Water for concretes and mortars. Water for concretes and mortars B.4.3 Solids distribution in reclaimed water


GOST 23732-2011




Water for concrete and mortars. Specifications

For the text of Comparison of GOST 23732-2011 with GOST 23732-79, see the link.
- Database manufacturer's note.

ISS 91.100.30

Introduction date 2012-10-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-2009 * "System of interstate normative documents in construction. Basic Provisions"
*Document not cited. For more information please follow the link

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific Center "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (Minutes No. 39 of December 8, 2011)

Voted for the adoption of the standard:

Short country name
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national body of state management of construction



Ministry of Urban Development


Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services



Ministry of Construction and regional development

Russian Federation

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government



4 This standard complies with European regional standards EN 1008:2002* Mixing water for concrete. Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete), EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Part 1: Specification. Performance, production and conformity (Concrete - Part 1: General technical requirements, performance, production and conformity criteria) in terms of the classification of types of water, including water returned from the production, transport and placement of concrete, as well as in terms of sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water for concrete preparation.
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned hereinafter in the text can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site http://shop.cntd.ru. - Database manufacturer's note.

Translation from English (en).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 31, 2012 N 97-st, the interstate standard GOST 23732-2011 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation since October 1, 2012

6 INSTEAD OF GOST 23732-79

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in the information signs "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to water used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, as well as for the care of hardening concrete and washing of aggregates (hereinafter referred to as water for concretes and mortars), and establishes requirements for the quality of water for concretes and mortars and methods for determining its suitability.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 310.3-76 Cements. Methods for determining normal density, setting time and uniformity of volume change

GOST 1770-74 Measuring laboratory glassware. Cylinders, beakers, flasks, test tubes. Specifications

GOST 2874-82* Drinking water. Hygiene requirements and quality control
GOST R 51232-98

GOST 3351-74 Drinking water. Methods for determining taste, smell, color and turbidity

GOST 4245-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of chlorides

GOST 4389-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of sulfates

GOST 10060.0-95 Concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance. General requirements

GOST 10060.1-95 Concrete. Basic method for determining frost resistance

GOST 10060.2-95 Concrete. Accelerated methods for determining frost resistance during repeated freezing and thawing

GOST 10180-90 Concrete. Methods for determining the strength of control samples

GOST 12730.5-84 Concrete. Methods for determining water resistance

GOST 18164-72 Drinking water. Method for determining the content of dry residue

GOST 18293-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of lead, zinc, silver

GOST 18309-72 Drinking water. Method for determining the content of polyphosphates

GOST 18826-73 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of nitrates

GOST 23268.6-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Methods for determination of sodium ions

GOST 23268.7-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Methods for determining potassium ions

GOST 23268.12-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Method for determining permanganate oxidizability

GOST 24481-80 * Drinking water. Sample selection
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 51593-2000 applies, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main dimensions and parameters

GOST 31383-2008 Protection of concrete and iron concrete structures from corrosion. Test Methods

NOTE When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards in information system public use - on the official website federal agency on technical regulation and metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Types of water

The following types of water can be used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, the care of hardening concrete and the washing of aggregates:

a) drinking water according to GOST 2874;

b) natural surface and ground water;

c) technical water;

d) sea and saline water;

e) water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures;

f) combined water, which is a mixture of water from two or more of the above sources.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Water for concretes and mortars shall comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2 Water should not contain chemical compounds and impurities in quantities that can affect the cement setting time, hardening rate, strength, frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, reinforcement corrosion within the limits exceeding the standards specified in 4.6.

4.3 For the preparation of concrete and mortar mixes, concrete maintenance and washing of aggregates, the use of waste, marsh and peat water is not allowed.

Purpose of water

Maximum admissible content, mg/l

soluble salts


1 Water for mixing concrete in the manufacture of stressed reinforced concrete structures and injected solution

2 Water for mixing concrete in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with non-stressed reinforcement, incl. for spillway structures and the zone of variable water horizon of massive structures, as well as building plaster mortars and mortars for reinforced masonry

3 Water for mixing the concrete mixture in the manufacture of non-reinforced concrete structures, which are not subject to requirements to limit the formation of efflorescence, concrete of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of the underwater and internal zones of massive structures, as well as mortars for non-reinforced masonry

4 Aggregate washing water, including wet test screening and aggregate cooling

5 Water for watering working joints during breaks in concreting, joint surfaces to be monolithic, and surfaces of spillway structures, as well as water for pipe cooling of the concrete mass

6 Water for watering finished exterior surfaces of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

7 Water for watering the external surfaces of concrete structures (including the surfaces of spillways), if efflorescence, efflorescence is allowed on the surface

Note - Water for the preparation of concrete on aluminous and gypsum-aluminous cements must comply with the requirements of this table.

4.5 The total content of sodium and potassium ions in the composition of soluble salts in water should not exceed 1500 mg/l.

4.6 Water that meets the requirements given in table 1, the content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates, lead and zinc in which does not exceed the values ​​given in table 2, is considered suitable if, compared with the results of tests carried out on drinking water, the terms cement setting changes by no more than 25%, concrete strength after 7 and 28 days of normal moisture hardening, as well as frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, does not decrease, and reinforcing steel in concrete is in a stable passive state.

Table 2 - The content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates and zinc in water

Impurity name

Maximum content, mg/l

Test method

Phosphates per

Nitrates per

Sulfides per

Lead per

Zinc per

4.7 Water is allowed to be used if there are only traces (rainbow film) of oil products, oils and fats on the surface.

4.8 Hydrogen indicator of water pH should be not less than 4 and not more than 12.5.

4.9 The oxidizability of water should be no more than 15 mg/l.

4.10 Water is allowed for use with an odor intensity of not more than two points.

4.11 The color of water should be in the range from colorless to yellowish with a color not exceeding 70 ° according to GOST 3351. If the requirements of technical aesthetics are imposed on concrete, the color of the water should not exceed 30 °. In some cases, the use of water with a color of more than 70 ° is allowed. In this case, the suitability of water must be established by testing to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.2.

4.12 Water containing foaming surfactants is suitable for use with a foam persistence of not more than 2 minutes. It is allowed to use water with a foam resistance of 2 minutes or more, provided that the suitability of water is established by comparative tests to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.6.

4.13 In places of water intake (during the primary control of water quality), the content of coarse impurities in water should not be more than 4% by volume.

4.14 Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality for concretes and mortars are given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality

Name of indicator


Test method

1 Presence of petroleum products, oils and fats

Only traces are allowed

2 Presence of surfactants

Foam resistance - no more than 2 minutes

3 Painting

Colorless to yellowish

4 Coarsely dispersed impurities in water:

See Appendix B

According to B.5 of Appendix B

From other sources

Not more than 4% by volume

5 The smell of water:

After washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

A slight smell of cement is allowed, and when using fly ash - a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide.

From other sources

Just the smell of drinking water. No smell of hydrogen sulfide after adding hydrochloric acid.

6 Acidity

7 Oxidability

Not more than 15 mg/l

8 Presence of humic substances

After adding NaOH, the color of the water should be slightly tan or lighter.

