A modern commercial bank is like a financial supermarket. Financial supermarket: features of activity and development prospects. How are things now


I have a bank card "A", and I can open a deposit in it online without any problems. But if I want to put my funds in bank "B", where I do not have an account, then I will first need to identify myself. To do this, I can remotely order a card from this bank, but then I will have to visit the office of a credit institution or meet with its representative (courier) and confirm that I am me. And only after becoming a client of the bank, I will be able to make a deposit online. It may have been convenient in the past. But today I want more - not to go to the office and not get up from the couch to open the door for the courier.

The first step towards creating such a reality was the launch of the Unified Biometric System (UBS). Since July 1, 2018, banks have begun collecting biometric data of Russians (face image and voice recording) for remote identification. In the future, this will make it possible to receive financial services online in any banks without reference to cities. Yes, you will have to visit the office of a credit institution once and submit biometrics, but after that you will not need to go anywhere. It will be possible to go to the website of the bank that offers the most profitable product and get it in a few clicks.

However, there is also a place for “I want it even easier”. For example, I want to transfer money from a deposit in one bank to a deposit in another credit institution, and so that I don’t have to “run” through the websites of different banks for this. I don't want to keep track of my accounts and manage them through different personal accounts.

What is a marketplace

The marketplace created by the Central Bank is just trying to solve this problem. Its prototype was presented in June of this year, the pilot version will work in the first quarter of 2019. First, deposits will be available on the marketplace. The next stage will be the placement of bonds - this may happen in the third quarter of next year. Then sales of shares of mutual funds, insurance and other financial products will begin.

However, this does not mean that within the framework of the financial supermarket there will be only one platform for processing all services. Platforms, showcases and aggregators that allow you to compare and buy products from different financial institutions, maybe a lot. But they will be integrated with the Central Bank marketplace system. It will connect sellers and buyers, allow authentication, make financial transactions and store information about them in one personal account. In other words, the ecosystem will provide access to the infrastructure and technology needed to do so. These include, for example:

Platform for remote identification;

Platform of the registrar of financial transactions, RFT (data on all transactions concluded by the user of the marketplace will be stored in the register and the client's personal account on the public services website);

Fast payment platform (its technologies will be used for instant and cheap transfers of funds between accounts in different banks).

Why is it important? The marketplace is designed not only to save customers time, but also to break down geographical barriers. It will no longer be necessary to choose the right products from what is in my area. If I find a profitable tool offered by a financial institution three thousand kilometers away from me, I can use it at any time.

The new system will be relevant, including for people with limited mobility and for residents of settlements with low penetration of financial services. At the same time, financial services aggregators will not take commission from users. They will earn on banks and insurance companies, which will pay a commission for attracting customers.

Are there any disadvantages new system? So far, there are two main shortcomings. Firstly, not all banks will get into the marketplace at once, which means that at the first stages of the system’s operation, the client will not see all the offers available on the market. But the list of participants will gradually grow.

Secondly, when loans appear in the marketplace, due to a single ecosystem, people with poor or meager credit history it will be much more difficult to get a loan from participating banks.

How will it work

Let's consider the whole process using the example of opening an online deposit, because this is the first product that will be available on the marketplace. The first step is to hand over your biometric data at the bank office. After that, the contributor will be able to go to the aggregator site and immediately go through voice and video identification. To do this, the system will direct him to the public services website, where he will need to log in and read a random sequence of numbers on the camera. If the voice and image match, the system will confirm the identity of the depositor. Now he will be able to choose and open a deposit completely remotely in the banks that have joined the project.

As soon as the client opens a deposit, he will see all the details of the transaction in his personal account. Even if he makes several transactions on different platforms, all information about them will be accumulated in one place. If necessary, the user will be able to request an extract from the register and use it, for example, in court as a document having legal effect.

Who is involved in the project

Now the Central Bank and market participants are considering two possible configurations of the future marketplace.

First option- the platform operator is the Moscow Exchange, it provides technical part project. The functions of the registrar of financial transactions are performed by the National Settlement Depository.

At the first stage, 14 banks will offer their services to Russians: Ak Bars, Zenit, FC Otkritie, Uralsib, Center-invest, Gazprombank, Promsvyazbank, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, Svyaz-bank, SKB-bank, Sovcombank, Tinkoff Bank and Expobank. But this list will grow.

Financial products can be bought through popular aggregators, including, for example, Fins.Money and the Infinitum special depository (in the future it will sell shares of mutual funds).

