How much does it cost to pour a foundation from a buta stone. Stone foundation. Is such a base suitable for every bath?


During the construction of massive houses, a particularly strong solid foundation is required. Booth - massive pieces of rock stone can provide such strength. When building a foundation from it, material costs can also be significantly reduced - after all, the cost of this material is minimal.

Types of rubble masonry

Buta masonry has been known for a long time: even 2000 years ago, most of the massive medieval fortresses and houses for wealthy landowners were built from it. As a foundation, rubble was also used in the construction of buildings in St. Petersburg.

High-strength foundations made of this stone are widely used in modern construction. There are several types of such masonry:
"under the shoulder blade": in horizontal rows, with all stones selected in size;
"under filling": without laying out rows and selecting stones, the rubble is simply covered in layers, with each layer being filled with mortar; however, the margin of safety of such a foundation is small, therefore, this method is used only on dense, non-subsiding soils;
"under the bracket": not used in the foundation, thus only partitions and pillars are erected; a kind of “under the shoulder blade” method, in this case the stones are selected exactly according to the template;
with vibration seal: the stones are pressed until the solution ceases to penetrate into the masonry, this method increases the strength of the future foundation up to 25-40%.

a) "under the shoulder blade"; b) "bracket"; c) pouring into the formwork; d) masonry by surprise

Since the rock stone does not absorb water, practically does not collapse in water and does not delaminate, the foundation from it is able to last for a long time. In construction, it is better to use high-strength stone made of diorite, granite or basalt with a high bearing capacity (at least 100 kg / cm2). A boot made of loose sandstone or limestone is not recommended for use on wet soils.

Booth layout

1. So that during frost heaving the foundation does not squeeze up, it is laid to the depth, slightly greater (at least 20 cm) depth of soil freezing. For example, if in Moscow it freezes by 140 cm, then the foundation is laid at (140 + 20) = 160 cm. If the house and basement are heated throughout the winter season, without interruption, the foundation can be laid and to a shallower depth(from 50 cm) from the ground or basement floor. With an untreated basement (but constant heating of the house), it can be equal to half the depth of soil freezing.

Scheme of soil freezing depth in the Russian Federation

2. To relieve tension and protect against subsidence on heaving soils, the foundation is made slightly sloping, in the shape of a trapezoid, wide side down. The gap between the bevels of such a trapezoid is subsequently filled with soil or sand and compacted.

Foundation in the form of a trapezoid for heaving soils

3. Minimum Width the foundation when laying the buta should be at least 50 cm. When using large buta flagstone, its width can be reduced to 30 cm.
4. At the bottom of the foundation is arranged " pillow"- spilled with water and carefully compacted layer of sand and gravel with a depth of 12-25 cm.
5. Cement is used to prepare the mortar grades M-400-500 and dry sand without clay impurities. First, the dry components (cement and sand) are thoroughly mixed, and only then water is added. A solution that is too thin will not adhere well. However, it must be sufficiently mobile and freely penetrate between the stones.

6. It is difficult to accurately calculate the amount of required solution. Since this figure depends on the size (fraction) of the buta and the fit of the stones to each other, it may fluctuate.
7. When laying under the “blade” in the corners of the foundation and every 4-5 m, lay out on the solution lighthouse stones. To control the horizontalness of the masonry on both sides of them, they are tightly stretched. moorings(strings). The next row also starts with beacon stones.
8. In a pre-prepared formwork dry, without mortar, lay out the first row of buta. All stones are laid flat side down. The solution is added only after filling the voids with gravel and tamping.
9. For the foundation, it is better to use flagstone (flat-shaped stone) without cracks and delaminations of the brand strength not less than 100. Before starting work, it is cleaned of dirt and moistened with water.
10. After laying the stones, they should be pressed as close as possible to each other (besieged). It's done hammer-cam(a tool with a rounded head shape).