5 Sampling for testing

5.1 The volume of water samples taken for testing should be at least 5 liters.

5.2 The water sample should be representative of the intended source of water consumption. Water samples from a source with a variable chemical composition of impurities are taken taking into account seasonal, daily and other changes in the content of impurities.

5.3 Selection, storage and transportation of water samples - in accordance with GOST 24481.

5.4 The selected water sample should be tested no later than two weeks after it was taken.

6 Test methods

6.1 Water testing is carried out at least once a year, as well as when deviations in water properties from the requirements specified in Section 4 are detected, and when the source of water consumption changes. Tests are carried out according to the scheme given in Appendix A.

6.2 Drinking water that meets the requirements of GOST 2874 is used for any purpose without additional analysis.

6.3 At the first stage of testing, water is examined in a glass transparent measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 to determine the smell, color, presence of oils, fats, emulsions, solid and foaming substances.

6.3.1 The smell and color of water is determined according to GOST 3351.

6.3.2 The presence of traces of oil products, oils, fats and emulsions is determined visually when examining the surface of the water.

6.3.3 The content of coarse impurities is determined by measuring the volume of sediment formed in the water settled 24 hours after sampling in a glass measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770. The content of coarse particles, % by volume, is determined by the formula

where is the volume of coarse particles, ml;

- coefficient taking into account the packing density of coarse particles in the sediment;

- the volume of water in the measuring cylinder, ml.

6.3.4 The possibility of foaming is checked for 1 min by shaking water in a half-filled measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 on laboratory shakers with a shaking frequency of 1500 to 2400 rpm and determining the stability of the foam in minutes.

6.4 The content of chloride ions in water () is determined according to GOST 4245, sulfate ions () - according to GOST 4389, soluble salts - according to GOST 18164, zinc ions () and lead ions () - according to GOST 18293, phosphate ions () - according to GOST 18309, nitrate ions () - according to GOST 18826, sodium ions () - according to GOST 23268.6, potassium ions () - according to GOST 23268.7.

6.5 The content of sulfide ions () and sugar in water is determined by the methods for measuring concentrations in accordance with.

6.6 The pH value is determined by the potentiometric method using pH meters of any brands with glass electrodes with a pH range of 0 to 14 and a measurement error not exceeding ±0.1. For determination, from 10 to 50 ml of water are taken into a glass beaker with a capacity of 50 to 100 ml according to GOST 25336. The determination of pH is carried out according to the instructions for the device.

6.7 To determine the content of suspended particles, a water sample with a volume of 0.5 to 1 l is shaken for 20 seconds by hand and filtered through a pre-weighed crucible with a porous bottom with a pore size of 5 to 10 µm. The crucible with the precipitate is dried to constant weight in an oven at a temperature of (105 ± 5) °C until the difference between the results of two successive weighings is no more than 0.1% of the weight of the sample.

The content of suspended particles, mg / l, is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the crucible with the dried precipitate, g;

- mass of the crucible, g;

- the volume of water selected for analysis, ml.

6.8 The oxidizability of water is determined according to GOST 23268.12.

6.9 When assessing the content of humic substances, 5 ml of the sample is placed in a test tube at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C, 5 ml of a 3% sodium hydroxide solution is added, the test tube is shaken and left for 1 hour, after which the color of the water is determined.

6.10 Compliance of water with the requirements of 4.6, 4.11, 4.12 is determined by comparative tests of cement and concrete prepared with test and drinking water. The setting time of the cement paste is determined according to GOST 310.3, concrete strength - according to GOST 10180, frost resistance - according to GOST 10060.0, GOST 10060.1, GOST 10060.2, water resistance - according to GOST 12730.5, corrosive state of reinforcement - according to GOST 31383.

7 Test report

The water test report must contain:

a) description of the type and source of water;

b) the name of the sampling locality;

c) time and date of sampling;

d) the name of the testing laboratory, its address and telephone number, as well as the names of the persons responsible for the testing;

e) the date of the test;

e) test results and their evaluation when compared with the requirements of this International Standard;

Appendix A (recommended). Water test scheme for concretes and mortars

The scheme for testing water for concretes and mortars is shown in Figure A.1.

Figure A.1 (sheet 1)

Figure A.1 (sheet 2)

Appendix B (informative). The content of soluble salts and ions in the water of the seas and oceans

Annex B

Table B.1 - The content of soluble salts and ions in the water of the seas and oceans


soluble salts

Bays of the Baltic Sea

Sea of ​​Azov

Aral Sea

Caspian Sea

Black Sea

White Sea

Oceans and open seas

Annex B (mandatory). Requirements for water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

Annex B

B.1 Scope

Water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures (hereinafter referred to as regenerated water) is used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures alone or in combination with another type of water.

B.2 Terms and definitions

B.2.1 reclaimed water concrete production: Water including:

- water from residual concrete;

- water after washing the mixing tanks of stationary mixers, truck mixers and concrete pumps;

- technical water, which comes after individual production processes (from a milling machine, after grinding and water cutting of hardened concrete, etc.);

- water that enters during the production of concrete mix.

Reclaimed water can be withdrawn from:

- a reservoir with special devices by which solids can be homogeneously distributed in the reclaimed water;

- a sump or similar installations, if the reclaimed water remains long enough in the sump for solids to settle out.

NOTE Residual water from concrete recovery plants contains variable quantities of coarse particles, the average size which are less than 0.25 mm.

B.2.2 combined water: A mixture of reclaimed concrete production water and water from another source.

B.2.3 residual concrete: freshly prepared concrete mix, which did not fit or came for use after cleaning concrete mixers at the manufacturing plant. Residual concrete also includes freshly prepared concrete, which comes for use after cleaning truck mixers and concrete pumps.

The residual mortar can be considered as residual concrete.

B.3 Restrictions on the use of reclaimed water

Reclaimed concrete production water or combined water can be used as mixing water in the production of concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, if the following requirements are met:

- additional mass of solids in concrete when using reclaimed concrete production water should be less than 1% of the total mass of the aggregate mixture;

- the possible influence of the use of reclaimed water must be indicated in special cases, for example, in the production of "faced" concrete, prestressed concrete, cellular concrete, concrete operating in aggressive conditions environment, etc.;

- the mass of regenerated water used during production should be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the day.

NOTE In special cases, the mass of solids may be greater than 1% if it can be shown that all the required characteristics of the concrete can be achieved.

B.4 Reclaimed water requirements

B.4.1 General requirements

Reclaimed or combined water for concrete must comply with the requirements of Section 4 and additionally the following requirements.

B.4.2 Storage

The regenerated water in the reservoir must be carefully protected from contamination.

B.4.3 Solids distribution in reclaimed water

If the density of the reclaimed water exceeds 1.01 kg/l, an even distribution of solids in the reclaimed water must be ensured by the measures intended for this.

If the density of reclaimed water is less than 1.01 kg/l, the mass of solids may be ignored.

Density of regenerated water, kg/l

Water volume, l/l

NOTE When calculating the solids content of reclaimed water, the grain density of the solids is assumed to be 2.1 kg/l. If the solids content is higher than given in Table B.1, it can be calculated using the formula

where is the density of regenerated water, kg/l;

- grain density of solids, kg/l.