Second option- the operator of the platform is again the Moscow Exchange, which provides the technical part of the project. The functions of the registrar of financial transactions are performed by the National Settlement Depository. Five storefronts will join the marketplace, where you can choose financial products.

At the first stage, the same 14 banks will offer their services: Ak Bars, Zenit, FC Otkritie, Uralsib, Center-invest, Gazprombank, Promsvyazbank, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, Svyaz-bank, SKB-bank , Sovcombank, Tinkoff Bank and Expobank. The list will continue to grow.

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Banking system changes the way we work. According to experts, in two or three years, remote access to a wide range of financial products will become part of everyday life. The Bank of Russia, following the new challenges, in April presented the concept of changing the system of distribution of financial products and the first prototype of such a platform - a financial supermarket. By the end of the year, the project participants plan to launch a working version of the Marketplace platform, which is an operational engine for several offer aggregators from different banks and other financial institutions. After its launch, customers will be able to purchase financial products online around the clock, without leaving their homes. What are the prospects for such technology? How Russian banks are switching to new technologies of working with the client and what barriers stand in the way remote service clients? Can participants financial market prepare your security system for remote services and how much will it cost them? Is banking legislation ready for new challenges and trends? Which of the participants will get access to the new system of work in the financial services market? How secure will the customer service be online? We will discuss these and other topical issues at the event of the Kommersant Publishing House.


Registration of participants. Welcome coffee

business session

Issues for discussion:

  • The impact of the new distribution system on the financial services market: what will it give to the average consumer and market participants
  • The cost of the entrance ticket for the participants of the new system.
  • A prototype of the system that creates a market within the framework of the Bank of Russia project - will other participants be able to join it and under what conditions
  • New service - creation competitive market and improving the quality of services
  • Security system in a digital service: development of a system for remote identification of customers by voice and face, security guarantees
  • Difficulties in connecting banks, insurance companies, brokers and MFIs to the new platform
  • Will the new service be able to become a qualitatively new service for customers and how to win the trust of the customer
  • What products will be available to customers of the new system
  • To what extent it will be easier for citizens and counterparties to protect their money
  • The main difficulties of building and operation of a single repository. Creation of software, information exchange channels, resolution of legal and operational issues


  • Sergey Shvetsov, First Deputy Chairman, Bank of Russia
  • Elena Chaikovskaya, Advisor to the First Deputy Chairman, Bank of Russia
  • Alexander Afanasiev, Chairman of the Board, Moscow Exchange PJSC
  • Roman Goryunov, President, Association of Financial Market Participants " Non-commercial partnership development of the RTS financial market”
  • Ekaterina Andreeva, Vice-President of NAUFOR
  • Timur Turlov, CEO, Head of the Investment Committee of Freedom Finance
  • Dinara Yunusova, CEO, Banki.ru holding
  • Yaroslav Kabakov, Deputy CEO IC "Finam"

Maria Sindinskaya

The intermediary services that exist today in the financial market of our region, in my opinion, are one-sided and often do not inspire much confidence. The press is full of solicitations of all sorts of specialists in lending, mortgages, etc. However, practice shows that a particular specialist is too narrow in his capabilities, and often in his knowledge. As a person working in financial sector, I can assure you, there are a lot of options for financial services that our population simply does not know about. And information, as you know, is the most valuable thing in business. So. We definitely need a financial supermarket.

The principle of the supermarket is known - everything is there. So it is in the financial supermarket - everything should be there. And it certainly will be. How fast depends on your agility, initial capital and your connections.

Of course, if you don't know anything about finances, you probably shouldn't be doing it. Although - this is not the main thing.

First of all, you must be a good manager and negotiator. And if you manage to pick up a good team of specialists, perhaps your company will someday be in the rankings of the global financial structure.

So. I deliberately omit such explanatory sections as the selection of premises for rent, recruitment of personnel, the purchase of equipment for work, and advertising. These questions are directly related to your initial financial investments and, in principle, they can be both relatively small and very large (how much you swing). The main thing, of course, is not to rush to invest, but talk and communicate more. Ultimately, this will lead to the fact that you will have to invest funds under agreements on common projects.

What would people like to see in a supermarket? Let's go through its departments, get acquainted with the heads of departments and the products offered:

1. Reception (in an ordinary supermarket - where handbags are left).

Here you should be accepted and redirected to the department that interests you more.

