VNTP 81 norms for technological design of thermal power plants. Unloading, supply and storage of solid fuel




Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR

I.S. Not empty



in agreement with the Gosstroy of the USSR letter No. AB-3430-20 / 4 dated 06/29/81.

Moscow, 1981

These standards were developed by the All-Union State Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution Design Institute "Teploelektroprokt", taking into account the feedback and suggestions of VTI. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, VNIPIenergoprom, Soyuztekhenergo, Central Design Bureau of Glavenergoremont, CDU UES of the USSR, Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR, NPO TsKTI, Minenergomash, as well as other design, research, operational and repair organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

The norms are considered, approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the USSR Ministry of Energy and agreed with the USSR State Construction Committee letter No. AB-3430-20 / 4 dated June 29, 1981 and are mandatory for technological design and thermal power stations.


1.1. These standards are mandatory for the design of all newly constructed steam turbine thermal power plants with turbine units with a capacity of 50 thousand kW and above with initial steam parameters for turbines up to 24 MPa (240 kgf / cm 2) and 510-560 °C .

The standards also apply to expandable retrofit steam turbine power plants and gas turbine plants with appropriate adjustments due to existing technological schemes, equipment layouts, buildings and structures.

Note: These standards do not apply to the design of nuclear, diesel and geothermal power plants.

When designing, one should be guided by the current regulatory documents, a list of which is given in the appendix to these standards.

These standards are the fundamental document in the design of power plants.

1.2. The complex of buildings and structures of thermal power plants includes:

a) buildings and structures for industrial purposes (main building with chimneys, structures for the electrical part, technical water supply, fuel supply and oil and gas facilities);

b) ancillary industrial buildings and structures (combined auxiliary building, warehouses, start-up boiler house, administrative building, repair shops, oil facilities);

c) auxiliary buildings and structures (railway station, garage, facilities for the collection and treatment of waste, oily and fecal water, off-site structures, roads, fences and landscaping, civil defense structures, temporary structures).

1.3. The design of thermal power plants should be carried out at a high scientific and technical level, with the use of progressive highly economical equipment.

1.4. The main technical decisions should be made taking into account: ensuring the reliability of the equipment; maximum savings in initial investment and operating costs; reduction of metal consumption; increasing labor productivity in construction, operation and repair; nature protection, as well as the creation of normal sanitary and living conditions for operating and maintenance personnel.

space-planning and Constructive decisions newly constructed, expanded and reconstructed TPPs should be accepted in accordance with SNiP.

The projects should take into account the possibilities of maximizing the use of wastewater production waste, waste heat and ash and slag in the country's national economy.

In the projects of power plants, sections on the organization of operation and repair are developed. The specified sections are developed in accordance with: for operation with the "Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants and networks", and for repairs with the "Instruction for the design of the organization and mechanization of the repair of equipment, buildings and structures at thermal power plants" .

1.5. The layout of technological equipment should provide normal conditions for maintenance and repair of equipment with its high mechanization with minimal use of manual labor.

1.6. For power plants being built in areas with an estimated outdoor air temperature for heating minus 20 °C and above, it is allowed to design the main buildings of power plants with an open boiler room, as well as with a semi-open installation of peak solid fuel boilers.

Semi-open installation of hot water boilers for gaseous and liquid fuels is used in areas with a calculated outdoor temperature for heating minus 25 °C and higher.

1.7. Office and auxiliary premises with permanent residence in them should be located in places separated from the operating equipment by walls. Inside the premises, it is prohibited to lay technological pipelines, with the exception of heating, plumbing, ventilation pipelines and pipelines necessary for the technology of work carried out in the premises.

It is forbidden to place service and auxiliary premises below the mark. 0.0 m, in the zone of location of flanged connections of pipelines and valves under excessive pressure environment, under bunkers of coal, dust, ash, accumulators, flue gas ducts of boiler units, at the maintenance sites of technological equipment.

When office and auxiliary premises are located near places of potential injury hazard, two exits from opposite sides should be provided.

Ancillary rooms should be located in places with the least impact of noise, vibration and other harmful factors, if possible in places with natural light.

The levels of harmful factors inside the premises should not exceed the values ​​established by the relevant scientific and technical documents:

microclimate - GOST 12.1.05-76 "SSBT. Air of the working area. General sanitary and hygienic requirements". GOST 12.1.007-76 "SSBT. Harmful substances. Classification of general safety requirements";

noise - GOST 12.1.003-76 "SSBT. General safety requirements";

vibration - GOST 12.1.012-78 "SSBT. Vibration. General safety requirements".

Illumination in auxiliary rooms must meet the requirements of SNiP II-4-79. "Natural and artificial lighting".

1.8. Gas pipelines supplying hot gas to the TPP, including those passing through the territory of the power plant to the valve at the inlet to the hydraulic distribution plant, are not part of the power plant facilities and belong to the main gas networks.


2.1. Land protection

2.1.1. The choice of a site for the construction of a power plant must be carried out in compliance with the "Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics" of legislative acts on nature protection and the use of natural resources, rules and regulations building design, is linked to the district planning scheme or the general scheme of the industrial hub.

2.1.2. When developing projects for power plants, you should:

Use, as a rule, non-agricultural lands and unproductive lands;

Provide for the removal and storage of the fertile soil layer (on the lands of temporary and permanent allotment) in order to apply it to recultivated (restored) lands and unsuitable lands;

Provide compensation for the withdrawn agricultural land;

When retracting land plots for temporary use, the subsequent reclamation of these sites should be provided.

2.1.3. The area of ​​allotted land plots for the construction of power plant facilities should be used rationally and determined by the following conditions:

Optimal blocking of industrial buildings and structures;

Placement of auxiliary services and ancillary industries in multi-storey buildings;

Compliance with the standard building density in accordance with the requirements of the head of SNiP;

Taking into account the necessary reserve of space for the expansion of power plants in accordance with the design assignment and with an appropriate feasibility study;

Determining the area of ​​ash and slag dumps, taking into account the use of ash and slag in the national economy.

2.1.4. Land acquisition should be carried out in stages, taking into account the actual need for construction objects. Temporarily allotted lands for quarries, soil dumps, etc., after carrying out all the necessary reclamation work on them, must be returned to land users.

2.1.5. As part of the power plant project, there should be a section on the reclamation of land allotted for temporary use, and the improvement of unproductive land, as compensation for the withdrawn agricultural land. Reclamation projects are carried out with the involvement of design organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, the State Forestry of the USSR and the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR. Projects for the improvement of unproductive lands should be carried out with the involvement of design institutes for land management (giprozems) of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.

2.1.6. When placing power plants in developed energy systems, the projects should consider the possibility of refusing construction or reducing the volume of construction at the site of the power plant of the central repair shop, material warehouses and the repair and construction shop at the TPP, bearing in mind the centralized provision of the needs of the power plant.

2.1.7. When designing a power plant, one should consider the possibility of using existing construction bases and enlargement sites near the located enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

2.1.8. Access railways and roads, as well as external engineering communications, heat pipeline routes, power transmission and communication lines, inlet and outlet channels of technical water supply, etc., if they coincide in direction, should, as a rule, be placed in the same land allotment strip and if possible, trace them without violating the existing boundaries of agricultural land and crop rotation fields.

2.1.9. Ash dumps should be designed taking into account their conservation or reclamation after filling them with ash and slag to the design height.

2.2. Air Basin Protection

2.2.1. In the projects of thermal power plants, measures should be taken to ensure the reduction of the concentration of harmful substances and dust in the surface layer of atmospheric air, to values ​​not exceeding the MPC permissible by sanitary standards).

This condition must be ensured taking into account the operation of the power plant at its final capacity, as well as taking into account the fund created by other sources of atmospheric pollution.

The calculation of the concentration is carried out when the power plant is operating at its full electrical and thermal load, corresponding to the average temperature of the coldest month.

When calculating for the summer mode of operation of the power plant, in cases where three or more turbines are installed on it, the shutdown of one of them for repairs is taken into account.

2.3.Water basin protection

2.3.1. To protect the water basin from pollution by various industrial wastewater, appropriate treatment facilities must be provided to ensure compliance with sanitary norms USSR Ministry of Health.

2.3.2. The choice of method and scheme for the treatment of industrial wastewater is made depending on the specific conditions of the designed station: capacity and installed equipment. Mode of operation, type of fuel, method of ash and slag removal, cooling system, water treatment system, local climatic, hydrogeological and other factors with relevant technical and economic calculations.

The discharge of wastewater into water bodies should be designed in compliance with the "Rules for the Protection of Surface Water from Pollution by Sewage" and in the prescribed manner agreed with the authorities for the regulation of the use and protection of water, state sanitary supervision, for the protection of fish stocks and regulation of fish farming and other interested bodies.

2.3.3. Design of reservoirs-coolers, ash and slag dumps, sludge dumps, evaporation ponds, water treatment, etc. Should be carried out taking into account the development of comprehensive measures to protect surface and ground water from pollution by sewage.

When developing activities, consider:

The possibility of reducing the amount of polluted industrial wastewater through the use of advanced equipment and rational circuit solutions in the technological process of the power plant;

Application of partially or fully circulating water supply systems, reuse of waste water in one technological process at other installations;

The possibility of using existing, planned treatment facilities of neighboring industrial enterprises and settlements or the construction of common facilities with proportional equity participation;

The project should exclude filtration of polluted waters from ash and slag storages into the ground stream.


3.1. General plan

3.1.1. The area or point of construction of a thermal power plant is determined by the scheme for the development of energy systems or the heat supply scheme of the area. The choice of a site for construction, as well as the determination of the main characteristics of the power plant, is carried out on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of competing options, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the development of projects and estimates for industrial construction", as well as the relevant chapters building codes and rules.

3.1.2. The site for the construction of a power plant should, as far as possible, satisfy the following conditions:

The soils that make up the site should allow the construction of buildings and structures, as well as the installation of heavy equipment without the construction of expensive foundations;

The groundwater level must be below the depth of the basements of buildings and underground utilities;

The surface of the site should be relatively flat with a slope that provides surface drainage;

The site should not be located in places where minerals occur or in the zone of collapse of workings, in karst or landslide areas and areas contaminated with radioactive waste, as well as in protected areas in accordance with applicable law;

When focusing on a direct-flow technical water supply scheme, the site should be located near reservoirs and rivers in coastal areas that are not flooded by flood waters, taking into account the lowest height of cooling water;

For cogeneration power plants, the site should be as close as possible to heat consumers.