Cam hammer

11. Laying any row starts with miles(side edges of the wall). Then spread forgetfulness(inner layer, the place between two miles).
12. With proper styling rebar not required. If desired, the lower and upper rows can be tied with an armored belt of 4 rods.
13. Stones are selected in size so that the height of the entire row along the entire length of the foundation is the same. Allowed reporting 1-2 thin stones with a bunch of them with cement mortar and careful fitting. Large stones can occupy 2 rows.

Buta masonry

14. When laying, it is recommended to use stones up to 30 kg. More massive but smash (smash) with a large sledgehammer and a cleaver. Too sharp corners should also be chipped with a hammer-cam so that the shape of the stone is closer to a rectangle.
15. Laying is carried out strictly horizontal rows(the height of each of them is 25 cm) so that the free space between the stones is minimal. At the same time, the stones are pressed into the concrete by 1/2 or more of the height.
16. One of important points is laying out corners. It is carried out by the method dressings so that each vertical seam is covered by the top stone.

Corner layout

Laying rows

Important! Contact of stones with each other without hardening with cement mortar is not allowed.

17. Stones with short sides are called bonder. Booth with long sides - spoon. They are placed alternately. First, a series of bonder, and then spoon stones.

Ligation of seams a) in ordinary masonry; b) at the junction of walls; 1 - bonder; 2 - spoon bottle

Important! The stones should be positioned so that the seams are not located above the seams.

18. The resulting voids are filled up rubble followed by ramming.
19. Each subsequent row is poured with a solution 3-4 cm high. Laying is carried out on an uncured concrete mixture. So that she does not have time to grab, you should lay the bottle within 1.5 hours after pouring it. In the hot season, to protect the masonry from drying out, it is better to periodically moisten cold water or cover it with shields, roofing felt or film.
20. After passing each row, the concrete is compacted and leveled.

Important! Breaks in work are allowed only after all the stones have been sunk into the concrete mixture and compacted.

21. Upon completion of work, for uniform drying of its foundation cover with a film or roofing felt and dried in this state for 2-4 weeks. You can additionally cover it with varnish or bitumen.
22. After the concrete has completely hardened and the formwork has been removed, the foundation is checked for presence of defects. To do this, with the help of a steel brush and a chisel, all problem areas are removed from it and sealed again with a solution consisting of cement and sand (1: 2), and after setting they are rubbed.
23. During long breaks in work, the masonry is cleaned of the cement film and moistened. To increase adhesion on a solidified solution, it is better to make notches with an ax or a chisel.

Ready-made foundation from buta

The rubble foundation has been known to mankind for a very long time. Today, such a foundation for construction is budgetary and beautiful. Its service life reaches 150 years; even fortresses were once built from this stone.

In addition, such a foundation is the most resistant to groundwater and soil freezing among other foundations. Developers choose it also because of its environmental friendliness. It is quite simple to build such a structure on your own, and you will not have to use any special construction equipment.


If we consider a standard rubble foundation, then it can be noted that its tape variety usually has a height of 1.6 m. A reinforced belt is laid on top. If the base is prepared from sand and drainage, then the height can be reduced, as in the case of a reinforced belt.

The laying is carried out below the soil freezing line, using concrete grade M100 or higher. The base should be about 30 cm above ground level, then comes the plinth. When dismantling the buildings of the last century, it became clear that the described type of foundation was then laid to a depth of 2 m, the reinforcement was not used, and the fixing was carried out with a simple mortar.

At the same time, waterproofing or bricks were not laid between the wall and the foundation. Despite this, the buildings continued to stand. This suggests that rubble stone in such a foundation replaces the metal frame. The main role in this case is played by but, the content of which can reach 90% of the total volume. There are no requirements for the size and shape of the stones.


The material can be chipped or tiled, while the main condition is the strength of the material. It is better to use bedded or tiled rock in the process of work. It has even edges, which allows you to get an advantage when laying, because even stones lie down easier than those that have irregular edges.

