The device of an external brick wall with vertical reinforcement. Reinforcement of brickwork. Options for ongoing work


When planning construction works, first of all, they pay attention to the strength indicators of the material used and the final stability of the structure. Bearing walls in apartment buildings and in private cottages experience increased loads, therefore, during the implementation of the project and directly construction work, the issues of increasing the strength of load-bearing structures should be given maximum attention. High-quality work will increase the stability of the walls to static load. To date, this is the most popular way to increase the strength of buildings.

The simplest technology actually appeared with the advent of this building material. In ancient times, various metal rods were used to improve the strength of brick walls, which became the prototype of modern reinforcement. It must be said that such work practically does not complicate construction work, which made this technology one of the most popular ways to increase the strength of buildings. It must be said that reinforcement allows to increase static stability. Therefore, these works are performed not so much to protect the walls from mechanical damage, but to improve the strength of the supporting structures.

Wall reinforcement principle

The brickwork is reinforced with metal mesh. The elements used are located transversely in depth. The choice of location of such elements primarily depends on the direction of the load.

This allows you to significantly strengthen the masonry and ensures the durability of the structure. The fittings located inside, allows you to qualitatively redistribute the load and prevent the occurrence of local overloads. Such reinforcing elements take up most of the load, which solves the problem of brittleness of the bricks or the binder used. Used reinforcement is divided into longitudinal and transverse. It is also customary to divide it longitudinally into horizontal and vertical varieties.

Strengthening the walls with your own hands

strengthening brickwork is not particularly difficult, which allows you to perform all construction work on their own. You will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Steel rods.
  2. Steel fittings.
  3. knitting wire.
  4. Grid for fixation.
  5. Metal planks.
  6. Paint for metal.
  7. Transverse.

Transverse reinforcement is performed by applying a steel reinforcing grid to the surface of the bricks. This allows you to improve the strength of the material in bending or compression. In this case, the implementation of inclined brickwork has a certain difficulty. This is necessary when making an arch or various architectural elements of a building. Masonry can be done using special templates and additional reinforcement.

It is allowed to use factory-made reinforcing wire and made independently by weaving or welding it.

Depending on their design, reinforcing elements can be laid through a different number of rows of masonry. From above, such elements are covered with a cement solution, the thickness of which must be at least two millimeters. It must be said that in order to ensure complete protection of the metal elements used against corrosion, the cement layer should be approximately 15 millimeters. We also note that when performing the transverse type, it is necessary to use one type of such reinforcing elements.

Therefore, it is not recommended to reinforce with wire and steel rods at the same time.

Using mesh for transverse reinforcement

Today, metal reinforcing meshes are very popular, which allow you to conveniently perform transverse reinforcement. The masonry, covered with such a mesh, is characterized by increased strength. Depending on the shape of the cell, the grid can be divided into the following types:

  1. Zigzag.
  2. Rectangular.
  3. Square.

Rectangular reinforcing mesh is made of steel wire with a diameter of not more than 5 millimeters. Depending on its type, the cell size can be up to 100 millimeters. Experts recommend laying such a reinforcing mesh every 5 rows of bricks. It is necessary to mount the mesh in a brick wall in such a way that the ends of the wire and reinforcement extend a few millimeters outside the wall. Subsequently, such ends of the metal wire are cut and sealed.

The zigzag mesh is made of steel reinforcement and curved in a zigzag pattern with the help of special equipment. For the manufacture of such a reinforcing mesh, a wire with a diameter of at least eight millimeters is used. Strengthening with such a zigzag mesh is recommended to be performed every three rows of bricks. It is laid in masonry perpendicularly in each adjacent row.

Reinforcement of walls with metal rods

For this, zigzag and straight steel reinforcement can be used. It is necessary to lay the rods every 5 rows. Straight rods are recommended for use in regular brick laying. Several rods are placed across the entire width at a distance of 100 millimeters. The reinforcement is pressed into the seam filled with cement mortar and deepened by 20 millimeters.

Longitudinal wall reinforcement

Depending on the location of the metal elements, longitudinal reinforcement can be internal and external. To perform this work, metal steel rods with a diameter of 10 millimeters are used. With longitudinal internal reinforcement, the rods are buried at the very base of the masonry and placed vertically along the walls. It must be said that for private buildings in this case there will be enough reinforcement with a thickness of not more than 15 millimeters. Whereas for high-rise buildings, metal elements with a thickness of 30 millimeters can be used.

Horizontal reinforcement with metal rods is simple in execution. Quite often, such masonry reinforcement is used for vertical reinforcement. Before starting work, it is recommended to paint all used metal elements with a protective paint for metal, and in case of direct construction work, carefully cover the reinforcing elements with a layer of mortar.


Reinforcing brick walls does not present any difficulty, which allows you to carry out this work yourself when building private houses. With the help of special metal rods or mesh, it can significantly increase the durability of the structure and the strength of the brickwork. It is only necessary to correctly plan the technology of work and determine the type of reinforcing material used.

When building any building, it is important to make it durable and reliable. Brick walls experience very significant loads during operation, which can lead to cracking of the walls, and even to their destruction. Reinforcing mesh prevents accidents when one end or section of the wall is loaded more than the other. It will help to avoid the mobility of the foundation, deformations from the effects of temperature. Therefore, the walls must be strengthened using meshes that are appropriate for the construction technology and the type of building being erected. This rather simple but effective protection makes the walls much stronger, especially when it comes to half-brick laying.

Reinforcement is different:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • transverse.

The grid is used for virtually all types of walls, (especially for those laid out in half-brick) and for columns. Its shape can be in the form of a square, rectangle and zigzag. To prevent corrosion of the grid, before use, it is placed in a container with a solution so that it covers it completely.

The seam during masonry in the case when it is reinforced, respectively, will be slightly wider than usual by a couple of centimeters.

As a standard, the mesh is laid in five rows. A rectangular grid is placed more often, after 4 rows. Zigzag meshes are laid in pairs, perpendicular to the reinforcement. This is done in two rows. For walls that carry the main load, a mesh is taken that has sufficiently large cells, each side of which is 50 mm. The thickness of the wire used in the mesh should be no more than 5 mm. The gaps between rows when reinforcing self-supporting walls are left quite large. The thickness of the wire used here can be no more than a millimeter or two.

Runs, lintels, ceilings, crossbars and other similar elements are reinforced autonomously. Brick pillars are usually reinforced in three rows.

For vertical reinforcement, reinforcing bars can range in size from 10 to 30 mm, depending on the size of the building. They are placed along walls or partitions. When installing reinforcing elements in the lining, it is necessary to leave an indent of up to 120 mm.