3.1.3. Planning solutions for the placement of power plant facilities, including a residential settlement, should take into account the prevailing wind direction, as well as existing and prospective residential and industrial buildings.

3.1.4. The layout of the master plan of construction sites should be decided taking into account the approach of iron and highways, conclusions of power lines and other communications according to the most rational scheme in conjunction with the general scheme for the development of the area, taking into account architectural requirements and requirements for sounding the territory.

3.1.5. The master plan of the power plant is carried out taking into account:

Development of the power plant at full capacity;

Optimal technological dependence of ancillary production support services in relation to the main production in compliance with the necessary sanitary, fire and other standards governing the distance between buildings, structures and utilities;

The location of railway stations and fuel depots, as a rule, outside the fence of the industrial site (if the fuel depot is located behind the railway station of the power plant, a pedestrian bridge (tunnel) should be provided for the passage of personnel and the passage of communications);

Architectural design of the site of the main entrance to the power plant, free from the development of temporary buildings and structures.

To buildings and structures, and, if necessary, around them, a road is provided for the passage of fire engines.

3.1.6. The construction and installation base, as a rule, should be located on the side of the temporary end of the main building. The set of temporary buildings and structures should provide for their maximum blocking, as well as the use, if possible, of permanent structures of the power plant for a suitable purpose. Installation sites should be located no further than 100m from the temporary end of the main building of full power.

During the construction of several power plants in one area, the location of their common construction, installation and repair district production completing base (RPKB) of power plants and the settlement is determined by the regional planning scheme.

The construction, installation and repair base is taken to be of minimum size with a rational blocking of industrial and auxiliary buildings, taking into account their further use.

3.1.7. The choice of the elevation of the main building should be carried out on the basis of a feasibility study of options at reduced costs, taking into account the capital costs for construction and operating costs for lifting the cooling water.

3.1.8. To ensure surface drainage, as a rule, an open system should be used by arranging ditches, trays and ditches. The use of a closed drainage system must be justified.

3.2. Transport economy

3.2.1. The choice of the type of passenger transport must be determined on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of options.

3.2.2. The choice of the type of transport for external and internal transportation of cargoes of power plants (railway, conveyor, road, water, pipeline, etc.), as well as the type of rolling stock for rail or road fuel delivery should be made on the basis of technical and economic comparisons of options.

3.2.3. For passenger transportation during the periods of construction and operation, the most efficient modes of transport should be used, providing the least time spent for the movement of workers between places of residence and work.

3.2.4. For power plants located in an industrial area or at industrial enterprises, rail transport is linked to the general scheme for the development of rail transport of an industrial hub.

3.2.5. Co-operation with neighboring enterprises and the Ministry of Railways should be envisaged in the construction and operation of integrated railway stations, access roads, common outfitting devices and locomotive-car depots.

3.2.6. All railway transport facilities should be designed for the full development of the capacity of power plants with the allocation of work volumes according to construction phases.

3.2.7. The construction of access railway tracks for oil-gas power plants when fuel oil is supplied through pipelines or by water transport should be determined by the maximum volume of cargo transportation during the periods of construction and installation of the power plant.

3.2.8. Useful lengths of receiving and departing tracks at junction stations and railway stations of power plants are taken, as a rule, on the basis of setting the routes of the prospective weight norm of the train.

In some cases, with appropriate justification and agreement with the Office railway at railway stations of power plants, it is allowed to reduce the useful lengths of tracks, but on condition that the reception of the route is not more than two or three feeds.

3.2.9. The number of tracks at the railway station of the power plant is determined by the number of incoming routes per day, taking into account the coefficient of uneven movement of trains 1.2.

Receipt of other household and construction cargoes to the power plant is taken into account with the coefficient of uneven train traffic 1.5.

3.2.10. When determining the number of routes, the daily fuel consumption is taken based on the 24-hour operation of all installed boilers at their nominal capacity.

3.2.11. For the needs of construction, permanent railway tracks should be used as much as possible.

Permanent railway entrances to the turbine and boiler rooms are provided only from the temporary end of the main building. From the permanent end of the main building and along the front of the installation of transformers, the arrangement of ways for transformers to be rolled is provided. For CHPPs, it is allowed to arrange the transformers rolling paths from the side of the temporary end.

3.2.12. To push cars onto car dumpers, electric pushers should be used, or, if appropriate, electric locomotives with remote control.

Special shunting devices must be used to roll back the empty stock.

Ways of thrust and rollback of wagons must be fenced in accordance with safety requirements.

3.2.13. All wagons with solid and liquid fuel arriving at the power plant must be weighed, and scales should be used that allow wagons to be weighed on the go without stopping the train.

The weight of liquid fuel supplied in railway tanks is periodically determined by weighing or measuring.

3.2.14. For shunting work on the tracks of the power plant, diesel locomotives or electric locomotives must be used.

At power plants, if it is impossible to cooperate with other enterprises, it is planned to build an equipment and repair unit for locomotives and mechanisms of a coal warehouse, or a locomotive depot for oil-gas stations. In cases of purchasing a fleet of specialized wagons for a power plant, a locomotive-car depot should be provided.

At the railway station of the TPP, a service and technical building, a point for the control and maintenance of wagons, and, if necessary, an electrical centralization post or turnouts, should be provided.

Refueling of axle boxes of wagons with lubricant and production of uncoupled repair of wagons should be carried out at the departure points of the TPP railway station, for which lubrication facilities, racks for storing spare parts, asphalting of the track along the repair tracks for the delivery of spare parts should be provided with a corresponding increase in the distance between the tracks.

If necessary, the departure tracks must be equipped with automatic brake testing devices.

Uncoupling repairs of wagons must be carried out on a special railway track.

Station railway tracks, rolling stock maintenance tracks, passenger platforms and crossings must be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of the MPS standards.

3.2.15. In the case of delivery of fuel routes directly by the locomotives of the Ministry of Railways, the access railway tracks of the power plant adjacent to the electrified highways must also be electrified.

When electrifying the railway tracks of power plants, it is necessary to use the possibility of connecting to the traction substations of the Ministry of Railways, blocking traction substations with general industrial transformer substations, as well as blocking duty points and workshops of the contact network with locomotive-car depots or wagon inspection points.

The possibility of using the overload capacity of the existing traction transformers and rectifier units of the MPS should also be checked.

3.2.16. The choice of the signaling system of a railway station (electric interlocking, key dependence of switches and signals or another system) is determined by a feasibility study.

Inactive arrows should be left for manual maintenance by the shunting brigade.

3.2.17. Railway tracks and points connected with the operation of the car dumper must be equipped with electrical interlocking.

Turnouts that determine the exit of the electric pusher for pushing cars should only be controlled by the duty officer at the railway station with mandatory control of the position of the electric pusher.

3.2.18. Unloading and releasing devices must be equipped with automatic exit and entrance light and sound alarms.

3.2.19. Highways are designed for the full development of the power plant. The design of the pavement and the width of the carriageway of roads is selected in accordance with SNiP, based on the size of traffic and types of vehicles both during construction and during operation.

3.2.20. When choosing the direction of external roads, the prospects for the development of the region and the most effective combination of the projected road with the network of existing and projected communication routes are taken into account. Routes and main parameters of the designed road roads are chosen on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of options.

3.2.21. The main road access linking the power plant site with the external road network is designed for two traffic lanes with an improved capital type pavement and, as a rule, should be approached from the side of the permanent end of the main building.

3.2.22. External roads for servicing water intake and treatment facilities, outdoor switchgear, artesian wells, ash and slag pipelines, open outlet and inlet channels should be designed for one lane with an improved lightweight type pavement or transitional types of pavement.

Access roads to fuel depots should be provided with improved lightweight coverage.

3.2.23. On the square at the main entrance to the power plant, parking lots for public transport, as well as private cars, motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles are provided. The dimensions of the sites (their capacity) are determined depending on the number of operational personnel.


4.1. Unloading, supply and storage of solid fuel

4.1.1. The daily fuel consumption is determined on the basis of 24 hours of operation of all power boilers at their nominal capacity. The fuel consumption of hot water boilers is determined based on 24 hours of operation when covering heat loads at the average temperature of the coldest month.

4.1.2. The hourly productivity of each fuel supply line is determined by the daily fuel consumption of the power plant, based on 24 hours of fuel supply operation with a margin of 10%.

For power plants with a capacity of 4000 MW and above or with a fuel consumption of more than 2000 t/h, fuel is supplied with two separate outlets to the main building.

4.1.3. With a fuel supply capacity of 100 t / h or more, for unloading the railway. wagons with coal and oil shale, wagon dumpers are used.

4.1.4. With a fuel supply capacity of 100 to 400 t/h, one car dumper is installed, from 400 to 1000 t/h - two car dumpers.

The number of car dumpers for power plants with a fuel supply capacity of more than 1000 t/h is determined based on 12 tippings per hour of wagons of average weighted capacity, in which fuel is supplied to these power plants, plus one reserve car dumper.

4.1.5. When installing two or more car dumpers at the warehouse, an unloading rack 60 m long is provided for unloading faulty cars.

4.1.6. For power plants operating on milled peat, the type of unloading device (tankless, trench with multi-bucket loaders, etc.) is determined in each specific case, taking into account the consumption of peat and the type of wagons.

4.1.7. For power plants with a fuel supply capacity of less than 100 t/h, as a rule, tankless unloading devices are used.

4.1.8. When supplying the power plant with dry non-freezing coal or milled peat, fuel delivery can be carried out in self-unloading wagons equipped with remote control for opening and closing hatches. In this case, car dumpers are not installed.

4.1.9. To unload the sludge, a railway is used. an overpass at the fuel storage, next to which a site for storing sludge should be provided.

4.1.10. When freezing fuel is supplied to the power plant, defrosting devices are built. In the absence of a car dumper, in addition to the defrosting device, fuel unloading mechanization is provided. The capacity of the defrosting device should be determined taking into account the warm-up time of the wagons, the daily fuel consumption and be linked to the length of the thrust path and the incoming fuel routes.

4.1.11. In unloading devices for crushing freezing and lumpy fuel on grates, including milled peat, it is planned to install special crushing machines. The gratings above the car dumper bins must have cells no larger than 350x350 mm in size, expanding downwards. In other cases, the dimensions of the cells above the bunkers are taken in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules.

With appropriate justification, the dimensions of the gratings under the car dumper with a cell of more than 350x350 mm are allowed; at the same time, in addition to crushing machines, additional crushers for coarse crushing should be provided.