The masonry technology of this material is often compared with the technique that describes the construction of brick walls. The principle here remains the same. The elements are stacked on top of each other and bonded with a solution. The only difference is the building blocks and the composition of the solution. The brick is laid on a cement-sand mortar with a large volume of sand, while the rubble stone is mounted on a more durable concrete.

Positive reviews

Before building a rubble foundation, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages. You can learn about them by reading reviews. Among the advantages, consumers distinguish:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • durability;
  • aesthetic indicators;
  • high moisture resistance.

Consumers especially emphasize another useful property: the construction process can be reduced in cost by adding other building materials. For example, the recessed part, which will be in the ground, can be formed from pure rubble, while the surface in this case is laid out from brick.

Negative Feedback

If you plan to lay the rubble foundation yourself, you should read the negative reviews. Thus, home craftsmen note that it is not worth having illusions about the speed and simplicity of erecting such a foundation, because these assumptions are not true. So, for the device of the described base, a deep trench is needed. And the bottom is deepened 20 cm below the freezing of the soil. In some regions, this figure reaches 2 m, but most often it is in the range from 150 to 180 cm.

In addition, digging a trench and taking measurements requires a large number time. Consumers emphasize that in this case even heavy earth-moving equipment may be required. Developers advise choosing stones very carefully, because after them they will have to be laid out throughout the entire volume of the foundation as evenly as possible. If you are planning to build a foundation rubble stone with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the cons of building materials. Among them, home masters distinguish:

  • high cost of materials;
  • the need for complex calculations;
  • difficulties associated with the delivery of material to the construction site;
  • there is a high probability that specialists will have to be involved in the work.

Construction technology: preparation of tools

Before you start work, you need to stock up on tools and materials, among them should be highlighted:

  • small-sized crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • rubble stone;
  • bayonet shovels;
  • capacious container for the solution;
  • trowels;
  • roulettes;
  • building level;
  • plumb;
  • rammer.

Crushed stone will be needed to fill the voids that form during the masonry process. But the sand will go to the preparation of the solution and the arrangement of the pillow. When purchasing cement, you must choose the one that has the M400 brand. The volume of rubble stone will be less compared to the volume of the trench. The smaller the stone, the more it will be needed. It also depends on the evenness of the edges.

The construction of rubble foundations provides for the use of rubble with high frost and water resistance. The stone must be strong. It is also important to take care of the presence of roofing felt or other waterproofing material.

Construction of the first layer

The laying of the foundation is carried out at a depth below the freezing of the soil. Much also depends on the looseness, as well as the composition of the soil. On the ground, a trench is laid out using a rope and pegs. The width must be planned so that it is 15 cm larger than the walls.

If the soil crumbles during the digging process, then it is necessary to build a formwork from boards and other materials. They are usually removed after the concrete has been poured and cured. A sand cushion is laid in the trench. It is done in several stages. Each next layer of sand is compacted and moistened.

At the final stage earthworks it is necessary to lay waterproofing on top of the pillow. For this, roofing material or its equivalent is used. It is necessary to lay the sheets with an overlap so that moisture from the concrete is not lost.

Having chosen the most even and flat cobblestones with a horizontal surface, they are laid on the bottom - this will create a base for the buta. Smooth stones are pressed into the sand. In order to get rid of recesses and openings, you should use a tamper. The voids are filled with pebbles and small gravel. The layer is compacted, and then pressed with a sledgehammer. This layer can be filled concrete mortar, which is prepared in classic proportions: one to three.

Laying the remaining rows and reinforcement

So, you have chosen a rubble stone foundation as the foundation. The first steps have been taken, then you can start laying the next rows. The first layer can be poured at a height of 40 cm from the bottom. Laying and pouring the remaining rows are carried out according to the same principle. The difference lies only in the dressing of the seams, as in ordinary brickwork.

The stones of the subsequent rows are placed in an unhardened solution. Strengthening the rubble foundation is required if the foundation is planned to be made high enough. Additional stabilization is expressed in the laying of reinforcement or wire. The last four layers of the structure should also be formed. It is important to systematically compact the moving mass in a new layer, which will guarantee the strength of the future foundation.

