

Variety of bay windows

For projects of houses of various types, different geometry of architectural ledges is used. This is due to the features of the supporting structures and the qualities of the main building materials to take the desired shape.

  • The most common form is square or rectangular. It does not require complex structures and is easily designed in brick houses, block houses, as well as frame and panel building projects. Such protrusions fit into the interior of any style without any problems, even without knowledge of design laws. Despite their simplicity, they are effective and practical.

  • round shape traditionally called an element of the Venetian style. Such a bay window easily fits into any corner of the building or in the center of one of the walls. It is more commonly seen in brick and block houses. Less often in panel and frame houses due to the complexity of calculations and installation. In buildings made of timber and logs, this form of bay windows cannot be used.
  • semicircular shape the bay window, of course, stands out for its elegance. But only in the case of a well-chosen design solution. Otherwise, the facade of the building will look clumsy and even funny.
  • The complex design of a multifaceted bay window- an intermediate version of traditional forms. It is most often used in houses made of timber, but is suitable for buildings made of other materials. Allows you to use a lot of design options.

Features of one-story and two-story houses with a bay window

  • In the project of a one-story house, a bay window can be placed on either side of the facade. It can go both to the street and to the courtyard or garden. As a rule, the entrance to the bay window is located from the living room or bedroom.
  • This architectural element looks great if you place it along the entire length of the perimeter with access to either side. In this way, you can significantly improve the illumination of the interior with sunlight. For exquisite decorativeness of the protruding part of the facade, stained-glass type colored glazing can be used.
  • In houses with two floors, the bay window in one version is built into the wall of the first floor, the balcony platform serves as the roof of the protruding structure. Some prefer a project with a 2-story bay window. Layout options with 2-3 bay windows are not excluded, but a large glass area can cause heat loss.

Design of a house with a bay window photo

  • Therefore, specialists should deal with the design and most accurate construction of the bay window. Even a small mistake in calculations and installation can lead to skew walls or ceilings, which will adversely affect the strength and durability of the structure. By the way, it is not at all necessary to build a bay window at the same time as the building of the house itself. It can be attached later.

Features of the construction of houses with a bay window

When dreaming of a city mansion, a country house or a country house with a bay window, you must remember that its design and creation of a comfortable atmosphere will require more effort than in a typical house. It is especially necessary to pay special attention to the choice of materials for the implementation of the idea, because the bay window design:

  • increases complexity construction works compared to a conventional project;
  • increases the number of corners, which causes a weakening of the rigidity of the building;
  • requires additional costs for insulation and glazing.

But such a house has a unique personality and a cozy atmosphere.

Projects of houses with a bay window

  • For the construction of a house with spectacular protrusions on the facade, according to experts, foam blocks, torn brick, laid in a way are best suited Bavarian masonry, or bar.

Project doma with bay window photo

  • For the installation of such buildings, the technology of monolithic construction with polystyrene fixed formwork is often used. As a rule, bay windows are built from the same materials as the main building. The more original their configuration, the more refined the appearance of the house and the more opportunities for design solutions inside it.
  • For example, the interior of a house made of timber with a bay window allows you to combine elements from other styles. For example, a minimalist kitchen and a high-tech ledge. A polyhedron or a hemisphere of a glazed bay window looks especially advantageous when the light is on there. This feature alone can become the “highlight” of the interior.
  • If the house is two-story, you can design a two-story living room with a large panoramic window, and put a natural wood staircase in this room.

How is a bay window used in the interior?

It is better to think about how the protruding area will fit into the overall interior, what functions it will perform and what style to choose a design for at the design stage. There are no strict rules. The main thing is not to spoil one of its main advantages - the ability to let light flows into the room.

  • Elements such as false columns, arches, cornices, pilasters and mirror surfaces give uniqueness to rooms with a bay window. For example, designers like to decorate classic-style interiors with polyurethane columns on both sides of the bay window entrance. Such details practically do not take up space, and emphasize the individuality and richness of the situation.
  • For the walls of a bay window niche, mirror surfaces can be an excellent decor solution. Their ability to reflect plays on the expansion of space and adds illumination.
  • A bay window with a height equal to the house can be used as an additional source of light. The protruding part of the facade with this option is not divided by interfloor ceilings, which makes it possible for the manifestation of creative fantasies.