2. Credit department.

This is a well-known department in which half of our country sits. What's on its shelves? Undoubtedly, the specialists of this department must provide you with absolutely complete information on all types and methods of lending available in the region (and in some cases in Russia).

Having initially understood what the client needs (how much, for how long, at what interest, in what way to pay, on surety, on bail, in what time frame, in what currency), an employee of the computer department, by clicking on the interactive display with a wand, selects the necessary options credit programs, both banking and non-banking credit structures.

As a result of a 20-30 minute conversation, the client should get a complete picture of where and how he can theoretically get a loan.

Having made a decision, the client concludes an intermediary agreement, according to which he pays the agreed amount (immediately) for the preparation by specialists of his future credit file on several options and sending this data to the selected ones. credit structures. For some time (you will need to negotiate with credit organizations about this), the specialist receives answers from banks and other structures about the possibility of lending to this person. The specialist of this department notifies the client about the work performed and its results. Then the client can collect the rest of the papers, questionnaires, etc. himself. and go to their chosen credit organization or again, having visited a specialist we know, instruct him to do this, of course, paying for this service after receiving a loan (as an option).

What is certain and absolute is that banks dream of issuing big loans and not give out pennies. Banks dream of unloading their premises from customers, but at the same time, they want to issue loans. Banks, having learned that others are already working with you and people are coming from you, they themselves will come to you - sign up as partners.

Banks may even go to the cost of training their particular specialist and paying him a salary if you rent them 2 sq.m. in this hall. For example: having received approval from the bank, the client can immediately contact the manager in the same room ( loan officer) of this bank for paperwork).

We have about 50 banks in the city. The arithmetic is simple. But not all at once, of course, will be. But ... there is an option to speed up (more on that later).

3. Department of deposits (not investment, but only deposits).

In this department, as you understand by its name, the specialists of the department will lay out to the client all the information they have about the possibility of making a profit by making a deposit in banks and non-bank financial structures (how much, what interest, how the payment and capitalization are made, what terms, what currencies and metals, what market dynamics and what kind of insurance). In a word, all the information that will help the client part with the money. Naturally, it is necessary to provide for a commission from the bank for the attracted client. In the same department, a person should be informed about the possible options for earning on their capital and, if they are interested, they should be sent to another department - investments.

4. Department of investments.

This department should employ experienced specialists who can not only voice what is written on a computer, but also know how to read stock reports, are interested in business on a global scale, and have skills in working with investment projects.

The client should be told about all the available ways to earn honest money on their capital:
1. Bank deposits.
2. Investments in private business.
3. Purchase of shares and bills.
4. Purchase of shares, etc.

At the same time, the specialists of the department must lay out all the information in front of the client (risks, losses, profits and statistics for the agreed time).

Undoubtedly, here the specialists of the department should be able to conclude an agreement with the client in the chosen direction.

5. Sales department (aka PR and marketing department).

The most valuable employees work here. They are "salespeople" by nature. They are responsible for finding financial schemes, options for cooperation, negotiations with institutions, companies, investment funds and corporations, with owners of large businesses and JSCs.
In addition, they also simultaneously advertise the supermarket in the media and directly conduct negotiations. In the future, they will also be entrusted with the function of public relations.

Specialists of this department can later become your regional managers when you start opening branches in other cities.

6. Legal department.

Here, contracts and agreements are respectively checked for legality and for the absence of flaws, and normative base enterprises, conducted - if necessary - arbitrage practice in the interests of the company.

7. Department of ideas and innovative technologies(with a bit of humor - call it the nano-department, it becomes fashionable).

Specialists of this department, of course, if possible, should feel like a fish in business. Undoubtedly, some specialists of the department must have an economic, accounting education, understand business plans and navigate the market in various sectors. In addition, these are people with a scientific mindset who are able to refine someone's idea or fill it with new meaning.

Entrepreneurs and businessmen who have nothing but an idea, or have something but not enough, will go to the specialists of this department. Clients must communicate the essence of their idea to specialists, not necessarily on paper and in numbers. During the conversation, the specialists of the department must decide on the feasibility of doing this business, its possible income and losses.

Ultimately, the specialists of this department are responsible for calculating the economic feasibility of the business and making a decision on the possible financing of this business in order to make a profit for the company. The company's profit can be expressed both in receiving dividends from the business for the funds invested in it directly (crediting), and from the profit of the business itself in a % ratio (for example, 50% of net income for 5 years). In this case, of course, a well-thought-out legally competent agreement between the client and the company is necessary. Perhaps it makes sense to introduce your manager to this business or the chief accountant. It is also necessary to consider using the company's capabilities to advertise this business in order to prosper as quickly as possible.