4.1.12. Fuel is supplied to the boiler room, as a rule, by a two-line system of belt conveyors designed for three-shift operation, of which one line is a reserve one; at the same time, the possibility of simultaneous operation of both threads of the system should be provided. The supply of fuel to the warehouse is carried out by a single-line system.

4.1.13. Fuel supply from each car dumper is carried out by one belt conveyor with a capacity equal to that of the car dumper.

4.1.14. When installing one car dumper, the performance of each line of the fuel supply system to the boiler room is taken equal to 50% of the car dumper's performance.

4.1.15. In the fuel supply path of power plants operating on all types of solid fuels, including milled peat, hammer mills for fine crushing are installed, which ensure fuel grinding to a size of 25 mm. When working on peat and other fine fuels (0 - 25 mm), it is possible to supply fuel in addition to crushers.

The performance of all installed fine crushers must be no less than the performance of all fuel supply lines to the boiler room.

In the technical justification, the performance of crushers is selected taking into account the screening of fines using a screen.

4.1.16. In the fuel supply path on conveyors for catching metal from coal, the following are installed:

In the transfer unit there is a suspended self-discharging electromagnetic metal divider and a metal detector;

In front of the hammer crushers there is a suspended self-discharging electromagnetic metal divider and a metal detector, and after the hammer crushers there is a pulley and suspended electromagnetic metal separators.

Producing does not mean buying cheap and selling expensive. Rather, it means buying raw materials at reasonable prices and converting them, at possibly the slightest additional cost, into a good product...

Henry Ford

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VNTP 81. Norms for technological design of thermal power plants

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Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR
I.S. Not empty
"8" October 1981


Approved. Minutes of the Scientific and Technical Council of the USSR Ministry of Energy dated August 17, 1981 No. 99
in agreement with the Gosstroy of the USSR, letter No. AB-3430-20 / 4 dated 06/29/81.
Moscow, 1981

These standards were developed by the All-Union State Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution Design Institute "Teploelektroprokt", taking into account the feedback and suggestions of VTI. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, VNIPIenergoprom, Soyuztekhenergo, Central Design Bureau of Glavenergoremont, CDU UES of the USSR, Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR, NPO TsKTI, Minenergomash, as well as other design, research, operational and repair organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy.
The norms are considered, approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the USSR Ministry of Energy and agreed with the USSR State Construction Committee letter No. AB-3430-20 / 4 dated June 29, 1981 and are mandatory for technological design of thermal power plants.

USSR Ministry of Energy and Electrification (USSR Ministry of Energy)
Norms of technological design of thermal power plants
Instead of the norms of technological design of thermal power plants and heating networks, approved on May 8, 1973.



Introduction date 1981-10-08

INTRODUCED by the Institute "Teploelektroproekt"

AGREED by letter N AB-3430-20/4 dated 06/29/81 Gosstroy of the USSR

APPROVED minutes of the Scientific and Technical Council of the USSR Ministry of Energy dated August 17, 1981 N 99

REPLACEMENT of the norms of technological design of thermal power plants and heating networks, approved on May 8, 1973

These standards were developed by the All-Union State Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution Design Institute "Teploelektroproekt", taking into account the feedback and suggestions of VTI. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, VNIPIenergoprom, Soyuztekhenergo, Central Design Bureau of Glavenergoremont, CDU UES of the USSR, Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR, NPO TsKTI, Minenergomash, as well as other design, research, operational and repair organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

The norms are considered, approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the USSR Ministry of Energy and agreed with the USSR State Construction Committee letter N AB-3430-20 / 4 of June 29, 1981 and are mandatory for the technological design of thermal power plants.



1.1. These standards are mandatory for the design of all newly constructed steam turbine thermal power plants with turbine units with a capacity of 50 thousand kW and more with initial steam parameters for turbines up to 24 MPa (240 kgf / cm ) and 510-560 ° C.

The standards also apply to expandable retrofit steam turbine power plants and gas turbine plants with appropriate adjustments due to existing technological schemes, equipment layouts, buildings and structures.

Note: These standards do not apply to the design of nuclear, diesel and geothermal power plants.

When designing, one should be guided by the current regulatory documents, a list of which is given in the appendix to these standards.

These standards are the fundamental document in the design of power plants.

1.2. The complex of buildings and structures of thermal power plants includes:

a) buildings and structures for industrial purposes (main building with chimneys, structures for the electrical part, technical water supply, fuel supply and oil and gas facilities);

b) ancillary industrial buildings and structures (combined auxiliary building, warehouses, start-up boiler house, administrative building, repair shops, oil facilities);

c) auxiliary buildings and structures (railway station, garage, facilities for the collection and treatment of waste, oily and fecal water, off-site facilities, roads, fences and landscaping, civil defense facilities, temporary structures).

1.3. The design of thermal power plants should be carried out at a high scientific and technical level, with the use of progressive highly economical equipment.

1.4. The main technical decisions should be made taking into account: ensuring the reliability of the equipment; maximum savings in initial investment and operating costs; reduction of metal consumption; increasing labor productivity in construction, operation and repair; nature protection, as well as the creation of normal sanitary and living conditions for operating and maintenance personnel.

Space-planning and design solutions for newly constructed, expanded and reconstructed TPPs should be made in accordance with SNiP.

The projects should take into account the possibilities of maximizing the use of wastewater production waste, waste heat and ash and slag in the country's national economy.

In the projects of power plants, sections of the organization of operation and repair are developed. These sections are developed in accordance with: for operation with the "Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants and networks", and for repairs with the "Instructions for the design of the organization and mechanization of the repair of equipment, buildings and structures at thermal power plants".

1.5. The layout of technological equipment should provide normal conditions for maintenance and repair of equipment with its high mechanization with minimal use of manual labor.

1.6. For power plants constructed in areas with an estimated outdoor air temperature for heating of minus 20 ° C and above, it is allowed to design the main buildings of power plants with an open boiler room, as well as with a semi-open installation of peak solid fuel hot water boilers.

Semi-open installation of hot water boilers for gaseous and liquid fuels is used in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature for heating minus 25 ° C and above.

1.7. Office and auxiliary premises with permanent residence in them should be located in places separated from the operating equipment by walls. Inside the premises, it is prohibited to lay technological pipelines, with the exception of heating, plumbing, ventilation pipelines and pipelines necessary for the technology of work carried out in the premises.

It is forbidden to place service and auxiliary premises below the mark. 0.0 m, in the area of ​​​​location of flanged connections of pipelines and fittings under excessive pressure of the medium, under coal, dust, ash bunkers, accumulators, gas ducts of boiler units, at process equipment maintenance sites.

When office and auxiliary premises are located near places of potential injury hazard, two exits from opposite sides should be provided.

Ancillary rooms should be located in places with the least impact of noise, vibration and other harmful factors, if possible in places with natural light.

The levels of harmful factors inside the premises should not exceed the values ​​established by the relevant scientific and technical documents:

microclimate - GOST 12.1.005-76 "SSBT. Work area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements". GOST 12.1.007-76 "SSBT. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements";

noise - GOST 12.1.003-76 "SSBT. General safety requirements";

vibration - GOST 12.1.012-78 "SSBT. Vibration, general safety requirements".

Illumination in auxiliary rooms must meet the requirements of SNiP II-4-79. "Natural and artificial lighting".

1.8. Gas pipelines supplying combustible gas to the TPP, including those passing through the territory of the power plant to the gate valve at the inlet to the hydraulic distribution plant, are not part of the power plant facilities and belong to the main gas networks.


2.1. Land protection

2.1.1. The choice of a site for the construction of a power plant must be carried out in compliance with the Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics, legislative acts on the protection of nature and the use of natural resources, norms and rules for building design, and is linked to the district planning scheme or the general scheme of the industrial hub.

2.1.2. When developing projects for power plants, you should:

- use, as a rule, non-agricultural lands and unproductive lands;

- provide for the removal and storage of the fertile soil layer (on the lands of temporary and permanent allotment) in order to apply it to recultivated (restored) lands and unsuitable lands;

- provide for compensation for the withdrawn agricultural land;

- in case of allotment of land plots for temporary use, the subsequent reclamation of these plots should be envisaged.

2.1.3. The area of ​​allotted land plots for the construction of power plant facilities should be used rationally and determined by the following conditions:

- optimal blocking of industrial buildings and structures;

- placement of auxiliary services and ancillary industries in multi-storey buildings;

- compliance with the normative building density in accordance with the requirements of the head of SNiP;

- taking into account the necessary reserve of space for the expansion of power plants in accordance with the design assignment and with an appropriate feasibility study;

- determination of the area of ​​ash and slag dumps, taking into account the use of ash and slag in the national economy.

2.1.4. Land acquisition should be carried out in stages, taking into account the actual need for construction objects. Temporarily allotted land for quarries, spoil dumps, etc. after carrying out all the necessary reclamation work on them, they should be returned to land users.

2.1.5. As part of the power plant project, there should be a section on the reclamation of land allotted for temporary use, and the improvement of unproductive land, as compensation for the withdrawn agricultural land. Reclamation projects are carried out with the involvement of design organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, the State Forestry of the USSR and the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR. Projects for the improvement of unproductive lands should be carried out with the involvement of design institutes for land management (giprozems) of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.

2.1.6. When placing power plants in developed energy systems, the projects should consider the possibility of refusing construction or reducing the volume of construction at the site of the power plant of the central repair shop, material warehouses and the repair and construction shop at the TPP, bearing in mind the centralized provision of the needs of the power plant.

2.1.7. When designing a power plant, one should consider the possibility of using existing construction bases and enlargement sites near the located enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

2.1.8. Access railways and roads, as well as external engineering communications, heat pipeline routes, power transmission and communication lines, inlet and outlet channels of technical water supply, etc., if they coincide in direction, should, as a rule, be placed in the same land allotment strip and if possible, trace them without violating the existing boundaries of agricultural land and crop rotation fields.

2.1.9. Ash dumps should be designed taking into account their conservation or reclamation after filling them with ash and slag to the design height.

2.2. Air Basin Protection

2.2.1. In the projects of thermal power plants, measures should be taken to ensure the reduction of the concentration of harmful substances and dust in the surface layer of atmospheric air, to values ​​not exceeding the permissible sanitary standards (PVK).

This condition must be ensured taking into account the operation of the power plant at its final capacity, as well as taking into account the background created by other sources of atmospheric pollution.

The calculation of the concentration is carried out when the power plant is operating at its full electrical and thermal load, corresponding to the average temperature of the coldest month.