Work methodology

In order to speed up the flow of stones and mortar into a deep trench, gentle slopes should be made in the walls. This will allow you to equip a convenient platform between the bottom and the walls. You can solve the problem of steep slopes with the help of wooden scaffolding.

If the trench is rather shallow and narrow, then the solution container can be installed on the sides, and stones can be laid between them. Openings for ventilation and communication should be planned and laid immediately. This will shorten construction time and reduce labor costs.

Before laying, the material is wetted to ensure better adhesion to the concrete. The stones are stacked with a gap ranging from 3 to 5 cm. The long side of the buta is called a spoon, the short side is called a poke. In each row, the poke should alternate with a spoon.

For masonry, it is convenient to use a hammer-cam and similar tools. The thickness of the masonry is approximately 70 cm. For plasticity, clay is often added to the mortar, but do not be zealous.

Rubble stone under the foundation can be laid using one of two technologies:

  • under the shoulder blade;
  • under the bay.

In the first case, we are talking about a technology that provides for the preparation of the base, as well as laying the bonded row on it dry. The stone is well compacted, and the voids are filled with small stones. At the next stage, you can start filling the space with a liquid solution.

The next step will be the laying of the spoon row. The thickness of the first and second rows should not exceed 30 cm. The stones are selected in such a way that the height of the row is almost the same. To check, you can use beacons with a cord. It is important to ensure that the stones do not touch each other without mortar.

Rubble strip foundation in the end, it can turn out to be perfectly smooth; for this, formwork is usually installed. In this case, the walls are subsequently finished with one of the many materials that are on the market.

The main component of the rubble foundation are fragments of rock of various sizes. Individual specimens intended for construction can reach sizes up to half a meter along the largest side and weight up to 50 kg. More bulky stones cannot be used without the use of special equipment, therefore, the average dimensions of the stones used to build the foundation range from 30-50 cm.

An example of a finished stone foundation

Rubble stone is widely used not only in the construction of various structures, but also as a decorative element.

They finish the walls and perform other structures in landscape design.

The characteristics of rubble stone are quite diverse and each of them has its own impact on its value.

First of all, the stone is divided into types - it can be sandstone, limestone or dolomite. In addition, there are also classes of rocks:

  • Sedimentary, arising under the influence of the external environment;
  • Metamorphic, formed as a result of a change in the structure of minerals under the influence of pressure or temperature;
  • Igneous, created as a result of crystallization or solidification of magma.

But for construction, the most important thing is not so much the composition and cause of the appearance of rubble stone, but its shape.

Existing species natural stone

It also has its own classification based on the origin of the material:

  • The most commonly used industrial rubble is produced in workings for the extraction of crushed stone. Actually, the stone itself is the raw material for this material;
  • A rounded butt is formed due to natural causes, and takes a smoothed shape due to the impact external factors such as water or wind. It is most often used in the construction of large industrial facilities due to its irregular shape;
  • The bedded rubble is ideal for private construction, including the construction of foundations. The main feature of this type is at least two parallel faces, which make it quite easy to lay the stone on the mortar.

The place of development where the stone is mined is also important, since in different areas the composition of the material has its own characteristics.

Pros and cons of rubble foundation

The main advantage of this type of foundation is its very high strength and reliability, regardless of the rock from which it is created. In turn, this guarantees the durability of the use of such a foundation. Moreover, in case of poor-quality installation, if the solution has crumbled in some places, the defect can be eliminated without problems, while the quality of the base will not suffer.

Rocks are less susceptible to the effects of the external environment, including moisture, due to which the foundation, and with properly waterproofing and the house, flooding is completely harmless.

Booth is not subject to freezing, so it is quite possible to save on thermal insulation of the house.

In addition, the foundation, made of rubble stone, looks more than presentable even without finishing.