B.5 Control

B.5.1 Density

The density of regenerated or combined water is determined in homogenized samples taken from the water tank.

The density of reclaimed water used for concrete production should be determined daily at the time of the expected highest concentration of solids, unless other methods are specified in the manufacturer's quality manual or concentration control procedure.

Automatic devices may be used to control the density of regenerated or combined water. In this case, the applied method and its calibration should be indicated in the quality manual or technological regulations ( technological map) manufacturer.

B.5.2 Suitability

The suitability of reclaimed or combined water is determined in accordance with Section 4.


Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2012







(EN 1008:2002, NEQ)

(EN 206-1:2000, NEQ)

Official edition

Standards inform 2012


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-2009 “The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions»

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NRC "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (Minutes No. 39 of December 8, 2011)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country

according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national body of state management of construction


G osstroy

Ministry of Urban Development


Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services


G osstroy

Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government


G osarkhitektstroy

4 This standard complies with European regional standards EN 1008:2002 Mixing water for concrete. Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete), EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Part 1: Specification. Performance, production and conformity (Concrete - Part 1: General technical requirements, performance, production and conformity criteria) in terms of the classification of types of water, including water returned from the production, transport and placement of concrete, as well as in terms of sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water for concrete preparation.

Translation from English (en).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 31, 2012 No. 97-st, the interstate standard GOST 23732-2011 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from October 1, 2012.

6 INSTEAD OF GOST 23732-79

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in the information signs "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

© Standartinform, 2012

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

1 area of ​​use............................................... ....one

3 Types of water ............................................... ..........2

4 Specifications .................................................................. .2

5 Sampling for testing .......................................................... ..four

6 Test methods.................................................................... .....four

7 Test report ............................................... ........5

Appendix B (reference) The content of soluble salts and ions in the water of the seas and oceans ..... 8

Annex B (normative) Water requirements after rinsing cooking equipment

and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures .............................. 9

Bibliography................................................. .......eleven



Water for concrete and mortars. Specifications

Introduction date - 2012-10-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to water used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, as well as for the care of hardening concrete and washing of aggregates (hereinafter referred to as water for concretes and mortars), and establishes requirements for the quality of water for concretes and mortars and methods for determining its suitability .

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 310.3-76 Cements. Methods for determining normal density, setting time and uniformity of volume change

GOST 1770-74 Measuring laboratory glassware. Cylinders, beakers, flasks, test tubes. Specifications

GOST 2874-82 Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control GOST 3351-74 Drinking water. Methods for determining taste, odour, color and turbidity GOST 4245-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of chlorides GOST 4389-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of sulfates GOST 10060.0-95 Concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance. General requirements GOST 10060.1-95 Concrete. Basic method for determining frost resistance

GOST 10060.2-95 Concrete. Accelerated methods for determining frost resistance during repeated freezing and thawing

GOST 10180-90 Concrete. Methods for determining strength according to control samples GOST 12730.5-84 Concrete. Methods for determining water resistance GOST 18164-72 Drinking water. Method for determining the content of dry residue

Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of lead, zinc, silver Drinking water. Method for determining the content of polyphosphates Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of nitrates GOST 23268.6-78 Medicinal drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Methods for determination of sodium ions

GOST 23268.7-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Methods for determining potassium ions

GOST 23268.12-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Method for determination of permanganate oxidizability GOST 24481-80 Drinking water. Sample selection

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main dimensions and parameters

GOST 18293-72 GOST 18309-72 GOST 18826-73

Official edition

GOST 31383-2008 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. Test Methods

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Types of water

The following types of water can be used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, the care of hardening concrete and the washing of aggregates:

a) drinking water according to GOST 2874;

b) natural surface and ground water;

c) technical water;

d) sea and saline water;

e) water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures;

f) combined water, which is a mixture of water from two or more of the above sources.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Water for concretes and mortars shall comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2 Water should not contain chemical compounds and impurities in quantities that can affect the cement setting time, hardening rate, strength, frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, reinforcement corrosion within the limits exceeding the standards specified in 4.6.

4.3 For the preparation of concrete and mortar mixes, concrete maintenance and washing of aggregates, the use of waste, marsh and peat water is not allowed.

Table 1 - The content of soluble salts, sulfates, chlorides and suspended particles in water

Purpose of water



1 Water for mixing concrete in the manufacture of prestressed concrete structures and injected mortar

2 Water for mixing the concrete mixture in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with non-tensioning reinforcement, including for spillways and the variable water horizon zone of massive structures, as well as building plaster mortars and mortars for reinforced masonry

3 Water for mixing the concrete mixture in the manufacture of non-reinforced concrete structures, which are not subject to requirements to limit the formation of efflorescence, concrete of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of the underwater and internal zones of massive structures, as well as mortars for non-reinforced masonry

End of table 1

Purpose of water

Maximum admissible content, mg/l



4 Aggregate washing water, including wet test screening and aggregate cooling

5 Water for watering working joints during breaks in concreting, joint surfaces to be monolithic, and surfaces of spillway structures, as well as water for pipe cooling of the concrete mass

6 Water for watering finished exterior surfaces of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

7 Water for watering the external surfaces of concrete structures (including the surfaces of spillways), if efflorescence, efflorescence is allowed on the surface

Note - Water for the preparation of concrete on aluminous and gypsum-aluminous cements must comply with the requirements of this table.

4.6 Water that meets the requirements given in table 1, the content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates, lead and zinc in which does not exceed the values ​​given in table 2, is considered suitable if, compared with the results of tests carried out on drinking water, the terms cement setting changes by no more than 25%, concrete strength after 7 and 28 days of normal moisture hardening, as well as frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, does not decrease, and reinforcing steel in concrete is in a stable passive state.

Table 2 - The content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates and zinc in water

4.7 Water is allowed to be used if there are only traces (rainbow film) of oil products, oils and fats on the surface.

4.8 Hydrogen index of water pH should be not less than 4 and not more than 12.5.

4.9 The oxidizability of water should be no more than 15 mg/l.

4.10 Water is allowed for use with an odor intensity of not more than two points.

4.11 The color of water should be in the range from colorless to yellowish with a color not exceeding 70 ° according to GOST 3351. If technical aesthetics requirements are imposed on concrete, the color of water should not exceed 30 °. In some cases, the use of water with a color of more than 70 ° is allowed. In this case, the suitability of water must be established by testing to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.2.

4.12 Water containing foaming surfactants is suitable for use with a foam persistence of not more than 2 minutes. It is allowed to use water with a foam resistance of 2 minutes or more, provided that the suitability of water is established by comparative tests to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.6.

4.13 In places of water intake (during the primary control of water quality), the content of coarse impurities in water should not exceed 4% by volume.

4.14 Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality for concretes and mortars are given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality

Name of indicator


Test method

1 Presence of petroleum products, oils and fats

Only traces are allowed

2 Presence of surfactants

Foam resistance - no more than 2 minutes

3 Painting

Colorless to yellowish

4 Coarsely dispersed impurities in water:

See Appendix B

According to B.5 of Appendix B

From other sources

Not more than 4% by volume

5 The smell of water:

After washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

A slight smell of cement is allowed, and when using fly ash, a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide is allowed.