When calculating for the summer mode of operation of the power plant, in cases where three or more turbines are installed on it, the shutdown of one of them for repairs is taken into account.

2.3. Water basin protection

2.3.1. To protect the water basin from pollution by various industrial wastewater, appropriate treatment facilities must be provided to ensure compliance with the sanitary standards of the USSR Ministry of Health.

2.3.2. The choice of method and scheme for processing industrial wastewater is made depending on the specific conditions of the designed power plant: power and installed equipment, operating mode, type of fuel, ash and slag removal method, cooling system, water treatment scheme, local climatic, hydrogeological and other factors with appropriate technical and economic calculations .

The discharge of wastewater into water bodies must be designed in compliance with the "Rules for the Protection of Surface Water from Pollution by Sewage" and, in the prescribed manner, be agreed with the authorities for regulating the use and protection of water, state sanitary supervision, for the protection of fish stocks and regulation of fish farming and other interested bodies.

2.3.3. The design of reservoirs-coolers, ash and slag dumps, sludge dumps, evaporation ponds, water treatment, etc. should be carried out taking into account the development of comprehensive measures to protect surface and ground water from pollution by sewage.

When developing activities, consider:

- the possibility of reducing the amount of contaminated industrial wastewater through the use of advanced equipment and rational circuit solutions in the technological process of the power plant;

- the use of partially or fully circulating water supply systems, the reuse of waste water in one technological process at other installations;

- the possibility of using existing, planned treatment facilities of neighboring industrial enterprises and settlements or the construction of common facilities with proportional equity participation;

- in the project, filtration from ash and slag storages of polluted waters into the ground stream should be excluded.


3.1. General plan

3.1.1. The area or point of construction of a thermal power plant is determined by the scheme for the development of energy systems or the heat supply scheme of the area. The choice of a site for construction, as well as the determination of the main characteristics of the power plant, is carried out on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of competing options, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the development of projects and estimates for industrial construction", as well as the relevant chapters of building codes and regulations.

3.1.2. The site for the construction of a power plant should, as far as possible, satisfy the following conditions:

- the soils that make up the site should allow the construction of buildings and structures, as well as the installation of heavy equipment without the construction of expensive foundations;

- the level of groundwater should be below the depth of the basements of buildings and underground utilities;

- the surface of the site should be relatively flat with a slope that provides surface drainage;

- the site should not be located in the places of occurrence of minerals or in the zone of collapse of workings, in karst or landslide areas and areas contaminated with radioactive discharges, as well as in protected areas in accordance with applicable law;

- when focusing on a direct-flow technical water supply scheme, the site should be located near reservoirs and rivers in coastal areas that are not flooded by flood waters, taking into account the lowest cooling water rise height;

- for cogeneration power plants, the site should be as close as possible to heat consumers.

3.1.3. Planning solutions for the placement of power plant facilities, including a residential settlement, should take into account the prevailing wind direction, as well as existing and prospective residential and industrial buildings.

3.1.4. The layout of the master plan of industrial sites should be decided taking into account the approaches of railways and roads, the conclusions of power lines and other communications according to the most rational scheme in conjunction with the general scheme for the development of the area, taking into account architectural requirements and requirements for zoning the territory.

3.1.5. The master plan of the power plant is carried out taking into account:

Development of the power plant at full capacity;

- optimal technological dependence of ancillary production support services in relation to the main production in compliance with the necessary sanitary, fire and other standards governing the distance between buildings, structures and utilities;

- the location of railway stations and fuel depots, as a rule, outside the fence of the industrial site (if the fuel depot is located behind the railway station of the power plant, a pedestrian bridge (tunnel) should be provided for the passage of personnel and the passage of communications);

- architectural design of the site of the main entrance to the power plant, free from temporary buildings and structures.

To buildings and structures, and, if necessary, around them, a road is provided for the passage of fire engines.

3.1.6. The construction and installation base, as a rule, should be located on the side of the temporary end of the main building. The set of temporary buildings and structures should provide for their maximum blocking, as well as the use, if possible, of permanent structures of the power plant for a suitable purpose. Mounting sites should be located no further than 100 m from the temporary end of the main building of full power.

During the construction of several power plants in one area, the location of their common construction, installation and repair district production completing base (RPKB) of power plants and the settlement is determined by the regional planning scheme.

Construction, installation and repair base are accepted minimum dimensions with rational blocking of production and auxiliary buildings, taking into account their further use.

3.1.7. The choice of the elevation of the main building should be carried out on the basis of a feasibility study of options at reduced costs, taking into account the capital costs for construction and operating costs for lifting the cooling water.

3.1.8. To ensure surface drainage, as a rule, an open system should be used by arranging ditches, trays and ditches. The use of a closed drainage system must be justified.

3.2. Transport economy

3.2.1. The choice of the type of passenger transport must be determined on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of options.

3.2.2. The choice of the type of transport for external and internal transportation of cargoes of power plants (railway, conveyor, road, water, pipeline, etc.), as well as the type of rolling stock for rail or road fuel delivery should be made on the basis of technical and economic comparisons of options.

3.2.3. For passenger transportation during the periods of construction and operation, the most efficient modes of transport should be used, providing the least time spent for the movement of workers between places of residence and work.

3.2.4. For power plants located in an industrial area or at industrial enterprises, rail transport is linked to the general scheme for the development of rail transport of an industrial hub.

3.2.5. Co-operation with neighboring enterprises and the Ministry of Railways should be envisaged in the construction and operation of integrated railway stations, access roads, common outfitting devices and locomotive-car depots.

3.2.6. All railway transport facilities should be designed for the full development of the capacity of power plants with the allocation of work volumes according to construction phases.

3.2.7. The construction of access railway tracks for oil-gas power plants when fuel oil is supplied through pipelines or by water transport should be determined by the maximum volume of cargo transportation during the periods of construction and installation of the power plant.

3.2.8. Useful lengths of receiving and departing tracks at junction stations and railway stations of power plants are taken, as a rule, on the basis of setting the routes of the prospective weight norm of the train.

In some cases, with appropriate justification and coordination with the Railway Administration, at the railway stations of power plants, it is allowed to reduce the useful lengths of the tracks, but provided that the reception of the route is not more than two or three feeds.

3.2.9. The number of tracks at the railway station of the power plant is determined by the number of incoming routes per day, taking into account the coefficient of uneven movement of trains 1.2.

Receipt of other household and construction cargoes to the power plant is taken into account with a coefficient of train traffic irregularity of 1.5.

3.2.10. When determining the number of routes, the daily fuel consumption is taken based on the 24-hour operation of all installed boilers at their nominal capacity.

3.2.11. For the needs of construction, permanent railway tracks should be used as much as possible.

Permanent railway entrances to the turbine and boiler rooms are provided only from the temporary end of the main building. From the permanent end of the main building and along the front of the installation of transformers, the arrangement of ways for transformers to be rolled is provided. For CHPPs, it is allowed to arrange the transformers rolling paths from the side of the temporary end.

3.2.12. Electric pushers or, if justified, electric locomotives with remote control shall be used to push the wagons onto the wagon dumpers.

Special shunting devices must be used to roll back the empty stock.

Ways of thrust and rollback of wagons must be fenced in accordance with safety requirements.

3.2.13. All wagons with solid and liquid fuel arriving at the power plant must be weighed, and scales should be used that allow wagons to be weighed on the go without stopping the train.

The weight of liquid fuel supplied in railway tanks is periodically determined by weighing or measuring.

3.2.14. For shunting work on the tracks of the power plant, diesel locomotives or electric locomotives must be used.

At power plants, if it is impossible to cooperate with other enterprises, it is planned to build an equipment and repair unit for locomotives and mechanisms of a coal warehouse, or a locomotive depot for oil-gas stations. In cases of purchasing a fleet of specialized wagons for a power plant, a locomotive-car depot should be provided.

At the railway station of the TPP, a service and technical building, a point for the control and maintenance of wagons, and, if necessary, an electrical centralization post or turnouts, should be provided.

Filling axle boxes of wagons with lubricant and carrying out uncoupled repairs of wagons should be carried out at the departure points of the railway station of the TPP, for which lubrication facilities, racks for storing spare parts, asphalting of the track along the repair tracks for the delivery of spare parts should be provided with a corresponding increase in the distance between the tracks.

If necessary, the departure tracks must be equipped with automatic brake testing devices.

Uncoupling repairs of wagons must be carried out on a special railway track.

Station railway tracks, rolling stock maintenance tracks, passenger platforms and crossings must be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of the MPS standards.

3.2.15. In the case of delivery of fuel routes directly by the locomotives of the Ministry of Railways, the access railway tracks of the power plant adjacent to the electrified highways must also be electrified.

When electrifying the railway tracks of power plants, it is necessary to use the possibility of connecting to the traction substations of the Ministry of Railways, blocking traction substations with general industrial transformer substations, as well as blocking duty points and workshops of the contact network with locomotive-car depots or wagon inspection points.

The possibility of using the overload capacity of the existing traction transformers and rectifier units of the MPS should also be checked.

3.2.16. The choice of the signaling system of a railway station (electric interlocking, key dependence of switches and signals or another system) is determined by a feasibility study.

Inactive arrows should be left for manual maintenance by the shunting brigade.

3.2.17. Railway tracks and points connected with the operation of the car dumper must be equipped with electrical interlocking.

Turnouts that determine the exit of the electric pusher for pushing cars should only be controlled by the duty officer at the railway station with mandatory control of the position of the electric pusher.

3.2.18. Unloading and releasing devices must be equipped with automatic exit and entrance light and sound alarms.

3.2.19. Highways are designed for the full development of the power plant. The design of the pavement and the width of the carriageway of roads is selected in accordance with SNiP, based on the size of traffic and types of vehicles both during construction and during operation.

3.2.20. When choosing the direction of external roads, the prospects for the development of the region and the most effective combination of the projected road with the network of existing and planned communication routes are taken into account. Routes and main parameters of the designed roads are selected on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of options.

3.2.21. The main road access linking the power plant site with the external road network is designed for two traffic lanes with an improved capital type pavement and, as a rule, should approach from the side of the permanent end of the main building.

3.2.22. External roads for servicing water intake and treatment facilities, outdoor switchgear, artesian wells, ash and slag pipelines, open outlet and inlet channels should be designed for one lane with an improved lightweight type pavement or transitional types of pavement.

Access roads to fuel depots should be provided with improved lightweight coverage.