The process of building a foundation from buta

The rubble stone itself is an inexpensive material, the increase in cost, and a significant one, occurs due to the delivery of the material to the construction site. Therefore, in the area located near the development of its price is low. In these areas, rubble stone is the most budget option for construction.

You will incur an additional cost during construction, if you plan to attract employees. Laying rubble stone is carried out only by hand, which increases the complexity of the work by an order of magnitude, and, accordingly, its cost.

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How to make formwork from polystyrene foam

However, if time and strength allow, you can build a foundation of rubble stone almost alone.

In what cases can a rubble stone foundation be used?

For all its attractiveness, a rubble foundation can not be used for all types of buildings. The problem is that the rubble foundation is quite mobile compared to other types of foundation.
It is ideal for very heavy buildings of 2-3 floors, which crush it with their weight. It also stands well on it, which are quite resistant to tensile loads. But if the building has concrete or brick walls, and their weight is not enough, then such a house will not last long and will soon be covered with rather extensive cracks.

There are also requirements for the soil on which the construction of the foundation is planned:

In order to determine the characteristics of the soil on the site and the location groundwater it makes sense to order geological surveys. Based on the results obtained, you will be able to decide whether a rubble stone foundation is right for you, as well as calculate its parameters, such as the depth and width of the base.

The procedure for pouring concrete foundation from rubble stone

Production of rubble foundation

It is worth mentioning right away that a strip foundation is mainly made from buta. The fact is that the creation of a columnar base is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, therefore such a base is used quite rarely.

In some cases, they are used when the soil under the building has complex characteristics. The main difficulty in the manufacture of these two types of foundation is that in order to choose a suitable stone, sometimes you have to sort through dozens of copies, the weight of which is quite noticeable.

Strip foundation made of rubble stone

The manufacture of this type of base is very similar to, however, it has its own characteristics:

First of all, a system of trenches under the base breaks through with a depth below the freezing depth of the soil. At the same time, the width of the ditch in the bottom area should be 20 cm larger than along the upper edge, that is, in the cross section, the trench should have a trapezoidal section.

If necessary, the soil at the bottom of the pit is carefully tamped, after which sand is poured to a height of 15-20 cm.

If the soil is highly saturated with water, crushed stone of the middle fraction is laid in the first layer, which will play the role of a drainage system. Sand is also poured on top with mandatory pouring to create a dense base.

Often, for reliability, a concrete reinforced layer of 30 cm is poured over the pillow.

Ready-made strip foundation made of rubble stone

In this case, additional waterproofing is laid between the cement and sand cushion to prevent the destruction of concrete.

Despite the large selection of types of foundations, some developers prefer to build them using "grandfather" methods. For example, fold the base under Vacation home from buta. Thus - to get a reliable stone foundation, which attracts increased attention to the original appearance. It was this construct that was chosen by the user of the portal with the nickname jonic61, building an unusual house from wood concrete.

  • How to prepare a soil base for building a foundation.
  • How to make drainage for the foundation.
  • How to lay a foundation of rubble stone.

Stages of building a stone foundation for a house made of wood concrete

Construction history country house jonic61, which he named in the topic on the Arbolit in Stone portal, began with the purchase of the “right” site. According to the user, he has been looking for a suitable building plot for about two years. The reason is the increased requirements for comfort. We need accessible communications, as in a city, good roads for the passage of heavy trucks with building materials, proximity to roads for a trip to the city, etc. Finally, desired area an area of ​​​​6 acres found in snt.

jonic61 FORUMHOUSE user

I was bribed by the proximity of the sea. The garden partnership has electricity, and the energy supply is uninterrupted, there is main gas, year-round central water supply with drinking water and a well-developed infrastructure. A bonus of 5 acres is attached to the northern part of the site - an exclusion zone from railway on which to build non-capital structures, i.e. buildings without foundations. Total: the total area of ​​the territory was 11 acres.

In "addition" to the site was a house measuring 5x5 m, "molded" from a steel container and what the previous owner had at hand.