From other sources

Just the smell of drinking water. No smell of hydrogen sulfide after adding hydrochloric acid.

6 Acidity

12.5 > pH >4

7 Oxidability

Not more than 15 mg/l

8 Presence of humic substances

After adding NaOH, the color of the water should be slightly tan or lighter.

5 Sampling for testing

5.1 The volume of water samples taken for testing should be at least 5 liters.

5.2 The water sample should be representative of the intended source of water consumption. Water samples from a source with a variable chemical composition of impurities are taken taking into account seasonal, daily and other changes in the content of impurities.

5.3 Selection, storage and transportation of water samples - in accordance with GOST 24481.

5.4 The selected water sample should be tested no later than two weeks after it was taken.

6 Test methods

6.1 Water testing is carried out at least once a year, as well as when deviations in water properties from the requirements specified in Section 4 are detected, and when the source of water consumption changes. Tests are carried out according to the scheme given in Appendix A.

6.2 Drinking water that meets the requirements of GOST 2874 is used for any purpose without additional analysis.

6.3 At the first stage of testing, water is examined in a glass transparent measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 to determine the smell, color, presence of oils, fats, emulsions, solid and foaming substances.

6.3.1 Odors Water color is determined according to GOST 3351.

6.3.2 The presence of traces of oil products, oils, fats and emulsions is determined visually when examining the surface of the water.

^■ h 100 1.25V

where V h - the volume of coarse particles, ml;

1.25 - coefficient taking into account the packing density of coarse particles in the sediment;

V is the volume of water in the measuring cylinder, ml.

6.3.4 The possibility of foaming is checked for 1 min by shaking water in a half-filled measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 on laboratory shakers with a shaking frequency of 1500 to 2400 rpm and determining the stability of the foam in minutes.

6.6 The pH value is determined by the potentiometric method using pH meters of any brands with glass electrodes with a pH range of 0 to 14 and a measurement error not exceeding + 0.1. For determination, from 10 to 50 ml of water are taken into a glass beaker with a capacity of 50 to 100 ml according to GOST 25336. pH determination is performed according to the instructions for the device.

6.7 To determine the content of suspended particles, a water sample with a volume of 0.5 to 1 l is shaken for 20 seconds by hand and filtered through a pre-weighed crucible with a porous bottom with a pore size of 5 to 10 µm. The crucible with the precipitate is dried to constant weight in an oven at a temperature of (105 + 5) °C until the difference between the results of two successive weighings is no more than 0.1% of the weight of the sample.

M \u003d m 1 -m 2 1Q 6 (2)

where m 1 is the mass of the crucible with the dried precipitate, g; m 2 - mass of the crucible, g;

V is the volume of water taken for analysis, ml.

6.8 The oxidizability of water is determined according to GOST 23268.12.

6.9 When assessing the content of humic substances, 5 ml of the sample is placed in a test tube at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C, 5 ml of a 3% sodium hydroxide solution is added, the test tube is shaken and left for 1 hour, after which the color of the water is determined.

6.10 Compliance of water with the requirements of 4.6, 4.11, 4.12 is determined by comparative tests of cement and concrete prepared with test and drinking water. The setting time of the cement paste is determined according to GOST 310.3, the strength of concrete - according to GOST 10180, frost resistance - according to GOST 10060.0, GOST 10060.1, GOST 10060.2, water resistance - according to GOST 12730.5, the corrosion state of reinforcement - according to GOST 31383.

7 Test report

The water test report must contain:

a) description of the type and source of water;

b) the name of the sampling locality;

c) time and date of sampling;

d) the name of the testing laboratory, its address and telephone number, as well as the names of the persons responsible for the testing;

e) the date of the test;

e) test results and their evaluation when compared with the requirements of this International Standard;

Water test scheme for concretes and mortars

The scheme for testing water for concretes and mortars is shown in Figure A. 1.

Figure A. 1 (sheet 1)

Figure A. 1 (sheet 2)

Table B.1 - The content of soluble salts and ions in the water of the seas and oceans

Requirements for water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

B.1 Scope

Water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures (hereinafter referred to as regenerated water) is used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures alone or in combination with another type of water.

B.2 Terms and definitions

B.2.1 reclaimed concrete production water

Water from residual concrete;

Water after washing the mixing tanks of stationary mixers, truck mixers and concrete pumps;

Technical water that comes after individual production processes (from a milling and cutting machine, after grinding and water cutting of hardened concrete, etc.);

Water that enters during the production of concrete mix.

Reclaimed water can be withdrawn from:

Ponds with special devices by which solids can be homogeneously distributed in the reclaimed water;

Sump or similar installations if the reclaimed water remains in the sump long enough for solids to settle out.

NOTE Residual water from concrete recovery plants contains variable amounts of coarse particles with an average size of less than 0.25 mm.

B.2.2 mixed water mixture of reclaimed concrete production water and water from another source.

B.2.3 residual concrete Freshly prepared concrete mix that has not been placed or has been delivered for use after the concrete mixers have been cleaned at the manufacturing plant. Residual concrete also includes freshly prepared concrete, which comes for use after cleaning truck mixers and concrete pumps.

The residual mortar can be considered as residual concrete.

B.3 Restrictions on the use of reclaimed water

Reclaimed concrete production water or combined water can be used as mixing water in the production of concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, if the following requirements are met:

The additional mass of solids in concrete when using reclaimed concrete production water should be less than 1% of the total mass of the aggregate mixture;

The possible influence of the use of reclaimed water should be indicated in special cases, for example, in the production of “faced” concrete, prestressed concrete, cellular concrete, concrete exposed to aggressive environmental conditions, etc.;

The mass of reclaimed water used during production should be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the day.

NOTE In special cases, the mass of solids may be greater than 1 % if it can be shown that all the required characteristics of the concrete can be achieved.

B.4 Reclaimed water requirements

B.4.1 General requirements

Reclaimed or combined water for concrete must comply with the requirements of Section 4 and additionally the following requirements.

B.4.2 Storage

The regenerated water in the reservoir must be carefully protected from contamination.

WHA Solids distribution in reclaimed water

If the density of the reclaimed water exceeds 1.01 kg/l, an even distribution of solids in the reclaimed water must be ensured by the measures intended for this.

If the density of reclaimed water is less than 1.01 kg/l, the mass of solids may be ignored. B.4.4 Solids content of reclaimed water

Table B.1 — Solids content of reclaimed water

Density of regenerated water, kg/l

Water volume, l/l

NOTE When calculating the solids content of reclaimed water, the grain density of the solids is assumed to be 2.1 kg/l. If the solids content W 0CJ is higher than given in Table B.1, it can be calculated using the formula

where р в is the density of regenerated water, kg/l; p 3 - grain density of solids, kg / l.

B.5 Control

B.5.1 Density

The density of regenerated or combined water is determined in homogenized samples taken from the water tank.