  • It is not at all necessary to make the main focus of the interior composition on the bay window. It is enough with the help of decorative elements to allocate its small area into a separate zone. This solution fits well into the decor of the living room or kitchen. Panoramic windows add sunlight, warmth and comfort to an attractive interior.
  • Some prefer original ledges in children's and bedrooms and even in the bathroom. The choice of furniture for the bay window - small canapés or low cabinet cabinets with or without an ornament depends on the purpose for which it will be used. The selection of textiles and other decorative accessories also depends on this.
  • Curtains on special cornices that repeat the geometry or roller blinds are ideal for decorating. The classic style is emphasized by floor-length fabric curtains, curtains tacked with a lambrequin, or as an “Egyptian sleeve” with an original overlay. For the decor of wide bay windows, the entire amazingly beautiful assortment of lambrequins, stylish garlands, and original cascades is ideal.

Bay window design tricks

  • In addition to personal preferences, the color scheme is selected necessarily taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Because warm shades will add warmth and comfort, but visually the room will seem smaller. And the cold colors of decorative materials, visually pushing the boundaries of the room, will give the atmosphere of the room a touch of formality.

  • Finding the golden mean allows the use of zoning secrets. For example, warm shades in a seating area located in a triangular bay window will allow you to save space, thanks to the abundance of natural light.
  • Cold shades in the decor of the main room will visually expand its dimensions. However, in this case, sharp contrasts are unacceptable. The main principle is the harmonious combination of colors and smooth transition from zone to zone. For example, white and green look good with yellow, beige with brown. Restrained chic to red tones will add silver shades.
  • A panoramic window in the kitchen or kitchen-living room is a convenient dining area. At the dining table by the window, both family members and guests are comfortable. The table can be placed on a podium or make room by laying a floor covering with a different pattern.
  • A bay window can perform a variety of functions, continuing the living area to create a reading corner or for heart-to-heart conversations. Softly falling curtains and decorative pillows made of the same fabric will add coziness. And lamps with halogen bulbs - romance and mystery.
  • Grace and aristocracy will be added to the atmosphere by a small round-shaped electric fireplace in white tones installed in the bay window. A pair of rocking chairs next to it will perfectly emphasize country or ethnic style. If desired and financially possible, you can equip a real fireplace and, with flashes of a real fire, feel like an aristocrat.
  • Placement in the bay window of a place to work can be successful. Instead of the rectangle of a regular table, the original oval or triangular configuration easily fits into a projecting niche. It can be separated from the bedroom with a “book” of a screen. Another option is a partition made of a translucent material.

  • The functions of a bay window as a corner for a child depend on his age. For a student, it can become a place for study, as there is excellent lighting. For the kid - a zone of games and storage of toys.
  • For nature lovers, the bay window is an ideal room for a winter garden. Flowers and plants do not react to the noise behind the glass and do not interfere with the penetration of natural light. The abundance of space and light allows you to put them everywhere, on the windowsill, coasters, shelves, in flowerpots on the floor, hanging planters. Surrounded by such a cascade of greenery, the room becomes an indispensable place for relaxation. Especially under the murmur of water in a decorative fountain.
  • The area of ​​small ledges-niches is an ideal place to place an original sculptural figure, grand piano, piano, harp or other very large musical instrument. Such a zone fits well into the interior of the hall, library and living room. Its design does not tolerate pretentiousness and multicolor. The uniformity of the decor is preferable.

Zoning and decorating home space is an individual matter. Designers believe that there are no strict criteria. The main thing is the observance of proportions, combinations of shapes and shades and the personal preferences of the owner.

Modern architecture has a lot of specific and unusual forms and ways of decorating, with the help of which the building will stand out from the gray mass and become memorable. In addition, it is possible to make the interior space more spacious. The most common decorative element is the bay window. Next, we will consider in more detail what kind of decorating object it is and what functional role it represents in the structure.

What is such an interesting architectural solution as a bay window?

Very often, when describing a dwelling, they indicate that there is a bay window. However, almost no one knows what it is. Many people think that this is the second name of a balcony or loggia. So what is it really? A bay window is a fragment of a structure that protrudes above the rest of the building. The bay window design makes it possible to significantly increase the area and make the room even more functional.