3.2.23. On the square at the main entrance to the power plant, parking lots for public transport, as well as private cars, motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles are provided. The dimensions of the sites (their capacity) are determined depending on the number of operational personnel.


4.1. Unloading, supply and storage of solid fuel

4.1.1. The daily fuel consumption is determined on the basis of 24 hours of operation of all power boilers at their nominal capacity. The fuel consumption of hot water boilers is determined based on 24 hours of operation when covering heat loads at the average temperature of the coldest month.

4.1.2. The hourly productivity of each fuel supply line is determined by the daily fuel consumption of the power plant, based on 24 hours of fuel supply operation with a margin of 10%.

For power plants with a capacity of 4000 MW and above or with a fuel consumption of more than 2000 t/h, fuel is supplied with two separate outlets to the main building.

4.1.3. With a fuel supply capacity of 100 t / h or more, for unloading the railway. wagons with coal and oil shale, wagon dumpers are used.

4.1.4. With a fuel supply capacity of 100 to 400 t/h, one car dumper is installed, from 400 to 1000 t/h - two car dumpers.

The number of car dumpers for power plants with a fuel supply capacity of more than 1000 t/h is determined based on 12 tipping per hour of wagons of average weight capacity, in which fuel is supplied to these power plants, plus one reserve car dumper.

4.1.5. When installing one car dumper at the fuel depot, an unloading rack 120 m long or a receiving hopper for one car is provided.

When installing two or more car dumpers at the warehouse, an unloading rack 60 m long is provided for unloading faulty cars.

4.1.6. For power plants operating on milled peat, the type of unloading device (tankless, trench with multi-bucket loaders, etc.) is determined in each specific case, taking into account the consumption of peat and the type of wagons.

4.1.7. For power plants with a fuel supply capacity of less than 100 t/h, as a rule, tankless unloading devices are used.

4.1.8. When supplying the power plant with dry non-freezing coal or milled peat, fuel delivery can be carried out in self-unloading wagons equipped with remote control for opening and closing hatches. In this case, car dumpers are not installed.

4.1.9. To unload the sludge, a railway is used. an overpass at the fuel storage, next to which a site for storing sludge should be provided.

4.1.10. When freezing fuel is supplied to the power plant, defrosting devices are built. In the absence of a car dumper, in addition to the defrosting device, fuel unloading mechanization is provided. The capacity of the defrosting device should be determined taking into account the warm-up time of the wagons, the daily fuel consumption and be linked to the length of the thrust path and the incoming fuel routes.

4.1.11. In unloading devices for crushing freezing and lumpy fuel on grates, including milled peat, it is planned to install special crushing machines. The gratings above the car dumper bins must have cells no larger than 350x350 mm in size, expanding downwards. In other cases, the dimensions of the cells above the bunkers are taken in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules.

With appropriate justification, the dimensions of the gratings under the car dumper with a cell of more than 350x350 mm are allowed; at the same time, in addition to crushing machines, additional crushers for coarse crushing should be provided.

4.1.12. Fuel is supplied to the boiler room, as a rule, by a two-line system of belt conveyors designed for three-shift operation, of which one line is a reserve one; at the same time, the possibility of simultaneous operation of both threads of the system should be provided. The supply of fuel to the warehouse is carried out by a single-line system.

4.1.13. Fuel supply from each car dumper is carried out by one belt conveyor with a capacity equal to that of the car dumper.

4.1.14. When installing one car dumper, the performance of each line of the fuel supply system to the boiler room is taken equal to 50% of the car dumper's performance.

4.1.15. In the fuel supply path of power plants operating on all types of solid fuels, including milled peat, hammer mills for fine crushing are installed, which ensure fuel grinding to a size of 25 mm. When working on peat and other fine fuels (0-25 mm), it is possible to supply fuel in addition to crushers.

The performance of all installed fine crushers must be no less than the performance of all fuel supply lines to the boiler room.

In the technical justification, the performance of crushers is selected taking into account the screening of fines using a screen.

4.1.16. In the fuel supply path on conveyors for catching metal from coal, the following are installed:

- in the transfer unit - a suspended self-discharging electromagnetic metal divider and a metal detector;

- in front of the hammer crushers - a suspended self-discharging electromagnetic metal separator and a metal detector, and after the hammer crushers, a pulley and suspended electromagnetic metal separators.

In medium-speed mills, non-magnetic metal traps are additionally installed after hammer mills.

With ball drum mills, metal traps are installed only upstream of the crushers.

4.1.17. To capture wood from coal, the following are installed:

- in the transfer unit of conveyors to crushers - traps of long items;

- on conveyors after hammer crushers - chip catchers.

Caught items must be removed mechanically.

4.1.18. In the fuel supply path on the conveyors after the fine crushers, sampling and sample cutting installations are provided to determine the quality of the fuel supplied to the boiler room.

4.1.19. To weigh the fuel entering the boiler room, belt scales are installed on the conveyors.

4.1.20. Cross-overflows in the fuel supply system are provided for:

- after the conveyors of the unloading device;

- after the conveyors from the warehouse;

- in the overflow tower of the main building.

4.1.21. The angle of inclination of belt conveyors is assumed to be no more than 18° for all types of solid fuel. In places where lumpy fuel is loaded, the angle of inclination of the conveyors is assumed to be 12°, and if justified, no more than 15° is allowed.

4.1.22. As a rule, stationary plow ejectors are used to distribute fuel among the bunkers of the boilers.

4.1.23. The angle of inclination of the walls of the receiving bins of unloading devices with car dumpers and transfer bins is accepted for anthracites, hard coals and shale at least 55 °, for peat and brown coal - 60 °, for high-moisture coals, middlings and sludge - at least 70 °. The walls of the bunkers of the unloading devices and the fuel storage must be heated.

4.1.24. The angle of inclination of overflow boxes and chutes for coal and shale is taken at least 60°, and for peat and high-moisture coals at least 65°. Boxes and chutes are made as round as possible, without fractures and bends.

For smeared coals, transfer sleeves, chutes and tees, with the exception of gate valves, are heated.

The working surfaces of the chutes are made of a thickened sheet or with special means of protection against wear.

4.1.25. Belt conveyors are usually installed in closed galleries. The clear vertical height of the galleries is assumed to be at least 2.2 m. The width of the galleries is selected based on the need to have passages between conveyors of at least 1000 mm, and side ones - 700 mm. When columns are located between conveyors, the passage from one column should be 700 mm. Local narrowing of side passages up to 600 mm is allowed.

With one conveyor, the passage should be 1000 mm on one side and 700 mm on the other (all dimensions are indicated up to the protruding parts of building structures and communications).

In the galleries every 100 m it is necessary to provide walkways through the conveyors. In these places, the height of the gallery should provide free passage.

4.1.26. The level of mechanization of coal warehouses should ensure their operation with a minimum number of personnel both for warehouse operations and for the repair of mechanisms.

In coal warehouses should be applied:

- mechanisms of continuous action (rotary loaders, stackers) on caterpillar or rail tracks with maximum automation of their work;

- powerful bulldozers, in combination with a stacker or conveyors of the required length.

It is recommended to take the run of the bulldozer when issuing coal from the warehouse up to 75 m.

The choice of a mechanization system for coal storages in each specific case is determined by a feasibility study, taking into account the climatic conditions of the area where power plants are located, hourly consumption and fuel quality.

Peat warehouses are equipped with continuous loaders or grab cranes.

Continuous machines are not reserved.

Other warehouse mechanisms, except for bulldozers, are backed up by one mechanism. When mechanizing a warehouse only with bulldozers, the reserve should be in the amount of 30% of their estimated number.

When mechanizing coal warehouses with continuous machines for leveling coal and compacting it in a pile, 2-3 bulldozers are provided, which are also used to issue coal from a buffer pile.

4.1.27. In order to avoid downtime of loaded wagons during the period when the bunkers of the boiler room are full, at power plants with tankless unloading devices, a buffer stack with a capacity for two to four railway routes should be provided.

4.1.28. The delivery of fuel from the warehouse is carried out by a single-line system of belt conveyors. The delivery of fuel from the buffer pile to the main fuel supply path is carried out by bulldozers or other mechanisms and an independent single-line conveyor.

4.1.29. The hourly productivity of all mechanisms that dispense fuel from the warehouse must be no less than the productivity of a single-line conveyor system.

4.1.30. For the repair of bulldozers and their maintenance, closed heated rooms are provided, equipped with the necessary repair facilities for a number of machines equal to 30% of the estimated bulldozer fleet, but not less than two machines. The average repair of bulldozers, as a rule, is carried out in the equipment and repair unit.

4.1.31. The capacity of coal and oil shale warehouses is taken (excluding the state reserve), as a rule, equal to 30-day fuel consumption.

For power plants located in the area of ​​coal mines or mines at a distance of 41-100 km, the storage capacity is taken equal to a 15-day consumption, and at a distance of up to 40 km - equal to a 7-day consumption.

4.1.32. At the planned power plants, with the prospect of their expansion, the possibility of expanding the warehouse should be provided.

4.1.33. The reserve supply of peat is provided for a 15-day consumption. The peat storage can be removed from the territory of the power plant at a distance of up to 5 km.

The warehouse must have a direct connection with the main fuel supply route, performed by single-line conveyors or railway tracks that do not go to public railway tracks. It is allowed to place a reserve stock of peat at a nearby peat enterprise, remote from the power plant no more than 30 km and connected with it by railways without access to public railways. In this case, a consumable peat warehouse is built near the power plant with a capacity for 5 daily consumption, but not more than 60,000 tons.

4.1.34. Closed warehouses are allowed for power plants located in large cities in a cramped area, as well as with special justification in remote northern regions.

4.1.35. All indoor fuel transshipment facilities, as well as raw fuel bunkers, are designed with dust tightness and dedusting installations.

Dedusting installations are provided in the transfer units, crushers and in the bunker gallery of the main building. For unloading devices, the choice of dedusting system in each case is determined individually.

When dedusting with the help of aspiration plants, the air removed by them from the fuel supply rooms should be replaced with a stream of purified air, and in the cold season, heated air. An unorganized inflow of outside air during the cold season is allowed in the amount of no more than a single air exchange per hour.

4.1.36. Cleaning of dust and scree of coal in fuel supply rooms must be mechanized. All heated fuel supply rooms should be designed to remove dust and scree of coal using a hydraulic flush.

It is recommended to provide devices for sludge disposal.

4.1.37. In order to prevent the accumulation of dust on building structures, the number of protruding elements should be limited as much as possible, and where protruding parts are unavoidable, they should have an angle of inclination of at least 60°.