The density of reclaimed water used for concrete production should be determined daily at the time of the expected highest concentration of solids, unless other methods are specified in the manufacturer's quality manual or concentration control procedure.

Automatic devices may be used to control the density of regenerated or combined water. In this case, the applied method and its calibration should be indicated in the quality manual or technological regulations (technological map) of the manufacturer.

B.5.2 Suitability

The suitability of reclaimed or combined water is determined in accordance with Section 4.


CMEA. Unified Methods for Studying Water Quality. 4.1. "Methods of chemical analysis of waters". T. 1. - M „1977

UDC 628.1034:69:006.354 MKS 91.100.30 NEQ

Keywords: water for the preparation of concrete and mortar, quality requirements, suitability assessment

Editor V.N. Kopysov Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader Yu.M. Prokofieva Computer layout I.A. Naleykina

Handed over to the set 09/25/2012. Signed for publication on 08.11.2012. Format 60x84)^. Arial headset. Uel. oven l. 1.86. Uch.-ed. l. 1.40. Circulation 114 copies. Zach. 996.

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4.


Printed in the branch of FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" - type. "Moscow printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

GOST 23732-2011 “Water for concrete and mortar. Specifications" provides for the gradation of water into several types, which can be used for mixing mixtures, washing aggregates or caring for hardening concrete.

The technical documentation of the standard establishes the maximum allowable content of suspended particles, sulfate, as well as chloride inclusions and salts.

GOST 23732-2011 approves the permissible levels of phosphate, sulfide, zinc, nitrate inclusions and sugars in water.

AT technical documentation You can find other established standards, in particular:

  • pH indicator,
  • coloring,
  • oxidizability, etc.

It also establishes a set of requirements and test methods for establishing water quality. At the same time, the standard describes the method of sampling for quality assessment.

Upon completion of the test activities, a test report must be drawn up containing information about the type and source of water, the name of the area where it was taken with the date and time stamped, the name of the laboratory, as well as the results in comparative analysis with requirements.

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The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-2009 “System of Interstate Regulatory Documents in Construction. Basic Provisions»

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NRC "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (Minutes No. 39 of December 8, 2011)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

MK country code (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national body of state management of construction



Ministry of Urban Development


Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services



Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government



4 This standard complies with European regional standards EN 1008:2002 Mixing water for concrete. Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete), EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Part 1: Specification. Performance, production and conformity (Concrete - Part 1: General technical requirements, performance, production and conformity criteria) in terms of the classification of types of water, including water returned from the production, transport and placement of concrete, as well as in terms of sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water for concrete preparation.

Translation from English (en).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 31, 2012 No. 97-st, the interstate standard GOST 23732-2011 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from October 1, 2012.

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in information signs "National standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"


Introduction date - 2012-10-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to water used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, as well as for the care of hardening concrete and washing of aggregates (hereinafter referred to as water for concretes and mortars), and establishes requirements for the quality of water for concretes and mortars and methods for determining its suitability .

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

b) natural surface and ground water;

c) technical water;

d) sea and saline water;

e) water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures;

f) combined water, which is a mixture of water from two or more of the above sources.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Water for concretes and mortars shall comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2 Water should not contain chemical compounds and impurities in quantities that can affect the cement setting time, hardening rate, strength, frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, reinforcement corrosion within the limits exceeding the standards specified in 4.6.

4.3 For the preparation of concrete and mortar mixes, concrete maintenance and washing of aggregates, the use of waste, marsh and peat water is not allowed.

Table 1 - The content of soluble salts, sulfates, chlorides and suspended particles in water

Purpose of water

Maximum admissible content, mg/l

soluble salts

suspended particles

1 Water for mixing concrete in the manufacture of prestressed concrete structures and injected mortar

2 Water for mixing concrete in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with non-stressed reinforcement, incl. for spillway structures and the zone of variable water horizon of massive structures, as well as building plaster mortars and mortars for reinforced masonry

3 Water for mixing the concrete mixture in the manufacture of non-reinforced concrete structures, which are not subject to requirements to limit the formation of efflorescence, concrete of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of the underwater and internal zones of massive structures, as well as mortars for non-reinforced masonry

4 Aggregate washing water, including wet test screening and aggregate cooling

5 Water for watering working joints during breaks in concreting, joint surfaces to be monolithic, and surfaces of spillway structures, as well as water for pipe cooling of the concrete mass

6 Water for watering finished exterior surfaces of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

7 Water for watering the external surfaces of concrete structures (including the surfaces of spillways), if efflorescence, efflorescence is allowed on the surface

Note - Water for the preparation of concrete on aluminous and gypsum-aluminous cements must comply with the requirements of this table.

4.6 Water that meets the requirements given in table 1, the content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates, lead and zinc in which does not exceed the values ​​given in table 2, is considered suitable if, compared with the results of tests carried out on drinking water, the terms cement setting changes by no more than 25%, concrete strength after 7 and 28 days of normal moisture hardening, as well as frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, does not decrease, and reinforcing steel in concrete is in a stable passive state.

Table 2 - The content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates and zinc in water

4.7 Water is allowed to be used if there are only traces (rainbow film) of oil products, oils and fats on the surface.

4.8 Hydrogen index of water pH should be not less than 4 and not more than 12.5.

4.9 The oxidizability of water should be no more than 15 mg/l.

4.10 Water is allowed for use with an odor intensity of not more than two points.

4.11 The color of water should be in the range from colorless to yellowish with a color not exceeding 70 ° according to GOST 3351. If the requirements of technical aesthetics are imposed on concrete, the color of the water should not exceed 30 °. In some cases, the use of water with a color of more than 70 ° is allowed. In this case, the suitability of water must be established by testing to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.2.

4.12 Water containing foaming surfactants is suitable for use with a foam persistence of not more than 2 minutes. It is allowed to use water with a foam resistance of 2 minutes or more, provided that the suitability of water is established by comparative tests to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.6.

4.13 In places of water intake (during the primary control of water quality), the content of coarse impurities in water should not exceed 4% by volume.

4.14 Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality for concretes and mortars are given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality

Name of indicator


Test method

1. Presence of petroleum products, oils and fats

Only traces are allowed

2. Presence of surfactants

Foam resistance - no more than 2 minutes

3. Coloring

Colorless to yellowish

4. Coarsely dispersed impurities in water:

See Appendix B

According to B.5 of Appendix B

From other sources

Not more than 4% by volume

5. The smell of water:

A slight smell of cement is allowed, and when using fly ash - a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide.

After washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

From other sources

Just the smell of drinking water. No smell of hydrogen sulfide after adding hydrochloric acid.

6. Acidity

12.5 > pH > 4

7. Oxidation

Not more than 15 mg/l

8. The presence of humic substances

After adding NaOH, the color of the water should be slightly tan or lighter.

5 Sampling for testing

5.1 The volume of water samples taken for testing should be at least 5 liters.

5.2 The water sample should be representative of the intended source of water consumption. Water samples from a source with a variable chemical composition of impurities are taken taking into account seasonal, daily and other changes in the content of impurities.