Types of brickwork reinforcement

With the right choice of the type of reinforcement of brickwork, the following are taken into account: the method of laying, the bearing capacity of brick walls, the type of ligation of bricks, through what distance the reinforcement is carried out and other features. The main thing is to know how much the wall can withstand loads.

Reinforcement of brickwork occurs with the help of a reinforcing mesh. The grid, relative to the masonry, is located:

  • Longitudinally.
  • transversely.
  • vertically.

What is an armature?

Reinforcement occurs with the help of long reinforcement bars or a special mesh. The mesh or rods are made of metal wire. But modern reinforcing bars are made of PVC or polyethylene.

For such purposes, a rod with a diameter of 3-8 millimeters is suitable. In the construction of small buildings, rods 3-4 mm thick are used. But if it is decided to use reinforcement with a diameter of 6-8 millimeters, then it is not recommended to knit a mesh from it, the mesh at the joints has a large thickness, which means that the thickness of the seam will also increase. Best of all, lay it in a zigzag.

The rods can be located at a distance of 40-100 millimeters from each other. Thus, the grid will have cells from 40x40 to 100x100 millimeters.

The mesh is laid every 3-5 rows. The frequency of laying the mesh depends on the required strength of the wall; under heavy loads, reinforcement can be laid after 1 row. But the builders do not recommend laying the reinforcing mesh less often than after 5 rows, in this case, the ability of the reinforcement is greatly reduced and the reinforcement goes wrong.

Reinforcing mesh can be made independently, directly on construction site. And you can buy a ready-made grid. It is a connection of reinforcement rods at the same distance from each other. The connection is made by welding. If the mesh will be assembled at the construction site, then experts recommend not using welded joints due to the possibility of corrosion, it is better to use a knitting wire.

Reinforcing rod made of ferrous metal must be painted. If this is not done, then the metal will corrode, and the wire will not be strong. And this means that the reinforcement will not perform its main function - strengthening the masonry.

The order of laying the rods

Zigzag wire can be used instead of mesh. The wire should be located in adjacent rows, and in relation to each other, they should be perpendicular.

The reinforcement should protrude from the masonry by at least 5 millimeters, you can leave a protrusion more, because the protruding wire, in the future, can be used to fix layers of finishes, such as plaster. According to the grids protruding from the rows, it is possible to control whether the grid is laid everywhere.

The reinforcing wire is laid on a layer of mortar, at least 2 millimeters, both above and below. Such a technique is necessary to protect the reinforcement from corrosion during the period of operation, which means that the walls will be strong and reliable throughout the entire period of operation.

Materials for the manufacture of reinforcing mesh:

  • Reinforcing wire (required thickness).
  • knitting wire.
  • Hook for knitting fittings.

Everything is done very simply. First you need to measure the length of the transverse and longitudinal bars of the reinforcing cage. The length of the transverse rods should be slightly greater than the thickness of the brickwork. Then you need to cut the rods to the measured length. Then it remains only to tie the twigs together, this is easy to do with a special crochet hook.

Vertical reinforcement of masonry

For vertical reinforcement, rods of various lengths are used. A feature of this type of reinforcement is that the masonry is carried out taking into account the installation of the rods. The masonry should have voids after several rows, into which reinforcement is inserted and subsequently poured with a binding solution. Most often, this method is used to strengthen the structure of brick pillars and columns. This technique allows you to make the column strong without increasing the size. Vertical reinforcement of brickwork can be internal and external:

  • External reinforcement is to install rods on the outside of the column and close it with concrete mortar. A mesh is also used here, it will strengthen the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire wall.
  • With internal reinforcement of the fortification, the rods are inserted into the cavity of the column and poured with mortar. Special reinforcing corners are also used and they need to be inserted as the pillar or corners of the walls are laid out.

The diameter of the wire with vertical reinforcement is usually 10-15 millimeters. But if the building is supposed to be built large and heavy, then reinforcement with a diameter of 30 millimeters is used. How much reinforcement to use is decided individually for each building.

Where are brickwork reinforced?

  1. During construction tall buildings, the lower belt of the structure is recommended to be reinforced with a large amount of reinforcement.
  2. Pillars and columns are reinforced if they do not have sufficient thickness. They are arranged as additional supports.
  3. Doorways are additionally reinforced in two rows above the openings.
  4. In window openings, the reinforcing structure is laid in two rows above the opening and below the opening.
  5. In places where a new building joins an already built one, a reinforcing belt connects both parts of the building.
  6. If the brickwork is carried out without dressing the seams, the mesh, in this case, is laid in every third row.

Longitudinal type of brickwork reinforcement

Longitudinal reinforcement of brickwork is used to strengthen walls for lateral loads and for bending. In this case, rods are laid in the longitudinal seams of the masonry, less often a masonry mesh is used.

The distance between the rods is calculated based on the location of the rods. With an external arrangement, the pitch of the rods should not exceed the diameter of the reinforcement by more than 15 times. And if the rods are located inside the wall structure, then the distance between them should not exceed the diameter of the reinforcement by 25 times.

Longitudinal reinforcement is used in the laying of walls and partitions.

Reinforcement elements are located inside the structure and outside. Separate rods are interconnected by welding. If welding is not used, then the ends of the rods are bent in the form of a hook and tied with knitting wire. In this case, a kind of grid is obtained from the rods.

The advantage of the external method is that reinforcement occurs after laying part of the walls. Construction takes place even if there are no materials at the construction site. Reinforcement occurs in the presence of the necessary materials.

Transverse type of brickwork reinforcement

Transverse reinforcement of brickwork is used for laying walls, partitions, columns. Effectively, this method of reinforcement works on bending and compression. And this is important when building inclined structures, for example, arched wall types.

Transverse reinforcement occurs by laying a grid of rods in rows. The rods are welded by welding or tied with a knitting wire independently.

In modern construction, for the reinforcement of brick walls, more and more often, exhaust and perforated meshes are used. They replace reinforcement in the form of zigzags and surpass it in strength. In addition, meshes are easy to use.

1 What are the types of reinforcement?

Reinforcement can be used for laying both horizontal and vertical elements, it is especially important for laying in half a brick. It depends on the direction of the direct load, which acts completely on the entire building structure. After the work is completed, an appropriate act for the work is drawn up.

See also: why is reinforcement anchoring necessary?

So, reinforcement is of the following types:

  • transverse;
  • vertical;
  • longitudinal.

The first type involves the use of a steel post or mesh. The rods are connected to the mesh by welding, with an indent (step) of 30-120 mm. In the seams that are located adjacent, in no case should any parts of the column be inserted.

Reinforcing mesh is used to strengthen walls, pillars, half-brick partitions, columns and piers, it can be zigzag, rectangular and square. In order to avoid corrosion, the mesh is installed and immersed in the solution by at least 2 mm from all sides. The size of the seam in this case will be 14 mm thick.