8. Department of investments (financial department).

This is your own investment fund. Today's legislation Russian Federation allows commercial structures under the terms of the contract to accept borrowed funds. Therefore, you can invest in your business. When you have your projects, your clients, your investors will appear. Money goes to money. Investors will appear - you will be able to lend yourself, along with banks and financial cooperatives. In the meantime, at the initial stage, the specialists of this department will search for investors and persuade the business to take part in your creation on favorable terms.

9. Leasing department.

Today hundreds of companies offer such services. Is there a lot of data on leasing options in one city? No. Maximum - two or three structures. It is necessary to study the Russian leasing market and use its opportunities for the client.

10. Department of insurance.

In this department, at first, work will be based on risk insurance. It is possible to cooperate with insurance companies for a percentage of attracted customers, in the future it is necessary to create your own insurance company.

In general, the company must, of course, insure financial risks for a particular project. Accordingly, it would be better if it is its own, child structure.

11. Security service.

Undoubtedly, a very important department. His work should be based on:

1. Collection of information on the bases of debtors and malicious non-payers of all financial structures represented in your city. Each bank has black lists, lists of refuseniks, lists of scammers. There are these lists in credit cooperatives. You need to get a list of debtors enforcement proceedings, lists of people who have committed economic crimes and are under investigation. Also all the same lists on legal entities. It's not bad to get lists of debtors of cellular companies in your region. This information is quite possible to collect in a couple of weeks in a big city if you provide the head of the security department with the appropriate "deliverer" in cash or liquid equivalent.

Later, information about debtors and about fake certificates and fraudsters will have to be transferred to your database, which in fact will become common for the financial market in your region. This should be one of the conditions for cooperation with banks. After all, by directing a client to them, you check it against a common database (for all banks).

The security department will need to work closely with the credit bureau being created in Russia.

It is very important to think over the procedure for withdrawing a person-debtor from this database. If a person has paid, he, on his own initiative, must contact you or let it be his bank, but the person must have a guaranteed opportunity to whitewash himself.

2. In view of the fact that in our country there is practically no law that would help its citizens pay off loans (unlike other countries), it would not be superfluous to conclude an agreement with some commercial structure in Siberia, according to which you will send them to work not qualified personnel (if you're lucky, then with qualifications) to work off financial debt. According to this agreement, the client arrives at work, performs its agreed amount of time, earning the money necessary for life, and everything in excess of this goes to pay for the services of an intermediary in employment (the firm to the creditor).

In fact, very often there are those who want to go to earn money and pay off their debts. There are not always options for where to send them. This question can be worked out in advance.

The general vision of creating a supermarket (in quotes):

1. Undoubtedly, you should not register a supermarket as an individual entrepreneur, this does not paint this business.

2. By and large, banks are not friends with each other and, being all together in the same conditions (with you), they will need to make concessions to clients in order to attract them, because if they don’t do this, the client will go to another. This competition will undoubtedly force banks to lower rates on loans or change the rules in the direction of their simplification.

3. People have money and the problem of where to put it is just as important as where to get it (verified by experience).

4. That which was stipulated by me as a condition necessary for accelerating the process of formation. You just need to enlist the support of local authorities. You may have to make some sacrifices in this regard. But these people will bring you a lot of people with whom you can do business in the future. And one more thing ... In essence, the opening of such a supermarket is a good deed. You not only help people solve their financial problems, but also teach them how to manage money, teach them about business, help them develop entrepreneurship by financing projects not at public expense, but at commercial expense.

5. To achieve success and make a profit, finance to some extent social projects in your city. It cleans and creates an image.

6. It won't be easy for the first 10 years. Who cares - a little less.

And the last. Of course, what I have described seems to be a large hall with translucent desks, behind which specialists sit, where there are places for installing bank terminals, display advertising of services throughout the hall. Something like places on the walls for financial advertising. Display reports from exchanges, etc. Something so big and grand. And this is not a home business. But….

You can start this business with just one head, Internet access, a couple of good friends. Gradually you will grow in employees and services. It is quite possible to focus on a few services, and the rest "on occasion". The only thing you can't do without is a lot of meetings with representatives of the financial circles of your region. Believe me, they are still not friends with each other - become a connecting thread.

, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

Georgy Gorshkov

, Member of the Management Board, Director of the Retail Business Department, VTB24 banking services according to analysts is significant, and this despite its rapid growth in the pre-crisis years. Now, however, the emphasis has shifted: banks are increasingly focusing their efforts on finding solutions to improve efficiency and productivity. Industry leaders are actively developing both traditional and alternative distribution and service channels; invest significant resources in process improvement, process centralization and lean methods. What actions will help banks maintain and strengthen market positions in today's environment? What experience can the leading players share in the development of alternative channels for product promotion and customer service? What results are achieved with the implementation of lean programs and process centralization? These issues will be discussed at the conference.

Topics for discussion

  • Sales and service in retail banking: how to accelerate the development of multi-channel sales and service
  • Operational efficiency: what are the results in the field of centralization and optimization of business processes of bank branches
  • The most promising banking products and client segments Discussion participants

    Ivan Anisimov

    , Deputy Chairman of the Board, Absolut Bank

    Michael Berner

    , department director loan products, Member of the Board of Directors, Citibank

    Eldar Bikmaev

    , First Vice President, Probusinessbank

    Evgeny Dankevich

    , Deputy Chairman of the Board, Head of the Retail Business Block of Otkritie Bank

    Eduard Issopov

    , Member of the Board, UniCredit Bank

    Leonid Kachalov

    , Deputy Head of the Service Directorate individuals, Head of Sales Channels Department, Raiffeisenbank

    Irina Kozlova

    , Member of the Board of Directors, Director of the Department for Work with Corporate Customers and Partners, Microsoft in Russia

    Elena Rechkalova

    , Member of the Board, Managing Director of the Business Development Unit, NB "Trust"

On March 22, Moscow hosted the conference "Successful financial supermarkets and affiliate programs - ideas and implementation", organized by the Bankir.ru portal. Based on their own experiences and those of competitors, the panellists discussed a new reality in which the way financial services are sold is radically changing.

The market is moving online. But offline won't die

“Potential customers of financial supermarkets are becoming more selective, loyal to certain resources, they want to receive services in one place. The task of financial supermarkets is to earn as much as possible and make the client happier,” said Dinara Yunusova, Director General of Banki.ru, opening the discussion.

Life itself posed difficult questions for the participants of the conference. Is it worth it to develop traditional offline channels in the face of rapid digitalization? For what (exactly “for what”, because “why” is already clear to everyone) is the future: behind impersonal products, a white label system, when one company produces goods or services, and another sells them under its own brand, or the sale of branded services in its and partner marketplaces?

Advances in technology are constantly changing the market. Now the main word of the era in the sale of financial, and not only financial products is digitalization. Clients are increasingly leaving the "network". And after them, the market for goods and services, whether it is food or financial instruments, goes online.

In addition, more and more companies are following the path of business diversification, adding new services to the pool of traditional services that were completely uncharacteristic of them before. For example, cellular operators are no longer just a "pipe" for traffic transmission. They aggregate traditional operator services, financial products, and various IT solutions. At the same time, the operator becomes not a competitor to the bank, but rather a partner. An additional platform with a huge audience of customers loyal to the brand.

As for sales channels, many companies use not only their own marketplaces for promotion, but also partner ones. Given the rapid digitalization, the online financial supermarket is becoming the most effective sales channel for many market participants.

Moreover, the very concept of an online channel is changing. Previously, quite recently, it was the standard Internet on a personal computer. But now the mobile Internet is gaining more and more popularity.

In December 2016, according to Ekaterina Kutsyna of Criteo, more than half of all online transactions in Russia were made from smartphones. At the end of last year, there were more than 240 million SIM cards in Russia - more than one and a half times more than the entire population of our country. This is truly a gigantic market! At the same time, the client does not see the difference between gadgets and channels. He can easily start looking for information from his home PC, make a choice from a smartphone on the way to work, and make a purchase from a tablet at work.

Each client should be offered a product suitable for him in terms of age, income and interests. This was true in classic sales, it is true in the new reality. But the trend towards the transition of sales of mass services to online is obvious. Soon the ratio may be 80 to 20 in favor of online, but this will require permission from the regulator to remotely identify customers.

The success of a marketplace still depends on knowing the needs of your customer. In this sense, the financial world does not change. But only in this.