5.3 Selection, storage and transportation of water samples - in accordance with GOST 24481.

5.4 The selected water sample should be tested no later than two weeks after it was taken.

6 Test methods

6.1 Water testing is carried out at least once a year, as well as when deviations in water properties from the requirements specified in Section 4 are detected, and when the source of water consumption changes. Tests are carried out according to the scheme given in Appendix A.

6.2 Drinking water that meets the requirements of GOST 2874 is used for any purpose without additional analysis.

6.3 At the first stage of testing, water is examined in a glass transparent measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 to determine the smell, color, presence of oils, fats, emulsions, solid and foaming substances.

6.3.1 Odors water color is determined according to GOST 3351.

6.3.2 The presence of traces of oil products, oils, fats and emulsions is determined visually when examining the surface of the water.

6.3.3 The content of coarse impurities is determined by measuring the volume of sediment formed in the water settled 24 hours after sampling in a glass measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770. Content of coarse particles m gr.h, % by volume, determined by the formula

where V gr.h - the volume of coarse particles, ml;

1.25 - coefficient taking into account the packing density of coarse particles in the sediment;

V- the volume of water in the measuring cylinder, ml.

6.3.4 The possibility of foaming is checked for 1 min by shaking water in a half-filled measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 on laboratory shakers with a shaking frequency of 1500 to 2400 rpm and determining the stability of the foam in minutes.

6.4 The content of chloride ions (Cl -) in water is determined according to GOST 4245, sulfate ions () - according to GOST 4389, soluble salts - according to GOST 18164, zinc ions (Zn 2+) and lead ions (Pb 2+) - according to GOST 18293, phosphate ions () - according to GOST 18309, nitrate ions () - according to GOST 18826, sodium ions (Na +) - according to GOST 23268.6, potassium ions (K +) - according to GOST 23268.7.

6.6 pH is determined by the potentiometric method using pH meters of any brand with glass electrodes with a pH range of 0 to 14 and a measurement error not exceeding ±0.1. For determination, from 10 to 50 ml of water are taken into a glass beaker with a capacity of 50 to 100 ml according to GOST 25336. pH determination is carried out according to the instructions for the device.

6.7 To determine the content of suspended particles, a water sample with a volume of 0.5 to 1 l is shaken for 20 seconds by hand and filtered through a pre-weighed crucible with a porous bottom with a pore size of 5 to 10 µm. The crucible with the precipitate is dried to constant weight in an oven at a temperature of (105 ± 5) °C until the difference between the results of two successive weighings is no more than 0.1% of the weight of the sample.

where m 1 - mass of the crucible with the dried precipitate, g;

t 2 - mass of the crucible, g;

V- the volume of water selected for analysis, ml.

6.8 The oxidizability of water is determined according to GOST 23268.12.

6.9 When assessing the content of humic substances, 5 ml of the sample is placed in a test tube at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C, 5 ml of a 3% sodium hydroxide solution is added, the test tube is shaken and left for 1 hour, after which the color of the water is determined.

6.10 Compliance of water with the requirements of 4.6, 4.11, 4.12 is determined by comparative tests of cement and concrete prepared with test and drinking water. The setting time of the cement paste is determined according to GOST 310.3, concrete strength - according to GOST 10180, frost resistance - according to GOST 10060.0, GOST 10060.1, GOST 10060.2, water resistance - according to GOST 12730.5, corrosive state of reinforcement - according to GOST 31383.

7 Test report

The water test report must contain:

a) description of the type and source of water;

b) the name of the sampling locality;

c) time and date of sampling;

d) the name of the testing laboratory, its address and telephone number, as well as the names of the persons responsible for the testing;

e) the date of the test;

e) test results and their evaluation when compared with the requirements of this International Standard;

Water test scheme for concretes and mortars

The scheme for testing water for concretes and mortars is shown in Figure A.1.

Figure A.1 (sheet 1)

Figure A.1 (sheet 2)

Annex B

Table B.1 - The content of soluble salts and ions in the water of the seas and oceans


soluble salts

Bays of the Baltic Sea

Sea of ​​Azov

Aral Sea

Caspian Sea

Black Sea

White Sea

Oceans and open seas

Annex B

Requirements for water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

B.1 Scope

Water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures (hereinafter referred to as regenerated water) is used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures alone or in combination with another type of water.

B.2 Terms and definitions

B.2.1. reclaimed water from concrete production:

Water including:

Water from residual concrete;

Water after washing the mixing tanks of stationary mixers, truck mixers and concrete pumps;

Technical water that comes after individual production processes (from a milling and cutting machine, after grinding and water cutting of hardened concrete, etc.);

Water that enters during the production of concrete mix.

Reclaimed water can be withdrawn from:

Ponds with special devices by which solids can be homogeneously distributed in the reclaimed water;

Sump or similar installations if the reclaimed water remains in the sump long enough for solids to settle out.

NOTE Residual water from concrete recovery plants contains variable amounts of coarse particles with an average size of less than 0.25 mm.

B.2.2 combined water: A mixture of reclaimed concrete production water and water from another source.

B.2.3 residual concrete: Freshly prepared concrete mix that has not been placed or has been delivered for use after the concrete mixers have been cleaned at the manufacturing plant. Residual concrete also includes freshly prepared concrete, which comes for use after cleaning truck mixers and concrete pumps.

The residual mortar can be considered as residual concrete.

B.3 Restrictions on the use of reclaimed water

Reclaimed concrete production water or combined water can be used as mixing water in the production of concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, if the following requirements are met:

The additional mass of solids in concrete when using reclaimed concrete production water should be less than 1% of the total mass of the aggregate mixture;

The possible impact of the use of reclaimed water should be indicated in special cases, for example, in the production of “faced” concrete, prestressed concrete, cellular concrete, concrete operating in aggressive environmental conditions, etc.;

The mass of reclaimed water used during production should be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the day.

NOTE In special cases, the mass of solids may be greater than 1 % if it can be shown that all the required characteristics of the concrete can be achieved.

B.4 Reclaimed water requirements

B.4.1 General requirements

Reclaimed or combined water for concrete must comply with the requirements of Section 4 and additionally the following requirements.

B.4.2 Storage

The regenerated water in the reservoir must be carefully protected from contamination.

B.4.3 Solids distribution in reclaimed water

If the density of the reclaimed water exceeds 1.01 kg/l, an even distribution of solids in the reclaimed water must be ensured by the measures intended for this.

If the density of reclaimed water is less than 1.01 kg/l, the mass of solids may be ignored.

Table B.1 — Solids content of reclaimed water

Density of regenerated water, kg/l

Water volume, l/l

NOTE When calculating the solids content of reclaimed water, the grain density of the solids is assumed to be 2.1 kg/l. If the solids content W ost higher than indicated in Table B.1, it can be calculated using the formula

where ρ in is the density of regenerated water, kg/l;

ρ s - grain density of solids, kg / l.

AT 5Control

B.5.1 Density

The density of regenerated or combined water is determined in homogenized samples taken from the water tank.

The density of reclaimed water used for concrete production should be determined daily at the time of the expected highest concentration of solids, unless other methods are specified in the manufacturer's quality manual or concentration control procedure.