The mesh is often inserted through each fifth a row of masonry in half a brick. However, if you have chosen a rectangular grid, then it should be laid through four rows. Zigzag meshes are usually made of steel, each mesh size is from 50 to 120 mm. They are usually laid in pairs every two rows, observing the conditions of perpendicularity of the direction of the reinforcement.

Vertical Reinforcement - Reinforcing bars are inserted vertically at the base of half-brick masonry along walls, partitions, pillars, or other structures. On average, the diameter of the reinforcement is 10-15 mm, of course, if the building is larger, then the indicator can go off scale and beyond 30 mm.

See also: about the rules for the construction of greenhouses from reinforcement.

Longitudinal reinforcement can be: external and internal. The use of one or another type depends on which side of the wall the elements will be located on. Most often for longitudinal fastening with a pole.

Here you should also observe an indentation up to 120 mm thick, during the installation of reinforcing elements in the facing masonry. This type is used to strengthen the strength of partitions or brick walls at bends. Upon completion, an appropriate act of work performed is drawn up.
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To make a half-brick wall stronger and more durable, you need to use continuous reinforcement with reinforcement, starting from the bottom and to the top through the interval. In case if ground floor will be built of brick, then the fortifications must begin with it. When the first row of the foundation (you can read about the calculation of the reinforcement for the foundation separately) is ready, then you should install the finished structure from the reinforcing partitions from above. In the same way, the next five rows are strengthened.

After that, six rows are laid with bricks without strengthening, and then the strengthening procedure is repeated again. It is very important to follow the sequence.

If the pediment is less than 8 m, then the insertion is carried out through six rows, however, if the indicator is higher, then the strengthening of the facing part should be carried out every three rows. Upon completion, an appropriate act of work performed is drawn up.
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2 Rules for strengthening openings and "problem" places

Practice shows that cracks and other defects appear near openings and partitions. The whole secret is that a rather strong tension appears in the masonry itself in these places. In the area of ​​doorways, namely above them, lay two rows with reinforcement, directly for strengthening. Windows are also reinforced in two places, only from the top and bottom.

See also: how to properly reinforce grillage and strip foundations?

Adjacent parts of the house of different heights are also problem areas where cracks occur. Splits and other defects appear due to different vertical stresses.

In order to strengthen these places, reinforcement is produced in this way: reinforcement is laid in the last three rows of the lowered part of the house, so that half of the reinforcing elements are wound into the higher part of the building, and the center of the horizontal grid falls at the junction.

As in any construction process, certain rules and regulations should be followed during the reinforcement of brickwork.

Upon completion, an appropriate act of work performed is drawn up. This is the only way to achieve the most positive result with durable and strong walls in the building, and the construction will be really constructive.

Thus, the basic rules for strengthening masonry:

  1. The mesh should be completely immersed in the solution so that no edges peek out.
  2. Ferrous metal fittings must be painted before use.
  3. The seams should be 4 mm thicker than the rods.
  4. In the process of building a building, it is necessary to use reinforcement or reinforcing mesh of the same thickness and other indicators.
  5. If a reinforcing mesh was chosen for strengthening, then it should have a width such that the ends of its parts protrude on one of the piers by several mm
  6. In the event that you make the mesh yourself, you do not need to use welding. It is best to fasten the elements with a knitting wire.

2.1 Wire mesh

For reinforcement, the reinforcing mesh can be of two types:

  • light (if the wire diameter is up to 10 mm);
  • heavy (diameter over 10 mm).

Often, a light mesh is used to strengthen the brickwork, with a diameter of not more than 5 mm, the data is entered in the act of work performed. During the construction of buildings, various types of meshes can be used: masonry, spot-welded from wire, as well as mesh reinforcement, which is made of cold-rolled punched sheet.

See also: what mesh to choose for floor screed reinforcement?

In addition, meshes of various materials can be used. Basalt and composite products are very popular today.

So, basalt meshes are designed to strengthen the brickwork of the walls, as well as to connect the load-bearing wall with the facing brickwork. It is also very often used for laying internal non-bearing partitions.

The advantages of basalt reinforcing mesh are:

  • does not rot;
  • does not conduct current;
  • easy to install, light weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high heat resistance;
  • the thickness of the seam decreases;
  • universal.

As for composite masonry meshes, they consist of a glass and basalt-plastic column.

According to consumer and technical indicators, they are not inferior to basalt analogues. And when compared with metal products, the advantages of composite meshes are much greater. Starting from the pricing policy, ending with lightness, strength, resistance to corrosion.
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2.2 Reinforcement of masonry walls: consumption of materials

During the construction of any building, a certain amount of materials is spent. It is very important to make accurate calculations and draw up an act if you decide to carry out construction work yourself.

During the strengthening of the brickwork of the walls, a clear calculation should be kept of how much the consumption of reinforcement is, as well as an act of work performed, this will help to avoid additional costs. In no case should you save on materials or purchase low-quality analogues.

If you save at this stage of construction, the life of the building may also decrease.

As mentioned above, it is very important to purchase the same reinforcement in all respects, from the thickness of the column to the type of material (basalt or composite is best).

So, reinforcing brickwork is a building process that is simple, but mandatory and integral.

They cannot be neglected and it is worth fulfilling, taking into account all the norms and rules, data on them are entered in the act of work performed. If you decide not to turn to specialists, then for self-implementation of strengthening it is best to undergo training and education.

Read also: about the features and rules for reinforcing aerated concrete masonry.

It must be remembered that the future durability of the walls or the building as a whole may depend on this, at first glance, not a laborious stage. It is best to immediately calculate and purchase the appropriate material, so you can reduce costs and further consumption for reinforcing brickwork.

To reinforce any structure, there are many reinforcing materials. You should not save on them, you should choose the highest quality ones. As we indicated above, it is best to stop your choice on composite and basalt analogues, metal reinforcing products have already begun to become obsolete and do not win in terms of performance modern views materials.
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2.3 Reinforcement of masonry from aerated concrete and foam concrete (video)

Types and features of amplification

Reinforcement of brick walls is different. It depends on the direction of the forces acting on the structure and their magnitude. Reinforcement elements, evenly placed in the walls, prevent point overloads, even out the distribution of forces. They compensate for the fragility of the bonding base and brick, increase the load-bearing characteristics of the building. Given the individual characteristics, reinforcement is carried out in various planes:

  • transverse. Strengthening is provided by a mesh for brickwork. It prevents destruction, increases the resource of the building. This method is the most requested.
  • vertical. The process is carried out using steel bars with a diameter of not more than 15 mm, placed in strict order.
  • Longitudinal. The use of this type provides an increase in the stability of the object under construction and is relevant for seismic zones.