Looking ahead, let's say that the house was eventually dismantled, and the container was turned into an anti-vandal pantry for storing tools.

In 2017 jonic6, Armed with the knowledge gained on the portal, he started building a house, and without a project, with changes in the design during the construction of the cottage. Having studied the market of wall building materials, the user settled on wood concrete.

In the production of wood concrete, the technology of non-instant demoulding is used, which has a positive effect on the properties and geometry of the material.

Blocks, 1000 pieces ordered in total, corner blocks 50x30x20 cm in size and wall blocks 40x30x20 cm, already plastered on the front side.

In anticipation of a batch of wood concrete, the user switched to the so-called. zero stage of building a house - building a foundation.

Preparation of the soil base and arrangement of drainage for the rubble foundation

We have already said above that the house is actually being built without a project, and at first the user planned to fill in the slab, but in the end he “replayed” it on a rubble foundation, which we will discuss later. But when building a foundation of any type, careful preparation of the soil base comes first, because. the foundation only transfers and redistributes the load from the structure. Therefore, we first determine the composition of the soil.

For this on the spot of the house building jonic61 dug holes and studied the layers of soil. This:

  • chernozem - 30 cm;
  • sandy loam - 10 cm;
  • loam - 10 cm;
  • Next comes a thick layer of clay.

GWV is high. The height difference on the perimeter of the foundation is 4 cm.

Stepping back from the red line 5 m and from the neighbor 3 m, the user, having rented a tractor and a truck, began to dig a foundation pit, adding another 1 meter to the size of the house (9x9 m).

Total: the dimensions of the pit are 11x11 m.

Where the house used to stand, they immediately dug a hole for the installation of a septic tank from concrete rings.

At a depth of 2.4 meters, groundwater went.

The excavator removed the soil on the spot under the foundation with a leveling bucket that did not have teeth (steel "fangs").

This improved the quality of work, because, removing layer by layer, the excavator, which is important, did not loosen the mainland soil.


I stood with the level and the truck driver helped with the measuring stick. As a result, the height difference after digging the pit did not exceed 1-2 cm.

Having finished digging the pit, the excavator immediately made a "ramp" for the arrival of heavy trucks.

Having cleaned small irregularities with a shovel, the user covered the bottom of the pit with geotextiles with a density of 200 g/sq. m.

I laid a drainage pipe with a diameter of 110 mm along the perimeter, withstanding a slope of 2-3 cm per 1 linear meter.

The geotextile is laid with an overlap of 15 cm and 0.5 m outside, beyond the perimeter of the foundation.

This article talks in detail about the arrangement of storm sewers.

They brought sand and scattered it over the pit.

The sand was carefully leveled on the base.

The bottom of the base is brought to 0 by the level.

The sudden onset of rain played into the hands, the moisture-saturated sand self-compacted.

At the same time, a septic tank was equipped, having delivered and installed concrete rings.


In construction, the quality of access roads is very important. Trucks must be able to drive in, unload and exit unhindered. This will save you a lot of nerves and money.

Drainage pipes lead to a drainage well made by the former owner of the site from car tires.

From the drainage well, water is diverted to the SNT drainage network.

Drainage pipes are filled with slag.

Additionally jonic61 covered the sand with slag and hired a team of workers with a gasoline vibrating plate.

Prior to tamping, the foundations were dug out and communications laid - mortgages for water supply and sewage pipes.

The final prepared base, on which 2 cars of sand and 8 cars of slag are poured and thoroughly watered.

Construction of rubble foundation

So, at this stage, everything is ready for the installation of formwork and pouring. slab foundation. But jonic61 took a time out and decided to think if he could do it with the forces of the new team, and if the workers had enough experience for this. I was also concerned about the safety of building materials on the site, which should immediately be put into action.