The main advantages of the bay window are considered to be:

1. Giving relief to the structure and giving it some originality due to the glazed protruding part;
2. Thanks to this ledge, it is possible to increase the usable area in the building and expand the room;
3. Giving the room airiness and increasing light, which significantly reduces the material costs of paying for lighting and heating the room.

Note that the bay window design, like other architectural tricks, has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the complexity of the structure, large material and labor costs for its construction. It is not enough to build a bay window, it also needs to be brought to mind - it is good to insulate, install good lighting, and eliminate heat loss.

Important advice!
In order for the bay window to look spectacular on the structure, it is necessary to construct the roof of the structure in an ensemble with the general roof of housing construction. Thus, without violating the style of the architectural ensemble.

Methods for locating a bay window in a building

To give the house a more elegant and presentable look, a bay window is built in the form of:
1. Triangle;
2. Square;
3. Semicircle;
4.Rectangle; Trapeze; Polyhedron.

There are such bay windows:

1. One-story ground - adjacent to the walls of the house, but rely on their foundation;
2. Single-story remote - are small suspended structures that are supported in the form of wooden beams or stone slabs;
3. Multi-storey above-ground - such structures reach a height of almost all housing construction, are attached to load-bearing walls, but have their own foundation;
4. Multi-storey remote - are hinged multi-level structures protruding above the main cornice of the structure. They are well fixed by stones or beams.

Varieties of bay windows

In appearance, the bay window is classified as one or another type of structure. Distinguish between a classic bay window design or a half bay window.

Very often in everyday life you can find exactly the classic bay window design. This design is made in the form of a semicircle or polygon. The main feature of such structures is the presence of three sides that are interconnected, but do not form a right angle. This required condition for construction. The angle must be either greater than or less than 90 degrees.
The construction of the bay window gives the building a sophisticated look and grace. Construction is not a cheap pleasure, because a large amount of building materials will be required.

Half-windows include the construction of rectangular, square and triangular structures. From the way the structure is laid out, they can be either angular or inscribed in a corner.

To date, almost every cottage has been built with a bay window. Most often, the height of the bay window is a ledge on one of the floors. In other words, a bay window element is a kind of window, which consists of many frames fastened together at the right angle. The main advantage of the bay window is the possibility of installation at any stage of the construction of housing construction.

Many of the tenants of high-rise buildings really want to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment. Achieve this by upgrading the balcony to a bay window. To do this, remove part of the load-bearing wall between the room and the balcony. The entire protruding part of the bay window must be glazed. The construction of the structure occurs according to the same principle as the bay window. Pipes are used as support.

Wooden house with a bay window

If you want a wooden house to look even more spectacular, give it a luxurious look with the construction of a bay window. In this case, it is better to think about it during the construction of the house.


For the construction of a bay window, it is more advisable to seek help from qualified personnel. Then you will be sure that the design will be durable and will serve you for many years.

If wooden house will have a bay window, then the foundation for it must be built immediately. The foundation must be a reliable support. More confidence inspires concrete strip base. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the concrete, you can use pile foundation. The choice will be greatly influenced by factors such as the type of soil in your area and the solvency of the owners.

A very important and crucial moment in the process of building a bay window is the correct connection of the beams during the construction process. In the process of joining the logs, there should be no residue; the ends are cut in a special way. The bars are attached to each other using bay windows. The most difficult thing in the construction process is to cut the bars at the right angle so that the structure is reliable and durable.

Designing a house with a bay window

To date, there are a lot of housing construction with bay windows. In the photo you can see the bay windows on the facade of various buildings. Such housing construction will not only look elegant, but also very festive. With the help of a bay window, you can turn an ordinary house into a medieval palace.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of drawings for the construction of house buildings with a bay window. In the photo you can see how it will look in real life.

The most beautiful and accurate drawing of a house with two floors and a bay window. The construction of a bay window must begin with the foundation of the first floor and be transferred to the construction of a balcony. The balcony will definitely repeat all the features of the bay window.
If you want to make your home inimitable and unique, then you need to think about building a house with two bay windows. Basically, the bay window is mounted in the kitchen and living room. Such designs look good on large showy houses.