Getting ready for work

It is not difficult to harden brickwork on your own. All materials must be prepared in advance. You will need:

  • steel wire for knitting;
  • metal corner profile;
  • mesh for reinforcing brickwork;
  • rectangular planks;
  • reinforced bars;
  • rods of round section from steel;
  • paint for metal.

Transverse reinforcement of walls

Reinforcement of brick walls in the transverse direction is carried out by applying reinforcement to the surface. This contributes to an increase in resistance to compressive and bending forces, an increase in strength. The method is relevant when performing masonry structures of arch type located at an angle. Reinforcement of brickwork is made with corrugated bars or steel mesh, which is offered by manufacturers on the construction market. You can cook it yourself.

With the help of transverse reinforcement, the strength of building partitions, supporting structures and main walls is increased. The fittings are laid into the brick at a predetermined interval and filled with an additional mortar with a thickness of more than 2 mm. How many rows to install is regulated by building codes. The rules stipulate that when using brick standard size it is necessary to reinforce the masonry every 4 rows.

It is important to reliably protect the steel from rust, to ensure a high binding capacity. Provide a total layer thickness of about 15 millimeters. The specificity of operations involves the use of only one of the reinforcing elements. It is undesirable to reinforce the brickwork with a mesh simultaneously with the rods.

Features of transverse reinforcement

Special rods and welded mesh are used for transverse strengthening. The reinforcing mesh for this is cooked with cells of various shapes:

  • in the form of a square;
  • in the shape of a rectangle;
  • zigzag look.

To perform square or rectangular options, a wire with a cross section of 5 mm is used. Depending on the diameter of the rod used and the scope of application, the mesh size is taken from 3 to 10 cm. Traditionally, the masonry mesh is laid at intervals of five layers. If the thickness of the brick is higher than the standard, then it can be applied in four rows. The ends of the wire should protrude outward from the wall by 2-3 mm. Thanks to this, you can always check the location of the wire in the outer layers. Then the protruding parts are removed, the wire exit points are plastered or hidden under the tiles.

Reinforcing mesh for reinforcement measures may have zigzag cells. The interval between zigzags is 5-10 cm. This is affected by the diameter of the rods, which is 5-8 millimeters. The technology of laying such material regulates its installation through 2 layers of bricks, simultaneously with perpendicular reinforcement in adjacent layers.

The mesh to ensure rigidity is all-metal, exhaust or perforated. It is gradually replacing the zigzag, is in demand. This is due to its increased strength and ease of work.

Bar reinforcement transverse view

Rod hardening is performed with zigzag or straight steel wire. The manufacturing technology of zigzag elements is similar to the grid. The step between zigzags is up to 100 millimeters. The rods are laid at equal intervals in 3-5 layers.

Sequence of operations:

  • Install straight rods in parallel rows at intervals of 3 to 12 centimeters.
  • Place the reinforcement with a cross section of 3-8 mm perpendicular to them, press it into the solution to a depth of 2 centimeters.
  • Repeat the operation every 3 rows.

There are situations when it is required to increase the strength of the structure. To do this, round rods are replaced with steel strips and rolled products of a different assortment. The required strength of the structure and the dimensions of the object affect the section of the elements.

Longitudinal reinforcement technology

In the longitudinal plane, reinforcement is carried out from the outside of the building or from the inside. It can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the location. Rods are used as reinforcing elements. The interval between them with external reinforcement should not exceed 15 times the cross section of the reinforcement, for the internal version - 25.

The horizontal type strengthens the entire longitudinal structure, connects the vertical rods at the same level. Horizontal reinforcement elements are not only steel reinforcement and wire, but also strips and angles, the sections of which are related to the dimensions of the vertically installed reinforcement. The amplification circuits are protected from natural factors by staining and coating with a solution. For external location, a layer up to 12 mm thick is allowed. If the object is operated at increased humidity, a layer of cement mortar 3 cm thick is used.

In the vertical version, the reinforcement is located along the vertical walls of the building and is placed in the brickwork. Rods up to 15 mm in diameter are used. For large objects, the section size is increased to 30 mm. A steel corner profile can be used to connect the horizontal plane.

Mandatory requirements

Normative documents on construction regulate the rules for the performance of work and requirements that must be observed. Let's dwell on them:

  • completely sink the mesh into the cement mortar;
  • paint metal elements before performing work, protect them from corrosion;
  • ensure a guaranteed excess of the thickness of the seam covering the bars;
  • use the same type of reinforcement when building a building;
  • pay attention to the cell configuration;
  • achieve protrusion beyond the edges of the walls of the mesh fabric;
  • use steel knitting wire, do not use welding if reinforcing products are made by yourself.


Observe the basic conditions that will ensure the strengthening of any parts of the building:

  • Start work to ensure the reliability of external walls from the base of the object. To strengthen the base row of bricks laid on the base, lay the reinforcing cage. Repeat the operation through five horizontal layers.
  • Reinforce all problem areas, openings where there is a possibility of cracking. For example, a doorway is reinforced with two layers of reinforcement placed above it. Window reinforcement is carried out in a similar way, but reinforcing layers are installed above and below the window opening.
  • Strengthen the upper contour of the lower level of the building if the center of the building is displaced. Remember that in places of level difference, for example, outbuildings, problem areas are most often located. The reason for the split is the difference in the current efforts.

In what main cases is it necessary to perform reinforcement

  1. Existing heavy loads on the building envelope. For example, in multi-storey buildings, the lower structures are affected by the weight of the upper floors (walls and partitions, floor slabs, flights of stairs and landings, roof, Decoration Materials, furniture and people);
  2. When erecting buildings on subsidence and heaving soils, there is a high probability of cracks in the walls.
  3. The area of ​​construction is located in a seismic zone. For the perception of the effects of tremors, it is necessary to ensure increased strength of the structures.
  4. construction brick arches and stand-alone columns.
  5. Complex forms of masonry.
  6. The use of low quality building materials (bricks of low grades, with chips, a large number of half products, low grades of solutions).

The correct reinforcement of brickwork is set out in SNiP, the provisions of which are mandatory. In case of self-execution of work with a lack of sufficient experience, it is recommended to take the advice of a designer or a qualified builder. Such services will be inexpensive, and improper or insufficient reinforcement can lead to expensive costs to correct the deficiencies.

Varieties of execution

During the construction of brick buildings, the following types of reinforcement are used to reinforce walls and partitions:

    Transverse. Reinforcement of brickwork is carried out with a mesh laid in horizontal seams. The following types of networks are used:

    • metal masonry galvanized factory production. Are produced square, rectangular or zigzag from hot-rolled reinforcing smooth steel А-I and Вр-I with diameters of 3 ... 8 mm with cells from 3 to 12 cm;
    • reinforcing bars connected with a knitting wire with a diameter of 5 to 8 mm. When using black rods, thorough anti-corrosion painting is mandatory;
    • all-metal expanded metal mesh (CPVS), these are modern reinforcing products manufactured in the factory using expanded metal technologies and having specific gravity 2.5 less than traditional welded. The undoubted advantage is high strength, reliability and ease of installation;
    • polyethylene and PVC nets;
    • composite and basalt. Products with low weight are not subject to corrosion and rotting, do not conduct electric current, are characterized by high heat resistance and low thermal conductivity. The use of such products makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the seams due to the possibility of reducing the cross section of the elements. This saves money.