Once I went to my friend, who is engaged in excavations and restoration of the ancient settlement, and along the way, on the advice of a friend, I stopped by the military history museum, which is being built in the form of a stone fortress. The most interesting thing is that the same workers from the team I hired are building it. I really love natural stone, and the structure, built of beautiful gray-blue stone, hooked me.

Having estimated the cost of pouring the slab and laying the buta, the user decided to make a stone foundation. He ordered a car with a boot and hired a proven team of 6 people to work.

Because the concept of the foundation has completely changed on the go, jonic61 additionally ordered 20 tons of sand, a truckload of slag and 2.5 tons of cement.

The laying of rubble stone requires a large amount of mortar.

Along the way, instead of a footing, the user bought a profiled geomembrane, which will additionally cut off moisture from the bottom from the foundation.

In total, 3 rolls were purchased, 2 m wide and 20 m long.

The workers broke the axes of the foundation, spread the geomembrane and brought the corners of the rubble foundation.

  • width of the "ribbon" of the foundation - 50 cm;
  • height - 1 m.

Load-bearing wall inside the perimeter. The sinuses of the foundation are then clogged with clay, slag with a layer-by-layer rammer, and then the floor slab of the first floor is cast. The user believes that the natural stone foundation is a beautiful and strong foundation for a house that does not require finishing and special care.

The foundation grew before our eyes and swallowed up trucks with rubble one after another.

From the inside of the basement, around the entire perimeter, a “step” was made measuring 150x150 mm for a support - a concrete slab that would tie the entire structure together.

From the inside, a geomembrane was also spread out and the laying of the load-bearing inner wall began.

Most wanted construction material today it is a booth, which is a part of natural rocks. It is artificial and natural. The rubble stone foundation is a strong foundation, the main component of which is rubble. The finished design for 9 out of 10 parts consists of it.

These stones come in various shapes, sizes and masses, but the most used at the construction site remains the tiled rubble, with smooth and even sides. It is much easier to lay it in any of the structures.

The rubble foundation is erected in the same way brick walls- the components are stacked one on top of the other and reinforced with concrete.

Disadvantages and advantages

The decision to lay a foundation of rubble under the house should be made only after considering all the characteristics of this material, as well as weighing all the pros and cons. This is motivated by the fact that it is not so easy to build such a foundation. Firstly, it will take some time, secondly, it is necessary to take measurements very carefully, and thirdly, the selection and distribution of stones over the foundation site is quite troublesome.

The foundation with rubble stone is usually widely used when it is necessary to build a high supporting structure. And this is no coincidence, the basis of this kind has a number of positive characteristics:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • strength, reliability, as well as a guarantee of durability;
  • natural water resistance;
  • attractive appearance that does not require additional cladding.

But at the same time, it also has its downsides. The most pronounced are:

  • rather high price of natural material;
  • difficulties arising in the construction of structures from rubble;
  • high time costs;
  • difficult calculations that are made before the start of construction.

A positive feature of the rubble foundation is the ability to combine different materials. For example, to make the structure a little cheaper, you can take a quarrystone for the base in the ground, and a brick on top. It should be remembered that the laying technology for these materials is different and must be adhered to.

Buta laying rules

Booth is mined through a special kind of explosions. For work with the foundation, those elements that have two flat sides should be selected. The laying of the foundation from rubble stone is carried out using a cement mortar using the "under the shoulder" principle. The thickness of the seam between each of the stones should be at least one and a half centimeters. It is not recommended to do more, because the boot will settle, and the structure itself will collapse.

Stones before laying must be cleaned of all sorts of contaminants and wet a little. Seams with minimum dimensions, as well as the strength of the bandaging of the foundation details will contribute to the use of fragments with different sizes.

All work on laying the rubble foundation is done by hand. The largest stones are usually placed at the bottom and in the corners. Due to them, the stability of the structure is achieved. This can sometimes be very difficult, because sometimes you need to turn the bottle over more than once before finding the best option for its location.

To increase the bearing capacity of this type of foundation, a cement mixture solution is poured under the first row of stone. The area where the boot will be absent is covered with small pebbles. Subsequently, they can be used as wedges.