4.1.38. Conveyor belt galleries, transfer facilities, as well as the underground part of the unloading devices must be equipped with heating to maintain a temperature of +10 °C; crusher rooms +15 °C.

The above-ground part of the unloading devices (with the exception of the car dumper building and other devices with continuous movement of cars) is equipped with heating to maintain the temperature in them at least +5 °C.

The gallery of conveyors supplying fuel to the warehouse for areas with an estimated temperature of minus 20 ° C and below are equipped with heating to maintain the temperature in them at least +10 ° C, in other areas they are not heated, and the conveyors are equipped with a frost-resistant tape.

The cabins of car dumper drivers must be closed with heating and ventilation.

4.1.39. Fueled for production repair work appropriate sites and premises should be provided.

4.2. Reception, supply and storage of fuel oil

4.2.1. Oil facilities are being built to supply fuel oil (hereinafter fuel oil) to power and hot water boilers of power plants using fuel oil as the main fuel, as well as power plants for which gas is the main fuel, and fuel oil is a reserve or emergency fuel.

Estimated daily consumption of fuel oil is determined based on the 20-hour operation of all power boilers at their nominal capacity and 24-hour operation of hot water boilers when covering heat loads at the average temperature of the coldest month.

4.2.2. For power plants operating on solid fuel with its chamber combustion, a kindling fuel oil facility is being built. In the case of installation at such power plants of gas-oil peak water-heating boilers, their fuel oil economy is combined with the kindling.

Fuel oil is supplied to the starting boiler house, respectively, from the main or kindling fuel oil facilities.

4.2.3. For heating and draining fuel oil from tanks, both drain racks with fuel oil heating by "open" steam or hot fuel oil, and closed drain devices-heaters can be used. The choice of the type of drain device is determined by a technical and economic calculation.

Fuel oil is drained from tanks into inter-rail channels (trays). Of these, fuel oil is sent to a receiving tank, in front of which a coarse filter mesh and a water seal should be provided.

4.2.4. The receiving and draining device of the fuel oil facility is designed to receive tanks with a carrying capacity of 50, 60 and 120 tons. less than 1/3 of the route length. At the same time, the delivery of fuel oil is accepted by tanks with an estimated carrying capacity of 60 tons with a supply unevenness coefficient of 1.2.

The length of the unloading front of the kindling fuel oil facilities for power plants with a total boiler capacity of up to 8000 t/h is assumed to be 100 m, and with a boiler capacity of more than 8000 t/h - 200 m.

4.2.5. The receiving and draining device provides for the supply of steam or hot fuel oil to the tanks, to heat the drain trays and to the hydraulic seal.

Along the entire length of the unloading front of the main and kindling fuel oil facilities, overpasses are provided at the level of the steam heating devices of the tanks.

On both sides of the drain and discharge trays, concrete blind areas are made with a slope towards the trays. The slope of the trays is assumed to be one percent.

4.2.6. When fuel oil is supplied to the power plant through pipelines from nearby oil refineries, devices for receiving fuel oil by rail are not provided.

4.2.7. The value of the receiving capacity of the main fuel oil facility is assumed to be at least 20% of the capacity of the tanks installed for unloading. The pumps must ensure the pumping of fuel oil drained from the tank installed for unloading in no more than 5 hours. Pumps that pump out fuel oil from the receiving tank are installed with a reserve.

The receiving capacity of the kindling fuel oil facilities must be at least 120 m3; pumps pumping fuel oil out of it are installed without a reserve.

4.2.8. Warming up of fuel oil in the tanks of the fuel oil economy is carried out by circulation, while heating is carried out, as a rule, along a separate dedicated circuit. The use of local steam heating devices is allowed.

The fuel oil supply scheme (one- or two-stage) in the main and kindling fuel oil farms is adopted depending on the required pressure in front of the nozzles.

4.2.9. In fuel oil facilities of power plants, steam is used at a pressure of 0.8-1.3 MPa (8-13 kgf / cm 3) with a temperature of 200-250 ° C. The steam condensate must be used in the power plant cycle and subjected to control and purification from fuel oil. Condensate from fuel oil heaters, satellites and greenhouses must be supplied separately from the condensate from steam pipelines for heating trays and tanks.

4.2.10. The equipment of the main fuel oil economy must ensure continuous supply of fuel oil to the boiler room when all working boilers are operating at a nominal capacity.

The viscosity of the fuel oil supplied to the boiler room should be:

- when using mechanical and steam-mechanical nozzles, not more than 2.5 °C, which for fuel oil grade "100" corresponds to a temperature of approximately 135 °C;

- when using steam and rotary nozzles, not more than 6° UV.

4.2.11. To ensure the circulation of fuel oil in the main fuel oil pipelines of the boiler house and in the outlets to each boiler, a pipeline for recirculating fuel oil from the boiler house to the fuel oil facilities is provided.

4.2.12. In the pumping station of the main fuel oil facility, in addition to the estimated number of working equipment, the following should be provided:

- one element of standby equipment - pumps; heaters, fine filters;

- one element of repair equipment - the main pumps of I and II stages.

The number of fuel oil pumps in each stage of the main fuel oil economy must be at least four (including one standby and one repair pump).

4.2.13. The performance of the main fuel oil pumps with a dedicated heating circuit is selected taking into account the additional consumption of fuel oil for recirculation in the return line at the minimum allowable speeds. The performance of the circulation heating pump should ensure the preparation of fuel oil in tanks for uninterrupted supply of the boiler house.

For circulation heating of fuel oil, one backup pump and a heater are provided.

4.3.14. The scheme for installing fuel oil heaters and fine filters should provide for the operation of any heater and filter with any pump of the I and II stages.

4.2.15. In fuel oil farms, a remote (outside the fuel oil pumping) drainage tank should be provided.

4.2.16. The supply of fuel oil to power and hot water boilers from the main fuel oil farm should be carried out through two mains, each designed for 75% of the nominal capacity, taking into account recirculation.

4.2.17. Steam is supplied to the fuel oil facility through two mains, each designed for 75% of the estimated steam consumption.

At least two condensate pumps are installed, one of them is a standby one.

4.2.18. Shut-off valves should be installed on the suction and discharge fuel oil pipelines at a distance of 10-50 m from the fuel oil pumping station for shutdowns in emergency cases.

At the inlets of the main fuel oil pipelines inside the boiler room, as well as at the outlets to each boiler, shut-off valves with remote electric and mechanical drives, located in places convenient for maintenance, should be installed.

4.2.19. To maintain the required pressure in the main fuel oil pipelines, control valves "to themselves" are installed at the beginning of the recirculation line from the boiler house to the fuel oil industry.

4.2.20. Remote emergency shutdown of oil pumps must be carried out from a switchboard located in the main building.

In the boiler room and in the fuel oil pump room, automatic signaling of the emergency decrease in fuel oil pressure in the main fuel oil pipelines should be provided.

4.2.21. The supply of fuel oil to the fuel oil facilities from the refinery must be carried out through one pipeline; in some cases, when justifying, it is allowed to supply fuel oil through two pipelines, while the throughput of each of them is taken equal to 50% of the maximum hourly fuel consumption by all working boilers at their nominal capacity.

4.2.22. The laying of all fuel oil pipelines is carried out, as a rule, on the ground.

All fuel oil pipelines laid outdoors and in cold rooms must have steam or other heating satellites in common insulation with them.

Only steel fittings should be used on fuel oil pipelines.

On fuel oil pipelines of boiler rooms, flange connections and fittings (places of possible gaps) must be enclosed in steel casings with the discharge of leaked fuel oil into special containers.

4.2.23. At gas-oil power plants, it is necessary to provide a stand for calibration of nozzles located in the boiler room.

4.2.24. Metal fuel oil storage tanks must be thermally insulated in areas with an average annual temperature of +9 °C and below.

4.2.25. The fuel oil storage capacity (excluding the state reserve) for power plants where fuel oil is the main, reserve or emergency fuel is taken as follows:

Fuel oil

Tank capacity

Essential for oil-fired power plants

Delivery by rail

For 15 days

When supplied through pipelines

For 3-day consumption

Backup for gas power plants

For 10 days

Emergency for gas power plants

For 5 days

For peak hot water boilers

For 10 days

For gas-fired power plants, provided that gas is supplied year-round from two independent sources, a fuel oil facility may not be built with appropriate justification.

4.2.26. For power plants where coal is selected as the main fuel, and fuel oil for peak hot water boilers, the capacity of the combined fuel oil storage is determined by the consumption for hot water boilers, taking into account the stock of fuel oil for kindling and lighting.

For gas-fired power plants, with a year-round supply of it from one source, an emergency fuel oil facility is provided, and with a seasonal gas supply, a backup fuel oil facility.

4.2.27. In the fuel oil economy of power plants, it is necessary to provide devices for receiving, draining, storing, preparing and dosing liquid additives into fuel oil.

4.2.28. Kindling fuel oil economy is carried out for solid fuel power plants with a total boiler capacity:

a) more than 8000 t/h - with three tanks with a capacity of 3000 m3;

b) from 4000 to 8000 t/h - with three tanks with a capacity of 2000 m3 each;

c) less than 4000 t/h - with three tanks with a capacity of 1000 m3.

4.2.29. The supply of fuel oil to the boiler room from the kindling fuel oil facilities is carried out through one pipeline.

The number of fuel oil pumps in each stage of the kindling fuel oil facilities is assumed to be at least two, including one standby.

4.2.30. The throughput of fuel oil pipelines and the performance of pumps for kindling fuel oil facilities are selected taking into account the total number and capacity of units (power units) at the power plant, the operating mode of the power plant in the power system and the characteristics of the area where the power plant is located.

In this case, the number of simultaneously melted units should not exceed:

- at the state district power station - blocks of 4x200 MW, 3x300 MW and more with a load of up to 30% of their nominal capacity;

- at the CHPP of the two largest boilers with a load of up to 30% of their nominal capacity.

4.2.31. It is allowed to carry out a warehouse for kindling fuel oil facilities combined with a warehouse for oil and fuels and lubricants.

For tractors (bulldozers) for the fuel economy of coal-fired power plants, a fuel and lubricants warehouse is provided, including one underground tank with a capacity of 75-100 m3 for diesel fuel and one or two underground tanks with a capacity of 3-5 m3 for gasoline.

4.2.32. Oil-contaminated water is drained from the bottom of any tank of the main and kindling fuel oil facilities to a working tank, or to a receiving tank, or to a treatment plant.