    Grids are not laid in every row. Through how many rows the brickwork is reinforced is determined by the calculation set out in building codes oh and the rules. This takes into account the magnitude of the loads acting on the wall, their displacement from the central axes and the height of each row. Most often, grids are laid at intervals from 2 to 5 rows, and when using thickened bricks, no more than 4. Zigzag are stacked in two adjacent rows in pairs, so that the location of the rods in them is mutually perpendicular.

    The effect of the use of meshes is reduced when they are located at a distance of ≥ 45 cm. Structurally, the products are located at intervals of ≤ 1 m. From the inner surface, the ends of the grids should protrude at least 2 - 3 mm. This makes their location accessible for visual verification of the correct laying and serves to strengthen the connection with the inner cladding. If necessary, the ends are easily cut off with scissors for metal.

    Reinforcement of masonry with meshes is carried out in combination with mortar ≥ M 50.

    Longitudinal. Often performed to reinforce brick partitions and main load-bearing walls to increase their flexural strength and counteract lateral forces. used armature A-I and A-II with diameters up to 12 mm. It can be internal, for which purpose reinforcing bars (less often meshes) welded together by transverse reinforcement are placed in the grooves made in the solution of longitudinal seams. Or outside, under a layer of cement mortar. The spacing of the clamps when reinforcing the outside is taken to be ≤ 15 diameters of the reinforcement used, and for the internal 25 diameters. The strength of the walls directly depends on compliance with these conditions. Often, in non-bearing partitions made in half a brick, basalt nets are laid in every 5th row. In the same way, reinforcement of facing brickwork can be carried out for connection with load-bearing walls.

    To strengthen thin partitions, it is also used to lay steel corners in the seams on both sides, interconnected by metal jumpers. Corners can be laid and only on one side. Vertical rods or a mesh are attached to the corners, followed by shelter by plastering with cement mortar.

    Vertical reinforcement of masonry. Often, brick columns are reinforced in this way, in which it is impossible to place reinforcement in the internal cavity or it is impossible to increase its size to perform external reinforcement. In this case, steel corners of the design section are installed in the corners of the column or column, united by welding of metal transverse jumpers. Such an operation not only strengthens the masonry, but also partially absorbs the loads acting on the structure. For vertical reinforcement of the walls, reinforcing bars are laid inside the voids in the brick, followed by pouring with cement mortar. To do this, the masonry must have voids passing through several rows.

    Diameters of rods of classes A-I, A-II, VI are usually taken from 10 to 16 mm, but in high-rise buildings it can increase to 30 mm or more. Especially vertical laying of reinforcement is necessary in areas with high seismic activity.

Mandatory Rules

  1. Reinforcement of load-bearing walls should be carried out from the bottom. If the base is brick, then it also needs to be strengthened.
  2. In window openings, reinforcement is laid in 2 rows under and above the opening, in door openings - in two rows above the lintel.
  3. Height differences (for example, when attaching a part under construction to an already built building) are connected by armored belts.
  4. With internal reinforcement, the reinforcement is completely embedded in the solution.
  5. The thickness of the joints must be at least 4 mm greater than the cross section of the reinforcement.
  6. For reinforcing walls, reinforcement with the same characteristics and the same section should be used. The step of reinforcement on the wall must be fixed.
  7. With loads of the same sign, single longitudinal rods are laid on the stretched side of the walls, with alternating signs - on both sides.
  8. The ends of the reinforcing bars are embedded in adjacent stable structures.

Performing the correct reinforcement contributes to the uniform distribution of loads, significantly increases the strength characteristics of the structure and significantly increases its durability.

Through how many rows is the brickwork reinforced

Reinforcement of brickwork allows the building to withstand much more serious loads without deforming and without losing its basic qualities. The construction of brick buildings is a rather complicated and time-consuming task, which has its own specific subtleties and nuances.

The building with reinforced masonry has increased strength and a longer period of operation.

Brickwork and the possibility of strengthening it with reinforcement

Brick is one of the main building materials used today. Its qualities and characteristics make it possible to build strong, in addition, incredibly reliable and durable buildings. At the same time, sometimes brickwork needs a certain effort, which will allow it to withstand even greater loads and not deform. Such a process is not always necessary, but only in the case when an increased load will act on the object. A similar need may arise in the construction of high-rise buildings, various arches or columns.

Reinforcing brickwork is quite difficult, in addition, this process contains many subtleties and nuances that can significantly increase the strength and stability of the object. Over time, this process itself has undergone various changes and gradually modernized. To date, it has been almost completely debugged and verified by appropriate calculations.

Reinforcement of brickwork involves the addition of additional fixing components to the main structure, the purpose of which is to create auxiliary reinforcing ties. To implement this direction, various means and techniques can be used. However, in accordance with technical documentation, masonry reinforcement can be of only three main types:

  • transverse;
  • longitudinal;
  • vertical.

All these techniques are technically proven and brought to an optimal state, which makes them extremely effective. In addition, the use of each of them makes it possible to significantly improve the bearing capacity of a particular object, as well as increase its stability and strength.

Purpose of reinforcing brickwork and characteristics of its transverse variety

Reinforced brick has a much higher quality of strength and durability. The main places of its application are a variety of arched structures, spans, columns or load-bearing walls. All those elements to which the greatest load is applied. The choice of this or that method of strengthening the object is chosen based on its features and purpose, as well as according to all the factors that will affect its structure.

The transverse fixation of the surface is carried out by adding special metal parts to the brickwork, designed to provide a more reliable coupling of the elements to each other. As a rule, grids or rods act as such additional structures, which are laid horizontally perpendicular to the direction of the masonry in such a way as to completely fix a certain part of the building.

As for the use of the grid, it should be positioned so that its edges protrude slightly beyond the edge of the plane. In turn, the rods are placed under each layer of brick and absolutely do not stand out against the general background.

As a rule, such systems are placed in every fifth row of the building and covered with a layer of mortar. In this case, the bonding layer of the cement mixture cannot be less than 14-15 mm. It is these parameters that provide the best reinforcing characteristics and allow you to achieve maximum strength of the building.