Application for success

« financial supermarket Banki.ru collects 1,800-2,000 applications per day for various products. For us, the most important thing is the competitiveness of the offer and the quality of the services provided to the client at all stages. The client needs an incentive to make a decision. And the best incentive - It was this scheme that allowed our partners to attract 71,000 deposits in the amount of 48 billion rubles, ”said Yulia Ananyeva, head of the lead generation and special products department at Banki.ru, at the conference.

Promotion on large partner online marketplaces is a serious step that not all companies decide to take. However, on Russian market there are already many successful cases that speak in favor of choosing this method of sales.

Ak Bars Bank has chosen an unusual platform to promote its products - AliExpress . For sales, the bank's online application and coupons for special conditions by products. The pilot project turned out to be successful and allowed the bank to significantly expand the audience of its clients. In addition, the project was a success in terms of brand awareness, resulting in a quarter increase in direct traffic to the bank's website.

“It turned out that the main buyers of these bonus codes are women. They were 61% of all participants of the action. More than half of the buyers of bonus codes belong to the age group from 25 to 34 years. The most popular codes were in Kazan, Ufa and Moscow. 80% of the campaign participants are absolutely new clients for the bank,” said the Managing Director of the Directorate strategic development and Corporate Communications of Ak Bars Bank Ilya Velder. According to him, the conversion from the pages of the bank on AliExpress was 24%, while the conversion from advertising banners usually does not exceed 1.75%. Conversion from bank pages on AliExpress - 24%. The number of online mortgage applications increased by 2.5 times, the approval rate was 37.2% (against 32% on average for the bank). "Settings mobile application"BankOK" increased by 43% compared to the average annual rate, with twice as many Android users as iOS," said Velder.

It doesn't matter who the broker is

The search for new venues is the trend of this season. Online supermarkets, which previously had a rather narrow specialization, are trying their hand at new industries.

"From a stock store to a white label: technologies for promoting brokerage services" - this was the title of the report of the Deputy General Director of Finam JSC Yaroslav Kabakov. The company has created a white label - a solution for attracting customers to invest on various online platforms. When a client buys shares of companies on a particular site, it does not matter to him who acts as a broker. But it is fundamentally important to trust the platform itself. One of the successful projects in this area, Finam considers the launch of the sale of shares of various companies in the section on the Banki.ru portal at the end of last year.

The online market provides new opportunities for interaction with customers through competitive offers and the right motivation for customers. What does it take to create an attractive product? Special offer and correct presentation of information. This is the success of financial supermarkets.

Inform and teach

Another recent trend has been the cross-selling of various products, allowing companies to significantly expand their audience and enabling former competitors to become full partners. Online platforms are becoming not only a new direction for sales, but also a tool for informing and educating customers about new opportunities.

Thus, the investment market can count on a significant increase in the audience due to informing potential clients about the opportunity to save and increase savings by buying stocks and bonds. If earlier it was a closed market of professionals, now almost anyone can become an investor.

“Not all major sites are ready to work with investments. While this is a relatively small market with low margins for sites, it is easier for them to promote refrigerators and TVs. But everything is changing, - Evgeny Polyakov, director of electronic business at Alfa Capital, said at the conference. - Now we have 35% of product transactions are made online. And half of these operations are through partner channels. Over time, of course, everything will happen online. We currently have three product groups: investment accounts, shares investment funds And trust management. It all works online.

“If we talk about an ideal platform for partner sales, then for us it is a large portal with a large audience loyal to this site. At the same time, it is important that the products on the site are shown intelligibly and understandably for our target audience. The process of customer education is very important in our work. We do a lot for this, but we also expect activity from our online partners,” emphasized Evgeny Polyakov.

Anyone can be a hipster

We live in an interesting era, when the market is changing very quickly, and those products that yesterday were only interesting for "geeks" and "hipsters" are now successfully entering the mass audience. The boundaries between web and mobile are blurring, people are increasingly starting to buy in the digital space.

“Digital is a business model, and business will have to adapt to new realities,” says Vyacheslav Blagirev, Director of Digital at PJSC Rostelecom.

The boundaries of markets and companies are blurred. Former competitors become partners, diversified platforms, which, as a single entry point, provide the consumer with a full range of financial services, come to the forefront. If earlier the client adjusted to the market, now the market adapts to the needs of the client, offering him interesting, relevant products in a channel convenient for him, whether it is an operator’s platform, offline banking or a financial supermarket.

So welcome to the world of new products and new opportunities to buy them. IN new world, where along with traditional banks, insurance, investment companies, mobile operators will rapidly develop financial supermarkets, where you can buy whatever your heart desires.