All subsequent rows of masonry are performed using a thicker mortar. Stones no more than 30 centimeters thick are already used here. All elements of the rubble foundation are laid so that they are located with maximum density to each other and the consumption of concrete is minimal. The top row of masonry should overlap the vertical seams of the bottom row.

You can expand the rubble base by equipping ledges consisting of at least two rows. The connecting parts of the future structure must be correctly “tied” with the upper masonry. And remember that in some places excessive loading is unacceptable, since this may be followed by a shift of stones and the complete destruction of the laid layers.

Rubble foundation cladding

If your house or other premises has a basement, then the foundation is made of rubble, at its location you need to impose facing brick. Perform work on laying at the same time as the construction of the foundation. Every 4 or 6 rows are tied with each other with pokes.

As a result, you will get a facing surface, the rows of which will completely coincide with the horizontal seam of the supporting structure. The brick base must have a thickness of more than 75 centimeters. And the bottle is laid in rows about 25 centimeters high. It is also necessary to fill mortar all the voids that were formed during the installation process.

Work on a tape base from buta

To make a strip foundation from rubble stone, you need to choose a suitable site. Often this type of foundation for the structure is used in places with complex soils that are prone to swelling. Before starting the main work, you need to explore the building site and study the hydrogeological features of the area. It is necessary to pay attention first of all to the level of groundwater occurrence, soil moisture, as well as the depth to which the earth freezes. And only then can you dig a trench.

First you need to mark the site using a regular tape measure or wooden pegs and twine. You can dig a moat yourself with a shovel, or you can attach an excavator to work.

The size of the stone blocks directly depends on what the foundation will be. The walls of the trench should be several centimeters wider than the buta, since experts do not recommend laying the stone back to back. And the depth of the ditch should be at least a meter.

With a professional approach to work, it is possible to reduce the time required for pouring the foundation by several times. There is an instruction for this:

  1. The area is marked.
  2. Trenches are dug and formwork is installed.
  3. A little sand is poured into the finished trench and stones are laid there, pressing them into the created “pillow”.
  4. All gaps resulting from laying are covered with rubble and rammed.
  5. Prepare a mixture of concrete (1: 3) and fill it with the first row to make it more durable.
  6. By the same principle lay out another row. At the same time, do not forget to "bandage" the seams, as when laying brick material.
  7. The rows that will protrude above the ground are reinforced with wire or relief reinforcement.

Some tricks in the construction of a rubble base

To achieve a reasonably good result, you need to know a few things about how to simplify your work and at the same time increase its efficiency:

In order to build a strip foundation from rubble stone, you need to prepare cement mortar. It is almost the same as for masonry brick materials. Powder grade M 400 or M 500 is used for preparation. So that in the end the concrete does not crack, the sand should not contain clay particles. It also needs to be cleaned of various debris and all kinds of impurities.

Initially, you need to mix cement and sand, and then add water. The consistency of the solution should resemble sour cream.

Performing masonry strip base 3 ways can be used from buta: pouring, “under the shoulder blade” and “under the bracket”.

The first is chosen when building small buildings no higher than 10 meters. The stone is used differently and its selection is not made. From above, on the stacked blocks, crushed stone is poured (with a layer of 5-10 centimeters), and they are well rammed.

After the preparatory work, the rows are poured with a concrete mixture. Remember that the material is initially laid dry, and only then the solution is poured. Using a vibro compactor, it is distributed over all voids that have arisen. These measures will greatly increase the strength and reliability of the foundation foundation.

The other two methods are characteristically different from the first. First of all, the fact that a careful selection of stones is necessary. When laying them, there should be minimal gaps and voids. These options are of course optimal, but require a lot of time and additional labor costs. Stone blocks are laid out horizontally, and in order to achieve absolute evenness along the entire length of the foundation, a rope is pulled. And the main aspect is the presence of approximately equal in size rubble stones.