Reinforced brick: longitudinal reinforcement and vertical fixation

Longitudinal strengthening is carried out using similar means and techniques. Its only difference is the direction of the connecting elements, since they are located along the brick along the entire length of the masonry. The process of laying reinforcing elements is not much different from the transverse work. For example, the grid is laid out in exactly the same way, with a slight indent from the karai. In turn, metal rods are much easier to lay, since they do not require additional cutting and can be used as a whole. At the same time, this method makes it possible to significantly strengthen the wall plane for rupture along the longitudinal axis. After all, it is precisely similar loads that occur most often as a result of soil shifts or shrinkage of the building.

Vertical reinforcement has a completely different structure than the previous options for strengthening objects. To implement this task, metal rods are used. Their length and cross section are selected based on various parameters, including the height and thickness of the building, as well as the value of the load along the vertical axis.

Reinforced brick using this technique makes it possible to withstand tremendous pressure without deforming the masonry. Work is underway to create such objects by laying rods deep into the structure being built. After that, they are lined with bricks, forming a monolithic plane.


Reinforcement of brickwork is a rather responsible and time-consuming process that allows you to give the building additional strength and stability.

The laying of columns, the creation of arches or various openings of a different nature practically cannot be performed without the use of reinforcing elements. To date, there are three main methods of strengthening buildings. Moreover, each of them has its own focus and is designed to provide additional fixation of the brick in accordance with the factors affecting it.

The creation of such structures has its own nuances and difficulties regarding the use of reinforcing components and their location, which is selected based on the technical characteristics of the object and its purpose.

In order to increase the strength characteristics of brickwork, it is reinforced with a reinforcing mesh. After all, heavy loads act on any brick structure, therefore, for safety reasons, they need to be strengthened. But first you need to understand the technology of this process.

In what cases does it apply

hardening brick construction with the help of a reinforcing mesh, it quite well increases the stability of any structure. Such reinforcement is laid in a cement mortar, which, during the hardening process, adheres tightly to the mesh.

  • Bearing walls.
  • Non-standard.
  • Industrial buildings.

But in different cases, different types of reinforcement are used: transverse and longitudinal. The latter type is often used for pillars or load-bearing walls, and the transverse (or rod) type is used in pillars and piers.

Necessary tools and materials

From the materials first of all you need to purchase rebar suitable type. About the varieties of this material and its correct choice will be discussed below.

To prepare the solution in which the fittings will be laid, you will need:

  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Water.

From these components, a solution of the desired consistency is kneaded. Sand for it must be used sifted, without impurities. Ordinary tap water will do.

Of the tools you need to have available:

  • Plumb.
  • Trowel.
  • Pickaxe.
  • Stitching.

For convenient laying of the solution is used trowel(special spatula). It looks like a spatula. For the design of seams will be used stitching. This tool has a different edge, the shape of which depends on the originality of the seams.

plumb line is needed in order to check the even laying of bricks. pickaxe hammer Useful for breaking bricks.

How to reinforce brickwork?

At longitudinal reinforcement from materials, you will need to purchase rectangular mesh reinforcement (with a diameter of up to 5 mm). In this case, a zigzag (up to 8 mm in diameter) can be used.

If reinforcement is used to connect horizontal seams with a diameter of more than 8 mm, then this will be unacceptable. Therefore, when purchasing a material, it is necessary to monitor its parameters. At transverse reinforcement will require rods with a diameter of 2.5 to 8 mm.

Cross view of reinforcement

For transverse reinforcement, both rods and mesh can be used. To protect against bending and stretching, special rods are used. When laying the rods in the solution, they are interconnected using a special knitting wire. The connection pitch should be approximately 30 to 120 mm.

When connecting such fittings, only knitting wire should be used. It is unacceptable to replace it with rods laid perpendicularly.

Transverse reinforcement provides:

  • Flexural stretch protection.
  • Increase the bearing capacity of the part that is being compressed.
  • Protects a brick from destruction.

In addition to the rods, a grid is used for perpendicular reinforcement. To do this, the rods are taken and interconnected in several ways: square or rectangular, as well as zigzag. The rods can be connected by welding.

When installing a transverse grid, you must adhere to the rules:

  • Squares or rectangles alternate after 5 rows, but it is also allowed every 3.
  • The zigzag type is installed in adjacent rows.
  • The fittings must be completely embedded in the solution.

Bar reinforcement

Such transverse rod reinforcement is often used in inclined brick laying, for example, in the manufacture of arches.

It should be taken into account the fact that when strengthening the structure, it is better not to use 2 types of reinforcement at once.

If rods are used, then the mesh does not need to be applied at the same time.

For even masonry, straight rods must be used. It is necessary to ensure that the reinforcement is well deepened into the solution, otherwise the material may corrode over time. The depth of the seam of the transverse recess should not exceed 14 mm.

Longitudinal reinforcement

Vertical reinforcement is important to apply in seismically active zones. For thin walls and pillars, this type of reinforcement is suitable in the first place.

Unlike transverse, longitudinal reinforcement has a large seam thickness. At high humidity, its thickness can reach 30 mm. But for a temperate climate, it is enough to make a seam of 12 mm.

When longitudinal reinforcement, you need to consider several rules:

  • The mesh should protrude a couple of mm from the wall. This will allow you to navigate in its correct installation.
  • Be aware of the differences between internal and external mesh laying.
  • For internal installation, the distance between the rods should not exceed 25 mm, and for external installation - 15.

When laying this type of reinforcement, it is also necessary to carefully ensure that it is completely buried in the solution.

Reinforcement meshes

When purchasing any mesh for reinforcement, it must be taken into account that it has high quality indicators. In addition, it must adhere well to concrete and provide a durable connection.

In addition, the mesh should have a high tensile strength, which is a convenient indicator when laying it. If you purchase high-quality material, then even in conditions of high humidity, it will last for many years.

Strength of reinforced masonry

Reinforced brickwork makes it possible to build a structure of any complexity. The construction of hexagonal columns and other unusual elements using reinforcement does not require much effort. But at the same time, a high bearing capacity of all elements will be ensured. This technology is one of the simplest and has been used for a very long time.

Depending on the required redistribution of the load, longitudinal or transverse reinforcement can be used.

The use of reinforcement to increase the strength of brickwork is relevant in such cases:

  • With low quality bricks.
  • If the bonding material does not meet the standards.
  • With fragile building materials.

One of the advantages of such strengthening is the possibility of self-installation of reinforcement. To do this, you need to calculate the amount of material required. Individual requirements are also taken into account (for example, the distance between the rows of bricks in which reinforcement is to be made).

When laying the reinforcing mesh, it is necessary to take into account the ambient temperature.

When self-laying the reinforcing mesh, the average daily temperature is calculated, which should be 5 degrees above zero.

Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but at the same time:

  • Brickwork needs to be warmed up.
  • When mixing the solution, the sand should not contain ice. It is best to place all the components for a day in a warm place before this procedure.
  • Apply special antifreeze components.