Automatic devices may be used to control the density of regenerated or combined water. In this case, the applied method and its calibration should be indicated in the quality manual or technological regulations (technological map) of the manufacturer.

B.5.2 Suitability

The suitability of reclaimed or combined water is determined in accordance with Section 4.


CMEA. Unified Methods for Studying Water Quality. Part 1. "Methods of chemical analysis of waters". T. 1. - M., 1977

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 31, 2012 N 97-st

Interstate standard GOST 23732-2011


Water for concrete and mortars. Specifications

Instead of GOST 23732-79

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to water used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, as well as for the care of hardening concrete and washing of aggregates (hereinafter referred to as water for concretes and mortars), and establishes requirements for the quality of water for concretes and mortars and methods for determining its suitability .

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 310.3-76 Cements. Methods for determining normal density, setting time and uniformity of volume change

GOST 1770-74 Measuring laboratory glassware. Cylinders, beakers, flasks, test tubes. Specifications

GOST 2874-82 Drinking water. Hygiene requirements and quality control

GOST 3351-74 Drinking water. Methods for determining taste, smell, color and turbidity

GOST 4245-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of chlorides

GOST 4389-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of sulfates

GOST 10060.0-95 Concrete. Methods for determining frost resistance. General requirements

GOST 10060.1-95 Concrete. Basic method for determining frost resistance

GOST 10060.2-95 Concrete. Accelerated methods for determining frost resistance during repeated freezing and thawing

GOST 10180-90 Concrete. Methods for determining the strength of control samples

GOST 12730.5-84 Concrete. Methods for determining water resistance

GOST 18164-72 Drinking water. Method for determining the content of dry residue

GOST 18293-72 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of lead, zinc, silver

GOST 18309-72 Drinking water. Method for determining the content of polyphosphates

GOST 18826-73 Drinking water. Methods for determining the content of nitrates

GOST 23268.6-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Methods for determination of sodium ions

GOST 23268.7-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Methods for determining potassium ions

GOST 23268.12-78 Medical drinking mineral waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Method for determining permanganate oxidizability

GOST 24481-80 Drinking water. Sample selection

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main dimensions and parameters

GOST 31383-2008 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. Test Methods

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Types of water

The following types of water can be used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, the care of hardening concrete and the washing of aggregates:

a) drinking water according to GOST 2874;

b) natural surface and ground water;

c) technical water;

d) sea and saline water;

e) water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures;

f) combined water, which is a mixture of water from two or more of the above sources.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Water for concretes and mortars shall comply with the requirements of this standard.

4.2 Water should not contain chemical compounds and impurities in quantities that can affect the cement setting time, hardening rate, strength, frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, reinforcement corrosion within the limits exceeding the standards specified in 4.6.

4.3 For the preparation of concrete and mortar mixes, concrete maintenance and washing of aggregates, the use of waste, marsh and peat water is not allowed.

Table 1 - The content of soluble salts, sulfates, chlorides and suspended particles in water

Purpose of water

Maximum admissible content, mg/l

soluble salts

suspended particles

1 Water for mixing concrete in the manufacture of prestressed concrete structures and injected mortar

2 Water for mixing concrete in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with non-stressed reinforcement, incl. for spillway structures and the zone of variable water horizon of massive structures, as well as building plaster mortars and mortars for reinforced masonry

3 Water for mixing the concrete mixture in the manufacture of non-reinforced concrete structures, which are not subject to requirements to limit the formation of efflorescence, concrete of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of the underwater and internal zones of massive structures, as well as mortars for non-reinforced masonry

4 Aggregate washing water, including wet test screening and aggregate cooling

5 Water for watering working joints during breaks in concreting, joint surfaces to be monolithic, and surfaces of spillway structures, as well as water for pipe cooling of the concrete mass

6 Water for watering finished exterior surfaces of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

7 Water for watering the external surfaces of concrete structures (including the surfaces of spillways), if efflorescence, efflorescence is allowed on the surface

Note - Water for the preparation of concrete on aluminous and gypsum-aluminous cements must comply with the requirements of this table.

4.6 Water that meets the requirements given in table 1, the content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates, lead and zinc in which does not exceed the values ​​given in table 2, is considered suitable if, compared with the results of tests carried out on drinking water, the terms cement setting changes by no more than 25%, concrete strength after 7 and 28 days of normal moisture hardening, as well as frost resistance and water resistance of concrete, does not decrease, and reinforcing steel in concrete is in a stable passive state.

Table 2 - The content of nitrates, sulfides, sugars, phosphates and zinc in water

Impurity name

Maximum content, mg/l

Test method

Phosphates per P 2 O 5

Nitrates per

Sulfides in terms of S 2-

Lead per Pb 2+

Zinc per Zn 2+

4.7 Water is allowed to be used if there are only traces (rainbow film) of oil products, oils and fats on the surface.

4.8 Hydrogen indicator of water pH should be not less than 4 and not more than 12.5.

4.9 The oxidizability of water should be no more than 15 mg/l.

4.10 Water is allowed for use with an odor intensity of not more than two points.

4.11 The color of water should be in the range from colorless to yellowish with a color not exceeding 70 ° according to GOST 3351. If technical aesthetics requirements are imposed on concrete, the color of water should not exceed 30 °. In some cases, the use of water with a color of more than 70 ° is allowed. In this case, the suitability of water must be established by testing to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.2.

4.12 Water containing foaming surfactants is suitable for use with a foam persistence of not more than 2 minutes. It is allowed to use water with a foam resistance of 2 minutes or more, provided that the suitability of water is established by comparative tests to determine the physical and technical properties of the concrete mix and concrete specified in 4.6.

4.13 In places of water intake (during the primary control of water quality), the content of coarse impurities in water should not be more than 4% by volume.

4.14 Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality for concretes and mortars are given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Requirements and test methods for preliminary assessment of water quality

Name of indicator


Test method

1 Presence of petroleum products, oils and fats

Only traces are allowed

2 Presence of surfactants

Foam resistance - no more than 2 minutes

3 Painting

Colorless to yellowish

4 Coarsely dispersed impurities in water:

See Appendix B

According to B.5 of Appendix B

From other sources

Not more than 4% by volume

5 The smell of water:

After washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

A slight smell of cement is allowed, and when using fly ash - a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide.

From other sources

Just the smell of drinking water. No smell of hydrogen sulfide after adding hydrochloric acid.

6 Acidity

12.5 > pH > 4

7 Oxidability

Not more than 15 mg/l

8 Presence of humic substances

After adding NaOH, the color of the water should be slightly tan or lighter.

5 Sampling for testing

5.1 The volume of water samples taken for testing should be at least 5 liters.

5.2 The water sample should be representative of the intended source of water consumption. Water samples from a source with a variable chemical composition of impurities are taken taking into account seasonal, daily and other changes in the content of impurities.

5.3 Selection, storage and transportation of water samples - in accordance with GOST 24481.

5.4 The selected water sample should be tested no later than two weeks after it was taken.

6 Test methods

6.1 Water testing is carried out at least once a year, as well as when deviations in water properties from the requirements specified in Section 4 are detected, and when the source of water consumption changes. Tests are carried out according to the scheme given in Appendix A.