4.2.33. Fuel facilities of power plants for other types of liquid fuel (diesel, gas turbine, crude oil, stripped oil, etc.) must be designed according to special regulatory documents.

4.3. Gas facilities

4.3.1. A gas control point (GRP) is provided at power plants operating on gas, which is used as the main and seasonal fuel. The productivity of hydraulic fracturing at power plants where gas fuel is the main one is calculated for the maximum gas consumption by all working boilers, and at power plants that burn gas seasonally, according to the gas consumption for summer mode.

Hydraulic distribution stations are located on the territory of the power plant in separate buildings or under sheds.

4.3.2. Gas is supplied from the gas distribution station (GDS) to the hydraulic fracturing station through one gas pipeline for each hydraulic distribution station; there is no provision for a backup gas supply.

4.3.3. At gas-oil condensing power plants with a capacity of up to 1200 MW and CHPPs with a steam flow rate of up to 4000 t/h, one hydraulic fracturing can be constructed. At power plants of greater capacity, two or more hydraulic distribution stations are constructed, respectively.

For gas-fired power plants in the absence of fuel oil facilities, at least two hydraulic fracturing stations are constructed, regardless of the power plant capacity.

The number of parallel installations that regulate gas pressure in each hydraulic fracturing is selected taking into account one standby one.

4.3.4. The laying of all gas pipelines within the hydraulic fracturing and to the boilers is carried out on the ground.

The gas supply from each hydraulic fracturing station to the main line of the boiler room and from the main line to the boilers is not reserved and can be carried out one by one.

The gas collector, which distributes gas to the boiler units, is laid outside the boiler room building.

4.3.5. Only steel fittings should be used on gas pipelines.

4.3.6. The gas facilities of power plants burning blast-furnace or coke oven gas, as well as gas-generating, waste-technological, natural-wet and sulphurous gases, etc., must be designed according to special regulatory documents.

4.4. Oil farm

4.4.1. Each power plant is equipped with a centralized oil facilities for turbine and transformer oils, including equipment, tanks of fresh, regenerated and used oils, pumps for receiving and transferring oil, and installations for drying oils and recovering zeolite or silica gel.

Mobile installations for degassing transformer oil should be provided to power systems for the period of pouring transformers equipped with nitrogen or film protection.

4.4.2. In the oil facilities, four tanks of turbine and transformer oils and two tanks of machine oil for mill systems are installed. The capacity of the tanks for turbine and transformer oils must not be less than the capacity of a railway tank, i.e. 60 m, in addition, the capacity of each tank must provide:

- for turbine oil - the oil system of one unit with the largest volume of oil and topping up oil in the amount of a 45-day requirement of all units;

- for transformer oil - one largest transformer with a 10% margin; if the volume of each tank for turbine and transformer oils is less than the specified values, then it is necessary to install a double number of tanks;

- for machine oil - oil systems of four mills and topping up of oil in the amount of 45-day requirement of all units.

Storage of auxiliary lubricants is provided for in the amount of a 45-day requirement.

4.4.3. The supply of turbine and transformer oils to the main units and their discharge is carried out separately through single pipelines, equipped with heating in an unheated zone.

4.4.4. For emergency discharge of turbine oil from the units at the power plant, a special capacity is provided equal to the capacity of the system of the largest unit.


5.1. Boilers

5.1.1. Block diagrams (boiler-turbine) are used at condensing and cogeneration power plants with intermediate steam reheating.

At CHPPs without steam reheating with a predominantly heating load, block diagrams are usually used.

At CHPPs without reheating of steam with a predominant steam load, block schemes are used and, with appropriate justification, with cross-links.

5.1.2. Power boiler units with a steam output of 400 t/h and above, as well as peak boilers with a heat output of 100 Gcal/h and above, must be gas-tight; gas-oil power and hot-water boilers of the specified capacity are made either under pressurization or under vacuum, and pulverized-coal boilers only under vacuum.

5.1.3. The steam capacity of boiler units installed in a block with turbine units is selected according to the maximum passage of live steam through the turbine, taking into account the steam consumption for auxiliary needs and a margin of 3%.

The steam capacity and the number of boiler units installed at thermal power plants with cross-links is selected according to the maximum steam consumption by the machine room, taking into account the steam consumption for own needs and a reserve of 3%.

5.1.4. The heat output and the number of peak water-heating and low-pressure steam boilers are selected based on the condition that they cover, as a rule, 40-45% of the maximum heat load of heating, ventilation and hot water supply.

At power plants with a block scheme, it is envisaged to install standby hot water boilers in a quantity in which, when one power unit or one double-block boiler goes out of operation, the remaining power units and all installed peak boilers must provide the maximum-long supply of steam for production and supply heat for heating, ventilation and hot water supply in the amount of 70% of the heat supply for these purposes at the outside air temperature calculated for the design of heating systems.

At power plants with cross-links, the installation of backup low-pressure hot water and steam boilers is not provided. For power plants of this type, in the event of the failure of one power boiler, the remaining power boilers and all installed hot water boilers must provide the maximum-long supply of steam for production and supply of heat for heating, ventilation and hot water supply in the amount of 70% of the heat supply for these goals at the calculated outdoor temperature for the design of heating systems; at the same time, for power plants with cross-links, which are part of power systems, a decrease in electric power by the amount of the power of the largest turbine unit of the CHPP is allowed.

5.1.5. Energy and peak boilers are usually installed in a basement. For these boilers, dry cleaning of heating surfaces (blowing, shot cleaning, etc.) is provided.

5.1.6. For thermal power plants with subcritical steam pressure, as well as for state district power plants operating on sea water, as a rule, drum boilers are used.

5.1.7. For solid fuel power plants, regardless of the type of fuel, as a rule, a closed individual dust preparation system is used.

5.1.8. With ball drum mills, the pulverizing plant is usually carried out according to the scheme with intermediate bunkers. At least two mills are installed on a boiler with a steam capacity of 400 t/h or more. For boilers with lower steam capacity, as well as for hot water boilers with a capacity of 180 Gcal/h and below, it is accepted to install one mill per boiler. At the same time, in all cases, communication is carried out through dust bunkers with neighboring boilers. The performance of the mills is selected based on providing 110% of the nominal steam output (heat output) of the boiler.

5.1.9. With medium-speed mills, fan mills, and hammer mills, the pulverizing plant, as a rule, is carried out according to the direct blowing scheme. The use of dust bins for these mills is allowed with appropriate justification.

The number of mills in systems with direct injection for boilers with a steam capacity of 400 t/h and more is selected at least three; for boilers of lower steam capacity, as well as hot water boilers of 180 Gcal and below, at least two mills are selected. The performance of these mills is selected with the expectation that when one of them stops, the remaining ones without taking into account the possibility of forcing provide: with two installed mills at least 60%, with 3 mills - at least 80%, with 4 mills at least 90% , with 5 or more mills - 100% of the rated boiler capacity. When installing these mills in a dust preparation system with a dust bin, the mill productivity factor is selected with two installed mills per boiler 1.35, with three - 1.2, with four or more - 1.1.

5.1.10. Fuel weighing is carried out in the fuel supply path. Automatic scales are not installed in front of the mills.

5.1.11. The performance of raw coal feeders is taken with a safety factor of 1.1 to the performance of mills.

The capacity of the dust feeders is selected on the basis of ensuring the rated capacity of the boiler when all feeders operate with a load of 70-75% of their rated capacity.

Raw coal feeders for direct injection hammer mills and dust feeders are equipped with electric motors with wide speed control (up to 1:5).

5.1.12. The useful capacity of the raw fuel bunkers of the boiler house is taken from the calculation of at least:

for bituminous coals and ASh - 8 - hour reserve for ASh;

for peat - a 3-hour supply.

The angle of inclination of the walls of the bins and the dimensions of their outlets are taken:

a) for coals with normal flowing properties (angle of repose not more than 60°), wall inclination angle 60°, opening dimensions not less than 1.1 m in all directions;

b) for coals with poor flow properties (angle of repose greater than 60°), wall inclination angle 65°, opening dimensions not less than 1.6 m, in all directions;

c) for sludge, middlings and other coals with an angle of repose of more than 70° - the angle of inclination of the walls is not less than 70° and the hole size is not less than 1.8 m in all directions.

It is allowed to use smaller sizes of outlet openings of hoppers depending on the design and dimensions of coal feeders and the productivity of mills, while maintaining the area of ​​outlet openings.

The outlet section of raw coal bunkers and feeder chutes is assumed to be at least 1000 mm in any direction.

The inner edges of the corners of the bunkers are rounded off or overlapped by a plane.

Bunkers of raw coal and peat of the boiler house are supplied with pneumatic breakers.

5.1.13. The useful capacity of the intermediate dust bins in the boiler room should provide at least 2-2.5 hour supply of the boiler's nominal demand, in excess of the "non-working" capacity of the bin, necessary for the reliable operation of the dust feeders.

When installing one mill per boiler, the useful capacity of the dust bin should provide a 4-hour supply of dust.

5.1.14. The characteristic of smoke exhausters and draft fans is selected taking into account reserves against the calculated values: 10% in terms of productivity and 20% in terms of pressure for smoke exhausters and for fans in terms of pressure of 15%. The specified reserves also include the necessary reserves in the characteristics of the machines for the purpose of regulating the load of the boiler.

At the rated load of the boiler, smoke exhausters must operate at an efficiency of at least 90%, and fans at least 95% of the maximum value.

5.1.15. When installing two smoke exhausters and two blowers on the boiler, the performance of each of them is selected by 50%. For boilers on ASh and lean coals, in the case of operation of one smoke exhauster or one blower fan, the load of the boiler must be at least 70%.

For boilers with a steam capacity of 500 t/h or less, as well as for each double-block boiler, one smoke exhauster and one fan are installed, the installation of two smoke exhausters and two fans is allowed only with appropriate justification.

5.1.16. To regulate the operation of centrifugal smoke exhausters and blowers for boilers of block installations, guide vanes with rotary blades are used in combination with two-speed electric motors. For other boilers, the feasibility of installing two-speed motors is checked on a case-by-case basis.

For axial smoke exhausters, guide vanes with single-speed electric motors are used.

5.1.17. An open installation of smoke exhausters and draft fans is used for power plants operating on liquid or gaseous fuels in areas with an estimated heating temperature above minus 30 ° C.

Blowers with turbo drives are installed indoors.