Very important!

So that housing construction is not cluttered with various superstructures at different heights.

If you have two-storey house, the construction of a bay window can be completed to a height of two floors. Two bay windows will look great - one on the second floor, and the second on the other side of the building on two floors.

Over the past ten years, the bay window has become very widespread, and houses with a bay window are considered prestigious. Bay windows are quite common in P-44T housing construction. The advantage of apartments in such houses is an enlarged kitchen, due to its combination with the design. This will increase the usable area.

Note information: ,

Almost every house of an old building is decorated with an original ledge. This ledge is called a bay window. We see him in the photo. The main advantage of bay windows is the ability to let in a large amount of sunlight. In addition, in this recess you can place a beautiful winter garden, create an office or arrange a recreation area. Today, projects of houses with a bay window are also very popular. As a rule, the bay window is located in the living room or bedroom, which allows you to expand the space of the rooms and use the space more rationally.

Features of use

It is impossible to say that a bay window project has only positive or only negative qualities. These designs have both sides.

Positive properties

  • Expansion of usable area in the house.
  • Plenty of sunlight thanks to multiple windows.
  • Opportunity to survey the excellent view of the city streets.
  • Unique design that enhances the beauty of your home.

A house made of timber with a bay window looks unusually beautiful. In such a building, a special climate is preserved, which creates a homely, cozy atmosphere.

Negative qualities

  • The complexity of the structure increases, compared with a simpler project.
  • The number of corners in the house increases, which leads to a weakening of the rigidity of the structure.
  • A house with a bay window requires additional insulation.

If you want to have a home with a bay window design, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a little more effort to achieve comfort than in a typical house.


Perhaps, against the background of all the pros and cons of such a building, the most basic positive property of a one-story house with a bay window is that in the cold northern parts of the globe, this design allows you to let the maximum amount of sunlight into the room, where you can place a bright and warm area for receiving guests. This option can serve as a replacement for the veranda. This is convenient, because in especially cold countries, building a house with a veranda is an undesirable solution.

Variety of projects

"Double Design"

The project of a two-story house with a bay window in the photo is suitable for those who cannot imagine their life without a comfortable stay. The design of the building assumes the presence of a wide balcony along the front part on the second floor. Two exits from the bedrooms lead to the balcony, one of which is equipped with a bay window. Moreover, the protruding structure does not end on the second floor, but smoothly passes to the first floor. Thanks to the presence of volume additions, the house looks soundly and elegantly.


The design of this building stands out against the background of other inexpensive buildings. The project involves an entrance hall, a kitchen, a living room with a bay window and a spacious bedroom on the second floor. As a result, a two-story building made of timber has a total area of ​​36 sq.m, but thanks to the three-dimensional structure, the house looks original and cozy.

Building with a bay window and an attic

A small and financially profitable design is the design of the house, which involves the presence of an attic room and a bay window. And although the construction of such a building requires certain financial investments This combination is very common. Two-story houses with a bay window look beautiful and original, which have a luxurious attic on the top floor. Thanks to this design, the owners of the house have the opportunity to create a spacious, bright office in the attic, and an original winter garden on the ground floor.

When creating the design of houses with a bay window, it must be remembered that this design must be designed as accurately as possible. The slightest mistake can lead to the distortion of walls and ceilings, which will lead to a decrease in the strength of the structure. You also need to know that it is not necessary to build a bay window at the same time as the house. The structure shown in the photo can be attached to the main building at any time.

Types of bay windows

In their appearance, bay windows can be:

  • Corner.
  • Wall.
  • Inscribed in a corner.

Most of the bay windows have the usual geometric shape. However, this does not mean that the structure cannot have an arbitrary shape. Of course, the creation of non-standard projects requires very considerable financial costs from the owners of the house. If you need to create a separate room that is bright and spacious, it is recommended to give preference to corner views. The corner bay space is perceived as a separate area, not connected to the rest of the housing area. This is an excellent relaxation room.

Today, almost all modern office buildings, as well as residential buildings, are decorated with such a fashionable architectural element as a bay window. From German, the word is translated as part of the house, which protrudes from the planes of the facade. If you want to give the building a slightly aristocratic look, then look at the photo of the house with a bay window and make sure that this is an ideal option, which, among other things, during construction will allow you to show all your imagination and surprise your neighbors.