6.2 Drinking water that meets the requirements of GOST 2874 is used for any purpose without additional analysis.

6.3 At the first stage of testing, water is examined in a glass transparent measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 to determine the smell, color, presence of oils, fats, emulsions, solid and foaming substances.

6.3.1 The smell and color of water is determined according to GOST 3351.

6.3.2 The presence of traces of oil products, oils, fats and emulsions is determined visually when examining the surface of the water.


where V gr.h - the volume of coarse particles, ml;

1, 25 - coefficient taking into account the packing density of coarse particles in the sediment;

V is the volume of water in the measuring cylinder, ml.

6.3.4 The possibility of foaming is checked for 1 min by shaking water in a half-filled measuring cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml according to GOST 1770 on laboratory shakers with a shaking frequency of 1500 to 2400 rpm and determining the stability of the foam in minutes.

6.4 The content of chloride ions (Cl -) in water is determined according to GOST 4245, sulfate ions () - according to GOST 4389, soluble salts - according to GOST 18164, zinc ions (Zn 2+) and lead ions (Pb 2+) - according to GOST 18293, phosphate ions () - according to GOST 18309, nitrate ions () - according to GOST 18826, sodium ions (Na +) - according to GOST 23268.6, potassium ions (K +) - according to GOST 23268.7.

6.6 The pH value is determined by the potentiometric method using pH meters of any brand with glass electrodes with a pH range of 0 to 14 and a measurement error not exceeding ±0.1. up to 100 ml according to GOST 25336. pH determination is carried out according to the instructions for the device.

6.7 To determine the content of suspended particles, a water sample with a volume of 0.5 to 1 l is shaken for 20 seconds by hand and filtered through a pre-weighed crucible with a porous bottom with a pore size of 5 to 10 microns. The crucible with the precipitate is dried to constant weight in an oven at a temperature of (105 ± 5) ° C until the difference between the results of two successive weighings is no more than 0.1% of the weight of the sample.


where m 1 is the mass of the crucible with the dried precipitate, g;

m 2 - mass of the crucible, g;

V is the volume of water taken for analysis, ml.

6.8 The oxidizability of water is determined according to GOST 23268.12.

6.9 When assessing the content of humic substances, 5 ml of the sample is placed in a test tube at a temperature of 15°C to 25°C, 5 ml of a 3% sodium hydroxide solution is added, the test tube is shaken and left for 1 hour, after which the color of the water is determined.

6.10 Compliance of water with the requirements of 4.6, 4.11, 4.12 is determined by comparative tests of cement and concrete prepared with test and drinking water. The setting time of the cement paste is determined according to GOST 310.3, the strength of concrete - according to GOST 10180, frost resistance - according to GOST 10060.0, GOST 10060.1, GOST 10060.2, water resistance - according to GOST 12730.5, the corrosion state of reinforcement - according to GOST 31383.

7 Test report

The water test report must contain:

a) description of the type and source of water;

b) the name of the sampling locality;

c) time and date of sampling;

d) the name of the testing laboratory, its address and telephone number, as well as the names of the persons responsible for the testing;

e) the date of the test;

e) test results and their evaluation when compared with the requirements of this International Standard;

Water test scheme for concretes and mortars

The scheme for testing water for concretes and mortars is shown in Figure A.1.

Annex B

The content of soluble salts and ions in the water of the seas and oceans

Table B.1 - The content of soluble salts and ions in the water of the seas and oceans


soluble salts

Bays of the Baltic Sea

Sea of ​​Azov

Aral Sea

Caspian Sea

Black Sea

White Sea

Oceans and open seas

Annex B

to water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures

B.1 Scope

Water after washing equipment for the preparation and transportation of concrete and mortar mixtures (hereinafter referred to as regenerated water) is used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures alone or in combination with another type of water.

B.2 Terms and definitions

B.2.1 reclaimed concrete production water

Water from residual concrete;

Water after washing the mixing tanks of stationary mixers, truck mixers and concrete pumps;

Technical water that comes after individual production processes (from a milling and cutting machine, after grinding and water cutting of hardened concrete, etc.);

Water that enters during the production of concrete mix.

Reclaimed water can be withdrawn from:

Ponds with special devices by which solids can be homogeneously distributed in the reclaimed water;

Sump or similar installations if the reclaimed water remains in the sump long enough for solids to settle out.

NOTE Residual water from concrete recovery plants contains variable amounts of coarse particles with an average size of less than 0.25 mm.

B.2.2 mixed water mixture of reclaimed concrete production water and water from another source.

B.2.3 residual concrete Freshly prepared concrete mix that has not been placed or has been delivered for use after the concrete mixers have been cleaned at the manufacturing plant. Residual concrete also includes freshly prepared concrete, which comes for use after cleaning truck mixers and concrete pumps.

The residual mortar can be considered as residual concrete.

B.3 Restrictions on the use of reclaimed water

Reclaimed concrete production water or combined water can be used as mixing water in the production of concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, if the following requirements are met:

The additional mass of solids in concrete when using reclaimed concrete production water should be less than 1% of the total mass of the aggregate mixture;

The possible impact of the use of reclaimed water should be indicated in special cases, for example, in the production of "facing" concrete, prestressed concrete, cellular concrete, concrete operating in aggressive environmental conditions, etc.;

The mass of reclaimed water used during production should be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the day.

NOTE In special cases, the mass of solids may be greater than 1% if it can be shown that all the required characteristics of the concrete can be achieved.

B.4 Reclaimed water requirements

B.4.1 General requirements

Reclaimed or combined water for concrete must comply with the requirements of Section 4 and additionally the following requirements.

B.4.2 Storage

The regenerated water in the reservoir must be carefully protected from contamination.

B.4.3 Solids distribution in reclaimed water

If the density of the reclaimed water exceeds 1.01 kg/l, the uniform distribution of solids in the reclaimed water must be ensured by measures intended for this purpose.

If the density of reclaimed water is less than 1.01 kg/l, the mass of solids may be ignored.

B.4.4 Solids content of reclaimed water

Table B.1 — Solids content of reclaimed water

Density of regenerated water, kg/l

Water volume, l/l

NOTE When calculating the solids content of reclaimed water, the grain density of the solids is assumed to be 2.1 kg/l. If the solids content Wres is higher than indicated in Table B.1, it can be calculated using the formula


where ρ in is the density of regenerated water, kg/l;

ρ s - grain density of solids, kg / l.

B.5 Control

B.5.1 Density

The density of regenerated or combined water is determined in homogenized samples taken from the water tank.

The density of reclaimed water used for concrete production should be determined daily at the time of the expected highest concentration of solids, unless other methods are specified in the manufacturer's quality manual or concentration control procedure.

Automatic devices may be used to control the density of regenerated or combined water. In this case, the applied method and its calibration should be indicated in the quality manual or technological regulations (technological map) of the manufacturer.

B.5.2 Suitability

The suitability of reclaimed or combined water is determined in accordance with Section 4.


CMEA. Unified Methods for Studying Water Quality. Part 1. "Methods of chemical analysis of waters". T. 1. - M., 1977