An open installation of remote tubular and regenerative air heaters is used in climatic regions with a calculated heating temperature above minus 30 °C.

5.1.18. When burning sulfurous fuels, measures and devices are provided to protect the heating surfaces of boilers and gas ducts from corrosion.

When installing hot water boilers at CHPPs, for which fuel with a reduced sulfur content () of more than or equal to 0.1% is allocated as the main or backup fuel, the temperature of the network water at the inlet to the boiler must be at least 110 ° C.

5.1.19. In the boiler rooms of the State District Power Plant and the CHPP, a dead-end railway entry of normal gauge is provided; the length of the run should ensure the removal of goods from the railway platform by means of lifting mechanisms. With appropriate justification, it is allowed to arrange a dead-end railway track combined with motor transport along the entire length of the boiler room. In the boiler rooms, a through passage of vehicles is provided. With the number of power units of six or more, one side entry of vehicles from the side of the chimneys is provided.

The dimensions of motorways are established in the technical project when developing issues of mechanization of installation and repair work and the layout of the boiler room.

5.1.20. In the boiler room at several elevations (zero, control platform), repair zones should be provided for transportation and placement of materials and equipment during repair with floor loads of 0.5-1.5 t/m.

5.1.21. Regardless of the type of hoisting mechanisms for repair work in the boiler room, elevators for operating personnel should be provided at the rate of one passenger-and-freight elevator for two units with a capacity of 500 MW or more and one for four units of lesser power.

Repair elevators are simultaneously used for operation.

5.1.22. A pneumatic suction system with piping is provided for cleaning dust in the premises of the boiler house of pulverized coal-fired power plants, and a hydraulic flushing system is provided for cleaning the floors.

5.2. Ash collection

5.2.1. All boilers burning solid fuels are equipped with ash collectors.

The ash collection coefficient depending on the capacity of the power plant and the reduced ash content of the burned fuel is taken accordingly:

- for condensing power plants with a modality of 2400 thousand kW and above and CHPPs with a capacity of 500 thousand kW and above, high-efficiency electrostatic precipitators with a degree of gas purification of at least 99% with a reduced ash content of 4% or less and 99.5% with a reduced ash content of more than 4 should be used %;

- for condensing power plants with a capacity of 1000-2400 thousand kW and CHP with a capacity of 300-500 thousand kW - not less than 98% and 99%, respectively, of the reduced ash content;

- for condensing power plants with a capacity of 500-1000 thousand kW and CHP with a capacity of 150-300 thousand kW, not less than 96% and 98%, respectively, of the reduced ash content;

- for IES and CHPPs of smaller capacity, the gas purification factor is assumed to be 93% and 96%, respectively, of the reduced ash content.

5.2.2. The height of the chimneys is selected in accordance with the approved method for calculating the dispersion of emissions in the atmosphere and is checked for the permissible dust content in front of the smoke exhauster.

The calculation is based on fuel consumption at the maximum electrical load of the power plant and heat load at the average temperature of the coldest month. In summer mode, in case of installation of five or more turbines, the calculation is carried out taking into account the shutdown of one of them for repairs.

5.2.3. As ash collectors at power plants, as a rule, are used:

- for purification of gases with a degree above 97% - electrostatic precipitators;

- for gas purification with a degree of 95-97% - wet ash collectors of the type MS-VTI and MV-UOOR GRES. If it is impossible to use wet devices (due to the properties of the ash or for its further use, etc.), electrostatic precipitators with a purification rate of at least 98% are installed;

- for gas purification with a degree of 93-95% - battery cyclones of the BTSU-M or BTsRN type.

The use of other types of ash collectors is allowed with appropriate justification.

5.2.4. As a rule, an open installation of ash collectors should be used with closure in all climatic zones of the lower bunker part and the upper spray nozzles of wet ash collectors.

In areas with an estimated heating temperature of minus 20 °C and below, wet ash collectors are installed indoors.

5.2.5. The system of gas ducts before and after the ash collectors, as well as their layout, must ensure uniform distribution of flue gases through the apparatus with a minimum resistance of the gas path.

Guide vanes or other gas distribution devices are installed in the gas ducts, if necessary.

5.2.6. The temperature and moisture content of the flue gases entering the electrostatic precipitators should provide the possibility of highly efficient gas purification from the ash of the burned fuel, taking into account its electrical properties.

If the temperature and moisture content of the flue gases downstream of the steam generator do not provide favorable electrophysical properties of the ash necessary for the efficient operation of the electrostatic precipitators, the required temperature and moisture content of the gases are achieved by appropriate measures for the boiler or a special installation before the electrostatic precipitator.

5.2.7. High-voltage power units for electrostatic precipitators are located in a special room.

5.2.8. It is not allowed to discharge air or gases from the aspiration system, shot cleaning, etc. into the bunkers of electric filters. The discharge of the drying agent from the open-loop dust preparation system into the flue gases in front of the electric filter is allowed provided that the explosion and fire safety requirements are met.

5.2.9. The temperature of the flue gases behind wet ash collectors in any mode of operation of the steam generator must be at least 15 °C higher than the dew point of gases in terms of water vapor.

5.2.10. On the gas ducts of each ash collector, on the instructions of the organization designing the ash collectors, hatches and platforms are provided for determining the efficiency of ash collection.

5.2.11. Electrostatic precipitators and battery cyclones are equipped with a dry ash collection and transport system. Devices are installed under the ash catchers bunkers, which exclude air suction into the bunkers. These devices must ensure the normal operation of dry and wet ash removal systems in all modes of shaking the collecting electrodes.

5.2.12. Dry ash collectors must have thermal insulation and a heating system for the lower part of the bunker, which ensures the temperature of the bunker wall is at least 15 ° C above the flue gas dew point for water vapor.

5.3. In-station ash and slag removal

5.3.1. In-station ash and slag removal to pumping stations is carried out separately using pneumohydraulic or hydraulic methods.

If there are dry ash collectors at the TPP, intra-station pneumohydraulic ash removal is adopted, in which the ash from under the ash collectors is collected by pneumatic systems into the industrial bunker. From the industrial bunker, the ash is fed through the hydraulic removal channels to the pumping station. If there are ash consumers, it is pneumatically transported from the industrial bunker to the dry ash warehouse or is issued directly from the industrial bunkers to the consumer's vehicles.

With wet ash collectors, the hydraulic removal of ash by channels to the pumping station is adopted.

With appropriate justification, other methods of internal ash and slag removal can be used.

5.3.2. Slag and ash channels within the site, including those located in the pumping station, are accepted, as a rule, separate.

Slag channels for solid slag removal are made with a slope of at least 1.5% and for liquid slag removal - at least 1.8%. Ash channels are made with a slope of at least 1%.

Channels, as a rule, are made of reinforced concrete with a lining of stone-cast products. Incentive nozzles are installed along the length of the channels. Channels should be covered with easily removable structures at floor level.

5.3.3. The dredging pumping station is located in the boiler room. If it is not possible to locate the pump house in the main building, with appropriate justification, it is allowed to locate the bager pump room outside the main building.

At the suction of the dredging pumps, a receiving tank is provided for at least two minutes of operation of the pump for the pumping room located in the main building, and at least three minutes for the remote dredging pumping room.

5.3.4. At least 6 boilers with a steam capacity of 320-500 t/h are connected to one bager pumping station; at least 4 boilers of 640-1000 t/h; at least 2 boilers of 1650-2650 t/h.

5.3.5. Pumping equipment for ash and slag removal systems is accepted as large as possible. Irrigation, flushing, ejecting, sealing water pumps and sludge (ash) pumps are installed with one standby unit in each group of pumps.

Drag pumps are installed with one standby and one repair unit in each pumping station.

If there is a risk of mineral deposits in the system, each group of pumps (except for bager and slurry pumps) is equipped with one additional pump to enable cleaning.

If it is necessary to pump slag-ash pulp with several stages of bager and slurry pumps, 2 stages of pumps are installed in one pumping station.

5.3.6. When the pH of clarified water is 12.0, it is not allowed to mix it with technical make-up water.

5.3.7. Slag crushers are usually installed under the boilers. The installation of slag crushers in the bagerny pump house is provided if it is necessary to obtain finer fractions of slag according to the conditions for the use of dispersed alluvium at the ash and slag dump.

5.3.8. When designing power plants, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of collecting and issuing ash and slag to consumers. It is necessary to identify consumers of ash and slag and, taking into account their requests, design devices for dispensing ash and slag.

5.3.9. To collect dry ash in the industrial bunker and transport it to the warehouse, pneumatic systems with air slides and pneumatic lifts, vacuum systems, low-pressure pipe systems are accepted. With a significant reduced length of transport to the warehouse (up to 1000 m), pressure pneumatic systems with pneumatic screw or chamber pumps are used.

A dry ash warehouse for issuing it to consumers is accepted with a capacity of no more than a two-day supply with an average annual issuance of ash.

5.3.10. If it is necessary to deliver slag to consumers, hydraulic systems with a three-section slag trap, systems for slag washing into piles or consumable dumps are provided.

The slag settler is made of reinforced concrete, with a drainable base. The capacity of one section of the sump is assumed to be not less than the daily stock and sludge of slag.

5.3.11. Clarified circulating water is used to flush the slurry pipelines, supply water to the seals of the bager and slurry pumps, and adjust the level in the receiving tank in front of the bager pumps.

5.3.12. If there is a risk of formation of mineral deposits in slurry pipelines and clarified water pipelines, an installation for cleaning hydraulic ash removal pipelines with a mixture of water and flue gases or other methods for cleaning pipelines should be provided.

5.3.13. Wastewater from the hydraulic flush from the fuel supply premises is provided for in the hydraulic ash removal system - in the bager pumping station or in gravity trays.


6.1. The unit capacity of turbine units of condensing units at power plants included in the integrated energy systems is chosen as large as possible for a given type of fuel, taking into account the prospective development of the integrated system, and at power plants included in isolated systems, based on a technical and economic analysis, taking into account the size of the emergency reserve and network construction costs, as well as long-term development.

6.2. The unit capacity and type of heating units at CHPPs included in the energy systems are chosen as large as possible, taking into account the nature and prospective magnitude of the district's heat loads.

Turbines with industrial steam extraction are selected taking into account the long-term use of this extraction during the year.

Backpressure turbines are selected for the covered base part of industrial steam and heating loads and are not installed by the first CHP unit.

The piping scheme of the CHPP provides (if necessary) for the possibility of implementing measures to maximize the load of back-pressure turbines by reducing production and heating extractions from condensing turbines.
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