The undoubted advantage of using a bay window in the house is that it is glazed along the entire perimeter, which positively affects the parameters of insolation, as well as illumination.

What are the functional advantages of a bay window?

Firstly, it makes it possible to increase the living space, which is especially important for large families and small apartments and houses.

Secondly, an excellent view of the territory adjacent to the house can open from the bay window.

Thirdly, thanks to it, zoning can be carried out as efficiently as possible in an apartment (house).

Fourthly, this is a great opportunity to save on electricity consumption, since glazing allows you to automatically extend daylight hours in the room.

From mass construction to interesting projects

If you are interested in unusual construction ideas, projects of houses with a bay window will help you with this, which differ not only in individual designs, but also in that they make it possible to build a house that will attract the eyes of all passers-by every day. The type and shape of the bay window depends directly on the type of house.

A bay window of a rectangular or square shape is one of the most common options, since it does not require the construction of complex structures, and its design does not take much time.

The peculiarity of this form is that its construction is possible, both in block and brick house. Such a bay window is quite easy to fit into any interior, but neither in practicality nor in showiness is it inferior to any other.

round bay window

This bay window is often called the Venetian and is loved by almost all designers who offer their clients classic destinations. Its main advantage is that accommodation is possible in any part of the building.

Definitely, a house in which there will be a semicircular bay window will stand out noticeably against the background of other cottages, however, in order for it not to become a tasteless spot in the interior, a competent designer’s approach is needed with decisions on how to make it a place to relax.

Multifaceted bay window

If for some reason you decide to make a house from a beam with a bay window, then in this case it is better to abandon a rectangular or round solution in favor of a multifaceted one, since it looks elegant in combination with a beam, and at the same time is accessible to everyone.

The nuances of interior design

Having decided to build a small cottage or a house with a bay window and an attic, it is important to keep in mind that the protruding structure is always a noticeable complication of the construction process. The first thing she will require is a more attentive attitude to the quality of the building materials used, in order to avoid weakening the frame of the house in the future.

It is quite possible to attach a ledge to an already finished house, but it is better if the construction is carried out on a single foundation from the very beginning. This is necessary for the reliability of the design.

It will be important to take into account absolutely all the details of construction even during the design, even if the plans are to build only with a bay window. Thinking about which of the rooms in the interior is best to beat the design that will act, it is worth noting that the designs with the living room or kitchen look the most advantageous.

However, no matter which room is chosen, the main thing to do is to approach the design process with a creative person.

To delimit the space of the house and additional styling of the interior, you can use such modern design elements as decorative arched passages or false columns. At the same time, if you plan to design the second floor in a modern style, it is best to use various cold shades.

Thus, in combination with natural light, it will be possible to achieve a sense of the boundlessness of the room and its individuality, which, without a doubt, every owner dreams of.

Very often, when using a two-story bay window, its entire height is glazed. It’s just worth noting that this option also has disadvantages, since in this case the review will also be outside, and few people dream of personal life inside the house becoming public.

How to successfully beat a bay window?

If you decide to build a two-story house with a bay window, then it’s better not to plan such a large space on your own. The design of any house with a bay window is a rather complicated process, and when it is also large, it is all the more better to use the services of a professional.

It doesn't matter if your best friend or an employee of some company will be the designer. The main thing is that he helps you competently bring all your ideas to life at no extra cost and at the same time divide the free space into the most functional, as well as various zones that are cozy and comfortable for life.

If you want to achieve a unique interior, then using a bay window will easily help you with this. You just need to make him play on your terms.

Even before the start of construction, be sure to see how the bay window can, in principle, be used in the interior country house and then start building your own.

Popular options for using a bay window:

  • a separate area in the large kitchen as a dining room;
  • a niche for a tea drinking area;
  • office for work;
  • a place to be used for reading with a podium, large easy chairs;
  • a place where children can play in the future;
  • additional place to sleep (for example, for guests)
  • winter garden with a lot of rare and beautiful flowers.

In addition to all of the above, a full-height bay window of a built house can be used as one of the main sources of light.