Therefore, in order for the brickwork to be as strong as possible, it is not enough to use only a reinforcing mesh. You still need to adhere to the technology of its installation.

If the structure requires maximum stability, then it is best to wait for the most optimal weather. Indeed, at low temperatures, even electrical appliances for heating the structure will not help. And during thawing, the strength characteristics of the structure may decrease.

How to properly reinforce brickwork?

In order to properly lay bricks with a reinforcing mesh, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology in detail. For this, a place is being prepared for construction (a foundation is being made). The markup of the future structure is applied to it. Then the cement is laid out with a shovel and leveled with a trowel. After that, the first row of bricks is laid. At the same time, each brick must be tapped with a hammer so that it sits in its place.

Then the excess mortar is removed with a trowel and placed on top of the brick. Depending on the type of reinforcement, it is laid through several rows of bricks. For this:

  • A thin layer of mortar is applied to the brick.
  • Fittings are laid so that it is half buried.
  • A second layer of solution is applied on top of it.
  • The mesh or rods must be completely buried in the solution.
  • Excess material is removed with a trowel and the next layer of brick is laid.

This technology will help to quickly and efficiently perform reinforcement. On the video you can more clearly see the laying of reinforcing rods. The video contains recommendations from the master.

  • When strengthening a support or pillar, it is better to use a grid with cell parameters of 30x30 (minimum) and 100x100 (maximum). This will ensure an even distribution of the load.
  • Reinforcement should be laid at least every 5 rows.
  • It is required to make protrusions when laying the grid, for reference.
  • In two adjacent rows, you can use a zigzag, which is used in partitions.
  • Straight rods can be used in walls. Laying is carried out at least after 3 rows.

During the construction of brick columns, additional reinforcement from metal corners is allowed. It is installed at the corners of the structure, after which it is fastened together with strip steel.

Reinforced brickwork in any case perfectly increases the strength properties of the structure. Therefore, this method should not be neglected. It is quite cheap and allows you to increase durability by almost 2 times. The main thing is to choose the right material for the job.

The erection of walls of brick and stone is still the most difficult and time-consuming type of work in the construction of buildings. The bricklayer and master are required not only to ensure the correct geometry of the masonry, but also to ensure the correct reinforcement of the walls using various auxiliary technological methods. One such technique is the use of masonry nets for brickwork.

What is a masonry mesh for bricks

Depending on the grades of bricks and masonry mortar used, masonry nets in the form of panels and tapes, differing in material and design, can be used to reinforce the wall, dressing and prevent the mortar from creeping:

  • Steel masonry grids made of cold-rolled low-alloy or carbon reinforcing steel St3Kp and its analogues, GOST 5781-82, class A1 (A240) -A3 (A400), for special types reinforcements use grids of steel 30Kh2G2T, 22Kh2G2AYU;
  • Heat-strengthened mesh materials, made of wire and fittings of a class with a polymer and zinc coating. Particularly strong mesh sheets and webs made of carbon steel are knurled on the surface of the wire with a special relief that enhances adhesion to the masonry mortar;
  • Composite nets based on fiberglass and epoxy or polyester binder. Such meshes are widely used to enhance masonry mortars and rows of aerated concrete, foam block.

Due to the higher modulus of elasticity and strength, the fiberglass mesh is much thinner and lighter, while the high corrosion resistance of the composite material makes it possible to work with almost any brand of masonry mortar.

Important! Unlike steel bar reinforcement, the quality of reinforcing rows with masonry mesh largely depends on the skill of the mason, his ability to bind individual segments and tapes into one sheet, and the way he put the mesh into the solution.

The diameter of the wire used for the manufacture of masonry meshes ranges from 3 to 6 mm, the size of the window can be from 25 to 75 mm.

What gives the use of masonry mesh

The use of masonry mesh to reinforce walls is often a forced measure aimed at strengthening the mechanical strength and rigidity of the masonry in cases where it is impossible to increase strength in other ways. The main obstacle to the widespread use of masonry meshes is the increase in the cost of erecting a building and the dependence of the resulting reinforcement effect on the skill of the bricklayer.

Cases of mandatory use of masonry mesh

Masonry mesh in the construction of brick buildings must be used in the following situations:

In each specific case, the decision on the use of reinforcement, its dimensions, and through how many rows of bricks it is required to lay the masonry mesh, is made by the site foreman. In the set of rules No. 15.13330.2012, it is recommended to use the masonry mesh at least every five rows. For low-rise construction most often, reinforcement is performed through three rows of bricks.

The reinforcing mesh material is supplied in coils or in the form of finished tapes or sheets, cut to the size of the wall thickness. Strips of mesh from a reinforcing bar up to 6 mm are pre-rolled out on a flat area in order to remove bending deformations and get an even horizontal sheet. A sheet of thicker reinforcement, 6-8 mm thick, is cut into sheets and panels at the pre-production site and brought to the place of use in finished form.

To facilitate the work with the mesh fabric and exclude regrading, rebars of different strength and thickness are marked with paints of special colors.

Mesh laying methods

Especially often used is the reinforcement of the basement of the walls of the building and the upper rows of the box. When arranging the reinforcing belt, the laid mesh between the rows of bricks can be connected to the mesh fabric laid on a vertical surface. For reinforcing the masonry of small buildings, domestic buildings, a reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 25-30 mm and a reinforcement thickness of up to 4 mm is used. Mild mild steel with a galvanized surface is best suited.

The thickness of the mortar laid out on a brick row rarely exceeds 15 mm, therefore, before laying the mesh reinforcing fabric or tape, the material is first laid out on the wall in order to determine the degree of adhesion to the stone, if necessary, bent and leveled. If this is not done, after laying out the solution, the wire may “emerge” from the cement binder, and part of the reinforcement will be unbound by concrete.

How to properly reinforce brickwork?

Increasing the strength of the building is relevant for any type of building. After all, additional reinforcement will never harm a house under construction. That is why the reinforcement of brickwork, more than ever, is relevant. In the future, it provides a safe operating environment for the building.

There is an opinion that good enough for brickwork concrete mortar affecting strength. It is possible to further strengthen the brick walls by reinforcing them. To this end, a number of progressive construction technologies have been developed aimed at fulfilling this task. They contribute to the strengthening of walls, partitions, load-bearing columns that take serious efforts.

In the construction of any structures, the most important are the strength characteristics

Previously, each of the builders individually decided how best to ensure strength. Today, the mechanism for achieving this goal is clearly regulated by building codes and rules for laying bricks. Let's get acquainted in more detail.

Types and features of amplification

Reinforcement of brick walls is different. It depends on the direction of the forces acting on the structure and their magnitude. Reinforcement elements, evenly placed in the walls, prevent point overloads, even out the distribution of forces. They compensate for the fragility of the bonding base and brick, increase the load-bearing characteristics of the building. Given the individual characteristics, reinforcement is carried out in various planes:

  • transverse. Strengthening is provided by a mesh for brickwork. It prevents destruction, increases the resource of the building. This method is the most requested.
  • vertical. The process is carried out using steel bars with a diameter of not more than 15 mm, placed in strict order.
  • Longitudinal. The use of this type provides an increase in the stability of the object under construction and is relevant for seismic zones.

Reinforced brickwork is one of the most common ways to increase the strength of buildings.

Getting ready for work

It is not difficult to harden brickwork on your own. All materials must be prepared in advance. You will need:

  • steel wire for knitting;
  • metal corner profile;
  • mesh for reinforcing brickwork;
  • rectangular planks;
  • reinforced bars;
  • rods of round section from steel;
  • paint for metal.

Transverse reinforcement of walls

Reinforcement of brick walls in the transverse direction is carried out by applying reinforcement to the surface. This contributes to an increase in resistance to compressive and bending forces, an increase in strength. The method is relevant when performing masonry structures of arch type located at an angle. Reinforcement of brickwork is made with corrugated bars or steel mesh, which is offered by manufacturers on the construction market. You can cook it yourself.

Fundamentally reinforcing structural elements can be located both along the plane of the wall and in the transverse direction (deep into the masonry)

With the help of transverse reinforcement, the strength of building partitions, supporting structures and main walls is increased. The fittings are laid into the brick at a predetermined interval and filled with an additional mortar with a thickness of more than 2 mm. How many rows to install is regulated by building codes. The rules stipulate that when using bricks of a standard size, it is necessary to reinforce the masonry every 4 rows.

It is important to reliably protect the steel from rust, to ensure a high binding capacity. Provide a total layer thickness of about 15 millimeters. The specificity of operations involves the use of only one of the reinforcing elements. It is undesirable to reinforce the brickwork with a mesh simultaneously with the rods.

Features of transverse reinforcement

Special rods and welded mesh are used for transverse strengthening. for this, it is brewed with cells of various shapes:

  • in the form of a square;
  • in the shape of a rectangle;
  • zigzag look.

Reinforcement, evenly installed on the wall, redistributes the load, preventing local overloads

To perform square or rectangular options, a wire with a cross section of 5 mm is used. Depending on the diameter of the rod used and the scope of application, the mesh size is taken from 3 to 10 cm. Traditionally, the masonry mesh is laid at intervals of five layers. If the thickness of the brick is higher than the standard, then it can be applied in four rows. The ends of the wire should protrude outward from the wall by 2-3 mm. Thanks to this, you can always check the location of the wire in the outer layers. Then the protruding parts are removed, the wire exit points are plastered or hidden under the tiles.

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Reinforcing mesh for reinforcement measures may have zigzag cells. The interval between zigzags is 5-10 cm. This is affected by the diameter of the rods, which is 5-8 millimeters. The technology of laying such material regulates its installation through 2 layers of bricks, simultaneously with perpendicular reinforcement in adjacent layers.

The mesh to ensure rigidity is all-metal, exhaust or perforated. It is gradually replacing the zigzag, is in demand. This is due to its increased strength and ease of work.

Bar reinforcement transverse view

Rod hardening is performed with zigzag or straight steel wire. The manufacturing technology of zigzag elements is similar to the grid. The step between zigzags is up to 100 millimeters. The rods are laid at equal intervals in 3-5 layers.

Reinforcement of brickwork is carried out using wire reinforcement, while the brickwork is significantly strengthened.

Sequence of operations:

  • Install straight rods in parallel rows at intervals of 3 to 12 centimeters.
  • Place the reinforcement with a cross section of 3-8 mm perpendicular to them, press it into the solution to a depth of 2 centimeters.
  • Repeat the operation every 3 rows.

There are situations when it is required to increase the strength of the structure. To do this, round rods are replaced with steel strips and rolled products of a different assortment. The required strength of the structure and the dimensions of the object affect the section of the elements.

Longitudinal reinforcement technology

In the longitudinal plane, reinforcement is carried out from the outside of the building or from the inside. It can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the location. Rods are used as reinforcing elements. The interval between them with external reinforcement should not exceed 15 times the cross section of the reinforcement, for the internal version - 25.

The horizontal type strengthens the entire longitudinal structure, connects the vertical rods at the same level. Horizontal reinforcement elements are not only steel reinforcement and wire, but also strips and angles, the sections of which are related to the dimensions of the vertically installed reinforcement. The amplification circuits are protected from natural factors by staining and coating with a solution. For external location, a layer up to 12 mm thick is allowed. If the object is operated at increased humidity, a layer of cement mortar 3 cm thick is used.

Reinforcement of the transverse type is carried out by applying reinforcing elements to the surface of brick layers to increase its compressive and bending strength.

In the vertical version, the reinforcement is located along the vertical walls of the building and is placed in the brickwork. Rods up to 15 mm in diameter are used. For large objects, the section size is increased to 30 mm. A steel corner profile can be used to connect the horizontal plane.

Mandatory requirements

Normative documents on construction regulate the rules for the performance of work and requirements that must be observed. Let's dwell on them:

  • completely sink the mesh into the cement mortar;
  • paint metal elements before performing work, protect them from corrosion;
  • ensure a guaranteed excess of the thickness of the seam covering the bars;
  • use the same type of reinforcement when building a building;
  • pay attention to the cell configuration;
  • achieve protrusion beyond the edges of the walls of the mesh fabric;
  • use steel knitting wire, do not use welding if reinforcing products are made by yourself.


Observe the basic conditions that will ensure the strengthening of any parts of the building:

  • Start work to ensure the reliability of external walls from the base of the object. To strengthen the base row of bricks laid on the base, lay the reinforcing cage. Repeat the operation through five horizontal layers.
  • Reinforce all problem areas, openings where there is a possibility of cracking. For example, a doorway is reinforced with two layers of reinforcement placed above it. Window reinforcement is carried out in a similar way, but reinforcing layers are installed above and below the window opening.
  • Strengthen the upper contour of the lower level of the building if the center of the building is displaced. Remember that in places of level difference, for example, outbuildings, problem areas are most often located. The reason for the split is the difference in the current efforts.

Final moments

Reinforcing brickwork with a mesh is not difficult if you follow the recommendations of specialists. It is used in all types of construction, ensures the durability of the building, evenly distributes the weight load, reinforcing the structure.

Do not forget that strengthening the building increases the safety of the object during its further operation. Carefully study the requirements of building codes and regulations before starting work. Be sure to reinforce the brickwork, despite the additional costs involved. Pay attention to this!